Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1915, p. 4

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...^ ,i^!itii0nim»KiitfvmBi^'^ â- .^^<m>wi4^ti- ^ m I '*>* * N'.^^^'t"!^''^** -August 26 1915 â- V H K- 'THE FLESH E ION ADVANCE Thnnxiiy »t Kl fshertun. Subiicri|itiiin price $1 \>vt annum when i»id in au)v«nce ;tl..'>0 whtn not »<> paid Aiiver i«in(r raUn on sppliration. Circulation 1.100 wrekly AT H. XhiirBton- " Editor Flcshcrton- Methodist Church: Hev. Janies Dudnoori, pastor. | RE-')rENLNG SERVICES j Sunda;, August 29tli, 1915 1! a. m. ami 7 p. lu. â€" Rev. Wungli will occupy the pulpit. Maaler Wille Norris of Toronto will Eing at both services. I /lCSl)CrtOn !:\l)UanCe Hydro Eleclrj: inspection An inM*«den» newsp»,>.r, ,,..bli.hed every I'^o' ««»« Prop'T protection of property th"* office, ColUngwiMKi Street, [ against any possible fire liizaiJ certain loliangeH may be rcnu'ied to be made in a 'nuinburot lij^htinK inatallatiuns. The present wirlnj will be in»p«cled in accurdanco will) the precautions tiilieii l>y '.the Hydro Kloctric Cunimission and due (notice of any drfectH found vlll be )(iven I by the Inapcctur, as the Hydio Electric I docs no houFe wiring. The ownt rs of proper y who desire to liiko current siiould get competent wire men to niuke wlittt chanites and c'e.iring up will Iw necessikry to make their in^talialioii en- tirely safe, as it is only a short time now until the Hydr.j will be coiinec'ing the k!4 hour service. Tliu wire njan must ob'aiii a pcrnii' before cominei cinp oich job. The In- spector ban power to refuie a permit In any per.son lie deems iyconip lent of the execution of ii job of wirjiitf in accordance witli the Rules and KeKulaliuns. The 'permit issued by the Inspixtor will he reijuired lo be posted in a conspicuous EUen fJuunetis, a young woman „f p'-c*' i-" each j b. until such time that Owen ?oucd. was brought here from ""^ «''i"i{ '« completed and passed, when Wiarton od Saturday last and c >muiitted ll'« L'spector will issue, a permi: to the to three months in ihe W.lkerlon jail S"P"'"'e"deut of the Supply PUi.t lo on the charge of bemg « vagraut iu.a a U'>""''«t "P '""'e '« -sUlUiion. Acor.ili- loose character. Tw,. youn- iian.Ooorge I'^'e will be given to the owner vouching West and William Klinsbill of Wiatton, for the wo. ks being C). K are also aerving three months in the Homeseekers 2>pecial Train ^^.^f-~^r.^fS5JZ-.7^A7'j:k^^^i^^^^^ Leaves Toronto 10.45 Tuesday. each Walkerton Fur the acooniniodation of Homeseek ers' and general tourist traffic to Western Canada, through train carrying tourist sleepers and colonist cais will lesve Tironto 10 45 p. in. e*ch Tuesday until further notice running through to Winni- peg. Attention is directed to the remarkably low Round Tiip fares in connection wiih llomoKuukerii' Kxcursions to Wei-tern Canada via Canadian Pacific RailvN'iJy. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 2(i h, inclusive, and me good to n turn within two months from dat>- of sale. Apply to any C. P. R. Agent for full particulais or write M. 0. Murphy, District Passenger Aaeiit, Toronto. Walkerton jail for interfering with Con- stable Glover when he attempted to ' arruil the woman in the Wiarton park ! f)wnHr» hav- ing wiring done should not make bnal payment to the wire man until the final certificate i< is; nod by tht' liispsctcr. Any advice in connection with the To the Panama Pacific Exposition Via the Ciitadian Rockies Ah Mr. himself, had been working in the country, and was absent from h)me thnt night, one of the girls rushe<l to a neighbor's ; {iltone and notifi<;d the pol ce, with the (result thit Nighlwa'chman Swanston hurried to the scene. Before his arrival, on Monday eveninn of la»t week. .insiallation can be obtained from The tJii Sunday inoinii g last Chief Fer- District Inspector of Palnierston, Rox gutou's deaf and dumb son, Harry, got a '*•*. Phone 35. cooked potato csuj^ht in his throat and had a narrow ns.'«pe from being choked to death. After vainly trying to di.slodue the tuber, the fnmi'y phomd for the doctor, but b^-fore the physicinn's arrival however, the laiw.u black in ihefacel •ndhad almost succumb, d With the | At the present ti-.ne a great many are Hidof instruments the o'st>icle •»• K'- i pl»„„i„g iheir annual tour. Con.ider- â- lly removed and the boy a life H.»ved by j^, ^^ ou,ui,ers visit the popular C.lifornis the narrowe*! niarKlD. ' results, while many prefer tne unsur- Private L uis Uunstedirr of the .'Uth, p^aae J resorts, pdalial hotels and ma^' bUtalion, London, »ho has been visit- nilicent sceneiyi f the Canadian Rockies, log at his home liere, w»» up befoie ^ Xnis year why not coinbino the two by s Majjibtiate J«imes I'olion oil Tuesdiv i visii to the Panama Pacific Kxpcsitiun. morning on the charge of breaking into \unierous people in comforUtble cir- thehomeof Mr. Ceorge Bryce ''• H'«cum8tanc'H, well able to sHoid a trip, Kisl Ward. While goinij home alter 12 ' i,^^,^. ,,,j. ,„istjki.i, idea that a journey of ./clock on Monday ii'«ht, Rumt.dler, ^^j^ „^jy^^ j, ,„ogj expensive. This ia who had, it seems, bjcn prinking, enter- „ot «o, thanks to the modern railway ed the home of Mr. Bryce and taking off ^,„^.iijij^g_ ,„ extensive trip, both inter his clothes went to bed. As Mr. Bryce, jegii„j, ^ud tducatioiial, can be made- with ! speed and comfort at a comparatively 'small cost. Why not investigate? 1'hose contemplating a trip of any I nature will receive full information from any C. I". U. .\gint ; or write M. U. Murphy, Diitiiet Paasenger Agent, however, Runsiedler decampeJ, jumping Iq-^j^^^^ it ia said, f I cm anuistaiis window and j leaving alt hia cl *thci behind, wi'h the exception of liis trouserr. The Night- watchman took pusseasion of the dcseit ed military clothes and foui;d Runsted- I Mr. anJ Mrs. L. W. Newlon .ind ler's name attached to some of the gar | their nephew, . I. C. Marslmll, are viait- ments. On appearing before the inagis- ing Mr. Newton'n brother", Fred, Kd- trate on Tuesday morning, Runalcdior i ward, John and Oliver, says the C:oe- wai lold that if he would go back to [more Star. camp on the next tram that the case I The party drove throuuh by auto from would be dismissed, othcrwne the uhargo | j^,,,, Krancifco, a distance of 42<10 milea. would l>c presaed against him. Capt. Klein, who a])peared for him, promised to nee that he uot back, and Runstedler, we understand, took the first tiain out. -Herald. Fall Faii^s. The following are I lie dales of the fnll fairs this year in the vicinity of Flesherton. FLESHKKTOX Sept. 28 2it Chatsworlh Sept. 1G17 Chesley Sept. l»i 17 Collingwood Sept. 22-25 Deshoro Sept. 23 24 Durham Sept. 2;i-24 Hanover Sept. Hi 17 Maikdale Oct. 12-lH Walkerton Sept. 14 15 Dundalk Oct. 7-« Meaford Sept. :iO,Oct. 1 Owen Sound Oct. 5, 0, 7 Priceville Sept. :50,0ct. 1 Rocklyn • Oct. 8 i^i ^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING PRICES r^ON:^ Women's and Childrens' Summer Footwear See Our Window Display This Week HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ^ i : ^!£^^!^v':^ - ^^ ' ^^ ' - ' ^- ' -'-'-^'^'^'-^ Cement Work Wanted The nnderaignod is prepared to do silo buihliiig ami Concrete work. Ha* o had thirteen years experience and feel llmt I can give entire a.-iiiafactiun. Have steel forms for silo and ail (Hifit neces ary for all kinds of cement vv..rk. Can also attend to i.-aipenter work. THOS. BKNTHAM. 1 July Fldaherton. Dr. J. Ralph Smith i^ OSTEOPATH \ Office and Residence- 4(i8 »th St. East Owen Sound, Out. I Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m , l.'.iO lo 4.:iO p.m. o 8 p.m. t)ther houra by appointment. Dr. R. F. Kntlish *ill he in Fleshertim on Tuesuay and Friday afternoons of each week. 4200 Miles By Auto Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher wanted for 8. S. No. it, Arteine«ia, Grey County. Duties to commence Septemlier I. Apply to .Jacob Parliament, Seo.-Treas., Eugenia P. O. Portlaw Harvealing ia now in full swing. The work will be more tedious on account of 'i great deal of the grain being put down with the recent heavy raina and wind. tJrojxi of all kinds are the heaviest we i Jiave had in many yeara. Misi McArthur of Toronto visited her cousin, Mrs. J. A. ThompMOD. Master John Jaraieaon of Toronto is «|iending his holiJaya with friend.