Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 4

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September 30 1915 THE F L E S H E K I N A U VANCE THB* /lcsl)crton -\^uancc An i«Aoj>eiKlen» new»t>»P*''. l«iWUh*iI every Collin The Late Josias Greene III liU 82nd year und nft^r aliiiuKt (iO jwo.xl Street, I years in the MethodUt luinittry, Kev. wh«np«din»dvM>c«";$l.65«h..,Mu.t.o i.»i<l | J<«"«s Creeno. h former well known ims VtMberton. Subscription prioe »1 per annunt " "(5 «h<ii not »ii I>»i(l AdverHmnnritesonappllrati'iii. Circulation 1.100 wekly JV M. X»i»ir»toi.- Editor Flesherton Methodist Churcli Rev. Jsmes Du>I){<-<>n, ptxtur. Sunday, 10 •.If., Fi-lliiw>lii|j Service. II *.m. and 7 |<.ni. ~ I. K. Ddiin Aloiidity even ng K|iwiirili Leaxuu *l M p.m. Letters From The Boys In Khaki Mr. Juscph Clinton of Fle.nlierton has received the following letter trmn his nepliew, Stanley (ianiey, wli'i is at'iiched to the Canadian Reseive Brigade F.eld Brii^ade, written at Shorncliffe Sept. H : As you may know, we sailed from Muntratl on June 29, about 3 o'c'ick in tbe morning;, on the White Star liner lor of the F'eshertou and Euf;eni» chuicheii, died (it hia home in Clinton on Monday from an illneas of only a few weeks. Althout(li HU|)eranuated for sev- eral years he has [iroAched alnioat every Suiidiy ilurin>; that lime, and his contin- uous activity w^s a surprise to all who knew him. Rev. Mr. Green was paator of the Methodist church in Inverniay in 1874 M hen it was decided to ticct a .Meihoditt churcli in Tara, and he re- mained pastor of the two churchea du>- ini 187.") and 1870. Thiee yeara ago Uruculieid Methodist churcli was unab'e to get a pre;icher, and Rev. Mr. (ireeii ort'cied to till the vsci'ncy, and duiing these X""** has fiiithfully perfornieU the duties iif pastor and preacher, driviiiij frorfi Clinton, a distance of six mile", through all kinds uf weather. He was ihe " f.iiher " < f leniperiUiCc) work in iiiiron Ciiuiily, and to his activity is largely due tlit advanced position Huron Cuiity his reached in refusing lo legalize the li'|uor lialtic, it heiui; no# under the C.T.A. He was alho deeply interested ill the work of the L'jid's Day AlliHiice Northland, tormerly the Zealand of the , ,• „ii a â-  i i i > i ' ^ and the Hilile Society and hud leen the Ked Star line She is a fairly nice boat, i i- â-  â-  - , r ,â-  - .. ' leadiiij; liical spirit I'f these oncinizituins, thouuli slow, but we had a cood trip .â- , j . , . . • .. ,i^ > * h K j.,^„ daughters curvivo hiui, Mrs. (Dr.) •cros* aud enjoyed it inimeosely, even r> w ti, . i « u . • •" ' ' C. >>. 1 nonipson hiiJ Miss Uciince at though our iiuariers in the stecrai^e were â-  ti . . i u i. i * ' * lu'iiie. He WHS born in Hamilton and none of the best, We landed at Devon- .• . t .i t; r j /â-  the manager of ilie banford Coiiipany there, Mr, Joseph Greene, is a brother. I Uliir brothers are Jaine', Senttle ; aid Homeseekers Special Train Leaves Toronto 10.45 Tuesday. each For t'<e itcconiinodation of blomeieek ors' aud general tourist traffic to Weatern Canada, through train carrying tourist aleepers and colonist cais will l(^»ve T 'I'oiito lU 45 p. III. eM;h Tuesday until further notice running through to Winni- peg. Attention ia directed to the reintirkably low Kuund Tiip fares in conneccioii with Hoineseekeri' Excursions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacitio Ettiilway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 2l> h, inclusive, and are good lo r.-liirn within iwo oi'.iilhs fioni d iff- of sale. Apply to any C. P. R. Ag'iit for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Paasenger Aiie;it, Toronto. K irliard, i.f Torunlo, The wife of Rui. i\V. ti. Hiiicks of Tironio is a sister, as i-i Mrs. J. Kro t of SVinnipeg. an.l Mrs. Cowieof Cjledoni'i. The funer.'il was he;d fruin Wesley cl.ii ch to Clinio.i cem- eleiy on Wedneaday. <'li b> in^ .