Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1915, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINOIPLEH MOT MEN, ? ?0I 35 No. 12 Fleatierton, Ont., Tbursday, Augfust 26 191^ â- ^' W. H. THDRSTiS '•;^y"°^o Eugenia Paragraphs Bornâ€" Oa August 17. b, 1915, to Mr. aud Mrs. E, A. Graham, a son. Bornâ€" On August 20tli, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Hoj-, a daugh- ter. The regu'ar monilily meeting of the Women's Institutn will meet on Wednesday, September Ist, at the home of Mrs. W. Aimstiong. All ladies are cordially invited. Mr. Smith of Coll'njjwood is visit- ing ins daughter, Mrs. Ward. Miss Beecroft and .Mrs. Booth and daughter, Nina, have itturned home from their visit with friends in Crce- more. Mrs. Whiteford of Havover is the guest of Mrs. £. A. Graham. Rev. Campbell and family of Maple are visiting friends here. Bev. T Laidlaw aud family of Heathcote called on friendi here the past week. Mesdam>;3 Munshaw, Magec and Large and .Mr. E Smith motored to Orillia to visit friends. Miss E. Latimer visited in Owen Bound the past week. Visscs M. and V. .McM alien visited friends in Meaford. Fern Stuart of Kimberley is the guest of Mrs. McMuUen. Mr. Will McNally and family aud Mr. aud Mrs. Rob. McxVally ot To- ronto were the gues'jS of Mrs. Joe Williams recently. Messrs. John and Wesley Wilson Lave gone to the West for the har~ vest. Mr. and Mr?. Reed of Colling wood visited Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mrs. G. Vanwyck and daughter of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. O. Graham. Another brave volunteer Mr. El- wood Purvis, Toronto, eldest son of Mr. K. Purvis of this place, has en- listed, aud was up on a visit the past week. He leaves his wife and two children in Guelph until his return. Hatherton Huckleberry ing and harvesting are the order of the day, Misses Viva and Winnie Seeley are atteudiug model school at Orillia. They were accompanied by their sis- ter aud brother in-law, Mr. and .Nlrs. Will Fiudlay, who motored down from Markdale. Mr, aud Mrs, A. T. Down, Cleve- land, aud Mrs. T. Chislctt and little grandson, Jack McMillan, Ceylon, are visiting with their brother, H. Down, aud family. Mrs. McBride, Collingwood, called on her neice, Mrs. John Loughecd, one day last week. She was accom- pauied by Mr. Wallace Potts, of Mc- Intyre. Mrs. Tiller and Miss Annie Guy, Maxwell, called on Mrs. Down last Thursday. Miss Addie Grummctt is visitiug with her brother. Will, in Torouto, for a couple of week?. A suctessfnl garden party was held on the Methodist Parsonage lawn on August 11th. An interesting game of bawball between Bock Mills and 3id line resulted in a victory I'lr the former, the score being W-S. Aflu the game an excellent musical pro- gram was given by the following tal- ent ; Mr. Wes Bailey and Misses Gardner and Sinclair, Duudaik; the Misses Osborne aud Ferguson, Mr. Thouip.son, Misses Alexander, Kaitt- ing aud Lawlor, and Doc Fairey. Bev. Abbott of Duudaik gave a bpUndid address. Kcv. Tiller acted us chairman. Miss Minnie Winters is attending Business College iu Collingwood. Miss Ethel Grummett is visiting in Honeywood. Miss Ida Osboruo visited friends in Fiesliertoii aud Owen Sonnd during tho past wei'k. Ceylon Chat Mis8 Sai'Hh Bazsrd of Owen Sound, who is Hbout'li) leave for B.C., spent the week end with hit mother on Stone's Line. She returned Monday, accom- ptnied to Owen S-'ound by her iiioiher. Mr. D. and Miss K. McKenzie, Fe- vertihain, visited last week with their sister, Mra. S. Hemphill. Stanley VVbite, who has been visiting for several weeks with his uncle at Pro- ton Station, has returned. The Ceylon baseball team played Fleshertcn junior team a friendly game Thuisday evening here. The game re- sulted 23 to 3 in Ceylon's favor. Mrs. James McClockliu and daughters Gertie and Mabel, left Tuesday For Moouejaw after i» two months' visit with friends here. Mrs.J. Siiell returned Saturday from a visit of several months wiib friends in the State*. Miss H. Coleman returned to Owen Sound after a.two weeks' visit with her friend, Miss Nessa Collinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Whittaker, of Ourhaiii, were in town the tirst uf the week. Mrs. A. Whittaker, who has been visiting her son, returned with them. Norman MoLsod left Friday for the West. Messrs. L. ttutled^e and Will Mc Arthur left Thui-sday for the West. Mrs. Guy and dtughter, Sadie, who have l>ecii vi.