Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1915, p. 4

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September 16 1915 -T^HE F 1. E S H E R r N ADVANCE T H K« /lCOl)erlOn *^DU0ttCC Artemesia Council An inilependent newspaper, published every Thnmdny at th*" ottice, Colhngwood atreet, V[ wherton. Siibacriptinn price $1 iwr annnni when paidinadvunce ;81.50 when not no j>aid Adver ii<in|r rates on a|i|>licatii<n. Circulation 1,100 wiHjltly jC M. XUiirBlon- Kdltor Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James DuJ;<e(iii, |i»slor. Sunday, 10 «. II'., F'.-llowsliiiJ Seiviee. Jl i.m. and 7 p.iu.- The pastoi-. â- Moiid.'ty evciiinf; Kiiwiirtli ],ii»n\H! at Homeseekers Special Train Maeih^^iaa-rgagg^^srs^^i^.-^^,:^:^;^^^^^ Letters From The Boys In Khaki Corj). S. J. McKennt of the Itfth fiatt. write* bis brother here an fellows : SaDdling Camp, August 21. The weather i« terrilily hst. \V«.s out to-Jay from 4.:t0 a.m. until tonight at (i â€" a l'in)( day. The whole ontiiixent was extended in three lines acioas aUiut ten milea of country. Our new genentl ia in cbirse DOW â€" General Turner, V.O., D. S.U. and C. b , from the brat coiitingent. General Steele, » ho ome over with us, it takiig chariie of this military district. The zepps have j>«R.sed our camp twice within the week. They diop|>e<i calliiig, cards nt Ashford, Dover and So«erbury. | They are getting close. Our aeroplanes â- re around alt day, buc at night the zep pelins have the advantage. We were reviewed last Monday by the Princess of Trek and Sam Hughes. The king and Kitchener are due any day. We are going on inanoeuvrcs Munda) uotjl Saturday â€" ^uite a lung time to bo away from rump. I have a chum whom I worked with in Edmonton at the front. He Ckine over with ths 9.h battalion and uot » vominisiiun with the 12tli Koyal Scots He is dying hard to get me one, too, but at present I S'n i|uite satiaHed to ataj • ith the bunch. I just turned doan my third stripe, as I would have to g» to another platoon. Still, I «â- â€¢! auon get it, as there is another vauancy. I have the beat bunch of boya in the w«rld and 1 would hale to leave them. They would du anything for me or would go any- where, so I am i|ui'e satibfied to be with them when we into actirn. There are quite a lut uf K' g'ish and ^ Scutch tioopi near here. We olten |ia>B theai or manoeut re nesr them. They uie «>r(.t)y decent chaps. They like our ci;; arettes and tobacco A« lliey only gel 25jadayth<-y cannot aHord to apeiid fiiuch' They are no bct'er trtined than -we are. That old Ktory about an Kllgli^>ll sentry saving " Hal', *lio uoes there / " sod the answer, " None of yc ur J d business, " and " piss, Canadian, sli i> well," is no longer aiiyirliere mar tie tiuih. True, our discipline is not just >. HS strict as in th<! Kn^lish regiineutn. A'e are t lo indepemJeiit for thut, but we •.^et Miere just the aaine. As for iiililli- ;.ence, our av(>rag<: soldier is awiiy and Hbove hia fellow Kni(li.sli Tommy, and wc Jiave sonie liiio briiny chaps in the isiiks tfhoc.itild cniily hold (hjwii a comiiiis- >iim. Our pl.ttoon (itlicer, Mr. I'epler, is a princi", only about 22 and voiy p"p- 'i'ar. When we march easily be is just i' ke cue of the boys, citlU me Mnc, .kiid 14 a general all lound guod fellow. He .vai a private ill the (Jiieeii's Own when ivar broke out. He voluutoered, but his people would not let him go and got him a commission mete id. H<s broilur is "uo of the best all round broiiulio busters in the West and is 4 priva'u with the virlilltfiy here. Pep. h always broke but tiappy- just Ike the lest of us, for tlmt matter. Our major is rotten. U lias !hj beat compiny in tin battal â-  lion, Lut tresis it rilteii. Our suner- iiumerary i^ nanitd Hitrini>ii. Thti boya iiiokiianic biiii Siiutfy the t'.ibnian. You know the character if (he (jayety. Tin < HIcers caught on and all he g»!s now is Snufl'y. Wh •!! ill- buys holler ''cab, â- sir," or " Holl my whip," he knows who tli.y mean, but li.) can't say niuili. Our Colonel is o. k. hue a little fusay. We have I'unk Thompson from Hxmi!