Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1915, p. 5

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-September 16, 1915 THE FLESHERTOiV ADVANCE :if THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER «4a,00(M>00 The A, B» C of Banking Deposit Your Savings Retf* ularly Every Dollar Earns Interest f rem Date of Deposit m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Bntnches also at Duriiam and Haniaton. Mrnager. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station Hieklim; received a I ^ ^ 881 letter this week from Iiis whulesaUr ! scatioa that a ishipriieut of goods uomiiig Going North , from EnaUnd for him was lust with the ill-fated Hesperian. The goods have VICINITY CHIPS y Mr. V. H. W I Trains 'follows : Going South 7^33 a. m. 11.36 a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. I. , ^ _,,'., J ci L t ' been le-ordered. The mails are osed at Flesherton ^ \ •oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j Shippers of live poultry should observe 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth asj che fullowme; regula'ions if they wish to 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south , ^y^;^ ^ ^j^,^ ^^^^^ j^^ Toronto Humane mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg-,e-, r^ . ^ . .. , •^ "^ I iSociely : trat«a must have side*, ends I and top slatted. Crates for chickens and . ducks oiuat not be less than 12 inches ! high ; crates for turkeys and geese must be not less than 16 inches high. The annual ten days' camp meeting of the Holiness Workers' church will be held at Ctarksburg.commencing Tuesday, Sept. Uth. The services of the Kev. Manley C. Pritchard, of Athelatan, Quebec, and (he Rev. J. Melvin Siuith, President of the Canadian Nat^ional Huli- neaa Aaaociatioo have been secured. A number of the ministeni of the neighbor- ing church will also assist. Bell tele- phone in ci>unectiun with the camp ground. F. D. Goff, Chairman of Com- mittee. The following supplies hare recently been sent to the Red Crona Headquar- ters at Toronto :â€" 12 hospital shirts, 41 pair docka, 84 lar^e dresbiogs, 168 smaller dressings, 132 mouth wipes, 84 Irandkerchiefs, 8 towvU, 12 pillows, 24 bandiges. 96G was received from ihe Baseball Association and will ba forward- ed to the Patriotic League under the name of >Ue Akbociutiuu. A business meeting will be held on Saturday, Sept. 18, 1915, at 2.30 p. m. at the Red Cross Headquarters. Public School Inspector Hutf was in town last week but did not think it. worth his while to call and explain the cause of delay in reporting the recent Entrance examination results. He evidently takes the ground that it is no- body's business when the results are The newspaper oftices Fleeherton fall fair Sept. 28 and 29. â- Get your exhibits roady. Mias Lottie Osborne, trained nutse, is attending some [Mtients hers. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong is attending a camp meeting at Clarksburg. Sum af money found in town. Apply Co Frank Duncan. Capt. P. M. Campbvll uf Collingwood is dead. Sir Willi»m Van Home, the great railway magnate, died at Montreal on -Sunday. Boraâ€" At Dundalk, on Friday, Sept. .3rd, lo Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ludlow, a son. Mr*. Murdock of Caledou East, spent the PAH week with her sister, Mrs. VV. Bjrnett. Don't forget Miss Unborne's Millinery Opening on Saturday, September 18th, 1915. Mr. W A. Armstrong has purchased^ a haodsoiue new Overland .lutomobilr, which was delivered last week. llev. and Mrs. Dudgeo'i »pen( a few days uf (he past week with the former's brother at RosemonC. J. L. Woods of Corbettoii occupied the Meth'idisi pulpit moruiog and evening i made known, on Sunday last. I may spend hours answering lulephoiie Sergt. EmetsxD Bellamy of the Niagara i cjlls and parents put to no end »[ in- ^Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE Young pigs for sulu â€" On lot lia, Con 10, Artemesia.â€" O. Turner. ] J Shingles for Sxlaâ€" Car purs whitH New Brunswick Shinules just receivid -W. A. Armstroiig, Fhshertun. A tield of oats and also a (lumtity of dry wood and polei for sile. â€" .lames Nash, B. R. No. 1, Irifch Lake. Seed Wheat- Free from weeds, rust aud smut. (Sood sample uf undimaged .seed. J. E. McKee, phunc 211-5, Mark- dale. For Sale^or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Fevershaiii. Will nell or rent cl'.eiip, and on eiwy ternia, if sold. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and un easy torms, Lot 13, cini. 11, Osprey, 110 acrei. This is a first class farm snd in a gond state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. Shingles for SaU â€" A quantity of first clasa cedar shinglei, on lot 24, Con. 21, Egremont, about 4 miles south west uf Priceville. Thos. Harrison, Varuey P. O., U. R. No. I. MISCELUNEOUS Domestic help wanted iminddiately. Apply to Miss ton Ontariu. M. Richardson, Flesher- military ciiup spent the past week at his parental homo hero. See the Columbia graphouola display ut the Flesherton Fall Fair, September 28 and 29 Miss Florence Thurston attended the wedding of a giil ftieud at Mitchell this week. . Partridge shotting season opens Oc- tober 15 and loiits until November 15 ; hare, Oct. 1 to Dec. 15 ; ducks, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Mrs. B. PaMsmore ,nid Mr. imd Mri". Fred Pafsniore of Einsdale motored over and wuru the guesis of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. The fourth brigade, C. F. A., left Englind ou Monday last for the front. Arnold Thurston and W. Wilcook of Flesherton are aitached t<i this biigade. ' Misses H'tzdl Shunk, Adda W'light, Maud Bojd, Stella Orr aud Dell Thur- ston left Monday to attend Normal in Toioiito. The H}dro Electic Cuinmissiun has infor.nd the secreiary of Eant Groy fair th'it ihey hope tu turn on tho Ii;{hl8 in Fies>heitoii for the tii.sl time ou the 'Second night of the fair, Sept. 29. Potatoes are rotliuit very badly in Ih's sect'cn, and we believe all over Ontario. Tile crop is a very large oue and pron is- ed an euornioHs yield, but when the rit gets through with it there may not be much left for home consumption. Since last wet k we learn that n slight defect has been found in the steel pipe line reachin.; from tlie serge li>nk to the power house at Eugenia and a couple of pieces of the pips have to be replaced. Workmen are low doing this work which, at is expecred, will occupy another couple of weeks. convenience by ihe delay for all he cares. When a.iked as to the cause of delay he simply ignores the ifueiy. Other in- speciomtes that were behind had the Cttu«e explained, but our inspector di.es not appear to have sulficient courtesy to answer a civil question. The ciusu of d(hy may have been o«ing to the iu- speciov'.s own remissness or it may not; the reasons may be legitimate or tlioy m»y not; in any event the public would like to know, you kii><w. Address and Presentation The members of Flesherton Presbyter- ian Bible Class gathered at the houid of Mr. and Mrs. VV. Slewiit on Ni-ndny night aud presented Miss Mibel Iloilo- way with a centre tible a:.d ihe follow- ing address ; - - To Miss MUel HoUowayâ€" Wo the members of Chalmer'a Pretthyteran Church Bible class, to which you have for some time belonged, wish to e.\iend our happy felicitations and good wishes at th 8 stage in our uninterruptedly pleacant relations. You have beeu ex- enipUry in life and conduct, regular in attendance aad strongly devoted to the cause for which we, as a class exist. Time will bring its changes but ilie seed of an uiinittttid temper, diligent enort and a pure life will yield their fruits. These, coupled wilh a pleising happy niannei' and tidcliiy to God have won our esteem. We bespeak for you a bright future, noble Chris' ian achieve- ments and an impress on society and the world that cannot be obliterated. Please accept this little token of our regard and esteem with the prayer (hat the Master wll still further ble!>s your efforts and enrich your helpful life. SgneJ, Tom T. I. Thompson, ex-M. P., has been Chard, Donald McVicar, Muriel M-io- appainted sheriit of this county, which i Tavish, Clara Gilchrist. •position has been vacant .since the death I ~" of the late Charles Moore. The new in- 1 Mr.Georga C*rn«han of North Keppvl, jjumbent settled in Owen S<'UHd in 1888 | \^i Thursday lost four horses valued at .and was the member fur North Gi'oy in â- the Dominion House from 1903 ij 19C0. .About thirty young ladies of the town f^theiclat the home of Mrs. Oscar Phillips on Thursday night last and pie- about one thousand dollars, from oatiag seed wl>eat which had been treated with furmaldehyde to prevent smut. A couple of bugs of treated wheat were left in the wagon in the barnyard on Thursdty Notice is hereby ttiven that lue Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Firo Insurance Company, formerly hold by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. Wanted â€" An industrious man who can earn $100 per month and expenses roll- ing our produce lo larniers. Must have some means for staiting expenses and furnish contract siKiied by two respon- sible neu. Address W. T. RtwWigh Co., Toronto ^ivinlr age, ooou|iation ."ind refe rences. High School Notes Tlie annual leception given by the high school students to their parents and friends will Uke place Fiidsy evening, September 24, from 730 to 10.30. A goo.i programme is being p epaied. Refreshments will be served at the close of the proitranime. Eveiybndy come and enjoy an evening with the high school Htiidnnt^. The election of oHicers for tlie Literary Society was held on Thurs Jay, September 9 h, when the following were elected for ollifle: H'in. Pres., Mr. T. Henry; Hon. Vice-Pres., Mrs. White; I'tes., D. McVicar; Sec.