Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1915, p. 7

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GERMAN ANSWER TO U.S. NOTE Alleges Ship Carried Quns â€" Wants Agreement on **Facts" Before Justifying the Lusltania Crime Berlin, via The Hague, May 30. â€" ' Britisih Admiralty. It is moreover The text of the Germian reply to the | kiiown to the Imperial Governm«ait American note regarding the Lusi- ' from reliable information furniiJied tania and oiher incidiejits, as madie | by its officials and neutral pjissen- j public here to-day is as follows; â€" gers that for some time practically "Theâ€" famperial Govejuinent has all the more valuable Englisli mar- subjected the statements of the chant vessels have beetj provided United Sta.tes to careful examJmar- j with guns, ammunition and other tion, and has a lively wish to con- . weapons and furnished with crews tribute ia » frank and friendly | especially practised in manning manner to clear up any misunder- J guns. According to reports here, standing- which may have entered | the Lusitania, <when she left New into tihe relations between tihei two! York, had guns aboard which were Governments through the events mentioned by the ^\mertcan note. mounted under deck and masked. Blamos Great Britain. "The Imperial Government fur- thermore has the honor to direct the particular attention of the American Government to the fact that the British Admiralty, by se- cret instructions in February of this year, advised the Briti&h mer- chant marine not only to seek pro- ^<. ^.. t**^!*"! behind neutral flags and have been given the German^J^ ' markings, but even when so dis- forces to avoid attacking such ves- ' F"^ ^^ *"^'^ Geâ„¢*"^ submar- g^jg I les by ranmiing. High rewards "If nedtral ships have oome to I ^^"^ *^ff«'"«^ ^y.^^. ^ntish Govern- grief through Gern»an submarine ' 1?^"' **.* «Pf<=^\,i°««.°ti^\f'^'' ^^^ - destruction of submarines by mer- chant vessels, and such rewajds al- j "With regard to the Cushing and Gulflight incidents, the Amer- ican Embassy already has been in- formed that it is far from the Ger^ man Goverament to have any in- tention of ordering attacks by sub- marines or flyers on neutral ships in the war zone not guilty of any hostile act. On the contrary, most explicit instructions repeatedly ' ADSTRIANS FLEE IN DISOfiDEB ' f^O^T'i^ posals. The realization erf these proposals failed on account of their rejection by Great Britain."' Disappointment Ls Keen. Washington. May 30. â€" Germany's reply to the American note con- cerning the sinking of the Lusltania with a loss of more than 100 Ameri- can lives, produced a feeling of profound disappointment here. warfare during the past few months bv mistake it is a question of iso- . , , , . , _ . , Uted and exceptional cases whidhi'T^J'^^ '^^^"P***^ ^° J** ?^ - . ., . -- , , ., *re traceable to the misuse of flags i ,*"**^ f****,- T^^<* â- *f*^ sufficiently Dissatisfaction at the failure of by the British, m connection with o»releisne.?s or suspicious actions on the part of ships. In all cases where a neutral v«»»el. through no tault of its own, has come to grief through German submarines or fly- ers, according to these facts as as- certained by the German Govern- ment, this Government has express- ed its regret at the unfortunate oc- curnence and has promised indem- nification where the facte justified it. Germany will treat the ce'^."* of the American steamers Cushing and Gulflight according to the same principle. An investigation is in progress, and the results will be comimunicated to the Emba&sy â- liortly. "If necessary the inves^tigations can be .suppieniested by a call upon the International C'ommiasion of Enquiry, as provided for in Article 3 of "file Hague AgreemC'nt of Octo- ber 18. 1907. The Falaba ta.>*e. "In the case of the sinking of the English ship FalabaT the cv»mnian- der of the German submarine had the intention of allowing the pas- sengers and crew ample opportun- ity to save themselves. It was not until the captain disregarded the order to lay to and took to flight, aeoding up rockets for help, that tfce commander ordered the crew •nd passengers i>y signal from a megaphone to leave within ten min- utes. As a matter of fact, he al- lowed them 23 minutes, and did not fire a torpedo until suspicious ves- sels were hurrving to aid the Fa- laba. "With regartl to tine lo^^s of life when the British passenger steamer Lusitania was sunk, the German Gox-ernment already has