Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 5

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.July 8, 1915 THE F L E S H E R T OX ADVANCE • 1. • I* .1. ♦ » EstaJblished over Vorty-onoYeara - THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER 948.000,000 The A, B, C of Bankmg ^^bsolute Security Oest of Service Courteous Treatment m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTON BRANCH ^<Odds and Ends ^ ARTICLES FOR SALE Horse tor Saleâ€" Good farm horse, U fears old For infuriuation phone Herb Clark, Ospiey circuit. Potatoes For Sale â€" Apply to W. J. Magee, Eugeniit. •CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Brmaches aba mt DnriuiB tnd tbrriilaa. Mvnager. C. p. R. Time Table. ! Trains leave Fleshertoa Station aa 'follows : Going Soath Going North ' 7.33 a. m. 11.% a.m. ' 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. ! The mails are osed at Fle«herton aj i ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and : 7 p.iD. ; and th«i afternoon mail sontb as ) 3.40 o'clock. For morning train sooth | -mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. j V VICINITY CHIPS > Port Miss Lulu Mitchell, teacher at Arthur, ia^home for her holidays. | Mrs. Rorke and Kau$[hter, Joy, of London, are guests of Mrs C. Bellamy. | Miss Carrie Sullivan of Montreal is | holidaying with her mother here. Mia.s E«a Blair of Swansea is visiting with her uncle, Mr. John Heard. Mrs. Andrew Bentham, Toronto, is -visiting frienJs here. | Bornâ€" At Oxbow, Sitsk., on Ju ne 22, 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pedlar, a sr.n. Mrs. Fred Sheppard of Toronto is vis- iHcg with friends here. Miss Clara Duncan is visiting friends in Owec Sound this week. Miss Todd of Toronto is the vuest of Miss Nichobon. Rev. J. F. Durkee, who years ago was stationed at Eugenia, die I t.t his home in Shelburne last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar returned la?t week from a fortnieht's visit with friends at Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. S. Holland of Toronto were guests for the past week of their son, K. G. Holland. Dr. C. Uttewell, wife aid babe, of Toronto, were guests of relatives hers during the past week. Mr... T. Bradv (nee Miss WiUa Wright) ' of Lions Head is visiting hor parents in . town. I Mrs. 0. C. Legate and daughter,Eaid, ; of CadoKan, AUa.. are the guests of Mrs. j R. H. Wright this week. | Rev. Mr. Kerr will preach to L.O.L. No. tW3 on Sunday, July 11, at 3 o'clock at the hall, Ceylon. Bornâ€" At Rock Mills, on Sunday, Jnly 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phillips, a son. Mr. L. Mills, Toronto, and Mrs. W. Clark of Owtu Sound, were guests of Mr. and Mis. R. G. Holland over the holiday. Excursion to Toronto and Niagara i'slls July I7th. Fares, Toronto $2.23, Niagara $3.50. Special train leave' M»rkdale9.1". Flesherton 9.30. Mrs. Geo. Cairns and four children of Glenelli, Man , Mrs. I Spiker of Sask., and Miss Wilda 'Jrossley of Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crcssley. The members oi L O.L. No. 883 are requested to meet at their lodge room on July 12 at 7 o'clock a.m.-F. T. Wright, W. M. Mr. John Weber of the Valley, has barley slightly over sixty inches high, ! sown on the tirst of May. This indicates thst straw will be an enormous crop khis year. Very heavy ruin's Sunday night did much good to vegetation. The down- pour was slightly on the heavy side, however, and the heavy wind following ' threshed gardens and grain pretty badly. A hydro gang on Monday commenced stringing the wires on the Dundalk- . Shelburne line, commencing at this end. The poles for the Flesherton plant are now being erected. Special anniversary sarmons were preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, morning and evening, by Rev. Stephenson of Shelburne. The pastor. Rev. Mr. MoVicar, took Mr. Stephen- son's work at Shelburne. We understand that those who intend going to Toronto and Niagara on the ex- cursion on July 17th, can secure a four days limit on their ticket by procuring a Chatsworth ticket, which can bo secured from the Committee on the train. So»e Markda'.e young men were up before Magistrate McMuUen on Monday evening charged with transgressing the speed bylaw of this village. Although two reputable eitiziSDS swore that the car was travelling at least twenty miles an hour, the proof was mt considered Nalis- ft»oti.>ry and (he case was dismissed. .