Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1915, p. 4

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M^^l '•A^..; liii^i ^ KW W K*r.WBtO- -<»i*<*< w iw> â-  â- *> < niE i'' L E S H E K I N ADVANCE •9 « ••• I ffl -iDuaUCCi "^"y ^°- breeder*' Club To Hold Another Sale Oil tlio ITlli of March, l!n5, thei-e ' fn !n<V|>en(l«nt newnjiaiM-T, pul)liiihe<l every Thnrnday at th*" nflice, CnlUngwood Street, Kl-iihcrton. Siibecription price $1 |ier annum , ,,„,„,. ,.,i. ..i i»i...„k â- <•â- ,. >k».„„,.o wh^n,»id in advance :»l.r>0 when not 8o ,M»id . ""/'";""'"' BtB'tti, l!>li>,the.e w«h Aiiv«r-lijn<r rates on application. Circulation held in the viH»ge of Mnrkdalo a Ski* of 1,100 weekly ,,u,e bred beef breeds of caltle. TheHe |ai\iinal9 wyre contributed to thu h»1o by ^' (the bieeileiN of the county of Grey. I'lhiKKale was not the Huccess thut could _ I '>«* « '>eei> de»ircd but it paved the way methodist Church i ^"'' '"''"' '''*5««'" *"^ •'«"«'•• The l)i-«odei'8 had I heir annual meeting Hometeekers Special Train 1. iives Toi-oMt.i 10.45 Tueadny. p. ni. c[.ch Plesherton^ liev. James Uudi^eon, pa.slor. Sunday, lH ».n)., Kellowa'iip Seivice. 1 1 a.m. and 7 p.m. â€" Thu pastor. .Monday oreuin;; Kpworth lisaKue at Kimberley Budget ^ K en July 3id hiKt and decided to have theii annual sulo for I'JKi on the third of March. This ih juit t#<> days after the Uuelpli rs e 111 d Nhuuld catch ii.any of the Wehtein 1 iiyers when they ciiue Kiist and do ii ii j^et whi' they wnnt at the (liie'pli sale. This iiie.in.s that <uir liiocders will have to make it a point to I i.ei thcr aiiimaU ill (irst-clasn sliipo if ^â- ^ I lliey iii»» to cmiiiHiid ihii hi^^'lnst pricis Potato ai-giilg is the Oidcr of tie If „. ihe WckUmu trade, orany other tr.ide dav. The crop ih a i .xcsilUiii oi.e , f..^ „,,, „,„„„,_ but a considctablc uuriibc-i' are aftcc:- 1 ed I'V the rot. entries fur the aale must bo in the Mr... Dawson Ke.r of siaji er '"•"^â- â- ' "[ ""^ *^'''='«''*'y' I''"*- "• »">"'^'- vifiiteJ her sister. Mrs. Win. Klocd. I â„¢-""ll". <'"t.. U. K. No l'. n-.t Ut.i tlie p.ist week. Mhun .iHimny l, lOlti, so that thcunimhlK .. Sir. Thos. Abeicroiiibie retnrnedi'-""" ' "^ '"'*l'""''"^ '""' ''* P'^"'" ""i'».la liome last week uiler an exunded visit Willi fiiei.ds at rairiuouiit, Tliornbuiy and Ilcaiiicote. Mr. E. IJ. Brown of Meafoid vis-itcu with .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Flood one day last week. Mr8..Boolli f'{ Edmontcu was visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. .lames Walker lieie recently. Mrs. Geo. lltitcliiiison. accompan- ied by lier son, Milton, and lute daiigliier, Kaih'een, xisi cd frier.ds ttZ>iiidiH°, luisliogc and Proton recently. The Review Herald Editor and liis brothtr, Edward Fawcett, of Heath- cote, passed thioii'.;li our burg cnioutcl for Eugenia on iSaiiiidu). Messrs. Win. Flood, Tlios. Caiuack •ud .Jasper Stuart motored over to Clarksbnrg to attend the tt^nt meeting "TTud report a large nnmber in attend- ance. J as. It. Fawcett intend j having an exhibit of home giown seed at the 'Pieshertcu {''air next Wediiesdav. a'ikcd to remain Himy from I lie S'lle, and iidvice KKeii to the breeder «n »o how best prep ire imd >liip the .inimals to the sale ill Markdale. With the ei.tiies must be sent a ironey order for ii> per head entered, to cover the expenses of the f.ile, advertising, auctioneer, etc. If the aniinaU entered fail to puss inspectiun the fee will be returned. This is done so that the oHicers will i ot hive the same trouble collecting