«icing friends here for the past two months, left Friday for their home in the West. Misses Viola and Vema Trt-lford of Kin<{Hton called on friends here Satuiday. Mrs. Chislctt and little grandson spent the paa^ week visiting friend* at ttath- erton. Miss Gladyii Johnston has returned to her home at Thornbury after spending a tortni«ht with her sister, Mrs. G<'orL'e Stunrt. Mr. aud Mrs, .J, .\shJown are in Owen Sound 'hiH week. Mr» VViiid Harrison, and sister of Silver Creek, N.Y.. spent the week end at Mr. M . Ferguson's. Durham Victoria Corners Mr. Win. Heard has a yield of clover that any wore experiaooed farmer miiiht be proud to own. It tallied forty load-t off nine 'aorM. Wm. Patton is still ill at the residence «{ bia SOD, " CreamkiDd." Miases A'argery anrl R ibcrta Acbeson. Proton, viiibed their i.,randpa: enti. Mr. Mid Hn. Geo. Moore. Three weeks ago the Koview voiced the opinion lh.it theie wou'd be no Mod- el school in Hanover this term and ths was exactly what would have happened if Hon. Ur. Janiieson, M. L. -V. had nut j^ot in touch with the Educational De- purtiiient al Toronio with the result that the decision hus chnnged. A citizen of a nearby muiiicipility was tined 920 taut week lor being drunk in a local option town. An expensive lesson Vjut a salutary one and a warning to others. Coustatde .^rrowsmith ha.i a gof I in hi.s mind's eye and that is a 2 can town and if council courts and roinmtiiity back him up we'll all see it accomplised. It is not often five (jeneiali.ins coino to- ifether in town buL las-t Saturday one was recorded. The senioi' member of thi» group is Mr llobt Aljoe Sr. who is a nonagenarian in years and a great, Kiuat urandfalber of the youi gert inuinber. His daughter is Mr?. Matt. Scolt who lives with hiui. Mrs VVm. Watson of McWilliaiiis is next in lino and is follow- ed by Mrs C/awfoiu Harrison and her iufaiil child. Tins babo cm also claim great, !{reat giandparenlage on the other side of I he house. The above group had a photo taken at KeUeys. The .Viinubl Convention of the Grey County Wijuiun's Institute will bo held in the Town U^ll, Ouiham, on Thursday Aug. titj, l'.)l."j. Atteinoou Sfssion at 2.30 aud eveninx session at 7.30. Mrs. J. Hunter, of Brampton, will ijive ad- dresses oil 'â-  Little thilUR thai; make h jiue lite happy or oiherwise" aud '"A Plea for the Boy." Mrs Danard, of Kemble, «il spi-ak on "The Country Woman and Nature" and Mrs Marsh, of Holstein, on "ATiip to Bermuda in Winter." Mrs Ibboit and others will supply music at both sesaioos. â€" Review Wo de house Doings Tbe past week has been a week of re- nisrkable harvest weather, and though rain again threatened, the prophesied Hood did not reach here, and harvesting is again in full swing. Barney Welton of f'lesherlon was on our telephone line last week making soma much needed repairs. Mr. George Hutchinson of Kimberley occupied the pulpit in New England church Sunday afternoon. We are very sorry to report Miss Ruby Lanktree seriously ill with an atiection of (he knee, she having been confined to her bed for the past two weeks. We hope for bor early recovery. Miss Annie Gilray is spending a fort- rilght with friends at Vandeleur. Harold Hutchinson left Tuesday <f this week for the West. Mr. and Mrs Ern-jst Morwood and little son, Lavern, visited over .Sunday with friends near Epping. Miss Violet Proctor of Collingwood visited her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Wilcox, the past week. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, Aug. 18, a son. Will Woods is out with bis threshiuL' outdt again, having been engaged the past week threshing in the vicinity iJ Kimberley Mr. Joseph Cheny visited bis father near Thornbury on Sunday, who, we are sorry to learn, is suffering from a severe shaking up received in a runaway acci- dent the pi>st week. The old gentleman had just returned from Thornbury to his bon-in-Iaw's, Mr. John Brown's, and hid driven into the yard, where a threshing engine stcod, and was about to alight from the rig, when the horse luddenly took fright, and making a daah, before Mr. Cherry could regain either himself or the lines he was thrown eut and severely hurt. His left luug aud heart were, on the doctor's exair.inaiion, found to lie somewhat liruised, and also his collar bone, bur unless complications set iu he will recover. Mrs. .Joseph Cherry and Mrs. John Pickering visi'ed Kimberley friends the pa>t week. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Donne'ly were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. W. Conley, Kiverd«le, recently. Mr Riihnrd Wilcock and sister, Kute, of Flesherton. were tho uuests of friends here the past week. Feversham Items Mr. aud Mrs. D. McDonald spent Sunday with friends in Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little visited friends at Rob Roy on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Murphy of Flesherton visited with her son, Mr. S. Murphy, last week. Miss Sadie Julian has secured a position iu Collingwood. Miss Jessie Mclntyre of Mclntyre, visited her cousin, Miss V. Spencer, 8th line, last week. R. J. Colquelte and Charlie Bar- ber left for the west on Saturday last. Marriedâ€" At the home of -the bride's parents, on August 18lh, by the Rev. P. Tiller, Pearle, daughter of Mr. and .Mis. Joseph Barber, ol Feversham, to Mr. John Smiley of Collingwood. Mr. Winsloe Kernahan has return- ed home from the west, where he has been engaged iu teaching school for tho last two years. Mr.". Foster Heron left Monday for her home in Key-West, Sask., after a two months' visit with friends here . - BURT Spsciallst In diseases ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICE-130 10th St, We8t,Owon Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12.-» m Dundalk,l8 Wednesday of each month ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, •^1 ONT I You Can Get Your I East Back Line A number of farmers in this locality have begun harvest. W« are all praying for the rain to ceaee, till tlie Helds are cleared once more. Mr. and Mra. A'ex. Carruthers of Eugciii>4 visited recently with Mr. and .Mis. Will. Holley. The many friends of Mis. \Vin. Hill aie pleased to seo her about a!<ain. Mis. P. Loucks and son, Cecil, have returned from vi-'^itiny fiionds in the East. Mr. and Mrs. While, of Port'aw v, sit- ed with Mr. iiiid Mrs. 0. Ch.ipinan. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Baker, Vundileur, and Miss Nellie Bunitt, of Kimberley, were week end visitors al Mr.P.bouok's. Mis.s Eva Tetter of Markdiile is ihf Kuest of -Miss Nettie Teeter. Mrs. Fred LeGurd spent a day lavt weik wiih her sisttr, Mrs. Mndill, bi- foro returning to her home in Toronto. Miss Lillia'i VVyvillu has roliiimd to her home in Pioioii. Mi.«s Tillin Buchanai', Vandeleur, M is OS Emilia and Huxel Coleman iif Torouto visiied fiiuiidsin this vicini'y the pi.-t week. Mr. Russell Clark of Owen S.iund spent the week eod with his uncles, Messrs. Geo. Clark and Win. Cargo. Heathcote La»t Weeks' Items The Kocklyn base ball team iii:m a number of visiturs motored over aud played a friendly f;ame of ball on Satur- day evening la^t. Rocklyn winning the L'Hme of 0-1. Mi.-'s Aleda Fieaeheii acecim]MUiied by her sister, Miss Enit, are visitiui; with their aunt, Mrs. Hemphill of Thornbury. Miss D. .