Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1915, p. 4

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August 5 101.') niE F L E S li E ION ADVANCE M a. 1,100 weekly Tlmrston- Kdltor ^lCSl)CrtOU Cl^UailCC: ^"^''y Conundrum Mr. K. G. Karatedt, niercliiint of this An inrte|»endent newspaper, milili»he<l evrry i ., .i t n ».i t Thn«<l«y at th*" oflite, C.)llini?w.KKi Street, [ pliioe, owns w .52 loot well at Hie re.ir ol KItshertoD. Sub»cripti.in price $1 (wrammni ] |,i„ p,.e,„i,j,., TliiH well hiks been used \vh"ii i>»i<l in»<lvnnce ;$l.W when not m) i>aia , . . , , ^ . , i- AJvertUiu(trate,on«pplu-atioi,. Circulation for watering stnclt but not for culinary purposet), owiii); to its peculiar and un- pleasant tafite. On Friday laet Mr. Kar- atedt undertook to pump out the well, but found after pumping u few pails full that coal oil wai coming out instead of water. He pumped severals barrels full from lliu well and xtill the oil oiuie out. Next morning it was the siime, a muddy looking mixture of oil and water. Just what it all means is yet a conun- drum. The well is forty or fifty feet from where any coal oil is kept, and Mr. I Karstedt says there has never been any 'leakage. N'-ither has the well been dis jturbed. No person would be likeiy to ^ waste Bo much oil fur the sake of a hoax .as has been pu.nped out. Mr. Karstedt : strained ^ome of the mixture and fium labout a <|U<irt got half n lump full of it 'yelloirish oil which burned i|uite freely 'in the lamp. An explanutiuu of ilie strange phenomenon is ctill lo be dis- covered . Fleshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. 11 a.m. and 7 p. m.â€" The ( astor Sunday, 10 a. m. Fellowship Service. Mon l«y eveuiu.< Kpworlli League iit 8 p. ui. Mark Gverette Wright cl oir Uaderand Organist. Walkertcn By Tuihiii!2 out of his pool tooni and catching a runaway horse of the Domin- ion Expres.s Co., which was tearing mad- ly down street on ,\ti>idiy morning last, â-²it McCartney, the well known baseball player, do >i< nstraled that he could catch gometlung besideK balls, and so worked on the admiration or the spectators tbat they presanteJ him with a large boquet of Canadian Burdocki a* a "«troiig testi- niony of their estee.-n, together with a huge leather medal that covered bis man- ly breait like a sl.oemaker's apron. An Unsatiifactory Theory The opinion givou by Detective Re. burn that Mrs. Rebecca Winters, the aged woman who mysteriously disappear- ed some time ago in JOaprey Township, sank in a marsh, should hardly aatisfy those who .'\re interested in the matter. Thkt detective, nflor making a few in- quiries, has adv:inced this theory > f the Office Positions Guaranteed The Dominion Government guarantees positions lo Norihern Busiuess Colle^iP, Gwon Sound, graduates who puss the Civil Service Exainitiattons in May and November Siliinea $500 to 81200. Ambitious young men and women, hav- ing attended Hiijh School for a year or luoie, ought easily to pass these exaniin- Htiimp, after ttkiug our Commercial and Sienogrii) hie Course frr six or fight months. Write for particulars to N.-rth- ern Business College, C. .\ Fleming, I'riiicipal, or G. D. Fleming,' Secretary. Fall term opening Sept. 1st. Rod and Gun The August issue of Rod nnd Gun in Canada published at V\<>ndstGck, Unt., by W. J. Taylor Liinitid, and now on the news stands, makes good reading for the spor:Hmun. Its stories ot hunting and tithing and " been there " descrip- tions of various outings in Canadian woods or on Canadian waters are in line with th(* vacation season and the maga- zine is one well worth while tuckmg into the club or junnage bag when setting out on the annual iummer vacation. R R W. HICKLING FLESHEErrON ON GROCERY SPECIAL NEW BULK TEAS AT OLD PRICES Antic'ipiiting the recent advance in all kinds of teas, we purchased an extra .supply of bulk teasâ€" Blacks and Greensâ€" early in the season and can otter special values. There was certainly nothing small about disappearance and appiroiilly the au- tbe presentation. In refusing a gift to the Patriotic Pic- nic the other day a local merchant u re putted to have told the Udy cativiissert that by stJiying at home and tending to Imiineas he was sacriticing more than the i boys at the front. As thus man has