Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1915, p. 8

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June 3 1915 I \ â€"gg" THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSIMESSCARDS! B''>':^-<^-':'»^^^»'f^rjr^ir^^ 0. WRIGHT, TELFORD A McDONALD Burister, RolicitorH, Ac. (laiceo, Orey A Bruca tllocli, Owou Hound. 8tHii<1ard llauk Wock.Klufclierton.lSatiirdavii). W,H. WriKbt, ^V. P. 'i*«llord Jv. ,J. V. McDonald, u u. M. Societies AO W meets ou «lie !»•» Monday in ach month, lo tlielr loage room ClaytooB hall Fleenerton, at S li.m- M. W., W. J. Hcllamy : Koc, C. H. MuD.haK; in., K. J, Bproule. ViiiUng brethr»nin»ited DKINCE ARTHUR LODGE. No. 103. A. FA r A U. lueeti in tht Ma>onichall. Arm ^troas'8 Block, Fleeberton, every Friday on <rhelorethe full mocn T. Blakeley %V. M ; Chaa.ManBbaw. Setre'.ary. f'OCRTn'LBBBF.RTON, 99S, I. 0. F. meeta In t Clayton B Hlock the laht Wedne.dav evoniDK each month. Vi«itiu(i Fore«lev« heartily coinsV. K. n. Bellamy ;H. 8, O. Canr.s n. Bee . W. Buskin. rieue pay duea to Fin. Sec. belota th» Urat av of the luoutb. rnOSEN FKIENDS-Fleaberton Council V cboiwu FrieD<i« meets In Clayton ahall Qrst nd thiril Wednesday ole^ch month h l>. m Jay as«e»«ujents to the Ke<-order 01) or before •ce Brst day of each monlli. Chiel Councillor . Blakelev; »«ecpder W. H. Bunt. DK CARTER M C I' A B Ont, Phyalcian. Buruecn etc Medical I Office and residenceâ€" I'eter at., Flesherton J jK. W. T. LITTI.K. - ,. . ,. tiradiiate of Toronto V uiveraitv Midicsl Collepf. IJeaideocesnd Uiilce at I'^ik Honte, K.n-bertou. I'hona'ilJi > > V I â- r V' \^' Ik HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-HarriMand Cockshutt Repairs Cockdiutt Jmpleinentfl, Mehrtte Cream Separators, liister Gasoline Engines, « Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavt^ - FLESHERTON, ONT Agent â- 11 M i Death of Geo. Murphy [• Honor Rolls I Mr. CieorKe M«ipliy of tlie suburhal J-Jesherton PuMlic School report for (lassed away on Siilur<'By after aprolopg- ( May. «d illneNS «t tlio nge of 7G years. The Jecea»ed gentle .'Uiin was brtrii in Couiily Fermanagh, liieland, mid came to Caiwlii when « younK iiikii. IIu niniriud Mai^ garet litriii, who t>urviv(-.s liini. HHd lived hers for a tiiiip, Uter removing to (Jsprey nnd then to Toronto. Suuie ycais «go h<) c^iiie ImcIc to Flesherton, where he 1ms sir.ee resided. Beaid<^s his widow I»f leaves eit'ht ohildi'en, as follows; M«rj", {»lrs. .\. 0»rter., Toronto); Kttif. (Mi8. Fied Wiight, Toronto;; M«rKai>e'. (Mrs. Garne't, Cabri, Stale. ); Katft, (Mrs. SykeK, Swift Cnrieni); Win , RiirlinKtoti : Dan, lieyina-Dliver, Vmcoiivcr; Sanmei, Kevfcioiiaip. The fiineial to 'k pliiceto Fle«lirtrtiin cBiuetfiy on Monday afUv- nooi), Hev. Jatmtt Dtiducin o<<i<iatini{. Child Drowned in Tub ^^'TTTTI^^S JP OTTKWEUj Veterinary Surgeon jraduate ol Outaric Veterinary College rendouce â€" ascoiid door sontb west. on k>ry str*at. Tbia street rani outb Fraatyterian CfaoMta. Dentistry r\r. E C Ml'RBAV L. 3. *,, denUl snrgeon i* hunc. KraauRte uf Toronto Uuiversity and htyal Colleci- ol Dontal Surgeons o( Ontario. Oas adBiisit:urt«i»i«ar tMitb extraction Office at residauee, r«r«uto Stiaet. HesSerton. LEfJAL It \ SKY A- h KNtfXâ€" Barristers. Lucas, a. v.: \V. K, ttanev K. < '. : W. I>. Ileorj, l',. A. OHicea, /orcnio