Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1915, p. 8

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â- \, mfK-Mfi^fm toe 17 1915 THE FI.ESHERTON ADVANCE ** *'"*~'^'*^^'* ra ^<l I stock, di«d rtceii'ly fioni i»ui8onuig, as » BWHT, TELFORD & MeDONALD , Qkrriiter, Hollcitom, *c. Offlcoe, Orey ' '* Bruo» Block, Owon Bound. Staui3»rd Banli t; Slock, KiMherton, (K»turd»y»). W, H. Wright, iW. P. i'ellord Jr.,J.C. MoDonild, U 1-. B. Societies AO O W niMti ou »he 1»tt Mondiy <n acta meolh, in their lodge room * laytoo'ehall Fleiderton, at « P«U; *'•'*•• W. J. BeUaiuy: B*)., C. H. Munshaw; in., B. J, Bpioule. ViaiUng brethrtn icTitsd No. PBIKCB ARTHUR LODGE. A U, meet) in the UaaoolcBal •troau'B Klocli,Fle»h»rton, ever )r before the lull luocn tl.; Chaa.UuQBliaw, Secretary .S33, A.F.4 lall. Arm rery Friday on T. iilakeley W. CcSft^hfcSffh^UHt Weduesdav <;»e"l'}; each month. VIsitinc *S"l^",; ^,^^lr,I come'C. K., G. liellauiy ; K. h , <». < "irt.s D. Sec . W. Budkio. . . Pl»»»e pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the flr«. av ot the monl^ HHOSEN FWESOB-Fleeherton Council t Cho«n Friend, meets in •r'*)'"'? '''»'' ^"' nd third WednoBday o« each month « Pj â„¢ rav a»«e,.Bm«nt6 to tlio Kecordcr o" «' '^'f" tnt flmt rtav of each month. Chiel Councillor .'Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Bunt. Medical 0B CABTEB^^^^^ pj^^^l^j^^ g^^^^n e,^ OOee and reaidence-Peter .t., Flesherton ] )«. W, Mfdical CoUw!*, Parli Houje, K.ethertpn. LITTI K " Orad'ua'to ol Toronto V"?'""'!': Ueaidonce and UBlce at l»bontJ4rJ. JP OTTKWELL Veterinary flur««on r^w^, Jradnate oJ Ontario Veterinary i^°".««' te»ld«uco - tscond door nouth weat.on kaxy Btreet Thit atreet rjni Freetyterian Chnreb. outh Dentistry f \r. E. C MURRAY U D. fi . dental »nrseon i* bouoi Rraduate oJ Toronto Univereity and hcval i-olleKe ol Dental Burneoni of Ontario. Gai adujiainiafered for teeth extraction (jBmk at reeidence, Toronto Btreet. Fletberton. I UCAS. Legal K.ASF.Y & hF.NUV-Karii«ter». boiicitore.elc.-l. B. Lucan. h. C. . W. R. Baney K. f. : W. D. Heuiy, B. A. OlMcea. "oronto. MIC.9 Trader. Bank Hldli.. phone cain U12: Markdale Lucaa Block. Phone 2 A. branch ollice at Duiidalk open every Saturday. Business Cards *« CULLOUGH * YOUNO >*' Bankura Markdale oeral bankinn bualnom. .Money loaned reasouaijle ratt^ Call ou Uh. DMoPHAIL. Liecnaod AncHoneer for the • County of Grey. TeruiB moderate and tit action KUaranteed. The arranBeinente .. 1 latea of »ale« can he made a'. TUR Abvanck ilice. Keaideneo and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone ' nnection. Uec. 0.07. w M. KAITTINC, Llcenacd A'lctione ;r foi Farm and Stock aa'ca a hpecalty. Ternii moderate. a\ti»lacli( u Ruarantted. ArmriKi- menta for dalua mav bo made at the Advance ..ii.i;e. <>â- â€¢ Ontral ti'lerhoneolt.ijo teverahani orbykddreaiinq n :e at Feverahain, Out. Notice to Creditors 111 ; - I HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt ImplemenU, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Agent D. McTavish - FLESHERTON, ONT a r^ Ceylon's Busy Store Jii.st aniveJ a full line of Gianiteware at very itasonable price?. Also Hoes Hahes, Sliovcb, Iloice Pokes, Wateiiiig Cans, PaiisGiceii, Screen Doorsand Window :^ and Roots and Shoes. Attractive J'licis on .Millinery. Frnit always iu season. •VO«iL W.^NTEDâ€" Criii« along your wool and , . get bcet prices, either cash or trade. n \ iifiiiiKST i'r:ici:s .alw.ws p.aid von pRonrcE JA/VIES PATriSON&Co. Onr Mottoâ€" "Small Piiokitt and Qi ick IIkti kn.s -*^ -*-' -*â-  J*!,! Columbia Grafonolas SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). Records, Needles, Catalogues i This is the best paint for you to use because it is made /-v'-v'-v'^^ of pure materials â€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed The Columbia is tlie perffct talking j Oil, and pure Coloring pigments which are thoroughly maci.u.e. Compare all o^''".^' f''f" I mixedand ground in scientific proportions by powerful hear this ai.d we are not aliaid oi uie i = «- r j *- sell machines on ' machinery. ie?