June 10 1915 'T'llE FLESH E 11 ION ADVANCE 7HE> f /lc6l)erloa -ADuancc Xn Independent newspaprr, publitlied every *Wiund»y •« th"" (iftic«, Colhngwood Street, Kl.-«herti>n. Subscriptiim price tl perannuiij when i>aid in advance ;$1.50 when not «o paid A d vertiiinx rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly JU" K. Ttmrslon- Editor FlcsKcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. 11 ». ni. and 7 p. in. -Tlie pHStor Sundftj', 10 a. m. Fellowshii) Service. Monday evening Epwoitli League at H p. 111. Mark Everette Wright cl oir leader and Org-iuist. PRISON AND THE ARMY with h desire to play fiir and square, get out and yell yourself lioar.se for tlio home team, and stir tliiugs up. Good uleau spoil is worthy of every encouiagcmrut. And for the old rheumatic bones it is luucli easier to eutei into the sports from the side line thau to get into the midst of them yourself. Wherever you live give the boys a boost, and every time you do it will take years off your feelings, and a man is only as old as he feels. BASEBALL NOTES The Flesliertun liaBcba'l leaiu tuuk a i trip to Rock Mills on Tuesday evcninji of last week and played ii friendly game with a teuiii from that district, coming out on I lie long end of a 7 (> score. Good stoHdy pitchin;; by McAuley and some sensational flcldmj; saved the game for FIcsliertoii and added another victory to their list. The boys are playing good ball and cull give the best of them a tidy argument. The lirst three innings look- ed like a walkover for Rock Mills, the score at the end oF that period being 4 0. After that the Flesherton boys ^ol busy and Umbasted the oS'eiingH of two pitchers to nil comers. .1. Bowler iniide a leiy etiicient referee and his work was satiiifactf'ry to all. A return )(»nie ill be played here en Thursday eveninc, called at 5.:<0 p. in. •Bob" Cook, tbe notorious Orange ville law breaker, is out of jail again. He is OHt of it ofWcially, and stands a fair chance of never going back again, if he behaves himself. With four of his seven years' jail term fltill to serve, he has been released on condition tlinl he join the army for active service. Anything is better than life in jail, And Bob was willing to serve. The Advance would not cast reflections on his patriotism, however, by imply- ing that he has joined the colors racielv to escape the jail sentence Bob would probably have joined had he been enjoying his liberty. The only difference between many ut !i^nd the man who is in jail is that he has been caught with the goods on, vihile we have notâ€" and being caught is au unpardonable offence. iJob was caught. The action of the punitive authori- ties in permitlin<,' this criminal to leave jail will not please certain in- dividuals whose religion calls for "an €ye for an eye and a tooth foi a tooth," but it will appeal to those who have human sympathy in their breasts. The very characteristics which led Bob Cook to steal his sheep and to break all the odd laws he could find lying around wailing. l3 be broken would lead him to perform the deeds which have distinguished Canadians in Flanders during the past few months. Oivcu the discipline of the army to which he will have to bow, and also given the opportunity to take risks, to mix in excitement with hon- or, a^d withal, to work jtr some of tbe excess of spirits which have work- «d his downfall in polite society, Hob may come out of the European brawl the better for it â€" if Le be so fortunate as to come out at all. There is nn sense in our system of imprisonment within four walls, for reforming prisoners. It is a splendid plan of punishment, but is . far from reformative in iti effejt. The army will do more by fjr to put a man who is down back onto his feet again, than will a prison term. There are other "Bob.'." who could be given a chance lo make gotd again if there was any person to take an interest in their case. Doubtless there could he a lot of twaddle written and spoken about the "disgraofa" of having our country defended by criminals, and tbe diffi- culty which would follow the putting of a criminal alongside the young man from a good home â€" but as we said at the beginning, the criminal is only tbe mau who ha^ been caught. If he is a lough case, nine times out of ten it is because ho is a victim of the system. lu any event, there is a criminars viewpoint as well as the other obaps. Sergt. O'Leary, '"the bravest man ill the IJritish army," and incidcntully a member of the North West Mount- ed Police, was reported killed. He writes to his mother, however, that he is safe. Now, O'Leary knows the! , ,,, ,, ; June 10. tiame truth of tne matter better than | ^j,,,;,^;^,, ^^^ possibly any person else, and so he's i probably right, when he says he is ,, „ ., - , , .i i i i *^ J " ' •> ()ii Friday night the boy.