M)6-U Tiaders liauk BWx.. phone icain Ml'.!: Markdale Lucas Block. iHioue 2 A. traucli oHice at Dundalk open «ery Saturday. I UCAS. â- "* Solicitors, eK'. â€" l. B. IjUSIXESS C'ards 1« CL'LLOL'GH A YOUKfJ ^' hankers Markdale iiera) banking hnsioMS. Monejr loaned reasonable rater Call on us. A digtr<Hi.sing «ocid«nt tKicurrod at VV;il«len<ar on Tuesday iiKirniii^, when ihu two-year-old dauxliter of David Tate WHS drowned in a lubof wiler. It m f.u|inoKed the little oiw had tHjen plHyins; | K True>ji:in^ W Cirrini-ton. with H r»»! ill tlw" w;4ter»nd overluUnced. â-  Jr ]_}{ Ktewiirt, L BlaVtly. Iloom 1 Cl»«i 4â€" F Bnnl, H Wiight, C Flshei, M Field, R Cargo, B Trimble, H Thomp- •on, W .\inif)tron2. ClasB :5 K McVicar. G Mitchell, K Diivis, K Bi>yd, U Shunk, S MuTavish, <i Dudgeon, A Henderson, J WiLsm, J Reid. Room 2 Jri-H LeGaid, V. Lever. F Rich- ardson, G Lever, R Lever. «rlâ€"E Ferris, L Buskiif, H G.>ld- Imwk, .J Wriaht, .\I .McTrtvi-h, \v Lever, J SmHoid, K Oiiewell and R Trneinan (equal). G Blakoly, J Black, H Cirring- toiu O Black. .)r2- J Kaist"d-, R B.yd, C .Mc Tavihh, L .McMullen, F Ma'h^w.ion, <) M»tliew«oii, V Wilson, J Carrington, Roaui 'i Hi- i -K Ft-rrs, 1 Lever, M Dud-eou, M .NuLm, L Cargo, N Shunk, D l-'olyaii, A Xorris, H Uyville, () Fisher, A Field.*, Ceylon's Busy Store Millinery Sale THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY at big reductions. .Ju'it how loi.g kIio Imri been in 'lie wate>' iri i.ot known, but ilie doc-tor ulio wan piMinijtly on the K|>ot, is of the opiuiou title was in it lonver than was Rupposed. .\ll the efforts of tlin C.oa 'V and those at hand at lirrl were of no avail Vary much Kyiiipathy IS felt for the family in tins new liuiden cf the r Borrows.â€" CJrand Va!l -y Star. E Dud- geon, .\ Teeter, G <i ildhawk. Don't Miss This 1 Court of Revision 1915 Township cf Artemesia The fir^t sitting of the Court of Revis ion of the .Assessment of III*" Township of .â- VrteiiM'sia for the yeir I'.tl.j, will be held at the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Monday, Ihe Seveii'li day of .hiiic, l!il."). Dated .May J.j, VMi. -W..). BKLLAMY, Cleik. DMcPHAtC, Licens»l Auctioneer (of tbc • Cu'inty o( Gi«v. Terms nio<i«rai« And ti> action guaranteed. Ihe arraugeliiMlts 1. 1 Istesol sales can b« made a>. Thk Ai>vavci sOice. Hesidence and P.U., Ceylon, Telepbou* (>iiue('tjon. IJec. 0.U7. WU. KAITTIKCi, Licensed Atictione the counties of <>rev and HKJUKST rillCES ALWAYS PAID KOII I'KonrCK JA/VIES PATTISON & Co. .Motto- aad HI >ck ta'es a ati^salty. Terms 'ate. sttiBfarticn guaranteed. Arraui;*- Farm ffi'>derati (sents for dates may be made at the Advsnee office, or I 'Antral telephone ot1.ce feveraliaui orbyaddrea^ing me at Keversliam, Ont. LGiii- .Moi PiiOKirr tvi) QricK llirn iiv.- Columbia Grafonolas Victoria Corners Miss Millie Hinnie spent the week end Willi Miss Vio'et SSieveiis. George .\ikenH spi-iit a few d'lys with his '^rainipirentx, Mr. and Mia. George Moore. MiM Blair iif Toronto is visiting her uncle. Win. Heard. .Mil'.oii Dtniion is htving a wu.kI bee lod.iy. Most of the neighbors uro busy plant- ing thuir corn. Iljdro Klectric uinn :;/e bu«y Mi'oui.d ln"8. 