-t here. We congratulate Miss Gladys White on her auccesa in passing her examina- tions. She intends to go to the univer- isity to complete her studies. Mrs. Norlhnote of Toronto visited with Mrs. J. A. Lyons. Rev. L. W. Thorn of Midhurst visited vt T. R- McKetizie's. Mr<i. Maddnck and two sons and Misa .Millsap of Toronto, and Miss Walker of 'Owen Sound, are visitora with Mrs. Thos. Taylor and other friends. Mi;8 Hazel Chapman of the west back 2ine and Maater Lawrence Chapman of Durham, spent some day.s with their luot, Mra. R. T. White. Ijuite a number of vahiolea Blled with liippy people drove out to Eugenia lo- < entiy and picnicked in Ivoncr of Miss Viola Cornheld before her return to Toronto. Perhaps the moil exciting feature of the outing was a joy ride par- ticipated in by Ihe ladies. The tomnio- t ion seemed as exciting to the citizens ^ s to the picniskers. They started July 15 and arrived in Creemoro on Tuesday evening, Aug. 10. This is a total of 20 days, but three ^ayi of this time they were delayed in Ne- braska by high waters. Mr. Newton is uncompliinent iry with reference to Michigan ruarls. He says they are the worst lie eiicounteie i on the whole trip. He left the Lincoln high- way, which waa hm route from the coaat, at South Bend, Ind , then cnme thiough Kalamazoo and JacksoD to Detroit. They camped out every night and cooked their own meals over an open lire and the three tourists exulted in tbe ex- perience. They Carrie 1 a spade and ro|>e and tackle to help the aato in places where ita own power was not sufficient, but the tackle was used only once on the trip. The goin^ was excellent until they entered Nebraska. Here the vnlleys of the Platte were Huuded fiom thi swollen stream on account of the heavy rain.s, and ihey met with considerable ditlieulty through the whole of tlii." stale. Mr. Newton left this pait of the country :!6 years .-igo for the west, and this is his Krst visit back to old friends. On tliuir return trip they will follow tbe Santa Fe trail and a southern route. Their speedometer will read piobably 84t» miles when they get back home. They started with a new Dodge car. CATTLE STRAYED Btrayed from the jjremises of the un- <l»raigncd, lot 25, con. 8, Osprey, six head of cattle as fol'ows :-4 yearlings *J red with white faoo, 1 briiidle and one "iKjtted ; also two 2 yeir-olds- 1 brii.dlo nnd 1 spotted, both dehorned. Send ...formation lo^^ T,„oMP.St.N. R. R. 2, SInghanipton. George Merkley of Mel.incthitn met will, almost inatani death on Tuesday mornin j of this week. He was engaged for the d«y with Frank Campbell in hiiiiing hay and with a team and an em- pty rack lliey were returaing to I he field for a load. Mr. Oinnpbell wai driving the team while Mr. Merkley was seated en «ne side nf the rack. The field over which they had to travel was very rough and the jolting of the wngon threw Mr Merkley frem his seat ti the ^'I'ouiid. He alighted on hia head and shoulders, breaking his neek. lie died instantly. Ootoiiar Dr. ,1. A. Smith of Shelburne I was immediately Hummonod, but the oircumsniices did not wiiriant an in>|ue«l necasaary, the falnUiy being of f\ purnly accidental nature. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Pacific conveniently reaches Point Au Bnril, French nnd Pickerel Kivers, Severn River, Muski^Kn Lakes, Kawitrtha Lukes, Rideau Lak ', Lake Ontario Resorts, etc. If vu contemplate a trip of iiny nature cuiisut tanaUiao I'-'citic Ticket Agent or wri'e M. 0. Murphy, District Patscnger Agent, Toronto. Tenders for Bridge Tenders will be received by Ihe Coiir- cil of Arteinesia up to six o'clock p. m. of the 2lBt day of August, 11115, for the erection of a reinforced concrete ateh bridge over the Beuver ejvor at lot Ii:!, Con. 8. Plans and speciticatiims may bo teen at, the Clork'.s otlice, Fleaherton, or «t the ofhco of the Township Enuineer, R. McDowell, Owen Sound. A marked check to the extent of five per cent, of contract lo accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not neeeas ir- ily accepted. -W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Aug. 10, 1015. Voters' List, 1915 Township of Osprey Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Hect ion 1), of the OntHroi Voters' Lists Act, Ihe copiea requirtd I y said secti>m to be so transmitted or de. livered. of the list, made in pursuance <'f the said Act, of all persons appearing l>y the last roviseil Assessment Roll of the aaid Municipality to be entitled to vole in the said Municipality i.t Elections f ir Moinbers of the Legislative Assein'ly rnd Municipal Elections ; Knd that the said List was first posted up in my othne on the 14th day ot August, H)15, and le- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have r>iiy errors or oniiasions corrected according to law. THOS. SCOTT. Township Clerk. Dated this 23rd August, P.U5. A Business Schoolii That successful school whose graduates occupy prominer.