Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1915, p. 5

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June 10, 1915 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE EstaUished over Forty-one Ymm THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 TheA,B,CofB«nkiiig Perfect Safety. Quick Assets. Reliable Service We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SHERTON BRANCH FLE CEO. MITCHELL, Brenchei alto at Durham and Harrutao. Mvnager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.33 a. ni. 11.% a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton a^ oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth as 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS V Wool Marketâ€" row ished. 18 to -iOc ; w-whed, 28 to 30c. Mr. Harold Mitchell of Grafton spent the week end at hib home here. Mr. Thomas Siyman of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. LewLs H. Sheardown, Attemesia, on Juae 1st, a SOD. Mr. and Mrs. W. Budkio and Miss Lilian cf Flesherton, Mrs. Wiley and Bf iss Ella Buskin of Wodehouse, spent Sunday in Guelpb, returuln» Monday. The District semi-annual L. O. L. of Arteroesia will be held at the Urange Valley Lodge, 5o!>, on Friday, June 11, at 2 p. ra. A. Jackson, D. M. ; S>las Shunk, D. S. Will the pitrty who picked up a purse on Fields' hill, eiu^t of the village, on Tuesday, May 25, contniniog important freight and express bills, kiudly leave at this othce and oblige. An auction sale of household furniture will be held at the residence of Mr. Geo. Myers in this village on Saturday nert, June 12, the property of Miss Belle Clinton. Sale at 2 p. m. R. J.Sproule, uuctiooecr. The Portlaw Red Croiis society will hold a nicnster garden party two loti west of Portlaw on Wedneeday, .June 1*!. There will be a couple of good baseball matches, also tea and a good program. Admission 2.5 and I5c. Mr and Mrs. James G irdner of Heath- cote announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence Ezeline, to Mr. Lewis Akxauder Ueekie, sou of Mr. and Mrs. George Reekie, Heathcote, ihe marriage to take place in Brandon the middle of June, where Mr. Reekie has a tine situation . Wanted â€" An iudustrious nun who can earn f 100 per month and expenses selling our products to farmers. Must have some means for starting expenses and furnish contract signed by two respon- sible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh Oo., Toronto, Ont., giving age, occupa- tion and references. The Neepawa, Man. Press, says : A recent issue of the Flesherton (Ont.) Advance contained the interesting infor- ntation that Mrs. Pedlar, aged 75, had Lit*ed over 50 pairs of socks for the Canadian soldiers in Flanders. The lady referred to is the mother of C. T. Ped- lar, of Neepawa.and the patient industry involved in this knitting matter explains to some extent the disposal of 2d Furd «srs this spring in Xeepawa territory. An assivult case from Irish Ltke w;is tried here before James McMullen, J. P., one day last week. Frauk Sullivan charged Angus Campbell, Angus Mc- Donald and James C jnneliy with having played the German by all three attack- ing him. Campbell was hned to and costs ; Angus McDonald 92 and costs, and Connelly was dismissed, The case appears to have been a wanton «ttack and the tines would have been heavier CDly Sullivan asked for leniency as he only desired protection. Friday night last saw the justice mill here working overtime on liquor cases, with Ma;(istratos McMullen and McTav- ish attending to the hopper. Constable Cook had seized four hampers of liquor at the station, .til addressed to different partiesâ€" three of them local and one to a Feversham citizen. The three local cases were returned to the consignees and the Feversham case was contiscated as it contained twice the amount that the law allows, and had it been seized on the premiRes of the coiiSignee would have made him liab'o to a |300 line. Another case was that of a Eujenia man who was charged with being intoxicated in a local option muuioipaUty. This was not prov- en to the satisfaction of the magistrates and he was dieinissed. It was nearly •leven o'clock when court adjourned. Sargent's sawmill between the village and station was burned down early Mon- day inorning. Natural causes. Mrs. Adam Smith, Eugenia, received a cird from her sen, Fred, on Tuesday stating that he is a prisoner in Germanv, and being well treated. The magnificent downpour of rain, general thraughout this county, on Mon- day evening, did an inestimable air.ount of good to the growing crops. The Flesherton Red Cross Society will meet each Wednesday for work in the old library room, Armstrong's block, and any person desiring to assist are invited to join in the good work. Owen Sound Westside Methodist San- day School's annual Excursion to To- ronto, Niagara and Soldiers' Concentra- tion Camp, via C.P.R. to Toronto, and Canada Steamship Lines to Niagara, on July 17th. Running on Saturday makes this the most popular summer outing of the season Information cheerfully fur- nished by any Methodist clergyman in your locality. See big bills later. ' Roc'< Mills Sunday School reopened May 2nd. School commences at 2.30 p. m. Officers and teachers are request- ed to be present every Sunday. Officers elected for the year 1915 are as quoted : Supt., Edgar Betts : Sccy.