Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1915, p. 1

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/Ie0[)^ttxrn %lfioanu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.* 701 3.5 No. 9 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Augrust 5 IQlo W. H TflUBSTON ""^« ftod FbO Ceylon Clippings What might have proved a fatal acci- dent happened Sunday morning at the Legate home. Miss Muriel, the first member of the family up, undertook to make the porridge. Seeing a plate be- aide the bag with meal rn it, she emptied the contents also into the porridge pot. The family partook of it and after eating a little each in turn berame veiy sick. Upon inqciry it was diseuveied that the plate bad contained meal in which arse- nk had been mixed for lats. Dr. Little was hastily summoned and all the .mem- bers of the family are recovering. Mr. and tin. Harrison and little son of Dundalk vititad the Utter's uncle, Mr. S. Hemphill, the past week. Mrs. SprUman and three children «f Torooto are spending their summer va- cation with her mother, Mrs. Noah Plvnic, James Sargent left Thursday for a short vtsit with friends at Crillia. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLeod asd two daughters, who have been visiting with friends here for the past six weeks, left Monday en route for their home in Oregon. Mrs. Brooks and littlo son, Mr. Rob- inson, and Mr. Coutts and son. all of Toronto, were guests at J. Radlcy the first of the week. Mrs. G. CoUmeon is visiting fneods at Wi\rton. Misses Myrtle and Reta Hemphill have returned from a three weeks' visit with Ferersham friends. Mr. McKeown of Turcito is a vi,ilur at S. lUnd.'. Mr. King and Mr«. TwamMy and sou tf Toronto were visituri daring the past week at J. Gibson's. ^ Mits Crawford of Durham and Miss (H. Coleman of Owen Sound are visitors at Mr. G. C >lliuson's. Miss I:ene Whittaker of speudinir her holidays with uioiher here. Mfss Gladjs Juhuston of Thnrnbury is ! viiitiog her sister, Mis. Gen. Stuart. Mr*. Cuninilngs left Monday to spend a month with Toronto friends. J. W. Cu hu'e, Toronto, spent the holiday at U Ctiok'*. Mw. Archie McPh«tter and little daughter of Owen Si>und are visiting her mother, Mrs. Wui. Wright. Mrs. Locate, Muriel, Lena and Murmy attended the funeral of Mus R^iiuase of I>ronior« on Friday. Will Hemphill and children and Mr. and Mis Joe Hemphi'l of Ti>riiuto mot- ored u|» and spent Monday with their uncle, S. Hem^'hill. John Chislett who has been visiting Glentlg frieu<'s ai d Mi(s Ettie w th Dura da k fritindr. fur several weeks, ritucad home Monday. Mis< McDonald of Duthaui i^ a guest of Mrs S. McFaddru. Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown sjjent a tew days in Owen Sound. Quite a uuiiibet from here took iu the sports at Priceville Monday. Our pastor. Rev. Mr. Kerr, is on a two weeks' holiday. His pulpif will be supnlied by Mr. Woods of Corlielton. A Big Fish Eugenia Paragraphs Durham is her grand- Lots of rain is making the garner- ing of bay pretty slow. Mrs. John Campbell is seriously ill. Mrs. Wm. Walker aui daughter, Irene, of Credit Forks, are guests of Mr. Will Gordon. Rev. McVicar occupied his pulpit on Suuday after his holiday. Mrs. Wellwood.of Dnndalk was the guest of her fiiend, ilrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Cai-ruthers of New Jersey are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner- Wm. Carruthers of Toronto was the guest of Mr. Alex. Carruthers the past week. Mr. and Mrr. Wm. Donaldson and family of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. H. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Plewis and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family, spent the holiday at the Eu- genia House. Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis vis- ited Mr. Robeit Purvis for the week end, and Mrs. Pnrvid intends to ic- maiii for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenwick and son, Stanley, of Toronto, visited with Mr. T. Fenwick over the holiday. The Misses G. Parliament and A. Williams visited friends in Fiesherton aud Ceylon last week. Herb. Smith of Markdale and C. Stewart of Fieshcrtoa spent the holi- day with Jake Williams and they lOok home a goodly number ot the speckled beauties. Mrs. Hoy aud Mrs. Phillips and son of Rock Mills were the gue^its of Mrs. C. Hoy recently. Mrs. L. Latimer and Mrs. Mc- Mailen visited ftiends at Clarksburg recently. Mrs H. Smith of Markdale aud Mrs. Dnskiu and daughter and Mrs. McTavish of Fiesherton visited with . fiiends here the pas: week. Durham Kimberley Budget The address of Ezra| L FawDett, who went with the third contingent to England is as follows ; Mr. E. 1. Fawcett,, 17th Battalion, CE. F., Co. Capt. I'acdonell, Risbor's BarrackF, Shoracliffe-, £i g. Mrs. M. R. Hammond and son Wm . , and Vernon Bishop motored over to Markdale on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Stuart, until recently of the Embro public school staff, had all si.x of his pupils wiiting en the entrance e\ams pass. He also passed bis four who wrote on the Junior High School Entrance. Asa teacher to secure results Charlie stands with- out a peer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum of Toronto visited during the past week with the former's cousin, Mr?. Thos. Lewis. Mrs. Lightfoot of Toronto isvisit- in.j at picsent with her aunt. Mrs. John Plenes. Oolite a number attended the gar- deu party and baseball tournament at DIantjre on Thursday last and report a pleasant time. Mr John E. Hammond will give an address on Sunday evening iu the Methodist church on "Popular Pleas- ures and the Modern Dance in Par- ticular." Mr. Amos McClnng visited recently w.th friends in Cherry Grove. Mrs. McMallen of Eugenia visited one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Jiisper Stuart. Mr. and Mrs- James Knott of Uavenna visited last week with the former's si/<ter, Mrs. M. R. Hammond. MesFi-s. tJlmstcad and House of Mea- fr.rJ made a business trip to our burg on Monday last. They were looking over the fruit prosp«c's lu this part. Miss Maude Plewes is visiting at pres- ent with friends in MeaforJ and Coll- ingwoud. The best fish story we are likely to hear this year can be told by Geo.Maher. And the best of it is that the story is true and the evidence in the form of i\ trout weighing four peunds one ounce ha.s been procured , George was a vis- itor at the Galbraith camp at Williams lake last Friday and to while away (he afternoon took ro 1 and line and a can of worms and rowed himself out into the lake. For a while it laemed pretty slow fishing, and Geoi-ge was about giving it up when ho oaugbt his line on what [he thought to be a log. A steady pull proved that it wasn't a log, but a fish, and then began a battl« royal. After considerable reeling aud fighting George was victorious aud pulled the speckled bnauty into the boat. Judging from the «ize of the tiah tli« ftght must have been a goo<l one, and it is likely the trout bad 1 to be killed with au axe. Fishing for , the reiiiaiudw of che aftomoon was bar- i ren of i-esuU but G«org« proudly bor« home a spwkled trout which weighed tour pounds and one ounce, measured i 18^ iaoh** from tip to tip, and girthed | an tven twelve inchea. The wi:i^hing | ••• doue and th* aiMsureiuents ta'ten ' lata at night after the l>h must have lost [ tonsiderab'y by shiiakage- â€" Chatsworih | i(ew8. Win. Troy, owner of the Dominion hotel at Aytnn, was committed for trial by Justices of the Peace Edwin Ryan and R. H. Fortune on a charge of bav- >ng indecently assaulted Miss Henrietta Graft, a;;ed lt{, on the farm of George Frank, by whjni she was employed as a domestic. B:til was fixed in the sum of f20CO, and the accused man will be tried at the next County Assizes at Owen Sound, The affhir has caused a sensa- tion in the district. It looks very much as if the Model School in Hanover will be missing this ycir, aud if this be the case the students which generally attend the iustitutii n will have to look elsewhere for teacher training this fall. Rumors have been afloat that Hanovt?r might lose the Model and the daily ptpors of la.st week in re- potting the examination lesults seem to give ihis rt-port confirmation. Nine other centres .ire stated iu tho lis: but «• t Hunover. The nearest Models now are Guelph and Clinton. It becomes our sad duty this week to chronicle tho sudJen doath by accident of Mis.s Mary R. U.iinage, eldest daugh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Piinage ot North Eireinont, in the full flash of youn^ wom..nhot .1. Tuesday afternoon she went to remove a calendar from the wall, sleppirg on the frcnt of a chair to do so. The chair tipped and she fell forward on its back, cusing interuti injury. Dr. Sneath was summoned. He recommended s.