expressed deep regret to neutrals concerned that nationals of those ct>untrie8 lost their lives. The Imperial Gov- enuiient is unable for the rest to reject the impression that certain important facts most directly con- ii«>ted with the sinking of the Lnai- tania may have escaped the atten- tion mX the American Government. It theref<kre considers it necessary in the interests of a clear and full understanding aimed at by both Governments primarily to convince itself that the reports of the facts wiiich are beiore the two Govern- n»ent« are ooaHplete and in agree- ment. "The Government of the United States proceed® upon the assump- tion that the Lusitania is to be ct>nsidered as an ordinary unarmed mercihaiit ves.«el. The Imperial Grovernment begs in this connection to point out that the Lusitania was one of the largest and fastest of English ateiamers participating in Government funds as an auxiliary cruiser, and is expresssly inoJuded in the navy liet published by the Rapidity of Italian Advaore Hu Paralyzed the Enemy. A despatch from London says : With the occupation of the town of Grado. on the Gulf of Trieste, t)he Italian front in the advance ov»r the ea<stern frontier into Auacrkui territory, now furms a continuooa line of about 40 miles, stretchiitg from Caporetto. on the lert flaidc, to the sea. The farthest advance into Austrian territorj- is at Mon- falcone. on the railway to Trie«rte, the Italians being thus within JS miles of that port. The Daily Chronicle c<^respoi»d- ent says : I hear that the Austriana are in full retreat along the w4iole of their defensive line, burning bouses, stores, crops and fora^a and destroying roads and bridge*, in fact, laying wa«te entire pro- vinces. The Italian forces which invaded TyroJ from the southern frontier of I rhat region have advanced as hr Like the Triumph, She Was Submarined While f^ the mouth of the Chi«e Ri^^r in ^ Lake Idro. occupying all the rugged terrain between the lake and Lake Garda, to the east.. There have been artillery engagements at tflie Ti-.nole Paas. where very strong .\ustrian forts bar the progress of the Italians, and on the Asaago plateau, on the eastern frontier of Tyrol, toward which the invaders pnxeeded up VaJ Sugana. Italian gruab.:>a'ts on Lake Garda This Map shows the Frontier along which the Italian and Au.strian Tniop" have cla.*hcd. BRITISH WARSAIP IS SUNK Supporting Land Forces on Qaiiipoli Peninsular Length 390 feet, speed 17 knots, and she carried four 12-uich, twelve 6- inch and sixteen 12-poundex guns of old pattern, with five torpedo tubes. Her nominal complement i w^« T5T officers and men. The sinking of the Majestic is saved. said to have occurred off Seddul fP^ve effective support to thetroope operating on the eaatem shore of itMt lake, enabling them to occupy several strategic points around Monte Baido. of which an import- ant peak. Monte .\!tissinio. 5.6B0 Bahr. at the southern point of the Oallipoli Peninsula. This state- It is supposed that the submarine ment is made in a Constantinople that sank the Majestic was the despatche received by way of Ber- same that sent the British battle- Lin. • u_i. j _i_ ship Triumph to the bottom on A despatch to the Times from its «*» "'?«• **» captured yesterday. Tuesdav last. Mudros correspondent savs that Th« objective of these troops i. The Majestic was completed in 460 men of the crew of the battle- J»""- "" !"« railroad connecung the year IS95. and was the oldest diip Triumph, which wa* sunk battleship on the active list of the Tuesday in the Gulf of Saros, were na\n,-. She was one of nine \-essels saved. The officers and crew on known as the Majestic cliass. Her board the Triumph in peace times disolacement was 14. 00"] tons, numbered about TOO men Riva and Arco with Rovereto and Trent, thus cutting off from the rear the .Vustrian garrison at Riva and the .\ustrian forces at the mouth of the .