Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 8

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mmm ^M«p July 8 lOl") THE F L E S H E R T N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS WIUQHT, TELFORD A Harrister, Solicitoro, SiC. MoDONALD UtUcea, anf A Bnict Hlock, Owoo Sound. Htanilard H«nk iUock. Klesljerton.l8«tiirrt»\B). W.H. Wrigbt, W. 1'. i'elford Jr. ,J. C. McDouall, U 1-. B. Societies W luetti ou th« l»it Mond»j -cU month, In their loage room »t 8 r""- ^- '*^' a- 'J H«.lUm\ â- â-  Bee. C. H. Munnhaw: Ao u ID I'Uytou'i ball PleatiartOD, in.. B. PKINCE ARTHUR LODGE. No. SS3, AT* A U. iuf«t. in the MasoDlckall. Arm â- tro»R« Ulook.FlMhertoo, every. Iriday ou >r betore the lull moco M.; Cbat.MUDibtw, Becratary, ivery Friday ou T. Blakaley W. f> OUKTTIiEflHERTON, 995, I. 0. F. m*«Uln W (Jiaytoat mock the la«t Wedneedav "«">•;» eai;b luontb. VIbIUub Forettera haartily come'O. K.. G. Bellamy ; R. 8., U, t aires n Bee , \V. Buskin. Fleiaapay dneito Fin. Sec. beJore the Bret kVOttbe moDtb. CB06EM FRIESOS-Fleaberton t.oaTicll Cbonen Friendt meets in Clayton •hallOrst nd thir.l Wwlneiday of each month B P- m Pay aBiesauiente to the Keoorder on or oetort ttte «" t day of eaeh month. Chief Couacillor •I .!Bl»kel«v; Recorder W. H. Bant. Medical t\B CARTEJl _ H C F A B Ont, Pbysldan, Burgeon etc OfBce and reeidence-Peter at., Fleeberton DR. W. T. I.ITTl.K. - _ ,. . „ Uradiiate of Toronto I'nivertiity MedieklCoUeRe. Ite.ideoce arJ Otilce at Fatk Houie, K.ctbcrton. I'bone S4r2. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavish- FLESHERTON, ONT -T"- JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon jradnate of Ontaiio Veterinary rcrideoee â€" aacond door aoutb laary atrect. Tbia atreet rana outb PieabyteriaD Cbtircb. College weet^oD De.ntistry Dr. B. C MURHAV U D. B , denUI anrgeon houoi Kraduate of Torooio Univeraity and Hcyal Colleee of Dental Surgeoni of Ontario. Ciaa adaiiainiatered lor teeth extraction tmce at residence, Toronto BUeet. Fleetorton . Legal I LCAB. KASEY & bESRY-Barrlatera. *-< 8plicitor».e>c.-I. B. Lncaa, h. C, Kacey, K. W. E, t1. Henrj". B. A. OIBcea, rorcntn. ««••) Tiadora Hank Bldjt.. Jihone a.aio l«li; Markdale I-uca« Block. Phone 2 A. branch olUe* at Dundalk oi>en every Saturday. BUSINE.SS Cards t« CUUX)UGH * YOUNO »' tfankart Uarkdale oeral banking buainaaa. Hooey loaned reaaonalile rater Call on na. DMcPHAIL. I.ieeniad Auc'.ioneer for the • County of Grey. Terma moderate aud tie action Kuaranl»»a. The airangementa 1.1 lateiof saletcan lie made a', Tbk Advance oBce. Realdcoce and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephone oanection. Dec. 6.07. JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE We have taken over the «t«ck -of Win. .\l(!carli, Frioeville, at a rate on the dnllxr, and are going t<i eiinti»ue liusinesR in Pricevin.and f'T ilie month nf .July we iire <;oing to ««l«u<;hter yonds leyHidless of c >>i, ind (live the jieople of Piicerille iind surroundiiij; cuuiitry 6<>iiieihiii(; ill the line of tiai-.