«lt. We can easy terms to respon.''il)le people. All the best appointed city homes lave their pa. loi machines and th.ie n no reason why the farmer should rot haw liin best music of the day in bis home, including band music, voca artitts, and perfnrmtrs on all kinds ol instrnmcnls. Von c»n have it on a Colnmbia Grafonola. as perfect as the oriaii.al, and for much l.â- s^ ilr^n .vo" would pay for u Common <»rgan. Tiiey lan^'o from 8-0 up. The Perfect Columbia Is a .narvel of recording instru- ments and the Col n.ubia records, made in Canada, embrace th. u and. of selections from which to ehwc. W. H. Thurston Agct Flcshcrton Bull for Service Pur.i brwd gliorthoni liull, .'Al)P.ileni Fjvie 8,00<) -for aeivioe on ltd 2», «•«. Ft., Arteiiiinii. , ,, • i 'IVr.iis- *IM f.ir ;;-ad.«. Pnro luvil Purebred Tiiiin«iir'h hou f>i- «ciTice on ilw «hi)vo lot. Tonus -tl.'iO f>r_ivll »i.imnlo. muat b« p-id for. Ilnuir _\V Servod .1. MewdM Bull For Service It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes It cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best.â€" Ask us for color cards. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 1000 VdiI cull l„-i.. :ll llio any ility a?'^^^^^H^^^SfM?« Resumption Can Pacific ^ Ureat Lakes oervice 2 ra.moiiger servicB vi« till! (iieal Lukes ^ ICuMiidiaii Piicilic route from Port Mc- Nii: <ll will ht- n!sunu<l i;oinui«iiciii>; .Si>t- urd'iy, iMiiy 22iid. The H«rvife this H!!W pii Bill bi) iiiiiiiitaiur'il hy ^tln! Stt'aui- t'T» "KiipvMilin' giiihnjj; Tuosrbiyy, thp OWKX SflUND, ONT., SJ^ â- â€¢.\l,initi.lm" WediieMUy-, ".MbertV' liidiv iiliiiil liistriiolion. Sjl^ TlnirnliiyK mid ".\ssiiiiiboi"" mi S.itur " "he ft.'\iiiiig WodiiosJiiys will 1' ''"' "'-â- o- ^ a).mi jmII Hi Owuii Sound eiicb 8«iliu« dstle Kxpe.t ihHt-i.cl-rs i.poducu ^ ,a lO.llO ,,. „,. 8^,oci«l Inon willl.mve ^ , , ,, ''^ ('111 II Rtnliou, lonuitd, lit llJ.t.i p. in,, iflS itiriviiiL' Port McNicoll 4 00 p. m. Daily 5^ excupt Friday. Our own lliri'c. .sloiy luiilil'iiir ||tf dnjs fiviiii I'oil iMcNicuU Ht 4 p.iii. Tin iind ;i4 suc.;e»sfiil years of px- J3 "Muniioba" tM\\\\i Wodiiosdnys will Thorouuhbrt-I ShdnliMru I'.iill. " H .Uovernor." N". «''â- Â«<«; '"':/«" llotOT. conI4 Arterr.esl*. rerui. 60 (or i,nade«, »:i f<"- ihcuou^hliridi Hill iue FeriiiH F. 0. A., Priiicipid. I) KI.KMFNO ALEX. CAR RITHKllH. | w C. .A. FLKMfNii HJji; OWKN SOUND .Socrelmy."'" ONTARfO «^ For I'e.siuMitions or other, iuformntion •^'•0 rrgirJiui; this service, consult any t »« ^'rtU'idi'iii I'licifio .Ai{ent, or write M. t>. Miiipliy, District PaRsenger Agent, T<»ronto. retuh of liukii'g the paint off « Ixtatj house newly («inUd. { The Flvsherton Ued Ci-osj Society witll nifet each W«diteMday fot- work in the I old !;br»ry room, .\ruislroin;'s bl ick, and •ny per«f'« desirinj; to ass'si are invited 1 1 joiu in the sfood work. William Leonai-d of .SuRfildald wa» «ent up for ti'iul on a charge of parjury and fraud brounht by the Sydenham Mutual Inxurance Co. He collected #140 on a mare whidi tie claimed wa« killed by lightning. The dircotors of the Guelph and South Williiiyton .Agricultural Society will not hold a fu'l fail' this ye-nr (j\viD<; to the wir. Itw^sfelt that the call on the public for funds for patriotic relief and o'her emeryir.t j.'jrpoN.!ii Wfie to heavy, and that the money necessary to cany on a successful allow would lie better dc- lu the milter of the Estate of John Douglas, late of the Township of O.iprey, in the County of Orey, Farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Tiuslee .Act", and amendnienla thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John Douglas, who died on (or about the t<»enty-fourth day of April, A.D. 191.">, are required ou or liefore the tirst dny of July, A. D. 1910, to send . by post prepaid or deliver to We«pr». Wright, Telford it McDonald, Owen Sound, Solicitors for the Executors of, the la«t will and t.