Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1915, p. 1

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S^shcxim ••TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" •• PBINCIPLEb aOT MEN." m Uo No. 13 Flesh.crtoii, Ont., Ttiuraday, September 2 191o r"* W. H. TBUKSTON ^^"^^o Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Clarabella ITenwick gave a birthday par.y on Monday lo about fifteeo o{ Ler little friends. All had a jolly time. The Princess Theatre in Markdale, nnder the management of Graham Bros, arouses great attraction. Mrs. Fred Glass returned 1 ome from an extended Msit with her parents in Dcrham. Mr. Sharp of Dnrham is tl e gaest of h<s sister, Mrs. Glass. Rev. Madden bai gone to visit bis parents at Sutton, Rev. Camp- bell taking up the work until his letara. Viss Millie McMuUen, who has been teaching in the school here,bas fone to Elk Lake to teach there, liss £. Latimer, who taught on the ^tb line, has resigned and is to teach in Alliston. We wish both young ladies success. We extend to Miss Lever of Flesherton, as teacher here, a hearty welcome, and hope she may find hfe pleasant while in oar midst. Mrs. A. Twoby of Berlin and Mrs. P. I'vohy of Detroit spent a week with the latt€r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Patliam^ni. Mr. Hewitt of Toronto is spending a fortnight with Mr. Parliament. Miss Flo Parliament is returning to high school in Flesherton. We understand Mr. Lawler has crdered a car. Misses May auJ Marjorie Park and Portlaw This neighborhood received a shock on Wednesday of last week when the news was spread abroad that Mrs. Thomas Sherwood had died the previous night. The deceaeed had through her life experienced seasons of critical illness, but during the past two or three years she had been enjoying apparently comparatively good health, and her sudden death after a few Lours illness was entirely unexpected. She was a daughter of the late Wm. Wright, West Bask Line. The family all died in child- hood, so that Mr. Sherwood's home is indeed desolated and cheerless, and much sympathy is expressed for him in his ^reai loss. The funeral took place on Friday last to Flesherton ceineteiy. Rev. McVicar officiating. Ml. Lawrence Lyons met with a severe accident on Thursday last which will likely incapacitate him from work for a consideraole time. He had gone on the roof of his father's barn fot a hammer that he had been shingling with the day previous, and the roof being slippery from rain his feet slipped and he fell to the ground, injuring his spine, brcakiug a bone in his heel and otherwise being badly hurt. He is improving as fast as could be expected, which all are glad to hear. Rev. and Mrs. Campbell and two sons, Argyll and Aberdeen, of Maple, are enjoying a holiday among their many friends of this part. Mr. I Campbell is expected to occupy the bro"rerR78«ili;Vi'^7edVh^iVgra"n'ir | P"'?*' "^ ^l^""' ^ion church on San- father m Priceville. '^^^ ""'• Mrs. Fred Field and son, George. -^^'f Georgina Smith of Eugenia was the guest for a few days of Mrs. Jamiesou. Miss Agnes M. iSell of Toronto is holidaying with her coustn, Misa L. McKenzie. At a recent meetiitg of Mount Zion congregation it was decided to pro- ceed with the erection uf a new shed and a committee was appointed to make estimates and to report the result of their deliberations at an early date with the object of having shed accommodation provided as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs- .SI. Coirou of Dun- dalk vuitei with Mr. and Mrs. Jamiesop, of Brantiord, was the guest of Mrs. Robert Gorley. Miss Bessie Ward has been visiting fiienda in Cdliingwood. Geo. Carrol of GoUingwood visited Mr. Fred Ward. Messrs. Stephens and Perkins of Markdale enjoyed ^'week camping on the grounds. The season has been wet for campers as well as for the larmei-8, Eugenia ladies have scut another box to French itelief, also one to the Red Cross. Mr. Wesley Cooey and Miss Lily Campbell motored over to Owen Sound for the week end and visited Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cooey. Mr and Mrs. Adrtm Hyslop aud family visited a few days with friends in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Ottawa were the guests of Mrs. Joe Pedlar recently. Miss Neah Williams visited with her cousin in Markdale during the past week. Mrs. Joseph Williams