Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1915, p. 4

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September 9 101 3 T^HE F L E S H E R I N ADVANCE I Annual Convention An iiidefwndent newspatnir, puWisheil every Thuoid»y at th*" office, CoUiiigwixxl Street, KiMheiton. Subscription price $1 iwr annum when paid in advance ;$1.S0 when not no jwid Adver ^imtfc ratea on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly Mr H. XhiirBton- Kdltor Homeseekers Special Train Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James DudKeon, pistor. Sunday. 10 a.iii., Felli>Mr.<hip Ser/ice. 11 a.m. and 7 !> "' â-  Tilt- pastor. Monday evening Kpworih League at «p.ni. A Disgraceful Affair From the Uuilmin Cluonicle. Thu ninth aiinuil convention of the Gr«y County Women's Institute was held in the town hall here un Thursday of liht wiok. Noirly HO delei!;itcs from dillcreiit parts of the cuunly were in Ht- tendance, repi'e.senting over 20 branches. The hall wiis well lilltd lit both nieetinus. Thu president, Mrs Long of Mcaford, occupied the chair, and the ineetinK op- ene I with scripture readinij by Mrs. .1. Graham, ar.d prayer by Mrs. T. McGirr. IMrs. ('. lUiii.'kge then ijave the address I of welcome, and the reply was given by Mis. B. A. Carrulhers of Kimberley. ' After the president's address and a most I plensins! inttruineiitil duet by Mrs. llbbolt and Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. J. t Hunter (it Itrauipton wiis culled on to I addrtss the convention on " Little things â-  that n I/Hdves Toronto 10.4") Tuesd'ty. each F. H. W. HICKLING innke home happy or otherwise. On Wednesday evening of last wfek U.e Mennonlte's large tent in Clarksburg | gj^^ ^,^^j ^^^^^ ^,, ^,,^ ^^^ p^^^, ^^^^ «as burned lo the ground, together w>th ^g^^ ^^.^ _^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^,j j^^ j^,^ . ^,, the lumber used for seat.ng purposes. | ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^,^^^^^ ^__j ^.^.^ ^j,, ^^ j^^, .^ There was no doubt lh,t the tent *»« | ^he time is now past when any woman deUt.ar.tely set on tire by aotne person or ; ^^^^,j ^^^^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^^^ ^,,^, person, nnknown. Two Mennonite ^ .^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^,^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^. ^,,^„ conducting ipecial For the itcconnnodalion of Hunieieek ers' and general tourist tratKc to Western Canada, through train carrying tourist sleepers and colonist cars will leave T'ronto 10 45 p. in. ertch Tuesday until further notice running through to Winni- peg. Attention is directed to the reniiirk.ibly low Hound Tiip fares in connection with Homeseekers' P'xcursions to Western Cinadu via Canadian Pacific Rnilway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until (iclober '2liih, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from datp of sale. Apply to any C. P. R. .Agent for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger, Avunt. Toronto. unknown. ministers had been services in the tent for over two weeks previous to the incident noted, and early last week it got rumored about that one of them h»d stated that Belgium was responsible for the war. Other rumors were also io circulation, aad on Wed. «vening a largs crowd gathered outside j the tent and along the approaches lead- i ,• .u , , _., ** '^'^ . 1 1 "> ["»»* each tirae they come to town fng thereto. Shortly after nine o clock' •tones began lo fall on the tent when th« congregation ((uickty dispersed. Then the electric wires were cut and •oon afterwards the tent in flames. It w'ts H diacreditabld episode, the more to bectuse it <iccurred in a highly civilized and la bwauM there was nut the shadow of a r«««OD for resorting to mob tactics. If the speaker made the slat>'oient attribut- ed to him- and we are now assured on «ood authority that he did not say soâ€" there was a decent and proper mode of lethal procedure to follow. Mob law wa* put down in England and in British Col uoibia with a strong lund, and it cannot be tolerated in the Valley of the BeaTer River. \ . • ire the five thing every woman needs. The datnagedooe amounted to upwards -^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ neglected. of two hundred dollars, and if the cU.n. . ^^^^^^ ^^ ^_^ ^^ .^^^.^^ j,, ^^^^„ should t.e pressed ag.iost the municipal, j .^ ^^^ .^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^.^.^^ ^^^^^^ .