Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1915, p. 7

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SCENE INCREASES IN TERROR Qerman Infantry Wretchedly Inferior to Artillery and No Attack Has Been Really Pressed Home A despatch from London says : "The great battle hangs ia sus- peoise, or, at any rate, in equi- poise and the scene increases in terror. Nothing is left of Ypres, a>s raging fires of sihells knock to atoms the relics oi what were once its walls. Nothing could live in the city and there have been fires at Poperinghe to give the name <jf only one town near the fighting. "Every ^o.^d and cross road has been blown up and shelled into craters. The Germans have launch- ed a new fleet of aeroplanes or have stimulated new activity in the old ones. Some Bew over Dunkirk re- cently and over different spots be- hind Ypres. The clear sky is clouded with the amoke of shrapnel bursting around them. "Our lines in front of Ypres are like a piece of Galway bog slides. To such e.Ktenit have the trenches been knocked out of shape that a great deal of fighting has been in the open and under the cover of half dug shelters or in pits made by the shells. "The precision of the Gernwin artillery has been as notable as its fury and pace. As a result of colos- sal concentration of cannon our losses luave been hea\^-. No infan- try attack in the Ypres district has really been pressed home. In the last few days at Ypres advances have been made almost lazily and placidly. The Gernuin staff can- not sow the ground they have so thoroughly tilled and they will reap no harvest, though the ploughing is terrible enough in itself. It has seemed to some on the side of the allies that they are engaged in a warfare between human and evil elements, so persistent has been the rain of explosives and gas-filled bombs from the enemy, and then. so superior is their own power when the human element comes into play. The occasional losses from the allies' own artillery increases this feeling e.xcept at Ypres. where the battle ebbs for a moment. "Heavy German reinforcements debouched from cover of the French towns occupied by them and hold the ridge of Aubers. "The French continue their ad- vances. They took Blagny and a horde of German prisoners, who surrendered with certain readiness. At no time in the war have our men spoken with more whosesale ad- miration of the work of the French gunner and guns, although at that point the battle ha^s not yet reach- ed its climax. GEBMANS WORSE THAN SAVAGES Crinii'8 of l'nparull«>lt>d Horror Coiiiiiiittod by Kaiser's Aruiios. A despatch from London say^ : When Canadians, secure in their hontes thousands of miles away from the devastated battlefields of France and Belgium, hear stories of crime and outrage beyond the conception of their wildest imagina- tion, they may perhaps be excused for being sceptical. But now the last vestige of doubt has vaaished. Tlie powerful light of sworn evi- dence talcen by a specially picked Imperial Government committee, under the chairmanship of Viscount Bryce, former British Ambassador Jit Washington, has been turned on, and Germany, in the eyes of the civilized world, stands convicted of having deliberately planned and carrieti out w^holesale massacres of crime of uniniagined horror. Many months ago Premier As- quith named *his committee, whose personnel includes such men as Sir Frederick Pollock, Sir Kdward Clarke, Sir Alfred Hopkin.-^^on, H. A. L. Fisher (vice-chancellor of the University of Sheffield), Harold Cox and Konelm Digby, and in- 1 •tructed them to carefully sift alil , evidence of "outrages alleged to have been conynitted by German i tro<.ips during the present war.'i This they have done, and their re- ' port is a document that will at- : tract world-wide attention. The I report of tlias committee has re- peatedly been asked f^>r by indi- viduals and newspapers during the last few months, but tlie members refused to be hurried, and only published it after they had thor- oughly established the authenticity of every statement contained in it. Couched in simple terms, the re- port lays bare the story of a great German army sweeping across Bel- gium literally with fire and sword. Organized bodies of troops, direct- ed by officers, systematically mur- dered innocent