Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1915, p. 5

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f « -<*^jj^, iuttmfitt^- June 24, 1915 THE r L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE â- i 4 « â- Â»:' i!-' EsiablisheJ over ^arty-anBYeara THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking V^^lue Your Money, l^aste and iw Xtravagance Bring Disaster We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, DDE Brmnchea abo «t Durhjun and Hanriatod. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Fleaherton Station as Hound camo oHioe. Hi's. P. Loucks has recently had some- °'J',"L "** i "''"8 I'ke a nervous breakdown, and by ll-.itt a.m. J ° , , , , , , . 9.18p. m. I "''*''"'â- * orders she left last week, accom- astray â€" Apply at this Tmins leave â- follows : doing South 7.33 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton ad 1 P""'"* ''J' »>" ''"'« son, to, vi.it friends ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.andldown in Ilusael, in hopes that a change 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth as| will benefit her health. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south, . n â-  i- i t • mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'^. 1 -^ =°»'P»"y "'» 3've Lncle Toms _^___^_^____^â€" ^___^^â€" ^â€" , Cabin tn the town hall on Monday next. . This old standard play has not been seen j here much of late years and the younger . . generation especially ;ir« unac(|uainted ^^P| with it. The show will, no doubt, be ""^ I well patronized. See odrertiacment. VICINITY CHIPS Meet me at the celebiation in Fleaher- ton on July Ist. County Cjun;il is in session .-vt Owen Sound this week. Mr. Richard Benthara and Miss ZelU visited friends in Singhainpton this week. Priceville and Heathcote correspond- ence are unavoidably held over. Mr. Churcotl of P.-rtUw moved family to town on Monday Dinner and supper will be served in the Presbyterian church on July Ixt. Meals will be served in Krst class atyle by the ladies of the consregation. Dinner ready at 11 a. m. iSupper at 5 p. ra. A good !<<|uare meal for 25c. Rest roum in connection. Bring .-tlong your friends and have a Hrst class meal. Mr. .\rthur Johntton so!d a Heece of his wool in town on Mond»y off ,i yearling Leicester ewe which netted him 94. lit, holidaying with her mother lieri». Miss Andrew of Homings Mills spent Miss Mamie Sullivan of Montreal is) The fleece weighed Itik pounds. Wt fancy this is a record, beat it we would like to If anyone can hear about it. the week end with Miss Kate Bellamy. Mr. Johnst.-n .old twenty-two fleeces -, 1 M vv I „!...-« „.„] 'hat day which brought him $52.12. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jnckson ana | _, •* , , .. • T J- e «_;..f„„ p-rb 1 The canvass for the patriotic fund dkugbter, Miss Lvdia, of bwinton rark . ' .... ^ 1 " .u M . T...„i.>„».. which 18 taking place hero has been very Tisited last week with Mrs. Jamieson. I ° ' â- ' successful, although not yet completed. Bornâ€" At Roseray, Sask, June 12, to _. , > , . ., i j c i ^ ' \ .' , ' „ I rive hundred dollars was asked for, but Mr. »nd Mrs. Harry Lowick (nee Belle Hendei-son) a son, Marshall Henderson. Yuu can get a good rt^uare meal for 25o. in the Pretbyteruin church on 1st of July. Sergt . Emerson Bellamy of the Niag- ara camp spent Sunday with his parents here. Artemeaia and Markdalu Sabbath I it is fully expected that the i^um will run pr<.tty well up to ihe eiijht hundred mark. Half goes to the Red Cross and half tu the dependent fund. .1 full list of subscribers will be published when the canvass is completed. Biltsi are out for a monster celebration in Flesherton on July 1st. The day's sport starl.s at 10 a. in., when there will ill meet at Eugenia ' be a graml c-ilithumpian procesaion, after I which comes the greasy pig contest on school Association to-day (Thursday) Boru-At Lang, Sask., ou Thursday, I ^'"-' '""ket s.juare. The afternoon pro- June 