Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1915, p. 5

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4 ] it 1 -I 4 A September 80, 1915 THE FLESHERTOiV ADVANCE J THE STANDARD RANK C^ CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,OOObOM TheA,B»CofBanldiig mm mi r-io Con- ' venience. Keep a Savings Account, and V et Your Money Accu- 'â- "muhte. i7« We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLEsHERTON BRANCH QEO. MITCHELL, BOB Mrnaver. Brancha* •]•• •> Dnriiam aad Hanutaa. C. p. R. Tine Table. 1 ,. „ ^ , .... I tValkerton hat fi>ur bote's acd the ~T rains leave Fleshenon Station as , Liceuse Consmisainn is now asked to follows: ' issue I vro more. The four in the past Going Scnth Goinsr North have luade things lively for the police. , 7.-)3a. m. ll.:W a.m. .,-u . -n â-  . .1 1 1 ^ o» Q ,g " hat will II be like »hen a couple more rru„ „. :i J L ci I. t »i"6 added ? Subacribe for a Walkerton Xbe mails are osed at Flesnerton a.4 . ollows : For the north at 10.40 a. it. and P«P«' ""^^ ^« entertained. 7 p.m. : and the afternoon mail south as 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south '- mail close at 9 p. m. the ^irevious ev'g. VICINin CHIPS V Monday, 0:t. 11, is D»y. BIr. John D<>vis 1 f \V»ahint;fon s'ate arrive J on Saturdiy to visit old friends here. Mr. D'ivis went west from Flesh- erton about ten years a^o and has evi- dently prospered since becomias; a nat- uralized citizen of Ui c'e Sam. His many fii<nds here were delighted 10 see him. The Harvest Home Services ^f the Til luksgiving . Eugenia Methodiat Church will be held , on Suaday, Ocloher 10th. Uev. \V. W. Urs. Geo. Irwia of Duaganoon is vis- Wallace, B. D., of Markda!e, will prev:h iting her !>ister. Mis. W. Henry. at 11 a. m. and 7 p m. Special sicginj â-  aud thank otfenng at both kervicea. A B"rnâ€" .\t Amulet, Sask., on Sept. *>. ; !â-  _, c n i 1 u «., a , ,, o .. «, . »j / n .^'•*» Supper* ill l>e held on Monda? to Mr and Mts W. J. Niion (n«« Ge'- ; ^. „.„ ,.. , ,,, .j .,- ^ j e»tn:ng, October 11th. .\dmis«ion .U tie Paul) a daughter. : ^^^ j_^ Bi.y w*iited to learn printiotj. Good ; .. «....„ . w. .- o- n home and waee& to neat kiiid 01 boy. ' ,, _ , ,, uuii.c iim wi,is<^ u • K * ar,^ , caller on Fnday. Heury wrote on Apply at oocc. 'hisJuuior raatriculati .n at Fl.-sherton The High School will hold its annual ; ,„ Auau»t, and Sfcured hon^.r standing, F.eld Dsy oa Friday, Ootob r l-t. when i slthough his name diJ not appear in the a big lis', of events will be pulled otf. ' publ >hed list. He recently wrote oflf Osptcy fall fair will be held at Fever- â-  his Universal French and enters Tomnt'i sham vD Tuesday and \VeJuesd*y uf ; I'niversiiy October 1 to take hU second next wtek. Dim't forget this big event, year Political Science. H« laier propoa- Ihc big drive i-f the Allies has be^un ; « Uking up Uw. andlbeKrst l'<g w«s 2:1,000 Getoian , Mr. W. L, Clark, '.^u hor. Wcturer, pr:soner>,TO Urge auus aud many Soulier traveller, teacher.'o givinu iiiahtly talks guus. This K^^ut-d-i good. whic'i are well aiionJeJ, in the Me:ho- A couple of auto loads attended the J»*' chuich. On Sund»> he sjoke three Collingwood fair ..n Friday. We believe | '»<"«». He is an original and punaeat restrictions were rela.xed for the occasion, -penker with a fund of perst n il experi- At lea^t wo have heard of uo b'.u.> pipers , euc'S and telling delivery th:tt conpe!s beinir served as yet. ''"' attention of an audience «s few - •«• M- u 1 - J J ».â-º . »i;.. speakers can do. As a sceinl rorker Mrs. W. Bu>kin and daughter. Miss. '^ r» â-  1 u- \i.. t I r> _i amor.z the young he il especially succ^ss- Re:a, accuuip loieu by Mr. J. Leli»rU , * ', , , ' -., , J ., ... ... . , , ,. 1, â-  tu . Everybody should hear ijr. • I<rk. aiii 8i,-,ter, Miisi L.t.«, niotortu lo Loll- ' ' lusjwoodon Wednesday, where t'le latter , is spending a week wiih friends. Will tlie pirty who sent the .