non-combatants ; young girls and women were out- raged, mutilated and murdered; children were the object of the most revolting of crimes. Breaking into shops aivd private houses, German soldiers looted the wine cellars and for days on end debauched them- selves, committing crimes of every description while in a state of in- toxication. Anxious to be scrupu- lously fair, the committee reports that in some cases German officers themselves were horrified and sick- ened at what was going on, but were forced to continue the slaugh- ter ordered by their superiors. In other cases isolated crimes were committed by individual soldiers. These were very numer<.)us and "more sJiockin.g tlian would be ex- pected in warfare between civ-ilized powers." K(>pt from Calais. A despatch from London says : Donald MacMaster. K.C., informs us that a, friend of his who has just returned from Germany says the feeling of hatred among the Ger- mans is now stronger against the Canadians than the rest of the British forces. They say: '"If it hud not been tor the Canadian rats we should have been thi>iugh to Calais." EFFORTS TO BREAK THROUGH Enemy Sacrifices Hen By Thousands in Effort to Reach Ypres A despatch tro^m London says : Officers arriving from France tell that the British troops, infuriated over the Lusitania disaster, are fighting with greater vigor and more fiercely than ever before. The news spi-ead quiickly through W»e army, aixiusing the inteu.se«t indignation. The Morning Post correspondent in Northern France says: "At no time have the Germans displayed greater determination to break tibrough at all costs, sacrificing large numbers of men, violating every rule of God and man, in a desperate, almost de.si>airln,g ef- fort. The figihting between Ypres and Hill 60, which we still hold, has bcsein of the most desperate, de- scription. Despite losses, we have held our own. Last Obstacle to Lille. "On the next sector, that of bhe Aubers ridge, the action has been of a quite different nature. Fol- jiowin^ up our quiet, but steady, progress around Armentiereis and Houplines, both of which places are now under heavy bombardment, we were enabled to launch an at- tack upon the ridge, the last ob- stacle between us and the plaios which lead bo Lille, some five or six miles awaiy. "Swinging around at FromeLIe* to the left of our old Neuve Cha- pelle battle ground, the horse ahoe ridge here runs in a north-easterly direction and before Fromelles tihere Ideis a simaU wood, similar to Pietre wood, which proved a Btuimiblins block at Neuve Ohapelle. 'jThis was quieiUy captured by our Indian troopsâ€" Patlians and Gurk- has. "We opeiQied then upon the ridg^ a bombardment which, if it could not exceed in intensity that of Neuve Chapelle, continued for a much longer period. It was found that, profiting by previous experi- ence, the Germans had greatly strengthened their defences with dugouts and silieltei's made of con- crete and steel. Thus it fell out that, after having carried the ridge and the first lines of the German trenches, apparently obliterated by our artillery fire, we were caught by cimcealed machine guns cunning- ly placed, so that they should c«- cape the general devastation. "When these opened on us at short range our pt.xsi*'Jon was made untenable, and we i>.ad to content ourselves with the f<.>oting.ol the lower slopes of the ridge in the meantime. To meet our onslaught at Aubers the Gerauinis have brougiht up great masses of men, and they hiad apparently been con- centrating at Lille. "Preceded by a terrible bom- bardment, our triKvps delivered an attack upon the famous railway triangle weat of La Baasee, wihere embankments had heen converted into a stroQg, efficient fortress. So strong have they made their trench- es with concrete and iron plates that it was found our artillery had really made very little impression upon them. Even wire entangle- ments were pretty nearly intact. "The enemy also resorted to strategem. He left his two first lines empty of men and niateriale to uadergo bombardTMnt, which was therefore harmleas, out he was waiting for our infantry in his thii-d line. At the sanie time tlie now famous brick fienlds of this part of t)\e country were veritable ueiSts of maohiue guna." BRITISH BATTLESHIP SUNK British Submarine E-14 Avenges