-Treas., Annie Betts ; Organist. Mrs. R. Croft ; Bible Class teacher, Edgar Belts; Assist., T. Atkinson ; 1st class teacher, Mrs. I. Smith ; Assist., Mrs. H. Clark ; 2ad cUis^ teaclier, Mrs. EJgar Betts ; Assist., Fred Russell ; 3rd class teacher. Leila Clark ; Assist., Carl Atkinson. The Annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of South-East Grey, will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, oo Friday, June 18, 1915. At the same time will be held a Convention to select a Candidate to contest the rid- ing at the next Dominion Election. A full attendance of Delegates and others from all parts of the Riding is requested. Meeting to commence at 1 p.m. At the close of the business meeting a pub* lie meeting will be addressed by Hun. W. I. White, M. P.; Hon. I. B. Lucas. M. P. P.; R. J. Ball, M. P.,au.l others. Angu4 Ego, M. D., Secy.; Wm. Breese, Pres. Liberal-Conservative Associat- ion. This year the Flesherton High Schooj is sending up for the vari'ius departmen- tal examinations, the largest classes in the history of the school. Forty-one have paid in their fees, thus signifying their intention of writing. On the Low- er School examination, held i<t the end of the second year, 22 pupils will write. These examinations take place June l(i, 17 and 18. On the Normal Entrance examinations eighteen will write. These examinations take place June 24 â€" liOth. Five of these pupils by tryina; two ad- ditional papers in toth Lalm and French will also seek Matriculation st'indiug, and there is one candidate for Matricul- ation only. About 80% of these candi- dates were recommended by the stiff ai having fair chances of success. Bills are out for a monster celebration in Flesherton on July 1st. The day's sport starts at 10 a. m., when there will be a grand calithumpian proce8aiou,after which comes the greasy pig contest on the market square. The afternoon pro- gram commences at 1 o'clock, when there will be a baseball tournament con- kisting of Kimberley, Htrkdale, Dun- dalk and Flesherton teams. After this there will be a Ladies' baseball match between Mclntyre and Flesherton. Good prizes are given and every game will be a good one. In the evening .-v grand concert will be given in the High School, when Dundalk talent will present a three act play, entitled, "Captain Rackett." This is an excellent play, and those who miss it will miss the l>est concert ever given in Flesherton. Accommodation for the day will be plentiful, as two churches will serve dinner as well as the hotels. We hope to see you alt cut for a good day's sport. I Wants to Fight at seventy I An old njan aged 70 years, living near ! Marmion iu SuUivau Tp. , tried to enlist ' with the 37th battalion at Owen Sound, says the Chesley En tei prise. lie was ' refused on account o( his age, but has been so stirred by the sinking of the Lusitauia, that he declares he will go down to Toronto to try to enlist, and if refused there will pay his own pas-sage to England and cross over to the continent to take a pot shot at the Huns. ^Odds and Ends ^ ARTICLES FOR SALE Horse for Saleâ€" Good farm boree, 6 years old. For information phcme Herb Clark, Usprey circuit. Potatoes For Sale â€" Apply to W. J. Magee, Eugenia. Fresh kiln of lime ready for June 7 â€" W. J. Meads, Durham Road. Tele- phone. For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. --Vpply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Spreule keeps constantly on hand and for sain cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy ti^rms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank bam and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELUNEOUS Lostâ€" Between Flesherton and Kim- berley on Friday, J une 4, i black suit coat. Ftnder please leave at this office. Notice is hereby wiven that tne Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Pire Insurance Company, fornitrly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLeiD, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. War Price Cut Special Musical Offer At the race of $7-1)0 foi twenty lessons, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupih during April, May and June. -MARK EVERETTE WRIGHT Exciting Man Hunt At Owen Sound Owen Sound, June 3.