tlie expenses of the sale as they have had this ye»r. We have the good cattle in Grey Co. ' if we will only ht 'hem up for sale. Let us all ):et busy and tie it we cannot make the I'.UI'i tale one which will be Imd III lu t ill the years lo come. Heathcote L«i«t Week's Items We are pleased to hear that Rev. Mr. John Priddel Dead O.ie by one the pioiieerx of Onprey are pa aiiiK away, deitli cliiiiiing as its mtiiii, Jthii IViddel, on Fiiday, Auitust 27' h, whose death came a» ii iliuck to all, IN he 'was found dead iu bed. Apoplexy i.s pionounccd as having been the cause. Aheiialiidhe cinie to Canada from Kneland with his parents to Uniunville, Markh^m township. As a young man he cinie lo Osprey and Ma.soiu of the For f'e »cconir»odation of Hoineseck erf' atitl general tourist traftic to Western Canada, through train carrying tourist sleepers and colonist caih will leave T ruiito Itl 45 p. m. etch Tuesday until further notice running through to VVinui- pe«. Attention is directed to the reinfirkably low Kound Tiip fares in connection wiifi Homet-ecker.i' Kxcuj'sions to Western Ciiiada via Canadian Piicitic Rjiilway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 20 h, ioclu.sive, mid aru good lo return within two months from dat>^ of sale. .\pply toany C. 1'. R. Ag.uit for full parliculais or write M. U. Murphy, Diatnct Passenyer .Auuiit, Toronto. Young is improviuK after a veiy severe i""^'''"^ ''°"''""* '" »*»'» '"*«•»»»?, lakiog attack of tonsolilis. I"'' " '*"" "" "* ' '^'"'^ ''"« "''«'' '^ *"" ... ,, ,.,,., , -, I mostly an unbroken forest. Fifiy tlireu MiHS Pearl shriuley of Toronto spent i , , , , ., , . , , J lyeaiw aj-o he was innrried to Jane a few days of last week with lier urand- ' >.'. i o i â-  i • , ' " t Mitchell, who preleceased liiiii about uiy'.her, Mrs. U. hhritjley. Mrs. KreJ Hutchinson returned home on Wednesday after spenJiiiK the prst wcik with friends in Toronto ni.d Uraei • Jfirijige. We are pleased to aee Mr. Waller iteekie out agsiii. Mrs. (Rev.) Voun/ and family returr.- «• 1 home on Tuesday after spen ling the pist inonlli in Toronto. ^ ...^Ijr. and Mrs. Ri>dgers, who have bem \ isitina frieml's here an'l lit Duncan f r 4 !:l' past two months returne 1 to tlie'r Ji' me in Wuslon. Mrs. Will, (iilmore and dau)(hter, Vera, of Fairmount, >p.'i.l the na.st week •with Mth. .J. H. Gardner. We welcome \ r. and Mrs. F. Usker I'.d family to our village. Mrs. I'ayn^: of Toionlo, who has been V >.ilinK her 'oother, Mrs. .las. Keek.'e, ' iirned home on Monday. We are sorry iii repoit that Mr. Wni. Hicadner lost a valuable hoisc recently. Miss FerKUSon of Kiinbciley is viiitlrg ber aunt, Mrs. .fas. Reekie We Hits pleated to hearthat Mr. J'ls. jldx£lung iH in.p:oving. A large number from here attended the Turont'i Kihibilion ihis year. eight ytars ago. Tie deceated, who «at in religion a Mitli dial, was 77 ye;ir8 of age, and was regarded by all I .iho knew him as a ni.iii of honour and intugrily. A family of one daughter a-id eiiil.t sons mourn the loss of a kind father, namely: Mr.i. John Miller, of Mcli tyie; John H., CharleH mid Joseph, on farms noir liadjeto.*; Will, Sidney and .Albert, on farms on ihe tliiid line, (>s| r y, the latter on iho old homestead Willi whom the father resided; aud Ja- ind Wilfred, of Saskatchewan, who were uii.ible to attend the funeral. Three sis'ersHiid one hrother also survive, Mr.