May 27, 1915 THE F L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE • \ • I. • ^ Esrtablishecl over VartyonaYears THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER 148,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Joint Accounts are a Con- venience. J\eep a Savings Account, and Let Your Money A c c u - mulate. i76 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ^iOdds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE Potatoes For Sale â€" Apply to W. J. M»({ee, Eugenia. FLESHERTUN BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Branches also at Durham and Haniston. Mpuagef* 9 C. p. R. Time Table. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Trains leave Flesherton Station as , church, Flesherton, will hold a Garden follows: ; Party on June 8th, l'JI.5, on the Agri- Going South Golnst North ; culturr.I grounds. Full particulars later. 7.43 a. ni. ll.:?4 t.ui. i „â- ,, t . c »«â- . m • xr 4 ''T r> m 9 18q m. i Misa May Jauuesou of Mont Clair, IS . The mails are osed at Flesherton aj j â- ^â- ' accompanied her grandmother, Mrs. oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j Rutledge, here last week and will re- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth aa^ rnain for a fortuight. Mrs. R. had spent 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south j,,^ ^j^^^^ j^, ^^^^ ^j^jj. ^j^^ j^^.^ mail close at 9 p. .n. the previous ev g. , '^ Z. ulauf-hter, Mrs. Mueller. Mr. Frank Maher, the «ell known hotel keeper of Chataworth.died sudden- VVIUiniii I OnirO ^^lly in Toronto on Friday last, at the age ^^^^mmi^m^^^mi^^^^^^^f^ j of 45 year.s. The remains were Liought i home and interred in Greenwood cemc- Kim berley and Ceylon items arc held , j^^y (^^^„ 3,,^^ ,_ ,,^ g,,^^^^ p^. â- *'*'â- ! ceased kept hotel in Markdalu previous Miss Florence Thurston is kpeudins » to going to Chatsworth, ani wag exceed- VICINITY CHIPS month with friends in Toronto Mrs. Will Bentham, Toronto, was up ior the holiday. Miss Gertie Lyons spent the 24th with her friend, Miss Irene Sharp. Miss Wilda and Mr. Chivrley Crosslej of Toronto spent the 24th in town. ' W. Buskin and family spent the 24th | in Toronto, returning Tuesday. Mr. W.lker Sloan of Mount Albert wati a caller on Monday, having motored over. The Advance li«d a pleasant oil on Friday from Mr. Ball of Hanover, M. P. for South Grey. Mrs. A. D. Thurston and little ?on, Bruce, are making an extended vifit with friends here. Mrs. Thomas Scully and little sun, Arthur, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Thurston over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Oltewell and babe, of Toronto, spent the 24ih with relatives here. ingly popular with all who knew him. He was a mason, and a number of mem- bers of Prince .\rthur lodge attended the funeral. The Hydro Progress The hydro development is progressing ijuite speedily, slill you oin "bank" that it will be August before the juice is turned on. The line is completed from Flesherton to the power hjuae, wiring and all. The poles are up to the other side (if Berkeley on the Owen Soand line and to the other side of Priceville on the Durham-Mount Forest line. A gang starts this week putting up the poles on I the FleshertDD-Shelburne Hue. According to the Herald Mr. James is I credited with saying in Dundalk the other day that there was "nothing in' 1 the story published by The Advance re- ' garding an accident at the works. Why I Mr. James denies that there was an ' accident wo are at a loss to know. As a Dr. Fred Murray and wife, and Mr. ; matter of fact t^ie break occurred exactly ©jcherty and son, Toronto, spent the | as The Advance stated it, of which we holiday with friends here. had ocular demonstration <in Monday, Mr. Henry "ind family autoed over to when a gang of men was busily engaged Lucknow Saturday and spent the holiday ' replacing and reinforcing the broken pipe »t their old home there. with concrete. Moreover, since the Mr. .Tames of the Hydro was in town' ^'*^ accident the pipe lino has been rsis- Ugt week and met the Councirors to «<! s"'"*-' f"""»"'> " '>alf in the cutting arrange for the street lighting . The 1 ""''tl> of the gates for some distjincu by town will take forty lights at 812 each j <='"y ""wing under it from the sides ow- fiir the year. ' '"K ^o rains, and will have to be raised I and replaced, and also reinforced with Died â€" At Missoula, Mont., on April I t t .. c â- . .u- â- â- ." , ., „ ; concrete. Instead of "nothing in it L. Palsgrave (nee Miss Me 12. Mrs. A kitable Sloan of Eugenia) at the age of 04 years. The cause of death was paral- ysis. ; theru