Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1915, p. 8

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/ August 20 1915 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ;#â-  BUSINESSCARDS WRIGHT. TELFORD * MoDONALD itarrister, Kolioitom, i^o. OUicva, Clrey * Bruc* lllock. Owou Bouud. Staudftrd Ktnk mock. KUilierton. (8aturi!«»il. W, H. Wrigbt, â- W. P. Telford J--. .J. O. McUouald, L. u. 11. Societies AO U W meet! ou the Uet Uondey in »ch moQtb. in their loago room neytoo'aball Pleebertou, »t 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Delltmy ; Beo., C. H. Muofh»w: Pir.,B. J, Bptoule. V»itiD( brethrto Invited PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. !t33,A.P.4 A M.uieeta io tht Masonic ball. Arm •tro«8'8 Klock,Kle«herton. every Friday on. )r before the full moon. .(. Wiight Vv. M F. H. W. lIlckliuK. Hetretary. P OUBT:FLEHFRBTON, 986, L 0. P. merttio ^Clayton's Klook the lait Wedneedav evenioft each nioiitb. Vieitini! Foresters heartily comeT. K.. (}. Bellamy ; B. B., O, CairDS n. hec , W. Huskia. Pleve pay duos to Fin. Se«. before the flnt kT of tke mouth. CHOSEN FhlKNOB-Klesherton Council ChoM-D Friends uieete in ClaytoD shall first nd tiiiril Wedfeailay of each month 6 p. m Pay aKsetiKments to the Recorder on or before tee first <4ay of each month. Chief Councillor . Blakeley-.Keeorder W. H. Boot. Medical f\B CARTER V M CP A SODt.Physlclao. Barneon etc UtBce w>d resideuc*â€" Peter St., Pleaberton DR. W. T. LITTLE. - Graduate of Toronto University Vedieal CoUeee. Iteeidnnce and Office at fark Home, KieshertoD. Phono 24 rS. JF OTTEWBLL Veterinary Surgeon Jradnate of Ontario Veterinary College raiddaoce â€" second door south west^on bary street. This street ram ontb Preebytarian Chnreb. Dentistry l\r. e. C MURRAY L. D. B., dental surgeon 1' honoi graduate of Toronto University and hcyal Collese of Uental Burgeons of Ontario, Gae adiuisinistvred for teeth extraction CtBec at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaberton. Legal I UCAB. KANEY A hESRY-Barristere. •-â-  6olic:tors,eK.â€" I. H. Lucas, K. C; W. E, Kaney, K. C. ; W. V. Henry, H. A. Offices, Toronto. H06-9 Traders Hank Hide., phone aiaio 1412: Uarkdale Lucss Block, Phone 2 A. branch otiice at Dondalk u|>en every Baturday. BusiNE-ss Cards 1< CUUXJUGH & YOUNG V' Hankers Markdale neral banking business . Honey loaned reasonatjle rate* Call on us. DM cPHAIL. LicTDseJ Auctioneer for Itbe • County of Grey. Terms moderate and lis action guaranteed. The arraogemente u 1 lates of sales can be made at Tb> Advakob alficc hesideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone ODuactiao. Dm. 6.07. \VM. KAITTINO. Licensed Auctioneer foi vv the couniira of lirer and BImcoe. Farm and Block aa'es a specialty. Terms OiOderate. sttistacticn guaranteed. Arrange- u.ents tor dates may be made at the Advsnce ofJ*"**. 'â- ' Central lelei-nf»ue oftice l-evershsm or by •ddresiing wm at Fsversham, Out, Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tlic Colunibin in the peifivt tnlkini,' macliiiip. Compare all olliciB, then hear this and we arc not ufraid of the result. Wo can Hell luachiiiPfl on fSHy terms to rcsponeibln pcoiile. All the best appointed cityliuiiKs have their parlor iniichiiK.'s and tiji'i e is no I'caHon why the faiinci' Bhniihl not liavo tlio best iniiHic of llie duy in ilia home, including band music, vocul artists, and peifonuirs on ull l<iiid.