- con, one of their brst fi>otb;illeis, as an • Iticer ; also Laddie Ca.ssoh from Vsisity -ind a great array of eelehrilies, nihlotic Hud otherwiie ; two king's prizemen, <^'lifford and Hawkinti. There is a hill near the camp, in fact M'e are at the foot of i% and we climb it nboHt every second day to dig trenches. We can w trk as navvids when we go litck. There are trenches all aiound England, although few people know it. Uonib throwing is the big game at pres- ent. We throw Iwmhs about forty yardr. 'f hey do a lot of damage. They are timed it >r four seconds frmn the time you light iihe fuse until it goes olf. We all liuie 10 take the course. We bavb mu Irishinsn in our hut, Con- nolly by name. When aaleep the other Way he rolled over, lenvin^ a portien of his anatomy unooverrd. One of the boys put some strawberry j im on the exposed part. He did not wake up during the firooess, but when a bee lit on the j.tm â- ind stung him he awoke with a yell. The Municipil Council of the I'own- ship of Artenie.'tia met in the Town Had Klesherton, on Monday, the (iih day of I.September, litlTi The ineiiibers were all present, the Keeve in the chair. ^ The minutes of the last regular session I and special session ot the tenth of Aug- u*l were read and coiiQrmed Petitions from the residenis of the Vilt.<ge uf Ceylon and Kugvnia rei(uesting ttie Council to obtain fr jin the Hydro Elec'ric Power Commission estimates of cost of supplying light and power in accordance with i.rovi.sions ol the Power Coiiiiuiseion Act 1011. Cimiinissiouer J. I. Grahum reported on expenditure in his devisiun. Commissioner A. C.imeron reported on buitdii.g bridges on Con, 4, at lot 28, and Con. 7, at lot. 27 and work on Town line, Ai'teinesia and Osprey. By-Law 18 to levy rites for 1915 was introduced and read a first and second lime. By laws 16 tu appoint Collect" or« for IDl.'i and 18 to levy rates for 1915 were r.-ad a thiid time signed by the Keeve and Clerk and entered in l>y-law book. â€" Carried. Mr. Graham moved sec. by Mr. Brown that in regard to turnouts on till on 8th Concession now being built by the Hydro Commission this Council will insist that they be placed so as to decide the distan- ces of till into three equal psfrts.^ Cariied. Mr Cameron moved sec. by Mr. Brown li aves Torontii 10.45 Taesdiy. p. m. each For the accommodation of Homeieek ers' and general tourist traffic to Western Canada, through triiin carrying tourist sleepers and colonist cats will leave Toronto 10 45 p. iii. etch Tuesday until further notice running through to Winni- peg. Attention in directed t<r the remarkably low Hound Tiip fsros in connection with HomeBeokeiB' K.xcursioiis to Western C:<iia(1u via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on ssle each Tuesday until October 2(i'li, inclusive, and me good to return within two months from dat*- of sale. Apply to any C. P. H. Ag^nt for full IMtrticnIars or write ftl. G. Murphy, District Passenger Auejit, Torunto. F. R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Fall Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday, September 17th and 18th, 1915, And Following Days thai the repoit of Mr. Graham in Div. 2 on work amounting to Sit93.0<>, te