Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 4

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May 20 1015 HE J^ 1. K S H E K r O N A D V A N C E 'II li- r. . ilUU -•.. '.V.ICC Au iinlept'iiclent i>ow»iiaiwr, ]ml.lii.lieil ov.tv Th ir!<day at tli'' nfliti-, Ci.llniK«oiKi Stroft, Kljahertou. iSulwcriplinu |iiic>i $1 imt ammin whpu i>»i<l iu njv'inco ;$l.r>J wlitin not ho pai'l At1\ ertisiiiK ratf.1 nu applifaticii. Circulation 1,10«) wfekly A' H. Thurston- Krtltor Baptist Church U.C.Kerr, Taatur. 1 liuiu- :!;U?. 2 Sun l»y Scliool 10 a . iii. Service at 11 a. lu. NOTES Itiily lia? bi'cu on the- brink of wuv so loiig llinl she slionld soon liavc it worn olV. Flcshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. 11 H. m. and 7 p. in.â€" The pastor Sunday, 10 a. ni. Fellowship .Service. Monday evening Epworlli League nt S p. m. Mark Everette Wrijjht choir leader and Orginisl. CONSCBIPTIO.N lu Knglanl there is some talk of conscription. In Canaua tlic men whowuDt to tnlist cunnot ^et into the army, because the reginjeuts are HP to full strength. It seems that a little cloFer getting together on the part of Sam Hews and Kitch would help a little to even things up. A conscripted man i-^nt as good as the ujau who wants to get shot for the love of it. Young Man Shot Near Meaford ', Tho biidy <if [{e^inald I uriowv, a : young f«riiicr residing ubout two luilea o o ' from town un the 41 li line, »hs fnund on John Joynt.reeveofLuc'know, liaaiTue.sday uion.iiig by Mr. Mat. logan purcliased the \Vin?hum \dvaiici'. j who Imd occasion tn yo to the Burrows The Jistuiguisiied gcntleniiin is alHO ^ farm for sjme iuiplumenlB. On aiiiviiii; owner of the Wulkerton Apple Eviip^i ut his neiglibr.i.s Mr. L -gan found one of orator, and his confreres are wonder- tho hoisw loose aiiJ tliu otlier nearly iug will he run them Joyntly. I fmntic f(.r scn.cthini,' lo eat, a stale of 1 afl'uirs not usually fi>uud on the I'urrjwB Thirty-five Durham young people | farm, and he at once concluded that attended a musical ufTuir in Mark- ! soini; liin;; was wroii',' and commenced to dale, going over in eiglil automobiles. inveBt'gtte. Altera thorough examiii- Tliat would he four and three eighth i HI, uinin; body of the young nnn was people to each car if our ma'.hematieal found some distance from the bun be- espeit is onto his job properly. It side r wire fence. Beside hi.n Uy lis would be unkind to a.k was eachij ^,,j ^,,^. ^^^^.^„,,,^ ^^^ „.^^ person all there. , , . *. ,, . â-  ,l n. "^ made between nine and ten o clock. 11 a deaili is supposed lo have occiirvi'd SiUie Death is the moat beautiful adven- time on Monday, as his .stock had neiti.ei ture, said I'Voliman, as the Lnsilania I feed nor drink for some time. The went down. We must try to culti- , youni; man resided alone and was eiiga'icd vate the same philosophy, editing a ' to be married duriii'.; the coming summei-. iJuU "T- -*â-  â- Â»'- •:*- '-^ 'â- Â» â- â-  m- »'-rVilm^''m\imiim\('mir'»^n»''.:mVi'm',-!'m^m\fm^^ I F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. newspaper, as we do. It may be com foiling some fine day, We call the Germans babv kill- ers," but must not whisper about the iwosisttrb "war babies" in England and else- where. The balance numerically is iu favcr of tlie babies born rather than the babies kdled. Ho was favorably known, well liked, ainl had many associates iinoiig ihe buys in the nHiKhborhood. D ccasi'l is survived by his fnllier and I of wlioiii resides in the West. â€" K.xpres^. Hydro Notes IKE WALTON'S FUN No wonder Isaac Walton wrjte a book about fishing. liasking in the spring sun out in the garden on the business end of a hoe the Adxaucc Man also felt that he could wntc several books abont titdiiug. There is a lure ab^iit the gurgling ivatei as it keeps up its merry pace while one quietly fishes; theie is a charm about the things t';:at may be happeuing at the oil er e id rf the line; and there is a relish about the lunch that is oaten in the shade of an o\erhanging tree. And so he lug up tho old pole again a'id got into the gaiix once more, The