«. I'i ess, To( onto; Mr*. Koue, Kl- iiionlo ; and Mrs. Newell, UadJHros. The funeral, which was largely altende ', ACM conductwi by Rev. Mr. Lamb, â-  Nsisled by Rev. Mr. Junes of Kugenin, Intur'iieiit was made in Itjdjoros cciiu- tjry. The pallbeaiers wcie ii s six sons. â€" i-'reeiuore Star. Address and Presentation A very pleasant time was apen^ at the lionieof Mr. Chai. Stewart on Thursday evening when the neigh lur* and friends gathered and presented Miss Mabel Uolloway with a miscellaneous shower •'ccoinpsnied br the following address read by Lillian Lever. Miss Mabel Uolloway â€" ,We, your sieighbois and friends, have gathered here this evening to nishfou happiness in your new home. While we regret to •ee you leave our neiKhborhood wu still hope to meet you occasionally. We, liowever, cannot «e« )ou go wiluut ttbuwing in aome wi y th« esteem iu which «« have always held you. We then fore sufk y<Mi to accept this shower at a sliiiht token thareOf. We hop« they will often remiod you of your friends and uasoci tct iif girlhood dayi. We all join in express- tog wir beat withes for your happiners «nd aiMJtiM in yo jr future home. 8 gi > «d on behalf of your fritnds and migh- iMim, Mrs. T. Sled, Mrs. K, Wickenr'. Tliere naano "Anzas region" a few montlM ago, Hut It haa figured inuih in the reoent.dispatc'ies fiom the Dardan- •Hm. The name is made up of the Wtials •( "Austraiish-New Zealand Army Corp»," a body of ro'onial troon irhoM courage and stubborn Kithiirg have given the region a Dsnie that will prr.lMhiy Rtick, Peaches :( UASKKT.S FOR PRICE OF 1 C awfords aud KlberlDt, Direct, fr. iii orchard to you, Fancy No. 1, larjes packed, tl large 11 ijUKrl biiskets for $2.70. No. 2, Ul tie sm.iller fruit, same an u-iually sold, (i large 11 ijualt baskets for|2.1l>. .\bi u'. the same piice for three HH you paid for one. All choice fresh picked and sound. Satisfiii t ion guiia-ile-d. This is peich year. Order juickly, send money by P. O. orKxpr. t order. A. W. Smith, Drawer it.O, Woodstock, Fruit (liower and Who'e- saler. MILLINERY Come to Maxwell and view the ICIioicest Collection of Millinery Merchandise for aut- umn and winter ever yet siiowu iiere. Our Exhibit begins Sat., Sept. 18th And oondnuca tbronghout the season. You will profit by a visit to our attractive display of Tailored and Dress Ilais and Smart Millinery for all occafiions. S. M. Osborne Maxwell, - • Ontario Fall Fairs. Th I followinK Hie the da'es nf the fill fairn this ye'ir in 'he vicinity of I'leshertoii. FLKSHKRTON Sept. 28 2» Feversliani Oct. rili Cha'swortli Sept. 115-17 Chesley S*pt. l(i 17 Collingwood Sept. 22-2r> Desboio Sept. 2.S 24 Duihin §ept. 2:{-24 Hanover Sept. Ki 17 Maiklale* Oct. 121.J Walkeitoii Sept. 14 I.t Dundalk Oct. "-« Meaford Sept ;il), Oct. 1 Owen .Sound Oct. 5, C. 7 Priceville Sept. 30,()c». 1 Rocklyn • Oct. « F. H. W. HICKLINQ FLESHERTON ONTARIO. FALL MILLINERY Our Opening Display was very much admired and w« are well prepared to take good care of your orders. Novelties are coming in every few days and we shall bo pleased to Isaveyou see themiat any time.. Fall Dress Goods and Silks In spite aflect !he range fur the new .season at very reasonable prices. All t le new coloriJ are in stock. Coino in. and look them. over. of the existing war conditions which partieularly e Die.<9- Goods trade, we have secured an elegant the m It will, Look through our range of New Fall (Joat.s. he a pleasure to show you. Pickling Seasoa I'ickling Onions, Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Turmeric Ginger, V and Jem. Jars, saason. Everything fi-esli this- Cement Work Wanted The under»iniic.l is pre|iared to do "ilo buildin); and Concrete wnik Ila'c had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire >:i>i*factioii. Have ^teel forms for silo and all o rht neces-ary for all kinds of cement w.irk. Can also attend to carpenter w<'rk. THOS. BKNTllAM, 1 July FIe«heitun. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BU;TTER AMU EGGS I Dr. J. Ralph Smith | OSTEOPATH [ Oflice and Residenceâ€" 4«8 9th St. East^ Owen Sound, O'lt. ^ Hi)urs-9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4..30 p.m. ! o 8 p.m. t)ther hours by appointment. Dr. H. F. Kniili-h will be in Fleaherton on Tuew'.ay and Friday nflernooBc of each week. The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Pacific coiivenienily reachex Point, Au Biril, French and Pickerel Rivera, Severn River, MuHkoka littkei), Kawartba Laker, Rideau Laki s. Lake Ontario Reaori.'*, etc. If you contemplate a trip of any na'ure couKult Caniidiaii P»cific Ticket Aueiit or wri'e M. O. Murphy, Uistrict PabHenger Agonr, Toronto. Notice to Creditors ^ m In the milter of the Eatnte of Kli/Ji W')odburn,latc of the Village of Kugeiiia, in the Ci^unty of (• ey. Wiiow, decayed Notice ia hereby g ven, pursuant to "IMie Tiii-iteu .^cl", ami HiiieiiiliiieiitH 'hereto, t'lat all cred torn and ollo-rs having claims ayaiiist theestite if â-  he KJiiii VMy.i Woodl.ilVn, who died on or about the tbiit, eiilh day of .lii^y, A L). l'.tl."i,iirere(|iiiri><l on or before the tweiry- .si.xth (liy of Septeiiiber, A. U. lill.'i, to send by post prep^iid or deliver to Po er MunHliHW, Eiiaeoia Pod' OIHce, llntaiin : oi lotJeorne Mitchell, FI«»lierroii, <)iit- ario, Kxeciitira of tin' but will aivl I h'. anient of the wiid I'lli/. i WoodSn.ii. deceatied, t.hoir Christian and Nurn>iiii •«. addr<N.ses and di'^criptiims. the full )-<i- ticulaih of their clainii. the slaleineiit . f ilietr accininis and the nature of the geciirtiis, if any, held by them. .\iiil further lake notice that Hflersoch la»t inontioned dale ihe aaid Kxecii or.-* will proceed to iliKliibiite the nN.'-eig • f the decea«od nmon'.{ the parties cut it 'eil llienlo, having rcKmd only to the clinns of whiih tliev Nl'all then have ii'>tice,>iii<l Unit the Slid Kxeculors will not be liiiiile fi>r tlio »iiid HKselH or any put iliereof to any person or |>erHon»of wliove claim notice shall not, have been leceivetl by them at the time of auch distribuliini. Daied the twenty third day of Augu-«>, l'.n."i. Wriaht Telford & McDonald, Owen Sound, Ont., Solicitora for Execiiton A Business SchooTli! That aueceasful school whoae graduates occupy proniiner.t po- Ki'ionH from the .\ilant.c to the Picihc, re-o|)en« for the FALL TERM S pteniber IhI, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ^ Col|iiigwo..d, Ontario. li _ . â€" â€" nJ I The Old Adage fe^. Property For Sale hilt lot Lil, con 2. N K. T. \ S. R. coiitaininu 2Si nc en, about 1 mile fiimi Fleslierton. 'I'liere la a good frimwVioU"!' and stable and the propi'i4.y . is â- mt=H fencid and watered. App'y to .loseph A. Letiiird, Flesherion or on the proper- ly- IAN , OIFIC The- Pi'oofi of the: Pudding, !». im the Eating. ^ rt H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -ALSOâ€" A line ot Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterationa in free of charge, U required. l<«ep The Business Man On His Western Trip Cannot afford to leave out the citiei that hindlu the crop, Fort William and Port Arthur. Take the Canadian Pacifio route to Winnipeg, the way the busine.sa travola. Dai'y aervice, obtorvitlion and dining car', electric lighted r(|uipment. Dcuble tracks more