re- ceived and ha be | aid 929.00 for 14^ days overseeing and 922.94 commissioo on $229.42 expended. â€" Cariied. Mr. Graham movel, sec. by Mr. Brown ihnl tlie report of Mr. Cameron on special Yiiik in Div. 4 be received and he be ,iHid 94) OC for three days' overseeing «<irk on cuwn line amounting to 929.00 .V. &. O. aUo on 4lh line bridge 935 42, one half day 91-00 and on Pedler's bridge •â- xpeiiding 948.24, oveneeing ssme o le isy 92. tX) and one day inspecting bridge â€" Cairied. Mr. Brown moved and sdc. by Mr. Cameron that the account of Owen Sound Sun 9ti.0U for ad«ertisiog bridge tenders l>e paid . - Carried . Mr. Brown moved tec. by Mr. Aid- corn that the following accounts for gravel used on roads by overseer be paid viz.,John Beecroft 92.80, C.Ekins 91.00, I. H. Walloon 91.«0,Coliu McLean 97-00, Malcolm McLean 9:<.0O. S.Martin 94.00, U. Symes 91.0(1, L. Genoe 94.80, Mr McPhail 91.20, D. Hincks 91..0().â€" Cirried. Mr. (irihuHi moved sue. by Mr, Cam- eron that the Clerk arranf^e a day to meet the Euphiaa.a tepresen'atives in regtrd lo settlement of expenditure of ni^>ney and s atute labiur on town line \ f: K. â€" Cariied. &!r. Aldoorn moved sec. by Mr. Cmr eron that the Uueve and Clerk execute! deeds of the original 12ih Con. tine to the partits adjoining tlie same in accord- ance witli by-law suthor V.iiig iln .same and upon etii-jlion by Mr. Kobert (!ra- ham of deed he be paid 9^^0.00 fur devi- ation thiougli lots 22 and 21), CVu. 12. Carried. Mr. Ciiineron moved sec. by M-. tira- luiiii tlul in accordance with petitions subiniitu'l I I this Council by residents of Kiigeiiia and Ceylon villiii;et' the Hydro iilectric Power Commission lie iei|iii8ted to aub:iiit ei-timutes of ccst of light slid power to the peiitioi;ers. -Carried, (.'miicil ail joui lied. A Roeedalu woman who wss i.ttonding one of the midway shows on Saturday was isionished to notice wtien lenvingthe show her puii-e lyiiiK upon the gniss. luves- tigaling, she Uiscoveied that ii h.ilf circle hud been cut in the lower pait of liei lilk coveied ankle, nia'<ini/ it an easy iiii'ter to extract the puiso. The seats on which the woman ai d her friends had been siting were etevaid hiiiI the thief liad eviJuiiily ciawled under during the peiformance. Detectives state tliat it is the tirst insiauce they have had report- "d. Fall Fairs. T\i« following are the dates of the fill fairs this yrtr in the vicinity of Flesherton. FLESHERTON Sept. 28 29 Feversham Oct. 5-0 Chatswort h Sept. 16 17 Chesl.-y Sept. 10 17 Collingwood Sept. 22-25 Desboro Sept. 23 24 Duih t-n Sept. 23-24 Hanover Sept. 16 17 Maikdale Oct. 12-13 Walkerton Sept. 14 15 Dundalk Oct . 7-8 Meaford . . Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Owen Sound Oct. 5, C, 7 Priceville Sept. :!0,Oct. 1 Rocklyn • Oct. 8 Cement Work Wanted The undersigneil is prepared lo do ailo building and concrete woik. H»<'e had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire satisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and all o'l'lit necessary for all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 ,Iuly Fleaherton. We beg to announce our Fall Millinery Opening and cortlially invite your inspection of the latest novelties on view in our spacious show room. Miss E. Long is again in charge this season, and all orders entrusted to her will have prompt and capable attention at reasonable prices. Look through our range of New Fall Coats, be a pleasure to show you. It will Pickling Season Pickling Onions, Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Turmeric Ginger, V^inegar, and Jem Jars. Everything fresh this