Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1915, p. 1

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fkfi\)txion 2t^tittttc^^ \i TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' vol 35 No. lo Flestiertoii, Out., Thursday, Aucrust 12 191S W. H, THURSTON ^°^'«'" and PUO Kimberley Budget The recent rain and heavy triads caus- ed coDsiderable damage to the grain crops in this vicinity. Mr. *ad Mrs. Geo. Thurstou and fam- ily of Cncle Sam's domiins, are vijiting at present with the furmer'a mother, Mrs. Alex. Fawcett. Mr. J. E. Hammond's address on Mod- ern dancing in the MethodiKt church on Sunday evening I.18', was etaily the in«'St masterly ever delivered on that suUje. t in our burg. He clearly showed that dancing was one of the greatest obatacles to cbtistiacity. Mr. Wm. Harris captured two tine specimens of the raccoon family recently. Ashley Fawcett of Maikdale was a caller in ojr burg one dty last week. Mr. Russell and Walter Harris of West Toronto are renewing old aci|uaiu- tacces in this vicinity. Mr. S. Fawcett and V. Ford spent a pleasant visit with Ladybin'i friends one day last week. Mrs. Scott of Clarksburg is visiting at preheat with her uncle, John Fawcett, of the Travellers' Home. CoQgi-atulatioas are in i rder to the Miaees Eana ai.d Nellie Burritt, who were successful in passing the recent Entrance to Nuriual Exams. Allen aad Da ton Ferguson have pur- chased a new Deering binder from Hugh Kni>U, the Deering agent of Markdale. Mr. Jas. R. Fawcett has gieen corn fit for the t«ble. V\ ho au beat th;s '! East Back Line Come along, pick si'iiie berries and b« in style Mr. and Mrs. «ie(<r);e Chapman and chi dren visited friends at Port Law recently. Heib McLet>d is engaged with P. Loucks during haying and harvest. A number from this burg spent the holiday in Pi icev'Ue. All report a jolly time. Miss Milired While, who jpent the past .iioiiih with Mrs. HoUty, returned to hvr home near Markdale. Hev. L. W, Thom uf Midhuvst called ou friends here li*t week- Mrs. Silas Phillips and Mr«. R. Clark. of R ck Mil's; Mr. and Mrs. Kied .Staff- ord, little Irene and H'rs. H<.| ps of Dornoch, spent tht week end with ^r^ and Mis. r,eo. Clark. Miss Christena MacLeo 1 of Toronto is the guest of .Miss Vci-a Loucks. Bornâ€" On Friday, .\ugU8t 6tli. to Mr. and Mrs.-W. H. Ho'.ley, :» daughter. Diedâ€" On August 7th, infant ilnughter of »Ir. and .Mrs. W. H. Uolley. Mrs. Jacob Thompson o" Markdale visited with her daughter, Mrs. Bloom- field Ferris. Mr. Geo. Meldrum of S?ale 11 aid Mrs. Fred LeOard of Toronto \isitid with thoirsistef; Mrs. Madill, at Mr. Holley's 1 .St week. Heathcote The Heathcote baseball team motoied to Rocklyu ou Saturday afreixo^n aid played a friendly jarae, endin.; in fnvi r of Heathcjto.* Miss .-Vtda Crce:i is visiting; with I ec aunt, Mis. Win. Milne, this week. Miss Mildrtd Bteadner is visiting with her cousin, Mis') Tryphena Urcadner uf Rocklyn. The people of Heathcote intend hold* ing a Red Cross garden pjirty the latti i part of .\ugust. Rev. Mr. Appleyardof Loudon visited with Rev. Mr. Y<uig the Uttei part of the wee(. Mrs. James Povair and daughter, Fannie, visited with friends at Duncan. (^ite a number from here aie prep.tr- ing to take to the harvest excursion to the West. NEWS! FLESHERTON A new phono t) ri'if, to F Steiuimil, Markdale, 87, fo.- p<>u try alive, piiMluce, hides, skins an I woid, rubhcr^. r.<gi, horsehtir, iroi', cop^ei, hraK.«, z'nc, load ot all sorts, top price paid in cash, or dri'P a card to lV>x 121, Maikdale Will tall f'lr it. D<>n'l misiHke the mine, P. 3TEINHART Ceylon Clippings Mr. and Mrs. Heternan, who lia>e guests at the McLaughlin house foi the past two months, left Saturday for Walk- ertoii . Mrs. Ed. Embury, Toronjo, visited with her brother, R. Cook,the past week. Mr. John Collinson, Durham, spent the tirst of the week with bin brother here. Miss Agnes MoPhail left thi;i week to â- pend a few weeks in the city. Miss Brown of Toronto is a j^uest of Miss Maud Hemphill. Misses Zella and Willa McLeod and Miss Georgina Mitchell of Toronto, are visiting the former'^s parents. Messrs. Frank Colli naon ard Frank Cairns, and Misses