\dv.iiict' a p >stal ni'to from Maxwell on Au;;ii>t 14, last kiiiJly ciuiiuunica.e with us as ihe note Wits ii.it tilled out aud canint be cashed. i Mr. Kred McTHvi>h returned f n in Detroit last wiek wheie lie had been un- derg iuj^ a couise of treitiuent for theu- liiatisiu. Fred says be does not see much iiiiproveiuent. ] The .\dvai ce ^oe? to pies^s TucsJ-^y i ni<jht on account of tl.c f-'ii'. The weaiher is perfect and the inside exbibit j a large one. The c mceit is exp.'CteU to bo one of the be^t ever pu' on at the fall fa r here. i A rctiJi'nl of iho to*ii.-iUip w « ch irged before James McMullen and D. McTa- - iih, J. P'». ,on Moi.dny evmiug, with ' having abustd a team of horses. He Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Tuuiig pigs fur saleâ€"* )n lot 35, Con. 10, Artemesia.â€" O. Turner. Shingles for Sala â€" Car pura white New Brunswick Sbinules juat receivedâ€" W. A. Armstror.g, Flfsherton. A field of oats and also a iiuantiCy of dry wood and pole* for sale. â€" James Nash. R. R. No. 1. Irikh Lake. Seed Wheatâ€" Free from weeds, rust aud smut. Good sample of undamaged deed. J. E. McKee, phone 2t>-5, Mark- dale. For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversbam. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terma, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ont. Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand aad for sale I cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their iuter- est 10 give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy t<=rms. Lot t 13, cou. 11, Osprey. 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of ' cultivation. Good Lank bam and new ; frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule ' Flesherton, Shingles for Sale â€" A nuantity of first class cedar shingles, on lot 24, Con. 21, Egremonr, about 4 miles south west uf Priceville. Thos. Harrison, Varuey P. <)., R. R. No. 1. (! MISCELU.\E01S Doiuestio help Apply t'< Miss M ton Ontario. •ranted immediately. Uichirdson, Flesher- F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. â-  ORICEVILLE Fall Silks and Dress Materials We beg to annoance the arrival of our latest fall stock of fall silks and dress materials in all tu shades. A nanning value of silks for $1.00 and $1.25. Dress materialsâ€" a great value ia*«Bt serge $1.00 and $1 50 per yard. All the dark greens and browns are very popular, We havt them in different qualities and prices. Eesada green silk poplins at $1.00 per yardâ€" a rare valne. We have a full line of dress goods. Call and we will gladly show jou our range. Silk Crepe in white and pink for blouses, also striped silks. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^4^.^4.4, ♦♦♦.»^4.»»»»»»^^^4^^^ SpeciaJ Bargains in Velvets Corduroy Velvets, regulir T5c., Heavy Coating, black and white stripe, regular $3.ro, for #2.00. ♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦»»» »♦♦♦♦â- Â»â™¦â™¦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦â- Â»â™¦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»».»»^^»»^».» MILLINERY We are doing away with the formal openingâ€" the hats will be on exhibit from now on Miss McLean, designer and trimmer, will gladly show you the latest stvies in millinery from New York' Came and get your hat for the Fall Fairs Come aad 'see the hats before voa buy Silk Suiting Velvet, 42 inches, regular $1.00 for $2.00. for 50 and 81 c. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Private funds to loan on real e«tate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. -â- Vpply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Notice is hereby eiven that Ine Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Ii.sur^iice Company, furuieriy held by the late W. G. P.ckell, has been taken mer by U. B. McLean. Priceville. R U. No 2. Wantedâ€" .\n iiidu«tnou« mm who can earn 31<W per month aud expen.se» fell- ing our produce to tari.i'jrs. Must hive soiue means for »taitinj expenses and furnish contract signed by two respon- sible men. Address W. T. Riwlci;;h Co., T'>runt > iiivinz age, occu|>acion and references. HoUoway-Sargr^ant .Among ih.; brightest • f t*!! Widilfrffift^ wa.