Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 4

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July s 101.') niE F 1- E S H E ION ADVANCE XH I ^, ^iCGl)ertOn CADuancc Letters From The Boys In Khaki An tn<)ependen( newspminr, piiblisheil every I Thursday at th** ottice, Colliiigwuod Street, I I'l.'sherton. Subscription price $1 peraunuui I wheu paid in advance ;tl.t>3 wlieii iint an |>aid ' AdvertiiiBK rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weakly AT H. Tliiiruton- Editor Flesherton's Donation To Patriotic Fund Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudijeuii, pastui'. XI B. m. and 7 p. in. --The pastor Sunday. 10 «. in. Fellow8hi|> Service. Monday evfii ii^ Kjiw-Mrlli League n 8 p. lu. Al.jrk lueretiu WrigSt cl oiv leader and Orgsnisl. Dominion Day Sports The elements were kind to Flesherton on -luly Ibt. While it mined all around us ouly a fi'w drups fell hcie â€" not enough to interfere in any «»y with the days sports. The forenoon wuh k'^'^i' "P ^o h cali- thumiiiaii |>rucei<sion which created much amusement. OneofM.o iiio.st Hniusin); /ded to. LKITEU NO. ;t Westenlmnger Camp, Kent, June 15, I'.H.'i. One tce-s all sorts of IntereKting people here. The most interesting iire prol)- iibly the wuunded .snidiers back from the front. Yesterday I had a talk with a Kunner from the (ith field battery, who was wojnued at St. Julien un the 27th of Apill. He hnd been in liospiiiil ever since, and ivis then on hi.s wiiy buck to the front. This man, named Ferguson, whs serv- ing a gun iu the fierce Kghtint( around St. Julicn, when a high exph>9ive shell lit fifteen feet to one side and blew an enormnis hole l>e>ide the gun. The ex- plosion WHS tremendous, xnd « fiHgnienl of shell struck Ferauson on top of the head, ctrrying away a considerable i|uan- tity of sculp, and fracturing his skull. Half un inch higher, and the irttginent would have mi.Hsed its nwak entirely ; half an inch lower, and- -. To make a 1 -ing story short, my beio wu out of the game for some time, and did not come lo until reaching the dress- ing station, where his wound was atlen- In succession he parsed through Following is the list of donnt'ons, to the Patriotic Fund resul'imt upon the recent cunvus fur funds. The list to'als up8!ll7. STiCtt was asked for. F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MIDSUMMER SPECIALS outttts was Ih^t of the F .rd 1'.>1« miKlel, three different hospitils, and live lUys shoved fioin behind by an old horse. , |,ter at rived in one at Gravesend, Eng- The prettiest thing in the procession was land, from whence he was discharged « Red Cross \nn presided over by Dr. \ three days ago. Now he is off to the Little and a number of pretty tittle nurses, with Dr. Murray as patient, sufTering with a bal corn on his Ford pedal ffK»t. The prizes were as follows : Beat fancy automobile, <i. Mitchell; t)est comic vehicle, E. Heniyanl Geo. Mc- Tavish; best comic outfit on fooc or horseback, W. Buskin; best patriotic I back to hell" he said, «juttit, Ked Cross girls. After the procession a pig catching contest took place on the a(|Uiiie. The pig was a little fellow and was caught front again ' quite cheerily. H's description ot tneir work was veiy vivid. .\t one time tlia gunners man- bundled their batteiy up to the crest .if a hill, where they could get direct hits at j the cneiuy. *' We could see them coming down a road," he said, " an endless line of brown figures, swinging along at a steady pace. With every step we could see the lina waving up and down, steadily aa rollers ithout much dithculty by Maik Wilson, Jon the sea. Then one of our shells burst right ill the middle of the column. There was u wide gap in the line, as the shrapnel did its deadly work. HlM they c.ime. Another of our sLells burst â€" foi we hal their lange with deadly rccuracy â€" then another and another. At each burst a gap was ma 1e in the c ilumn, and we saw the road below â€" nothing but dust where men had been before. The efTect of tlie guns in a few minutes was terrible, and still the column advanced. 