10, to Mr. and Mi>. David Clayton, ! «""" commeures at 1 o'clock, when a son. Congratulations, Dave. ! '^"="> «'" ^^ " »"'««'"'" t-'"rn«menl con- , 1 bi.stiiig of Kimberluy, M.nkdale, Dun- church , ., , ^, , ^ . * The ladies ol the Presbyterian ct will feed you uu July 1st fur 2iic. per| meal. Here's where you gel your mou- 1 ey's worth. Mr. S.irgeant is rebuilding his sawmill which was burned down a couple of weeks ago. He expects to have it in op- ! eratiuii in a fortnight. ' dalk and Flesherton teams. After ihia theru will be a Ladies' baaobali match between Mclntyreaml FleKliorton. Good pri/.us are given and evoiy game will be a good one. In the evening a grand concert will bo given in the High School, when Dundalk talent will present a three act plsy, entitled, "('aptain Rackelt." Mr. and Mis. W. L. Wright, Mr. andJThiHisan excellent play, and those who luisa it will miss the best concert ever given in Flesherton. Accoinmodiition for the day will be plentiful, as the Presbyterian church will serve dinner as well as the two hotels*. We hope to sej you all out for a good day's sport. Mrs. P. ti>uigg and Mrs. Mark Stewuit motored over to Hariisiuu on Sunday, reiuruiog the. same evening. The Entrance examinations were on here this week with Mr. H. S. White as examiunr. Mr. Hillund is olhciutiiig at Pi icuville. Mr. W. J. Lever has received word from his son, Fred, who is in the Tenth Battalion, of date June 1, staling that he was well. A garden party will be held on the farm of R. Akitt, Rock Mills, on Tues- •day, June 29. A gnod program of sports «tc. will be given. Se bills. Mrs. R H. Wiixhi. Mi.s. Hawken, Mrs. R. Beet and Mis. A. Stewait mot- ored to C.arksburg and attended the Centre Grey District Women's lustilule. F. O. Karstedt and sons, Flesherton and Piiccville, have taken a contract space to announce their bargains. The tirst inserticu of their advertisement appears in this issue. To Owen Sound July 12 Special trains will run to Owen Sound on July 12 as follows : Time Fare Orangevillo Lv. 8.00 a. m 82.30 Fraxa Jet. 8.17 a. m 12.15 Laurel 8.27 a. m $2.10 Crombies 8.41 a. m 81.90 Shelburne 8.55 a. ro $1.80 Melaucthon 9.03 a. m f 1.70 Corbettou 9.13 a. m 81.60 Dundalk 9.24 a. in 8150 Proton 9.34 a. m 8135 Saugeeii Jot. 9.41 a. in 81.25 Flo8herl(ni 9.50 a. m 81-20 .Markdale 10 05 a. in 95 Berkely 10.15 4. m 75 Holland Centre 10.25 a. in 70 Chatsworth 10.25 a. m 45 RocKtord 10.50 a. in ;«) Owen Sound Arrive It. 05 a. 111. FROM DURHAM Lv. 8.00 a. ni. . . Carl Wolfe of Toronto will (each piano' ^>'*'""' ^P''"='"' '*'''*'â- '''* '^'«"'" *^""'"1 »^ J • /. J • T . , , 7.00 p. m. and organ in Osprey during July and | August. Persons wishing an enrly call from Mr. Wolfe may leave their names at Feversham Post t>tlioe. We uuder.<tanl thai those who inlenl going to Toronto and Niagara on the ex- cursion on July 17th, can secure a four days limit on ihoir ticket by procuring a Chatsworth tioUet, which can be secured from the Committee on the train. The Al. G. Wootts amusement Co, held forth in the town ball here all last week I { Durham Mc Williams 8.10 a. m. Glou " 8.15 a. ui. Priceville 8.25 a. 111. Saugcon Jet. 8.40 a. m. Flesherton 8.50 a. m. Markdale 9.05 a. m. Berkeley 9.15 a. ni. Holland Centre 9.25 a. m. Chatsworth 9 40 a. m. *1 .80 *1.«5 $1 05 81.45 81.25 »1.20 05 80 70 45 .'lO and gave a good clean show of sleight of ' ••'" P- "' Rockford 9.50 a. m. Owen Sound arrive 10.05 a. m. Return Special loaves Owen Sound at h'tnd, mental telepathy, etc. There was plenty of fun. The company is at Fever- sham this week. Owen Sound Westside Methodist Sun. day School's »'iniial Kxcursion to To- ronto, Niagara and Soldiers' Concentra- tion Camp, via C.P.R. to Toronto, and Canadt Stsamship Lines to Niagara, on July I7th. Running on Saturday makes this the mos' popular suinnier outing of the season. Tnfornialion cheerfully fur- nished by any Metho<list clereyinaii. in your locality. .See biif bit's later. Ra'es good ou