* that which was held al H'lyne Farm, the home of Mr. atul Mrs. W .i. Stewsrt. W(dnesd.ay cveuiiu, S.-pteiuber £2i u. when Miss Mabel Hollrv> »y, i.f Fits! ton, was united inf uani ay ' *iTy Mr James Siisgeant, sou of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Elward Sargeaut, of Ceylon, Out. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. McVicar, atiu Mis-i Aaiania S'ewart played I he weddiuu tuarctk. Tl.e bride, who was aiveo away by Sir. W. J. S:ewail, was atleudtd by li;t!e Miss Miimie McTavisli a< flower girt. Th« moonrs gift to 'he bride was a locket and chain. After the ceremony a dawity weddiia »uppcr was tei ved and la'er &ii'. and Mrs. S.irgeaut Kfi for a short aedt'ing AUCTION SALE t>F HOUSE AND LOT ON OCT. 5, 1915 A Representative Wanted â€" FORâ€" The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. ; \ chance of a lifetime to do a big trade â- uiong the farineis as well good ornamen- tal buiiuess in the towu. Exclusive femrory. Handsimie free outfit. Uinhest ci'iumissious. NN-ie for terms. Stonfi & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1S37) TORONTO - ONTARIO Seasonable Furniture At the Fleshefton Furni- ture Warerooms ii[ umn. Such as Spring Beds, Mattres«fs, Baby Carriages, Iiedro.im Sets, Patlor Pieces, Parlor Sefs. etc Here are three special aitcles for Huck tale: 1 Heavy Oak Dining Room S. leatherette upl o'-terini;, 'i pieces only $!t;.5t'. Carefully Corrected Wheat 'j«ts Pea.« ". '"' Barley Buckwheat f '""'â-  .56 50 to $T 50 "•' $15 00 to 15 00 Buler Ki:gs. fresh Potatoes per bag. . . . Each Week . Ut» to W 35 to 37 . $1 25 to 1 25 55 to 60 .'W) to 00 ( jeese. . , il Ducks... vt, #;F'*' . Chickens. • Tut Keys . 24 to 24 24 >o4t to to 50 11 toll 1 1 to li S to !♦ JO toll 14 to l."> 1 Oak Extcn>i'n «U.W. Ta -lie. only Deering Implements AND . ' tr;p 1 1 Port Dover, the Iride ir^vellinst pleaded «uil.y aud w»s hueJ hve do.Urs j .^ ^ ^^^ br.Wcl.ith su t with p'ush hat »»'^''^^'«''- ItoniHtch. .\ motor loid of cit rens weiit over to ' the Durham fair on FriJay list sud pn- uoiiuce It unusually poor with » very lirge crowJ. This is a ombmarion thrt The young couple will take up their residence at Ceylnn, where the best wishes of the community k:o with them. pays the 8"cie y all r^ghl f jr the time beiii>;. I t>wirgto Fevershani F.iir tl.e Womeus ; Institute will meet Thursday, IV-'ober 7ih, at 2.30 p. ni. Every mnuber is rtijuested to be present is this \* ihe clitsing of tho contest. Mrs. W. .\. H iwken, Sec.-Treas. Messrs. Jo*. LetJard of The Advinee s'atTatid EInyii Jamiesou went up )o Owru Sound on Satuiday and enlist d wiib the Grey contingent. They d' not Owen Sound Mr. Rowan Beaton, of the loci Mer- ohant»' Bank slat)', h^is a (Mir ot cand c- , slicks wiih an iiiteiettini history. Sev- eral years og«\ ahile in 1, 01. don. Out., Mr. Bei'ou was fortU!i»te enough to s<- ' cure p«rt of a beam fiom tin eld »uok«n Brilirh gunboat, the "'Henry Myers, ' which went to the bottom in 1812. Tiie -i bus been iaitructed ;«ie'by public auction a very desfrable residential property situated in the Village of Ceylon (Fle>hetton ijtatiou). The house is a li stirey frame, con- taining S rooms, which have b.tn all nevly dec<^>tated and outside of h< uie newly painted. The house is in good re- pair. There is a gocnl Iiuge s'atle und drive shed, »'*> hen hou<e. The pmper- ty c lutains about on^; acre of landjwith small orchard and Is well fenced. Don't fiil to see this proper'y as It Would ni'ike an ideal home for a ret red farmer. Terms to suit the parch iser. Sale on the premises at 2 o'clock, subj.ct to a lew reserved bid. J W. ASHDOWN. D, McPHAlL. Proprirt r. Aueuoueer. Bryan, th^ Blatherskite They say that thia war has already proved the graveyard of several supposed- ly great soldiers' reputations; but we f'lccy tba*-. theie is no uicesaity to limit the statement to sotdie-s. To illustrate: Bef.'ie the war b-gir. thera weie i;i iV of us raih-r inclined to take Wiliam Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts alvkays on batid. Agent fur Barrie ai:d Mt. Forest Cut'eis.liirber Buggits, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tnwks. Pedlar shingles and siding. Th«8i> Implements rcjuire no teco'umendat ou as they ate stat.dard coods and recgnized as the Wst'on the nisiket. ER.RUTHERFORD Proton Station 1 t,>uarteied Oak Boutfet. 