-* played a plugging away at tl.e Germans. ( ^^j^,„ „^„^g ;„ Markdale with a team of o I that buri; and were again victorious, this "Canadians are best," say.s one ''â- «« 1*"= ^'^'>'^ '*'"« ** 2- McAuley war writer, which reminds us tl.at of pitched another good game and certainly the original Canadiacs it was oneP I deserved his victory. Markdalegot F. H. W. HICKUNG " FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Millinery Offering We have just made some very ad\ antageous puichases in Millinery, iiieliiding shapes, trimmings and flowers, etc., which enables us to make some special offerings this week. These are entirely new goods and everything is made up to our usual first class standard. Trimmed Hats, regular $3.00 to $8.50 value, special $1.99. Trimmed Hats, regular $4.00 to $5.00 value, .special $3.00. New Shapes Selling at Half Price See our window display and special tables. said, "A Indian." good Indian It was oncei a dead I their two runs in the tirst inniiig.s and after that the Flesherton boys steadied down and the boys from the north never I had a chance. The fielding was ({ood at Wouldn't it be fierce if Bob Cook ' times and only three or four errors were were to be captured by the Geimans| <:''«[ked up agaim.t the^ Fle.sher'on boys. after begets to the front. It would be out of the frying pan into the fire with a vcngeanc?. Jane Addams says force never settled anythit'g. We had thought that it settled tl.e early breakfast problem. There's lots of room at the top â€" at the top of a London or Puns hotel when there is a Zeppelin scare. The Russians arc drinking furniture polish, 'tis said. It was a different Polish that they have been gobbling up for a number of years back. I F. McTavish ar.d H. Mercer gave general satisfaction s.s umpires. XXX VVhat i.-^ wrong with the supportera of the local ball teani^ Flesherton has won three straight games and have a record oF four wins, two losstf and one tie game Surely a b.iseball tean that plays thi.s brand of bait deserve better patronage than they have been receiving. Let us see you t\llat the ne.xt game. Come and help the buys. Novelties in Summer Footwear for Ladies Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Burgulars in Grand Valley On Tliui.sddy morning when I.iaughlin Sinclair's store was upened it wa.M ijuite appircnt that Eome person had been around since closing time the evening be- fore, about eleven o'clock. A glass case containing abetter line of chocolates was empty, banana skins on the floor, evidenc- ed a leisurely feast while a missing ipian- lity of tubaccj is suggestive of happy reveries for the midnight visitors for some moons tu come. The dejd ki s no doubt done by some (lerson with a fairly accurate knowledge of iliu premises. Taking a railway spike from the C. P. II. they pried open a window saah at the rear of the sicre, entering a slock room. From this they pulled i cardboard ifT a broken window getting access to the cellarway, and Iroin there to the store. In going out the robbers opened the door leading from the store to the rear. Not ] .satmtied with the plunder here, the ' visitois curried oft' a C!ove!aud bicycle be- longing to Wm. Buchanan, C. P. I{. Perhaps the load was t)0 heavy to carry i or the track a poor way for wheeling, and ' they coinmandered a lorey at the station I making use of it as far as the giado to- wards Waldemir. Strange to say the' burgulars have covered up their tracks' very etfeclually, and so fsi no trace of the niissing goods has been learned. - Star & Videlte. The Past From ihe bloody brook at Blenheim, From the ditch at MalplB(|uet, { Tlie gliosis of Ihe old English Uise up once more today To watch where, mixed with .'tranpera. The blood tlows once again Within the sodden trenches Above the Uiver Aisne. Changed are the times and weapons. Vet the .s:ime ends they uain As when upon the Hnllaiid dykes They faced the i>ikus of Spain ; Or when, for the world's freedom, Till the loii» tight was throush, The Knulish gusrd stood fast upon The heights of Waterloo. Once more the British yeomen Stand fast amid the aluin, .Xnd tho.se who've gone before know wi-ll They will not die in vain ; And the shades of the old E,nglish May lay ihem down and say, "Anitlnu' g.iUant company Will win or dij todiy." - Anon. Dr. J. Ralph Smith i^' OSTEOPATH j Office and Residence-4fi8 !)th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. j Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. j I to 8 p.m. Other hnuis by appointment, i Dr. R. F. EM((lish will be in Flesheiton on "Tuesday and Friday afternoons of each week. The Old Adage A Business School ln That 8ucces.sful school whose graduates occupy prominer.t po- sitions from the Atlant.c to the Pacific, re-opeiu for the FALL TERM .Septemlier Isl, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal m CollingwO'd, Ontario. H Notice l>r. H. F. EnglisU, naicopaliri- Physician, of Owen Sound, will be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday after- noons of rach week. Commencing F'li- day, June 4th. For appointment phone ring '.i. WOOD CUTTING Ilu?