Hay 27 UUf) THE F L E S H E R T N A D V AN C E u -X i BUSINESSCARDS WRianr, telford 4 mcDonald Hurrlater. Solicitorn, Ac. (JlDcen. tirey * Bruc» Hlock, ijwou Hounil. Standard Hank Block, Kleahanorf.lSalurJayi-). W.H. Wright, W. I'. I'ellord J;. ,J. C. MoDoualJ, U U B. Societies AO U W iue«ti ou tbe iMt Monday ID »ah month, in their loage joova rlaytonn ball FlMherton. »t B pin M.^\., W. J, Bellamy; Bee.. C. M. Uun.ha*; in., B. J, Sproule. VUltlo« brethrto Inviled PKINCB ARTHUR LODGE, ^o. »33,A.F& A M, loeela In tht Maiouic ball. Arm •tro»i!» Block. Klealierton, every Kr day on or before tbe Jull uiocn T. lilakuley M ; l'ha«.Mun»liaw, ttecre-.ary. W. COURTTLEHBERTON, 9». L «L F. «»••»• In Clayvou« Hlooktbela»t >\edDe»dav evening each uinnlh. VUllios Koresteri heartily come'C. B.. (i. Btillauiy ; K. B., U, Cairte n H*c . W. HuskiD. i'leuepar duel to Fin, See. belore tb« ar«t ay of the mouth. C HOSES FKIENDB-Pleeherton Conncil ChoHen Friend" meela in Clayton »ballOr«t nd third Wedneaday ol each month Hi', m Fav aMeaemente to the Ilecorder on or he'p" tne Brat day of each uinnth. Chief Councillor . BlakeUv: Becorder W. H. BoiA- Medical DU CARTER U CV & BOnt.Phyaician. BorneCD etc (jffloe and reaidenceâ€" Peter at., Fleaherton DB. W. T. LITTLE. - .. , .. nraduate of Toronto I nlversity Vedical CoUefie. Ke«i'leoce and Ofllce at Hark Houre, Kieiherton. I'honeSiri. JP OTTEWELL Veterloary Burgeon jraduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll ege ranidence â€" aecoiid door aoath weet.op kary atreet. Tbia atreet raM ontL PraabyterUn Cbnreb. Dentistry t\r. E. C ML'RRAV L. D. R., d«ital narKeon 1' honoi Kia'luate ol Toronto Uui»er«ity and hbyal College of DenUl Surgeona of Ontario. Oa* aduiiiintatered for teeth eXtraeMoo Ot&ce at reaidence, Toronto Street. Fleilsertoii. Legal I LTAB. -- '-' Bolicitora, eic- KANEY i hRNHY-Harrlatera. -I. B. Lucaii, K. C: W. E, Kaney K. «'. ; W. D. Heory. H. A. Officee. rorouto. t«6-a Tiadori Bank Bide, phone uain Hl'2: Warkdale Lucaa Block. Phone 2 A. Braach oOlce at Duudalk 0|>en every Saturday. Bu-siNESs Cards !« CUUXIUGH A YOUNG *' Bankera Markdala neral banking buiioeaa. Uoney loaned reaaonable ratef Call on uK. DMePHAIL, Licenied AnctiODeer for tbe * County of flrey, Teruia moderate and lit action Kuaranteed. Tbe arrauceinenti L 1 iitei of aalei can be made a*. TiK Advance alBea. Baaldtmce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone onnection. Dec. 6.07. WU. KAITTINU, Licenaed Auctioneer foi the couniiei of tirev and Himcoe. Farm aad St ick la'et a apecialty. Termi moderate attisfacticn Ruarantead. ArraoRe- fiienta for date* may be made at the Advance ofBae. or < 'antral telerhone office KAverahaiii orb)r*ddrea«iDf( me at Feverabam, Ont, Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tlie Columbia i» tlm peifcot lulkiiig luacliiiie. Coniparn all oiIici'h, ilien liear tliiri Hiid wc aie not afraid of the repult. NVc can sell luacliiiics on easy terms to icispoiisible people. All the best appointed city homes have tlieir parlor inacUiiieH and thiu'c i.') no I'ca.son why the farnii r sljonld not have the best iniiBJc of the day in his home, including band music, vocal artists, and perlornicrs on all lund-s of instruments. ^ on can have it on a Cohiiubia Grafoiiola, a.s [mifijct as the origirial, and for iiuicli less ihan yoii wonli pay for u (Jomnioii ''igan. Tliey lanfjo Ironi 820 up. The Perfect Columbia Is a aiarvcl of recording imtrn- inents and the Columbia rec irds, Inade in Canada, embrace tiicu lands of selections from wliicli totliiose. W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton While .M1)«rt Djiialdsuii, a Ituilaefl'i man of Mount I'leasant, was (luiiiping an aiitoiiinbile t're, the latter burst. Th» de:iii>uniabiti rim wat blown oB' and .sTuck liiin on the head, fracturing his skull and caubing deaili within a few tn nutcs. From a litTj o) eight Holwtein cows, Mr. D. P. AicDonald received over t4:i at the Grand Valley t.Veanieiy for the 6r8t 15 days of May. Four were 2-yoar- ojd lieifers which freshened in (October ; 3 cows freshened in March and one cow mi king over liftean mouths. For one can of TO l^s. the returns were J12.15. The price fi)r Slay cream was ;!4 