Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1915, p. 5

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i f J i August 12, 1915 THE FLESHERTOiV ADVANCE \ ,^» y Evtabliskecl ovor Forty'oneYNUS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAEA ASSVrS OVER $4S,00(M>00 ^lai The A,B,C of Banking Perfect Safety. Quick Assets. ICcl>*bl* Service We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT o^ FLESHERTON BRANCH <;E0. MITCHELL, DDB Brandies ako at Dorbam and Haniatoa. ftbi ^4)dds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Shinnies for Sala â€" Car purs whitB New Brunswick SbioKles juit receivtdâ€" W. A. Armstrong, FUsherton. Trains •follows : Going South 7.33 a. 01. 4.27 p.m. The mails are C. p. R. Time Table. leare i The Toronto papers not lona ago coun- Flesbercua Station aa selled the public to be bavinij of tbeir pennies in this time of stress, and give their spare rash to the p&trio'.ic fund. Ni'» they are whocoins; up the Toronto fair and invitii'g everybody to come and spend their money in Toronto and in- Going North ll.:«i a.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesheiton a.* ollows : For the north at 10. -tO a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth as/identally see the won'e ful sights at tie 3.40 o'clock. For morning train s^'uth exhioition. Fieshetton Womeci In.slitu'e intend V. siting Priceville Brauch on Thursday, Aus{. 12',h. Conveyances leave CUyton's store at 1 o'clock sharu. We hcpe all members will oaii prepared to share , rxpenses. â€" Mts. NV. A. Hawkea, Sec.- Mrs. .Johnston Little of Oiren Sound Treasurer. is visiting her son. Dr. Little, and other! Ker. Ja^:, Dudgeon p-eached in Ov a friends heie. Siiandon Sunday, his pulpit here being Miss Etta LeGard and Mr. Wm. ; Ukon by Mr. Hu'chinsno of Kimberley -Grundy of Priceville, spent Sunday at . i" the morning, and in the eveninj hy M. For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Widemao, in Feveisham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on ea!>y terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshettoo, Ont. Legal Blanks For sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to tbeii. inter- est to give him a call. » B'or s^le iheip and on easy tfrms. Lot \ 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is i a first class farm and in a good state of ' I cultivation. Good Lank barn and new ' I frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. HISCELUNEOUS Purse Lost â€" Silver mesh purae with small sum of money en June 2<>. between Fleoberton and 5Iaxwell. Finder leave at :hia oliice and receive rewarti. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT Thru these colnains will run a series of adTertisementa which will be of interest to all. We all know that one can buy at better prices when the qaantity can be handled. Thrti pnrchaaing the business in Priceville, it gives ns an excellent outlet, enabling as to buy in larger quantities, and in tarn "ive our customers better prices. These especially low prices apply to either stores, and dae bills given in one store are good in either stores. These prices are good until further notice. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS V Notice is hereby iriven that ine Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insaraoce Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U. B. McLean, PricevUle. R. R. N'o. 2. Letters From The s In Khaki i Boys Mr. and Mrs. H. C. LeGard's. Mrs. T. Aikenhead, Toronto. Sunday with her mother here, 8 W. Armstrong. Mr*. Will Bentham and little : K. Richardson, assisted by Rev. L. W ! Tnom. There will be no service in the spent [j^ j_ 1 Methodist church uest Sunday, the I pastor having a hi^liday. son of: -V patriotic garden p*rty under the ToTonto are holidaying at her parental I *uspices of the Red Cro« Society wi:l be held at Ceylon on Tuesday, August IT. There will be gents' and ladies' basobill matche-', amusements and a ^cond pro- gram. See bills for full particulars. R. 'home here. Professor Wright has accepted the position of organist and choirleader of the Methodist Church, Orangeviile. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackburn and little daughter, of Toronto, visited rrla tires here over Sunday. Mr. R. Wright, principal of Hagers- ville continuation achool, visited friends here during the past week. J. Ball. M. P., n. e. Miller, T. H. Biiinie and Revs. McVicar and Dudgisjo will be the speaKert. Two weeks ago we asked Inspector Bulf f'lr an eiplanatioii of the delay io announcing the Entrance cx'uiinaton results. W«> also sent Mr. Huff a mark- Miss Florencf and Master Frank Bunt ; „d ^..py of The Advance which conlaintd returned last week from a month's holi- ; t^g .jtid. So far there has been no days in Woodbridge and Toronto. I ^^piy Surely the authorities do n.t iu- Sergeaut A. E. Bellamy of *'C" Co., ^ tend to ignore a just rei^uest of this .tTth Battalion, now at Niagara, haa been ! nature. Tbe public are entitled to an promoted to (Quartermaster's Sergeant. ' explanation. Mrs. B. Welton and children relumed ' The water wss let on tbe Eugenia pipe from Mount Forest on Monday, where line last week aud everything was found they have visited for a couple uf weeks. , to be satisfactory. The wm-deii pipe line Mrs. F. G. Karsledt, and Mrs. .\. '»' ^rst threw sprays of water twenty teet Down, attended the funeral of a relative l''gli from the cracks but these soi.u of Mr. Karstedla iu Chesley on Tburs- , swelled out and now everything is as d»T last. I ''S''* *" * drum. The pnwer house is Mrs. Thomas Richardson and daughl-l *Wf^'"'='''"« completion and it is expect- er. Nettie, of Harkaway, and Miss Leila Purvis of Markdale, visited at Mr. W.J. Stewart's oue day receutly. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee aud tw» children of Priceville, spent Sunday with the latler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. LeGard. ed that next month turned on. will see the lights Seaside Excursions via CP.R. .Attractive trips to various points in Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scot a, Mrs. J. C. Miller, who has spent the >-ewf„undUnd and Prince Edward Is'- paat two weeks visiting her parents, Mr. ; and. Tickets gord going August Hth and Mrs. Thos. Blakely, here, returned uih, loih and H5th. return limit August to her home iu Toronto on Tuesday. ;{js,_ njis. fo Maine resorts, including Mr. Mark Wilson has purchased the > Kennebunkport, Portland, tUd Orchard fifty acre McGruther farm on the east etcâ€" Tickets good going August 27ih. back line, which ho has had rented fur ^ 28th and 29ih. return limit Sept 13tl', several years. 1913. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Miss Sosie Chard entertained al>out | -Agents or write M. G. Murphy, District thirty of her young friends oa Friday , Passenger Agent. Toronto. evening. k very enjoyable time was " ' ~ apent iu games and music. Mrs. Ben Wilson aud two children returned to Toronto on Saturday af er spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uanley, 8t.h line. Misses Marion Frost and Norah Far- j The Bell Telephone Company las I August decided to keep opeu all tho posi- t ons vacated by employees, wh»^ became I members of the militia, and to look after ; their families. One half of the regular I p»y was paid to (heir beneficiaries. One I hundretl and fifty-four employees have â-  kir of Owen Sound were guests of Miss j ^„,j^j^j ^^^ ^^^ ^^„, ^j ,21,6H has been Iva Mitchell for a few days during the p^j^ f^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ j^„^ ^^^.^ past week. \ fj^jj certainly is a loyal action on tbe part The Advance had a pleasant call on ' of ^\^^ g^n Telephone Company. Friday last from Rev. L. W. Thooi of . . Midhurst, who was on his way to visit j f.-iends at Arihur. Mr. James Tweed aud wife, Mrs. Fred ' Bunt and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldruni, \ To outj, motored up Usl week and were 1 , „, , ., ,. I \M J u u.' i> ji i> _!, congratulate Flesherton on its oil well gtt ists uf Mr. and Mrs. n . Pedlar. Rock;. * . MUls. Mrs. C. McTavish and little daughter Victoria Comers When a fad is once started one never knows where it will end. W'e wish to i but we have gone opposition to you by I producing a lye well. Anyone wishing : to make soft soap will take their kettles of Uegma, who have spent most of th. j ,^ ,^^ ^^,^„j^ ^j ^^^ ,^^^^, ^^^^^ ^^ -• immer he.e, left on Tuesday ou •»â- â€¢ yieioria Corner, whe.e they can get them first lap of their joura., home, but *dl fi„ed with Lye ready for boiling. The remaiu in Toronto for a short time. .. i . j « .i. n _u- v gp^ felected for the new well which wss Campers and haymakers did not have j ^ug there recently was ehosan just where a pleasant time last week, but this week j the wood ashes h»d been thrown ou the ehow-i a very decided improvement, with ground for years. The soakage produces prospect* of continued good weather, \ \j^ ;„ the new well. after a remarkable season of wind aud | ^j^, ^.,,^^^ ;, ^j^j^.