\dige. SHIP BLOWN DP, 325 MEN KILLED Crew of 250 and > Workers Perish on Former I'.P.R. Boat at ShtH'rnese. A despatch from London says: The Princess Irene, a British mine- laying ship, was literally blown to atoms with at least 325 men aboard i Dililcult. A despatch from London says : The British battleship Majestic. known to the Imperial Government, \ Germany to answer the denxands of Capt. H. F. G. Talbot, was torpe- it is unable to consider British mer- i the I'nited States was reflected in doed and sunk by an enemv sub- ciiant vessels any longer -undefend- 1 Go%-ernment circles generaUy. marine while the battleship was Hll*n7*«?rw"J^fnh!Ti^ AH i Will S<*«-k to Position. supportmg the allied land forces time of war de:,ignated bj the Ad- , , . , on the Gal lipoU Peninsula,. Near- miralty and staff of the Imperial! Prom a previous knowledge of ,^. ^[j ^^^ officers and men were German Xavy. German comman- 1 President Wilsons position, it was ders coasequently are no longer in ; generally predicted that a prompt the position to observe the rules of, answer would be sent to Berlin per- right of capture otherwise usual, | hape within twenty-four or forty- and with which they invariably | ei^t hours. This is expected to Complied before this. i give the American Government's "La.-tiy. the Imperial Govern- 1 und?rstanding of the facts, that the ment must speci-fically point out' Lusitania wa.s unarmed and carried that en her la^t trip the Lusitania. no concja'td guns, that she depart - as on earlier cctasio^ns. had Cana- 1 ed from the United States a peace- dian troops and munitions of war ful merchantman and that under al! aboard, including no l«>sis than ' rules of international law and hu- 5,400 cases of amunition destined ^ manity the ves?el should ha>-e been for the destruction of brave Ger- , visited and searched and her pas- man soldiers who are fulfilling withj sengors transferred to a place of f.?lf-sacrifice and devotion their safety whether she carried ammu- duty to the Fatherland. The Ger- 'â-  nition or net. American .law d^^es man Government believes it acts in not prohibit anrmunition from being just s?lf-defence when it« soldiers carried on passenger ships, it will destroy ammunition destined for! be asserted, but only self-exploding the enemy with the means of war at ', material, and liners in the past its command. The English steam- ' have been permitted to carry arms ship company must have been and ammunitian by special ruling aware of the dangers to which pas- \ of the State Department on the ' sengers aboard the Lusitania were meaning of the Federal statutes. exp<>s?d under the circumstances. Germany's failure ex en to discuss In taking them aboard in spite of the reparation demanded by the this, the company quite deliberate-; .\uierican tKite, and e\-asion of the ly tried to uae the lives of .\merican ' request that guarantees be given citizens as protection for the am- , tiiat American vessels and lives be as she lay at anchor in Sheerness munition carried, and violated the ! not endangered in the future, are harbor Friday morning. The ex- clear provisions of American laws, \ the main pL>ints. however, which plosion apparently was internal, which expressly prohibit and pro- the United States Cio\-ernment. it its origin being marked by complete vide punishment for carrjing pas- 1 was generally believe<l to-nifsht mystery. Only one roan has sur- sengers on ships which have explo- ' would advert in the second note, vived, a stoker, named David Wills, sives aboard. The comfMiny there- The expressions of regret and offers who was picked up badly injured. \ew York. May 30. â€" Naval of- | responsiible quarters to conceal the by wantonly caused the deaths of of reparation for uninten'tiomal at- It is understood that all but ficers in New York City were in | fact ihat the reports submitted so many paaaengers. .\c«.ording to] tacks on neutral ships are expected three of her crew of 250 men were i tensely interested in unexpected i from these several sources main- the express rei>ort of the .submar- ! to have little weight in determining aboard the steamer, as well as 78 1 orders that come from Washington ' tained that there was a real basid iiK» convniander concerned, w-hicth is' the nature of the response of the d^-Hrkyard men carrying out repairs. \^^^ gijjc ^jjy German ship that _at- for fear that Germany has decided only confirmed by all other reports. â-  United States. The Daily Mail asserts that in addi- there can be no doubt that the ra- } While it is generally thought the tion to the TS shipwrights there pid sinking of the Lusitania was [United Statf^s will answer Ger- were on board 100 workmen from Chatham, as well as 240 members A desfAteh from Paris says : The Rome correspondent of the Tempa Little Robert: Ma. was Robin- ! t*'«'P''*P«« ^^at nearly 11.000 w- son Crusoe an acrobat V isx'Ci have been enrolled in a female M^\^ -t A -•. w- _ ^x\„â- vâ-  â-  police force authorized by the Ital- other : I don t know. v\ riv [ â-  ,^ _ . tii i. ...... . lan Government. These women be- Little Robert: "Well, here it long for the most pan to the mid- read* that after be had finished hia jj^ classes. They will undergo spe- "^ cial physical training and wear uni- forms. day s chest. work be sat down SHIPS NOT TO LEAVE NEW YORK Washington Instructs Navy Officers to Uss Shells if Any German Boat .Attempts a Dash to the Sea primarily due to an explosion of many's request for facts with a re- ber cargo of ammunition caused by ; statement of the circumstances as a torpedo. CHherwise. there was' recited in the .Vmerican note of all human p<.