'â-  Finally," he continued, " the Oer- man artillery located us, and shells be- gan to fall around us. Nearer and near- In the afternoon a bu&eball tournament tooU place on the Aitricullural grounds, between teams fri>iii Kiuiberley.Uundalk, Vandeleur and Flpshettun, siid a ladies' g:ime between Mclutyre and Flesherton. Tlie first fame was pUyed between Van- deleur and Dundalk, the score being In favor of the furiiier t<i the tune of 14 It. The next game was between Kiinborley and Flesherton. Score l">-8 in favor of Kimberley. Vandeleur and Kiniberley foHowed, Vandeleur winiiinx out and securing the prize by a (core of 11 lo 7. Mclntyre and Flesheit in airU put up a | «T they cxine until it g .1 too hot for very interesting game, the result being ! safety. We laid hold of tiie guns again, tt win for Flesherton by a score of 14-11. ran them do»n the slope, hitched on tht This ended the sports. I horses, nnd tore away to another posi- The entertainment at night In the)"""- I «»^v the crest of that same hill a Huditorium of the hi«hschooUHs attend- j ''•^"« '""« '"'<"•• "'"^ '' •"'" » '""« I of holes blown by burttinj shellsâ€" liter- â-  ally |)lowed to bits '. If we had stayed thereâ€" but then we didn't." I asked about the headquarters staff of ed by a bumper audience. The play, put on by a DuiiJalk troupe, was thorough- 1 ly enjoyed by everybody. Our sister village has some histrionic talent of which she ought to be proud. Three or four of the players weic especially good, notably Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Mtgee, Mr. Magee and Mr. W. .Symington, who all liad ditlicult parts to play and who carried them through in a manner entirely satis- factory to the audience. The play was vary sniusing throughout and was much ' <:ujoyed by the large audience. The : proceeds of the concert amounted to #120.25. The gate receipts at the grounds were 91t>.'t.30, and other sources of revenue brought the total receipts up to over 94H0.67. This is considered re- markably good for a day of sportsâ€" in war time. In addition to the above the young women tagged everybody with Red Cross butt<>ni and Hags, raising for their fund <,vcr f6G. The Presbyterian Lsdies' Aid gave dinners to a large number, thereby adding a goodly sum to the coffers i>( the church. The baseball boys who engineered the fpoits this year aie highly elated over the success of their streniieua eflTorts. their brigade. " Wei!," was tho answer, " last time I saw them they wore i|uar- tered in an old farm house, bnt were packing up their stuff in a groil hurry. I went up to the firing line, and when I got hack the st.tff was gone, and the farm house WAS gone, too blown to bits, liut the staff got away Hist," he added, and smiled at the recollection. Ai III itrong, W A $.*.0 00 Hickling, F H W 50 00 Mitchell, Geo 50 00 Buskin, W 25 00 Holland, RO 25 00 Kaistedt, FG 25 00 Chard, Thos 25 00 White, H S 25 (X) McTivish, D 25 00 BIbhy, Dr 20 00 Kithardsoii , W E & S.n So 00 Blakely, Tlioi and TO 15 OO Sullivan, H H 10 00 Kerr, UC 10 00 Murray, EC..„ 10 00 Boyd, J iV W 10 03 Moore, W 10 00 Oltewell, J P 10 00 Fisher, T J 10 00 Munshaw, V 10 00 Wriiiht, NVL 10 00 Heard, John 10 fO Kichardsoii, Maud 10 00 Scully, M 10 00 Wilson, M. er.....' 10 OO Stewart. W J :.. 10 00 Duncan, F W 10 00 Phillips, <» W 10 00 Biothwell, L 10 00 Trimble. W W 10 00 Fsirey, ED 10 00 Dudgeon, Jas 10 00 Henry, Wm 10 00 Buhner, Thos 10 00 Ha.tkeD, VV A 10 00 Bunt, W H 10 00 Jmiiieson, Miss ME 10 00 Seeley, Jos 10 00 Weese, DL 10 CO McVicar, Archd 10 00 Sproule, R J 7 00 Bellamy, W J 5 00 Clinton, Jos 5 00 Bellamy, C J 5 00 Hales, John 5 00 Jones, E WC o 00 Keid, Wm 5 00 McLeod, H DOO Shacklefrid, AuUin 5 00 Patton, J 6 00 Blakely. Jos 5 00 Crossley, W P 5 00 Oldham, I M 5 00 Henderson, W J 5 00 Irwin, C) 5 (K» BelKniy, Miss R A 5 00 Slrachaii, D 5 00 Goldhawk, W B 5 00 Goldhawk, R H 5 00 Porteous, Richard 5 < i Swiizer, Miss E ,. 5 CO Wilson, H 5 00 Patton, Mrs K 5 00 Wilson, Mary B ,. 