Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1915, p. 2

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About the Household I'soful llwipcs. For Old I'otatoos.-Put a ' alf- ciip of milk or even a tablespoonful, if UK)ro cannot be sparetl, inty tlie potato kettle this time of year and it' will prevent the boiled potatoes from turning blaek. Watch them carefully that they do not boil over if you pnt in milk. " Spice Pii'.-^One cup thii'k sour milk or cream, one cup .sugar, one cup rai.sins (seeded), yolks of two eggs, einnamon and cloves to ta.ste, pinoii of salt. Bake as yuci would pumpkin pie. When set add ni-r- mgue of two whites and brown. This is delicious. Soft Voawl. â€" In morning soak two cakes yeast. Scald one pint of Hour. When flou*" is sufficiently cool and yeast cakes snfficiontly Soft â€" stir together. Set in a warm place till noon. At noon cook 12 laTge potatoes in plenty of water, dr&in, save water, mash potatoes very fine, then add piitato water. Potatoes can be put in a t'^ree-gal- lon crock and when cool add sponge to tJieni. It will be ready for use by next day. It should be kept in tJie ceJlar. Corn .>lusb. â€" Make a p<jrridge of the meal, cooking it for some time as corn meal requires slow and steady cooking. Add a little more salt. Beat up an egg or two, ac- cording to the amount you have and Btir into the porridge. Pufh to the back of the Kt<^)ve. Have ready a hot well greaj»?d i)ancake griddle. From a tablespoon, dr<^>p the corn meal porridge onto the griddle in Bpoonfulti. Let brown nice>ly be- fore turning over. From three to five minutes is required. Turn it over and push the griddle to the back <if the stove where it can fry slowl.v. With butter and syrup, it makes a splendid supper dish. |>evil's Food With Whipped Crcaui.- Into H double boiler or in a pail which fits into the top of a teakettle, put one-half cup sweet milk, one-half cup sugar, one well- beaten egg, and two squares cho- colate broken into small pieces. Btir and let this cook until it is tjiick and smooth, stirring it all the while. When it has thickened, renK.>ve from the fire, an<l let cool. Id a mixing bowl cream one-half cup sugar with one-quarter cup butter, add two well beaten eggs, one-half cup milk, one teaspoon Boda dissolved in a very little hot water, and scant one and three- quarters cups flour. Flavor with vanilla. I.,a.stly add the chocolate mixture, stir all well togetJier and bake for about three-quarters of an hour in a nuKlerate oven. Bake in two layers and put together with whipped cream filling. Hi'liiful Hints. Iron Itiist. -A quick and ea.«y way to remove iron rust from clothes i-i to put a teasiHion of cre:irii of tartar on the spot, tie up ihv <l<)tli around it into a little bag and boil the garment. Ilinidkerehiel' DresHer Scarf.â€" Taki- three latlies' hernstit<'hed handkercliiefs, thosr- with an em- broidered design inside of the hem •re prettiest. U^ve the same size and pattern. Make into a strip with a row of la<'e insertion be- tween each. I*ut a row of the in- sertion all around the e<lge and tlieii a lace to match tlie insertion. Thi.s is very pretty when washed, not expensive and easily launder- ed. Use a strip of <'ambrie or sa- teen <if any iiref erred color under- neath. Curtain Shade Help. -If your roller curtains arc to<j wide for the window it is not TO?ces.siary to cut off tlif roller, but y<iu can nail two rnnall hiocks of woixl on eit.her siide of the window, an<l <jn these fasten curtain brackets, and the curtain rod Huporters. After the laoe cur- tain is hung, the extra width of the riui<ie is not noticeable. If ahs<j lutely necessary to cut off roller, cut off at (he solid end. This is for the i)enefil of tJiose who move fre- quently and have trouble fitting their shiides. NtrelchiiiK Curtain. â€" Not all housewives have <iirtain stretx^-hers «nd the follow iiig substitute, which is nearly as gotid, may prove of value. After was-hing your lace curtains in the usual way, select a nice Bunny place, on tlie out'-s-ide of your house. Wash off carefully. Have a box of small tinned tacks (as they will not rust) and a clean hammer. Let the edge of the clap- board be your guide. Take each scallop, and ctretch well. By put- ting tliem up early in the morning, do two pairs at a time and take down before sundown. No ironing is necessary and they look like new. For the Housekccppr. Shoes will last muah longeir if occasionally rubbotl ' with vaseline when they are new. Put pump-bows on pumps with snap fasteners â€" it ie much easier than sewing them on. Potatoes will be more mealy if a cloth is put over the saucepan be- fore putting on the lid. When frying meat or fi.sh sprinkle a little salt over the bottom of the pan before putting in the fat. This prevents any spattering on the wall or rust on the stove. t.'old water soothes the pain of any .sudden inflammation of the eye ; hot water will