ient.s. Ilir y Burke, a youus; man who for some ti.iie ha^ been work'ug as a farm hand for a farmer near Hi'lsburg, while fooling with a rille which he is iille^ed to have stolen, toaellier with some olher goodi, from the farmer for whom lit- was working, accidentally shot hin.self through the foot Thursday, and is now in Guelph. The farmer with whom Burke whs emoloyed, missed his ritif, •t'jme ololhes and a small sum of money. H« alno missed Burke. Burke's alisonce aroused his tuspicioi's and he notified the constalile at Hil'sburg, and had him anested on the road leading to Orange- ville, and when found htd a bullet luile in his fi>ot. He explained that he had been fooline wiih the rifle and hal ace;- dentally d schiireed it. He was brough to the county jail ind later ri'tiiovcd to t lu hotipical. On S. tarda/, M.iy K>th, aliout a (|irt'- t«r past six, Conrity Cimstiiblcs McR<e and Nutt entered the Vueen'it Hotel, CoUingwood, with the intentions of searching the preuii«e» for lii|'i'>r alleged to be kept theie for salt-. •â- In entering, they immediately weji*. I>eliiiid the b«r and seized a >nit ease full of liottleii, liut the propiictois ohjucted and » scuttle took place, in wliicli, it is said, the suit cise was taken aw ly from the Constable*. Afier this a search warrant was produced., and read, but it seemed (o Ite at the wrong time, is all I he damage had hee'i done. In i|ieakinK to tbe p:oprietr)r, Mr. .lohn Ganley, he ntitleN that whether he kept li'|Uor fur ^ale or not, he could not have wliocver liiid the inclination coming in and gi in-.; over his premises without Hrst producing a search warrant In this case if t'onstaliles McKae and Nutt had produced the warrant, there w.ju'd have boi-n no trojble. There was only a Ixittle of wine taken away by the Consta'lfs.- -Koterpriie. " HENRY SHRAPNEL" Inventor of the Deadly War Mieeiltand Hie Reward. Shrapnel vas orlgloally the name of a British general who, about a hun- dred yenrs ago, waa begging the board of ordnance of his native land for some substantial recognition in respect of the new and deadly missile be bad placed absolutely at their service and n-as being told that tbe institution in question "bad no funds at its disposal for the reward of merit" Henry Sbrapners Invention was probably flrst employed at Surinam la 180-1 and was then "favorably report- ed on," but eleven years later Sir George \J^)od, who commanded the ar- tlllerj at Waterloo, declared that shrapnel had won that famous badle. Without It, Wood asserted, no effort of the British could have recovered the farmhouse of La Ilaye Sainte. In 1814 the government grnutcd Sbrapnel a pension of £1,200 a year for life, but this was Interpreted by his paymasters to cover nil tbe inven- tions Shrapnel had given to tlie urmy, including nn Ingenious gun mounting whereby tbe recoil was ullllzed to bring one gun Into action nt tlic snine time ns another was put under cover, Sbrnpnol was thus placed at a disad- vant.'igo, tlioiigb lie had tbe sullsfuc- lion of drawing his pension to a ripe old iigp. lie died In 1812, aged eighty- one.â€" Argonaut. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Creeim Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Mail Order Craze D. McTavish - - * Agent FLESHERTON, ONT c. â- , 1^ _ ^ â- TT^'^^IIF Ceylon^s Busy Store New Spring Goods Still Coming New Prints, Uippeletts and Crept' Cloths, New Oil Cloth?, New Curtains, Scrimins and Madrasses, New Itain Coats and Umbrellas, Black or White Silk Hose 2uc. per ijair. Boots and Shoes III the Boot and Shoe Line we liave Men's Patent Leather, Gnu Metal, Vica Kid, Tans, Cushion Sole and Box Kip. For Ladies we have the Moccas, Clotii Tops, Patents and Uuninetal, either buttoned or laced. Wc have also some nice strap slippers and pomps in patent} tau or guninetal. Lots of nice shooB for tbs kiddles. New Hats and Caps, New Paints, Oils, I'ruslies, New Wall Paper and Alabastme, New Clotlies Baskets, Bo'lers and Tubs, New Garden Seeds and Uardcii Tools. MILLINKIIV OPENING was on Saturday, April lOlh, and we have lots of New Spring Hats for Women and Children. Inspect our stock and gel our prices and be convinced they are nyh;. HKJHKST PmCES ALWAYS PAID FOR PRODUCE