^beiciombie of Kimberley, who has been visitiiii; with friends here for the past few weeks, retumed home on Monday last. Dr. and Mrs. McKee returned home on Friday last after speudiuK ihe pas' fortnight with friends in Toronto and Lucknow . Mrs Fiegehen accompanied by Inr mother, Mrs. Boyd, of Epping, left for a visit with friends in Owen Sound and Meaford on Saturday la.st. Master Thomas and Miss Mari.'.»ret McKeu ot Tonmto are visiting with Dr. MoKee this week. Miss Kalhletn Reid of Hamilton spent a few days of last week w.th her fiiend, Miss Elsie (iardner. Born â€" At Heathcote, on Saturday, .\ugu8t 14, to y'r. and Mrs, Robert Murray, a son. Miss Mildred Brea-lncr who has been visiting with friends in Rocklyii and Goring for the past week returned home on Sunday. This Week's Items Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Laidlaw tnlertaiii- eJ a iiunibor of the Heathcote youiii; people that were pieparinjj to e,<> West on Tliur.sdsy eveniii.; last, A most ex- cellent time is rep o led. We are mny to report thiit Mr. Jami"* McClaiiR while assistinj^ Mr. Joseph Conn on F'riday last fell out of ihe mow br.iikiii",' his collar l.one. We all join in wishing for his speedy recmery. Mr. .1. W. Lcacli of .Meadnd isvinii- iii'.; with Mr. and Mrs. .Janus Caniplin ihisivue'i. We are pleased to sre Miss Viola .Viii'- stroiig out agiin. Mis. Fiegeheii returned honn" on S.tiirday lust afier visitini; wi'htiiinds in O.veii Souiia and Meaford for Ihe (nM week. Mr. John Pratt, of Toronto is ( iNiiiii!^ with friends hero. Mr. J Sl'jau I'f Flc^ierlun aeconi|jan- ied by his ^iNlor-in law, Miss S Orr. visiied with Mrs. Fie-ehen over Sun d.iy. A lai se number left from here foi the West on Satutd«y last. Bindin Machine oi ii twine •«» Five Rose, Purity, Royal Householtl, Eclipse and Pastry Hour. Corn chop, bran. sliort.s and middlings Wheat, oats and barley, at # |W. BUSKIN! Nice Summer Shoes The Flesherton Shoe Store i.s well stocked with many varieties ofiSuin- iner Shoes for ladies and j^ent-s, at right prices. The Business Man On His Western Trip NEWS! FLESHERTON I A lyw phone to ring, to P. Steiuhart, Markuale, 87, for pouiliy alive, produce, h'des, skins and wool, rubbers, ii gs, horsehair, iron, coptter, biass, z nc, lead o( all 8ork<, top price paid in cash, or drop a card to It x 121, Naikdale Will call for it. Don't mistake tbe name, Cannot afford to leave out the cities that handle the crop. Fort William and Port Arthur. Take the Canadian Pacific route to Winnipeg, the way the business Also Trunks and Suit Cases. Kepairin< ig as usual. Office Positions Guaranteed The Dominion (jovernment guarantees positions to Northern Business Colloce, Owen Sound, graduates who pa-ss tbe Civil Service Examinations in May and November. Salaries $500 to «12(K). Ambitious young men and women, hav- Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS | ^ New Suitings just to hand â€" some of JT the nobbiest weaves to be found any- 3^ wliere. ji^ Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pi easing and repairing. Our prices are rijjht and our Avorkmanship is the very best. * i Kngi laistiogo League ii hoviug a picnic at ry ^TTPE NJ H A DT travels. Daily service, observation and ing attended High School for a year or dining cars, electric lighted equipment. ' more, ought easily to pass these exaniin- { Doable tracks more than half the dis- ' ations, after taking our Commercial and ^ tance. Comforfc, scenery and one man- Stenographic Course fcr six or eight agemeut all tho way. Dietetic blended months. Write for particulars to North- 1 meals, the scientific combination of food ern Business Col'e^e, C. A. Fleming, for travellers. Particulars from Canad- Principal, or G. D. Fleming, Seoretar/ Ian Pacific ticket agenss, j-jji term opening Sept, 1st. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberiin Tailoring. ^ _ ^ f , i: -""•

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