garden'.' f>li, that would be tlie:c when he got back. And lie tramped by the side of the river, tearing his pair of tromcrs ou siiigs and brush, getting his feet wet in the gurgling water, and liis haiida messed up with fragments of lish worin.i, liually eatiii'.; his lunch iu the swaying, liumping motor car on ilu.' way buck home. Oh no, gentle leader, it was a borrow- ed motor cat. There may be 'in editor who owns a Citr, but well, but.... Yes, (ishin's th' only thing, es- pecially when its done out in tlio back when you're making garden. Oh yes, we caught scvcial lish. It was a Toronto young man who was accustomed to saying what he would do to llie Germans or the! Kaiser if he got hi> hands on thfiiu. ' Idle words? Not at all. The same' young man has been haunting the] recruiting oftices to get a chance to ••get at them." Tb'; Itoblin government in Mai i toba resigned. There is a si;spicicn that there was an "I" too many in the organization. Penman' High Grade Hosiery for Men & Women Plain or liibbed Cashmeie, Lisle Thread and Cotton in Black, White and Tau. Silk Hu&iery in Black, White and Tan. Children's sizes in Black, Cream, Tan, Blue and Cardinal. Prices from loc. $1.2.") per pair. to Penman's High Grade Underwear ISIen't Combination Suits, all sizes; Men's Balbriggan Underwear; Men's Porous Knit Carnieiits; Men's Natural Wool Underwear. All prices from .>0c. up. All sizes from 34 to 44. Heathcote The Heathcote Women's In^'titute held their anuual bu.siness ineetin:; In tlie village hall on Wednesday last. The olhcera for the coming year arc: Prec, Mrs. .lames Gardner; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. L. .Wdite; Kec.-Treas.. Mits EUie Gardner. Mrs. Frank Fisher of Fuirinount visit- ed over .Sunday with liev. and Mrs. Youiic;. Miis Florence Oardiier leaves for the West on Tuepday, Recoi;ipanied.by Mrs. [iewgill Mid family. Wi" are pleased to lii-ar that Mrs. Ed. Faweetl is impioviii^'. Mrs. ,1. .\. Myles returned to her homo here last week, afti r spending the past two months with lici daMf'hter,|Mr8. McMorris. Morgan D.'tvis of Kocklyn calli.'d on Itev. and Mr*. Voun^' one evening last week. (!eori;o Booth, who has been staying in riioinbury for the past winter, rcturn- el to his homo here again. K'iriu'ht Bt'cr is engaged with S. .T, McKriKlit of Kpping. The linemen are now at work string- ing the wires on this branch of the work, as well as on the Owen Sound line. The wires were strung through the vill- age on Thuts'Jay last. They consist if a series of nine wiref, makine; two circuits, a telephone line and ground wire or lightning conductor. Si.x of the cab'ei are of aluminum, seven strands of Xi-. 10 wire twisted in each cable. It was quite an interestinj; si^ht for the liii/.ins to si-e the str.uving of these cables. Th.'lJno from the power house to Fleshjitou will be completed this week, ready for the power to be turned on, but we will have to wait a long time yet, ow- ing to the break niontioned the week be- fore lust. The waSt-r » heels for the power house also have not arrived yet. ;1 New Specialties in the Millinery Department again this week. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. A well known judge often relieves his judicial wisdom with a touch of hiin,or. One day during the trial of a cvue, Mr. Ciunn was a witness in the b,>x, and, as ho hesitated a goo.i deal and Deemed un- willing, after much persistent i|ue6tion- ing, to tell wliH". he knew, the judge said to him: "Come, M. Gunn, don't hang lire." After the cxaiiiination h'ld closed the Bar was comnlseil liy the juilije aiKl- ing; "Mr. Gunn, you can no otf; you aio discharged." Horse Routes J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH } office and Residence- 4(18 '.Hh St. East Owen Sound, Out. ] Hoursâ€" to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.; to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointinent. i A Business School i That imccessful fchool who.se graduates occupy pr.iininer.t po- sitions from the Atlant.c to the I'tcitic, re-opens for the FALL TKRM .September 1st, 1!»14 Sond for free c.italog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal CoUiiigwood, (>iitario. The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The san»e is etjually true of the li<Ob Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. King's Abbot THE LICENSE COMMISSIONERS The Advance bclicvcH that llure are great possibilitieH embodied in llic .now License ('oininiHsioncrf', wliicii liave control of tin.' I icensca of tho J.