-sjanient of the said John Dou^jlas, Jeceasef), their Christian ar.d suruHines, addrisse* and descrip- tions, the full particulars oftheir claims and ihc nature of the aecurties, if any, he!a liy them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said E-wcn'ors wiU proceed to ilistribute the assets t rlie dcc.ased auioii^ the parties entitled voted to these -^urpoHea for this year, and i thereto, having regard only to the claims a motion to that ctiV-'Ct was carried unaiii rnou-siy. The directors will enter upon thi' work with rtiiBwed eiieiny next year. T'le diieitors of the Xorthern Exhibition have nt yet d«cided whether they will loUow I he cmrse of ilie Uclliugtoji dir- «eti,i* or not. WOOD CUTTING liu// .Saw W.hkI ('iittiiig; witli iK-atne^" and <i<4|i«t<-h, .'lU t" <i<t cords |>er ilay. ANo a giHid Htraw-ciittiufi; outfit. S^itisfactiun (fiiiirantei-il. I>eave ycnr orders witti th«' iKuiersiirn'Ml. Mil'! -«;K0 1!RA<'KK.NI!1:RV, l-'t vershaui Q.^s^\>^•i tn.AN'cp. Big Opporl unity Is 0|m-iiIii); I'p In Kussitiii .>lut'kel. Looking foiw;u\i to the days of per.ce that wil. follcv.' the war, our House of Conmioas the other after- noon saw in ,, .e future bright pros- pects of an in 'reaset". irade with Rus- sia, where certi-.i i of our exports should find a vlder and a very protlt- ui)le inarkPt. Kus.sia hivs always bought many lii.es of manufactures, and some of llios lines Canada i.s as well qualitieU to supply us is any other eountry. In tlie past Geriuany to a ronsid- eiablo extent has kept Russia in leading strings, both irdustrially and linauciully. lierliu has been Russia's banker, anj Ww. lactories of East Pruif-ia have to a iarge extent sup- [ilied liUMSia's deuiaiul for manufac- turrs. The war will end all that â€" ot course it l.a.= ended it leiiiporarily and it will end it permanently, pro- vided other loiinlrles are prepared to •Uep in and supply the jioods Russia v.ill require. Wriiing from Moscow, a Hiitish consul lias di ecieti llio ultention ot Ills louutryiiieii to the wide luurkei I hat is oiienins; to ti.eni and exhorts lluiii to t^tudy the condltious of ihat uiarket so as to be in a poiutinu to .:uet its requirements and satisfy the demands of the Kus.'^iai people, eager io free themselves from the ^irip of (-leniiau nianiiraeluiers, or at any r.Uc eauer to >o conduet their busi- ness in the future as to be linancially and indu.strially independent of Ger- many, now Itupsla's deadly enemy, .lUd always her rival. Their own c-ountry is so vast and its agricultural resouices so great that Canadians are .sometimes apt to forget that there are others. All the same there are others, and Russia is one of them. Possibly no other eountry possesses equal agricultural resources, and, like our own, they have drawn on only to a small extent iu comparison witli their possibili- ties. Russia has long been a great wheat-producing country, part of her surplus of fuodstufrs, goins;, like our own supplies of like goods, to the markets of Great Britain. An era of better agricultural methods bad set in before the war. and when the war has euded the era will continue. This war, which for Russia is being fought to ensure to the Slavonic peo- lilea the place In Kurope to which they are entitled, will bring about a great awakening in the vast empire of the Czar. Russia is going to se- cure better ports, agricultural pro- duction will be Btiinulated, and her need ot agricultural implements will steadily Increase and be enormous for many years. And it is with respect to that demand that Canada will have au opportunity of increasing her exports to Russia. In normal times our exports have an annual value of almost half a billion dollars, of which those to countries not Britl8;i had a value last year of almost two hundred million dollars. Those to the Russian Riu- plre had a value of $1^430, 4;U), of which $1,140,430 repre«ened the value of agricultural implements. Al- ready Canadian trade is on the right track. Let it follow it with vigor and supply to a large extent the needs of the Russian fa.'niers. Of the exports of agrlcuUural im- plements to Russia from Canada har- vesters led, with almost half a mil- lion dollars; drills were second, with almost three hundred thousand dol- lars; mowing machines third, with one hundred and twenty-eight thous- and; and t' e remainder of those ex- ports con-sistcd of cultivators, reap- ers, ploughs, harrows and so forth â€" the Implements in use ou every well- conducted Canadian farm. Canadian manufacturers can make these implements as well as they cau be made anywhere; and for many years Russia will be buying these implements in very large quantities. Canadian manufacturers already have a share in this trade, and if they take full advantac« of (heir oppor- tunities they should Increase their share enormously. â€" Montreal Stand- ard, >f which tliev shall then have iiotice,aud that the said Executors will not Ije liaole fnr the said as.sets or any part (.hereof to any person or persons of whose claim notic-i shall iiol have been received by ihein at the time of such distribution. Da'ed the first day of June, lill.5. Wright Telford A McDonald, Ciwen Sound, Out., Solicitors for Exeeutora A Pointer for Our Billie The old Meafird stage, one of the niosl pictures4|ue ,«urvivals of the early days when stageing was so couinion, lias undergone another transition, for the euininer, at least, with ihe installation of motor c^ra by Thompson Bros. The horses have been turned out to grass for the summer or sold otf. For the suuinier the lior.se has been superseded hy the aasoliiie waggon. Of course the winter will fring the horse into his own ngaiii. The motor is proving to ha very much belter method of transporting p5.ssengers thin the idd horse rig. The time made is inucli faster and satisfaction aiiiont? the paiseiiiters more than reconi - ptn.ses them for any extra expense. The new lino linves here forenoon and after- noon as UfUil, but ihe hoises do not have to be changed at Woodford. Sliiror. Homeseekers' Special Train Leaves Toronto each Tuesday cjiiimeiic- iiig June 1-t, l!tl5. For the accon;inodation of llumcsoek- lis .iiid general tourist trallio to WestiTU Ciimd.i, ihrouuh trains canyiig Tourist Sleepers .»ud Colonist Cars will com- mence June 1st, will leave Toronto 10.4.J pill, each Tu-isday .until further notice, luniiiiig thiough to Winnipeg. .V'len'ion is diiect ;d to the remark ibly low trip lares in connection with the Houie.scekcis' excursions to westeni Canada \ ia Canudinii I'acific railway. Tickets are on sate each TucsJay until Oct. 2tilli, iiicliisivB. and are good to re- turn « ithin two mouths from dale of sale. Apply to any C. P. \\. Agent for full paiticuUrs or write ft!. O. Murphy, District Passenger -Agent, Torciito. Hand Badly Crushed Whilst feeding a Ocudon pre s in the Iteview-Merald ofllce, Clarksburg, on Monday of Ibis week, Mi.sa Sadie Wright get her lighl hand cau^jht be. ween the typo bed and feed bed cf the press, and it was so badly crushed that she was at once hurried to Dr. Moure's surgery, where her wounds were (piickly dressed. It is h'lped tht.t the accident will not setiously impair the use of her right hand *or any great letigth t f time, but Miss Wright will certainly not be in a position to reimi;e her occupation for several weeks under any circuaisfmccs. The young lady displayed wonderful couiiigo and self control throughout it all, and has the sympathy ai.d gond-will of the en. ire community.- Review. House and Lot for Sale Corner lot oppoMte the Pre.fibyleri.iii church, hoiiio con «in» 9 rooms and hath, ccm.iiii e lUrs, ci niont cisutrn inside, goedwell and stable. For terms apply on premisc^s. -MRS. Pv. H. W RIO I IT, lino. Fleslieiton. Notice Dr. U. F. English, Osleoiialhic Physician, of Oweu S-und, will hu in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday afier- nious of fa-'h week. Coniiuencing En- day, June 4lh. For appointment phi up 9 ring 11. Cement Work Wanted The undersigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. ffa<'e had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire satisfaction, Have steel forms for silo and all o itl^t necessary for all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BENTHAiSf, 1 Ju'y Klo.heiton. The Kaiser and Church. Union.' Good results from the ivaricoutiiviie to make themsehes apparant cfery week. The latent is the decided impetus given to the Church Union movement, which is in evidence in the shape of a new res- olution submitted to the- ft'esbyterisn Ueneral As.spiiibly, which declares that union is more than ever desirable be- cause, "by the outbreak of war, \\ new situation has been