has gone on an extended visit with her sis er, Mrs. Ed. LeGard, Glenside, Sask. Mrs. F. T. Cair has gone lo visit her family in the West. Miss Johnson of Geoigetowu sper.l the past week Willi her sistei, Mrs. L. Latimer. Mrs. Hergott if Flesheitou visited with Mrs. Evans over the wetk end. Walkerton Mr. John HuUle, brother hiIhw. of Mrs. IS.ili'. Irwin <f Walkerton. is dc»d at the result of »n »cciJciit he buflered on Wednesdiiy of list wcok »l his homo ou the lOih con. of Huron. Mr. RuitU w*a eii^iaged in o{>orHtio8* h«y-fork when « ftopblock »t the head of the fork be- c»nie j.immed. In attemptinj! to remove tho obj-truction a chain attached lo » Urge pully broke and be was stiuelt t^^R' the he«cl by the flyins object. He did not rccorer consoiousiKss. A widow and leveral children survive. Mr. John Waechter, who lives :\ few miles from Formosa, phoned Chief Fer- f;uson early Sunday niorniog to the effect that He had taken postieMion ot a hone and bui;iiy w,hich he found wauderini; along the road near his farin. The buggy contained fifteen eoipty bottles and fif- teen full botllM of Deer. The Chief advised him to put the horae in the bam, •8 ibe owner would likaiy turn up later. The farmer, hoirev«y<Vtec putting (he horse ap, atrolled d<nrn the road in learoh of the party, and eventually diacvvered a man all covered with mud and drenched to the akin, lying prostrate in the ditch, and looking (or all the world as if be had spent the oight in the open. On eon- veying him to the house and reviving him, Mr. WaMbter learned that th« Btiaagar was a fanner who had come from th« Wingham dry bait to (he we* •art of Bruce (or the moiature, and a(t«r fthMtrbiag it, had (alien by the way.â€" Beial4. Dundalk Joseph NeUhercu», of Mayburn, got a fall from a load of hay while driving up the g^ng-way into the b<irn recently. He wai pretty badly bruised but is now able to tim^ .iround. .\ hen e^g sent to the Herald by Mrs. R. Knox, of Proton, is reoiarkable for size. The measurements are )^ by tt^' inches. The hen which pr>>luoed fruit cf these dimenaious has in view,no doubt, the hrst priie in the Fall Fair. A gang of B«!l Telephone linemen are working in town on the cables on Mwin Street. Une ctbU running east from the centr«; for itbout :V)0 yards i.s lieiug enlarged to contain one hundred pairs of wires. The cable g">inR west is also being enlarged and extended. This woik i-< intde necessary by the expjnsiou ot" the 'ph-vne business. .\ new Hydro g»n'^ arrived on Moud;ty to start work on the t i-ansra.ssion systtni around town. Quito a lot of work is neces.iary in order to renew the syatetn an. I htve everything on a first class b»»is for the introduction "-f Hydro light and power, wbi.h msy be exp«t;te<l to b« in opstiitlon in a cuple of month*. The «i|tiijimoat i-> !•«.' Z installed in the power t- use 'hi* week â€" UortUI Ceylon Chat Mr. Ward Harrison and daughter, Mis. Burdiek, of Silver Creefc, N.Y., returned to their home nfter spen4iDg a fortnight with friends here. Miss Robertson of Toronto spent the week euJ at Peter Mair's. Mas'cr Willie P.<tter8on is spending a few days in the Queen Ci^. VVm Uislop, accompanied by hs daughter, Louie, and grandson, Victor Campbell, cf the Valley, visited George McKenzie, Cedar View farm, the fiist of the week. Mrs. Fied Sprott of Durham spent a few days of the pa»t week with her par- eu's, Mr. and Mrs, R. Whiuaker. Mr*. Mitc'iell of Toronto is \isiting her sister. Mis. F. Cairns, and other friends. Mr*. A. McFhatter. Owea Sound, aud Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wii,'ht, Wins;- ham, attended the funeral of their siater, Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs. K. Whit'aker slid dauxhter, Millie, are spending a wee'ii with Toronto friends . Cecil OusliDie is ti»iiius his father to T'ron'o. VVi'l Mc.ilrthur. J. Irwm »nd James Rulley lef c on Saturday for the great West. Mi*s Ethel Harrow of Ro-Aester re- <urntd home on Saturday, after si^bding a fortnight heie. Miss McFaul of Toronto, who han °oeen visiting her frirnJ, Miss Helen ij.b6.io, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Raniac' and family of Durliam were visitors at Mrs, R. P. L.e gate's. >li»« Wihion, Chatswoith, spent Sun- day with her frieud. Miss Edna HcLeod «nd other friends. Jiniuiie .