500 Summer Millinery at Clearing Prices This Season'.s Shapes at Half Price. All Triinnietl Hat.s at Cost Two Middy Special* Ladies' MiJdies, heavy white linen finish suitinj^, nicely made, beautifully finished, faced and trimmed cadet, navy and cardinal, this season's styles, all sizes, Special 75c. Mis.ses' Mitldios, suitable for girls from to 12 years, similar to above, bnt finish- ed and faced in three shades of blue. Special 50c. Fancy Linens for Embroidering Centres, Doyleys, Table C;ioths, Luncheon Sets, Scarfs, Cushioji Tops, Pillow Ca.ses. CJosiesetc.in Tan and White Linen. Silks and Cottons. Butterick's Fashion Publications The Delineator on Sale Belding's Embroidery Butter ick Patterns Sugar for Preserving Wallaceburg ^ Choose Your St. Lawrence Redpath Lantic Favorite Brand And Leave Your Order To- Day ^ Jem Jars, Jar Rubbers, Parowax, Preserving Kettles X ^ ^' j: ^ :^ ' ^ ^ :^ ^ ^ ^i^g^g g'g!y- ^ ^ ^ ' -y â-  ^ ^ ^r^ Dr. J. Ralph Smith }r^ OSTEOPATH Office and Residence-46d 'Jth St. East Owen Sound, Uut. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., l.aO to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Enelish will be in Flesheiton on Tuesday and Friday afternouos of each week. IT' Business Schooll MAIL CONTRACT Se.vi.ei) tknkkks addressed to the Post master General, will be reooivud at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the .'tOih July, 11)15, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week each way over 8itighampton (via Duntroon) and Rural Mail Route from the Postmaster Gen- eral's I'leasurc. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposid Contract may he seen imd blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post <JfHceH of Siii'/hampton, Duntroon, and At tho Ottice of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. Post Office Inspector's Ottice, Toronto, June 14th, 1015. A. SUTHERLAND Post ( XKoe Inspector WOOD CUTTING Buzz Naiv Wind Cutting with neatuesH and ileKpatili, ">o to ipiledidH per <iay. A!s(i n godil htrnw cutting outfit. Hatisfactii n giiaranteiMl. Leave ymr orders with tho undersigned. IJftlO -UEO URACKENHURY, Fivernhani [ " We calls 'em soft 'uns," said Private ' Swain of the 4tli (Ontario liatlallon. He I referred to a shrapnel wound In his leg. It was only a tiesh wound, and no bones had been touched â€" consequently a soft 'un." " That's what they all pray for," he added, " 'cause the soft 'uiis burn a bit, but they don't hurt much and you're I soon over 'eir.. I didn't know w'ot It was when I khI mine, but I couldn't walk, and I 'ad to crawl a mile before ttiey picked me up" liut the wound was a minor matter. Ilis chief concern at that moment was to find Canadian headquarters ut Shorn- cliffo, so he could get hack to Iho Kght. Ho W'tnts to get even. Il was in Folkestone I ran acrots a cheery private from tho Seventh liattal- ii>n. Ilis left leg was quite stiff and he I walked with a limp and a cane. But ho seemed as hippy as could be. A few days more and he would be on his way home to Canadaâ€" discharged, a cripple, probably for life; for It was doubtful whether the broken cord in tho log could ever be mended. " Too bad," I sympathized. Put ho laughed at tho idea "It was lucky I didn't lose the whole leg," wsh his answer. That always Meenia to be their view- point. They don't whine about their misfortunes. They consider themsolven lucky In not losing the whole of a leg, or an arm, or a head, as tho case n<By be. And as soon as the hospital is through with Ihein, back tlicy go, off to the front once inoru. They view tho whole thing as a great game of chance â€" " maybe wu will, maybe we won't." In tho mean- time they purpose doing their duty, and they do it' And still the Red Cross trains rush daily past our onip, with their white forms on stretchers, and with bandaged heads and bandaged arms. Somo of these brave rliaps will not go back. Some of them will, and then â€" iovenge is sweet I ARNOLD THIUSTON. Wilson, Mark, jr 5 ("O Stewart. Ab 5 00 Bentham, Thos 5 00 Wright. MrsU N 5 00 McTavish, Geo A 5 00 LeOard. Jos .\ 5 00 Tliistlethwaite, Beatrice .5 tO Little, WT i) no Holmes, M 5 (K) Nubn, John 5 00 Nicholson, Misj -5(0 Cargo, WE 5 00 Davis, W C .'» to .Vlexander. 