appears to have been even more I in it than the .Xdvauce announced. As 'an engineering feat this portion (f ' the works at least has |u'oved to be a A number of citizen.s went out to the | mistake, to put it mildly. itation Tuesday murnins' to aea the Owen Sound contingent of soldiers pass through, who were on their way to Ni- a^sra camp to train. I The inachiueiy is all on the ground at I the power house and is being put in place, j The riveters on the pipe liue still have fconsiderable work to do and there aie Mr. and Mrs. Alex. LoucLs Mr. and Mrs. Boss Loucks and Mias Margaret of Ueaford, visited the past week with Mrs. A. F. Wyvill and Mr. and Mrs. P Loucks, "Sunnybrook Farm." Reader, when you are preparing to | come to town to do some tiading justj pick up your home paper, glance at the •dvcrtising columnn and see who wants the tride. We guarantee they wi.ll save you money. The man who advertises certainly has inducements to otfer you or he wouldn't ask you to call and see hini before buying. Mrs. T. Jam eson received this yet three small sections of the steel pipe to be put in place before the line is complete from surge t*nk to power house. The cement basin under the surge tank is complete and only requires time to harden. Dund2dik For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwoUiii:^ lately occupied by D. VV. Wideiiian, in Feversham. Will sell or rent ch.eap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to U. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale--R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, WillB and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will tind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheip and on easy tprnis, Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a tii'st class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, New Spring Goods LADIES' BLOUSES-Snow Flake Voile, Silk Voile and Muslins, all colors and .styles . MISCELLANEOUS Notice is hereby luven that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, fonnerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. War Price Cut Special Musical Offer At the race of $7.00 foi twenty lessons, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupils during Apiil, May and June. â€"MARK EVERETTE WRIGHT Girls' Mitlily Blouses. Women's Overall Aprons. Woiu;jn'.s and Children's Print Dresses, A large new stock of Whitewear, Newest thing in Crepes, Eoinan f{ Stripe, Flowered and Plain Colors. LADIES' COLLARSâ€" New styles in Ladies' Collars and Collar Setts. B K? A severe electric storm visited this section Wednesday evening of kst week. ^ I The lightning played on the telephone I and electric light wires in town for an j hour or so, but no serious damage was '''68k ^ done. The fuses in a csuple of light word from the Red Cross Society stating | transformers were burned out and a that they were glad to say her son. Bert, I number of lights were put out of oper- nho was poisoned with gas, is feeliig .^iIq„ ;„ private dwellings. Malcolm Mc- %-ter and they hope ho will soon be) i„tyre was knocked off his feet by a completely recovered. He is at No. Sjghoclc in the McCullough House but was stationary hospital, Boulogne-Sur-Mere, 1 luckily uninjured. Others in the house Fiance- | also felt the force of the shock. .V barn The village council last week donated I '« reported to have been burned on the ten dollars each to Emerson Bellamy, who j 5th line, Melancthon. is with the Owen Sound contingent, and Arnold Thurston, who loft Toronto last week. On Friday Reeve McTavish, W. J. Bellamy, W. Buskin and W. H. Thurston motored to Owen Sound .lud made the presentation to Sergeant Bellamy. The money was delivered to Mr. T. C. James, of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Coniniission, wks in town Tuesday going over the present local distributing system of the electric light plant. In the evening he submitt- ed to the Council a plan for stieet light- ing for the town which met with ths prior to his departure The Mendollsohn concert in the Met,h- odist church last week was well attended, ths proceeds amounting to nearly sixty Gunner Arnold Thurston in Toronto just j approval of the members and was adop. ted without any alterations. The new .system provides for ()'2 150- watt street lamps distributed within the present limits of the system, including; a light at dollars. Much of the singing was extra | each of tho four railway crossings. Ho good, notably the choruses and some of *dvised making no extensions to the the duets and solos. Still, a couple of | lines at present erected until .ifter the