\dams is visiting his brother at Brampton. Mrs. Smithendrof of .4ckroD. Ohio, who hail been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitt iker, returnel home this week. Mr. Will Stewart of Fort William and Mrs. Nixt-n of Caledon attended their father'* funeral on Moniay. Mrs. Oummins is moving nt > Mis^ Sinclair's house on Hill St. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart and family of Kimberley, speat a ('ay recently with Mr. Geo. Stuart. Kimberley Budget Mr. Stanley i:*id caught a [speckled troui one day Itnt week that tipped the scales at twu an I a half poun Is. When he pulled it ujt he says the river dropped •bout a foot. Miss Henderson of Flesherton visited last week with Mrs. Ernest Proctor. Mr. Davis cf Markdale is ousy this week doing the painting on Jasper Stu- art's new residence. Little Miss Fernie Stuart baa returned home after an extended visit with friends in Eugenia and Priceville. Miss Nellie Burritt visited at Edward Baker's, Vaudeleur, recently. The Women's Institute held their August meeting at (he home of Mrs. Douald Wallace on Thursday, Aug. 2*5. There was a good attendance. 27 being present. Two interestin!> papers were given, cue by Mrs. ti. Hard on •• The Occideiit veism 'Went," aiti " How to train the future cttiaen," by Mr*. W. T. Elli#. This was li llowed by mutical se- lections by Mns Myrtle Caiuirk, which wrre much ap) r ciated. The meeting c'osed by 8ingi> g the National Anthem, after which a very dainty lunch was .â- <eiv d by the hostess, i.,>uite a number attended the Metho- dist church concert at Flesherton t^u Monday evening and ail report a gocd time. The pruuram was of a very hi«h order. Mrs. Peteriu^n of Dundalk as an elocutiuuitt stands second to none. Lulu and Justioa Ellis returned home on Friday after spending a week with fnends iu Thornbury. Our two public School teachers have returned agan and are ready to com- mence their duties on WednesUav- Miss Maud Plewes is engaged to teach the Vindeleur school for the currenc term. Geo. Proctor and -"on 'aave gone Ui Clarksburg to woik on Mr. Milligan s residence. Miss Ethel Maws tf RochesUr. X. » ., is visiting with her friend. Miss M.iriou Fawcett of the Traveller's Home. Mina Fawcett of Markdale visited at the parental home recently. Th'utias Abercroinbie ha.i eected a handsome fence in front of his property on .Main street. Co. Bates.^R of Bates iis Fine fun^B^ goods at very lie pricc3. lalance service, oect if desired. New and »to-date premises. 1 24 Aveno^RMd, Toronto Teiephoqrtillcmt 268 laig â-  Jew eiry URX Spwialiat la aiMMoa si ia» I Eye, EarNose and Throat < )FF1CE -l;i«) 10th sr. West, Owen Sound j At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday eaoh month from 8 t« a 12a m Duodalk.ls Wednesday of each month . A Splendid Stock from which fou may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. . ONT ;ife:^jj!fca'*<ijHfe^"fe^"^^» -fe- -nt. -m*. v>i«. ai«. ji«, j; JJ^ O*.!. .J"., __^ ^^^ ^'^ 0'^ v^'t •iU' ^i. ^1^ You Can Get Your i BintJing twine Machine oil Five Rose, Purify. Royal HousehoM, Eclipse ami Pastrv Hour. Cora-chop, J>i-an. shorts ami miiJdliogs w. Wheat, oats anil barley, at BUSKIN It. de- Inspector Bickij 1 1 i>ft»«reii Sound hi< 40 case-, ili-l • tivejiHllon ke«of whiskey roily for ,shi;>.m-ii-. Tlie»> were captur- ed liy h'on in l.i< rouiils dunni; the pa.'st t»o years. Tha plan i.s to make a li,-<t of the Kwd.s. submit it to licensed ho'el- keeiiers. who tender f>r it, when the de- parlmont will d.»cide where lo send The i>rv>c6ed« will go direct to the p«rtment. The MeAford NVot>llen Mills are work in I on another order of army blankets to be completed by October 1st. The blanketaare for the Canadian Govern- ment. NEWS I fIeSHERTON A new phone to ting, to P. Ste nhatt. Markd.'«le, S7, for pooUry alive, p nrfuie. hides, akin.-i and wool, rubber i, r»g«, horsehair, iron, oojffmr, bras?, sine. l«ad ot all Bocta. top ptiee paid in eaab. or drop a card to Itos ISl. Markdale Will call for it. Dw'i aawtalM eke name, P. STEINHART That Oily Proposition It has been pretty veil demonstrated that the coal oil coming into Mr. Ksr- stedt's well is merely * filtratioii from some surface supply and does not come from tha bowels of mother earth. The othcial aiialy.is of this oil has been le- ceived and shows that it is 8M per eeot. pure coal oil and 11 per cent, paraline. .