'fils 5 00 Buchanan, John 5 0'.) Lin.z, Miss E 00 Wright, John 5 00 Caiter, Thos 5 00 Duncan, Jos H B 00 Carringtoii H 4 UD Fisher, Jas 4 0) McKinnon, Gordon 3 CO Flyiin, W :t 00 Blackburn, Mrs 2 00 Voungblutt, W 2 00 McAuley, K 2 W Burnett, W 2 00 Walker. Mi.ss 2 00 McKlllop, D 2 00 I'*tton, Edn» 2 tO Sinclair, Isaac 2 00 Bowler, Jas 2 CO Field, Mrs W 2 00 McDoii lid, Mrs 2 00 Fisher, LA 2(0 Lover, TU 2 00 Boooroft, Ge. 2 00 Cole. FO 2 (K) Wright, ME I 00 Boyd, Miss .... 1 00 Myois, Geo 1 00 T.ioter, Mrs M ICO meen, J I 00 Hales, J I 00 Colquette. Mrs I 00 That successful (school whose graduates occupy prominent po- sitions from tho Atlant.c lo the P.tcitic, re-opens for the FALL TERM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ^, CoUingwO'd, Ontario c ':^ HEREFORD BULL FOR iSERYICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service ou lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R., .\rtemesia. T.rmsâ€" $;t for pure breds. $1.50 for grades. All cows served must be uaid for. -T. & J. WATSON. 1 mvr 1 Property For Sale Part lot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. »<: S. R containing 2HA Rorc.s, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame house and stable "and the property is well fenced and watered. Apply to Joseph A. LeGard, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows. Riding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford W^ind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, lieattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks, Slings, Filter Curriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. J BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Puie Bred Shorthorn Bull for service ou Lot 14ti, Cm. 2, S. W. T. & S. R., Arlemesia. Terms fl.OO. All cows served must be paid for by 1st March, 1916. Isept â€" H. Piper. Bull For Service For service. â€" Baron Holly â€" No. 6422. Aberdoeu Angus, on lot 34, 9th concess- ion, Artomesia. Terms, ^1.00 if paid before 1st Jan. 1915.â€" W. J. Magee. May 15 Clinton, Miss B. . . White, W J Wallace, Miss I'edlar, Mr.s Bliickburn, I Hemphill, Miss . . . l.)uiKg, P : ., White, Jas Iliiward, Henry. . . Bollamy, John Hiilmnn, Anna. . . . McLean, Mrs. A H . Hergott, A Teoter, Mat tin Allisle.r, T Colgiii, Mrs John. ANADIAN . Pacific' DOMINION DAY SINGLE FAEE-Oood going Thurs day, .luly lat, return limit, Thursday, July Ist. 1915. FARE AND ONE THIRD-Uood going Wednesday and Thursday, June 30tli and July 1st, return limit Friday, July 2nd, 1915, (Minimum charge 25c.) PACIFIC COAST TOURS AT LOW FARES INCLUDING "CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Particulars front any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write M. Q. Murphy, D. P. A., south east cor. King and Yongo St«., Toronto. ifl'g^^SS^ii^S^S'^S"S^SS^^S^S^S5S'^SS^<aggrS[l! n i ^1 Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have .just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- i m ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK I FLESHERTON j» ONTARIO. $10.00 Reward A reward of ten dollars will be psid to any one giving information which will lead to the conviction of tho individuals who have been l)reaking glass in the windows of the Presbyterian Church, Flesherton. â€"J. L. MoMuUen, Chairman of the Board. Stock tor Sale A couple ot l»rod sows. 1 >lerk«)iire and Tamworth for t\\e GRO. Te'uih to suit imrohaser, W. ROSS, Maxwell P. I). Pore Bred Holstein Bull Changelinj; Prince Jee Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekork Princess Josephine Tho greatest butter making strain known Term of sorvioeâ€" >l.BO for grades, J5 or pure bred. GBU). MOORE & SON, Props., FleaHepton «l^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction I LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveniug CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes cleaned and dyod, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, • . PROPRIETOR :â- *'. * ;• . » ! V>i

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