By Sinking Two Turkish Gunboats A despatch from London says : ' The British battlesliip Goliatli has ; been torpedoed in the Dardanelles. I It is feared 500 lives have been lost, i Announoement of the loss of the Goliath was made in tJie House of I Commons by Winston Spencer ' Churchill, First Lord of the Ad- I miralty. | Mr. Churchill also announced i that the British submarine E-14 ' had penetrated through the Darda- nelles and into the Sea of Mar- mora, sinking two Turkish gun- boats and a Turkish transport. > Tlie Goliath was torpedoed and sunk by Turkish d&stroyers last | night. I The Goliath was attacked and ' sunk while protecting the tiank of the French troops in their land operations. ' Despatches to the Admiralty | from Viee-Admiral Michael De Ro- I beck, commander of tihe Britirfi fleet in the Dardanedles sphere of operations, said that twenty offl- cei-s and 160 men of the Goliath's crew had been aaved. The battle- ship normally carried a complement of 730 men. The Goliath was a sister ship of the Canopus, Ocean, Glory, .\lbion and Vengeance. She was command- ed by Captiain Thomas L. Shelford. The Goliath w^aa one of the older British battleships of the pre- dreadnought type. She waa built in 1898. Her compleoiient was 750 men. The Goliath w;u 450 feet long on the water line and 7-1 feet beam. Her displacement was 12,950 tons. She was armed with four 12-incii and twelve 6-inch guns ; twelve 12- pounders, six 3-pounders and two machine guns. She had four torpe- do tubes. Novel Hume of French Soldiers Near the Fruat. These French troops have found comfortable homes in a rabbit hutch near the battlefront. Each compartment holds one man. FIRM STAND OF UN ITED STATES Wilson Expects Germany to End Submarine War on merchantmen A despatch from Washington says : Germany must abandon her entire submarine programme against merchant vessels if she is fully to satisfy the strand taken by President Wilson in the note sent to Berlin. She must disavow the Lusitania and other outrages upon .American life and property of which the United States complains. She must make reparation "so far as reparation is possible for injur- ies which are without measure," and she must take "inmicdiate steps" to prevent a recurrence of the attacks on the .American flag and on .American lives and Ameri- can vessels. No doubt exist* here of the diffi- culty of the position in which this note places Germany. Nothing less than a repudiation of all she has done and abandonment of practi- cally all she hopes to do with sub- marines against merchantmen and an admission that slie has violated the laws of nations and humanity will enable Germany entirely to, meet the views so earnestly com-! niunicated to her by tihe United States. Stripped of its diplomatic dress, j the President's note carries not, only the demands, but a threat, i Stress is laid up<)n the expectation ! of the United States for prompt action, and as regards the most im- portant demand, that of guaran- tees for the future, "immediate steps" are required. Finally, the plain intimation is conveyed that the note itself is not all Germany must expect if any action is not forthcoming. DROVE GEBMANS BACK A MILE lirilMh luflict High L<^h4>s un the Invading Gcrniuas North of La Ba.s.H('e. .V despatch f mm Loudi>n says : The figiwing in Flanders and North- ern France, temporarily lialted by the rain the end of last week, was resumed with redoubled fury on Saturday night and Sunday, and resulted in important successes for the Briitish and French forces south of Lille, north of .Vrras, in Cham- pagne and in Belgium. The Bri- tish army continues its offensive north of La Batisee. capturing more filuaoi a mile of (the enemy's trench- es at one part, and advancing a mile on a half-mile front further south, the German losses in tl\e en- counter being very lu^. 4 BOTHV OCfl PIKS CAPITAL. Chief City of iicrman South-Wcst, Africa Has Been Captured. .