May 20, 19 1 o THE r L E S H E R T O.V ADVANCE Established over Voriy-ans Years THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $4^,000,000 The A, By C of Banking Qet the Savings Habit. Highest Curren t Rate s Allow- ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. 1:5 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN BRANCH GEO. MtTCHFll, H B H M»na«er. Brandies aUo :it Darham and Harrutoo. C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flesbcrcun Station as j Trains â- follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.27 The mails are Bert Jamieson Heard From > Going North ll.:!4 a.m. 9.1dp. m. osed at Flesheiton ao oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 ; and the afternoon mail sonth am^ ^^ 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS ^ Dr. R. Henderson and wife, Toronto, apeut Sunday with friends here. Tlie infant son of Mr. James Pattuu was operated on by Dr. Ego of Markdale Sunday for a tuuior. Mr. Archie Muir and daughter. Miss Edith, of Redwin;;, were viaitor-s at Mr. M. Ferguson's, Ceylou, last week. I Miss Belle Clinton returned home last 1 week after spending the winter in Toronto. 1 Mr. Jack McAuley of Flesherton was i married in Walkertou rscently. For; particulars see Walkertoa items. j Mrrt. J. D. Clark of Ottawa is the' guest of her sister, Mrs. F. H. W. Hiek- ling. i Mr. Vim. Daw has received a card from his son, Thoiua.-i. dated two days' after the big battle, stating that he was ' well. The Ladies' .Aid >f the MetbiJist church, Flesherton, will hold a Garden Party on Juiia 8th, 1915, on the Agri Mrs. Jamieson has received the follow- ing letter from Buulogoe hospital, dic- tated by her son, Bert, who was poisoned by ga.s at the battle at Langemark : No. 2 Stationary Hospital, British ' Expeditionary Force . ! April 30th, 1913 My dear motherâ€" Just a few lines fallowing last post card telling you when 1 returned fiom the last trip to the tren- , ches. We had <iuite an exciting time \ which l:inded me in the bospitaL I was ; poisoned by fumes and gas. I would \ rather have five or bix wounds instead of this. I never e.\pected to get this far, I but am feeling quite a let better this I morning, and with the trea'mect I am I receiving I ho\ie to be discharged in a ishoit time, but 1 hope the war is over by ) that time. I have not seen or heard of I Fret! Smith. I can't say whether he got through or not. ! I will close now with the best of love- Vcur loving son, â€" T. A. Jamieson. ' P. S. I am cot well enough to write ' myself yet, so a lady has written this letter for me. Drop my sister a line. I ' will write to you .igain soon . , The above letter was accompanied by , the following rote, written by the nurse: j No. i Stationary Hospital, British I Expeditionary Force. I April 3Ulh 1U15 Dear Mrs. Jamiesonâ€" I am afraid the ^^dds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Cdf of fresh cement just arrivedâ€" F. H. W. Duucan, Flesherton. Potatoes For Sale â€" Apply to W. J. | Magee, Eugenia. j Hay For Sale â€" A 4U^iutity of first clas.s ' timothy hay for sale, at Lot 40, S<juth Line, ArtemesL-t Jas. N. Pria-hard. Hoosier Waston box, tit :iny wagon, good second band, for sale cht^ap. â€" J. K. Williams, Eugenia. For Sale â€" A good bicycle, in first class repair, will be â- sold ctieap. Thos. Chard, Flesherton . >^ For Sale ur Rentâ€" Store nr.i dwelling kV lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, fo I iQ Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and ' ''- - on ea^y terra-, if s<jld. -Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshertoti, Ont. For Sale â€" The residence and lot in town owned by the late Jine Corbett. Apply for particulars to Wui. Keyes, Corbetton P. O., or W. L. Wright, Flesherton . Legal Blanks For sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale che ip and on easy t<=rms. Lot 13, ctiu. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. New Spring Goods color LADIES' BLOUSES 3 and styles. Snow Flake Voile. Silk Voile and Miuslins, all Girl.s' Middy Blousts. Women's Overall Aprons. Woinen'a and Childre»'s Print Dresses. A large new stock ofWhitewear. Stripe, Flowered and Plaiu Coloi-s. Xewest thing in Crepes, Eoniaii cultund grounds. Full particulars later.. , letter dictated to me by your sou will At the auction sale of the late Bilrs. â- ""ke you think that he is not seriously Corbetls chattels last week. Mr. Frank'"'- I ""» sorry to say Cairns purchased the residential proper ly, the price paid being flOOO. Mr. Jones of the Eugonia circuit is the 'â- recipient of iuu;h sympathy. His orother [ was killed in BeUiuiu and last week he > received wont that the shock had caused 1 the death of his mother in England. The Advance is agent for all the city 1 papers. See our clubbing list on another page. Renew at once. Our lernis are cash in advance as we have do aocouats with otbei papen. The Markdale kiddies toddled down ! to this bu'g on Saturdiy last and playtd , a friendly game with the Fleshertont youngsters. Both teau s were well | mated for size, but for playing, the | Fle.>ilierton boys had it all i. ver their op(«neuts, thd score being somewhere in tho neighborhood of :W-!». F ,. very severely from he has the effects uffered of the ' poisonous gas to which he allude.-:, and ; IS in a very critical condition . His case however is not hopeless, and I hcpe very ' much to be able to tell you lu a day or two that he is belter. With much ; sympathy, yours sincerely, i - N. M*cC.ll. Eugenia Paragraphs Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. L»rge, on May 15, a son. • Boraâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Hogland, May 18, a daughter. Miss Sayers of Fevershuu is the guest jf her sister, Mrs. Lewis Genoa. Miss Charters of Markdale was the Beattie | guest of Miss MoMoUen. acted as umpire to the salisfactiou of all. Mr. J. K. Carson, Cypress River, Man., •f date May S, writes : "We are hav- ing tine spring weather, and all wheat and early sown o.\ts look splendid and g^.-en. Barley and oats aio now practi- cally all sown. My father likes the I Ladies, don't miss the treat in store i for you on June 2, when McMuichie : of Toronto will give uldresses in the ] Presbyterian church, on subjects ^elected I by members of the Women'* Institute. lEverylj-'dy welcome. ! Mr. and Mrs. Truscott and Mrj. Mc- fcer •ouutiy tina and is h»'e ;aud hearty, and | j,^„g„ motored over to visit friends at joins in sending the best wishes to the M...f.„.j fh- „^.f «<..»L- Fleaherton people and his friends and iieighbois.' It will be remembered that some weeks ago Mr. Neil McCann fell from a wagon and injured himself. Since then he has been confined to his bed at Mr. Mark Wilson's, where be had been work- ing. Last week his son. Will McCaun, of Keiiora, came down and removed him to a Toronto hospital where he will un- dergo treatment. The old gentleman is op in year.-i, but we trust the hospital treatment will bring him around again. Mr. H. Wilson, blacksmith, has ui- stalled a band saw in his wood working department, and the beauty about it is that be t)uilt tho whole thing himself, the only thing puichas(d being the raw ntaterial and the saw For a few dollars ht) has built a machine that would cost »t legist 9150 if purchased from a m.anu- factuier of such things. We consider the roachiuo a wonderfully clever piece of work, audit stain(>s Mr. Wilson as a genius of tho first water â€" .» modern TubU Cuin in fact. Flesherton High School Kasebatl team jourucyetl to Duudalk on Friday evening last and playeil a friendly game with the Hij(h School team there. The game was called at the end of the sixth innings on account of darkness with Flesherton on the long end of a 1:311 score. The game was very close and good at times but there were some lud tluows which count- ed for runs and made the score much larger than it should have been. Fred McTa'-ish and Herb Sullivan gave good satisfaction as umpires. The Flesherton boys pitty iu Duudalk aga'n on Hie 24th, •nd ho|.)e to repeat their victory. Meaford the past week. Mrs. John Parsons is visitiu, sister at Portlaw. Mrs. Wil'uer Turner is visiting her parents at Kimberley. The Wo'Jiep's Institute met M:iy 5, and elected the following otlicers for the ensuing year : Pres., Mrs. J. Parlia- ment: V. P., Mrs. A. Smith; 2nd V. P.. Mrs. W. Armstrong; Sec Treas.. Mrs. J. Williams ; Disr, Rep.. Miss Benson; Programme ;iud Social Committee, Miss McMullen, Mesdames Latimer, Elmor, Glass and Morgan. Next meeting to be held at Miss Hoppers on June I'.as June 2 is set for lady delegates. Mi^.