specials as well as all regular trains. War lax of 5c. on faros of 81.00 or over. Patriotic music only is re-iuested on that day by all bands etc. House and Lot for Sale Corner lot opposite the Piesbyterian church, houRC contains 9 rooms and batii, cement eellirs, cement cis ern inside, goodwell anil stable. For terms apply on premiRoa. â€"MRS. R. H. WRIGHT, lino. Flesheiton. ^^dds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE Horse tor Saleâ€" Good farm horse, l> years old. For information phoiie Herb Clark, Ospioy circuit. Potatoes For Saleâ€" Apply to W. J. Magee, Eugenia. Fresh kiln of liine ready for June 7 â€" W. J. Meads, Durham Road. Tele- phone. For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelHiig lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terma, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap afuU stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such wdl tind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Fleaherton, MISCELLANEOUS Lost â€" Between Flesherton and Kiin- berley on Friday, J une 4, a black suit coat. Finder please leave at this otiice. Notice is hereby given that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire InauraVe Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B, McLean, Priceville, R. R. No. 2. Two white sheep strayed from lot 38, Con. 10, Artemesla. Any information as to their whereabouts will be tbarik- fully received. â€" Uarry Genoe, Flesherton. Hound Lostâ€" About May 7th. black and white hound bitch, from Eugenia, ab)Ut one year old, answers to nanr.e of "Bell." Anyone knowing of her where- abouts please comm-inicate with Frank Gray, Eugenia P. O. fi It^ F. G. KARSTEDT & SONS FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT Tlini these coltLians will run a series of advertisements wliicli will be of interest to all. We all know that cue can buy at better prices when the quantity can bo handled. Thru pufchaBing the business iu Priceville, it gives us an excellcut outlet, enabling us to buy iu larger quantities, and in turn give our customers better prices. These especially low prices apply to either stores, aud due bills given in one store are good in either .stores. These prices are good until further notice. Specials in Groceries Gents' Ready-to-weau* Clothing Canned Goodsâ€" Peas, Corn, Timiatoes, Pumpkins, We have a splendid line in all the new pitterns and 3 cans for 2oc. siylcs. Just to introduce our 'Sovereign" Brand to Granulated Su>'ar, per cwt 87.15 customers we are ott'eiiiig a special difcouiit of 10;;. Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs. tor 81.00 This is a bona-Hda reduction. No make-believe. Golden Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs. for 81 .00 Hardware Royal Household Flour, per bbl 87.50 ^,. -„ ^, r^ ~„ „„ tt Gle.iora Patent Flour, per bbl 87 . 00 Daisy Churns 82.00 «<,. oO, .:54.00. 87 00 Happy Thought Ringec, all prices. MARTIX-SENOLR Soecial in Teas RKADY mixed paints. Thomh an advance has * . I>een made, ours will be sold at the old prices. Also Our regular 35c. team black, green or mi.xeH, con- Oils, Vainish and Turi>eiitine. Shelf Hardware at sidered extra value at that price, for 28c. per fwuiid. the lowest possible prices. Screen Doors, Screen No one customer to buy more than two pounds. Windows in all sizes. 2 only acts of Single Driving «_, 1. rf-> J Cj. Harneas, a special even at $18 03. We offer same for WaStV IxOOdS, ttC. ,,uiek aale at 81'". 