than half the dia- tance. Comfort, scenery an 1 one man- agement all the way. Dietetic blended meala, the duienCtfic combination of food for traveller*. Particulars from Cannd- inn Pacific ticket agenns nr LONDON September 10 to 18, 1915 REDUCED FARfe To London from stations in Oniaiio, llelleville, ILivolock and West n. Snilt Ste Mirie, White River and North Hj> inclusive, nUa from Detroit, Mich. ]!e sure to c >iif>ujt C. P. K. Agents reit'iidinn EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE Also SPECIAL LOW FARES From Principal Points on ceitiiin datei. iL' The sjtnie is^ ecmallv true of the 1900. C<ira vi ty Washer. Try> one antl beconvMnoetl that there is none bettor. S> HEMPHILL. Aigjsnt,. - Qstylom Full lino ot MoGormiok Farnii Ihiplements,. Binders- Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows,. Hiding and Walking, Harrows, lirantfortl Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds,. iJcattio Ifivy Givrriera,. Hay bonks, i>lings, Filter ( 'arnor.s, Folding BathTubs, Frost Wite and Fence,. Gutters- and Sleighs, A Calli Sblicifaed.. StettisfEtotiitnt! Gitaraitt««^ S. HEMPHILL Agettt* - Ccylan, Ont. i mnmS â- .~J Fust t'liie. c.'iiveiiietit train serv'c- modern ripiiliniunt between Montie.il Oitawn, Toronto, Del roil, Chicai>o. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agen', or write M. (1. Miirfihy, D. P. A., south ea>t cor. King and Yonije •Sti., Toronto. S. Rands, Agent, Fleshevlon The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadiin Pacitic couv»r.ieiMly reajhes Point au Baril, Lake Maaaanoga, Bon Echo, French and Pickerel Rivers, Silvern River, Musk oka Utkr-sKawartha Lakep, Rideau Iiakes, Lake Ontario re soils, etc. If you conteaaplae A trip of any nature consult Canadiitn PaciSc Ticket Agei.tt or wrilo M . C. Murphy, District Passenger Avent, Toronlo. Farm for Sale 200 acres of good fclay Innm. Lots 1112-Ut and 14, Con. :», Oi.prey Ont. Is situated in go.xl hicalily I| >nilps from school, 2 miles from rhurcli, 2h from store ; Frame barn (tUxliO feet on atone foundation, large frame hnure, 1> rooms and wood shed and at.one cellar; 75 acres under cultivation ; 30 «crei< hardw.iod bush, 5 acres of awamp, balance slash and pasture land and part of this ready to iireak up ; never failing spring creek close to house and baYn. Will sell very cheap for C|uic4c sale. - .). A. ORU.MMETT, Maxwell P.O <" Fbsherton Ttei Shop I have jiist! placed oti thio shelves a full line of Tinware, !N iekel ware atwl Agateware for dooiiestic usQ. Gall oiv me amt get ytxitr supplies. Eiivetironghii»g» Stovepipes and Stove Furnisb- lings. Repairing of all kinds promptly atteiKletl to. Pipefitting, including pump work» Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON M ONTARIO. WOOD CUTTING Buiz Saw Wood Cutting with neatnefc* aad dea|iatch, 50 to GO corda per day. At«o a good atraw-cuttinK oniflt. flatasfaotion guaranteed. Leava yiur orders with the undersigned, IJalG -OKO nRACKENBURY, Tevanham BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull for service on Lot 146, Con. 2, S. W. T. A S. R., Arteme«i«. Termafl.OO. All oows served must ho paid for hy Ut March, 191(1. Uepl -U, Pipor, F*leBKex»ton ^S^ Tonsoriat '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satiafactioa LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evrni-ig CLEANING aud DYEINGâ€" We are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotbea cleaned and dyed, feathns rejuvenated T FISHER, .â- ; PROPRIETOR

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