Nes? Collinson and H. Coleman, sjient Sunday in Durham. Misa Vera McMullen of Toronto is spending a fortnight under the parental roof. Mrs. Relis and little son left the past week for New York after spending three weeks with her father, Noah Pivnic, who accompanied hei to Toronto. Mrs. Chislett visited her daughter ia Ow?n Sound last week. tin. Ed. Sai'gent has re'urned from an extended vioil with friends at * >rillia. Mr. Bixter of Collingwood has taken a pos tioo with â- !. J. Pattison. Mr. Maj ir returned to Toron'o Thurs- day after spending a fortnight hne. Mr. and Mrs. F. I'lrich, who have been visitin;: the ptst two montb with the laltei'a parents, left Wednesilay for TortiUto fur a few d.iys prior to leaving for Baltimore. Mis. Guy and Mish Sadie from the Wtst, Mr. R. Cults of H»thertoii, Mr. and Mis. R. Cuutts of iHprey, were gues'sof the Rulley H lUte the lirst of the week. Mr. Woodi of Corbelton took the service here ou Stbbath f jr Rev. Kerr and preached a very edifying sermon. He will also take it again next Sab\>ath. Miss Cor. I, Toronto, is the guest at Mis. .\. McL 'od'«. Wo de house Doings Eugenia Paragraphs Rev. L. W. Thom of Midhurst was the guest of Mr. Alex. Can.eron the past week. Mrs. C. .McTavish was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. William.", before h^r immedi- ate return to her home in Regina. Miss Ward and friend motored up from Toronto to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and cliildreti mot- ored ever to Collingwood to visit friends. Mr. Williams and wife of Toronto are the guests ot her sis^ier. Mis. A. Smith, Fred Smith, our biave soldier boy, is nuw a captive for some time, but has written to his people regularly until the lait three weeks. Mrs. Scilley of Maxwell was the guest of her sister, Mrs, .Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Glass have gone on a two weeks' visit with friends in George- town. Mrs. Jasper Stuart of Kimhetley was the giiest of her mother, Mrs. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Truscott, who havj been witli us for over a year, the former as timekeeper for the Hylaud Co.. left for Toronto and hence to Sydenham, Miss Hilda Purvid has returned.to the city after a fortoight'o visit here. Miss Nellie Wickens of Kimberley is the guest ot her sister, Mrs. Frank Weber. The hydro work was c'osed f r a few days on the 8th line on account of the extra wet weather. I Mr. and Mrs. Klmer have moved to James Carson's house to board and »c- I commodate hydro employee's. I Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan and daughters, Lntlla and L enelda, motored over from Mount Albert to vuit friends, I and are the guoels of K. Park. i Angus > cLaughlin of Pr ceville Hnd i lady friend. Dr. McArthur and wife of I Markdale, and Mrs. McArthur of Sask., 1 were guosts of Mr. aiid Mrs. R. Paik the past week. S'aiilt-y Fawcelt. of Toronto is the <(uect of his aunt. Mis. Joe Will ains. Mi.ss K. Macroue of Toronto is 'ho guest of her bister, Mrs. Geo. Williaui^. ijoiDe • uumbir fr'<m heie attended a picture ahon in Markdile Saruiday. (!r«h*in Bros, display some hne m iving pictu;oi. Owing to the exceedingly lengthy spell of weather our agriculturists, nnless a very few, have not as yet tinisLed haying, while the wheat stands in every direction ready for the sickle. This week ia surely com- mencing better. We will Lope for a continuance, when acres and acres will be garnered in. Mrs. John Pickering of Sunnidale is speading some time with old fiiends here. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and faisily of Toronto were recent visitors with their daughter, .Mrs.A. A. Thouipson, and contributed with their rich voices lo a song service given priucipally by them, live voices in all, iu New Eugiaud church Sunday afieruoon. .Mr. Williams aud family are talent- ed singers, recently from Wales, and their visits here are looked forward to with much pleasure, and those who were preseut certainly enjoyed a treat. Mr. Bussell Harris of West Toronto is holidaying with friends here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bam Wiley, sr. Miss Edith Lawson of the Toronto Western Hospital is