hours in sacred music alone is not popul- close of the war, as the price of copper ar with the great maoji of people, and ', wire has advanced from Ki to 24 cents there were those present who found the | per pound. Mr. James laughed at tho c«acert slightly tedious on this jwjcount. j report of a break in the works at Eugenia The impression prevailed that and said there wan nothing in it. Ha the concert was scaioely as pleasing as expects to be able to turn the power on th« one given last fall when a more var- in Dundalk in July. --Herald. i«d program was rendered. Cement Work Wanted The undersigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. Ha"0 had thirteen years experience anU feel that I cantgivo entire aatiafaction. Have steel forms for silo and ail oitfit necessary for all kinds of cement wurk. Can also attend to carpenter work. THO.S. BENTHAM, 1 July Flesherton. PUBUC NOTICE The Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion are closine the lOlh Con. between Lot 28, Con. 11, and >he 3Utli sideroad. Also the 30th sideroad, between tho 10th Con. and the Blind Line, between the itth and 10th Cons. Fences have been put across the roads at these point.s, and any person remov- ing such fences, and continuing to travel tho sections of the road which are s'ated above as being closed, do so at their own risk. A. D. vVATTS, Resident Engineer Ten To One The bloLil uf the liotj l.olila guud. All the mouernist piffle about tho ener- vation of nltra-civilized folk, all thj militarist doubt ings over the etiicioncy of coloni'il inegulars, vanishes like a fog ' in the sunliaht of Langemarok's gli.ry. Read this again, from the otticial stjiy of that great d.iy : â€" "With the Canadian Highlanders ex- tended to doutile their normal trench front, one-half of it in the open, and assisted by the Tenth Battalion from southern Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatch- ewan, they not only held ten times their own number in check, but thuy actually retook the gun^i from the enemy ai^d maintained their position, but the loss, as must have Ijeen expected, was appalling.' And this : â€" ".\bout sixty thousand Germans g. t in the rear of the HighIanders,thuH cutt- ing them off, but they refused to surren- der, and tho tiring was heard far into tho night, the Germans, being in front, on the left flank, and on ihc roar." Ten to one, and not only holding ther ground, but pressing forward! Surround, ed, cut otf, hopeless sf reinforcements, but righting on with the old flag flying until the last bullet is gone! Why, Dr.'kke's men never did better than that ; ncr they who fought at Minden; nor the gdilunt galloiiers at Balaklava; nor Nel- son's heroes; nor the thin red line at Waterloo! Never throughout the splen- did history of British warfare have sons of Britain fought bettor or died better. And these are our own hoys. N> t trained soldiers; nut even bred in a military atniusphere. Just ordinary folk like the rest of us lads from desk and counter, from farm and ranch, and lumber camp, brought up far from the sound or rumor of war. Peaceful, kind- ly fellows, with no love of bloodshed, and no hatred in their hearts; but with the same spirit thank God â€" that tilled thtir fathers, who in their turn fought atd died for their vision of liberty and for Britain's honor. So, though we iiioiirn, our sorrow ia ennobled by an uplifting pride, that they whom we have lost have died in the old British way with their faces toward an overwhelming foe, and their flag flying. When shall this world see again Such a breed of mighty men As come forward, one to ten. To tl c song on Iniglts blown â€" England- - To the skies 011 your bugles blown !â€" Montreal Star. MEN'S STRAW AND FELT HATSâ€" In latest styles, genuine Panama.«, from $l.*25 to $.5.G0. Felts from 75c. to $2.50. Men'.s and Boys' Caps ^ .50c. to $1.00. New Silk Auto Caps, I. V ounces in weight, for 75c. RENNIE'S SEEDSâ€" Potato Onions, Dutch Setts on hand. Granges, Lemons and Bananas always in stock. Agents for Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Food and Calf Meal. W: L. WRIGHT 1 FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO *i â- m.v./ V . - . â- â- â- . . T.? VJ. " .^ . â- â- â- '. . â- â- â- ... â- â- I I . . 9 W W -^ â- . . , . .,,,..,, B ,1 .1 . .-,^.' Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t 1 00 Youths Companion . 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News .. 2 00 Weekly Globe 9fl Mail-Empire 75, Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 2 00 , Farmer Sun . . 