>(inii they haven't got for some tinw. Come and yet your xhare of the UirgainN in dry goods, (;roceries, liouu »nd ahuei, iMint", iiten'« aiid buye' clothing', flour and fueil, Slit, fenw win', hoe«, shovels, |»«ii*i ;,'iten, disheo. fiesh f. uitand VKgcaUtMt. M. KA1TTIS«», Aocttonevr foi the countiea of Urev and Hiziicoe w Farm aad Ktoak aalea a apec.alty. Terma a.oderate aatialacticn guaranteed. Arraug*- o-ents lor datea way be made at the Advance ^Itx-r. "r (Antral telern^iue otLce teveraham f I byaddrasaiDg me at Fevarabam, Out. Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needfei, Catalogues ^^W"^*^^^^"^^^ Tlie Columbia is tlif> pprftiot talkiii^ macliiiip. Compare sM otlicrs, tlioii SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materialsâ€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly licar iLis ai.d we arc not afraid of the \ mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful result. We can Hell .nacliiiie« on ; ^lachinery. easy terms to responsible people. •' All the best appoiiiled <!ily homrs have their pailoi inuehiiics and tlii'ie j i'i i)u reafloii why the farmer Fiioiihl I liOl liavi- the best music of (lie day in . Iii» lioine, including band munic. voenl ! aitibts, and pcrformirR on all kiiiils of â- â-  inRtruracnls. You cn.ii huvc it on ii j (.'ohimbia (irafonola, as perfect an the , nrigiiial, and for iniicli lesi. tlian yon would pay fur ;. Connnoii (Jrgan. They lan;,"; Irom iS-0 up. I The Perfect Columbia Is a luarvbl of rccoi'diii); inslrii- incnti! and the (Johiinbia recurdf, made in Canada, einhrnce tli< u ands <jf sc-lectioiifl from which to (hoo^c. W. H. Thurston Agent Flcshcrton Bull for Service It Is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP Is an economical paint because it will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best.â€" Ask US for color cards. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Pilints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 'm 1000 lired Mliorlh'ini luill, '.Alie/dueii -8,0(K) for Duivicu on Joi it!), .S.8, J'ur Fyvie It.. Arttmeaia. _ TrruK II f,0 for gtftd â- Â». I'uiv liiuJ ! I COWA fUlXI. I'ure lired Ttiiut<ror'h lioi/ for I'll the abivK Inl . Term? tJ.OO t n[n\\ ai.iniHlN. niu*t be p'id for. 'tninr - \V . .1. Mo«d -M \V TKUM Ol'KNS Ki'T K \i in: It AT Tllli «rivlc«? I Servoi <T Resumption Can. Pacific Great Lakes Service Bull For Service Tbf.roughbri..1 Shordiorn IJull, " Hill treat Ooveriior," \o. rto-tlW, for Rtiivice un lol i!7, con J<f ArU.'n;ef<itt. Ter>iifi fl..>0 for grade*, f/.l fur (hop.u^lilir. d-. ALKX ( AKK'I TUKKS. ' 1'Mssoii>!er neivjio viittlie (ireut Lukes ,1'iiiiadinn I'.icitic rouio fruiii I'orl Me- Nil: ill will Ih> resuiiifil eoniinonciiig Sat- urdiy, May 2'Jnil. The aervioe this (u.'iHiiii will be inikintalned liy ,llu- SltMiii- era '•KeowMiu' aailiiiif Tuesduys, rlio "Manitoba" WiHlm-filtyi', 'Wlbeiln" ThurKdayR and ".\H»inaboi»" ou .Salur I'Hs from I'ort MtNicoll at 4 )> in. The ''.Maiiitol a" aa'iiiiK Wednoi'dMy.s wl' aIho call At Owen Sound I'aeh Kiiilini.' diit at 10.;<0 p. m. Special train will Iimm I'lii'di Station, Toronto, at V-'.4."i p. m , airivint; Port McNicoll I (0 p, in. Daily Jj^ except F'riJsy. For reservations or olhcr inforniation iiUirlinu' t!!!"! ner* iee, cdliault anv Ciinaditn I'aoiho A(<rnt, ir wiil(» M. (i ^.%i^.