-Treas., H. McLean; Reporter, F. Tliursiton; Pianist. Mi>s Oldham; Critic, W. Buch.uian; A.'-sislant Critic, A. (laudiu; Coniinittee. L. Muir, A. Mitchei', I. Laidlaw, D. Patton. Meetings will bo held every second Fii- day, beginning Friday, October 8. The public are given a curJial invitition to attend. Adnii<»ion free. Voters' List Revision Notice i« hereby ijivon th»t a Court will he held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lisl.s A>;t. hy His Hoiiou"-, the Ju'lsjo of the Coi'nly Cour' of the County of Orey. at the Town HaP, Fl'shertipn, on Tuesday, tlw 28ih day of September, 1!U."). at ton o'clock :t. m., to hear and determine complaints of eiro'S and oinisfi'ms in the Voto's' Lists of tlie Municipality of .Vrtemesia for 1915. Dated this 8Lh day of September, I'M 5. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of Artumesia. AUCTION SALE OF sented M s« Edna Patton with a laige [ evenina, and in the night the hoises number of ait-.cles suitable for house- 1 bioke in and all ate of the poisoned gcain. keeping and house decoration. Miss : Two wore dead in the mornini?, and Edna becomes the bride of Mr. Mark though two veterinarie-t were called in, Wilson, Jr., tliis week, and being popular ; the other two also died. Mr. Carnahan -among the y<>un.{ pe< p'e as wtll as ol J, is in the West and his soni h.ive b.-en she ha^ a host of well wisheis. . .doing the work in his abience. HOUSE AND LOT ON TUES., OCT. 5, 1915 The un<'ersigned has been instructed to offer for khIo by lublic Ruotion a very desirable residential property situated in the Village of Ceylon ( iTleslurton Station). Tha'^ouse is a 1 ^ storey frame, con- taining 8 rooms, which have 'seen all newly decorated and outside of house newly painted. The house is in good re- pair. There is a good large stable and drive shed, also hen house. The proper- ty contains about one acre of land with smaH orchard and is well fenced. Don't fail to see this property as it would make an ideal home for a retired fanner. Terms to suit the purchaser. Sale on the premises at 2 o'l-lock, subject tT a hiw reserved bid. .1. W. ASHDOWN, D. McPHAlL, Propiut, r. Auc iuiiOir. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. . PRICEVILLE FaJl Silks and Dress Materials \Ve beg to aunounce the arrival of our latest fall stock of fall silks and dress materials in all tlie latest shades. A 9tunning valtie of silks for $1.00 and $1.25. Dreps materials â€" a great value in blue serge $1.00 aud $1 50 per yard. All tbe dark greens and browns are very popular, '.Ve have them lu different qualities aud prices. Resada green silk poplins at $1,00 per yardâ€" a rare value. We have a full line of dress goods. Call and we will gladly show you our range. Silk Crepe in -white aud pink for blouses, also striped silks. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<"♦â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â€¢â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â€¢â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ Special Bargains in Velvets Silk Suiting Velvet, 42 inches, regular $1.00 for $2.00 for 50 and (iOc. Corduroy Velvets, regular 75c., Heavy Coating, black and white stripe, regular $8.00, for $2.00. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MILLINERY We are doing away with the fortnal opening â€" the hats will be on exhibit from now on. Misi McLean, designer and trimmer, will gladly show you the latest styles in millinery from New York. Come and get your hat for the Fall Fairs Come and see the hats before vou buy. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. A Representative Wanted â€" FOR- TheOld Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade iraong the farmers as well good ornamen- tal business in the town. Exclusive territory. Handsimie free outfit. Highest commissions, for terms. ]^ Wriie Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries ! (Established 1837) j . ONTARIO i TORONTO Deering Implements j AND Gasoine Engines .All kinds of Deeriug Impleiiieuts. Parts always ou hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutieis, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Cirrieis, Hay Tracks, Podlat chiiiglus and siding. These Implenionls require no lecommendation as they aie standard eoods and leC'^gnizod as the besion the market. EH. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Seasonable || Furniture |» At the Flesherton Furni- (i ture Wareroom.s Such as Spring Beds, Mattresses, ( I Baby Carriages, Bedm.>ra Sets, Parlor Pieces, Parlor Sets, etc. Here are three special articles for quick sale: 1 Hevavy Oak Dining Room SH, leatherette upholNterinu, (S pieces, only $1(1.50. 1 Oak Extension Tajle, only $U.tK). 1 t^uarleied Oak BoufTet. 12x40 mirror, a beautiful thing, only ' •27. 00. # Our piioes will stand the test with any linn. Come and see what you buy before you buy, then buy what you see. Ii[ lARKllS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheal 90 lo 90 ii»'s ;{5to 37 Pe»" tl 25tol 25 B'»r««>r. .^lotoBO Buckwheat 55 to 60 *â- ''»>' »6 50 to $7 50 "•y ... .»1500tol500 , Buit«<r , ; , ' Kggs, fresh j Potatoes per bag I Geese. ! Ducks V.' F"wl '.' Chickens TiiiKeys 23 to 23 20 io20 50 to 6U 11 to U 11 to 12 8 to 9 10 to 11 14 to K> M T W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. ^ rr^HE ONLY MAN X ^ M, WHO SHOULD |^ X NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ S NOTHING TO OF- ^ ?s FER IN THE WAY ^ AND ^ X OF SERVICE ^ SUCH A PERSON ^ School Children's Eyes. 5S IS A ^ KNOWS % DEAD ONEâ€" WHETHER HE IT-OR NOT. MASSEY HARRIS IMLEMENTS Thin fami'us make of iiiiijleinents is well known all over the cnunlry and their own Kood work is the best recom- mendaii.n they c*n receive. If you re.{uire anythinu in tho lino of Binder.s, Mowers, Seed Drills, CultivaioiH, Pulp- nrs, Plow.<i, Sleighs, WaUKon*, Cream Separators, Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, (Jasoliue en gines, Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chanee to tjuote price*-. Elbert Hubbard ^ in the Fra %0 John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Canne Astray Came lo the premises of the under- signed on August 27, 1915, bt 156, Bust Back Line, oio aged, pirt .Joisey cow. Owner is reiiuested to prove property, i)«v expenses, and tako tho .same away. *^ "^ -JOSEPH FENWICK, Flesherton Ont., R. R. No. 3. Notice Dr. U. F. EBglii<ii, Osteopathic Physician, of Owen Scund, will be in ITlusherton on Tuesd.^y and Friday after- noons of each week. Commencing Fri- day, June 4lh. For appointment phtne d ring :). Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain j in childhood. The eyes of ' every child should be ] examined. We have made , a special study of this branch 1 of optics, and guarantee I satisfaction. \ Consultation free. I W. A. Armstrong.' Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed to the reniarkibly low Uound Trip Faros in I oonneotion with tlome«eekers' Excur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Paciho Uailway. Tiekets are on a«1e each Tuesday until October 2Gth, inclu.sive, and are good to return within two laonllis from dabe of sale. The C. P. R. I flera the finest possible e<)uipmpnt and fastest train service via one of the most scenic routes in the world. ' It is t-he only line opurating through standard and tourist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All eijnipment if) owned and oi>erated by the C. P. K., art'ording tho highest form of etficiency . If such a trip is under consideration ipply to any 0. P. R. .Agent for ful â-  lariicuUrs or write M. 0. Murphy DP. A , Toronto. Our Clubbing List The following prices ire for strictly paid in advaiicuiiubscriptions only.. We ave no accounts with other papers. Klesherton Advance 8 I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily .3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe . Oft MaH-Enipire 75 Family Herald <fc Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Farmer Sun . . 90 Farmers .\dvocmka 1 60 Weekly Witoese 90 Sstnrday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 R. 1. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent f9r the Cockshutt Plow Oot Full Lin* of Farm ImpUmenU Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Oasoline En$Hue«, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oil httnd. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Fev^rsbam, â€" Ontario

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