^rovincc. If tlio di'siro of Hon. Mr. riunnaaud the Ooininii<9iunnrri i.s lliul I lie liiiuor licciiHc luw.s bo admiuiBlorod fairly, much good will be done. Tlio new coinmiasion lla.^ started out well, buying lopped off .several licenscH wlioffi tlicre was not a good ciuso given for their continuance, mid refuaed a license to the Toronto H.iw- ing Club, where tlie privilogci liid been abused. The (piCHtiun might -bo asked what oxeuao llicre is for a license in an athletic dub, wlicre llie physical CitnesH of tln^ men wo uld dc pcnd on absolute abBtiincnuc. Where the CommiBHionorfi are in the public eye as they iire when several men are watched bv the on tiro L'rovince llioro is le.sH clunco of the liquor intorcslB getting in tlioii work, as they might liavo the oppor tiinity to do in smal'er ciicioH, where the commisHioners Ind not the Biinn' standing. Certainly, there were grave fuulls to bo found by llie old sy.Ue'n, whellier it was tho resnll of tho "influences" of tin; liipior iiiteiPstHor not. Let us hoiie tli'it out of the new ordir will itiiso u better admini.sUalion. From the Governmcnt'H standpoint it would (oom to be good iiolicy, in order to pry tho pulpit iiilliionci! away from the Liberal party, whore it was quite ^eiiiraily attached last Juno. A Methodist Premier (for the Methodists nio oiediled with being ♦ he ranst "fanatic" of lomprranc HdvocutcH), and a Goveinineiil that was plainly attempting tn improve conditiouB, would have couKidrrallo weight with the electorate when tlio time comes again to appenl to the people, and it bcliooves Prdnier lleai-Ht t'-i look wdl to the future ns the influfnce al the lute Sir Janus fajcs from tlio niindti of m«ii. \l H ineoliiig of the Durham couiici held on Friday nii;ht a settlement was made with Mi. Mclntyie and tho pres- ent liitlitiiif,' hyutein will ij,i> out of biminebs as soon as tho liyilio is ready to lake its place. The hydro people are now i!ett • inu iho poles in and we are told they will connect us up with the current about ' inid's fur nielli the lirNl of .July. We can scarcely think Hint it will bo ready no soon, but thoy w ill u(t Iho thing i;oing as sm n <is piistihie and may reach us on schedule tiiiio. The poles they are placing horo have been brought from British (\ilum- liia, ami they arc certainly giiod ones â€" C'hronicle. MOND.W â€" Leave his own slable, 1 >t 47 48, I'rd Coll., (Jlenelj;, and inoceed to A. S. Muir's for noon, Ihencu to Tbos. Wataon'a, Durhtni Road, for night. TriCSDAY-To Leslie Chard's, 4th line, Aiteiiiesis, for iiooii ; thence to .\rlhur Itrownridxe's, 4th line, for nigh'. WK1)NK.SDAV-I!y Fovor.ham Ij Sam llawton's for noon ; theme lo Martin IMidlip's fur iii^^ht. TllfUSDAY- To R. Hoy's for noi n. tlioiice by way of Uui{unia to Fred B< 1- KKID.X V â€" 'I'o ,larvis Henry's for noon; thence hy West Hack Tjiiin to .\ndrow Keimeily's for ni({lit. S.\Tll UU.VV -Home lor noon, whore ht) will remain until the following Mon- day morning. - D. McLKOT), Proprietor. New General Store For Pricevillc. We h ive piiifliMsed and taken po.s.sf.ssitm ol tlie liiisiiifss and .stock of i\lr, S. ,F. Inlander and licspcak tho liberal patronage^ of tho citizen-s of tlii.s ilisliict. We liopt; to iikm^I with all fiirnier ciisloiiK'r.s ami nuiiiy new tmes, .mtl aii; prepared to (liter you conitctins and unoxeelled .service. We purpose carryiiif,' one if tlu( most .select and up to-date stocks olfidnei-al Dry (Jnods, Boots and Shoes, (Jroeeries, Orockery, cfc, lo lie ftunid in tho county. Fresh ^oods, tpiick tiiinovers, and small profits will be ourmotto. liiiy your Seed Corn, iJape, Turnip and Miiii^lo SccdH now. Our prices are the lowest. Spt>eial prices on Flour and J'ced this week. (Jive us a call. See tho snaps wo offer. Let us serve you. Open Evenings. F. G. RARSTEDT, g Brandcr's Old Stand, Priceville, Ont. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE $24011â€" twenty-four hundred dollars will buy the west liiilf of lot No. '-' and part of the North west iiuatter of No. 1, all Oil the 4rh con. of Kuphiasia, confin- ing .ibout f.',"i acres. Tiler- is suppis.'c!, lo lie ninety acres cleare.l, the bdiuicej good hardwu^ul bush â€"maple, t>eeeh and' elm. 'there is on the property :i frmne house and kitchen, a frame barn, .straw | liojse with stono foundation under il,, alsi' wood shed, driving shod, pi« pen' and hen house. Thete are also two or' chards on llio fevi:: growing ditleiei't| jy A«<r>«*4- kinds of fruit â€" itpples, pears, pliiins, RJj /\g^I\L| cherries ami urapi'.s. TliLs farm is will ft fenced Willi wire and patent fencini;. ls| Hiia^B! ! freo from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly every tiild. There is a uover-faihmr sprinn within 4t> y.inls of tho h'use This farm is within one milo of tho tlirivmu villas>eof Kinib,>rlev. For further particulms apply loâ€" I AMKS STl'AUT, Kimberley P, O. ISept S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot MeCorniick Farm Implements, flinders, Mowers, Kakes, Loat'ers, Drills, lultivatois. Plows, liidini;: and Walking, Harrows, 15rantfortl Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay i-orks, iSlings, Filter Carriers, Foltling Bath Tubs, Frost Wire ami Fence, Cutters ami Sleighs. HEREFORD BULL FOR iSERViCli The undeiaiHued have a pure bivil Hereford bull for service oti lot 171, I'ul W.T.S.U., Arleinesia. Termsâ€" $;t for pure breds, $l.."iO fur Krados. All cows served must bo paid lor. â€" T. & .1. WATSON. 1 ni »r [ Properly For Sale Part lot 151, con. 2, N.K. T. & 8. I!, eont aining '.JH^ iieros, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a ^ood frame house and stable and tho property is »ell fenced and watered. Apply to .losepli A. liOtiard, Flosherlon or on the proper- ly- Bull For Service For sorvico, â€" Haron Holly-No. (1422. Abordeon Anfjus, on lot IM, 0th conoess- iiui, Artemesia. Terms. jl.OO if paid before Ut Jan. 19t5.- W. ,1. Mtmoe. May 15 Dissolution of Partnership Notice IS lieroliy nivon that tho partner- ship heretofore 8iisistinn between us, tho iiiidorHigned, as inanufaelurers of build, inu; mail rial, also grain elioppers, in tho VilhiKo of Flesherton, in Ihe t^•Ullty nf Orey, has this day been dis.soUed by imiiual conieiit. All debts owing lo tho said partncrshi)!, tire t,i bo paid to tho aforesaid Win. 1 Henry iil Flosherldii, and all claims against the raid partner- ship are to bo presented lo tho said Win. 1. Henry, by whom Iho sixmo will be settled. Dated at Fleshert m, Ihia lltih dny of April, lin5. Thos. A llUkcly. Win. I. Iloury. 1^ i I I IIS III I i I i I ! A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. | ' ^^^^^ ^^ -â- ^^ j^^ ^^ ^^ .^~t :^^ ^^ .^^ .^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ wA^BHB^^^S^fa^SaUj Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinwaie, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. i Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, inelutling pump work. Furnaces installeil. Agent lor Chiro Fmnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. Stock for Sale A eoiinlw of brooil miwi, 1 It, iksl'liu suit I Taoiweitn for 8»te. Teiins lo nuit |>ulrelmaei, UKU. \V. UUSS, Mkxwall P. O. FlesHeir^ton #- Tonsorial "^ Parlors W'o .\im lo Oivo Entire i>atisfactiou LAIN DRYâ€" Bjskot closes Monday Pure Bred Holsteiil Bull niijht, delivrrv Friday evening Chaniielint! Prince Joe Rred by ChanKeling l'<utler I'loy oiit â€" â€" of Tidy Abbekork IVineoss Jotephine Tho gl•el>te^t butter making strain known CLKANINO and DYKINO - WV are Term of servio»v >l,50 for grades, f.") agents for I'arker's l>ye Works- Clothes for pure bred. i cleanod and dyed, feathors rejuvenated GEO, MDOREASOX, I'.op,., T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR

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