season. y^ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR. BUTTER AND EGGS fa Dr. J. Ralph Smithjr XK-." HU "^^^^ OSTEOPATH Ik iiie Uici Adage The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian I'ncilic conveniently reaches Point Au Btril, French and Pickerel Rivers, Severn River, Muskoka Lak's, Kawitrthii Lakef, Ridetu Lak<s, L'ike Ontario Resorts, etc. If you cnntempUte a trip of any na'ure consult ', I Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write , M. G. Murphy, District Pa^sellger Agent, Toionto. Office and Residenceâ€" 468 9th St. East Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Kngli-h will be iu Fl-sheito* on Tuesi'.ay and Friday afternoons each week. MILLINERY Coiae to Maxwell and view tlio CLoico3t Colleotion of Millinery Moicliaiidise for aut- umu and winter evei yet showu here. Our Exhibit begiad Sat., Sept. 18th And oontinues througliout the season. You will profit by a visit to our ittraotive display ofTaiUied and Dress Hats and Sinait MiHinei'v fiir all oooasiotis. S. M. Osborne Maxwell, - - Ontario i Notice to Creditors In the uiHtter of the Estate of Kliza Woodburn.late of the Village of Kugenia, in the C unty of flrey, Widow, decaa^ed Notice is hereby g von, piirsua:it to "The Tiuiteo Act", siiil aiiiendineiils thereto, that all cred tors and illiers having cliiiiiis aguiiist ihe est itu cf ihe t^aid Kli/a Woodbiirii, »ho died on or »tiout the Ihirteentli dsy of July, .\ D. litl."), are required on or before the tweiiiy- si.xth il ly of September, A. D. lltli'i, to send by post prep'tid or deliver to Pe'er Munshaw, Ku^ieniii Post OlHce, Onti.rio : oi totieorge Mitchell, Fletherroii, Oiit- srio, Kxeruiors of the hut wilt siil t sr- ament of the .said Kli/,t \Vi od' ii.n, dtci'asoH, thoir Christian and siirin'ioi's, iiddrrSHOs and ilesrriplions, the foil («r- ticiilnis of their claiiii". the Klali'inenl of ilieir accounts and the nature of ihe Keonrties, if any, lie'a by them. .\nd further lake notice that after such hist mentioned dalti ihe said K.\ucirors «|l| proceed to ilistiiliuto the sssets if the decea«oii anioiiij ihe pariies entitled tliiMito, having reynnl only to ilie clioms of wliii h thev shall then Imve notice, .lul thill the Siid Kxeciitors » ill not be liiiiilc for the »aid ansttts or iiny put i.liereof to any poi>on or |iiirKiiiis of wlope cliiiiii notice shall iiol Imve bien leceived by them at the time of sndi di.stributi.>ii. Da'ed the twcnty-th r.l iliv of Au^ih', IttLi. Wright Telford A McPonn'd, Owen Sound, Out., Soliciiors for Executort A Business School That successful school whose graduate* occupy prominent po- sitions from the Ailant.c lo the P:icitic, re-opens for the FALL TERM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog ^ at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE I T. E. Hawkins. • Principal i Collmgwoi.d, Ontario. U L Property For Sale Part tot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. & S. R. [ containing '28J sees, sliout 1 mile from ; Klestierton. There isS gooil frattlc house) and stable 'and the property is we\V fenced and watered. App'y to .loseph ^ A. LeO^ird, Ftosherlnn or on the proper- 1 (i ANADIAN , Pi«.CIFIC The Proof of the Pudding U in the Eating The same is equally tine of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McCorinick Farm Implements, Bintlers^ Mowers, Kakes, Loat'ers, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows' Killing and Walking, Harrows, liiantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks. Idlings, Filter ( arriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wite and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agei\t, - Ceylon, Ont. || !J^r&J5"S»SyIa!;LnJTJu^3&!S'?Cisi:?s3?BS3^ : :J ^vr LONDON H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT '.TAILOR ' Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" AL80- A line ot Ready-Made Ctothing Which we put alterations in free of we put alterations charge, if required. Isep The Business Man On His Western Trip Cannot afford to leave out the cities that handle the crop, Fort William and Pi>rt Arthur. Tatia Ihe Oanadiun Pacifio route to Winnipeg, the w»y the business travnts. Dsily service, ob*erv«tion and dining oars, etactric I'^hted i(|uipoient. Dcnlde tracks more llisn Inilf the dis- titnce. Comfort, scr-nery All 1 one mai. agement all the way. Dietetic blended meals, the svientific ronilMioition of food for traveller*. Purticul.iis from Caniub inn Piioitic ticket sj^enss September 10 to 18, 1915 i(^E*S'S'S5'S'^'^^"SS'S'SS^-^'5S'S'S^^'^SS9 '" - â-  - - ti KKDLOKD FAKES To London from stations in Ontario, ISellovilte, lluvelouk iind West tn S.iult Ste M.irie, White Kivor and North H-iy inclusive, also fiouo Detroit, Mich. lie Mire to c oisult C. P. R. Agents leasrding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE; [);j AIh.i Sl'ia'lAI. LOW KAltKS From Principal Points on ceitsin d.ites i Fsst t'lne, c.invonient trnin servic-, inodern ec|i|i|)nient between Montie»l, Oitiiws, Toroiuo, Detroit, I'hioimo. Psrlioubirs from any Csnsdian PsciPc Ticket Ageii', or write M. O. Murpliy, D. P. A., south east cor. King and Yonge 8ts.,Touiiuo. Flesherton Tin Shop 1 have just placed on the shelves a fidl line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrougbing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing oFall kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. S. Rands, Agent, Flesherton i The Ideal Vacation Route! i The Caniuliiu Pscitic conveniently j reaches Point su Baril, Liike M'lsssiiogii, Bon Eelio, French snd Pickerel Hivers, S.iverii Uiver, Muskoka Likes.Kswartha Lake«, Kiduau I.akes, Like Ontaiio re- sorts, etc. If you ronteinphi e a trip of any nature consult Canadisn Pacit'o Ticket Agei ti or write M. C. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 1 i I Iff' I D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j& ONTARIO. F< rm for Sale 200 acres of good |clay lonin. Tiots 11-12-ia and 14. Con. 'X O-prey Ont. Is situated in good locslity 1| miles from schoo', SJ niiloi from rhuich, 24 from store ; Frame l)arn llOxCO f«et on sione foundation, Isrge frsnio houp». 5* rooms and wood shed and sioneceltsr; 75 >>cres under cultivation ; .10 seres Imi'twood bush, 5 acres of swamp, balance sl'tsh and pasture land and part of this ready to lireak up ; never failing spring oreek ohise to house .tnd barn. Wilt sett very cheap for <)uick sale. -.). A. flUUMMKTT, Maxwell P.O WOOD CUTTING Buzz Saw Wood Cutting with neatness and deai>atvb, 50 tt> GO cords per dsX; A!so a good strawcuttiag ouitit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ij«ave ycur! orders with the uudersignvd. i l.TalU -UKOBRAOKKNBURY, â-  ... .. Ftversham , We Aim Flealiex*'ton ^l^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors to Oive Entire Sivtisfaotiou BHLL FOR SERVICE i LAUNDKY-Bisket closes Monday i night, delivery Friday eveni-ig The uiider<igned has a Puie Br*d Shorthorn Unit for aeivicfl on Lot 146, ' r.Tr.»MTM/^ ^ .^trr.i>T^ <» Con. '2. S, W. T. vt 8. R., Artemesia!' CLEANING and DYE NO- We are Terms $1,00 Alt cow.s scived mnat (e T"'",^"'' T".'^ ^y* ^^ '"'"'â€" Cl°t''e» paid for by Lsl March. li)l«. ;oteane<l and dyed, feathers rejuvenated Isept -H. Piper. IT FISHER. -• PROPRIETOR / :|{ f

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