^^ ^^ „^ ^^^^^ I Ludlow's and renewing old acvuaiMt.tDce<>. There was no service at Inistioge on •ram. The Ptorince of Saskatchewan hkS "gone dry"; and, as a cunse^iuence, otticera have been appointed to see that the law is enforced. Mr. David Clayton, the youugett son of Mrs. Wm. Clayton of this place, of Lang, has been appoint- ed District Magistrate, and will try al r-faes, where there bas been an infringe- ment of Ihedaw. Mr. Clayton receutly aent two German spies to ^xol, where they CJu not stir up trouble for the gov- >etniuent. I Sunday, the pastor being ill. I Mrs. Leffler and three children from ' Kansas visited her brother, Mr. Thomas ! Bannon, last week. ! Miss Dorothy Nichols of Bolton is vii* - iting at her home here. ' Miss Vera Moore is visiting in Dun- !dalk. I ' Wo congratulate Id^ Stinsou on her success at the Entrance examination. The follo*iug very interesting letter j | hvs been received by his brrther, Bert, I | fron Mr. Wells Whittaker, who has been attached to No. 5 stationary hospital, C. E. F.. London, E- gland, under date cf July 14 : We are still at Shornclilfe, but may leave for the Dardanelles any time. Onr boys are all fine except one, whu is in the hospital, but he will soon be with us again. The hospital is situated on an ex- ceptionally high tracr of land, and it is well for us, otherwise we would find our- selves fioating into th-; ravine, as the I weather has been very showery. I oiiicb prefer the climate of Ontario. It i* not nearly so changeable. We have over four hundred patients at present, and that makes so much admitting and dis- charging that I assure you our crowd is kept busy. The commanding othoer has au auto, also C-<p'a:n Piul. There are three saddle horses and the newsboy has a bicycle, so you see we have some means of transportation. At first we had onl} accommodation for 240 patiente, conse- '{ueutly 100 were transferred to New- castle. There was an escoit sent along, and I happened to be " Lucky Jim.'' I thought wlien I was so far north it would be a shame to miss seeing Edinburgh, so I asked for a few days' furlough, which was griuted .Xfter spending the night in Newcastle I wended my way to Ediu- turgh. Newcastle is ((uite a large ciry. I did not spend much time there excei>t to go down to the Tyne, engag-:d a ferry and by crossing the river I was able to ob- serve the great man of-war ." Cansda." It is the lar){tsc British gunboat on the water a*, present, and !« going to the Dardanelles to relieve tbe " t,)ueen Eliz- abeth. ' Ediiibunih is obp of the most beautiful citien I have ever teen. I visited many places of interest there, such ;wj Holyrood Palace, ait galleries, museum, university buildings and the great old castle which is so strongly fortified. U was in this castle Mary t,>ueen of Scots lived, and James II. wss born. I might enumerate many other places of interest but I have not tbe time. I took a puHman and went to see the sreat bridge, four miUs long, across the Frith >'f Forth. It was some sight. There were about .sixty war ships lying in the river below the bridge, entirely closed with mines. Ou this particular trip I had a very compe- tent guide and enjoyed the outing very much. Not being content to return from Eiiuburgh, I went to Glasgow. Ic is not nearly so tnsautifula city as Edin- burgh, but far more business like, aud is almost as crowded :»s Toronto at exhil i' tinn time. While there I went to see the dry d*ck and harbor, which is 31 miles long. I crossed the Clyde river. While there a large boat arrived fiora India. The crew consisted of natives from Calcutta. I spent some time look- ing over the machine guns, torftedo boats, etc. .\nd last, but not leas', I must mention those Highland lassies. They are rare good lookers, fair coiu- plexioned with dark hair. To day there was a muster parade of aU the troops, 2&,O)0. To-morrow we are ^o\m% to be inspected by Premier Borden and Colonel Sam Hughes. You can iiu.agine how much we enjoy this, standii'g for about four houis to have someouo merely glance at you. The fighting is not so strenuous lately. We seem quite safe here, although we are only forty miles from the trencher. I see ro.any of the soldiers from the fnnt and believe uie. tbeir nerves are b:u)ly shaken. I will close now, hopiu,? you are a' I well. I would like to drop in aud have OBo meal at least. I am getting tired of bully beef , as we call it . Give n'v best to all ini|uiring rriend>. -R WELLS WHITTAKER. Speci al in Groceries Canned Goods â€" Peas, Com, Tomatoes, Pumpkirs, 3 cans fur 25o. Granulated Sugar, per cwt S7.1J GranuLtred Suga', It lbs. tor fl.tW Golden Yellow Sugar. 16 lbs. fnr $1 .00 R.)yal Household Flour, per bbl 17. 5«) GUnora Patent Flour, per bbl $7.00 flust Arrived Coil spring wire, Barb wire. Black wire. Screen doors and windows. Oils Heavy Machine Oil, Boiled aad Raw i>il, and Turpentine. SPECIAL L idles' Tweed rain cost, silk Gearlemen's Tweed rain B.)ys lined, Reg. 1 10.00, for ».o.0O. coat, silk lined, Reg. f 10.00, for fo.GO. clothing. 