\ despatch from Ixuidon .'»ays : /\n official stateme'iit made public at Cape Town and received by the Heater TVlegrajn Conipany says that Windhoek, capital of German South-west .Africa, was captured without resistance by Union of South Africa forces under Gen. Botha. The population of the town consists of 3.0O0 Eui-opeans and 12,000 natives. Gen Botha's troops took a considerable quan- tity of railway rolJiug stotvk. Mar- tial law has been pr«x?laimcd throughout the conquered terri- tory. Gen. Botha, addressing his vic- torious troops, declared that the capture of the capital of German South west .Africa was of the "ut- most im|>ortance to the Empire and the Union of South .Vfrica, a» it nteans practically complete posses- sion of German South-west Afri- ca." Continuing, the General dwelt upon the responsibility of the army of <.)CCupation to care for German women and children in Windhoek, saying in this connection : "I rely on your honor to perform this resptmsible work well and faithfullv." * Germany Threatens Ronrisjils. A desi>,Ttch from Rotterdam says : The Hamburger Nachrichten, in a telegram from Berlin. aniuiunoe« it is certain that tlie German Gov- ernmenib will ijumediate'ly make comprehensive reprisals if the mea- sures aninounoed by the British Government for interning all Ger- mans are adopted. WILL LOCK UP MALE PRISONERS Th»s«' Not of .Hilitary .Vge and Women Are to Be Re- [latriutod. A despatch fi-om London says : Premier asquith announced in the House of Commons chat "aJl male enemies over military age will be repatriated." He also said that Women and children in suitable cases will be repatriated, though some might remain. Tile Govern- ment proposes to segregate all adult male enemies for their own safety and for the safety of the country. Premier .Asquith told the House of Commons. In announc- ing the alien policy of the Govern- ment the Premier said : ".At this moment some 40.000 un- naturalized aliens, of whom •i4.tXK) are men. are at large in this coun- try. The Governmenit proposes that all adult males of this class should, for their own safety and that of the country, be segregated and interned. If over the military age tliey should be repatriated. The Government recognizes there may be cases calling for exceptional treatment. Women and children in suitable cases should be repatruJt- ed, but there no doubt will be many cases in which justice and humanity will require that they be allowed to remain. "It would be difficult to find a parallel for the feeling of righteous indignation aroused in all classses in this c-ountry," the Premier said. "One result of thi.-^, unhappily, is that innocent and unoffending per- si.uis are in danger of being nvade t<j pay the penalty for tlie crimes of others. .Anti-Germ.^n riots in the East End of London were renewed with even greater violence. Wherever a German sliowed himself he was at- tacked. The iKilice force has been so thinned by drafts sent to the army that it had difficulty in deal- ing with the angry crowds. Special constables had to be called out. A number of German establish- ments were raided and sacked and their contents scattered over the streets. The Germans themselves were forced to so into hiding. The police in »<,ime cases were defied by tlie angry crowds, and some officers were injured during their endea- vors to protect the Teutons. The furniture and fittings of German houses arul stores were hurled through windows to the streeis. When the proprietors were caught they were severely mauled. In some cases their clothes were torn from their backs. One German was thrown into a horse trough with the reminder that hi« compatriots had been spending their time drowning women and children. He was only saved from a similar fate by the intervention of the police. There were several instances of German butchers trying to escap« in their carts. They went racing down the streets at a mad gallop, but in most cases they ultimately were run down and their vehicle* smashed. A_ number of Russian Jewesses were flocking this morning to ths police stations in the Elast End and pleading for protection, explaining that they were being mistaken for Germans. Reports are reaching the poliok that private houses belonging to wealthy Grermains in the fashionr able West End are liable to b« burned. Large placards ia the windows ol almost all business houses and mar- kets bear the words: "No busiuesi transacted with Germians." .