<i of iuRtruraentH. Von can have it on a Columbia Grufoiiola, ufl pcifoct ns the original, and for much Icsb thun yon woul I pay for u ('onimon Organ. They laiiffc (rom S2() up. The Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instrii- menta and the Columbia rccmdH, made in Canada, cinbracc thousands of selections from which to choose . We H. Thurston Agent Flesherton Bull for Service Purebred Nhorthorii hull, Alwi-duen Fyvie -8,000â€" for «ervice on lot 211, .S.8. Jl., ArteiiieHJN. Teroia- tlliO for grndei, Fura bred cown 13.00. Pure lired Tamswortli hou for 'lervice on the kIhivb lot. Tenniâ€" 91-60 f ir'nll aniinalR. Served must be ptid for. fniar â€"W.J, MokdH Bull For Service Thoroughhiol .Shonliorn I'ull. " Hill- rest Oovarnor," Nn h54(iA. lor service 000 lot 27, con 14, Arteraeaia. Termaâ€" 91.60 lor ffiatit*, *:t inr fhoinughbrada. -ALEX. CARRITTHERS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent ;.j^»»,,^y| j^^ , ^ ^ , ^ , _^ , ^ , ^ , _^y ^^^ ^ r^ - ? gâ€" igâ€" Tg - â-  y- 'r=-'y-*r-T-T-- Ceylon and Priceville When you watit Binder Twine, Binder Wliips, Machine Oil or Oilers, Cnidle Fingers, Eake.s, Harve.st Gloves, or anything re<]uire<l for taking off harvest yoii^will get them here. Boots, heavy or light, to suit anyone. Fresh, clean Groceries always on hand and Fruit in yea.son. I HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS PaID FOR PRODUCE 1 \( Our Motto â€" "Small Pbofitt \st> Qi-ick Rkturns JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materialsâ€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful machinery. It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover yearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. * SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best.â€" Ask us for color cards. FRANK W. DUNCAN - Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON Bulls Running at Large . Deiurtment of Agriculture JLire Stock Branch, Toronto, Auijust 9, 1913. VVe reudive en^uiriea occasionally from Jilfurent parts uf itie province with ref- erence to bulls running ttt large, and as the editois of the local piperK are quit fre'iuently asked for information with reference to puints of law by their sub- scribers, I thought it mijfbt be nf inter- est tfjyou to have information with ref- erence to this. At the 1914 Hession of the Legmlative Asstimbly of Ontario " The Protection of Pure Ured Cattle " Act was passed. It provides an follows : 1. A pennlty of ^jo for the owner < f any hull who allows the bull to run at large or to oe oft' bis premises when not conlined or led by halter. 2. The right of an owner of a pure bred cow to recover full damages from the owner of the bull if hi« cow should bn eot with calf by a bull running at large. A bull wi.l be considered to be at large even though ho may h:kve broken out of the ownsr'i field, the onus l>eing on the owner of the bull to (Vovide a fence to keep the nuiioal in. The Act does not ipply to N»w Oi - tario or the provisional county of Hali- burton, but upplieHjo »ill parts of Old Ontario. R. W. WADE. Young Man Drowned On Monday afternoon a s;m1 drowning â- ccident occurred on the beach when Alfred Bruoke Westcott, eldeat and dearly btloved son (f Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Westcott, lost his life. The youn^ lad with so-ne twenty other young people, were bathing as is customary at this time of the year, in front of the "Bonnie Doon," his parents' Rummer residence on the shore. After playing in the wit er for alwut half .-xn hour the parly went to drefs, leaving Brooke engaged in shoving a law-log that was adrift into bhore. One of the little girls returning Rhottly afterwards, notit-ed Iiini lying in the water beside the log, and at once gave the alarm. He was taken out of the water and medical aid summoned. Drs. J. It. .Arthur and Donald McKay Were on the scene in a few miiiutti«, and worked for over half ta hour in an effort to restore re8pir.t>ion,but life was extinct. It is supposed that the ynung lad had over-exerted himself, and was suizeil wiih a fain'ins spell, which cause! hiin to fall in'n the wator.nnd no one witnesstoe the occmn-ncf, hml h s lif,-. H. ALEXANDER IVIERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fasliionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmansliip. -ALSOâ€" A line of Ready-Made Clothin)! Which we put alterations in free of . charge, if required. Isep Many Thousand Men Required For the Harvest In Western Canada Thousands of men will be re({uired friiMi Ontario to help in tha great work of harvesting the Western crop, and prac- tically the entire tisk of transpurtin:;! this great army of Harvuste.