^ ^^. quired of her. A spoiled and indulged child ii of no use to itself, its home ur try ;ind oui homes. She thbn 'spoke on the beautifying of our public hiithways. She objected to the townspeople ur any one eiss making the country roadsides a dumping ground for all iiash, which they do not have to see again until the next time they come to dump some more, but which the country people have E<kch home should have a vegetable and flower garden and also all the small fruits, and the garden should be made to was discovered { ^^ "•"''ed by the horse as much as pos- sible. More attention should be given to lawns. Many men tay they hava not the time, when it is really a lack of inter- est. Too many homes arj far too full of abiding community, and ] ^^^^^^ furnishings and biicabrac, where woman's time, energy and nerves are wasted in caring for these. More atten lion should be paid to the selection of wall papers and fewer caipeis, cushions and drapiries should be in every home. Carefully prepired and well served nivats should be given tbe family every day instead of the all too frequent " spred '' made for company. Fresh atr, pure food, eiercisc, rest and rrcreatlon Fall Fairs. The foUowinK me the dales of the fall fairs this year in 'he vicinity of Flesherton. FLESHERTON Sept. 28 29 Feversham Oct. 6-0 Chsisworth Sept. 16-17 Chesley Sept. 10 17 Collingwood .Sept. 22-25 Desboio Sept. 2:5 24 Duthan Sept. 2;{-24 Hanover Sept. 1« 17 Maikdale' Oct. 12-i;j Walkerton Sept. 14 15 Dundalk Oct. 7-8 Meaford Sept. :50,Oct. 1 Owen Sound Oct. 5, 6. 7 Priceville Sept. TO.Oct. 1 Rocklyn • Oct. 8 ity there is very little reason to doubt that it would have to be paid by the tax- payers. Mob law and rowdyism always re-aci* upon the c immunity that has 4>ebn the scene of such disgraceful epi> 4>dei as the above. Clarksburg Review. Walkerton Robert J. Hornby, who was sentenced by Judge Greig to five years in peniten- tiary for having carnal knowledge of his «ight-yeir-oId step-daughter, was taken to Kingston on Tuesday morning by j Sheriff Jermyn and High Constable Uobt. Ward of Wiarton. The prisoner. I who is 41 yeitis of sge. was thoroughly 4nanacled before leaving here. Win. Riley, a travelling um^jrella mender, was sent up for trial by Magis- irate Tolion on the charge of attempting to break into the c»l)0oje of the C. P. R marl train here on Hiturday night. The .!iien's clothing, tools and some food were ikept in the car and Geo. Polley, car in- '•pector. claims to have caught the stiaii- Hit taking the sides off the window in an offorl to get in. The death of Robert Muir in the Hon.srt Mf Refupe here on Thursday last, at the igu of 85 years, removes a man who •o*lue to the Refuge about throe years =4{o from the vicinity of Kden Grove. His sister, Miss Susan Muir. ii still an i imale of the Bruce Poor House, while Jier brother, James, absconded from tte l.ical charity plant about three years ago Hiid later met death in the rocky region ..f Lion's Head. The father of the trio was one of the big men of Brant town- Mhip in the early days and was familial ly i(nowii and goaerslly referred to as Sijuire Muir.- Timec. Forty Recruits in Training There are now 40 recruits in training â- ti Owen Sound, and aliuoHt every day o!ie number is increased by young men •«ho have decided lo enlist and who have >|ualified. It is expected that the 50 oitao required to till out the present quota .will soon be reached, but of course theie UN no limit to the number which can bg 'uken. Col. Cliisholm lays that he I e- ( 'eves that within a fi!W weeks a largo ^number of young men will respond to the ciH. He knew of a number who weie '•nly wailing until thoy were through >.v:th the harvest before t'lilisting mid liu bad reason to believe there were many iriore.- Sun. Cement Work Wanted The undersigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. Hn^e had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire satisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and all oiifit neces<>ttry for all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BENTHAM. 