JAMES PATTISON & Co. Our Motto â€" "Smau. Pkokitt and Qiick Rktibns ''- The following is from a Vernon, B, paper. It is worth while to slop and think KCiiously what this sending of rpouey to mail order concerns means locally. Il SW j me.ins poorer schools, poorer roads, hiijh- |er taxes, unomployiiient. To buy cheap- 'er things cheaply never did and never will mean prosperity. I "There is involved in this thing of I sending money to large cities for goods I which can be purchased from the home I merchant, the quosi ion of local prosper- jity. It is a poor pulicy to tear down the ' busii;ess stiibility of the home town in I order to swell the prosperity of the laree ;«:ty. I "In the long run there can be no gain to anybody patronizing foreign business concerns at the expense of local ccncernii. If local merchants cannot get sutticient I business to pay the expense of operation, ' it nieatiri that smalK r stock.« will be cairied and the range of selection will bo re- ' stricted. It means th\t fewer clerks will be enrployed ; it means that fewer houses will be liuilt or rented ; it means that the growth of the local town or city , will be retarded. This means that in the long run that the amount of ta.te.s ' which the rural districts will h,tv« to pay I will be increased or tLat the public high- j way and other conveniences which make I fur bjtter thiols will be sacriticed. ! "This thing of sending out money in I large volume which should be spent at ' home always strikes back some way or other. The school teacher may send ' away for her itowns ; the boarding-house keei>er away for his needs. Then coine.s tbe cry that revenues from local taxation l-ecuuse of decreautd business are not adc'iuale to meet expeniea. Then sch')ol lieards are confronted with the neces.sity of cutting salaries ; the patrons of the boarding house become fewer ; the .sign 'for rent' is seen conspicuously posted on buildings. "The whole iiueation of local better- ment is involved in this foolish ni.-iil or- jder craze. If a cuniniunity is foolish enough to s])end it.s money abroad which should be si>ent at home, then that comniuniiy must satisfy itself with poor- er schools, churches, roads, theatres, nieui-lookinv! towns, everybody in debt, mortgage! forclosed and general business deprursion. "If tbe people would cut out the mail ordt^r nonsonce for six months, there would be a local prosperity which would surprise everyb<Kly. When all the people learn that their own community is most worthy of consider.ttion, when they learn the folly of bui Iding up gret>t cities at the expense of their own local towns, '.hen they can he called ra'ional, and nut till then." 4 SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materials â€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful {Canada via Canadim Pacific railway. machinerv j Tickets are on Kale each Tuesday until HomeseekeM' Special Train Leaves Toroiil') e-ich Tuesday commenc- , iug June 1st, Ii)ld. For the accommodation of Huincseek- ers and general lourist tratlic to Western Canada, through traiiiH carrying Tourist I Sleepers .iiid Colonist Cars will coin- menco June l.st. will leave Toronto 10.4.5 ' p.m. each Tu^isday until further notice, running thiough to Winnipeg. I .\ttention is diiected to the remark- â- ibly low trip larc.t in connection with the Honieseekei's' excursions to western THE MALTESE DERBY. .-â€" f Bull for Service Purebred shorthorn bull, 'Aberdeen Fyvin - 8,00(1â€" for service on lot 2V, 8.S. R., Ai-temeeia. T«rms â€" f l.oO for grades. Pure bred eows f.'{ 00. Pure bred Tamswor'h h(>\i for 'service on the ub')ve lr>t. Terms SI. 50 fn'all animals. Served munt b« piid for. Cntsr â€" ^- -L Meads Bull For Service Tboroughbri.J Shorihorn Bull, " Hill- •,rMtflovernor," No. nTj^OS, for service on lot 27, con 14 Artenr.eaia. Termsâ€" il 50 lor cvsdps, |;< for thoroughlire I., - ALEX. CAKBITHRRS. Its Curious Race Course With Go ae You Please Rules, Horse racing Is u favorite sport the world over, but It Is doubtful whether any nation can boast o( such a curious race course or claim more remarkable Ideas of tbe sport lUnu tbe Mnltesc. Once a year the rond skirting Sllema harbor Is reserved as a race course, and (he people turn out In thousands. There Is no regulation of the course. The crowd simply clears out of tbo way as tbe horses come along. Tbe jockeys ride without bridles or saddles, and each carries n whip In either handâ€" one for bis own mount, tbe other to keep back any horse which may try to overtake lilni. We saw one of the spectators deliberately trip a borae up by putting his leg out, nt grave risk to himself. These things, however Incredible as they seem to sportsmen In this coun- try, are taken as quite a lunttcr oC course, and consequently hardly n year goes by without a fatality of some kind. All things considered. It Is not likely that the "go as you please" rules or this Maltese derby are likely to com- mend themselves to other turf anttiort- ties.â€" Wide World Magazine. It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP is an economical paint because It will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best. â€" Ask us for color cards. FRANK We DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON jOct. 2(ith, inclusive, and are good to re- turn within two months from -date >if sale. Apply to any C. P. It. .\gent for full 1 particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Paswiger Agent, Toronto. Executors' Notice To Creditors lUOU Accident, All Rieht. Officerâ€" Did yon get those bruises In an accident? Sad Guyâ€" Yes; T didn't tbink the other fellow would Bghtâ€" New Tork aiob«. Virtue eoDiiibs In avokllng vice and U tb« blgheat wisdom.â€" Horace. y^^^^^^'mtny^W^ R^^»"^P}}on Can Pacific If^ S^i Great Lakes Service ^gi \>nl can begin any day ^0 ^ at the ^ 9^ r 5^f OWKN SOUiND, OST., ^ Individual Instruct iim. M \ Our own three Klory luiildMii; W ' and 114 aucoeisfiil j'eavK of ex- perifuco. Kxpert inslmclrrs produce llio very best results. Catalogue Free. C, A. FLEMINO. F. O. A., Principal. ^0- I). KiiKMING Socrelary.jj- S OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^ In the nvilter of the estate of R xhard S.nit'<, late of the Townahip of Ar- teine-it, in Iho t'uunly of (Jrey, in the Province of Oniiirio, firmer, deceased. NoticB i» hereby given pni'NUant to Ko- visod Statutes t)f Ontario, Chapter r_M, S.clion ")(>, tliat 'til persons haviiij any cliinia against the e.state of tbe -ibovu named Richard Smith, wlir> died on or about the !Hb day of Octob r, .\. D. 1!I14. are rei|uir(d on or befiio the 1st day of June, lOlo. to tend by po.st prepaid or to _ I deliver to tlie under.sisned e>ecutors, Pa.sjeiit;cr service via the li.eaf. l<akes jll^O"' naincsaddrcsiesand full particulars ,, , r> .c e. -. !>.-â-º M. of their claiui.s, and the nature of the (.anadmii Pacific route from rort Mc- I __„.... ., '. w ii i .i i i »,. ,. .. , , . „ laecurity, if any. held by them, duly Nicoll will be resumed coinnioncmg oat- yg,.jfiyj_ I And talio notice, that after the said I Ui day lif .lune MUT), the aforesaid ex- eouto a will proccd to diHtiibnte the 'aaai-tsiif the i>Hid decriu>ed among the Iparlici oiitillfd thereto, having repaid I only to I he claini.s of which they shall !ihi-n have had notice, and the Maid pxec- urd'\y, May 22nd. The aervice this •ea.snn Kill be maintained by ,the Steam- ers '•Keewatin' sailing Tuesdays, the "Manitoba" Wednesdiy^, ".MberU" Thursdays and ".-VHsinalioi"" on Satur days from Port McNicoll «t 4 p in. "Maniiolm" sailing Wednesdays will li,>,„s wi 1 „„t bo liihle for the a^setK of also cill at Owen Sound each aailing date itlie (!<lnt«,or any part thereof to any per- at 10.;M> p. m. Special train will leave I""""."' "''T ^'"i"' ""•''^« ''"" "" ''"»" ,, . , ' », . , > ... reci-ived by the executors at the Union Jjlation. Toronto, at lJ.4o p. ni., 1^,.,,^ „f ,u^,,, ,,;,.,.i,,u,j,,„ airiving Port McNicoll 4 00 p. m. Daily except Friday. I For re8er\ation8 or other inforniatnm i regarJinu this service, conanlt any Canadian Paciho Agent, or write M. (>' Murphy, District Passenger -^gcnt, Toronto. lOHN ROLAND, Marlcdalc, Ontario, PKTKR Ml NSHAVV, Kngenia Falls, Ontario, Kxecutnis. IJy ISrovning it Wallace, their Solici- tors herein. Dated at Tor.mto this 2»th day of March, A. D. 1915. For Base Hosbital At a meeting of the Grey County Old Boys' A.swciation held Tbuisday evening, the 