\mong those who were up from Tor- onto for the First were: W. Bentham, Chas. Jamieson, Miss Teenie McLeod and friend. Miss Hamilton ; A. S. Thur- ston, Dr. R. Henderson and family and Mr. R. Norris. Mrs. Pliny Loucks and youngest son, who have l>een visitins her niece, Mrs. Wilkes of Koblock ave., Toronto, and friends at Mount Denis and West To- ronto for the past two weeks, left on Friday morning to visit friends at Ottawa and Russell. . Owen Sound Westside Methodist San- day School's annual Excursion to To- rontr^, Niagara and Soldiers' Concentra- tion Camp, via C.P.R. to Toronto, and Canada Steamship Lines to Niagara, on July 17th. Running on Saturday makes this the most popular summer outing of the season. Information cheerfully fur- nished by any Methodist clergyman in yoar locality. See big bills later. Bro. Rutledge of the Markdale Sur.- dard is developing quite a streak of mod- esty F In his report of the openins of the Carnegie' library he says : At this stage, Mr. C. W. Rutledge, Secretary- Treasurer of the Board, read a brief fin- ancial statement. This showed that sev- en thousand dollars had been given to IVlarkdale for library purposes by the Carnegie Trust. The building was er- ected, splendidly furnished, lighted, etc., within that amount, and a few dulUrs remain. Mr. Rutledve h.is worked un- sparinsrly, from its inception, to bring this undertaking to completion. Too much praise cannot be given his great public spirit and excellent executive ability." East Mountain Last Week's Items. Miss Mary Uomberstone is home fur her v:kcaiion. Miss Nettie Martin has taken a posi- tion in Flesherton. Miss Hazel Allen is spending hsr holi- days under the parental roof. Miss Alma Humberstone, who has been teaching on Maniloulin Island, has re- turned home for the holiday. Miss Mildred McMuilen is visiting friends at Cold water. Mrs. Orr, of Manitoulin Island, is risttin? with her mother, Mrs. Humber- stone. Mr. and Miss Carruthers of Listowel spent a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruihers. Adiires-s and Prbskntation On the departure of our teacher, Misi Moon, the pupiis of V. S. S. No. 1, Art' emesia and Euphrasia, presented her with a beautiful jewel case and Bible. After the presentation Miss Eva Allen read the following address : â€" Deal Teacher â€" We, your pupils of "Sunlight College'' have learned with regret ot your intended removal from our midst. We feel we cannot part wi'.h you without a small token of remem- brance. We have given you ample cause to merit punishment, but you have borne with our misconduct and tried to show by example how.true ladies and gentle- men should conduct themselves. We hope that you will overlook our mi.sde- ineanour and except this Bible and jewel case :is a small token of true respect. Signed on behalf of the pupils of I'. S.S. N.). 1, Euphrasia and Artemesiaâ€" Basil Carruthers, Ernest Thompson. Two Turks canvrused Walkerton lase week soliciting funds for a Turkish or- phanage, while their countrymen are at this very moment lighting against the British Empire and busy making orphans here. The Turk is a lecherous, rotten canker on the map of Europe, and to give good Canadian coin for the sup^iort of such a race is worse than throwing pearls before swine. While many other aliens are being locked up on suspicion of being spies, how is it that two travell- ing Turks can roam at large over the country and get away with it / Better call this pair oti° the beat until the war is over and the sword of the Turk is sheath- ed.â€" Herald. M. Godfrey of (>weu Sound has a Silver Cainpine hen which recently hatched twenty-two chicks from one setting. Mr. Godfrey had the mother hen and the chickens «n exhibition in the window of his shop on Eighth St. E. He says they are the largest hatching he has ever had. They are certainly a pretty batch of chickens. Fresh kiln of lime ready for June 7 â€" W. J. Meads, Durham Road. Tele- phone. For Sale â€" One good mare, five year (lid in July, weieht 1250. -^pp'y to Joe Watson, R. R. No. 3, Saugeen Junction. Good bargain. For Ssle or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ont. Legal Blanks For Jale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their, inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tf rms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank bam and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, MISCELUNEOUS Lostâ€" Between Flesherton and Kim- berley on Friday, June 4, i black suit coat. Finder pltase leave at this othce. Lest â€"A smaH terrier dog, June 22, between brown and tan color, short hair, answers to name of Jeff. Any informa- tion as to his whereabouts thankfully re- ceived.- Jas. Genoe, Flesherton. Notice is hereby inven that tne .