/. .Saw Wood Cutting with iiuatllcsH and df^ipatih, "ill to IW i-urd.n i« r day. Alsn a goiid stravvcuttiuK outfit. Satisfaction ^ gnaranteeil. Leave yciir or<lern with thi' undcmignrd. IJalli -CKO URACKENHI'RV, Fiveishain HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned h;ive a pine bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesis. Termsâ€"?:! for pure breds, $1..")0 for grades. All cows served must be paid tor. -T. & J. WATSON. 1 m»r 1 The Proof of the Pudding is in , the Eating The same is equally true of the 1900 (travity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. iA S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot McConnick Farm Implements. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Loadei's, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay h orks, flings, Filter PLAY A WHILE It is a drearv life which ia not broken up by play of some Bort, Re- creation and ic.sl from toil are as necessary an food and drink. (No reference is made to the kind of drink (hat comes biibblin,; out of bottles.) Without play cf »onie sort the machin- ery called man (or woman | will wear out before it.i time and goto pieces. I'ieces uf a human machine which liae gone to the scrap heap arc hard to assemble; and even when assembl ed arc often far from bt iuR what they yiere bffoic the wheels stopped going rouui). Don't wait too long, but gut into the fnn while yon can enjoy it. Kor inBtanco, fake an inleiest in the ^ames of the young folks, Inspire them New General Store For Priceville. Wo have purchased and taken possession of the business and stock of Mr, S. J. Brander and bespeak the liberal patronage of the citizens of this district. Wo hope to meet with yll former customers and many new ones, and are prepared to offer you courteous and unexcelled service. We purpose carrying one of the most select and up-to-dato stocks of General Dry Cfoods, Boots and 8lii)cs, Groceries, (!rockery, etc., to be found in the county. Fresh goods, (juick turnovers, and small profits will be our motto. Buy yonr Seed Corn, Rape, Turnip and Mangle Secids now. Our prices are the lowest. Special prices on Flour and Feed this week. Give us a call. See the snaps we offer. Let us serve you. Open Evenings. F. G. RARSTEDT, 2 Brandcr's Old Stand, Priceville, Ont. Property For Sale Fart lot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. & 8. R. containine 28.^ acres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. 'I'liere is a good frame house and stable 'and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to .loseph A. Letjard, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.-^^t Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Auction Sale Of Live Stock R. U. Long will otTer for sale at the Grand Tiunk Stock y.irds, Durham, on Saturday next, June 5, at 1 o'clock p.m., five fresh calved cows, fifty calves, and a number of young cattle. Termsâ€" ;i mos. credit on all sums over 810. Six per cent, per annum off for casli.â€" D. Mc Phail, auctioneer. I ii ii K^S'^^^S*;a'SS'S'^S'S-S^^'Si^S*5Uj Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavet roughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- I Notice To Creditors jl In the matter uf the estate of Jane||)| Corbctt, late of the Township of Ar-||jt| teinesia, in the County of Grey, widow, ; [aS deceased . â- || I Notice is hereby giventhat all creditors | III and others havinj claims against the es-'||| tato of the said Jane Corbett, who died' ^^ on the 7th day of March, 1915, are re- \ (|uired on or before the ]2ih day of June, 1015. to lend by post prepaid or deliver to C. R. McKeown, Orangeville P. O., Solicitor for the executor of the estate of Ihe said deceased, their namea ami addresses, with full particulars of their claims, and the amount of the security, if any held, by them. And further take notice, that after the 12ih day of June, 1015, the said e.\ooutor will proceed to dis'tribulo the assets of the said deceased's estate among the parties ontiiled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have noiice, »nd the said executor will not bo liablt for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or per- sona of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of luch distribution. Dated at (.)rangeville this 25lh day of May, 1015. C. R. McKEOWN. Oranueville, Ont. Solicitor for the said Kxecutor, ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefiitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. Stock for Sale .A couple of blood sows. 1 Hvi'ksliire auil 1 Mwoith for B«le. Terms to miit inirchaser. GEO. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. l>. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Channeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Josephine The greatest butler making strain known F'lesHex*ton. ^f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire S.itisfaction LAl'NDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday cveni-ig Term of sorvice 01' pure bred. GEO. MOORE & SON, Props., U CLEANING and DYEING- WV are H.50 for grades, $5 j agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes I cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR