Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1915, p. 4

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\e 24 lOlS 1'IIE FLESH E^^ ION ADVANCE It r tt-- All ini1e|K-iident iiew<[.aii«rr, piililislied every Titiir*day »t th'" "flicn, Collingwood .Street, r'l rsheiton. Subscription price SI per annum wli«n p»iil in advance ;$l.5.> when not »o jwid V'lv«rti>iiii; rote* on »ppUcation. CircuUtion 1,100 w?«kly JV H. TUuretoiT Editor Plesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudi^eon, pastor. 11 s. m. »nd 7 \>. m.â€" The pastor '""^iincKy', lb ». m. Fellowbhip Service. Monday eveuing Epwoilh League at 8 p. m. Murk Evorette Wright cl.oir Vader and Orgtnist. Letters Fron The BOjS in Khaki I buildings, and (luaint old villaKes. The ' H ;eiiery is ceri;iiiily lieiutifu', a'tlmutih tlicre is imtliiiig |iiirticuliii' y gr»iul kIiohI it. yuel»ec was rOHchetl the lirsl night, but we di.in't slij), fuitlier tlun to sluw Up to take on ;i couplo soldiers who had niii-Ni'd the buht si'iiiehow lU Muiitrt'iil. Ne.xf day we wore on the wider p»rt of the river .ind could disiinguiMi very little on ihc norlli shore. To tiie south, howevii, Ga.'-pe wa>> phiiiily in vie*, with its fitniis itdiru hy the liver b»iik, niul n > BASEBALL ) "^^\^M^ wild ruaaed country fsiinher back »...., , , , ., , , r. , ,1 declared out by tlie rocky hills una iiiounlaiiis cupped willi snow. Mr. Harold Brown, ex-teacher in the Flesbeiton high school, wiote to a friend here under date of W'estenhanKer. Kng., June 2, as follow) : We »re thus far oa our journey now, »nd ce tainly have seen life. We b:ive etcapcd suhiiiiiriues well I •itdatrivcd at Plyumuth in Sundayâ€"] nine days out. A vei-sel w.is sunk a few hourn later, where we passed. Wo got a wiie'e.ss nieH.«iig>! and swerved about a hundred loile.s soutli out of the «. r»l dtnger zone. Two torpeio de.-tmye s Ciine out and acc< lupaired us the Inst day. The tiip was tine and we had a dandy C. f. H. bo.ki. We »«w llie ocei n inhabitant* wlitles, porpo ses, njelxrjib, etc., and had a caliu voyage and lots of fun. I'lyiuouth is grea*. We came in gatuiday evening to the Sou. d. They have hundreos of search lights gi-ing, and dozens of gun boats, torpedo destroy â-  ersand cruiatri ready at a nioiuent's cull. We left Plyiiiouth Sunday noon and tra- velled in those two liy twice toy trains across the country. Lnulish sceneiy is «eiy beautiful. I could not have illum- ined it . Devonshire, espi'cii ly, is like a second heaven. Everything is hedK<d in with htwthorii bufches or st 'ne wal s. The houses kre (|uaini and certainly old â€"one about twiiity yard* from U8 is alioul llOtJ yeai.s old. Wc pa^.^-^d through London, Exeter, etc. , and came here, about eight miles from Shornclitfe. We h»ve (U.idy iiuiileis tee, show r batli4, meals and other esMuntials. The trains here can lr«vei, lhcu){li ihey ate small. We can cccasn ually hear the boom of the guns in (<' ranee we are only -some thirty miles fioiii the front. .\erf. planes p>8t> over daily and ih- coist of France is visible from the shore. Arnold Thurston i^ here, enj.'yin.! life as ever The Flesherton baseball team drove ovor to Port law on Wednesday iiiijht to phiy a gniiiu with llm Hock Mills team. I The field was in very poor shape foi I baselnll, being very lough, which lutde lit vciy difficult for the tielders The •game w lis tairly good as far a? it went, I whicii was only two innings. During . . iihis innings a Kock Mills player on being uinps. refused to J continue the ginie. The .â- ^core it this ' time wtks 11 4 in Fleshei ton's favor and The third da> <;...spe had ai^appe.red, L,^, j^^,,, ,,,4^ „.^„,j ,,^^„ ^een another Slid no more Und was seen, except â-  'victory for our boys. Possibly this help- little of Newfoundland which came into {^j ,^, j^^^^p ^,„„g , f ,,,j. jj^,^.^ j^jp^ fc„jj, view th.it sfteinoon. For nearly six j^„j „,^y j^.;,,, j j^ ^^.^^ ^ ^.^^.^ „f ..^„y days now ihcic has bcun nothiuK to see ,j|^j j)^ j.j j„ .^ yt„,,„ • cxc'pt ocean; .Hiid the only events have | XXX be.'ii the pissing of a lartfe sailing ship 1 and a merchant s(ean.er. I On Monday night th. boys took a trip lov.r to KuL'ei.ia to take a f»ll out of the Falls bunch. At the end of 2 innings the score was Ji 2 in FIcsherton's favor, but ill the first of the third Eugenia scored another lun and the weather man ju)ii|ed in and the gsine was called off. Our chief uccu(tatioiis are sleeping eitiiig Slid doing physical diill. Then j once in a while they s|>ring a hfe belt ' drill on us. At a Kiviii signal we run I for I'Ur belt.<>, and hike with them on to j The following letter from .Xrnold Thurston of the llejid<iunrtois Staff, 4th Brigide C. F. A., was received last week liy hit parents here : We're pretty well across now, and have I hod a very decent tim<-, although a little ' bit slow. The weather hns been very kind to us, anJ »liile isually clruuy :ind sometimes tain'iig a little, theic have been no storms. After getting out ic the ocean there was a pitch for a few days, and some of llu' fellows were rather under the weather, but i n the whole it. w<i!n t at hII bud. On boardiuK the "ilis*lnabie" and locating our Cpiarters w« were more than surprised. Our dreams of tlieiii had been of diirk, ill sinelliii); biink-iooin.s down by the hold, whereasl'iw and dreary exist- ence would be dragged along across the ocean. Iin.iviiie our surprii^e on landing in the be.st of the 2iid class on one of the uppi^r decKs, widi (iood-si/.ud airy slate- rooms, walls of rpilless whiie enamel and c >mfortable bunks with snowy white sheets and sprea 's. Why it was beyond the dreams of avarice for an o.din.iry soldier I Our eating <|uarters am not so good. Frankly we don't like the plac<>, although we have now become accustomed to it, ana don't mind it to much. The lir.st day or twj we were in a very decent din- ing loom .'ind thought ourselves (juiie lucky. To "«et in riwht" with the table steward a few of us brought forth, «nd presented him wiih £13.00. £right idea, you know, lo ^et the tip in «arlv on the vo]B|L,e. JSut woe unto iis, the very next ihchI we were moved off to another part of the ship, aiid gone was our decent eating phce. Gone was our ||3. We were very unhappy. However, one becomes accustomed lo •nythiD2, and on the whole we have cause for loud lejoicings and thanksgiy- ings. Even if wo don't eat like uriooes, we live veiy decently and are (juite en- joying life. And list's lie main poinN We had rjuite a i-end of)' at Montnal. Our train went direct lo I lii^ dock, and ire immediately went c^n boar I the shipi which sailed a coiip'c houis later arold great cheering and endless looting of whistles. The (rip down the St. Lawrence was more tlian delightful. Both days were wurm snd mnny, and the 6r8t was particularly enjoyable, wh n we were travelling past the old and bettor soltUd portion of (Jre'itc, with its n«al loolinij farms, whitj w^islu.d our resiiective boat stations. Eight or ten bo'tts are swinging from the davits all the lime with the lest ready lo le Uuuched iinmediat^ly. "Ac nijht all i>ort holes are closed up tisiht and the decks are in absolute dark- ness. In spite of these precautions we treat the idea of submarines as a joke. May 29â€" Today at noon two vicious looking lo'pfdo boi.l destroyeis have ci'iue away nut to sea to meet lis. They seemed to ci'Uie from nowhere, uml ca'iie up OD the rush. t>ne, the Lucifer, tore sri'und astern of us and cnme up on the slai board side. The other, I he Lmion, cime tip on the port tide, and the two ore now uIhiuI 4(H) yjtrd.s abead of us, one ou eich side, aid oevrr coing ujore thtm â-  b. ul .")••!• yards away. They look like iitle blrick de. lions w til wicked iiuick- i tiriiiii guns 111 'unted fore ;iiid afr, and four torpedoes lyiuo 011 the decks. I ':Vou should have heard the cheers we pive them as thciii came up. Tle^'ie] racy boking beggars, and pull oil' ItO « r 40 miles an hour. Ibtve nose;: wh ch I look sharp as a knife. It looks great to sec these two little bull do^s tearing along ahead of us all afternoon and (vex- ing, vs^'cially after dark, when they were merely shadims in the iiii'li*, but shadows hlwajs present, and spelling .sifety for us." They brouKlit us in'o Plyiiiouth Har- bour late tonii{lit, iiud vve'iu ai cliored now till nioniin'j. lU'veille i.- to go at 4.;{0 so I guess it's a lieavy day ahead. We can see do/eiis c f I'carc'ilights from the forts sw. cping continuoiia'y iver the I channel an lcoa<t, but religiously keeping ! off the harbour. I Our .diip, w til lis 1700 sildiers, 30 nurses and toi.s of auimunilion, is sitfe. This s'a^je of the journey is over. I They "xp ct to ho .k up in Fles'ierton on 'Fii lay night V i^ited Bowes, Eighth Line Osprey Last Week's Items Rain is the ord^r of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards ll.e former's grandmother, Mrs, on Sunday last. Miis Eva Spencer is home fiom the Fleslieiton High Sdiool for her aumnier holidays. I The rtvixnls are over and some of the young girls are feeling pretty blue. j Wm. Spencer is thinking of purchasing an aut'.i. The crows are \ ery thick 'around here this summer. j Miss Ethel Conn returned home last Week . I Mrs. T. Monaghan has lost quite a few . of her tbck of poulliy. A number of the people are taking their wool to Dundalk to g.t the high price. Misses .leiinie Edwar.^s and Ituth Spencer aie taking nitsic lessons at present. Mi sS)lviaTliomson visited Miss Ruth Spencer last «eek. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. OPEN STOCK CHINA rhis week we open two new patterns in Engli.sh Open Stock Semi Porcelain, inacfe by the celebrated potteries ot Johnson Bros. These are very handsome new de- signs and can be sold in any quantity to suit the purchaser. Ail potteries have recently advanced their prices 20 owing to war conditions, bin these were contracted for last fall, so you save to that extent, as we have not rai.sed our selling prices. Our open stock patterns now include the following designs; â€" Brideswell, Cyril,. C'ornforth, Colonial and Kingston, all special values. t FANCY JAP CHINA Stop and look at our Window Display of Hand Painted Nippon Ware. It includes a large variety of useful and fancy articles reasonably priced from 10c. to $2.50. Fancy Glass Setts Fancy Pitchers Flower Vases Kose Bowls Creams and Sugars Mayonnaise Dishes Marmalade Jars Jardinieres Butter Dishes Nut Bowls Punch Glasses Custard Cups Biscuit Jars Salad Bowls GROCERY SPECIAL ;4 300 tins fine Ked Sockeye Salmon, one pound size, every tin guaranteed, regular ^ "^Oc, special 14c. per tin. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468 Oth St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€" to 12 a. m, l.SO to 4.30 p.m. to 8 [i.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Eofcli-ih *ill be in Flfsheiton on Tuesday and Friday afterno jds of each week. The Old Adage Durham Eugenia Falls .\ va 'ey al ove, and a valley be'o.v And a roc'<y steep betweot', And the reck strewn bed of a river's tli^w Where the liver's tlow has been. The wild green bush on the sloping hill And a fc,orge of r icky walls But the- locky -'ojps all dry und sti'l, - ! ' All 1 I'lis is Eugenia Falls. 'Tw.is over this clitl' with resounding shock. Deriding the might of nnn, Twas over this rough hevn bo.l of rock The riOl'diint! river xw. that we heard that eudlesi IJA Business SchooTIf That successful school whose graduates occupy proniiner.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the P;icitic, re-opens for the FAM TERM September 1st, 1!)14 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE I T. E. Hawkins. - Principal A CollingwO' d, ( »iitario. ft I fe^. Harold lUmi«:ie, about 13 years of age, I younitest son of Editor Kamat^e, li.iJ the misfortune a fiw days Hgo to have, his shoulder ilislocat' d and one < f the bonis of his arm broken. Hu whs playing with , Twas hero r< i.r, Wbi:h the rugged scene recalls. Twas here that we hoard what we hear. The roar ot Eugenia Falls. riuy've dammed the water, an I dammed its mi^lit a number of other boys, acd fell froni the to;) • f H till s'.uiiij), with ihe rcsulis indi- cited. The D.'iaitmentiil i'.,XHniinntion8 are now in pioiirets. .Si.Mecn Junior Matric- ^ ulation landiil lies bewail here on Tuos day, and yesterdey theiM were .'14 writing 1 To flow in a pipe unseen, off the Lower Sch lol exiiminntion. | They've taken the stream from its idN The 0. P. R. way freight engine j;ot I „ "'"''^. ir .T , , ., ,, ,, .J. , To work at a bii{ machine, off tlio trscl< on the McGowan siding snd ! tied up the main line tiatKc for a coup'e •^'"' 'lU'et'y "ver the di^t ii.t hills, of hours on Tuesday. The only deUy to ' ^^ here the gu din- wire era. N, the passeiiner service was a f«w minul s' <'""^« Hashing by to (ho di^tsnt mills delay ta the ufternoon train lo Toronto, j I'''" f'^er <'f Kus?eni4 Falls. Chronicle. ! â€"A. B. Hooii. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull fcr service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.ll., Arleincsia. Termsâ€" *3 for puie breds, 81..")0 for tirades. All cows served must bo iiaid tor. -T. & J. WATSON. 1 ni ir ! Property For Sale I'art lot 151, con. '.', N. E. T. A S. K. rcmtaining '_'Si m-ies, about 1 mile fii m Kle.sherton. There is a ','ood frame house and stable 3»nd the property is well fenced and watered. App'y lo The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is e(|ually true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try tine and be convinced that there is nont better. S. HEMPHILL Agent.. - Ceylon Full line nt McCoruiick Farm Implements, Bindery Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Ividing anil Walking, Harrows, Brantfortl Wind ;\lills, Pump.s. Piping ant' Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks. Slings, Filter ( 'arriers, Fohling Bath Tubs, Fro.st W'iie and F'ence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Notice To Creditors Lincoln's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. />VAV'*V""V''<'V''"A/' FLESHERTON ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, JUNE 28 ACTS - 20 SCENES SPECIAL SCENERY .^V/*iV'/*V'''Ay»'*V*^*V^ Prices 15 and 25c. jh^ %X/%/X1!ll^%^%/X^^l^X^X'SII^%i5S^^^ In the matter of the estate of Jane Corbett, late of the Township of Ar lemesia, in the County of Grey, widow, deceased . Notice is hereby giventhat %\\ creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of the said .lane Corbett, who died on the 7tli day of M.irch, lillo, are re- ipiired on or before the 12ih day of .lime, 1!>15, to send by post prepaid or deliver to C. R. McKeown, Oraiigevill- P. ()., Solicitor for tlio e.xecuior of the estate of the snid deceased, their nanus and addresses. With full pHrticulars o' their claims, and the amount of tlie security, if »ny held, ty them. And further take nolice, lh»t after the 12th day of .Iiine, liMS, the said e.vecutoi will (iroctu'd to di'^triliu'e the iiasels of the said deceaseds estntti nniong the piirt'cs entitled thereto, havint; reaard only to ihp cluiiiis of which he shall ilien hiivo notice, and the said execu'or «i 1 not be liable for the ssid ftssets, or' any part thereof, lo any person or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have been reoeived by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Otangeville this 25th day of May, 11)15. C. R. McKEOWN, Orangeville, Ont. Solicitor for the said Executor. i I I i 1 I i I A. LetJsrd, Flesherton or on the proper- 155 ==^ â€" ^- '=^=' â€" â- = â€" =.=.â€"=s.=i si^^^Siljjl ty- Flesherton Tin Shop I have just [)lacod on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. ings BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Puie Bred Shorthorn Hull for service on Lot 146, Con. 2, S. W. T. & 8. R., Artemesia. Terms $1.00. All cows solved must bo p!iid for by 1st Murch, li)l(l. Isept â€" H. Piper. Bull For Service For service.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No, (1422. Aberdeen Angus.'on lot 34, 9th concess- ion, Artemesia. Terms, 91.00 if paid before Ist Jan. 1915.â€" W. J. Magee. May 15 1 i I n i Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installeil. Agent for Clare Bros. F'urnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON SSl^SPJSSlSSPSSSPl^.'SSSS^^.^SS i^s^asrsssstsri^i 'SSSSSS.'S^SS^ ONTARIO, t mm 'ssresi Stock for Sale .\ coiinlo of brood sowH. 1 Berkfiliiro ami I Tamworth for b»1o. Teuna to Riiil inuxliasoi, OKO. \V. ItOMB, Mu.\well 1'. (». FlesKerton #" Tonsoria! '^ Parlors â-  ' , We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" B,»skct closes Monday Pure Bred Holstein Bull night, delivery Fiiday eveni-ig Chant>ellng Prince Joe Bred by Ch«ngeliiig Butter Ui^y out of Tidy .Vbliekerk Hriiicoss Josephino The gnatest butter inakiog strain known! CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We are Term of scrvice-^l.oO for grades, f5' agents tor Barker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes or pure bred. 1 cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated GEO. MOORE jfc SON, I'loijs., T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR â- * 1 -'1

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