^.^.*^^.5;^. ȣ%(•# Minpl.y, Disinot r.msenKer -Vgont, A. . .' Medicinal Plants To describe, or oven to yiva a list of I lie five hundred varieties ><f plants that come under the head <.f medicinal, at; tjivcn in u more thun ordinarily interest- ing iJulletin by A.ssistant Dominion Botanist, .1. Adams, M. A., would lake up '«n exceptional amount of aiwce. Mr. .Adams entitles his publication "Aledicinal Plants .ind Their Cultivation inCanMla." It is Bulletin No. 2;i, Second Series, of the Experimental FarnnN, and Cin be had free by addressing the Huhlication Branch. Department of A4;iiculture, Ottawa. Director Orisdale, of the Dominion Kxperiuiental Farms, inakes a correct estimate when he says ".Suohiufnrmation as is contained in this publication should be of value to many of our farmers." Dominion Botaiiisi liussoiv explains thai the bulletin owes Its preparation to the numerous imiuiries received from time to tiinei. relating to the cultivation of plants possessed of Certain medicinal or health re-storinu properties. Mr Adani.s, who was for- merly lac' iirer on Botany and Vegetable Materia Medica at Dublin, Ireland, sucvests that no farmer runs any risk by devoting a small plot of aUout an acre to druK culture a.s an experiment f,ir .i few yea's. But for anybody to go headlong into the business as i speculation would be unwise. After dealing with soil, climate, culti- vation, collection, drying, imports and exports, and explaining the terms used, Mr. .Adams gives proiaineiiee, wiih faith- ful illuatratioiis in outline, to the medi- eina! plants in de iiisnd, Th-jse briefly iire : .American White Ilel'ebore or Indian Foki", tlowrrs May and June, poisonous, occurs in swamps and wet woods from New fhiiniwick to British Columbia; price H to 10c |ier pound. Hop, flowers .July and Auitunl, ripe Sertember .lod October, occurs in thick- ets and on river banks from >iova Scotia to Manitoba, cultiva'ud 111 OoUtrio »nJ British Coluinbi't, froiu £."• to a.Jc. per pound. Golden Seal, thiwera ill April, lipe in July or .August, native in wihmIs of Oii- t»r,o, must be cultivated, ?5.4."» to fa.T.'t per ixiiind. White Mus urd, flowers all suiu&ier, occurs i'l tiolt's snd wasl« place*, 8c. i<er pound. BUck Mustard, occuis iu tield and waste plactx, 10c. per i^ound. Seneca Snakeroot or Mountain Flax, flowers May or June, glows In rouky woods froui New Brunswick to AILeria. 40c. to f 1.15 per pound. Sacred Bark or Be^rl erry. iH:cura in iiioisl SI uaiiiuis in ihe inonnlaina <if Hritisli (Joluml.ia, from *< to PX;. per pound. Aiiiuri;au (liiiteiig, colluc'vd about •SrjjUuiber, occnis in iioi.ds in t,>'iebec itiid Oiitaio. V5 per pound. Caraway, lloweri Miy [to July, occuta on waste vromi l lu K.l^tern Canada, t> to Uc. per jiouiid. IVppermint, H >weis .luly to Septem- ber, ueours in wet ground from Nova •Scotia to Ontiirio ; !i to l»ic. per pound. •Spearmint, ^rows in wet i;r.iuiid fron, Nova Scotia to Ontario ; 7 to •JOo. per pound . Mr. .Auams, in addition to Igivjng des- eriplion and ex ict iliustmtions, In every CISC i|iiiiles the niHikot jirice. Follow- ing I iio plants III leading demand, he o.iiiies to those used in iniKler.ite or tunall • I'laiitlties, sujIi as Irish Mdh.s, Krgot, .ila.e Keio, While Pine, MeiuUick, Ital- .