>ssibility that the pa-<- i May 13th, the promptneiss with sengers would have been saved. | w-hioh the reply will be d«=patohcd "The Imp>crial Government holds- is counted wpon to serve as aix indi- the facts recited to be of sufficient ! cation that the .\merican tK>vern- iro{K>rta.nce to recommend them to ment wishes an early answer, and careful examination by the Ameri- i does not desire to engage in a pro- can Government. The Imperial | tracted diplomatic discus.'uon. Persore* ck»se to President Wil- Gemian Government begs to le- serve firwil statementi* of its j-tosi- tion with regard to the demands made in connection with the sink- ing of the Lusitania until a reply is receivctl from tilie .\merican G<.>v- erninent, and believes it should re- call here that it took note with sati-sfaction of the proposals of goivd offices submitted by the Amer- ican Government to Berlin and London with a view to providing a way for the ct.>nduct of tlH> mari- time war between. Germany and Great Britain. The Imperial Gov- ernment furnished at that time am- ple evidence of its good will by its willingness to consider these pro- son ha\e learned that he is deter- of the crew, which would give a to- tal of 41S persons on the steamer at the time t-he was blown up. The disaster has immediately re- called the fate of the British battle- ship Bulwark, which was myster- iously blown up on November 26 at practically the identical spot in which rested the Princess Irene, with the lo&s of some T36 officers and men. The destruction of the tempts to leave this harbor. The orders were based, it was learned, upKin reports submitted to Govern- ment officia's at Wa*hiugton that in the event of hostilities between this country and Germany an ef- fort will be made at once to bottle up New York harbor by sinking at an advantageous spot in the Nar- rows one or more of the big G?r ^ mail ste.imships' that have been . already upon a way to isolate New York City, at least temporarily, in the event of a break iu relations with the United States. The state ment that the sinking of the Vater- land. tho largest steamship afloat, and perhaps others of the German commetcial fleet held here, to bar passage through the Narrows would be embraced in the first German effort has been believed in tied up at Hoboken piers since the : Washington as a result of the ver> European war b.'gan. It was also admitted that the same orders regarding German mined to obtain rep:iration for the Rul«*'-k wa^ ne^â- er explained^ | attempting to leave T„^;t«ni« vi,.tim* \r,A «,=s„.ranc(>s There were rumors at the time that Lfteamsnips actempuujt to ir«vc Lusitania MUim*.. and assurances ^ ^^^^ submarine had slipped f^he port- were transmitted to th^ nto Sheerness harbor and launched commanders of all the forts that guard New \ork City victims. aiiMl assurancee of respect for .Vmerican rights in future, and that failing this, he would not hesitate to sever diplo- matic relations with Germany. WILL BE INTERNED IN VATICAN Pope's Private Chamberlain Failed to Attend Mass Where Prayers Were Offered for Italy's Triumph A despatch from R<.>u>e a»j-8 : â-  Mon«ignor Gerlach, the Austrian j private chanaberlain of the Pope, i has been interned in the Vatican, \ where lie must remain until the end of tho war. This action was taken | by the Pope when he learned that â- , MonsigiK>r tierlach no longer at- 1 tentJs the daily mass of the Pontiff, j where prayers are offered for the triumph of Italian amis. Monsignor Gerl»ch w«» accused of having falsified the words of Pope Benedict in a con>-ers*tion between the Pontiff and the correa- poiident of a paper recently, at which Monsignor Gerlach acted as interpreter. Austrian Consuls in Italy Arrested MILITIA RESERVES TO BE ORGANIZED To Secure Knrolmciit of -JOO.OOO Men Uiidor 5tt Years of Agr. A despatch from Ottawa says: The militia reserve of Canada is to be organized and will be thus