1 July Fleaberton. FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Advance Showing Ladies' Fall Coats This iveek we place on dis- play our first shipment of Ladies' Pall Coats for the new season. Style right, price right. Your inspec- tion cordially invited whether you intend to pur- chase or not. MIGMEST PRICES PAID FOR SUTTER AND EG GS itscountiy. Mothers ought to super* vise the readinir of their family and see that plenty of good periodicals and books are at their disposal. Mrs. Danaid of Kemble gave an int«r- eating talk on " The Country Women and Nature," showing what lessons we may learn from tbe study of Nature. A question drawer wss conducted by Mrs. Hunter of Bramptcm, when many interesting and varied questions were discussed. The following othcers were elected : President, Mrs. Eiston, Ayton ; Vice- President, Mrs. J. Peaice. Cha'sworth : Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. J. (iard- ner, Owen fSouiid. The n.eetiiig w»s closed by Ihc singing of the Natioral Anthem, after which tea was served by the Durham ladies in ti.e Presbyterian chnrch. In the evening lliore was a good rep- resentative gathering and the free emer- tainmont and addresses were highly iip- t reclatod by a large audience. Mr. Cal- der acted as chairinan, and after a pi'hy address pufhed the but'on and set the 'nachinory in motion. Mis. (Rev ) Marsh of Holstein gave a very intunmling ad- dress on " A winter trip to Bermuda," and in doing so reviewed the history of the country, pointed out the mannois and customs of thu people, as well us tbe peculiarities of the cllniate, the sci-neiy of the irland, and the floral ond other productions of the soil. The address was interesting and much enjoyed. One r>f thu atrongesl features of tbe meeting was the able address delivered by Mis. Hunter of Brampton. She lUveloped the association motto, "For Home snd Country," into a practical ad- dress, full of inspiiation, and patriotic fervor. Mrs. Hunter has a pleasing personality, and is an easy, tluont and entertaining speaker. The Indies of the Instituie will not soon forget hur addrest - es, and those who weie presuiil at tlie general meeting in the evening will le pleased to hear her tgaiii. I'ltUiolic oiiti'uses were sung by the audience, a choice duet was given by iVIr. Harding and Miss Wilson, and an oxool- biit violin selection by M..>. Ibbot, to a piano accompsniment by Mis. Niokolsi ii of Holstein, was a valuable contribut on to the musical pare of tko proi^ram. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Paci6c conveniently reaches Point Au Baril, French and Pickerel Rivers, Severn River, Muskoka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes. Rideau I.iakrs, Lake Ontario Resorts, etc. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Pscific Ticket Agent or write M. 0. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH I Office and Re8idence-468 9th St. Ewt Oweo Sound, Cot. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., l.:«) to 4..30 p.m.. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. , Dr. R. F. Eniilish will be in Flesherton I on Tue8<:ay and Friday afternoons of each week. The Old Adage Notice Dr. R. F. English, l)»teopatli c Physician, of C>wen Sound, will be iii Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday afier. noons of ea?h week. Commencing Fri- day, June 4th. For appointment ph' ne 9 ring .'t. A Business School That successful school whose graduates occupy prominent po- sitions from the Ailant.c lo the Pacific, re-opens for the FALL TERM September Ist, 1914 .Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. • Principal CoUinawood, Ontario. U Tiieut. Willard Malone of Owen Sound wow at the front, has sent home as a ;i*ouv«nir a bullet, apparently from a nachino gun. In a letler he slso gave a at of the present oHiocrs of the loth Battalion. Out of the list of 20 olbcers only about 10 of them are of the old L.'niHpaiiy- CATTLE STRAYED Strayod from iliu premises of the un- dersigned, lot '»'.'), coll. 8, 0»prey, six head of cattle »« followa ;- l yoarlmga- - 2 red with white face, 1 luiiidlo and one •potted ; also two 2year-olds- 1 liiindle and 1 Bpolted, both dehorned, yond information to WM. THOMPSON, R. R. ii, Singhampton. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Kliza W')odburn,late of the Village of Eugenia, in the County of Oiey, Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Trustee Act", and amendments thereto, that all creditors and othi'is having claims against the estate of ilie said Kliza Woodburii, who died nn or about thu thirteenth day of July. A. D. llllo.arerequired on or before the twin'y- sixlh day of September, A. D. 191."), to send by post prepaid or deliver to IV er Munshaw, Eugenia Post Office, Ontario : 01 lo (leorgo Mitclipll. Flo»horroii, Ont- ario, Executors of the lant will and tesr- anient of the .said Kli/.i Wondburn, deci'iiHod, their Christian and aurnHiii'-s, addriSMus mid descriptions, the full p"r- ticulsrs of their claiina. the slitteinent < f their accounts and the nature of tI.e tecurties, if any, held by them. .