Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1915, p. 5

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September 2, 19^5 THE FLESHERTOiV ADVANCE ? • EftaUiske^ over (Wty-flno Ymm THE SIAND\RD BANK OF cAN[ADi\ mnsl AMTS OVER $4«jOOa,>00 uSj |B ' TlieA,B,CofBadBiig IWv| Tou WiU Find Us 2««alous A Efficient We ^cit your account in our SA\lNGS DEPARTMENT FLEJjHERl UN BRANCH ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE CEO. MITCHELL. EBB BrancKes also at Durham and Harriston. Mrnager. C. P. R. Time Table. I ,,„..,,, ,„ , u Mrs. John Miichell of Allislon, who Trains leave Fleaherton Station us, recently celebrated her S'Jch birthday, is â- follows: the mother of Mr. Oeorije Mitchell, Going South Going North Manager of the S'andard Biinli here. '•^3 a. m. ll.:i»J a.m. -j.^^^ ^^^ ,^jy g^jjj retains the full use ot 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. 3.40 o'clock, •rtail close at 9 p. m. the jTevious ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS , _, , ^ bee mental ftculiies. (.mails are osed it Flesherton. aj ; oHttws : For the north at 10.40 s:.m.aBd- M| and Mrs. McFarlane and two 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth as children accotOpanieri tjy Mr. G. H. For morning tr»in soutli , ^^tke moto'rpd up from Toronto and spent last week at the Ulter's home, "Mnple Grore" farm, Osprey. The public school opened on Wednts- , ; day. Sept. 1. The high school will open VVIUinill UnirO ^Ajon Wednesdny of next weik, Sept. 7, ^aB^^^^KOK^MH^asHv^^' : with the old staff uf teachers. The only change on the tsaching staff of Itie pub- Miss MUligan of Oollingwool visited j I'c 8'"'^"' '^ in the primary room, where with Mrs. A. Stewart the pa.'-t week. j Miss Lowndes <,t Hamilton takes the „ ,^r,,,^ t. 1 L! I iplacd of Miss B.'atrice Thiatleth»aiti-. Bornâ€" At Flesherton.ou bunaay, Sept. : •^ ^29, to Mr. and Mis. B. Walton, a wn. Mrs. Thomas Sher*ood of Mt. Ziun ,.,., r rM. ^ .,' died suddenly on Wifdnesday sight of Miss Men. le WiUon of Chatsworth i - %,. , , ,, ,y ,, ,, ; last week of benrt failure. 1 he funeral spent the week end at Mr. HjUand «• , , ^ „, , '^ I took place to rlesherton cemetery on 'eaves no ; faoiily. She was a sister of Mr. \V. L. Mrs. tJwardd and children of Toronto ip^j^^y The deceased lady 1 are vloitins; her moiher, Mrs. T. Wilson Mws Esther Brett of Beaverdile was j VV right ot Flesherton the suest of Mi 8 Adda Wright. ) gpeci^l trains will run from Flesherton Born -In Artemesia, August U, to i for the Toronto exhibition as fo'lows : Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pattou, a daughter. , September 2 at G.4.) a. in.,»lso September Miss Rita Osborne of Fuversham spent, 7, tj.43 a. m Special trains leave a few days with Mrs. A. Stewart. | Torooio for Fleshertcn at 10 p. m., on Crawford freestone peiches, plums and \ Sep' • 1 »''d 0. A rate of $3 is in effect tomatoes oa hand Friday at F. G. j »»'"*"« Sept. 2 and a.m. train Sept. 3, JiaiBtedt's ' S'""^ '" return Sept. 4, also 9'2 rate all ,, „ , â-  L â-  •..• i trains Sept. 7, and a.m. train t^ej-t. 8, Mrs. Career, who has been visiting , „ .. . . ., ., . 1 r I.- J ' nood to return bept. '.>. her mother, Mrs. Murphy, left I'ridty,'* _ _ .., . tor her home in the Weit. Miss Ins Laidlaw of Lions Head has returned to Flesherton to recumi) her his^h school studies. R. Burniide of MarkJale had Frank Sullivan of Irish Lake up before James McMulleii, J. P., 000 evening la^t week, charged with assault. Frank admitted , that he "hit him, and hit him hard," and MissE. Longof Honeywootlretu.ced;jf,g^^^i^,^^jgj,^^^j^^ ,-, ,^j ^^„^ Monday toagain take chaige of F.H.W. f^r the war map drawn on the cattle Uickling's millinery department. Mrs. T. and Miss Mary Wilson have buyer's face. Frank said the cattle ' buyer called him a very naughty name returned from visiting the former's w^'DS | »n"i thought he was justided in measur in St. Catherines. I ing out punishment but the urigitCrate Misses Lulu and Iva Mitchell leave ' thought otherwise. this week for Fort William, where they ' The Methodist church was reopened on both have sehooh. j Suuday last aftir bjing repaiuted, tixed Mrs, K. Paul of Eugenia is spending a up inside, when Uev. Wauith of Duudalk week with her daughter, Mrs. R. Ben- , preached morning and evening to crowd- 'thain. ed houses. Mr. Waugh'a sermons were Mr. and Mrs.' E. G. Raynor