2l)th jiist., in Forresters Hall, College .Street, Toronto, it was unani- mously decided to contribute the entire funds in the treasury, amounting to $200, to tbo niiinienaiice of Dase Hospital No, 4 of the Toronto P Diversity Medical Corps. Owing to the small margin allowed for expenses by \\\i C P. It. on excursion tickets it waa also unanimously decided not to have the usual annual excursion. It was with deep regret that the Associa- tion was forced to this decision, as the annual (niting wa.s niucli enjoyed. Short addresses were made by Mescrs. JaniPH McBride, Jackson Little, Thomas- Ma?.sr,n, T. A. Kirvin .and C. VV. Chad- wick, in which the speakers referred to many plea.sant incideuts at former meet- ings. Killed With a Buzz-Saw About nine o'clock ytsterday [morning a Bad fatality occurred about two miles noith of Holstein on the third concession of Ei>ren)oot. &)r. .John K. Wells wiie engaged in cutting poles with a bu:(Z-saw, and a tew men were assisting him. It was on his own farm, and Mr. Wells him- self was operating the s.tw. As near as- we can learn, a tepee of poles was near- by, and in some way, one or more of them toppled over and .strucli D*r. Wells, pushing hiin forward on the swift moring saw, which almost severed the bead from the body. He was a man of about 'Xt years of age, son of Mr. Edward Wells, near Droniore, and son in law of Mr. Isaac Hooper of Egrcinont. He Idves a widow and three children, the eldest of whom is seven years. The Conner from Mount Forest was called to the scene, but having learned the circnm.stances, deemed an ini|uest unnecessary .-Durham Chronicle. The barn of Wm. Hebden. north-east part of lot 11, con. 5, N. E. T. * S. R., Meliincthon, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground during a thnnder- storin eaily Wednesday evening of last week. All of Mr. Hebden s implements, four hundred bu.shels of grain he had for sale ill addition to hn seed grain, a cow, two calves, and ten hofs were also burn- ed . The liarn was a good one on a stone foundation, and Mr. Hebdun's loss over and above the insurance carried will be fully t2,o00 - Shelburne Econoiuii.t. Two young boys residing ar Claude, stoned a |>a.S9in<{ automobile and shatter- ed the windshifld. The driver of the car gave chase, caught the boys, placed them in the car, and after ascertaining; their rame.s, took them home and made their parents pay 8:1.25 for the damage done. Hound Lost Strayed from Priceville, about May 7th, was last seen going in the direction of Fle.sherton, was spotted yellow, black and white. Photographs and a thorough description furnished to parties tliii.king they can locate him and have him re- turned to the owner who will pay all ex- penses. S. L WRIGHT, Priceville. Court of Revision 1915 Village of Flesherton The first sittinu of tbe Court of Revis- ion of the Assesfnieot of the Village of Flesherton will lij held at tbe Town H:ill on rhursday, the lOth day of June, liUo, at :.;«» p. in. Dated this 25 day of May, l;»l.">. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Jlerk. WOOD CUTTING r.uzz Saw Wociil riittiii(f with nt'atiicss auil ili-spattti, TiO t>i tin lorilrt par ilay. Also a good straw cottiiiK niitlit. Satixfactiun ^.'iianiiitt'ed. I,<;.'(vu_ yciir orders with the; uiidenti«nf<l. l.JaKi -IJKO URACKKNUl UY, Ktver«liam Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canad^. Particular attention is directed to the remark tbiy low Round Triij' Fares in connection with Homeseekers' Excur- .sions to Western Canada via (^anadian PaciHc Railway. Ticket* are on sale each Tuesday until Octolier 2<Hh, iiicluMvu, and are good to return within two months from date of .tHJe-. The 0. P. R. I'ffors the Knest possible- ei|uipment and fa.stest train service via one of the moat [sct'mc routes in the worll. It is the only line operating through standard and itmrisl sleepint; cars, also, dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. .\ll eipiipinent w owned and operated by the ('-. P. R., affording the highest form of erticiancy . If Buoh a trip is under con.sideration apply to any C. P. R. Agent for ful particjlsrs or write M. 0. Murphy DP. A , Toronto. â- ff f liiiiiw^iii -*-,- Si..^:::^mA--