-iiiii Fir, .liinipf, niid no on. Tn.ne oc- cupy i4 pi«o.-, two 1. 1 livi to a page, and tli.ii Wo havo foieiifii iiudiciiial plillll^ which inglil gr..w ai Canada. A list of .â- |4 publications and a coinpielieiisi\ e in il.tx >.d(l to ilii- iiihtriiLtiveiiesN md in ti'ii! t ul nil cxiucdii g y Vrtliialu) bullet- II. '^ ,Th» Color of Lakos. ! Somglak^ are distinctly blue, oUiera Jro oiTtarious shades of green, so that la some cases they are scarcely distin- jnlahnble from their level, grass sur- routided banks. A few, too, are al- most black. The lake of Geneva is izure hued, the lake of Constance and the lake of Luccnie are green, while the color of the Mediterranean has been called Indigo. The lake of Bclena l3 greenish yellow, nnd its neighbor, Lake Than, is blue. OWKN SOUND, ONT., JATAI.OOLh ON IIKVI FS'ij 0. A. FI.KMINO. F. C. A., Principal. D FI.KMINO OWtN SOUND - Sucre's' y ONTARIO Qeed Old Day*. Tbe high cost of living wasn't tnticli )f an item in tbe old days, when a lime package of comstarcli was nied ;o powder the baby after his batb, uake mother's face beautiful and pro-, luce a bowl of blanctnaoge for dMH lertâ€" Cincinnati Inqoireb - â€" â€" > His Buttnots. "There la a man who can always !>• lepended on nt a plndt." "Who is he?" "A pollcemnn.**â€" Baltimore Amarleaa. Comtng Evsnia. Mother (npstaln, oalllng)â€" Ari yoq mgnged, MabelT Mabel (from dark- ened parlor)â€" I will be in a minute sottaer.-Phlladelphla Ledger. If a man empties his purse Into his lead no one can takf |t from hJiBu**; franklin, - ~ - \ Hatherton Last Week's Items Misses Minnie and Alice Winterb arci home from Flesherton High .School for their summer vacation. Vi Lougheed, Gertie Grunameit and Julia Winters wrote on the entrance ex- minationat Feversham. .A number from here attended the fnn. eral of the late Hugh Roberts of Mc- Honor Rolls Re[)prt of promotion examinations for Kimberley public school for June, li»15, 8r o to Jr 4â€" E Harris, ilutohinsoD, A Lawrence, M Fawcett. Jr y to Sr 3-M Stefford^ E Ward, A Burritt, W Ellis, G Ward, B Carrulhers, H Mcl^unntll. Recommended â€" It EUis, H Fawcett. Sr 2 to Jr 3-Ralph Stafl'ord. R Stsff- Intyre. Mueh sympathy ^oes out to the o,d, C Fawcett, Carrutherp, V Fawcett, sorrowing family. I R Myles, K L;>wrence. H. Hardy and son, Hughic, visited | recently with Owen Sound friends. Jr. 2 to Sr 2â€" L Abererombie, M Mc- Connell, N Burritt, J Lewis, T Myles, H Wallace. â€" (i. F. Leslie, Principal. â€" M. E. Hutchinson, .A.ssistant. Promotion examinations for S S. No, 4, Artemecia. Sr 3 to Jr 4â€" E Stinson, S- Ludlow, G Stinson, W Nixon, O Lockhart (B), P Sjott, R Stevens. .Sr 2 to Jr. 3 -E Stinson, .A Little; S Acheaon, L Nicholls (R), M Nicholls, F Nicholls (K). Jr 2 to Sr 2â€" R Stevens, V ."Vliore, B Heard, E Nicboll.s. Jr 1 to Sr 1â€" M Scott, g Nixon. Primer t-j .Ir 1 â€" I L.ockharl, M .Ache-- son. , â€" L. Niergart, Teacher. Report of the Proiuotiun Examinations for .S. S. No. (i, Os|>rey. Primer to Sr. 1--Della Uoborts, Ben- Short, Victor McKenzie, Clarence Uol- Mr. and Mrs. -Aikins, Creemore, visit- ed with Mr. ,ind Mis. .Jesse Giummett recently. Mrs Down and Miss Wright vi.