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the P.acitic, re-opena for the FALL TERM S-ptember 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal m Collingwo..d, Ontario. ) & The Old Adage Property For Sale Part lot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. A S. R. containine 28A seres, about I mile from Fle.sherton. There is a good frame house and stable *and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to Joseph A. LeGsrd, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- ij AN AD IAN , PACIFIC The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one an(_l be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Bintlers Mowers, Rakes, Loat'ers, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows> Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleijihs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL S Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. THE IDEAL ROUTE TO AND FROM TORONTO OURINO Canadian National Exhibition Aug. 28 To Sept. 13, 1915 REOUCeo FARES To Toronto from «ll stations in Ontario, also from Niagara FsPs and Butlalo.N.V. and Detroit, Mich. Be sure to Consult C. P. U. Agents re- garding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE To and from Toronto, Parkdale Station and Exhibition Grounds, also SPECIAL LOW FARES From Principal Points on Certain Dates. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket, .\gen', or write M. O. Murphy, D. P. A., south eait cor. King and Yon^e Sts., Toronto. 'si I- I Notice Dr. R. F. English, Osteopathic Physician, of Owen Soand, will be in Flesherton on Tnesday and Friday after- noons of each week. Cixninencing Fri- day, June 4th. For nppointmaA pbnne ring :i. A. C. Watson, th« CSuolph lii|uor store nran, w;is Hned 860 und c.ists hy Po^pe Magis'ratn Kelly, O.iderlc'i, for shippini! three ciisi's of li(|u<u' into Huron county wheru thn (Canada Tenipcni' ee Act is in force. The cases ca-.ne in under fictitious mmos. Bull For Service F'-r service. â€" Baron Holly â€" No. 6422. Aberdoeo Angus, on lot 34, t)th concess- ion, Artemesia. Terms, 91.00 if paid before 1st Jan. 15)15.â€" W. J. Masiee. May 15 Flesherton Tin Shop^ ,,I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. ings, Eavetrougbing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces, i i D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON .i^ ONTARIO. Stock for Sale .\ naiinle ot brooil Bowa. 1 Herkaliire and 1 Taiiiwartli k>r t%\e QEO. Teniii to suit puroliaBer W. KOSS, Maxwell P. it. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Piicitiu convenittuly reaches Point au lUril, Lake Mik8.sanoga, Bon Kolio, French and Pickerel Uivers, Severn llivor, Muskoka Lakes, Kawarlha Lako!>, Iticloiiu Lakes, Ltke Ontario re- sorts, etc. If you contomphi'o a trip of i»ny nature consult Canadian Paeilio Ticket Anenti or writo RI. V. Murphy, Disirici Passenger A^enl, Toronto. ; WOOD CUTTING lluzz 8aw Wood Cuttinjf with neatneki and despatch, 50 to tiO cords i>er day. ANo a ffooit straw -cuttiii(f outfit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave ycur orders with the iiiulersiKned. l.TalB -UKOBRACKENBURY, Ftversh^a BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Pute Bred Shorthorn Hull for service on Lot 140, Con. 2, S. \V. T. * S. R., Artemesia. Terms 11.00. All cows served must le piid for hy Isl March, li)Ui. latpt â€" H. Piper. #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Ain to Oito Entire Satisfactioa LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday I night, delivery Friday evenici^ CLKANING and DYEINO- We are agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, • - PROPRIETOR » ^ » â- Â» • • I • » » * • . * • • • -wm

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