00. On the table will lie found a goodly showing of Wash Pmnro«« *%hrw>« »♦ <k1 M\ naix Goods, Ginghams, Repps, Crepe Cloths. These sold E-HiprCSS ^noeS ai ^l.W pair regularly al 18c. per yard. Our special^ price will be These are broKen lines of Empress Shoes. The prices 12Ac. to clear them out. Voile Waists in the latest ran from 82.50 to 8*-00. The ((uality need not be style, very pretty indeed, e.xcellent value at 81.00. commented cm. It is a well known line. In order to clear these out we offer them at 81 00 per pair. The 50,0 Reduction on all Ladies' Millinery. tirst here, the tirst served. Prices to Apply to Flesherton Store Only One car of Fine Salt to arrive in a few days. This is the same as we've been handling for years. Sold regularly at 81.50 per barrel, now 81.35. One car of National Portland Cement to arrive also. For customers who will unload same off the car at the station we offer you the exceptionally low figure of 81 50 per bbl. Place your order now for what you want. A car load of No. 1 Chestnut Coal it due to arrive in a few day.s. The quality of coal wo sell is well known to imr customers. Lot ua have your older. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE War Price Cut Special Musical Offer Ac the rate of 87. 00 foi twenty lessona, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupiU during .April, May and June. -M.A.RKEVERETTE WRIGHT Liberal-Conservatives Meet The Liberal-Conservatives of South- Enst Grey met in conventiin at Durham on Friday last. This was the first meet- ing in the newly form-'d consti'uency and augured well for the future of the party if enthusiasm and the ulinoat har- mony are any criterion. Presiilent Wm. Bieese of Cliatsw( rlh was in the chair and pel formed his duties in a most satis- factory manner. After the meeting was called to order the following urticers were ele.ted : Pros dentâ€" W:n. Breese. Vice Presidentâ€" Dr. Campbell. Secretary â€" Dr. Ego. Treasurerâ€" D. McTavish. Auditorsâ€" W. J. Bell-imy, Irwin Murrioon. Township Vice Pre8idcnt8~Su)livaii, D V Thompson ; Bentinck, Geo Brown ; Norinanby, J W Werner ; Egreniont, T J Gordon ; Glenelg, R T Edwards ; Holland, â€" Perdue ; Proton, W Good- fellow ; Artcinesia, H McLoughry ; Ojprey, W L Taylor ; Durlam, Artlii r Jdck.soii ; Hanover, Geo Rozell ; Nieu- stadt, .\ Weirert ; Flesherton, W Boyd ; Markdale, W Gibson ; Chatswortli, G W Collins ; Dimdalk, S Bell. 'I'he County of Grey is now divided into two constituencies fur Dominion purposes, but for the Ontario Legisla. tare the county will remain as it was. The above list of conalituencies are those which cuinpri.so South-East Grey. The speakois of the day were Mr. Ball, the present member, Mr. Cameron, the member for North Grey, and Hon. W, T. White, Mini.ster of Finance. The speeches were all listened to with keen interest by an audience which packed the town hall. That of Hon. T. White was a most scathing denunciation of the "loiiacy" which the Liberal par'.y had left to the present incumbents. He i|uotod Sr Wilfrid Laurier's slate- moiit that he "did not wish to open the door of office w;th a bloody key," but it was the .speakers opinion that he would open it with any key, get in the back door or climb through the window if necessary. .Ml parts of the riding were aplendidly represented. There were some twenty delegates from Fle.shcrton. A Representative Wanted â€"FORâ€" I The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries . To sell in Flesherton and diatrict. \ A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade 1 among the farmers as well good ornamen- ' tal business in the town. ] Exclusive territory. IlandKi.mc free outfit. Highest coinmisiiions. Wi-ite I for terms. 1 Stone & Wellington | Foothill Nurseries ' (Established 1837) ONTARIO TORONTO Notice Dr. R. F. Eiiglisn, 'laleopathic Physician, of Owen Siund, will be in Kluslierton on Tucsd.iy and Friday after- noons of eiiih week. ComniL-ncing Fri- day, Juno 4tli, For npi>ointmont phcno 9 ring 3. Deering Implements: AND Gasoline Engincsj All kinds of Deering Inipleuienls. Parta always on hand. Agent for Barrio and Mt. Forest Cutteis.Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implemonts rei(uire no recommendation as they aie standard coods and recognized as the best on the market. ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Christmas Gifts There is a movement on foot this year for somelhint; substantial for Christinas, now that the German ffimsy ware is debarred (its it should have been years ago) Just by way of suggestion wo would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stuck of furniture t>uit- able for presents, which is un- usually full this year. For in- stance we have rockers for mcuhi-r. easy chairs for father, beauiiful pictures and frames for sister, liandsleighs for little brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs aud other things for little sisterâ€" something for everybody. Come ill and see the latest tliini; ill dolls beds and rockers. Then we have the usual stock iif all kinds of parlor, btdroom and dining room furiiituroâ€" desks, cliaits, odd pieces, secretariisâ€" ( Mi ! there is too imifli to oniime'.iti'. Come in and go over our stock ynursi'lf. .\hvays happy to ahow goods and to demoi'sirale tlmt our (irices are as low as the lowest. Wo are iirepared to furnish llowcis and Moral designs for fiineraN, weddings, or tocial gallieriiigs, havinit arranged with the D-ili- es- tate cf Brampton to handle their busine.'is lu-rc. iii[ Mftinis. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheal 81 20 Id 1 25 >'ats 60 to 60 Peas $1 25 to 1 25 Barley 75 to 75 Buckwheat 75 to 76 Flour 87 00 to 88 ;iO Hay ... .815 00 to 15 00 Butter 21 to 21 Eggs, fresli 20 to 20 Potatoes per bag 35 to 35 Geese. 11 to 11 Ducks 11 teli Fowl 8 to 9 Chickens 10 to 11 TiuKeys 14 to I.'i I" T HE ONLY MAN g WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ i W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER •PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. FER IN THE WAY rX ANDX School Children's Eyes. This famous make of implements is well known all over the cmiitry and their own good work is tho best recnin- meiidation they can receive. If you rniuire anylhina in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sloigh-<, Waggona, Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chanee to quote prioeo. X X OF SERVICE '^ â€" SUCH A PErv^v/ii &gr X IS A DEAD ONE-5S }^ WHETHER HE^ KNOWS ITâ€" Ok^ Elbert Hubbard ^ in the Fra mf John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Debentures Issued for „ Short Term of Yeatrl NEGOTIABLE Interest Coupon* Payable Half-Yearly M ASSETS : $7,480,339 A ftiedre^iWrst Pprmaneiil I oaniConip<imj S|||| eO.MindSr.Wosl. Toruntu i|||| W. J. Bellamy ^gent lau^ Flesherton Many lives have been ruineu through neglected eyestraiii in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of tiiis branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular altention i.s directed to (he remark tbly low Round Trip Fares in connection with honu-oeekera' Excur- sions to Wostern Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are cm .sale each Tuesday until October 2fith, inclusive, and are good to return within two inunt lis from dnto of sale. Tho C. P. R. iflera the finest possible 1 ei|uipinont and fastest train service via one of the most scfiiic routes in the world. It is the only lino operating through stjiiidard iir.d tourist sleeping cars," also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All ei|nipment ip owned and operated by the C. P, R., alTurding the highest form of etttcieucy . If such a trip is under con.tideralion apply to any C. P. R. Agent for ful particulars or write M. G, Murphy D.P. A , Toronto. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. Wo ave no accounts with other papers, Flesherton .\dvauce 8 I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe ,.,....... 90 Mail-Empire _ 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Wit.ieas '. 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Homo Journal 90 Poultry Hoview 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos. Full Line of Farm Implement* Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleigha, and Gasoline Knt^ues, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt .•ind Frost & Wood Repairs .ilways nn hand. Fftversbam, - Ontario*

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