^iited friends at Banks and CoUingwood over the Week end. Rev. and Mrs. Brown of Brampton, u former pastor of Maxwell circui', visited a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Phimis- ter, the former taking the two services In connection with the re-opening of the church. The choir was assisted by Mir. R. .Arnott, Dr. Murray and Miss Hender- son, Fle.sherton, also Mits Inkster tnd Mr. Hunter of Wareham. Rev. Phimister and family leave this week for Alliston, The best wishes ofa large circle of friends go with them to their new tield of labor. The new pas'ur. Rev. Teller, will take charge here next Sabbath. R. French, Melancthon, and E. C<jok and W, < )rv.;l, Shelbunie, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ch.irles Winters last .Sun- day. Miss Livina Black and friend, Mr. '"y*^' ^''^ P""'*- Rooney, of Toronto, are visiting at the! •'''•1 '" •-'-Winifred MoMuUen (H;, former'a home here. j Mary Poole, Dick Howard. Misj L*ura Henry and brother, Wil- 2 to :5-Loi8 Short (H), Vein* Roberts,, trod, of Flesherton, spent Saturday withj B«rt Cameron, Stella Sewell, Ity Izhrd,. Iheir uncle, James Winters. They were K*" Holroyd, Eddy Howard. on their way to Stayner to visit their aunt, Mrs. R Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Meaford, vifited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John (xiugheed. Hoy Feiiwick is visiting with friends in WoiKlbridge. :5 to 4â€" Frank Uollin^sho-id, Sam Short, Stewavt Mc.MuIlsu. Reconnmended â€" Leslis Fields. Report of Prijmotiuo sxaniiiiations fot S. S. No. 3, Osprey. Sr A to Jr 4â€" Percy Winters, GUdwyn Campbell. Sr 1 to Jr 2-Myrtle Campbell. Sr Pr to Jr 1 â€" Elsie Campbell, Bett Rmc, Jennie Winters. - Margaret Campbell,. Teacher. Homeseekers' Special Train- .Afi|>KE.S.s AND PkKSKNTATIoN .An enjoyable time was spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Down, when about 40 young people githered to spend an evening with Miss Wright prior t â-  her departure this week. .After a jolly time playing hall and other gamrs on the Uwn, the young |>eoplo were called to order. A iireseiitatimi was made to Miss j '^«*''*» Toronto eacli Tuesday coinnisnc- Wilghf, and an address was resd by Miss' ing" Juno 1st, I'Jio. Mary Winters, after which cake and lemonade wasserved and seveial patriotic! ^"'" *•** »cconimodatron of -Huuiwieelt- nieces were sung after which the company ! *''" »'"* «''>'«'•«' 'ourist traUic to Western dispersed. The following addiess „a,:C»iiada. throui-h trains carrying Tourist ,g^(] . Sleepers snd t'oloni.st Cars will cum- ... ., , iiiience June l.st, will leave Toronto 10.43 M e, the young people Dear Friend of Hatherton, who arc present th's even- ing, wish to show you in sniiie way our appreeialiou ( f your untiring ttt'orrs in school work during your two and a half, years stay among us, and also in our social gatherings. You have always been willing to give of your time and talent in nialiiig them a success. We feel .sorry j p.m. each Tu«<.sday unlit further iK^tice, running throuijh to W'innifx'g. .Attention is diiected to the iciuark- rtbly low trip lares in connuctioii