30 to 35, long and short panc<>. striped tweed, reg. 7.50 to 18.00. for *«.0«>. HARDWARE Hayfork rope. British manilla and pure maai.'la, hay- fork pulley . 1 double harpoon hay fork. "i tine hay fork, straight and plain. Hay rakes, scyrhea and snaiths, paris areen. w-ju-hing machines, New Ideal Washer The Easy Washer- CAR LOAD OF CEMENT dUST ARRIVED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE A Representative Wanted â€"FOR- I The Old Reliable Fonthiil Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. , A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade among the farmers as weii good ornamen- tal busiuess in the towu. ^ Exclusive territory. Handsome free outfit. Highest coiumissiotis. Wme for terms. Stone & Wellington Kouihill Nurseries 1 (Established 1837) j TORONTO - ONTARIO Seasonable Furniture At the Flesherton Furni- ture Warerooui? Such as Spring Beds, Mattresses, Baby Carriages. Bedroom Sets, Parlor Pieces, Parlor Sets, etc Here are three special articles fur 4uick sale: 1 Heavy Oak Dining Room S.t. leatherette ophoUterini;. «t pieces. only tl»>.j<.>. Carehilly Corrected Each Week *'h«*« tl IJto 1 15 i^»f* tiO totio P'^^ $1 25 to 1 25 ^'•'*»;, :oto70 Buckwheat TO to 70 fl'^uf frOOtoWOO "•y .flaOOtoloOO otixift 23 to» Eags, fresh £0 to £r Potatoes per bag :{5 to 35 ^**';« lltoU 5"'^''» Utoli ^.'*!' «ro 9 Tn'tey Utol.-> Deering Implements .\ND 1 Oak Extension Taole. 5U.IX). 1 '.I'uarleted Oak Boutfet. iiiirrjr. a beautiful thinv;. $•27.' only 12xW only Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts j always on hand Agent for Barrie and; Mt. Forest Cutteis,B.arber Bu-^gits. Lou- i den Litter Carriets, Hay Tracks, Pedlar | shingles and siding. These Implements | re-iuire no recvunmendatioo as they ate j standard eoods and recognised aa the best on the market. ' RUTHERFOR Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Our prices will stand the test with any firm. Come and see what you buy before you buy. then buy what you see. « X ^ M X M T HE ONLY MAN X WHO SHOULD ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ?^ THE MAN WHO HAS |[ W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton • Ontario. School Children's Eyes, NOTHING TO OF- ^ PER IN THE WAY ^ OF SERVICE AND ^ -SUCH A PERSON ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ^ WHETHER HeS KNOWS IT-OrH NOT. S Elbert HubtMrd ^ io the Fra !(tf ^^^S^^'^X^XXXXXX This fam.'us make of implements is well known all over the C'-uutry and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you j r«t)uire anythinit in the line of Binders. Mowers. SJeed Drills. Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs. WaKKon.*, Oieam Separators. Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters. Gasoline en gines. vSawinu outfits, etc , give us i chanee to quite pricec-. John Wright, - Flesherton Agent .Debentures k Issued fbr ' l^nrtknnor Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestrain in childhooa. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:, Hometeekers' Excursions To Western Canada , Particular attention is directed co the remarkably low Round Trip Fares in connection with hoaieoeekers' Excur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until 1 Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. Wa ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t I 00 Yo'jths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily ,3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe ... 9© Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 2 (X) Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocata 1 50 Weekly W^itiiew 90 Saturday Night 3 QO Home Journal 9© Poultry Review ^ Rod and Gun magazine 90 R. J. CObQUETTE Feversham, Ont. October 20th. inclusive, and are g' od to j sj,-. |._ .u- r«..t.i._»* ni n return within two months fr..m date of **'"' '" "" Cwkshott Plow CoS Fall Line of Farm liapl««i«ats W. J. Bellamy. "• Ag«nt laug Flesherton â-  sale ' The C. P. R. offers the finest possibl* 1 eijuipment and faste.-it train service via I >ne nf the m'>st scenic routes in iht- ) world. I It is the only line operating through , standai-d and tourist sleeping cars, also j dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancourer. ' All ei|uipment is owned and operated by I the C. P. R.. affording the highest form I of etScieiicy . If such a trip is under conaideration apply to any <•'. P. R. .\geut for ful particulars or wiite M. O, Murphy D.P. A , Toronto. Wagons. Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline EiiiHues, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always •b hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshult and Frost A Wood Repairs always on hand. Fevcrsbam, â€" Ontario

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