avail- able as recruit.s for active service, it has been announced. Details of the plan are yet litcking. It is esti- mated that there are upwards of 200,000 men in Canada under fO years of age who are connecte<l with or have been connected with the active militia. They will be to an extent not yet announced, organized and will thus form a third line of defence, ready in case of necessity. A despatch from Bologna, via Paris, sa^vs : The police have ar- rested the Austrian Consuls at Genoa, BoK>gnia, Bari, Leghorn and other places while they were on their way to Switierland. The Consuls are being given aocommo- 4ationB in a hot«i at PUoensa, wihere bhey are kept under obser- vatioai by the police. This unusual uteasure is said to have been the outgrowth of an alle- gation that .-Vustria has not permit- ted the It>»lian Consul* in her ter- ri^ry to cross t>h« frontier to Ital- ian soil. CANADIANS RKACH KNt;i-AN!) The Nistiauabie Landed Soldien< and Nur»es«. A de.opatch fK>m Ottawa says: The Missana^ie. which arrivcil at Plymouth on Saturday evening, had on board the SSth battalion of Vancouver, the 4th field artillery brigade headquarters, 13th, 14th. and 10th field batteries, res?rv^ park and 30 St. John .Ambu'a'ux' uur«e». ir a torpedo at the warship, sub.^- quently stealing away without de- 1 tection. It has since seemed m<ire | probable, however, that the Bui- 1 wark was blown up by an internal e.xpWion â€" the infereiK-e being, of course, that a spy accomplished the j work. The Princeas Irene, which is •!_,. Canadian Pacific liner requisitioned ThrC by the Government, was lying at her moorings, TO yards off Port Vic- toria, her decks crowded with busy workmen. The harbor was filled with vessels of all descriptions. Nothing of an extr*>rtlinary nature had occurred to arouse suspicion. No I'ffL'r: was made yesterday in fication offered by the unusually large cjrps of investigators. The orders received regarding the con- duct of officers of both army and navy hero could not be mistaken. They were simply to sink any Ger- man vessel that did not immediate- 'y respond to an order to stop. Flags of the AUies Displayed in Paris BUY ALL HER SUPPLIES HERE Parties of riilitary Buyers Have .Mready Left Italy it is 5aid A despatch fn-'m Paris saj^s : .\mericans who are offering sup- plies to the French Government are being instructed by the commis- sariat to direct such offers to J. P. Morgan and Company, of New A despatch from Paris savs: The] York, who were recently authorized flags of the European powers allied to make purrchases m the United against Oermanvâ€" France, Italy, States on behalf v.^^ the military ad- Great Britain. Russia, Belgium and rainistnWion. Similar offers {n.>m Serbiaâ€" were, by order of the French Government, displayed in grv>up« over many of the public buildings and monuments of Paris. .\nKmg the e<.lifices tlius decorated are the residence of the President of the republic, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and all the Ministries. Canadians should be addresised to readv it is said. the Huds^>n's Bay Company, ol Montreal, who are doing in Canada what Morgan and Company are do- ing for the French G^'vernment in the United States. Practically all of Italy's buying will lie done in tiie United States and Canada, according to the be- lief of the cijmmission agents here. Three parties of military buj-ers have been sent to New York aJ- Naturalized Baronet Sails for New York .\ despatch from l^ndon sia.vs : Sir F/dgar Speyer, who recently re- signed his Privy Councilorship on account of criticism based on the occupancy of such a jx>aition by a native of Cternvany, sailed K>r New York on the steamship Philadel- phia. He said he was going on a ehort holiday. TURKISHVESSELS BLOWN UP Torpedoes a Transport in Harbor and Sinks Am- munition and Supply Ships in Sea of Marmora .\ despatch from London sa\"s ; â- 'The submarine F.-ll, Lieut.-Com-- mander Martin F. Nasmith, has sunk in the Sea of Marmora a ves- sel c»>ntaining a great quantity of ammunition, t\-«mpri9Jng charges for he<avy howitzers, several gun ' mountings and a six-inch gun. She , also chased a suj^ly ship with a ' heavy cargo of stores and torpe- doed her alongside a pier at Ro- dosto. .-V small store ship was also chased and run ashore. "The submarine Ell entered Constantinople and discharged a torpedo at a transport alongsidfl the arsenal. The torpedo was hear^ to expU)«le."

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