with the Homeseekers' excursions to we.stern- Canada via Canadian Pacific i-ailway Tickets are on sale each Tue.sdHy until' (^ct. 2»ith, inclusive, and are good to re- to pirt with you as our teacher and com- j""" »'tbin two months from d*t« of panion but wish vou greater success in *â-  future. We a-k you I i accept this foun- , Apply to any C. P. R. Agent for full tain pun and box of nvte paper, not for puticulars or wrie M. G. Murphy, then- value but as a mark of I he esteem ' District Passenger Agent, Toronto, in which you are held by us. Yours in ' • bonds of fricnd.ship, signed on behalf . f On Saturday morning hst says the ilie vcotion .Mtry Winters, Wilma Down, Review- Herald, what might have proved Kinily Seeley, Louie Winters. a fatal aocideiit, vc'urred on the farm of ' " Mr. Jo.seph Loe, ipiitc near Clarksburg. Mr. f.<ee's son aged about fourteen years, a student at Tliaiibury High School, The iinderaigiiod is Jireparcd lo do silo |«»»>*bc>wiug how a uuii sIiojM be handled Ipiillding and eoncicte woik. Ha'e I ad jto his little sister, aged nine jeais, when Ihiiteeiiyearsexperimeeaiul feel that 1 , Ik. ^uii «»s acoidenta'ly discharged, can givu entire f.i'i-f,ictioii. Have slecl m, i |, , . â-  ,i u .i. c ^ .• ,- r 1 1 11 •-. c lie bill. el passed t!iri ugn he first tin- toin.s for silo and a'l o nht iicees niy for ' ° •"=â- â- ""- "u all kinds of cement «-..rk. lUn also Xfr >'" 'he boys left band, entered the attend 1.1 raiiK-ntir w ik. n.'Ke of tbe little girl, and lodged in the Cement Work Wanted 1 July TllOS. BENTHA.M, ['"l^>^herton. Hous; and Lot for Sale In Feversham luiL'k of her throat. Dr. Moore was spefdlly i'l attendance and leiiiovud iha bullet, the little girl displaying ereat fortitude and (latience during the oporat- i. 11 She is diiiiii! nicely now, and un- le.si unlooktd for coiiiplicitions sh m'd aiisp, will speei lily loeover. Tli;i' the wound WHS not more .serious ivas doubt- Uoiigleist huu.se, .stable, pigpen and 1b<i dui- to the fact that the foicc of the pnliiy hoUM', good laige lot, for .sale in ' |,ui|et was lessened bv tirst pis.sing t le vil'hgo of reveisham. Aoply to . , , , • â- â-  " .n, , ,. , , K. C.lHammell, Frvtrsham, Ont. ithrmigl. tbe l,„ys hnger. The b,y didn t j.l„„m J jj,|.. know tbe gun was loaded, which fxplains I a g'lod in*ny accidents, fat d and other- Notice Dr. R. F. Englisli, Osteopathic Physiclin, "f Owen .S; nnd, will be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday after- noons of ii»?li weeK ('oinniBncing Fri- day, Jaue4lh. For ai'pointmont phr.ne ring :t. Hound Lost Ten DoPinH I'ewAid will be p»i..l for liforinatiuii that will lead to the recov- ery of a huuiid that strayed from Piice- ville about May 7th. Photographs and a thui'ougb description of ihedog furnished by the owner on application and all cor- respond. 11 je treated contidentially. S. L WRIGHT, IVioeville. House and Lot for Sale Ci)in>'r lo' oppiLsile the Pie,sb\ terian chui-ch, lioii«e con'ain« !• rooms and bath, ceuienr o -liar', cement eis em inside, goodwell ami stable. For terms apply "II premise'*, imo. â€"MRS. P. II. WRIGHT, K I slieitolla

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