\ftor giving Hgures that are as Greek to the lav mind the report goes ou to say : "The higher fractions were slightly colored and the residue a beaver brown but not at all tarry. This oil 1 as none of the characteristic- o' an ordinary crude oil, giving no r;tsoUne products or tar. The bulk of tho n a'erial distilling be- tween 8i> and 15.1 degrees under the abi<ve mentioned pressure woul i lead one to believe that this is an oil closely resem''lin« kerosene wiih some of the frections just above this." It is pretty dithcult to believo lh«t such a quantity as has ct>me ihrouuk this well could be caused by losses from some 5t;>ck in town. On Thursday last Mr. Kirstedt -lipped seven gallons of ihe pure oil out of the well, but ?ioco then the sup >ly hfs diminished. Tliere are those who ren.omber ihit when the late R. Trimble was in busi- ness hero he lost large ijuantities of oil through not having proper storage facili- ties, but it IS over thirty years since this ' i)ccurred. A well owned by Henry Wil- son, bUcksmiih, near the old Irinible { stttre'hottse, his a decided coal oily smell j and has not been usetl foryoiurs for that ' reason. The ground around when* tae I old storehouie sto.^d i.s also saturated for ' several feot down. The pua K- still is h i puxsle, however, for Mr. Kaistodt'a well was dug forty years ago and was fust c'ass drinking water until this sumrorr. . How is it that only after this xrvat lapse of time has the oil tiheied thr.mgh lo his Well, and in aoc'i quantities' Tha* is a problem for the Ke<.i!ogiBtg to auiv«. Another Pioneer Gone Mr. .\Icxander Stewart, one of the oldeot aud inoel hi.:hly i expected pioneer residents of Artemesia, iKis.-*ed away »t the home of his tonin-lav, Mr. Andrew Gilchrist, near Ceylon, on Thursday after- noon Itst. A few years »go he had a couple of apoplectic strokes which lefl hiiu an invalid, but still able to get !trouiid, aud a few weeks ago he took a tiip with a picn-c party to Eugenia. .\ ihird stroke on Thursday completed the work < f Uidi!)- destruction. Mr. Stewart was born at Inverness. ScotUnd, over "y years a?o. and cune t > C inada in 1(<.V>. In ISJ'.t he married Harriet Siiowdcn, of MeaJowvale, who pi .'decease 1 him U years ago. To iiether they came t,. Artemesia in 18o!» itid took up a tarni on the w est back line i4 couiJe of miles from Flesher'on, whore thy lived until a few yeais a^o, wh.-n they purchased a residence hrte and moved to town. Sii.ce Mrs. Stenmt's death the deceiised has been livin;^ with his children, who. by the wav, h«ve taken i he fondest care of th-Jir aged v»iren;. Mr. Siewait leaves six dmiiihters and tour s«.>ns as follows: .\nnie tMrs. Nxoii if Mono Rixid), Hariiet (Mrs. A. Oilchri.sr, tVylon), Jennie (Mrs. D. McLcod, (."eyloi V Fiances (Mrs. John Thibadeau, Mark- dal. ), Isabella (Mrs. P. ThiUideau, Markdile), I-ouisa (.Mis. A. McUae, I'eylon), Mark living on the west back line, Wm. at Fort \Vi liam, John on the homestead, and Charles at Kmdersley, .^isk. Daniel aud Kll* died at the ages of -iltand 10 re ^HCtiveiy. The d< ceased gentleman was I ho pi^ssessT of m:«ny sterling qualiliof, among which were an exceedingly cheer- ful nature and kindly disposition, which (Koiupted hiui to many a SKoritice for his neighbors in time of stiess. Ha will b« Ion,; remembered by all who knew him •• on-? wHo strove to make life more ck^eiful to tkoae aroui'd him. To put much ui'o little,lie was everybody's ftioDd and had no »n»n>y in tho world he his Mt. ''"he fune-al ttH<k p!»c« on Uoitdsy t" Fle»b«rton ce-»et»ry, when a U'go number attended lo pay their last re- sjiecis to a man whom alt were delighted to «m>p by the ha> d in life. Nice Summer Shoes The Flesherton Shoe Store is well stooketl with many varieties of Sum- mer Shoes for ladies and {jents, at right price-s. Also Trunks and Suit Cases. Kt'pjiiring as usual. J, Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to handâ€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. Leave your onler now for that uyw suit. You will never i-egiTt it- Satisfaction guamnleetl. Don't foi^et that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are n'ght and our workmanship is the vtrv best. S. J. BOWLER L Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^ a .a^v/va.>Na.' -a/va/Na/sa^ */\a- j.-n«, va/sa,-sa-Na/vj.-Na'-sa sm. vasa-Na/Na^* ..f.

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