9<J Farmers Advooata 1 50 Weekly Witiiese 90 I Saturday Night 3 00 j Home Joururd 90 1 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 | School CMldren's Eyes. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement* Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Eni^ines, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pump.s, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oti hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and & Wojd Repairs always on hand. Feversham, Ontario. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous make of implements is ^ well known all over the country and I their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anything in the lino of Binders. • Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- lers, Plows, Sleighs, Watrgons, Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers, Cutting ; Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en gines. Sawing outfits, etc., give us a ; chanee to quote prices. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestraiii in chndhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special studv of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Debentures Issued Tbr Mill mi\\ Short Term of 1fcan NEGOTIABLt Interest Coupons Payable Half-Yearly ll h ASSETS : $7,480,339 iheOrejiWest Permanent loan Company >e|||| ZO.Hin^St.West. Toronto III 11 Christmas Gifts There is a movement on fuot this year f'lr something substaiilial for Christmas, now that the (jcriiuin ware is ili' barred (as it should have been years ago). Just by way of suggestion wo would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furniture suit- able for presents, which is un- usually full this year. For in- stance wo have rocker.s for molhor. easy chairs fur father, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, liandsleighs for little brolher, little rockers, dulls lieds .iiul wick- er chairs aud other things for little sisterâ€" something for everybody. Come in and see the latest tliinu in dolls beds and rockers. Then we have tho usual of all kinds of [larlor, bedroom and dining room furnitureâ€" desks, chairs, odd picoes, secretariesâ€" Oh! there is too much to enumeiato. Come in and go over our slock yourself. Always happy tn show goods and to demonstrate that our prices are as low .is the lowest. V\'e are prepared to furnish flowers and floral designs for funerals, weddings, or social gatherings, liavini! arranged with the U.^Ib es- tate of Brampton to handle their business here. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To .sell H.VRDV CANADIAN GROWN STOCK in Flesherton and Grey County. 1 • Start now at the best Selling Time. 'Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, and terms to Agents. Liberal Commissions. Tout lit. Handsome free t W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Stone & Wellington i Fonthill Nnr.scries ! (Established 1837) TORONTO - ONTARIO li[ ilRKllS. Carefully Conccted Each Week Wheat SI 20 to 1 26 Oats tJO to 60 Peas $1 26 to 1 26 Barley 75 to 7.') Buckwheat '75 to 75 Flour Sf7 <i0 to 88 ;50 Hay $10 00 to 15 00 I W. J. Bellamy ^gent Butter. : Eggs, fresh ^ Potatoes per bag. , Geese \ Ducks iF.>«l.... j Chickens TnrKevs 25 to 26 20 to 20 :!5 to ;<6 11 to 11 11 to 12 8 to 9 10 to 10 14 to lo laiu Flesherton ANADIAN PACIFIC For WINiSIPEO .\ND VANCOUVER leave Toronto lO.liO p. in. daily Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS Varticniar from Cainidiau Pacitii' Ticket .'Vgeiit or write M. ii. Murphy, iJiatrict Vassengcr Agent, corner King and Youge Sti-eets, Toronto. S. RA:S CS, Agent, Ceylon. BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned lia.s a Pino Bred Shorthorn Bull for service on Lot 14ti, Con. ~, S. W. T. iV S. H., Artemosia. Ternu^l.OO. All cows served must Lc paid for by Isl March, 1916. Uept â€" H, Piper. Oecfing Implements^ rpHE only man ^ !s!»g I WHO SHOULD || AND j^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ Gasoline Engines^ THE MAN WHO HAS |[ ,.,^,.„,^,^,^,^,,,^, iS NOTHING TO OF- ^ All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts ^^ *^^*^ '^ THE WAY ^ always on hand. Agent for Barrie and;^ OF SERVICE â€" AND ^ Mt. Forest Cutteis,Barber Buggies, Lou- «% QI TpU A pc-RcrtM °^ den Litter Csrrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar ^ OU*.,M A ftKSUIN ^ shingles and aiding. These Implements ] ?% IS A DEAD ONE â€" ^ require no recommendation as they are , ^ mt IJpxijrp UIT ^* standard coods and recottnized as the ; ^ ^ best on the market. ^ KNOWS I Tâ€" OR ^ I NOT. ^ ^ Elbert Hubbard ^ J^ in the Fra ^ AV'«V^»V.(>^/rf«V,rf>V ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station t#.