visitiug at her home here. -Mr. T. A. Gilray of Kocklyn, ascompauied by Miss Annie Gilray, MisS Eva Buskin and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Donnelly of our burg motored to Owen Bound and spent a pleasant day recently. Miss Vera Lauktree of Vandeleur spent over Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wilcox. Miss Nettie McArthur, accompanied by Miss Mable Irskine of Rocklyn, spent the holiday with Miss Eala Ucott. OunJalk. Mr. Aarou Biich, accompanied by Miss Nancy Wiley, visited his cousin, Mr. aud Mrs. Julian, at Union, on Sunday. Mr Will Morrison of Maxwell was a pleasant visitor at .Mr. Wm Wiley's ou Sunday last. It must be a long way to Tipperary going home. Glad to tee Miss EUie Wiley, aho her brother, Willaid, able to be .ii'onud again after being couhned to ilic house the past I mo weeks. We are very sorry to report Mrs. John Abercrombie still coutiucd lo Lev bed, where she has been the past two moiillip. The old lady was just over her severe attack of la g ippe when she was .stricken with iciatica from which she is not recovering. Mr. aud Mis. Sum Wiley and children visited the formei's {areuts at Maxwell over the week eud. Mr. Robert Gibson of Meaford was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. ••. W. Wiley recently. Feversham Items Fine weather is badly needed to let the farmers fiuisb up the hay be- fore the grain harvest, begins. Mrs. Walters nf Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomson last week. Miss Irene Stewart of Flesherton is holidaying at R. J. Colquett's. Mr. Walter Marr spent Sunday in Flesherton. His little daughter, Ruth, returned with him aud visited at R.J. Colquett's. She returned home on Tuesday. Mr. Will Colquette has been laid oS work iu the mill for a few days with ulcerated teeth. R.J. has beea going around for d few days witii his nose somewhat larger than usual from a slight attack of blood poison lu one side of it but It is getting down to its usual sue again but that is not very small. .Miss May Whiteoak has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks at her parental home here. Hrs. 11. Alexander aud Mrs. I. U. Petigo of Feversham and Mrs. Ab. Stewart of Fe'heitin are vijitiug Mr. and Mr?. Harvey Perigo at Port McNicol. Glad to report that Feversham Continuation School will open ou September 1st with the largest num- ber of pupils in attendance it has had for a number of years* The School board has spared no trouble to keep this school going but by the encourage ment of the Continuation School In- spector, Dr. Mills, stayed at the helm aud their efforts have been successful. They have eugaged a highly qualihed teacher and we hope this school may have a bright future. The Board has added SIOO.OO worth uf equip- ment lecently. and are painting the school rooms and renovating in geneial. Burial Fine Bates, late of Bates & Dodds funeral goods at very modei-ate prices. .Motor ambulance service. yotor equipmect if de<»u-ed. New aud up-to-date premises. 1 24 Avenoc Road, Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 laug Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. 5pKiaUat In disease* ot ihs Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat W. A Armstrong, t>FFICE-l:JO lOlh st,We8t,4Jwen Sound [ At the Revere house. Maikdale, 2nd ' Thursday each month from 8 lo a 12a. m Dundtlk,ls VVednesday of each month.. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT m m m m m # m m m You Can Get Your I Binding twine Machine oil Five Rose, Purity, Royal Household, Eclipse and Pastrv flour. Corn chop, bran, shorts an<l middlings Twelfth Line, Osprey The wet weathir is hiudci'ing the hay- iuK operations. t'lill wheat is ready for cutting. Johnston Howard and Harry Thi'rn • biuy of the Hydro Co. are home for a uuuple of week». Thos. Howard shot a lynx or lob cat nil .Saturday evening. It would we j{h about 'S> II s. TliL- ladies are Itiisy khIIh r n<{ in ihii Tns\>\> rries whicli iippear to be i|iiiie (tlentitui. n lloliert.s i» ^ointf » e.