'I'liey have Iheir lanip o i Mr. l!.'i<inoirH fitrin. Hound Lost Ten Dorars Reward will h • piti 1 f.ir ii f riiiul ion thai will lead to the leoot - eiy of a li â- uiid timl slrayeJ from I'nct- vilK- about May 7lh. I'lioii'gr.'tphs mid a thorou'.'hdescriptionof ihedog furnished by the owner on app'ijH-inii mid all cor- respondt irju treati d iMnti'ien; iilly. S. L. WlU.iHT, Pricevile. Reco ds, Needles, Catalogues Till- Coli.mbia is llie porfivl lalkiiig niacliine- Coinpan! all mliois. ihrii Jjpar tiiiHaiid wc aio not iifiuiil ol Ihi' i'e?uit. \\ o can rt*"!! macliiiics on | easy tcnii-s to rc(:poiisiblc penpV. i machinery. AUllic best appointed tity lionus kavu lli«ir parloi inacliincs ami lini'i' id no 1-03.4011 why the fai,iiii;r f-lioiild not liavc llio best iniii'ic of llic day in iiis liotnp, iiicliuling band iniisiL', vocul artislH, and poi forincra o\i all hinds ol in.'ftnnnt'nts. ^ dti c»ii bavt- it on n Coiniiibiii Cirafoiiola as pfiihrt as lli< original, and C'lr iiuicli less iliuii yon would pay for u {'on inoii Oigun. Tlioy lang'.' Iroiji *J(» tii'. SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materialsâ€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful (i IAN ^ Til,' The Perfect Columbid l8 a marvel of iccoiding in lin- mentR and tliR Ooliiiiibia rrc ads, inadn ill Canada, cinbraco tb n iii d- of selections from wliicli lodnoc. W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton It Is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. •Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP is an economical paint because It will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best, â€" Ask us for color cards. Ideal Vacation Route ConvL-nieiit'y Ueiulifig I'OINT-AI HAUIL FRKNCn an I IMCKKUKL UIVKKS SEVEUN RIVER MlSivGK.A l,\KES lUDKAl I.AKKS l.AKKONrAUlO KKSOitr.'s (ii'ii. ral Change of Tine May ;!ll I'.irlioiihirs from .*<, R,i.,d«, Ageii', Klosli- ertun, or wiile M. G. Murphy, D. I'. A., Tidonto. Notice to Creditors FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, I'iiints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESH KRTON I 1000 BuM for Service I'ui'u bred ahuithorn bull, 'AIns'iIito Fyvi.' «,0OO -for aei-ice on hi! iift, K..S. !(.. Aittnnesia, T»rin«- •! .'I'l for gmd-fs, I'm.i brtfil coirw |:i OO. I'ura brwl T.uns«or'h lioK f'lr servioi OU the above lot. Tnriiis tl.CKI f ir nil aiiiiiiMls. KtnvoH •tnist he jiiid for. finiur â€" \V..I.MnHdi« Bull For Service 'l''liiiroughbrt..1 Slmriliorn Ibill,," Hjll oreat Oo«'t'ri>'Jf," No. 'J.'MJW, for "enie. itn lot 27, con H Arteirraia. Tnfina Si SO lor uvadm, f,:i for M|nioliuhl>rid< - ALBX.rAnnrTHKIlH Jifi^^^X^H^H'^yX'S Resumption Can. Pacific M ^ Great Lakes Service ^ Von i:>in lug ii any ili<y fe« Cr , J2 Pilsienijcr H.'H'ii e \ in I lie (iii'sl Lukes #V ^% f'oiioliiin r.irilii' rooto from Pi r» Me- y^-^h^ Af/tOTUjrOJkf^ A/t 1^''' " will be lesiiiii i| ,'oii.iikoii; ng Sit- C<^// • â-  -i.-7/VV^ ^ . uidiy, Mny •-'•-'nil. The Heru.e tlii'« ^â€"-^ ^"^ -^ er« "Keeoa'io' aiiling TiiefvNjr', ih- if Si I' £ OWEN SOUND OWEN SOUND, <».\T liulitiilii'il liiilrili lion. (Ill â- â€¢wii tliiie sliiiv ••II lil'ii'! mill ;',4 111' v.»fiil y "'s I I ex- p'li iirii K«|>«"l ill-lilift IS pliiilllis' tliM >eiy b.i-r fpiilt". Cala'o'/ite Ki'.-v ". A FLKMIN<:. K. ••. A., rrliiei|>itl. I) FLEMING So.ii>i».y "Mtnlob'i' VVedni'Ml >y«, ".Ubeil't" TlmrMluy^ and ".