-curing Dr. Groves of Fergus, which was done, and he reached the bedside mid-^'.tternooti, niiii Dr. Ferguson of Uolstein. The operation revealed that rupture of the spleen had takou place and th »t she had bled pro- fusely iute-ually. All wrs done by the three physicians that was possible. She seemed to rally during the evening, but at 1 a.m. Wednesday she d^ed. De- cew'^d wes an estimable young woman. She was a member of Dromore Presby- terian church, in the choir ot which she i h.ts long been a standby as contralto. For some months when in town a few years ago she saug in Durham Presby- 1 terian choir. She was als<i winning suc- cess as a music teacher.â€" Review. I Miss Ramage was known in Flesber- ton, she having visited here with her cousin, Mi-8. R. H. Wright. She also I sang with her father at a concert h«ie a I couple of ye.irt asto â€" Ed. Advaticf. Entrance Exams. Fevers ham Items The wet weather is quita a hindrance to the farmers harvesting the heavy crop of hay this year. Spring crops are looking tine in this part, we have not had such crops of cats for years . Mrs. Alex. Davidson and daughter, Maud, have Irft this vill^e and have gone to reside in Buffalo. Mr. James Conn has bought .\lex. Mc- Leau'a farm in the suburbs, and has tak- en possession . Mr. McT.iean moved into the vitkge. into the house he bought from Mr. Conn. Mr. R. T.McGirr of Moose Jaw, Sa.«k. renewed old .-K4uaintances here l;ist week. Rob is an old Feversham boy who went West to Moose Jaw some years ago, and bas made good. His m:ioy friends were glad Co see him nnce again. Mr. -ind Mrs. Herb. Perigo anl I tt'e daUjjbterof Toronto spent Uat week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Peri-jo. They came up from the t^ueen Cty in their auto. Mis. John Paul is visiting her daugbt- er in Owen Sound at present. Miss Lila McKeotvn of Duncan is holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. J.J. Rait ting. Mr. Walter Marr, late of Fiesherton, lias opened a blacksmith shop in town. .\ number from here attended the Menunite meeting and Immeriioa at Brewester's lake oc Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Little, our miller, bas rent- ed the house lately vacated by Mr. E. C. Hammell, .ind will mo.-e his family from CoUingwood this week. Mr. Gto. Julian drove a load ot oar sports over to Priceville on Monday to take in the sports of thai town. Mr. Wm. Osborne of Badgero ^peot Sunday at his home here. A number of our young people are attending the tloliuets Workers oimp near Gibralter. lier. Mr. Mathewson of Priceville Presbyterian church preached an excell- ent sermon in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday aftern.iou U.<t. Burial Fine Bates, late of Bates & Dodds funeral goods at very moderate prices. Motor ambulance service. Motor equipmet t if desired . New and up-tc-date premises. 1 24 .4venue Road, Toronto Telephone Hiilcrest 268 lauij â-  Jew eiry in diseases ol the 5pecUUst Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat < •FFICE â€" i:!t1 10th st, West.Owen Soond i A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler At the Revere house. Markdale, 2Dd j Thursday each month from 8 to a I2a.m i _. „„, .„,»-,.«.-., DuQdalk.Is Wednesday ot each month.. ' FLESHERTON, ONT jfc jt/ .>â- <• -stfr jfc.Jlt. Jlfc^, oi>, J.l^ j,'j, ^i(. ^, ^vi{. jij, ..-It, ^lo ^"y jK. ji«.^£^|t .Wi^-^l&^fe ^ -siP w=^ 'w^lFWnP'w '/is^'rt? '/i?^9i? W^«^ "/i?"''i?^ %^'/i?'<iP "Jif •WPW '/tf •«"»; •Jif .iie. 1^ Harry Hi t», a boy burvUr ot Owen Sound, was s nt to the prison Rt-forint tury at Guelph fi-r one year lesa eight days. MEAFURD Air.aley .\rlid:;e hun.. Will .\rthur, Elsie Bennett hon., Brian Berry hon , Mildred Bi.-<!