the | /ear of the Lord in him and wouldn't | '^"l'' ""•'â- â€¢''•' """'^ thoriiies h.tve allowed the matter to drop light there. A thorough organized Kcarch I of the wlio'c vicinity should be made and no stone left unturned lo discover Ihe fate of the missing woman. Si far, no conclusive pruol has been brought foi- ward that iihe sank in the niaisli, ai d proof, this theory likely spr'ng Something he didn't believe, we approach this great fountain of light 'ou our hands ami knees and w. uKl hum- bly beseech h m to dibpel our darkiiers «nd tell us what lie means. , Dantel, the •ii-in who inierp.etrd dreams, wouM, oe believe, be huog up on thir one, and be f'ltced toadmit ihal as a vision it has 'em -Mil lie it. Mrs. Jack (!iiltin last week icceivid from her husband, wl.o is »ith a Biitiili regiment on iho hiing line it ilie froii portion of a (ierman ritl« iiiagaz should not S >und Sun. satisfy the public â€" Owen Information Wanted James W. Ross, a Homo boy, 15 y< ars of age, lelt my home on July (i, dres:ed in blue and white stripped nvorall*, rod sweater, a dark co:tt aiid a dark cap. If he returns he will be made welcoini', or if he desires to lake another place, his clothing ai.d effect* will ^be given him. ~ '.',") Any information as to his whenabouia me which I ..; . , , , ,, On the arrival of the steamer Germanic at Owen Sound on Wednesday night from Collingwood,the police were given charge of a little seven-year-old boy. Shortly after the bo it left Collingwood he wm discorered on the boat. He was in his bare feet and wearing his everyday clothes and evidently did not belong to any of the travellers aboard. He ex- plained that his uncle said that he could ito to the boat whenever he liked, but evidently he had not anticipated the sai- ing of the boat in tune to get olf. \ good wash, a hearty supper and a com- fortable bed relieved his distress, and hi» mother who was advised by 'phone from Meaford, asked that he be handed over to an aunt in Owen Sound, which request the polica complied with.- Bull- etin. The village of Creenioro has just com- pleted a campaign in ihe interests of the Canadian Patriotic Fund and the returns will amount to $2oOU. The village aimed i.l raisM'g 82000, securing the giealer part uf this on the tiist d.y of the cim- paign. Tliirly-tive per ceul. of the total amotiiil will be forw-jrded to the Red Cross Society. 2.-;c .. 30c., '35c.. 40c., and 50c. 30c. and 40c. JAPAN TEAS CEYLON TEAS These teas are really worth today from 5c. to lOc. per pound more than we ask for them. Lay in a supply and save money. Butterick's Fashion Publications The Delineator on Sale Butterick Patterns. K^^/>^^^^>^^ Sugar for Preserving Wallaceburg St. Lawrence Redpath Lantic Choose Your Favorite Brand And Leave Your Order To- Day Jem Jars, Jar Rubbers, Parowax, Preserving Kettles EM Dr. J. Ralph Smith, ^' OSTEOPATH ' Office and Residence- 468 9th St. East Owen Sound, Out. ! Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m , 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Knuli-h »ill be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday aflerno'Us of each week. The Old Adage ,, [Will be thankfully receiTed. Any person '. , Iharbominc him, if lirble to proseculiong .,.,„., ,, "''l'"-"-! ' UorOAl, McMCUOL, iiig oil the Brili-h wounded ai tiny limp- . Iiad been citptuiel from a sniper been concealed in a house ani" i'd back from the trenches. (Srittin and (live olh'.TS laid f'>r the sniper mil whoti •he issued out nt ilie li use in tlie e<eiiiiijj tliey riddled him 'vi )i bnlhts. The lifli' that had done Kiali dastardly w. ik was <lisaected and pirt of the magazine sent by (iritliii to his wife in Wa'kurton wli j now has it on exhibition in Fox's jiweliy window. A heavy tin box lilled with tobacco and buttered almost flat by a shrapnel shell which I'rucK and killed s British soldier, from who.se pocket it was .iflerwards taken by Mr. (Jtittin, is also on view at Mr. Fox's.â€" Herald and Times. R. R. So. 1, Nottaw. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailorint? Seasonable Goods, first class >Yorkinanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A lini of Keady-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of charge, if required. Isep The Business Man On His Western Trip War Spectacle at Exhibition The mammoth wa' fpectacle, "The Slarchof the Allies" and the "R«vi.