-; Mc- Murchie, to be in Eugenia. Heavy frost here every night the past week. t>n Thursday afternoon a large num- ber of the lady members of the Presby- terian church met to clean up the grounds and plant fiowers, and with the child- ren's assistance after school piled tlie wood. Under the able management of Mr. McMaster a good job was done and the grounds are now a credit to the village. Dr. Wright of Winni^ieg w*> the guest of his aunt, Mrs. K. T. C^rr. The teacher and children of our public school on Arbor day cleaned up the school grounds and invited their parents for dinner. .\1I h^d a merry picnic. First of the season. Milton McVanel, of North .Vm^tanth, captured an old fox and five young ones recently. Two of thi> yount; fv-xs are black. NISCELUNEOUS Fishing strictly prohibited on lot 3o-3U. Cun. S, Arteuiesia. â€" A. Cameron. Fishing and tiespissicg strictly pro- hibited on lot 24, CUD. 7, Artemesia. Jas. Geaoe. LADIES' COLLARSâ€" Kew styles in Ladies' Collars and Collar Setts. MEN'S STRAW AND FELT HATS -In latest styles, genuine Panama-s from ^1.25 to $.3.Ci». Felts from 75c. to $2.50. Men's and Boys' Caps .30c. to $LW. New Silk Auto Caps, U ounces in weight, for 75c. RENNIE'S SEEDSâ€" Potato Onions, Dutch Setts ou hand. OitiBges, Lemons and Bananas always in stock. Agents lor Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Food and Calf MeaJ. i > W. L. FLESHERTON, WRIGHT ONTARIO a Our Clubbing List R j COLQUETTE Arrivedâ€" Today, a car load of Dur- ham's National Portland Cement â€" at a right price. F. •.>! Karstedt, Flesher- ton. Markdale Creamery solicit the patron- age of all their old patrons, .ind also as many new ones as would wish to give us a trial for the season of 1910. Notice is hereby riven that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the Ute W. G. Pickell, hois been taken over by U. B. McLean. PricevUle. R R. No '2. The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t I Youths Compauion 2 Toronto World, daily 3 Toronto Daily News ... 2 Weekly Globe 90 ' Mail-Empire 73 Family Herald i& Scar 90 Toronto Star 2 00 , Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advooata 150' QQ Feversham. 00 . QQ Agent tor the OOi Ont. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS p. Steinhart, Box 121, Ma'kdale, pays highest prices in cash for poultry, pro- duce, hides, wool, rags, rubliers, horse h.\ir. iron, etc. No trade. Ship it or s*nd him a cird. Save it .*11 fur him. Weekly Witoess 90 Saturday Night: 3 W ^ Home Jouriul 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 9C 1 War Price Cut Special iVIusical Offer At the rato of $7 00 fe.i ;.«ea;y lessons, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupih during April, May and June. -MARK EVERETTE WRIpHT Cement Work Wanted Th» undersigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. Have had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire s.'itisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and ail oitfit necessiiry for all kinds of cement wurk. Can also attend to carpenter w'rk. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 July Flesherton. School Children's Eyes. Cockshatt Plow Cos Fall Line of Farm Impiementa Wagons, BuiTgies. Cutters. Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumjw, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros, of Fergus. Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost >& Wood I Re{<:iirs always on hand. iFftoersbam, â€" Ontario* This famous make of implements is well known all over the ctmutry and their own g<.iod work is the best recom- mendatica they can receive. If you require anythina in the line of B,inders, Mowers. Seed Drills, Cultivators, Puip- ers. Plows Sleighs, Waugi.'ni', Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cutting EV'xes, Ensilage Cutters. Gasoline en- .:ines, Sawug uutlits, etc , give u:i s ckknee to quote prices. PUBLIC NOTICE The Hydro-Electric Power Comiuis- sion are closins the 10th Con. between lA>t 2S. Con. 11. and the ItOlh siderc^d. -Vlso the oOth sideroad, between the lOth Con. and the Blind Line, between the "th and 10th Cons. Fences have Wen put across the roitds at these [)oints, and any person remov- ing such fences, and continuing to travel the sections jf the road wh'ch .ire s'ated above as being closed, do so at their own risk. A. D. WATTS, Resident Engineer Ceylon Clippings Mr. Iszard of Pickeriiii; township was a visitor at Jas. Radley's recently. Miss Spears, Feversham, is spending a fortnight at S. Heuiphill'.s. Mrs. J. Suell returned to Markdale on -Mouday, after a week's visit with friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ashdowu of Owen Sound spent a couple of days in town last week. Their many friends were pleased to see them. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cairuther«. Eugenia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Hugh Hammond. Frank Colltnscn spent Sunday with Owen Sound friends. Mi.-is Lena Legate, teacher at Irish Lake, silent tho wees end with her mother. Will Wilcock p>id a hasty visit to his parents l.i.'it week, prior to le.^ving for the front. Mr. Ellis 'iiul .Ml of Ki.ulerley motored over .ind spent the Is; of tl e week at Geo. Stuait's. Many lives have been niineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong.ji Debentures I5sue<l for 'II -Short Term 01 Ye jfs NEGOTl.AELt. tatere>t Coupons Payable Helf-Yearly ASSETS s $7,480,339 IJieOrealWest Permanent LoanCoinpa 'fill I 7«-Hin^St.W«st. Torant* III W. J. Bellamy » A gent laui; Flesherton ANADIAN PAOIFIC For WINNIPEG AND VANCl>l VER leave Toronto 10.30 p. m. daily Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS rartictiUr from Canadian Pacitio Ticket .Vgeut or write M. ll. Murphy, IHstrict "inSi'US^r .\gent, i.\>inei Kiug and YoD»re Sti^fct.-!, Totvnto. S. RAN DS. Agent, Ceylon. BILL FOR SERVICE Christinas Gifts There is a movement: oa foot thi^ year fjr something substantial for Christmas, now that the German 'i;msy ware is debarred (^as it should have been years ago). Just by way of suggestion we would propose thar you call in and e\- amiu»our stock of furniture suit- ible for presents, which is un- usually full thU year. For in- stance we have rockers for mother. o»sy chairs fcr father, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, liandsleighs for little broiher. little rockers, d'llls t>eds and wick- er chairs aud other thiogs for little sis'erâ€" something for everyboo'y. Come in atid see the latest thtn^: iu dolis beds and rcckors. Tbeu we have the usual sttok it all kiuds of parlor, bedroom aud dining room furnitureâ€" desks, chairs, odd pieces, si'cretariesâ€" Oh! there is too much to enumemte. Come in and go over our stock yourself. Always h.appy to show goinls and to demoDstrate that our prices are :is low as th ^^â- est. We are prepared to furnish flowers and tloral designs {<>r funerals weddings, or gatherings, having arranged with the l>ile es- tate of Brsmptoo to handle their business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - On':ario. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell H.\RDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK lu Flesherton and Grey Coanty. Start now at the best Selliog Tinae. J Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, I and terms to Agents. Liberal Commissions. r^'uttit. Handsome free Stone & Wellington iFonthill Nurseries (Esubtiahed 1S37) • TORONTO - ONTARIO i«[ iiRins. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheal *1 20 I o 1 25 «-'ats tiO to 60 [ Pe.w« tl 2i to I 25 I Barley 75 to 75 ! Buckwheat 7 > to 75 ! Flour $7 tW to $S ») IHay ?15 00tol5 00 Butler Eggs, fresh Potatoes per bag Geese 35 to :ti 2«) >o 20 3o to 35 11 to 11 Ducks F.>«1 U to U S to '• Chickens 10 to 10 TiifKevs 14 to 15 ^ Deering Implements JJ .KND ^ Gasoline Engines^ T .\U kinds of Deering luipleuieots. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis.PKuber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements 4'i!?? DO recommendation as they ate standard p>jds ant> r;cv>guized as the best ou the market. The undersigned hs.-< a Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull for service on Lot Hti, Con. 3, S. W. T. v'c S. U.. Arteiuesia. Terms $1. CO. All cows served must le iwid for by 1st March, li>lt5, 1 isept â€" H, Piper. I Proton Station ED. RUTHERFORD ^ HE ONLY MAN WHO SHOULD NOT ADVERTISE IS THE MAN WHO HAS g NOTHING TO OF- ^ FER IN THE WAY ^ ^ OF SERVICE-AND § ^ -SUCH A PERSON |5 IS A DEAD ONEâ€" M WHETHER HE KNOWS IT-OR NOT. Elber: Hubbard in tbe Frft