>ell hon.. Alma Bumstead, Mildred Humstead, Olive Brown, Dick Clark, List Clark. Velva Crais;, Hazel Doherty hou., Elton Dyce, Margery Drummond, Grace Fligg hor:., Beatrice Freestone hun., Howard Grant. Grace Greenaway, Tegwon Harries, Ethel Hunt, George Jolley, Bert Lackie, .AUie Lambe. iElvie Legale, Jennie Li'gnn- Ruby Long, Lindsay Lcuglieed, Ki-ank Macliinis, Retta McMillan, Man;arec Mclnui-i. Margaret Moore, Muriel Perry, Isabel Porter hon., .Pearl Reeves hop.. Moiris Keid, Rus?el Keid. Eva Robeit- S.1U. Kvl:lh Schram. Clifl'. id Sewell hun.. Freeman Spencer, Mildrei Spencer, Aiii- bruse Silverlhorn, W H Tait, Ernest Taylor, Melville Taylo<-, Etna Thompson, Hazdl Varey, Myrtle Vicktis. THORNBIRY Pelphine Toone, Jem Buraoti, Susie Ferguson, Henry Galbraith, Georje Gor- ing. Kstella Gonl.', ttlive Guy, Bessie Johnston, Edna Kenny, J Ross L.iwr- ence, Bella Lougheed. Elsie Lou^heed, Uuiiy M.irtni, Vinv McGuire, Edain Moovo, Marjorie Moore hou.. .-Vbliie Mjssop, Usiv'ey Parkinson hou., Percy Pieotico.Biuce Reekie, .^Iva Shaw, Leon- ard Shore hon., Emal Walter, \N illlam Wray. FEVERSHAM Eva Arjott, .\nnie Ciimirbell, Mutiis Doug' as, Gertrude Grumnel-, George Holroyd,01ivo Iiish hon., Sanfi id Kuif, Vi. Loughe>-d, Jcott Meuzirs, Dolly Pedlar, Leslie Scott, Ethel Winteis.Sadie Winters, Maretta Camerou. FLESHERTON Wes Armstrong, Fr\uk Bunt hon., Mabel Field hon., Claron.'e Fisher l.on., Olive Hill, Pearl Ui.1', Wilfred McMas- ter, Ida Stinson, Sarah G Smith, Robert Taylor, Harold Th^ uipson, Bobs Trim- ble, Harold Wright h u. KIMBERLEY M C'liutheis. Eda'e G.iudin. .\lex. A To.rey, Harold Huttm, V L^als. Marie Madill hon , Gordon R .'gers.Cecil E Smith, Clara Wiley. PRICEVILLE .\lfrcd Butler, Mitglalene Butler, Boba Meads, Boba MacKinnon, Gordou Mc- Arlhur, Alex Smith, Muriel Sp;c«r, Vi- olet Wat»on. Shelbume .^ The adjourned case of Frsnk Deuvall, charged with selling li>|Uor. came up W- fore Mavistriies Falconer and Hil'.W'ed- nesday afternoon of last week. Deuval; was found auilty, and it being his second od^euce, was seottnced to four uioutii.s in tho county jail. He was taken t> iki- angeville Thursday morning. Two boys who have appaienily been getting too fond of the property of other people were given a preliiu;n«y hearing on Thursday afternoon of Ust week, on theft charges, and were committed for tiial before the Cuunty Judge. They are now both out on hail. Their sirest w;i< the culmination of a serirs i t thetr^ and s ispicious happenings, includin-^ the theft of six ir eight dollau finm the till of H. White <t Co., and the thtft of over f34 from the till of R. B. Smith's bu-- cher shop. Two visit' were pa'd to each of these places to make up the totals. Constable M-irshall and assistants came tj Shelbume the last of the week after one Frank Gray, who his been working with the hydro electric force west uf the towu, aud who fi'^ured prom- inently in »n episode at Orangeville a week ago Sunday evening in which some of the hydro workers he escorted to Or- angeville also fi;{urcd proirinently by reason of too much indulgence iu the flowinij; bowl, one of them having to p.iy a fine ut f'JO and cos s Gray would have teen before tho beak in (.'â-ºranj.'e- ville, tiH.\ had he not gotten out in too big a hurry. But hi,« respite was a short o:io, for Marshall cime along and gob- bled him in. Gisy is well knuwa in Or- angevil e where he i»-lo<.k«d on as a 'hid acto.' Economist. .\ m'>eroei't is on foot in Owen Sound to raise SlOW to purchase a machine gun fur the Ctniditn fores. You Can Get Your t .MS. ^ Binding twine Machine oil Five Rose, Purity. Koyal Householil, antl Pastry flour. Eclipse Com chop, bran, shorts ami middlings w. Wheat, oats aud barley, at BUSKIN NEWS I FLESHERTON A ucw phone to ring, to P Steiubiit, MatVa.Oe, ST. f T pou'try alir*, produce, hides, skins and wool, rubbers. r..go, horsehair, iron, copper, bras*, zinc, lead ot all sorts, top price paid in cash, or drop a card to Box 121. Markdale W ill call for it. Don't mistake the name. ^ ^?^'a?^ =H?^«^Ti^ WW -liFTR- '«?'*«• â- *»• 1W 'A?W -^f '«c -Jtf^ -iti '*B- -nif *? i Nice Summer Shoes O The Flesherti^n Shoe Store is well <J\ stocked with many varieties of Sum- ^ luer Shoes for latlies and gents, at right prices. :\ ;^ . - Also Trunks and Suit Cases. Kopairing as usual. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON I I I NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be fountl any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing antl repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. ^ S. J. BOWLER Sole A«ent for the Hobberlin TaUoring. P. 5TEINHART1|^i^m^^hbi^«^^**^»^^«^***^^ m^ ^agmaa^i„^^^

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