-« of I bo Fleet," will be Ihe b g scenic produc- iiion in front of the Cirand Stand at the Canadian Natiui.al Kxhibition this year, and will bo <>ne of the most eUbora'e ever staged an I 1 titling cli'iii x to cich Oay's ontortainmcnt in this "Patriotic Vear." The background is the ancient city of Calais, saved by the Canadians when they Ko gallantly stopped the (Jermaii <lrive at St. .Julien at such enormous cost. Its pictures<pin chatteaus and his- toric envuiiment adapt themselves admir- ably to reproduction. On either side beneath frowning clitfs are seen military cumps with ihe soldiers of the allied armies in all the hustle, buitlo and action of war time. The brilliant uniforms of the Field Marshalls, Oenerali, etc,, add splendor to an inipre-is ve scene. .Suddenly the fleet appears over the horixon under lull steam with the (^ueen Bess hading the first bkttle lino and the Lion in advance of the others. The Iron Duke majestically appears with Admiral Jellico aboard, and, as the passes be- tween the watch dog* of the Empire lined up in battle array, thel'Xtrmiral is greeted with salvoes of broa'Isides. it will bo a faithful portrayal of the nceno just before war was declared list aummer when the fleet had been mobil- ised un the orders of Churchill ofl" the British coast. The connoiiading continues as the otticers go ashore to review the troops, which swing past the Grand Stand in Ihe itinal wonderful tableau. It «ill be a ipanorama of Empire greatness, a picture «f Mich kti iking reality as to cvoko a •veiitAMo hysteria of patriotic fervor among the lliousandi who will niKhlly «rowd the Ornnd Stand. Voters* List, 1915 Villa gs of Flesherton Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or deliveicd to the persons mentioned ill section y, of the Ontario Voters' Li«ts Act, the copieii reqiri-fd by said section to be so transmitted or de- livered, of the list, made in piiisimiice of the said Act, of all persons api'oarifg by the last revisid AsseHsment ItoU of the •aid Municipiilily t.> 1 o enlitli-d to vole in the said Municipality i.t Klections f.ir Members of the Legislative Assonili'y and Municiial Klections ; i.nd that the said li'Kt was first pos'ed up in my ollice on the 24lh day ol .)uly, I'JIn, and re- n ains theie for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to (like immediate proceedings to have r.ny errors or omissions c irrectcd according lo law. W. J. BKLLAMV, Village Cleik. Dited this 2ti'h July, 191.'). MAIL CONTRACT The Record, the iiowly founded paper in Wiiuton, has s'l-pendod i uUicntion /or the sec md time. Skai.ei> tkndkbs addressed to the Po^t I master Oeneral, will be receivod at (Itiawa uiiiil iiiKin, (III Friday, the .'10: h .Inly, llllo, for tho conveyance of Hia Majesty's Mails on a propnsed Oontrtet for four years six limes per week each way over .'^inijhampton (via Dunt'oun) nnd Rural Mail Roiitii from tho I'oslniastor (Jon- eral's I'lensuie. Piiiit d notici's contniiiiiig fiirllior infom-.aiifm as to c >n<litioii» i^f |iri<pos d (-'•mlraei; may be seen and blank fnnos nf Tinder may be oWiained at tho Host Oliiees of Siii'.'hampto.i, Dunirooii, nnd at thi! OHice of tlio I'c.sl Ollice limpeclor at Torimio. Post Olhce Inspector's (Mlico, Toronto, .June 14lli. I'.Ufi. A. SITIIKRLANU Post Olllio I'speelor Cannot afford to leave out the cities I hat handle the crop, Foit William and P..rt Arthur. Take the Canadian Pac lie route to Winiiipt'g, tho way the busiiu-" tiavols. Dni'y service, observatioti • ii i dininirciis, electiic I ghted (i|uipim>it. Dinblu tracks more than half the liis- tmce. Uoinfort, sc.ni ry and one man agement all the way. Die'etio bl> ii ed meals, tho rfcientilic nomhiiialion of f'oil for travellers. P.irticul.irs frimi Canad- ian Piicitic ticket ai:cnss. School! Fall Fairs. Tlij following are the dates of the fill fairs this yeir in the vicinity of Flesherton. Cha'swortli Sept. Hi- 1 7 Chesley Sipt. Hi 17. Collingwood Sept. 22-L'."i Dcsboro Sept. 23 24 Durham Sept. 23 24 FLESHERTON Sept. 28 2.1 Hanover Sept. It! 17 .Maikdale Oct. 12-1;! Wjilkerlon Sept. 14 l."