>'ii| ei.'ii.u .tt J slhiut f 111' en | yewr-Migo he liad spent 41 yoa's cuntiiiu- i ous!y in iiiiiii..-tiTiHl work. Dunns! ihesrf yi:M-< he su|>ei intended the following iiiMi.li> : Keppel, Artemes'n, Clia's «oth, Inverniay, Haniver, Paii'e;', Ciu'sl -y, Port K'gin, l.uckiiow, Oii.n on, Gorii-., Knllnrioii Hiid lloniesviUe. To anjone Hci|Uaitiled wi h ihe^e eaily d.<}s it will readily appear tha: these circuits covered many iiiilod of lerriti ly. For iiisliiiice, that of .\ileine>iii comprised wliut are now Klesh'.Tton, Dundilk, Piiceville, Ka;;eiiia. Kuphrasia and Markdale circuits, now in ihe charge of at leiist s.x men. The early Meihodiat preacher* who went into ihe newly settle 1 ilis:rklR were im weakliii'^^h. Mr. M. K. Richart'son of Flesli'-rloi, was a strong pers nal friend of the de- cf.iJO 1 gml'eniui i iid attended the f iiievii'. He was i.Iso piesent at Mr. (in en's ordination in Toronto in lHli4, pott on Ju'y !*, being met about 24 hours out by a pair .f litle, lnn^', black, wicked looking ilestroyers, who escoited ua in. We had a rousing reception from al the craft in tl;e Sound and in Plymouth Hoe and especitlly fiom the Jackies <,n sev- eral training bhips anchoied there. .\'< a matter of fac*. the people are all ex- C:-edingly hospitable and lan'l do cnjUish for you. Ourtiip acroi:* the south <>f England to Shorncliffe was a rare treat, •a the scenery is s inply (;rand. I am 4|'lite sure I never saw m 'ru liL-autiful or picturesiiue coun'ry. The absence i.f i.ur ugly fences and great l.are bari.s, I think, are in a large degiee lesponsilile for the never-ending green of the land- ocape, but of course it wiis the season when the country is al its best, anyway. The trains are comical little things, but run very fast. Level crossings are a thing unknown. .Shorncliffe, as you jirobably luow, is in limes of peace a garrison town, and we Hei« ao fortunate as to be ({Uarlered in one of the b^irracks, i.f whic'.i th.' e aie u goodly number, allhouih net sithcient <t) hold a fracti'>n of the tro pi v1 ich are -.it pre"iei!t (|U»rlered ab )Ul liiie, as the whole country for a ra lius of ten njiles is more or less a vast Canadian camp, li 4> said that up to this week there were some 50,000 of our In ops I.ere, hut of course tliu whole second division will pr.>!>iiily l.e " sniiicwhcre in Fiance " bef.»re you get this, BS they arc niuving .-Vnollicr of Osprey's p o.ieers p.issed this week. I might remark that last a nay ul the homo of his son, W.H. Guy, Thursday we were leviewed by the king on Sept. 24, when William (!iiy, Sr., and Kilchfiier, the king pissing nia so li.ed of apoplexy. De eased was Hi) yrs. closely tint I could have touched his of ngc. flu was liotn in llie Ioaii of Jiorse by merely i xleiidiii.^ ny hand, Hull, Voikslire, England, and iiiimigral- wliile Kitchener rode aloii'^side him. 1 ed to Cana la in lH4li and made a shojt â- cannot say I hit Ilia iniiji'sty cuts a Very hlny in Toronto. He tin n moved lo King iiiiimsnig fii^nre, but Kitchener more wheio he wirked at his trade as I lack t'laii makcH up wh.l the kiiu niay lack, ^niitli. In 1H.">2 lie moved lo Kleiiil urg Our l.arracks loolt out over the channel "'"^ bought a shop and •itarted for liim- i'.d from our windoAs nmy be i-een at "c'f. Ho then aol.l our and came to any hour the ceasoUsi patrol of the de- Oprey in 1804, where he has resided up Atroycrs and subii'iii-iiies, itc, while air craft, both dinaiblo* aiii '• planes" are almost as coin 11,011 ai r.l ins i.t home. iVe are about a m:le from Folkestone, who'i ia a very fashionable resort ; a 'juarter of u mile from Sandgate, and -ibf>ut three mile;! frnni Hythe, while Dover is alout ten miles away to the lUorlh. I In n cle ir d.iy the coast of iFrance i< easily visible and occasionally we hoar the dis'.aut roar of the (.uns on the tightin'.{ line. , Ho far as our life isccncerned, we have little to coinpliin of. We have splendid <|Uartors, get good food and are not , working nearly so hard as at Kincston. We form the Reserve Brigade of the! Fall Fairs. The following ate the da'es of the fall f.<ira this year in 'he vicinity of Flesherton. FLESHEllTON Sept. 28 29 Fevershani O.'t- 5-C Cha'sworl li- Sept. IG- 17 Chesley Sept. ItJ 17 Colling wood Sept. 22-25 DesWoro Sept. 23 24 Duihvn Sept. 23-24 Hanover. Sept. Hi 17 Maik.lale Oct. 12-1.1 W.ilki rton Sept. 14 1.5 Dundalk Oct. 7-8 Meaford . Sept 30, Oct. 1 Owen .Sound Oct. 5, 0, 7 IMceville Sept. :iO,()c'. 1 IJocklyn Oct. 8 R R W. HICKUNG ^^ FLESHERTON ONTARIO. FALL MILLINERY Our Opening Display was very much admired and we are well prepared to take good care of your orders. Novelties are coming in every few days and we shall be pleased to have you see them at any time, Cement Work Wanted Thi* imderi>is;iie.l is prepircl ii' I'o «i|.i building mid C'licrete woik. Ha'e had thirteen years experience anU feel that I can g'vo entire p.iii^factioi.. Have steel forms for silo and ail o rlit neces-aty for all kinds of cement w.'rk. Can also attend to carpeiiiir w. rk. THO.S. BK.NTHA.M, 1 July Flocherton. The Ideal Vacation Route The Criiiadiin pMoilie convonienily re^iches Pcinl Ao UirM, French Mid Pickerel Rivers, Severn Uiver, M.iskokii Liik s, Ivawirtli.i Lakes, Itidetu Likis, Like Omario Resorts, etc. If you coiiteniplato a trip of any iia'ure consu't t iiimiluin pHcilii- Ticket Agent or wri'e M.G. Mnrpliy, District Patsenger Ag.'iit, Toionto. Fall Dress Goods and Silks In spite of the existing war conditions which particularly attect the Dress Goods trade, we have secured an ele^'ant range for the new stsason at very reasonable prices. All the newcoJors are in stock. Come in and look them over. Look through our range of New Fall Coats. be a pleasure to show you. It will Pickling Season Pickling Onions, Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Turmeric Ginger, Vinegar, and Jem Jars. Everything fresh this season. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS fc^j Dr. J. Ralph Smith! OSTEOPATH Office and Residence-4t>8 9th St Owen Sound, U>it. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment, Dr. U. F. Kntlib *ill be in Fl-shetton on Tuestlay and Friday afternoons each week. East of The Old Adage Ia Busii Death of Wm. Guy. Notice to Creditors .f to the time if li s death. His second wile, Kli7. .th RrowniiJge, [iieceded bini four years ago. lie leav os lo mourn his loRi Ivo sons slid one diiighter, uiiinely W. H. (Juy and Mrs. \\ell.ir of Maxwell v..d T. M. Guy of Thornbu.y . Alexander H»y loft Owen S und about .1 inonlh ago and lias iii ver been heiird fioin (iiice. The remains of a man were r jcently found on Hon [aland, neir Kil'- atU'-y, and it is llioiinlit iliey m.iy le those of the missing iniiii. Stock For Sale Mare and f-ucking c I' f-ir Nile - nmie in !• years old â€"i,l*iMi colt rising 2, all . good stock, and one young cow tiv.> yr». First Divimon Artillery, and every now | „ij, ,„„i cif. - a'HOS. KKNWICK, Kiigeiiia. and then a reinforcement draft is sent I acroaa. A howii/.er battery is being, forine.l, however, and 1 wbh one of those for it, tio it m probable that inside the iiiext week or ao wo will have another move, but where to ia still a subject of much speculation. lam (|uite ready to move out of here. Ion, A8 every time we move wo see new hi,jlit«, and if there ia me thing more than ai other for which I Ilia country is adapcd it ia fur siglilaee- .ing, for it 18 Hure'.y full of interesting , placet for the raw colonial. i^verydiing in very dear here -that is, | I VeryUiliig a Boldiur i< likely to buy â€" | dearer, in fact, than in CMiada. Iinag- 1 in« paying Is 4d for ham and euga, not ' as good 01 as well served as yo.i can get in the best iHstsurant iiiToronlo for 25o. i mid tobacco a's) is expensive «nough to oncoura^ie Ihe poor Tniiiniy to cut down Ilia only solace to i, minimum. Moral «unditioiiB, too, are very bad. Thuy fay , .every camp lias in ipi' ti of feina'e can p .followeis, but, I supi use because the, Oaiiadiaii Tommy ia rtjiuteil to have li la i of nii'iiey, we siiiely have more tli.ii our' shnru i Oiie my regur/s t any ol ! fr emli ji.u niiy luii riero'. 1). MILLINERY ('oino til iMiixwell (inJ vifw tilt) ICIioiceit Ciillcotinii uf Milliiiciy iMi'ieliinuiise for anl- tiiiiu and wiiitcr ovei yet sliowii here. Our Exhibit bcgiiisi Sat., Sept. 18th And contiiiucfi tlM-oi»ghoiit tlio Boa.'fon. ^'oll will profit by a vLsit \n iiiir ittrftctire display <)l'Tiiilor»^il mid DieHu llais (ind Sniatt Milliiierv for all occasions. S. M. Osborne Maxwell, - - Ontario illa; of Kliza •• of (1 ey. 111 the 'irilter of t'lo Estate W.)odl>urn,l»te' of the V Kug.iiiii, in tbe C. uiily Widow, deo.a'ed Notice is her.diy g ven, pursuant to "The Tiiistco .Act", iiinl iiineiidineiils •her. I.'i, t^iiil ail oied lor.-* and i tln'is hiving e'tiiiiis aLtaiiist tlu'estite (.f ilie i-,iid Kliz i Woodburii, who died oo or about the tliiit ei.tli day of.Jn'y, .\ 1). l'.(l.'>,:irerci|uiied on or bef..io tin- t\v ii'y- Ki.xtb .Ity of .Seploniber, A. I). l'.H'<. to send by |/ost pr.'piiil or ilelieer lo I'e er Mniisbaw, Kiinoi.ia Post (Itlice, Ontniio : 111 ti> < ieoige Mitchell, Fledicrton, tint- iirio, K.xeciilors of the ln't will an 1 t »'• atnoiit of the .said Kli/. i Wi od n.-ii. ibe use ', their Christian aid suno in.'s. â- iddr. saes and d.-scriptions, the li 11 pir- tlcnlars of tleir clniiii<, llie siatuniei.t if ilieir iccinilils and the nature i f the i.eeiirtiiH, if any, lie'u ly tlicni. And further take notice that after such la^t iijenlicined dale ilie snid Exoin ors «iM proieeil to ilistiiliuie the io>ei» it the deceased ntiiniig the parties etitl'ed then t.', having reijird only to the el. mis of » hi, Ii lliev si all then iMVe iMtirf .old tlwil ilio Slid Kxeculois will not be liao'e f.r Ilie faid a>.sels or uny pml iliereof to uny person iir persons id wl"e.e claim iioiic.1 shall i.ol Imvo In on lece ve<l by t belli at the tinn' of such distribiii i.>ii l)i'eil the tweiilv ihul duy of Au'.jiist, l!>l.">. Wtiirlit Telford it MeDloot'd, ( >weii S.iiiiiil, Out., Solicitors fur Kxeciiton H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailorint! Seasonable Goods, first clasj Workmanship. Al.KO A line of Keady-Made Which ness Sc That successful tchoid whose graduates occu|iy pr.iniiner.t po- s'tions from the .\tlant.c to the Pacilic, re-opens for the FALL TERM Sptember 1st, 1014 Send for free catalog iit once to COLLINGWOOn BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Colbligwo id, Oiitari The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The ^aiue is equally niie of tbe 190i> tiravity Washer. Try oneaiul be convinced that there is none hettdT. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon .Tn ( 'Si 1 V * .t h i. sl> »J' Property For Sale â€" y ; Part lot ir.l, conj^f^. T. .V: .S. \\. coiitaiiiina 2S,\ M»<1^ ^ J mile fioin' Fle.shertoii. "k«Lie-^[u^i>u /l3jKHLiu^''t' ; and stable and the prtlTxrfjrTP^f^l, fenced and watered. •â- ^pp'y t" .losopb A. Letiiird, Fleshortfm or on the proper- ly- ii ANADIAN ^ f>iKCIFIcr Full lint^ ot AlcC'onuick Farm Implenient.s. Binders 'Mower.-*, Kakes, Loaders. Drills, L'nltivatois, . Plows- Kitlinj» and Walking, Harrows, Hrantf'ord Wintl Mills, PamiKS. Piping ant' Fittings of all kintls. Beat tie Hay Carriers. Hay I'orks, Slings, Filter Curriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frcst Wiieantl Fence, (.'utters ami Sleighs." A Cait Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL M Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | n-r LONDON :SU= â- .^ we put chaiKC, alterations if renuired. Cothlnj! I fi.e if laep The Business M»n On Hi» Weaiern Trip t'aniiot alTiiid to leave out the eitioa that handle tlici crop, Fuit William and I'lat Arthur. Take ihe Canadian Pacitio route to Wimiiftni;, the wny the biisinoss Iravola, Diii'y Hi'rvice, olijevition ami dining eivc, electiic Iglited ii|uipin«iit. Double trucks more than half Ihe dis- tance. Oomforb, ao .nrry Rui one nmn- agenniit all the way. Hioiofic blinded meals, the .sclent i tic eonibii,aiion of food for travellers, P.irticula s from Caiiftd- irtii P.icilic ticket ngeiiss September 10 to 18, 1915 Mj^^^^^'^^^ss^^^^^^^^^s^^^s^i^ S.ultil^l . REDUCED FA UKs To Loiuloii from stations in (hHai lUdleville, Hsveloek and West t Slo Marie, While Kiver and North H.iy inclusive, also frmu Detroit, Midi. Ite sure to c msull C. P. U. Agents |||^ rfi!inbiiij I III EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE; |jj^ Als.) SPECIAL LOW FAIIKS From l'rinci|>»l Poinis loi ceitnin dat s M FhsI t'ln^. 0. nvenient train serve-. nindern eipiiiniieiir lietwe.'n Moiitieil • )ttaw», 1\moiii.', Detroit, Chicane. Particulars fioni any t\nHdimi IVeit-c T'ctei .\..<eir, or write M. <«. Mniiiliy, I). I". A., siiulll ea t cr. Kii'U ulid Yoiiye .Sts.,Ti.ionro. Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateiyare for domestic wse. Call on me and get your supplies. EavetroHghing, Stovepipes antl Stove Furnisb- rngs. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. fi S. Rands, Agent, Flesherton i m s^ The Ideal Vacation Route iM The CanaiR.n Pauitio conver.ieiwly jjj| Pipefitting, inchuling pump work. Furnaces installetl. Agent for Clare Bi-os. Furnaces. reachis Point au Hiri', Like Massaiio^a. Bon Keho, French and Pickerel Uivers, S.'vet'ii Kiver, M<uskokn Luke.s, lv>iwartha Lako^ Uideau Lakes, Lnke Ihitaiio re- sorts, etc. If you contemplao a trip tkf any nature oonsult Canadian Pacilio Tiol»'l Auent* or write M . C. Murphy, District Passenger Avcnl, Toronto. Farm for Sale 'JOll acres of good clay loam, lots lllt'l;! and 14, Con. ."I, Osprey Ont. Is situated in Kood loculity \\ miles from school, " miles from ehiiteli, L'J from store; Frmne bain (itlKt'.tl feet on stone foiindat'on, larne frsme hoii-e. !1 roonia and woi.d slio.l and stone cellai ; To seies ni.iler euitiv.itiiiii ; ;iO acre? hardwood busW, .'i acre* of swamp, b dance slush and pas' lire 1 1 nd and put of this ready to Oil D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. iiiU^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % WOOD CUTTING nd CiittiiiR «itli to lil^i" rds per ntniK (1 -/ - Le.ivB yt ni FlesHepton «^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors Hutz 8aw Wi neatnes-i and ileai«ititi, ,">(! day. .\l*> .â- Â» K'mkI straw-eiittiiiK imttit, Saflsfaetion Riiaranteeil, orders with thx iii.dersiijneil, l.Ittlli -liKOnK,\CKF.NnrRY. ,.,. .. . „ KiverAanii"" *"" t" ">**' Entire !>;itUf»ctiou . _ J LArNDRY-liisket cUksci Monday BPLL rOR SERVICE "''''"' ''«'''^'"' f''W»y eveni .g The ui.dersiijneil has n Puic Ur-'d I io>tlo>in lliiil f>>r s. iviee i.n L' t 14t» ' bleak np ; never Ini'lng s|)iii!S ereok i d.n. 'J. S W. T. A S, U , Ar'i in ...i,i. el<i«B to house ai'd b.irii. WiU sell v»ry i Timhis Jl CO All cons seived must le cheap foi ipiick Side. paid f.ir by Lsl Nfitrch, li>I(i. -J, A.Cnr.M.MKlT, MaMnell P.O I'^fP' -II. P.i»r, •â- â€¢A, :t CLKANING and DYEINO- We «,« asontsfor Pa.kei'sDye Wotk-xâ€"Clotliea cleuned und dyed, feathers tojuveni»t«d T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR a i^i 1 1 1«£ »« n i I ' 1 r

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