â€" After an excit- ing chase lasting all day and several ex- changes of fhots, the police, aided by a pOBse, arrested two men alleged to be among the most dangerous criminals who have been in Owen Sound in years. Robert J. Bell is now in j>til with a bul'. et hole in one band, while John Williams is uninjured, but in jail safely. For the past month the town has been subjected to a series of burglaries which have bsffled I hi p>llce. La.ot night Boll and Williams, who, it is alleg<rd, have been responsible for these, went luto Forbes Miller's garage, it is said, stole a motorcycle and set out tandL-m for Meaford . In the morning the police were notified, and were soon on the track of the two men. Mr. Miller, the owner of the gsrige, joined in the chase, with two chums. The motorcycle st-illed a few miles out toward MeaforJ, and as they were re- pairing it, the pursuers came into sight, whereupon Bell and Williams look to the bush. The whole police force went after them, and the search for them cov- ered several miles of hill and farm through Sydenham township. Shortly after noon P. C. Thompson and P. C.Boiio encoun- tered the wanted men near .\nnan, and as soon «s they got close Bell drew an automatic and opened tire, Williams foll- owing suit. The police drew their guns, and a spirited exchange of shots followed, Bell being shot through the hand. But the two got away into some dense ever- green bush. Meantime Chief Booster en- listed the aid of several citizens with rilles, who came in an an automobile and began a systematic search of the bush. About 6 o'clock the hunted men came to the shore of the hpibor, where it is about four miles wide, and taking a tow- boat from the shore, set out to cross to the western side. As they went they were seen by P. C. Carscn, who enlisted the aid of the owner of a motorboat which was oming into the harbor. With one of the iwsse, John McKeen and Caison set out, and shortly after overtook the Heeing men, first sending :i rifle bullet over their heads to stop them. Before .surrendering themselves the two threw away their automatics. They were strangers in Owen Sound, and had been here but a fea weeks. CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER "The War Summary" iâ€" AliuiiHt from 111.- v..iy Jay I lie srnat Ruropwin war b«san la August Ittnt. till- init.stuiiiliiiu- f.-aiiin- iu (auuaiaii Juiiniallam iiivi-rini,' tlie couflli.t ,1ia« been "The War !*iiniioary" ilnlly on paKea 1 iiml J of THE GLOBE. In the .•om-lKesi pos-iilili- form ilie writer lias (flveu Ills readers a, pi'ii picture of till- Ui-TelopmpiiU iu .lil pari.s of the world. Willie the ij"tiiils of 111,, muveiui-uls alouii tlie fitendeilTroutlers have uot been nvprluoke<l, th« reailers of THK <iI.OBE have beeu eualiled to follow lutelllB(>ntly°'Huil wlili â- â€¢onilileuie rb>. ijeuerHl outline!* of the stupendous rnnfltrt. "Th* War iiumniary" of THK GLOBE U reprudueeJ dailr b? several papers ibroiis;liout tlie Ooinlnloii. The Editorial Page THE ULOBE oil its editorial page has strlv^u to plac* before tlie publli' In proper penniK^'tlve the broad haekuround of th* tltaDl(* Btru'jsle. Thl.s nerii's of nrililes ba« attracteil the atteullon not only of the ('aiiudliiu piHiplo. bin of le.iiliiii,' lueu aud Juuraals in all parts of the worM. The raiiiu-s li-adiii-.; up to the war. the elements eoterlDg into lis <'oniliii-t. :iiid tlin rennlfs likely lo llow from tbo oessatloQ of hostilities have hei-n .lealt niUi iu itiat bold and clear cut form charac- teristlr of THE (iLOBK'S editufial puKe. Newg Service The above fcainies. iu aildlllon lo a cable and leKer aervlee from the fi'ont uuuiali'hed iu I'auada. hare placetl THE (iLOBB far in the lead of ("anadlaii p»|ier.<. iiul partl.v i-vplain the phenoiueiial increase of 33 1-3 per oeut. Iu THE GLOBE'!) circuiutluu Uuriui; re'.-eni uoutlis. Other Features The sportiutf paces, the Hnaurlal and loramenlal pases, the woman's paaes. ,«tc . etc.. with the adilitiouiil paKes in Wedueaday's Issue devoted to "farm and (.'anutry Life," ;ire- uiainiaiui-ii at :i hiish standard of eK-eUeui-v. a Klumianl that has jiisiifle<l THE 4iLOBE in its title of Canada's National .NHwspnpcr. aud has i-liHn it by many thousands the larifesl 'â- ir.'Ulatiou of any inornin:^ paper iu the I>omiuiua. Local and City Papers T.S,^A«e»r4ia( ta Lard KUcheaer, thS bis war kaa ealy begaa. By all means lake your loi:il pniiep. but In the Beld of metropolitan Dewspapers THE OLUBE unMiiestiuiiHbiy offers you the grratesc vajue to be had In Cuuadu. Order it to-day. -5 lents per montliâ€" one dollar for four monthsâ€" thr«« dollars per year. THE GLOBE, Toronto, Our Clubbing List R j COLOUETTE The following prices are for strictly ! paid in advance subscriptions only. We | ave no accounts with other papers. ^ToTr^archfl rr7 Dnf Flesherton Advance tlOO ^ eversnam, Uni. To'iths Companion 2 0»J . ^ . . „ , , „, - Toronto World, daily 3 00 I A^*"* ^^' *•"€ Cockshutt Plow CoS Toronto Daily News 2 00 Full Line of Farm Implements Weekly Globe W [ Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Mail-Empire 7a o,-u • j r. i c Family Herald & Scar 90 Sileighs, and Gasohne Engines, Toronto Star 2 00 , Melotte Cream Separators, Farmer Sun 90 Baker Wind Mills. Pumos. weTkir wtr;.