\s»iiinlioi" ' on S.iin' d<l\s from I'olt .M.Niroll nl 4 |i III TIlH ".Vlaiiiioba" Killing Wi-ilnesbiyi wi I iilso e.ll III Owen .Soliiil iiii'.li Siiiiiiu ihil • III JO ;i»l p. III. S, e'iiil Irrn will Imve I'lii n Si it ion. Tor'Hilii, at I "J 4."i p. \\\ , iiirivinu I'urt MrNiooll 4 ti) p. ni Itt ly exe.-pt Friii'iy. For reiH'Hiit on» or ••ill r infoiiniiiiiu r gii lini' Ih « sfiiiee, e"ii-iil any ONTARIO ^^-GaiofiKi I'hc.Ii.' Ag.n', or write M li .. _ _ ^ ^"_ Murpl.y, Disiritn JVsonac '' .^'joni, rornnli). I'l il.e niitter of t'e Estate of ,li4in Doiig'ai, liio of tim Township of O pr.y. III the County of (!iey, Fann- er, di'u a^ed. Noliee is hereby g'veii, piirsuaut !â- > "The TiiHteo .A>'t". mnl iinieiidiiieiils ilieri'lo, t'lit all cied lots and illieis hiving e iiiiiiN iig'iinsi ilweslile if ilie Mii I il'ilin Douglas, who died on or alioni the Keenly t'omlli ihiy of .\pril, A D. MMo, .'It'll r('(|iiiieil on or bef rro the liisi day of .Inly, A. I). lUl.'i, to send by post prepiid or deliver â- <• i\le<sr< Wrigl t, Te'ford lii: McUoimlJ. U«eii I S'liiiul, Siilieilors for I'li' K\titnt< rs of ^ the lait will Hii I t Kiaiiieilt of ilui **\\ John Doiijhs, <lre.aHi<'l, their Chii>lian a' d Nuriiaiiiiis, udilr fses and di'i-eii|>- liona, Ihu lull )iarLicul>ira ollhcir vlniius and the instill e of the <pcurt am. if any, he'll by'tlniii, .Villi further 'ako ii'dioe tint Hftiirinieh lli>l utuiil lolled datd ilin add E\tieu'iu> • i'l prihOpd lo ilisliil)U'» llio aSHii a • f the (be a»oil nnion'.; ilii' |i'iriunent led llipi. |.>, liaviri; legxi'd only lo the tloiii-. of will h t'lev stall then lisve u'i|ice,Mid tliHl ihu xi'd Et^Miloifl will not hi« lia'i'u f' r lhi> said asMils or ar.y )iiii till reof In any per*'on 01 puison.s of wtui«t> idaiiii niilio<< !<hall noi lm>e limn leeeived by ihriii Hi the time of siic'i (list ribiiti<iii Uiled the li st day uf line. tUl.^. Writflii Telfoid ,V .XIolKiiaM, i>tten iS'iinil, Ont , Solieiors fei Kxtuulor« Report of f>. .<. N,. 17, R„ck Mill*, for May. Sr 4-1 Smith, L Partridge, L .-iikin- won. Jr 4 1' P, rtoous. •Sr.'!â€" J .Milne, L Fisher, B Porteou-. L Park. .Jr ."{â€" C I'urt ridge, L Smith. 2â€" H Porteous. M Betia. 1 -.M White, D Fisher, J Porteous, R Smith, C Betts. C-G Thompaon, C Betts, E White. B--A Lnu'-hlm, L Milne, .J Porteous. K â€" V, Hiwkins, ,J Liii:4hlan. Avernge Attendance 'I'i. â€" T. Ciiaid, Teacher. Cement Work Wanted Th« underaigiic<l is prepared to do silo building and concrete wnik. Hs'e bad Ihiiterii yeais e.xi>erience :ina feel ihit I can gve entire ».'ci«f.iction. Have steel forms for silo and ad o iiht neces-ary for all kinds of eenient w..rk. Can also attend It caip •liter wirk. THO.s. BENTHA.M, 1 July llrtheito-i. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Puriunlar attention is directed to the ivni irk ihly low Round Tri|) Faros in cmncciion with homescekeri' E.xoiir- sioiis to Western Canada via Cinadian P.icilic Ibiilnay. Tide's are on sale each Tuesday until O.'t'iber oiJtli, JiK'liisive, nnil are gni,d to return ui'hiii two miinths fiom date of s'lle. The 0. P. |{. . Hers the lines! possible ei|ui|iinent and f.i.stest train service \ ia one (if the most '(.cine roiil-s in the worM. It is the only lino opi rating through staiidai-d and tourist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. .•VII O'piipinent i.