created, among tha elements of which are : A ehsogedi judgmt-nt of values, so that, matter* which former'y distracted and divided me.n are now accounted liivial in tb« presence of the vast i.ssues- involved; a> we-kkeaiug of class distinctious \ a new spirit of self-sacritice, which is impreM> ively illustrated by our soldiers and our. King, and which the church is called upon to exhibit ; an expected increase iu the volume of immigration into Can- ada after the close of the war, demand- ing the greatest concentration, of moral and religious forces ; and the world'ft liiiiiucial exhaustion, reiiuiring the ul- iiiost possible ecouoiny of resouvces." It begins to look as if tlio Kaiser, ia audition to cementing the British Em- pire, will also succeed in ueiu^intii.u to- gether a vast number of Cliristians whose reasons fur staying aptrC and giving one another the cold shoulder have Ions been puiely historic. Wo fwicy, that those Presbyterians who have fought and died: for the Empire and Christian civdi/.atiou, shoulder to shoulder with, men of' other church \vA\\:^ but the same faith and' the same ideals, would if .ilive be tha lirst to welc>me that broader Church in which so many of their fellow-eountry- meu are to be enabled to eome together - Keck s Weekly. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada. Particular attention is directed to the remtirk tbiy low Kound Trip Fares in conuccdon with Home«eeker*' Excur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian. Pacific Railway. Ticke's are on sale each Tuesday until t >:tober 2Gth, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of silc. The C. I*. R. otters the finest possible e«iuipnient and fastest train service via one of the most scvnic routes iu the wiuM. It is the only line opor^tiug ihrouglv standard aiid louiist slcepiui; cms, .ilso dining cars to Winnipeg and \'aiicouver. .All C'l'iiiiment is- owned and operated by "the C. P. R., affording the highest form of elllciency . If i-ut'h a trip is under consideration apply to any C. P. K. .Agent for ful particulars or write M. G. Muiphy DP. A, Toronto. Durham There were liU pius shipped from the station here on Tuesday, $!l.;;tj per hundredweight being paid. W.iid was receive'l heie ou S.iturday by .Mr. Frank Uunce that his r nly broth- er, Laiice-Corporal A. Bunce. was killed in action on the Itlli of May. Rev. Mr. Prudhaiii, pastor of the .Methodist church here for the past three year?, will go to Wiarton at Ihe end ot the present teiiii. His successor is Uev. E. S. Moyer. At the Liberal convcution held hero yesterday, Mr. W. H. Sliller was chosen as cindidate in ihe next Federal election. The candidate, Hon. George P. (iraham, and others, addre.s.sed the niaetiiig iu the Liberal interests. There was a good attendance. We regret to chronicle the death of William James Matthews, sou of Mr. aud Mrs. James Maithen.s, who died on Tuesday, after an illness i.f only two wetks from typhoid, pneumonia and other complications. The young lad was only a little over IB years of age and for some lime has been eiig^iged w.tli the Dm ham Furniture Company, wheru he rendered good .service, and was popuhr with his employers and fellow workmen , â€"Chronicle. M». John H . Shaw of West Lulhor WHS the victim of a peculiar accident, iu which he sustained several buiises and a severe shaking up. He was bringing a fat ciw to the station loaded iu a wagon. Ju-t IIS he turui d out of his own gate, the cow decided Ui ride no further and im- mediately put her decision into ett'ect. She mauaiied to upset the wagon, pinning Mr. Shuw under the rack. His boy, who was with hiui, jumped and escaped uninjuvfd, To make the iinxup worse, • he team, a pair of colts, took fright atid dashed down the loal, where they crash- ed into a telephone pole. Mr. Shaw's head and face were badly cut and .'ciatch- ed and his right arm seveiely bruised. He.will be un.iblrt to do any woik for some time. The wagon was badly wreck- ed while the cow cscnped uninjured to enjoy the extra week of life which her determined eft'orlR won for h< r. Arthur K'li II prise." » i^ .'^ \ If

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