Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1915, p. 8

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THE FLESH E ETON ADVANCE .•;?*»'-.â- ?".»»!â- â-  -fcji;, JBtrSINESSCARDS M^^^.'u'^^'^.^^Tr.^.^^^^i^t^i^tsr^^ WltianT. TKLFOUD 4 MoIKtN.M V> Barrister, Kolicitorn, Ac. t)UleBii. (in y & Bruo* Ulc'ck, l>woa Soiiml. StKUilfcid Hmk *look,FlesliorUm. iSM.jr)»\0. W. H. Wntlii. w. H. roiiota Ji. ,1. c. Mv:i;cniii.i.. i^. n. Societies O U W uieeti ou the Uat Mondty in »oh month, iu their lodge room ytoa'n hall Flaiiberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., J. H-ll«my ; Heo., C. H. Muiih1i»»; ,R. J, Bproula. VUltlog brethrw Invited CK ABTHUft LODGK, No. S33,A.F4 A M, mtietB Id the Uanonic ball. Arm â-  Biook.FlMherton, every Friday od. 'â-  before the tall moon. .1. \N riglit W. M H. W. HlckliDU, Secretary. ilQUBTyLBSHERTON, 988, L 0. F. meet* In V Ohkyton'a Block the laat Wednetdav evening ••eh m.inth. Vielting Forestara heartily Come'C. K., O. Bellamy ; K. 8.. G, Cairta . 8«e , W. HuakiD. Iea(« pay due* to Fin, Bee. before the flrit ,o( the month. r^<B08BM FKIENDB-Fleaherton Connoil rW Choien Friend* meets In Clayton •ahallflrat ^6d third Wediieadav ol each month » p. m My •â- â€¢â€¢Mment* to tne Recorder on or before IA« first day of each month. Chief Conoclllor 1 .IBl^kslcy; Bccordar W. B, Bant. Medical fkB OABTBR If HOP A BODt.Pbyaielan, Barneon etc Oflo* kOd rMldenceâ€" Peter at., Fleaherton If. -MJ Graduate of Toronto Unlveralty •f; Madleal CoUrRe. Reaidenee and Office at - Park Hoaie, Fitaberton. l»bon*24r2. JP OTTBWELI. Veterinary Snrgeon arsdnate of Ontario Veterinary Collese ranideuce â€" ascond door aonth weatioo Iktfy atreet. Thia atreet rana onth Presbyterian Cbareh. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wa^on D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent ^^^^^^S^^l^^S^SS^fe5^^^^^i9 =-7-r- 1 ly Dentistry e. C MURRAY L. D. 6., dental anrgeon lionoi gru'lunte of Toronto University and &vyal College ut Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Qaa admiainiat^red for teeth extraction fto* at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaherton. «.â- ,. , ____^ Legal -„. ^ .«»«â- â-  KANEY * hKNKY-Barri«ter«. • -Wlit' -tip iolh:ltora,e>c.-I. B.Locas, K. C: W. E. ar Raney, K. C'. ; W. D. Henry, B. A. Office*. *li Joronfo. H06-9 Ttadora Uaok Bldg.. phone yp" o:aiii Itli; Markdale Lacaa Block. Phone 2 A. » i ti ranch otlice at Oundalk open every Saturday. LusiNE-ss Cards 4.* COIiliOUGH St YOUNO *' Bankera Uarkdale aeral banking buaineae . Money loaned reasonable rates Call on us. DIfcPRAIL. Lilrrnaed Anctioneer for Ithe * County of Grey. Terma moderate and tla action guaranteed. The arrangements t.1 latea of aalss can be made at Th> Advance sIBcc Heeidenoe and P.O. , Csylon. Telspbone \ onnectlon. ,i^e. tjcn. WU. KAITTINC, Licensed Auctioneer fo> the oonntiea of (irey and Himcoe. Farm and Ktock 'sales a specialty, Terma oioderate. satie-faction guaranteed. Arrange- tnenta for datea may be made at the Advance offiae. '>r I 'entral telerbone oilice {•everabam or by •ddressinc ms at Fsversham, Ont, \ Bull for Service F'urQ bred shorthorn bull, A)>erdeen Pyvi*â€" 8,000â€" for aarvice on lot 29, 8.8. R.. ArtcmnU. Termsâ€" 11.50 for gradef. Purd bred COW" f3.00. Pure bred Tamsworth ho«< for "service on the above lot. Terms â€" $1.50 f jr'all •nimala. Served Bast be ptid for, Mep â€" W. J. MeadH Bull For Service Thoroughbred Shorihorn Bull, " Hill â- â€¢^-r««t fJovernor," No. 854(}8, for service- ,â- â€¢, con lot 27, con 14, Artemesia. Termsâ€" â- 1 Sl.oUlor Bta'loo. Ifl for fhorouKhhreds. -ALEX. CARRUTHKR8. Ceylon and Priceville Mew Fall Goods arriving. Hats and Caps, Sweater Coats for men, women and children. Fall and Winter Underwer. Tweeds and Serges for men's and boys' suits and trousers, also for ladies' wear. Specials this wefek in all summer wear at big reductions. , Millinery Opening, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17th and 18th, at Ceylon. HIGHEST PmCES ALWAYS PaID FOR PRODUCE ' Oar Motto â€" "Small PncFiTr andQuck Eeturns JAMES PATTISON & Co CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE Don't Blame the Innocent ^ Tisu't always tho Cook â€" Poor Tliiiif;! Sometimes it's the Stove. GoDsiderate men want con - Biderate stoves in tlieliomc. Tbcy know â€" Bad Stoves make Bad Dinners. bad Dinners make Bad Tempers. The " Moffat" Stoves between Kitciieu and Dining Room is a good Stove. Come and see our line of good cookers. They save lime, fuel, energy and tem- per. â- -^v F. W. DUNCAN Columbia ^^ Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Columbia is the perfect talking machine. Compare all others, then bear this and we are not afraid of the repult. We can sell macbiiies on easy terms to responsiblo people. All the best appointed city homes have (heir parlor machines and there is no reason why the farmer should not have Ap best music of the day in fail bome^dadiug band music, vocal artists, and performers on all kinds of iuttromentp. Yon can liavu it on a Oslnmbia Orafonola. as perfect as the original, and for much lesK than yon wotiH p4y for u (lomraon Organ. Tboy langc irom $20 up. The Perfect Columbia l8 » marvel of recording instrn- tmntg and (be Columbia records, m^a to Oanada, embrace tbonsands of tslNtioos from wbiob U> cbooee. rttoii erton Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 * ONT. ^ Jf'jeJ^^SJ^'^^JSSS^i^afS^?^;^"'" Positions Guaranteed *>'l'iit' vcfy I'cst III 00 1(1 liilit' i*^ .J liCSt |ll 00 1(1 llllit' 1^ CiiiiiiiicrL'lHl TiHJniiiv i'* il.o ^f Y: OWKN SOUND, ONT., SJjJ ! The D'Hiiinion (iiivi'i'iiiiient guaranteus |P04it,icii.s U) Noriliein CusiuoKS Collo'/e, () von Siiund, itraduatei who {wis llie ('ivjl Service Exxmiimtionfi In May and November Hilaiiog $600 to |il2(K» .XtnhilioiiR young men and woiiiei', h.iv- W N" olhec C»n»tlinn School iidVis^ iiiR Httendeil lli^h School for a yimror BJ^iliUAf HdviiiiHgiiH: ^ua more, ouKht eaaily to ]mH8 these cxHiiiii - ^C urK«w umUr peiaoiml â-ºuper-^ |atioii(<, »f tor takinj} our Commercial and |ffviHi.,n<,faChH.t.rrd Ac„i,ni.int.qS g.^^^ ^io Courae f.r .ix or viffht '^ ;tOnicn.Hsful jcaig. Q , month*. Write for partiouUrs to Nurth- Our own building, and every ^v>\A- W- H. TJuirit tfMit rle»K( Agent ern liuainesa ColleRe, C. A Fleming.', Fall term opening Sept. lat. J^^ 'ui' own nuuuing, aiiu every K>''iu*^[^ > 8? uate in a |H»iition. ^ | Principal, or G. D. Fleming. Sticretar.c .ButiiipPN. Shorthand, Picparatoryi fand Civil Sorvicu D«partmeiitH.| iKiiler any day. Cataloguo free, on, rfi|ueHt. C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., M Principal So. D. FLEMING Secretary £ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^ For Service For Horvice on lot 13, onn. H, Oiprny, one purebrid Khortboro Bull. Terms •l.W). AIho one pure l)r«d Yorkshire Boar, Termnll.tM). All account* mutt be paid to KHKD TYLKR. Manueer, or 0. H. BURKE, Proprietor. 1 Sep. STRAYED Heifer at r«yrd, innrlly red aitli little while, a(>out Auk. ^> 'â- '°'" '*>'' ^^ <'°"- LS, ArtMinMU. - LE8UK CHAKD, FUherlon P.O. Stock for d«le A conpl* of brood oowi. I Purktlilra and 1 TaniwoHh for •tU. Tons* lo luit yaretaMor GEO. W. ROBS, M»x«*ll P. O. House and Lot for Sale Corner lot oppnnita the Preabyteritn ohureh, houio conUini roima and hath, cement cillara, Mment cistern intide, Roodwell and staHe. For terms apply on premisOT. lino. -MHB. R. H. WRIGHT FI««bfrton. How to Get Rid of Mites III the warm weiilher there aro fio^iuent •nijuirics as to why henii,sto]i laying. lo Bome caHCH the hens hnvo liiid very we I all HOHSuii, but suddenly the egi; yiel'' be^inj to fall otf and sometimes ceases entirely. It \\ peedleM to expect a Hock to ley cfiually well lit all times. A flock th>>t has laid heavily during the winter wi 1 generally slow up towards the middle i f the <)uuimer and when they begin to moult, but when the enij yield drop- rajiidly un'il it practically ceauerf without any app-irent reason, suspect vermin. Of all the many varieties of vermin that infest fowl the Ked Mite is the most troublesome. Unlike the ordinary hen louse they are not as a rule found on the fowl, neither are they killed by dunlin?, H8 the ordinary body louse is. Tho^c pe.sts breed very rapidly, eepecially during the hot weather, usually in cracks containing filth or in dirty nealini: iiiiiteiial. They aro not red in colour as \i popularly suppoied, but gray. It ig only after they have come into contact wiih the fowl ar.d have become tilled with blood that they appear red. The young miles are white itud have only six legs but after casting' their skins, which they do several times, they have eight leg*. The case skins nidy be seen like a while powder .iround the peichef, this oficn being the first indication of the presence of mites. They are able to live and re- produce for mouths without animal food, the first food of the youn^ probably being filth or decayed wood. They thrive best in dark dirty houses, and have been found t<) exist in houses the following season after the fowl had been removed. They usually attack the birds it night but are iometimes found on laying bei>8 and they frecjuently drive broody hens from the nist. They pierce the skin with their needle-like jaws and suck the blood, after which they retire to the seclusion of the cracks and crevicci of th-; rooi'ls, nests or other p.irts of the house. They will bite man or other mimiuitls causing severe irritation, but will never remain on them for any lentfth of time. If the fowl are not doin^r well and on examination are ihiantrthan they should be, a ilutrp lookout should be kept for mites. At night they may be seen either un the fowl or running along the perches. In the day time examine the cracks snd crevicee of the roosts and walls closely, or lift the roosts and ex- amine the places where they come in contact with the support*. If mite* are found to be pre.sent the first step in banishing them is to give the houie a thor< u^'h cleaning. Remove all dropf- incs and old nesting material, scrape and sweep out every particle of dirt and burn it. Then if you are so fortunately situ- ated that you bave water pres^urj) at your command, turn on the )\ri«e'^witli as muc'i pressure as you can get, ibrcing the water ii.t > every cra:k. If, as is the case on must faimi, ynu cannot use this method, it i* advisab's to scrub down the walls with a brush or old broom, but in any case li.ey should be tl oroughly sprayed or (ainted with a good strung disinfectant. This wash ahould be re> petted in a few days, to destroy the mites which hatch after the tint appliia. tion. Tho disinfectant may be applied with a hand spray pump or if such is not available, a biush will do, but in either case the fluid should bo used liberally and every crack flooded. Freah air and sunlight are wonderful disinfectants and corobiood with clean- linens are preventives against most «f the ills of the poultry yard. Ordinary coal oil will kill mites but as it evtpurates (piickly the elTecrs are not so laiting. kn excellent "paint" to apply to tl rousts and nest boxes is comfioaed .if one pait Ci'udd caibolic to three or four pan* caal nil. . Even after the hous* has been cleaned the crackk in the roosts and nos' boxes should lie flooded at regular intervals tliioui{]uiut the summer either with the furtinoiilionnd "'paint" or wit'i coal oil. This will go far to keep the pests in check but it must be roir.«tded simply as a check and tho lhuioU|<h or onnual house cleaning described above put into ott'ect as soon a* possible. To fiioilit'ttu the ease with which this house cleaning may be done all fixtures such bs roosts or nest boxes should be made movtble. If they are statiuoary at pi'Oieut advantage should be taken of the lint rainy day to change them. ll will be time well tpent, CATTLE STRAYED Strayed from the premioes of (he un- deri-igned, lot a5, con. 8, Oaprey, aix head of c«ltlo as follows :- 4 yearlings- 2 red with while face, 1 brindla and one spotted ; also two 2 ye*r-o'ds--l bi indie and 1 spotted, both dehorned. Send information lo WM. THOMPSON, R. R. 2 Singhamptnn. Bull For Service For aervio* â€" B^ron Hollyâ€" Mo. 0428. A'.ierdeen Angu', on '.ol 34. 9ih cuuteae- ion, Arleinraia. Terms. fl.OO if pai« before l*t Jan. 1915.- W. J. Majee. May lb , { On the Field of Honor j â€" i The puUi-hers of The Fdinily Herald | ind Weekly Stai, Montreal, are making | I strong bid for that beautiful picture, | uU of pathos, entitled "On the Field of 'l<inor." It ih assumed the publishers if the Funiily Herald h.tve in mind using 't as a presentalion plate. If that is so here is a g'eat treat in store for readeis â-  if The Family Herald and Weekly Star Lliia autumn. In past years the Family Herald of Montreal has been noted not inly for the wonderful excellence of that journal but for many beautiful pictures (t hns presented to its readers. The Family Herald has a namefoi succeeding in anythini^ it undertakes, and we feel •iUTi! If it is humanly possible to secure "On the Field of Honor" that the pub- lisliois will succeed in getting it. "On the Field of Honor" is attracting wide- npre^d attentioD in Europe. Auction Sale OF FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF AKTEMESIA Under and by virtue of the powers of sale cout..iued in a certain mortgage, which wtH bd produced at the time of sale, there will be ofl'ered for sale by public auction at the Munsbaw House iu the Village of Fleaherton on Saturday the Sixteenth day of October 1915, ai the hour of two o'clock*in the afternoon, the following property, namely : FIRSTLYâ€" Lot number Twenty-one in the Eighth Concession of tba Town- ship of Artemesia in the County of Grey, containing fifty-four acres, more or lets SECONDLYâ€" Part of Lot. numb-i Une hundred and forty in the Third Range N'irth East of the Toronto and Sydenham Road in thi said Township of Artemesia, being the Eastern cornet of paid Lot, adjoining Lot number Twenty-one in the Eighth Concession and biuiided on the West by the Meaf- ord Road, and conlainin;; fire acre8,inore or less. This property is situated about three miles from the vil'a^e of Flesherton I'pon the premises are said to be a lo. houiie, a tr^nie birn, aUu an apple or- ' chard. The farm i» well watered, and i all cleared except about six acres. Terms :â€" Ten per cent, of ihe pu'- chase mon-y to be piid at the ti>ne of sale, and the bUaiice thirty dtys there- after, without interest For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to â€"WRIGHT & TELFORD, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitors fut Mortgagee. Dated Sept. 20th, 1915. To the Panama Pacific Exposition rla the Canadian Rockies . Mr. U, O. Be!l, manager of the Bell Furniture Co. of Southampton, ha) been making ii number of trip* to Ottawa and Toronto lately and thgy have not been altogether for his health. List Tuesday he returned hoo:^ with a nice fat order for shellts and aliell boXei, tucked in hia inside pocket, and .Southampton mechiin- ic« should httve t busy time this fall and winter tilling those orders. We h'.pe our factories her-i will bd able to handle a giod big slice of these orders.â€" South- ampton bcHcon. During an electric 8*orui last week a Varney young lidy, a Miss Short, school teacher there, I'ud a maivelous escape from dea'h. She was sit'ing on a .sofa when a bolt of lightning etruck the house and passed down through the «ofa. Miss Short was badly injured about the limbs and breast. Her clothe* caught fire and the received some serious burns, but the medical men say aJie will recover. Prompt assistance extinguished the flames. The sofa was c;impletely shatter* ed and a dog which was lying unuerneatb was inatnntly killed by the current. Mis* Shoit's escape is said to be nothing short of miriculoue. The young Udy conies from Arthur, Ont. While driving along the road in hia car in the vicinity of Mr.Victor Tanner's in Elderblie Tp., on Friday afternoon last, Mr. F. C. Ryan overtook a flock of sheep in the middle of the road. Slow- ing up the car, he managed to get nearly past them, when one of the flock ran dir- eclly iu front of the car, the wheels pass- log over and almost iusantly killing it. The she^p belonged to Mr. Tanner. The at came out <f it with a b»dly bent and' iwisted bumper. Thij is the second accident of this kind lately, owing to (armer* letting their animals pasture *long the roadside, Mr. Jas. Ciaig hav- ing run into and killed a calf a short time ago.â€" Paisley Advocate. Veiy Engaging. Anut Annaâ€" Tour wife Is a perfect! flear, William; she has such engaging ways. Mr. Stubbs â€" Right you are, annt; she has engaged fully two dozea aUTerent cooks In the last sir months to my cei^ain knowledge. â€" Florida nmes-Union. Retreating In Disorder. "Who waa that tough looking chap S law yon with today. Hicks?" Te careful, Parker. That was ml) twin brother." ' •3y Jove, old chap, forglre mel 1 raally oagbt to bave known."â€" Kanaai OII7 TlmeB. ^ i -*^*' Ancient Silk. S A book pnblished in Japan 1^ feaia ago notes that at that time good iHk was already produced in twe&tf* At* moTlnces of that conntrx. _ kt the present time « great many are planning their annual tonr. Conbider- able nunibei'N visit the popular California resorts, while many prefer tne unsur pa!»eJ resorts, ptUtial hotels and man | nilicint sKneryi f theC'tnadian Rockies. Tills year why not combine the two by » vi>it to the Panama Pacific Exposition. Numerous people in comfortable cir- :uuis'anc s, well able to afford a trip, <ave ihe mistaken idoa th it a journey of this nature is iiioat expensive. Thisiaj Tiot NO, tiMiika to the inodein railway! tRcil.ties, KU extensive trip, both iiitc - eslii g and eduoAtional, can be made with <I>eed and comfort at a comparatively ipall cost. Why not investigate.' Those conteniplaling a trip nf any nature will receive full information from nny C. P. R. Agent ; or write M. G. Murphy, Diatiie.t Paaaenger Agent, Toronto. Expects Peace In Fall. A Canadian trooper at the front, writing to friends In London, ex- presses the opinion, which is shared by the majority of his pals, that tba end of summer will see the end of the war, and that the trench war will soon be a thing of the past. "There has been little doing dur- ing the past tew weeks." he writes, "but I fancy that we shall shortly he on the move. I "I have seen quite a few AmerW can Red Croas cars lately, and It ia intereating and instructive to see signs on them such as 'From Friends in Boston, U-SA.' Blood is thicker than water, and no doubt you havs heard that the Saxoiu refuse to lira' on our fellows in the trenches. I am filled with amasement and ad- miration for the British Tommy. I thought that I knew him pretty well, but I did not. He is really wonder- ful and It is a privilege and honor to do one's bit by hia aide. What he aulTera during the winter, ia l)eyon4 description. Let us hope that the nation will not forget him after the war.- The Advance Office, Flesherton All pricesâ€" $20, $32.50, $45, $65 and up. Easy terms if wanted. Call Mid (te thi w. i)* \ T ' W» r^^ V 'i:^%

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