-- owned and oporuted by the C. P. R., aft'ording the highest form 1 if ellicieney . If tnoh a trip ia under consideration «p|.ly loaiy C. P. R. Agent f.^r fnl panii'iil^is 01 w;.le M. G. .\luphv D P. A , T.roii'o. House and Lot for Sale t'orn.'V lo' i.i>p,.siff ihe Pie.sliyteriitn cliuicli, lion-e eo;it«iiM !• 10 mis mid I'a'h. lemiiit r llirs, cement eiseni iii'tl-, g.i'idivell an.l slit' le. For terms apply on preiiiis(>s. â€"MRS, It. H. WRIGHT, I lU'l. Flis'lel'OM Benj. Cheeseman, formerly Chief Constible of St»yner, was on Friday laac found guilty of wdful misconduct in office and sentenced by J udije Vauce to pay $14J. Chefseman w.is given a near jh wan ant to recover twelve Sicese, but instead of executing it he secured a settlement for tW). of "hich he ;}ot 135, while the woioan who owned the geese- only gi)t $!.'>. The Judge ordered him to pay a tine of $100 and refund #4."j to the person fioni whom ir hal boei» wrongfully tjkin. Cheese man was con- stable for tsrenty year.s but was sui-peu- ded by .Judge Vance in Janua-y aftei: the preliiiiiniiy investigaioii. â€" Cree- iiiora Star. Court of Revision 1915 Village of Flesherton Tue lirsc siltins; uf Ihe Court of U vis- ion ot t he Assessmeit of thj Vill.ige of Fleshert«>ii will be held at the Town Hall '.n Thur.saay, the 10th day uf June,, llll.j, at 7.30 p. in. Diited this I'.'i day of May, I!U."i. -W. J. BELLAMY, Jlerk. At a meeting of the Itjrrie Towi> <-' luncil .Monday night i'.'/'*) per mootk fioin Slay to December inclusive wa» voted to ihe Red Cross Siciety. In. addition to that the wuinen of Barrie have raised ii.ore than ^1,000 and ihe men h ive recently contributed ?rl,"XtO. Eluaid Wedninrk, aged l!), of Stralh- roy, was aliii'i.'-t instantly killed on the farm of W. P. Morgan, .\delaide town- sh p, last week, by being thrown flora a n^ iiiuro spreider. WOOD CUTTING lluiz Saw Wibo.l C'littint? with neatiiijss and desjiatcb, M> !(• (ill cord^^ [•er day. .\l-<o a goisl strau cutting omiit. ' •^tisfacti'in ; guamntevil. Leave_ vi ur orders with tlie untlenigiied. UaKJ -i;KU I'.R.\(;KKNBIKY, F«.ver3ham Bull For; Service F''r Service. â€" Bar-on Hollyâ€" X--. tJ422. .\l>ei'de<;n .Vngu*. on ;ot ."U, 9ih e. •ikcw- lon, .\rtemesia. Terms. $1.0() if paid before 1st Jan. 1915.â€" W. J. Masee. May 15 BILL FOR SERVICE Till! undersigned lijs a Puie Bred Shoi thorn Bull for ReivicR on Lot I-fl\ Con. -i, S W. T. A S. It , Aritmesia. Teiiiis$l.CO .All cows sei\ed liiu.st le p^iid f.ir liy l.sl Match, l!iHi. liwpt â€" H. Piper. .A peculiir freak of ntture occurred u\\ the farm .if H. Loadlay, C.H>kHio«n, le- cently. .-V ewe gave birth to a lamh and ex ictly t .vo weeks Uter ga.e l-irlh to l«o nil re. .â- \'l three are do ng well. Broad Street*. Berlin boasts ilmt Cuter den Linden a the bro:idest iiitinil street to Ih» 'ound In .niiy gre.nt ilty. It Is •Jl."> feet R-lde. Other ujble tboriniglifures ;iro he Rtnsstriisse. in Vienini. ISS feet; :he Purls Cmiid b- nlevards. 122 feet, ind the Andnissystnisse in Budapest, IfJo feet wide. FEATS OF DIVERS. One Aty l:i^t week a boy student â-  f the (> iig-iille liijh si'hoiil sliiuveil his gen- erosity by Inking one of the girl sliident-i for a drive. Having heard of the woi.der' fill scenery iitmut Credit Forks, they de- ci'led 111 iju/o upon i', and piia-oedtu' there''!. Drivi g aloi.n the I'lad tlioy eanie upon a smnll boy gill. mtly )H>.