and chUd- ' "e^y highly appreciated. The evening ren returned to Toronto after spending j *«"""" *»« e-pccially good, and w«s three weeks at Mr. J:is. Fislier'.s. Miss Ida Fisher returned from Lon- don Thursday' last where she has been visiting the past two months. Mrs. Crawford and daughter, Helen, .returned to Sarnia Saturday afcer visiting the former'* sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Dr. Webster and family ot Toronto motored up last week and spent a day with friends here. Miss Ella Karatedt returned last wck from a fortnight's visit with friends at 'Grimsby and Toronto. listened to with wrapt attnutiun. It dealt with German Kultur as opposed to Bible culture as set forth in the tifth chapter of Matthew. Willie Norris, the boy singer of Toronto, renderod solos and the full choir also gsve speoitl music. The church has been repaiuted from ceiling to basemeut, seats regrained, a new pulpit, added, also new carpet, and the choir rearranged. It is also expeeted I that electric lighting will be installed. The concert given in the Methodist church Monday eveoini; was largely attended and much enjoyed by those Mr. Ball, M. P. for South Grey, was I present. Willie Norris, the boy s nger in town Saturday and gave The Advance 'of Torouto, has a remukable voice of a call. wonderful power for a child. He was a The Durham Chronicle mourns thst j ?'«** *'tr»''tion at both services on Sun - their tax rate is 36 mills on the dollar. | <l»y »« well as at the concert. Mrs. We can go two mills better than that in { Peterson of Dunaalk is a prime favorite Fleaherton and never wink an eye. [ ^eve, and never before did the appear at Frost for three nights during the past '>*f'" advantage. The audience could week did some dam ,«e to tender veg- h''*'''*''^ «*' ^""""^ "^ ''" ^'«^" ""'1'. stables in this township, but not to any ^'^ Georgina Barton of Dundalk gave I several aolos very nicely. Local talent I filled in the remainder of the progiam. very ser ous extent. Last week a mistake was made I The concert netted some 143.10. Some. •peaking of Miss Gladys White. She is - ^. . ,, ,„„. , Jt . , , f ,...., .... . I thing like $775 was asked for to complete a daughter of Mr. Uotert Wh te, not ' . . „• i • ,, , • _,. , , , ' : church renovation and mstal electric Richard as stated. ii- u.- oiu v • • c. j lighting. Ibe subscriptions on Sunday Mr. C. W. Ramage ot the Durham Kevlew gave The Advance a short call •on Friday even n^. He and members of the family were over on a little motor trip. Mrs. R. H. Wright left on Saturday to join her husband at Cadogan. Sask. Miss Elsie is at her school in Osprey and Elmer is attending Model School at North Bay. The 2l8t annual convention of East Grey Sunday School Association will be held in the Methodist Church, at Heath- cote, on Monday and Tuesday, September 27 and 28. Miss ftlabel Clark and Mrs. J. E. Cantlen, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. U. Cooper, and Misses Kraucis and Nora •Coo|M5r, of CollioKwood, gave The Ad- vanwa nail on S:»turd»y. They motored over to view the Eugenia workN and to •call oil friends here. Miss Clark is local editor un a Clinton paper, iiud did â- her liist newspaper work for The and proceeds of the concert amounted to »636.27. A woman who ^ave her name as Tillm- ton worked the Women's Institute here a few weeks ago for a date for a concert to be given by her in the fall of 1910, and contracts were signed. When the ridic- ulousness of the contract dawned on the signers the woni'tn was followed by Coun- ty Constable Cook and an attempt m.tdo to get the contract returned. We fear that Conatable Cook's persuasive powers with the ladies are not as fully developed as Were those of the female m question, I at any rate be was not successful. Con- I stable Cooney of Laurel, who colUred I her on complaint of some Shelburns l,id- I ies whom she had likewise duped, SPeins to have had more persuasive powers, for before he got through with her she was gad to give up the Shelburne conltsct, also nine dollars to cover expenses. i^^^^^j:^jZ'j^r^^T!k^-'jzj:yi^^ti:?^^i^^ --i^igggigsg^ Vouiig pigs for sale â€" Un lot 35, Con. 10, Arteuiesia.