> Diinilalk Oct. 7-8 Moaford Sei.t 3ll,Oct. 1 Owen .Sound Oct. 5, 0, 7 Priceville Oct. 7 « Rocklyn • Oct. 8 Cement Work Wanted Tho undemignod is prepared to do si'o building and concrete woik. Ha'o ImH thirteen years experience and feellhil I cjio give entire t.iii-faclion, Have sttel foiniN fi>r silo and a'l o rlit necesaiy f. r all kinds of cement \v.>rk. Can sU'i attend tocarpenitr wiTk. THOS. BKNTHAM, I .lu'y Flofhevton. Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher wanted for S. S. No. !>, Ariemeiia, Orey County. Duties lo commence Sept.-mber 1. Apply to â- lacob Parliament, Sec -Ti ens., Eugenia P O. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Pacific conveniently reaches Point Au Baril. French and Pickerel Rivers, Severn Rivr, Musknka Lakes, Kawsrtlin Lake!>, Rideiu l.akis, Lake Ontario Resorts, cte. If yon contemplate a trip of any nn'iire consult Canadian Piieilio Ticket Agoot or v^ri'o M. G. Murphy, District Pa,»scnger Agent, Toronto. Bull For Service For Service. â€" Baron Holly- No. (1422. Abordoen Angus, on !ot 34, Oih c^niess- ion, ArU'inesin. Terms. SI. Co if paid lieforo Ist.Jan. lOt.'i.- \V. .1. M.iuoe. May ir» A Business That successful school whose graduatoi oc^cupy prmiinei.t po- sitions from tho -Vilant.c to the P.acitie, re-open« for the FALL TERM S-plember 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal A L^ The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is e«{uallv true of the 1900 (Gravity Washer. Trv one ami be convinced that there is none better. Coll II •,woud, Ontario. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull fur service oii lot 171, 3id W.T.S.R., Artemesia. Termsâ€" 8.'l for pure breds. 81. .")0 for grades. All cows served must bo paid tor. -T. & J. WATSON. \ 1 nur i Property For Sale i I Part lot 151, con. 2, N. K. T. .V S. P. containing 28i acres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame house and stable 'and tho property is well fenced and watered. Apply to .Joseph A. LelJard, Flesherton or on the proper- ty^ BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Puio Bred Shorthorn Bull for sei vice on Lot 14li. Con. 2, S W. T. & S. R., Artemesia. Terms Jl. 00. AH cows solved must be paid for by 1st March, 1!)1<>. Isept â€" H. Piper. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Lt)ader.><, Drills, Lultivatois, Plows. Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brant ford AVind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Bcattie Hay Carriers, Hay horks, iSlings, Filter C'arrier.s, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. || BL^. :^ 1(1 I ANADIAN ^ PACIFIC % i I SEASIDE EXCURSIONS I To Various Pi inta in I Quebec, New Brunswick j Nova Scotia, Newfoundland Prince Edward Is'and { Good Goin^ August 13, N, 15 and 16 C'eturn limit Au);ust 31, 1915 | To Maine Resorts Ino ud ng KENNEBUNKPORT Portland, 0;d Orchar.l, Etc. Good Go nf> August 27, 29 and 29 Return Limit September 13, 1915 Part'culars from any Canadian Paci6c Ticket Agen', or write M. O. Murphy, D. P. A., south oabt cor. King and Vonge Sts., Toronto. Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. $10.00 Reward A reward cf ten dollars will be paid to any one givinu informstiou which will had to liiH rouviciioo i.f tlut individuals who h«vo been lireskiiig ijlass in the windiiws of the Piesbyteiiaii Church, Fle>heitoii. - ,1. L. MoMullen. Chairman of Ihe ISoirJ. 1 I I Vi 1^ Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, includin Furnaces installed. Furnaces. pump work. for Clare Agent Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON i^ ONTARIO. W^ stock for Sale A ooiinlfl or brood sows. 1 Herkshire anit t Tauiworth (or s«l«. Te>uis to suit I'urohaaer, OKO. W. R0.S8, Maxwell P. l». Pore Bred Hoistein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Ahbekerk Princess Josephine The greatest butter ii>aking strain known Teiin of service- 11.60 for grades, 95 or pi.ro bred. | GEO. MOORE A SON, Prop*., FlesKerton #^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket cKuse^ Monday night, delivery Friday evcniig CLEANING and DYEING- W© are agents for Parker's Dye Works; â€" Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - . PROPRIETOR :1: A- â-  V. ;i: • " f • t« • ! * • C » « ' • « ' * » r * t<i^ibJfiEIAyBiL ^:,:kiisi^ti0^

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