-s to the i West will fall to the lot of the Canadian j Paoitic Uadway. â-  Excursions from points in Ontario toi Manitoba, Saskatchewan and All>erta will be run, and sptcitl trains operated, ) making the tiip in alx)ut 3i hours and| avoiding any change of cars or transfers. " Go"ng trip west,' f 12 to Winnipeg. " Ileturn trip east," |18 from Win- nipeg. Consult C.P.R. Agents regarding par- ticulars in connection with traosportation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATKS Auguit l»th and 26ihâ€" From Kingston, Tichljorne Jit., Sharboi I>akp, Ren- frew and e ist in the Province of On- tario nod Vuebec, inclodmg intermi- diate stations and branches. AuBUBt 21st and 2Cthâ€" Fmm Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Out., and E«6t in the Province of Ontario, including inter- mediate stations and branches, but not East of or including Kingston, Tich-, borne Jet., Shart)i.t Late or Renfrew.' August 24th and 28thâ€" From Toronto and Suiions West and North in the' Province of Ontario, but not including stations on hue noith of Toronto to: Sudbuiy and Sault Ste .Marie, Ont. ; For full particulars re.-arding trans- 1 portaiion W'ttt of Winnipeg, etc., seej neaie-it C.P.R. .^eent or writ* M. (5.1 Murphy, Di.trict Passsnger Ag'c .Toronto 28 -^jj-. Sept. 13 Canadian National FXHIBITIOJV *^ TORONTO ^^ $130,000 '1^«» $150,000 "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Model Military Camp Deatruction of Battleahipa Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm under CultWatioa Millions in Liveatock Government Exhlblta THRILLING Naval spectacle REVIEW 4>F THE FLEET BeUlan Art Tfieaauraa Creatore'a Famoua Band Bittcat Cat aad Dot Show "warTSophies Field Grain Compctltioa Greater Poultry Show Acrea of Manufacturea One ThoBsaad and One New llun^ to See REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL ronvrs On Tue»d«y last Mr. Jat. Gmham of' Edenvule Nusr«infd «juit« a li*s while "ut at the Urve berry plains picking berries. He tied his diiver to a tree' wi'h a ioi>e iind Kft it fceiumgly alright, I but whe-i became back to get n-ndy to uo liunie tile animal naH dead, having bung ila..|f. The anin 1 wk* one of hi* best di iving mates he had and was valued at ov. r JSWI. ^S^5S5J^5SJX5«??€5^?^M5»?«, Seaside Excursions via CP.R iNuw term "ih«mh B ptembcr Int -A' THE ^ OWEN SOUND, ONT., ^ Whiah it recognir.ed as <\«n»it«'H«3 ^ leiding school of Itusinens nod'* ^ shorthand. JJT Our own ."1 storey building. S-aflT of Specialists. We place graduates in good posit- ions. Cata'o.ue free. C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., Principal fur '& yraii>.| ;0- D. FLEMING Secretary., OWEN SOUND • OlfTARIO \ AllrftDtiio nils to various points in ,(,»iioh('C, Now l!rui\swicl<, Nova Se..|iH, I Nowfouiidlanrl iind Prince Kdv\aril Isl- and. Tick.tts ttood goinu August Itib ,Uth, loih and Kith, return limit .-^uaust ills', Mllo. To Maine rcsoric, inc'uding jK«nn.ibunl<port, Portland, O d tbchiid jeto Tick.«tJi gootl uoing AuxiiHt27ib, 28ih and 2!nli, loturn lini t Sipt l;tth, j I!tl5. ParliiulHra from Canadian I'aoitio ^Agents or write M. (!. Murj liy, D.stticf I I'assenger Agent, Ti.roi.to. Thor.' is at prdscnt co-'hi ed in (he ciiunlyj.il here, a young man naiiud [ Hi'rb. WiUon, of Mono, committed by W. A. Henry, J. P., on a charge of Inn- ( a .-y. The unfortun«'p, who is about JO years of age, is clearly not in ilio liin»;ic cla« and Would i.ot liktdy be admitted into an insane I'yluin. He is cv d ntly an idiot, and might be e'igible for tha II sUtution at Or.lli . To add to the pathos of the situation Wilson is subjt-c to epi!epli.j tits, and has f>ur or five nttHck< diti'y, Slid in his ninny fulls has rjccivid several bruises. His condition has h en greatly improved by the tioat- nipiit of the jail surgeon. Dr. Car.-( n. Wils.m is .