â€" 1». Turner. i Shingles for Sale â€" Car pure whitn New Brunswick Shingles just received â€" W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. Seed Wheatâ€" Free from weeds, rust and smut. CSood sample of undamaged seed. J. E. McKee, phone 2'J-5, Mark- dale. For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelling Utely occupied by D. W. Wideiuan, in FeveLsham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- e.st to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tfrms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class fiirin and in a good state of \ cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply. ^s R. J. Sproule Flesherton, » ~ â€" . â€" Shingles for Sale â€" A Jjuantity of first class cedar shingles, on lot 24, Con. 21, Egremouf, about 4 miles south west of Priceville. Thos. Harrison, Variiey P. O., U. R. No. 1. MISCELLANEOUS Notice is hereby Kiven that tne .\genc; for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. Wanted- An iuduatrioui man who can earn $100 per month and expenses veil- ing our produce to tarniurs. Muit have some means for starting expenses and fnrniah contract signed by two respon- sible men. Address W. T. Kawleigh Co., Toronto i>ivins age, occupation and refe rences. Two HiUsburg boyi filled a bicycle Ad- 1 pump with powder and set fire to it. Vance some years ago. U w«i a p1ea!>ure * The pump went through a piite glusn to meet her again. window but no further damage was done. Toronto Line North <r Last Week's Items Harves'ing is in full swing. A number troni here spent a social evening at Mr. George White's West Back Line, laxt week, to bid adieu to Mr. Lancy before his departure for the West, this week. Mr. David Adams of Ceylon visited at hia uncle's, Mr, TIios. Lever's, one dsy recently. Mr. Albert Stewart left for the West on Tuesday. We wish biir. success. Uev. U. C. Kerr has returned after holidaying with frienas at Dresden and Detroit. Little Flossie White visited a few days with her cousins, Ida and Gertie Lever. Mias i3cile Mtlvee oi Maikdale la visiting with her cousin. Miss Belle Brown, at present. Tho^<. Lever made a business trip to Eugenia on Monday last. Mr. Frank Cole and family of Detroit motored over and spent a few days with hij sister, Mrs. Chas. Siewiirt. Messrs. Harold Lever and Joe Seeley visited at Hamilton's Corners on Suuaay la-it. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wickens and daughter, Miss Aggie, of Kiniberley, visi'ed with Mr. E. Wickons. recently. Mr. Ben Buch.anan and sister, Mi^s Tillie, of Vandeleur, visited at,|Robert Richardson's. Rev. John Osborne (i Whittemore, Mich., visited his niece, Mrs. Tlio.o. Sled, recently. Misses Clara and Ida Levpr are visit- inar with their cousins, theMisses White, West Back Line. Mrs. Cliaj. Phillips and two children of Toronto tisited a few days with Mrs. Thos Sled. Miss Ida Osborne of Maxwell is visit- ing a f^-w days with her cousin. Hiss Amanda Stewart. Misses Elva Lever and Nettie M.trtin visited with Markdale friend.s on Friday last. Mi.ss Reta Osborne of Feversbaui is visiting &Irs. A.. Stewart. This Week's Items Hirvesting is almost over. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Cooper sod two d'\ughters from Collingwood and Mrs. J. E. Cantelon and Miss Mabel Clarke of Clinton motored over to our vicinity and visited with their cousin, Mrs.Thoa. Lever, one d*y'last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNally and daughter, Rita, Toronto, spent a few days with their neice, Mrs. Emerson Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard, Vandeleur, visited thfir daughter, Mrs. Robt. Kich- ard.son a few days this week. Miss E. Lever left on Tue.-d.iy to teach school at Eugenia. For Service For service on Ijt 12, en. 9, Osprey, one purebred Shorthorn Bull. Terms $l,,W. .V'sM I no purebred Yorkshire B"ar, Terms 81 0»), .â- Ml accounts must brt paid to FUED TYLER, Mai aeer, or G. H. Bl'RKE, Proprietor. - 1 Sep. F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE MK ri ANNOUNCEMENT Thru these coluains will run a series of advertisements which will be of interest to all. We all kneiw that one can buy at better prices when the quantity can be handled. Thru purchasing the business in Priceville, it gives us an excellent outlet, euabling us to buy in larger guanti tiaa. and iu turn "ive our customers better prices. These especially low prices afl^^^ithcr -stoi^^^^ due bills "iveu in one store are good in cither- stores. Thes^^^^^^^^gfli^^^^Br notice. BUILDERS' HARDWARE SPECIAL Nails, 3 inch and lai-ger, ^2.75 Locks Rim and Mortice. Steel Sttls, 3i x 3A and 4x4. Old Copper, 3A X .'lA and 4x4. "Strap and Tee Hinges, Gate Hinges. ntine. Cylinder oil, Castor ur Mixed Paint 100"; Pure. SPECIAL IN PRICE Trunks, Valiaes, Club Bags, Single Harness, Collars and Swet Pads. Preserving time is now on. We have in stock a large .juantity of Sea'ei-s, Preserving Kettles and Best Grade o^ .Sugar. Give us a Trial. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦â- f4"f4**-f*.»..».4*444^4.4.^** CAR LOAD OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED TM IS WEEK CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ^%^^%«^%^' A Representative Wanted | ,rMR_ it^easonabl ^^^^'^^ FORâ€" The Old Reliable FonthiU Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade Exclusive territory. Handsome frve outfit. Hiuhest cmumissions. W^iie for terms. Furniture (> At the Flesherton Fiirni- ( I ture Warerooin^ Parlor Piects, Parlor Sets, etc Stone & Wellington FonthiU Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO - ONTARIO Deering Implements AND Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis.Birber Buggits, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements require no recommendation as they ate standard eoods and recognised as the best on the market. ER.RUTHERFORD Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS . ( Here are three special articles for . I quick sale: W 1 Heavy Oik Dining Room .Sft, leatherette upholsterini;, •> pieces, only ?l«.ot>. 1 Oak Extension Tajle, only $14. W. 1 Quarteied Oak Bouffet, 12.\10 mirror, a beautiful thing, only SS27.i'i), ii[ unm. Carehilly Corrected Each Week ^^"e'»> 90 10 1 (W ^"=» 38to40 P**-' $1 25tol 25 i"'"?; 56to60 Buckwheat .lo to 60 f'o"-". 86 50 to 17 50 "'' $15 00i»l5 0Q S""'"-: 23 to 2:5 Kggs, fresn Potatoes per bag Geese Ducks . . F.i*l.... I ; Chickens I i Turkeys 2(J to 20 35 to 35 11 to II 11 tc li Sto » 10 to 11 U to 1.-. I HE ONLY MAN 5€ Our prices will stand the test with any firm. Come and see what you buy before you buy, then buy whut you see. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. School Children's Eyes. ^ 1 WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ M THE MAN WHO HAS || ^ NOTHING TO OF- § ^ FER IN THE WAY ^ X OF SERVICE- AND ^ ^ SUCH A PERSON ^ ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ^ l^WHETHER HeS ^ KNOWS NOT. IT-OR Elbert Hubbard ^ in the Fra ^0 This fauiuus make o( impleinen'.s is well known all over the ciuutry aud their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers. Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, (iasoline en gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a i chanee to quote prices. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Debentures Issued n>r Hill SlMrtknior%aDai| NEGOTIABLE ' Intmst Codpoos Payable Italf-Yeariy ASSETS: $7,480,339 A IheOreJi Wesl I'crmaneiil I oan (onipdnq iMIII 20 Hin5)St.We5t Toruwto |||[1 W. J. Bellamy^ Agent I aUp; Flesherton Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed to the reniarkibly low Round Trip Fares in connection with btomeseekers' ExQur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive, and are good tu return within two nnmths from date of sale. The C. P. R. I ffers the finest possible e(|uipnient and fa.stest train service via one of the most scenic routes in the world. It is the only line operating through standard aud tourist sleeping cars, .ilso dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. .4.11 en'iipment is owned and oi^erated by the C. P. R., affording the higlicst form of efficiency. If such a trip is under consideration spply to any C. P. R. Agent for ful oarfciiUrs or write M. G. Murphy DP. A , Toronto. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accouuts with other papers. Flesherton .Advance f 1 00 Youths Companion . 2 OU Toronto World, daily 3 00 / Toronto Daily News . " '»" Weekly Globe . . TT . ... 9e Mail-Empire ., 75 Family Herald & Star'!!.! 90 Toronto Star 2 GO Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advooats ! .! 1 50 Weekly 'Witaese 90 Saturday Night 3 QO [ Home Journ:J gQ \ Poultry Review [ 40 Rod and Gun magasine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline En)Moei, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oti hand. Beatly Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Feversham, - OnfaHo

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