\nd further lake notice that after siicli last nienti(med date ibe said Execu'ors wiM proceed to distribute tbe sssen (if the deceased among the piiniesentitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they sl:all then have notice. and thst the said Executors will not lie liable f"r the said assets or any putt thereof to any person or persons of who^e claim notice shall iiol have been receiviii by them at tho time of such distribulioii Daied the twenty-third day t>f AugUii, 1915. Wright Telford * .McDonald, Owen Sound, Ont., Solicilnrs for Executor* An attempt to stea a valuable hone from the fsnn of Robert Shaw, Kemble, on Tuesday evenine, was prevented by the timely interference of Frank Twin- ing, a young man on the farm. About ll.:)0 o'clock Twining was »t the barn and heard a 8u.'pieious noise from a neighboiing Hold where several hoi. set were pastured. He went back and found two men leading off a horse which Mr. Shaw values at 9250. When they saw the younij man coming they immediately let go of the horae and ran. But Twin- ing was too c|uick for thorn snd tripped one of the men. He had him on the ground when the other man kook part and between t'lem they used Twining so roughly that he has boon laid n|i ever fjince, imd«'-he physician had to be called. The men then iniidn a cleur "get away." The loc il poli have > ther comphlnf" about .'.ttcmpts at horse stealing and it would be well if farineis kept a sharp watch on their nnima's. â€" Sun. Property For Sale Part lot 161, con. 2. N. E." T. A 8. R. containing 2«J seres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame house and stable *and tho property is well fenced and watered. Apply to .loseph A. LeGsrd. Flesherton or on the proper- ty- ANADIAN PAVCIFIO *?:r LONDON September 10 to 18, 1915 REDUCED FARES The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ol McCormick Fann Implements, Binders Mowers, liakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows- Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter (Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. ,| Agent, SUUUUc :^l To London from stations in (^niario, Belleville, Havelock and West to Stult Ste Marie, White River and North U,iy incluiive, also from Detroit, Mich. Be sure to onnsuU C. P. R. Agents regarding! EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE .Ms,. SPECIAL LOW FAKES From Principal Points on certain dates Fast time, convenient train service, modern ecpiipment between Montreal Ottawa, Toronto. Detroit, Chicajjo. Particulars from any Cinsdian Pacit'c Ticket Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., south oakt cor. King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. M " Flesherton Tin Shop \^.SPSS!!SRSS!SSS^JSS!SS!SSiSSBSSS!. SSS S. Rands, Agent, Flesherton Bull For Service For service. â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. C422, Aberdeen Angus, on lot 'M, 0th concess ion, Arteinesia. Terms. 91.00 if paid before lit Jan. 191i>.â€" W. J. Mitgee. Ms^r 15 II II II I I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on lue and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. Stock for 5ale A caunln of brood sows. 1 l^vrkshlre auil 1 Tainwortn for »%\o. Teiinft to Huit puratiaaer OKU. W. R0S8, lUaiwell P. O. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadinn Pacilic convoniently roaches Point au lUiil, Lake MMs.sanoga, Biin Echo, French at d Pickerel Rivers, Sjvern Rivor, Muskoka Lakes, Kawartha Lake', Rideau Lakes, Like Ontario re- so.-ts, ell". If you contonipla'e a trip of any nature con-ult CatmdisH Pacific Ticket A«enti 01' write M. C. Murphy, District Passenger Aqcnl, Toronto. 11= D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. i^asr^sassts'tSiSisr^asssas^s'tSSissiis WOOD CUTTING Itii/z Saw WiKid Cutting witk neatneha and deH|>atch, M to liU cords i>er day. .\Iio a gmul strowcultinK outfit. Satisfaction guarantee<l. T..eave yrnr <irder» with the undersigned. Ifalti -tlEO nR.\CKKNBrRV, Fcvemham BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Pure Br«d Wiorthorn Hull for service on liot 140. Con. '->. H. W. T. iV 8. R., Artemesia. Terms fl. DO. .Ml cows served must be paid for by 1st Murch, H>1(>. laepi â€" H. Piper. FleaHex*ton «l^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Qive Entire S.iti8faction LAUNDRY-Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evening CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" W» are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes cleani>d and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR I :V i* m- ' '^ft , v . tm, »", 4*m W-"-'"-'' '^-^^^'^^i^sfim

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