^. :::::::.::' ^ ^ ^'p'^' ^f ^r ^'"'T ''"*': Satnrday Night 3 00 on hand. Beaity Bros . of Home Journal 90 1 Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter | Poultry Review 40 1 Carriers and stable fittings. Rod and Gun magazine 90 Cockshutt and Frost & Wood I Reiiairs always on hand. Fftversbanit - OntaiiOo MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous make of implements is well known all over the cimntry and their own good work is the best recoin- meudatiua they can receive. If you reiiuire anythinx in the Hue of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs, Waegons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en gines. Sawing outfits, etc. , give us a chanee lo quote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton School Children's Eyes. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eye§traiiT | in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. , i Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Debenturies Issued Ibr Short Term of ^11 NEGOTIABLE Interest Cou|ions Payable IMf>Ye«rly L ASSETS t $7,480,339 J IheOreji west Permanent 1 oan Companij <6|||| fO.NIndSt.West. Toronto Mill Christmas Gifts There is a movement (jn tout thi.-^ year for something substantial for Christinas, now that the German rtiiu.sy ware is debarred (as it should li.ive been years ago). Just by way of suggestion we would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furniture suit- :ible for presents, which is un- usually full this year. For in- stance we have rockers for inoiher, ea.sy chairs for father, beautiful pictures and frames fur sister, handsleighs for little brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs aud other thinscs for little sisterâ€" something for everybody. Come in and see the latest thuiu' iu dolls beds and rock^r^, Then we have the usual stock of all kinds of jjarlor, bedroom and dining room furnitureâ€" desks, chairs, odd pieces, secretaries â€" Ob! there is too much to enumerate. Come in and go over our stock yourself. Always happy to show goods and to demonstrate that our prices are as low as the lowest. We are prepared to furnish flowers and tloral designs for funerals, weddings, or social gatherings, having arranged with the D.ile es- tate of Brsmpton to handle their business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN ST(>CK in Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the best Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, and terms to Agents. Liberal Comtniasions. ^outBt. Handsome free Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO ONTARIO W.J.Bellamy Ag«nt! laiM Flecherton III MJIRKHS. Carefully Corrected Each Weelj Wheat ti 20 lo 1 ^5 Oats ... 60 to Oa Pi"^ 81 25 to 1 25 B^r'ay 75 to 75 Buckwheat 75 to 75 flour S7<)0to8«30 'l«y 91500tol500 Butter 21 to 28 Eggs, fresh 18 lo 18 Potatoes per bag ;}5 to 35 Geese • ll to 11 pucks U toli *''•' 8 to 9 Chickens 10 to II TufKeys 14 to 15 Mr. James Catne}, of Fordnich, has in captivity a pure white robin. There is no doubt ,i.s to its genuineness, ss it was hatched iu Mr. Cainey's garden under his personal supervision. Both the parent birds weie ordinary robins as were also the fellow nestlings.' Harry C. Hewsou, eldest son of Judge Hewson, Gore Bar, was accidently killed by C. P. R. train at Locust HiU on Tuesday of l.-ist week. He was endeavoring to board a moving train and was thrown under the wheels. Both U>j[s were severed. He was rushed to Toron- to hospital bul expired before he reached t here. Child Fatally Scalded A most distressing accident,| which re- sulted fat.'tlly, cccuri ed at William Meu- ary's, .-Vniarant'i, on Friday afternoon, when his eldest chiK*, Margaret Ruth, four years of age, stumbled into a pot of boiling water. The mother bad just lifted the vessel olT the store, and was putting in some wood when the child walked across the floor and stumbled into the water. Owing to unusually weak eyes the little tot could not see the dish . She was terribly scalded from the ab- domen to below the knees and although every energy wa-s exerted to relievo her sutterina ftnd preserve her life, the shock was too niuc'.i. Thetriefand .lormw to the family can be readily appreciated, and thi.s is no doubt intonsitied because of the unusual care bestowed on the girl lieciiuse cf her sIHiction. â€" Grand Valley Star. Oeering Implements AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deering loipleiuents. Parts \ always on hand. Agent fur Barrie and i Alt. Forest Cutlets, Biirber Buggies, Lou- 1 den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar I shingles and siding. These Implements : re'iuire no recommendation as they ate > standard goods and recognized as the ' best on the market. I I ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station THE ONLY MAN « WHO SHOULD |[ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS H. ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ** ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ FER IN THE WAY gOF SERVICE- AND ^ -SUCH A PERSON S IS A DEAD ONE- § WHETHER HE KNOWS IT-OR NOT. Elbert Hubbard in the Fra ^^^X^^XXXXd^S

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