help a dull pain and a weak solution of boric acid is always good for the eye. If possible have a outside door in your kitchen; it will make it so much cooler in summer, and it it has a lig^ht in it you will have a glimpse of the outside world and feel happier. Suet and lard are best kept in tin vessels. Salt pork, 'however, should be kept in glazed earthen- ware. Blackberries can be preserved with a smaller quantity of sugar than other fruit. To take all of the color out of a faded cotton garment, boil it in cream of tartar water, and it will be white. With salt boiled codfish, serve parsnips ;• with boiled salt mackerel com bread or fried cornmeal iiiusli. If you boil h<Ktks and eye« in strong soda water before sewing them <in garments, it will prevent their iron molding in the wasih. When making tomato bisque use the water in which rice has been boiled insteatl of milk. It will not curdle and is much cheaper to use than milk, besides being fully as good. Stranslcd Mifh Red Tape. The late Mr. H. B. Claflin, who was one of the. great merchants of the last generation, lived for many years at Kings Bridge, one of tbe suburbs of New York. It wa.s his whim to liave each morning before breakfast a drink of cold water fresh from a spring near the house. One very rainy morning the pit- cher was not in its usual place, and he asked the waitress why iit was missing. "Why, Mr. Claflin," she said, "it was raining s.o hard and is so muddy that 1 was afraid if I went after the water I sihould be too soiled to wait on the table. I asked Michael to get it for me, hut he .said it was his business to look after the horses and carriages, not to run errands." "Oh!" said Mr. Claflin, thought- fully. "Perihaps ho is right, KHa. Please tell lum I want the Vic- toria." Ten minutes later, witli mucth trampling of iKwjfs and champing of bits, the carriage drew up at the d<M)r, with Mi<ihael on tJie box in his rubber <'oat and hat cover. "Come, Ella," said Mr. Claflin, "get .your pitcher" ; and taking her by the arm, he walked d<iwn the front steps and helped her into the carriage. "Michael," said he, "drive Fylla to the spring and back, ao sihe can get me some water without muddy- ing herself." Ever after Michael us^vl to fill the pitcher on rainy mornings without even waiting to bo asked. 4. .lamtw n. is the only EnglLsh king who has ever alxlica-ted since the ('(Hiqueist. The Caterpillar Pest The following timely warning haa been <'ir(Milated by J. A. Carroll, of the Department of .\gri('ulture, respecting the calerjiillar, which pest threatens to do much damage this year. Be warned in time and •ave yourself much worry, trouble tnd money later on. Webs of this insect are now seen In thousands in our orchards and on wild trees and bushes growing Along fences. If no attempt is made to cuntivd these caterpillars Ihey will sprea<l all over the trees, strip them hare of leaves, destroy the .young fruit, and in time kill the trees outright. 1. Cut down and burn useless wild trees grf)wing along fences and waste plaices. 2. Pull off the webs early in the morning or in the evening (they are out feeding in the day-time) and crush them under foot or burn them, or-â€" 3. Moke a torch by soaking a rag on the end of a stick with coal oil and burn the webs on the tree, or- - 4. Spraying is tho best remedy where many trees are affected. It is thorough and takes only a ehort time, and is so useful in so many other ways t^iat the <lifferenoe in the quality oif the fruit alone will pay the whole cost of the spray be hides destroying the tent caterpil- lars. Use 2 to 2Vi Ibi. of arsenate of lead to 40 gallons of water or spray mivture just before the blossoms are open. Paris green may be u»ed--l-3 lbs. to 40 gallons of wa- ter. Do not use Pans green with lime sulphur as burning would re- sult. If iblossoms have opened spraying may bo done after they have fallen, byt before they open is the proper tune. When spraying it would cost lit- tle more to apply lime sulphur with arsenate of lead and thereby con- trol apple gcab. Cool and turn the eggs every day. Take about five minutes ior the job. Do this for the first eighteen days and keep moisture in the incubator for the same length of time, and if the egg shells get too hard and dry after this, moisten them to make them soft. After the eighteenth day, keep a careful eye upon the temperature. Warmth generated by the hatching eggs has got to be allowed for. Use only sound, strongly fertiliz- ed eggs to begin with. Have them of uniform size. LORD KITCHENER'S VISIT TO GEN. JOFFUE AT THE FRONT. A photograplier caugiht tlhie two just as Lord Kitchener was say- ing good-bye. REMARK ABLV STRONG POSI- TION OF THE .MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA SHOWN BV ANNUAL REPOIIT It is significant that after more than eight montlis of the severest financial strain Canada has ever exi)erienced, the Merchants Bank of Canada comes forward with a report sihowing not only the great- est strength in its history compar- ing fav<jrably with the strongest commercial bank throughout the world. Perliapa the outstanding feature of the Annual statement as at .Vpril 30th last, is the assets which are or can imnip<liately be convert- ed into cash. Theso amount to SI32,0S6,571.51 exclu.sive of $1,000,- 000 deposited in the Central Gold lleserve, and !if335,(X)0 deposited witch tlie Government for the jiur- po.ses of the Circulation Fund. .M- together the immediately realisable a.sisets amount to $33,(21,571, or over 46% of the Bank's liability to tilie public. What this means will be appreciated when it is reniiem- bered that last year these items totalled over $8,000,000 less, or less than 37% of the liabilities t*) the public â€" and this was a very- good showing for normal times. The total assets of tilie Bank are $80,190,464.51, an increase (Jif over three millions from last year. It is Worthy of note that there are no mortgagiis, while overdue debts and real estate, otiher than Bank prem- ises together amount to only $203,- 53H.40, or less than one-third of one per cent, of the total assets. The actual cash, coin and notes, on hand were over $21,000,000, or twice wlliat they were a year ago. Thus the Merchants Bank of Can- a<la is in a pifsition of great .strength, which enables it to face any [KKssible development of the war situation with perfect confi- de iioe. During the year the Bank's de- posit business exi>anded very con- siderably. lt« deposcits bearing in- tereisit increased over four millions, U) $.W,037,101.80, and its total pub- lic liabilities grew three millions to $71,7(10,613.81. Tlio capital paid up and the reserve fund stand at $7,000,000 each. Profits were necc'ssiarily affected by tflio efforts to nruiintain no high a ratio of liquid wwerve or assc'ts that could bo converted into cash immediately. Current comineroial loans in Canada, the nuiiii SKUirco (>f a Canadian Imnk's piy)fits, were reduced by $0,200,1X10, and the^ net profits for the .year were $01)5,431, against $1,218,094 for 1914. These were slill furtJier reduced by ap- propriations for patriotic puripoaes, by tihe war taxes and by $250,000 written off for depreciation in itJie market value of fecuritie«. TliO're is every probability that tIhe latter amount wild be in conniderahle part recovered in the future, when se- curities resume tliear normal vrnlue, ' The appropriation for patriotic purposofl indicate the saerifioes that the Bank is making for tho general good in tliese exacting times, and the sihareholdera are amply compensated in the fact tJiat the Bank's immense .strengtih and eonwtttntly widening connections enable it ito look forward to greatly enhanoetl pro8j>erity «« iStwjn as business in Oanadia re«umeis its usual aotivity. Meanwliile a bal- ance sheiet such «« this, after near- ly nint' nKmtlhs of war, is the beat evidence of solidity and MOund management that a bank could jnos- isibly iha^'e. OULTRY Some imien's ideas of progress is to Rt.and and watch otilieint go back- ward. White Plymouth Rocks. White Plymouth Hooks are one of the moflt popular and profitable breeds known. They had their origin as "sports" from Barred Plymouth Rocks about 26 years ago, when they were produced as grays, but developed by \)reeding into a white variety. The females are exceptionally good layers of large, brown eggs, and the chicks are rugged and act- ive, making e,\cellent fowls for broilers and heavy-ibreasted roast- ing chickens. They weigh from S to 10 pounds for males and 6 to 8 pounds for females. They are more highly developed in shape, finish and color than other members of tho Plymouth Rock family. Their plumage is beautifully white and their beaks and shanks a rich orange yellow in color. Size and type have almost made them leaders for market poultry. In this respect' they are only rival- ed by the White Wyandotte's, and, to be exact, the Rhode Island Reds have gained on them con- siderably during the last few years These are the three most widely bred and every one is a profit pay- er. It is a record of fact that every so-called breed is a fowl that has had, as a reason for its construc- tion, its general, all-round utility value. The charao.teri.stics of the White Plymouth Hock should 'be the same as those demanded for all other varieties of the breed. In color they should be pu»e white, the sur face tX)lor, the quills and the under color absolutely white. Their eyes red ; legs, feet and beak rich gold- en yellow. In this, as in all other clean-legged varieties, the shanks and feet should bo smooth and free from any feathers or down, either on the shanks or between the toes. Prepare for Dear Krrh. If tihe farmer wishes to benefit by the high prices tliat eggs are cer- tain to bring next fall and winter, he should b«gin to get ready for them at once. The woy to have "ggs late in the year is to liatch pullets early. It is the early hatches from which tho early pul- lets are derived that are the larg- est money makers for the poultry producer. The early hatched pul- let*, if properly grown, should be- gin to lay in the fall at the time when eggs are scarce and high in price. Pullets must be well matured be- fore they will lay many eggs. Pullets that start to lay in the fall beifore cold weather sets in will, as a rule, lay all winter. Yearling and 8 year-old hens do not lay many eggs in the fall, aa they arc molting at that time, and the feed they consume goes not only to keoip up the energy and life of the birds but also to put on or grow a new coat oif featners. In properly matured pulle.t« all surplus energy beyond that needed to meet tlie reciuirementa of tho body is availalble for the produc- tion of eggB. HE CAN SEE THROUGH mis THE DEVICE AT PRESENT RE- SEMBLES A CAMERA. The Wizard Marconi Invents Ma- chine Which Makes SoUd Sub- Htunces Penetrable by Eye. GuglieJmo Marconi, inventor of wireless, sailed recently for Liver- pool, whence he will travel through Fra.nce to Italy. He returns to his native country at the outset of Italy'q participation in the war at the personal request of King Vic- tor Emmanuel. Ju.st as he sailed he told of having almost perfected an invention by which a person may see through a solid wall. The device in it« present state outwardly resembles a camera, Sig- nor Marconi said. When plac^ against a wall or floor it makes the solid wood or metal transparent â€" in tlhis respect it resembles the X- ray. "It is rot finished," exclaimed the inventor. "Persons can be seen in the next room if they are close enougfh to the wall, but the image is blurred if they are a little distance away." Marconi saw tests of the new and powerful wireless apparatus at Sayville, L.I., in connection with the Marconi Company's patent suit. There was an experiment with the wireless telephone, but the weather was not favorable and nothing startling was accomplish- ed. Some of the enthusiasts about the wireless telephone believed that with proper conditions it would have been possible to converse with the tower at Nauen, Germany. "But the visible telephone â€" where persons talking Can See Eiu-h Other â€" iis coming successfully, although luenbation NotoH. When using an incubator, keep it at a temperature of 102 to 103 degree*. ^ I myself am not working on it,"i observed the inventor. Marconi will stop long enough in England to see his family. It it expected that he will take charge • of the Italian wireleas service. Ha is a commissioned officer of tho Italian navy, but expects to remain â-  ashore most of the war. Marconi delayed the sailing ot the Italian liner Stampalia, whicfc • left for Naples. The wait was to enable tihe inventor to finish ajr- • rangements for shipping wireleai '• and other supplies to ItaXy. The Stampalia was closely guard- ed at her pier at the foot of Weem ' Thirty-fourth street lest some newJ^y made enemy of Italy try to harm her. There were more than ninetj^ Italian reservists in tIhe first cabin. In the other classes there were up< • ward of 100 reser\-ists, many w uniform. February 2hd, 1801, saw the aW sembling of the fir.st Parliament 01 the United Kingdom of Great Biit^ ain and Ireland. | No per.son may establish a wira less tolegraph station in the Brit-> ish Isles or on board a British shda in home waters, except under a li-j cence granted by tihe Postmaster- General. 1 Here is a full list of birthstones! January, garnet; February, ajae^ thyst ; March, bloodstone ; April,' sapphire; May. emerald; June, J agate; July, ruby; .Vugust, sar-; donyx ; September, chrysolite ; Oc- tober, opal ; November, topaz ; De- cember, turquoise. Pure Ice Cream IT IS GENERALLY CONCEDED that Tuberculosis is transmitted by unpasteurized Ice Cream. City Dairy Ice Cream is Pas- teurized and tlicrefore safe for even the youngrest chiid. Tlie Purity andhealtiifulness of City Dairy Ice Cream is guarded in every way. The matter of flavoring is an important one â€" City Dairy uses no imitations or synthetic flavors â€" we flavor our "Maple Walnut" with pure maple sugar â€" we use Pure Fruits in our "Fruit Ice Creams" and flavor our "Vanilla" with the Pure Mexican Vanilla Bean. The minute specks in City Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream are pieces of the ground bean â€" "the specks make the flavor." So far as we know we are the only manufacturers in Canada using the Pure vanilla bean, and no other make can compare with the delicate flavor of City Dairy Vtinilla Ice Cream â€" the cost is about double but the selling price is the same. Asit for the Ice Cream in wliich "tlie species make the flavors- City Dairy. for Sal* by itlaoHmlnutlng mH»/tk»m»»ra •yi-y¥¥ff; «J#^ l-ook for tho Sign. TORONTO. tV« want an aaâ€"ti In mvry fwn

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