\nti-Gernian outbreaks of par- ticular severity occurred in the neighborhood of the East India docks. Sixty or seventy German shops were wrecked. Germans in the vicinity are uniting for self- defence and police reinforcementi are being rushed to the scene. Feeling in Johannesburg. ".Anti-German feeling \» running high as the result of the Lusitania tragedy. Extraordinary scenes are being enacted in front of the town hall, where crowds of citizens wait patiently for an opportunity to sign petitions to the Mayor re- questing him to call a mass meeting K) Voice protests against Germany's action. ".A large German flag is spread on the ground, where the peti- tioners stand while writing their names. .Vnother Gei-ma,n flag was publicly burned in front of the town hall. Placards have been dis- played urging a boycott of Ger- mans, and a Stock E.xchange ctjm- mitteo has adopted a resolution .nuking members of Teutonic birth to avoid the exchange during tha war. "The Mayor ha« consented to comply with the request that he tall a mtiss meeting." A NAKED, UNASHAMED MONSTER Simulating Humanity, Germany is in Fact a Re- version to Pre-Historic Barbarism A despatch from Lon<ion saya: The riots which occurred earlier in the week have givem place to con- demnation by public men of the German Emperor and his ad'visers, who are charged with the responsi- bility for the actions whicJi have arouised public aniger. The demand ijs made that the British Govern- ment public proclaim tlve personal reapon.sibility of members of the German Government for "bhe out- rages pe.rpetrate<i by German offi- cers or their agents durinig the preisent war." A re>solution in thi.i s»ens»e was moved at^i puhlic n^eetimg in t*liel- sea to-iugnt by Lord Charles Bereeford and was seccmded by Ix>rd Robt^rt Cecil. It was uiiani- nwuisly imssed. Lord Beresford urged that all Geiauiaai property iu hh« Btritiali Emipire be c^jnlisoated and tliat aU rich German's, whether naturalized or not, be interned until Briitish pris(.>ners in Gernnany are treated as honorable pri.s*^>ne>rs of war. Lord Cecil said he had been told that Em{>eror William did not ap- prove tif whjit had been done, but the speaker declared that if the (rermaii Knvi^eror disapproved and allowed these thimgs to go on. he was ten time« more guilty and must be punished; this must be oiw con dieion of any peace. Lewis Harcourt, British Secre- tary o' State f'.'>r the '^^â- .'''mv.'"?, speaking at a meet'^i); JW tli« watei'! front to-'ni.^ht. said that Genniriy "sifcood at the bar of the world a naked and ui;ia>ihamfed moiistor, simulating huiUiiinity, but in fact a reversion to pre-Thistoric barbar- ism." GERMANS ARE WEAKENING Will Abandon Offensive Before Ypres and Begin Attack Against Dixmude A despatch from London sw-ys : Tlie Daily Mail's correspondent .it Rotterdam forwards a rep^)rt from^ Bruges that the German offensive I before Ypres is weakening, because of the vigorous counter-attacks of' the allies farther south of the city. ! "The British," ho says, "rein-i forced ajid encoura.gcd by tlic svic cessful defence, have attacked vig- oiMu.sly and advajic-ed against tl»e Germans east of the city. The Germans are terribly exhausted by their fer<x:ious efforts to win their way to Calais. I learn," he con- cludes, "that the next ambitious attack of the Germans will b« agaiiKst l>i.\iiiudt' " ALLIES FORCE ZEPPELIN TO EARTH Squadron of Allied Airships Engagfed Dirigible- Two of the Aeroplanes Were Also Destroyed A despatch from Ixnidon say* : The Daily Mail's C(.)rresix>ndent at Rotterdam sends an acctutnt of an engagement beitween a Zeppelin J»ud ft stjuadroi) of allied aeroplanes in BeJguim in whioh the Zeppelin and two of the allied aeroplanes â- rtore d°e.t'roy€d. Two Zeppelins art' ia:d to have cro;.;cd over Brussels f rave Ming vt\s.twa.rd. OsK of them ri>turned alone, and wims siurrounded and attacked by the aert.)plaini' squad- ron. Mauiy persons counted 27 ' machines in bhe allied fleet. Tlw Zeppelin made a spirited fight witih its machine gtijis and tried, to e»- cape by soaring, but the aero I planes manoeuvred skilfully and quickly and gave the dirigible no chance to get away. The Zepj>e'liin ' W.? <^."i?l'?d in '!•??» th?..ji 16 mmube4 I and it r^H between Brussels amd I Ghfrtfc. Ssvaral. expk>slvns acooiji, paiiicd its fall mnA ail ♦•'ifi. CKV •J. 00 are siaid to have been kiluied. Two of the aertjplianes were des- troyed and their pilots kilil«d b> tha Zeppelin » fire.

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