\geney for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. Came Astray â€" Three animalsâ€" 1 3-y. old, 1 2-yr and 1 l-year oldâ€" I red and white, one black ; owner pmve property and pay expenses. S. McMuUeu, lot 154, 3 E. T. S. B.. Artemesia. Durham Mr. J. P. Telford has resigned bis position of police magistiaCe and on Tuesday received notice of acceptance from the department. We are now with, out a police magiatrtte, but two justices of the peace are still left to take caie of legal dinputes. At the present it is not necessary to make further reference to the matter more than to surmi.e that a successor to Mr Telford will cot soon be appointed, John McIntoBh. »i>n of .Mp^ Mclntoph. a respected farmer 49 years of age, who lived a short distance from Dornoch, committed suicide yesterday morning by cutting his throat with a razor. He left the house about five o'clock in the morn- ing, and not returning fur breakfast a search was made and 'the liteless body was found in a swamp a short distance from the house. He leaver a widow and family. No reason can be assigned foi the rash act beyond a fi!eliug of despond- ency over a slight aorasiou he feared might turn to cancer.â€" Chronicle. Maxwell Mr. B. McLean, Mr. George Mcla- tyre and Miss Duncan of Mclntyre.spent Sunday ac Mr. W. H. Guy's. Miss Jamieson and Mrs. Weir of Sing- hampton visited at Rtv.Phimister's Sun- day. Mr.s. Bob Young is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Kerton. Mrs. Bert McCallum and daughter, Edna, have leturned fiom the West. Miss Jean lokster accompanied her and will visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. £. McCallum, 4th line. Address .txn Prksbntatio.v On Monday evening, June 2^, the Methodist parsonage had an agreeable surprise, when the friends of the Max- well appuin'meut met and presented Mrs. Phiinister with tu addre.ss and two silver tei services. Mr. Phiinister re- plied with a very touching address. To Mrs. Jas. Phimister. Dear Mrs. Phiinister. We the under- signed on the eve ot your depanui-e from among us have come together to show our esteem for you and our regret at los- ing you from our midst . During the four years of your sojourn here you have labored to help us,and so willingly taken your part, that we feel called u|.-on to present you with a memorial of our affection. We therefore desire that you accept at our hands and with our very best wishes this silver tea service. We bid you Go:) speed in your new home, and trust you will bo en.tbled to coutinuo your efiforts on behalf of the cause to which you are devoted, that for many years to come you may have God's smile resting upon you, and in the end »e shall all be one about our Father's throne above. Signed on behalf of the Maxwell friends. F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT Thru tlicao coluains will run a series of adfeniaementa wbicLi will be of interest to all. We all know that one can buy at better prices when the quantity cau be handled. Thru purchasing the busiuess iu Priceville, it gives us an excellent outlet, enabling us to buy in larger quantities, and iu turn give otir customers better prices. These especially low prices apply to either stDrea, aad due bills given in oua store are good in either stores. These prices are good until further notice. Speciad in Groceries Canned Goods â€" Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, 3 cans for 25u. Granulated Sugar,' per cwt $7.15 Granulated Sugar, 14 Ihs. tor $1.0<J Golden Yellow Sugar, 16 lbs. for $1.00 Royal Household Flour, per bbl 17.50 Gleiiora Patent Flour, per bbl $7.00 Wash Goods, Etc. On the table will be found a goodly showing of Wash Goods, Ginghams, Repps, Crepe Cloths. These sold regularly at 18c . per yard. Our special price will be 12io. to clear them out. Voile Waists in the latest style, ver}- pretty indeed, e.xcellent value at il.OO. 50% Reduction on all Ladies' Milhnery. SPECIALâ€" Gasoline 17 cents per gadlon. Gents' Ready-to-weau' Clothing We have a splendid line in all the new patterns and siyles. Just to introduce our "Sovereign " Brand to cukloiuers we are otfeting a special dieuouut of 10^; . This is a bona-fida reduction. No make-believe. Hardwaire Daisy Chums. No. *2, f«.50: No. 3, $7.00. Happy Thought Ranges, all prices. MARnN-SENOlTl READY MIXED PAINTS. Thou^jh an advance has been made, uur's will be sold at the old prices. Also Oils, Varnish and Turpentine. Shelf Hardware at the lowest possible prices. Screen Door*. Screen Wiuduws in ail sizes. 2 only sets of Single Driving Harness, a speciiil even at tl8 00. We offer same for quick sale atfl'i.OO. SpeciaJ in Slippers 5<) pairs Children's 1 and 3 Strap Slippers, reguhtr II. CO and f 1.25 lin», now seUing for 50 cents per pair. rices to Apply to Flesherton Store OiUy One car of Fine Salt to arrive in a few days. This is the .same as we ve been handling for years. Sold regularly at 11.50 per barrel, now $1.35. One car of National Portland Cement to arrive also. For customers who will unload same off the car at the stiition we offer you the exceptionally low figure of $1 50 per bbl. Place your order now for what you want. \ car load of No. 1 Chestnut Coal is due to arrive iu a few days. The quality of coal we sell is well known to our custamers. Let us have your order. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE A Representative Wanted S _FOR- I J Seasonable The Old Reliable ' FuiTliture t Fonthiil Nurseries To sell in Resherton and district. A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade among the farmers as well go<Mi oruamen- j tal business in the town. Exclusive territory. Handsome free ' outfit. Highest commissions. ^^ rite for terms. Stone & WellingtoiT Fonthiil Nurseries (EstaUished 1837) TORONTO '. ONTARIO Deefing Implements AND Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand Agent for Bsrrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis.Bjirber Buggits. Lou- den Litter Cariiets, Hay Tracks. Pedlar sliingles and siding. These Implements refjuire no recommendation as they are standard goods and recognized as the best on tlie market. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station At the Flesherton Furni- ture Warerooms Such as Spring Beds, Mattresses, Baby Carriages, Bednxim Sets, Parlor Piect?, Parlor Sets, etc Here are three special articles for k quick sale: * 1 Heavy Oak Dining Room Set, leatherette upholsterint:, *> pieces. only $16.5<.>. 1 Uiik Extension Taale. only $14,110. 1 <Juarlered Oak Boutfet. I'.'x40 mirror, a beautiful thing, unly $27.'.'0. Ti[ Mum. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 20 to 1 25 ^-•sts (JO to fio â-  Peas $1 25 to 1 25 Barley 75 to 75 Buckwheat , 73 to 75 flour $7t>0to$8;W ;Hay .$1500tol500 Butler 23 to 2:! Eggs, fresh 20 io2t Potatoes per bag ;{5 to 35 Oeese 11 to 11 Ducks. 11 tpli F.'wl 8to !) Chickens 10 to U Turgeys 14 to l'> (?>ur jjrices will stand the test with any hmi. Coma and see what you buy Itefore you buy, then buy what you see. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. ^ rpHE ONLY MAN X ^ 1 WHO SHOULD K g NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ X THE MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- X School Children's Eyes. 1^ FER IN THE WAY S M OF SERVICE- AND ^ ^ -SUCH A PERSON |[ g IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ^ ^ KNOWS ^ NOT. X â-  Elbert Hubbard ^ ^ in the Fra ^0 WHETHER HE IT-OR MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famuu.s make of implements is well known all over the country and their own nuod work is the best recom- mendikliuu they can receive. If you re>iuire anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators. Pulp- ers, Pl.iws, Sleigh.", Wa«gon», Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers. Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en gines. Sawing outfits, etc., give us aj cbanee to quote prices. Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhooa. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch, of optics, and'guaranteo | satisfaction. • Consultation free. i W. A. Armstrong. John Wright, ' • Agent Flesherton '"""••IIMIIHUI .Debentures 1 Issued fbr IShortTerfflof NEGOTIABLE iRtersst Ceiipotis PayaWs Half-Ywrhr ASSETS : $7,480,339 . k The (jreai West I'ermaneiii 1 lunCnmpany |18|||| eO.HindStVVc^t T.iroritj i|||| W.J. Bellamy Age^t lau^ Flesherton Homeseekers' Excursions i To Western Canada I'articular attention is directed co the \ reniark'tbly low Round Trip Fares in connection with bome'<eekers' E.xcur- slons to Western Canada viu Canadian Pacitic Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive, and are good to returu within two months from date of j sale. I The C. P. R. offers the finest possible eijuipment and fastest train service via' one of the most scenic routes in the j Olid. It is the only line opurnting through) standard and luurist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. .â- Ml ei|iiipment if owned and operated by the C. P. R., affording the highest form of efficiency . If such a trip is under consideration ] *pply to any C. P. K. Agent for ful oarticulars or write M. G. Murphy !d.P. a., Toronto. Our Clubbing List Ttie following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance $ I 00 Youths Companion J 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe ..... ... . . \jff Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 3 00 Farmer Sun gQ Farmers Advooata ...150 Weekly Wit,ie«8 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Homo Journal 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, pnt. Agent for the Cocksbutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm ImpIemsnU Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Eni^nes, Melolto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', ot Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs .ilways on hand. Fevcr$l)am» - Ontario*

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