-t for the hnr- vtf. I and threshing and .Arthur Holroyd is |<()ir« to lake off Mr, Roberts' crop for liiiii. Sheriff Moore Dead t>*i'U Sound, Aug. H. â€" The death :iM>k i>lace lik>t night at Ituwnianviile of \lr. Charles H. Moore, sheriff of the County of Giey. Sheriff Moore wont to Uowu'anvitle two weeks ago to spend a month at the suninier cottage of his son- iii-Iaw, Ed. Rive, of Toronto. He wvs taken ill on the train and went direct to the hospital at bownianviUe. His. oon- dilion grew so serious that it was im- possible to bring him hack to (>wen Sound. Bi>rn in Ststen Island, N. Y., he wa.H in his sevoniy-ninth year. With The Oil Still Flows The Kaistedt oil weP, which the Ad- vance described Uat v eek, t-uW continue* to produce oil iu considerable >|uantity, and many < f tl e vil'agers have samples Ixitlled up for inspection, but we have seen nothing of lie excitement credited to u i by the Shelburiie Kree Press ot last week. The oil is there, but how it gut there and where it caine from are still a mystery. List week Mr. Kar.tcdt took some of the oil lo Toronto and submitted it 'o the Buretu of Mines. The olhciaU there said it w:ui a good sample of high speoilic giavily. but would not believe that ii came out of an oidin.iry well. They said it w»s imposKible lo believe that it w»s Ijltered.from any place <.f storage ;i.-> it would be pure coal oil if it aere, und Ihi.s oil has a considerable ((uantity <>! gasoline in it, also other solid subs'ances sucH as is found in ordinary petroleum before rcbning. They also admitted thai if the oil had been poured into the well it would cuiue out as ordinary retined oil. which this is unlike, being of a cloudy amber color. They have no theory as to its origin, but admit the possibility that It may have found vent through a ruck cevice . Some yeai-s HBO a wel! wa.s drilled on the McKaveny farm about »i.\ miles ea.s of this viliane in a search for coal oi'. The .{overnniout report aniouuced -i small nuaiiliiy of petroleum for this well, but i.ot in oomiui tJial ({uantities. A well was also drillo'l at Kimberley. ten mile.s north, but no report wai made. .\n tiigiueer cmneoted with the drilluii; f this well told people here that peirol- i.iim could he found here by dulling in- side 1 he corp 'nit ion, but no one paid any Httciitioii to his statement. Now they tiilk Hixiul it. Ill the ini'mitiiiio Ml. K.ist>'dl kc ps on puuip'iig "iit "il every di.v, and f.els nuiio sangui' e that h â- . hnd inraUH a j^oo I thinu. Speaking of our oil find last week the Shrlbunie Krco r'rets sajs: "It will be louicinbered l>y many if our read- rs thai 80infr)ear» ngo there wiv-s consider- able excitement at Reddickville over llie discovery of coal oil in the well in fiont of Mr«. Wsllwork's hotel at that p'aoe. It was a fair sauiplo and would burn in a lamp cipal to oil pntch.ised in any hardware store. A number of.Shelburne » Wheat, oats and barley, at ^ |W. BUSKINS I Nice Summer Shoes The Flesherton Shoe Store is well stocketl with luany varieties of Sum- mer Shoes for ladies and gents, at rijrht prices. Also Trunks and Suit Cases, llepairing as usual. Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS | New Suitings just to handâ€" some of W the nobbiest weaves to be found any- <K wbere. ^ Leave suit. that your order now for You will never Satisfaction guaranteed regret new it. his father's family he came to Arieniesia Township, Gray Cou;ity, when about ] <.i|,itaii8t» formed a coinfuny and enpug- thirteen yeais ot »ge. He spent some g,} an expert driller trow Pe'rolia, who years as deputy sheriff with the late : undertook to drill for oil. .\fter payini; Sheriff Maugban, and in 1871' was ap- i (i,g d^iiier about J1200 for work done he pohited sheiilf, holding the position un- . jumped the job, 'pulled out his casings til his deafh and left without fcaying anything to his Hia wife, Emily Kliaabeth Snider, of 1 employers in Shelburne. It was reported Eiflinton, predeceased him. Five sons 1 then that he had been bribed to 'init the and five daughters suivive. ' job by the Standard Oil Go. ' Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing an I repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hcbberlin Tailoring. M A*iL^*i«^^i,S*^'i.' -^K â- ^^*U| 111

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