|itlii<g a viirl's liiryv'le. Tim la 1 wore a lo .k of tiretlnpss, and the girl. Inking pity on Irni, proully exoh>inged places. The hul's f .1-0 exjiresM'd easin»>ss as ho nest- lod down 111 the soft sO'it of the buygy. The gill's ex [ire.-sion was tint uf eon- ton' menl as she forged ahead of her cuui- panion. Pros..M)'ly tho came lo a short but ste^ji hill and sMited lo c>»ist down. .Mviut hilf >«rty down the bieyo'o looped • be lii'ip iiiiil the f.ir ruler Imided on iiiolhur earth Willi treat pr.>!istne. I>i h fuw iiiiunentaher coHipanion ariived and shu exo'aimed ".Are my teeth a!l ou'." It mis f'luiid, however that In r loMh noiuiniu'l bill that nIio hid seratehej bu aim iiud fatM, G tlii; in o the biiuxy ihey l»r'i4!«K'doJ oU ihoir joiiniey t > Crcd.t Fiirka and on arriving hur friend eiil. red the stoi.i und usk-id i.f the Kdy e'eik, "Have yon any peioiide of Hydrogen?' "No, ivylied the elork, but wp buve oiangrade and ita just aa nood to drink -'^un. Remarkabla Enduranc* of tha Peart Fithera of Torres. â-  The greatest depth recorded of work done by a diver in .i suit Is 1S2 feet This depth was rc.-K-hed by the Spanislk diver. Angel KrostMrlt. who recovered S-l.'i.OOO in silver ingots from the wreck of the steamship Skyro off Cnpe Tinls- terre. The sponge divers of tlie .Medl- terriiiioan work at .t mn.\imuui of 15(> feet and the .Australian poarlere at 1-JO feet. The greatest depths reached by hir- ers without tipixiratiis are used by the pearl lisbers of Torres, mostly Malay- ans fiMin the smaller islands. Tboy go down with the aid of a stone and a loop In tbo rope thereto attached which lliey cliiteli with their toes, these or- gans being far more prehensile thaa in races normally shotl. They seldom venture to descend below rtfiy fevt. a depth at which they can remain for two iniiiiites. The stone enables them to remain a^ the bottom whUe they M9 sweeping Ihe pearl tiysters Into a baa- k(.'t attached to the stoue. When tb» diver feels that be must couie up to breathe bo releases his toes from th« becket In tbo ro|)e and at ouce floats to the surface. Voung and healthy Malayan divers t\orklng oyster bed.s below six fathoms make four descents an honr dariofi four hours In the morulng and th« same during four hours In the aftei^ noon folloTviiis u four hour rest A' clvllUed man at a depth of forty-two- feet finds such a dire Intolerable after a single onluote.â€" New York Sua. Th* Gorgons. The Gorsous were creatures of Greek luytUologT. lueutluued by Homer and linrlpldes as betufi of peculiarly abhoi^ rent aspect. Their hair was comv>ose4 of aerpeots, their bcHllen covered with scales and t^irdled witb reptiles with heads erect, vlbratiug their tongues Ihreateniusly, while the hands of the Gorgons, adornetl with sharp talona, were ot brass. The gaie of the inoos sters vna deadly, nil upon 'whom tbey, fixed their eyes Udng turned to stoafl. On* of the three terrible sisters w»» conquered and bebcnded by Perseus, and as be took iHght In ibc air en rout* for Ethiopia, holding the severed bead In his hands, the dro[)s of blood which fell from It lieoame !ierpent\ which ever after iBfooted the sands of Lybla.

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