|nite siliy tvid is never so liiip;iy lis wIhmi ci'diinir Hies, which he places in a bottle, a praolicu ho has b. â-  conio quite export in. The county jxil is no place for Wilson who should be placid forthwith io the lOpiloptic Asy- liiiii at WuodstDck. â-  -Orangeville Po:t. Messrs. W.lkins Bros., proprietors of the Chis'ey Woolen Mills, reeuivrd an Older for [..'itH' blankets from the Cana I'iiin Cioverninoiit last Kiiday. 'lb- I blaiiki'ls ate to bo C(<inpleted l»y (l^tobi-r Is'. Tlio order from the Fionch Govi. was f. r H.OOO blankets. " Tlic linn i.s turning out 400 pirsof sock* per d^iy en an or lor of 4M,tKK) pairs. An addition has li-on |nt to ihii tacioiy^to ni •ct llir rripiirriiiints for ilie iniiiiiirnctn e d socks. Chesley VV0..I. n MilN Co. i running overtime to keep up with ilir I irite orders Mutt have lnen riuMvi'il _ Knt.'riiiise. (Jovi'iiiiiient Fish Car"!! avci"iirrivi'o at Maikdnle last K.iilay, ate mipaiiio I by Mr. Heiiiy Wntton, of Toronto, (J unr and Fishery Overseer for Oiiiario, aim wna mot by Ui-tri.'t Oversee â-  Gille'ipiH. of Ho kelfy, who ss.sist d in cunvo) iiii from th« car to Bell's anil Kw.'irt's lakes eleven cans, (about the size of milk cans,) of what i< known as trout tingorlii g^. - ,Siniidaid. Mr«. AUeit Hoaie, a youi g maiiiid wiiiuau, of Orangeville, was >\i severely burned on Tuesday that she divd from her injuries. She was ,in English wom- an, 2t» years of age, and was alone in the- house with her three children. I.er hui- land being abseut harvesting. While- she was liftings pot from the s'ove the comer if her uproD causlit Ine and in- stanfJv (he Woman 's tlolhing was in a bUse. She ran into the street screaming for help. Ni<ighl)oi8 hurried to her assistance, (01 e iff the tiaminc clothes, and «orked fiaiit cally to uive relief. Mrs. Hoaiu was only recmly discharged frntii the local hi. spit«l, »hero »-lie was operated in for appendiciiis. The hu«- Iriid ha.i le»iisix jearsin this county and has e>perieuced considerable hard luck, and is 1, ft «ihlhtee small child- len in ponr circuinsla ices. House and Lot for Sale ('orner lot op{)nsite the Presbytiilm ohuiih, hoiii'o coiitkin< !» rooms and bath, cement o -liars, cement ois'ern inside, gondwell »nd slalle. Tor lerma apply on premises. Irao. â€"MRS, R. H. WRIGHT, Fle^htrton. ' MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "OOINQ TRIP WIST" 'RKTURN TRIP KA8T" $12.00 TO WINNIPE6 | $10.00 FROM WINNIPEG OOINQ DATE8 Attfutl llth and Nth â€" From KlncatoD. Tlcbbornp Jet.. Sb&rbot Ijtke. Rmtrrwaod Eut Id tfae Provlnm ut Ontario ktid i^uebrc. tocluding lntermrdt&t« stattoDi uid brftDchoi. AugMtOl*t and 3CtHâ€" Prom Toronto. SatHt 8te. Marlf. Ont.. >Dd KkAt In th« ProTtnro of ODtarlo.lncludlnilDlermcfllatcauttont and branches, but not Kast of or Indudlni Kingston, 'I1cht>ornojrt.. t^lurtwt Lake or Reutrew, AugutI 24«h and SSth â€" From Toronto an<< muttons West and Nortb In the Province of Ontario, but not IdcUmIUii tatluns ou line North of Toroolu to Sudbury and Sault 8t«. Marie. Ont. For full particulars rsgartflngtrantporiatlon westof WlDDii>e(t. etc.. nee nearrat C.P.R. Agent, or write â€" M. G. MURPHY, DUtrlct Pausngtr Agent, Can. Pac Ry.. TORONTO S. RANDS. AGENT, FLESHERTON Farm for Sale 'JOD acres of tfond clay I nin, Lois n-l'.'-l,l and 14 t^in. ,H, Osprey Ont. Is situated in uo 'd loculily l.| miles from school, 2 miles from chntch, 2J from store ; Kritmo luii n IKIxdO feet on slene foundation, birve frame house, 9 rooms and Wood shod and stone cellar; 75 seres under cultivation : >'I0 acres hardwood bush, 5 acres of swamp, balance slash and pasture land and part of this ready to oreak up ; never failinK spring creek cluse to house aud barn. Will sell very cheap for quick sale. -J. A. GUUMMKTT, Maxwi^ P.O The Advance Office, Flesherton All prices-$20, $82.50, $45, $65 aud up. Kasy terms if wanted. Call and see them. "iiiiii i.:jL\!:ic=i£''^a.-.

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