12x40 mirror, a beautiful thing, only ji27('0 Our pMces will stuud the test with any firm. Come ai.d see what you buy before you buy, then buy what you see. W. H. BUNT FL'RNITURE DE.ALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. ra-.' T HE ONLY MAN ^ WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ iX THE .MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY ^ ^ OF SERVICE AND ^ SUCH A PERSON School Children's Eyes. ^ M K ^ ?« ^ X 5€ M IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ?S WHETHER HE^ KNOWS IT-OR5? NOT. ^ MASSEY HARRIS IMLEMENTS Joniiings Bryan seriously. «.>f coui-se U-at w»s built of the veiy b-st of oak ; ,^ ^now he had h.s limitations a. d , , , , ,«"J 1»>J ••' â- ''* ''i>'-t>'"'f 'hcRiv.r wvaknesse?. but we th mght peih.pa have to repo.t for duty for two it three t.,,^^,,,^, ,„, ^.^j. hundred yesrs. Froi weeks, however. i ,,,,. j,^.,,,,^ .^ich he h'id t .ken from th^ Tiie Dnndatk Produce Co. of Dui - "reck, Mr. Beaton h:id m«iiuf»ctured a j x^\m li sfc.te<mau. Bac we dalk aud 9 CeiUral Market, Hatuiltou. '-â- '•ufl' "^ o*"--^!^''''-''''- '•'^â- ^''> »'« •* *;'1'<1 theie are n.it m w.y men left This faiui us make of implcmen's is well kuoan all over th-* c -untry and their i>wn ttood work is the best reciim- . uieiidiiin they cm receive. If y-u ) re.iuire anything in the line of Buider.s. , ! Miiwer-*, iSeed DrilN, Cultiva'ors, Pulp- ' ers, Pl'ws, Sleighs, Waiiaon.*, Cream I Separat^trs, Harrows. Uidlers. Cutting I Bi'Xes. Eiisilasje Cutters, Oa.so!ine o". I ever any oak was and wh.ch he prizes thry coull be overlooked, and that we iii'ght. i»ilhout t"o much reserve, ci,il think that to lay who Many lives have been ruinet3 through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of ever\' child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Our Clubbing List The following prices â- ire f„r strictly pai.1 i!i advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papet?. Flesherton .\dvance $'| oy is paving this we«k for butter iii tabs 1 ** ' h'ghly. There can V.e im cmpliin 25e. aiiil your own box bae4v. If it is loo far for you to come, take ttirus with yonr neiglibois. We doa'c sell to any wholesale house. f .shirking o,' slackness in conaeotioii with the m>ii- H'r ill which Iho yung men >f (>«en Soand Slid Grey C.mnty are coming for- giiies, S-iwinn outfits. cb;uiee to quote prices. etc , give us a ' wi.uld risk their repu'atiou by giv:n8 hiui any such title. It m .st r>f us were temped to speak out our niiiid we would k'iuie him political shy>tei and Maiher- skite, and t ot evm of any speci<l y new type at that. .And now cv.'nes the le Mr. John Teeter pas-sed away at |ii.< ' ward aid offering Iheit serviorfs to the p'>rt from W«»hingtoii thtt a moreme'il home on Ike east b«ck lino 011 Monday Grey County Compiliy now be ng org m- is under wi.y U> send Mr. Bryan to inoruiiig «t the aue of 71 years. Heh^d i«ed. .\bout one hundnd and fifty h^ve | Kurope on a missi -n of peace been a residiMit < f the township for iW now .sighed on. It the »evfnty or moie ye.-ira and was twice married, the .svcond now drilling are inclu.led in the compuiy wife surviving. The fantly by the first it will be nearly complete. iol. Old- wife c )ii.si."its if Will nnd We.-ley at Shel- ham was in town Ivst ni^ht and fnuscd burne, Thornton at MarkJale, N?ar In at FleKherton, Mrs. .\'tx Ml'dil urn at KliMnnion, Piio«> at W.iinwrigbt, .Alia, aiulFrida' huoio. The second family coii^i.slsof Frank at the lii^h Like, LoiiS, Hmisvin and Oeeil »t home. The intr*riiieni wi 1 take pl,iee at Meaford Riv.d cemetay. fourteen recruits. Quite aiiumUer h.»ve been Mxaiitiiiod and i-asst d in Me»if«ri.l, T mrubury M!id o:her jpl.uoa, an! a e ready to coiuo .at oi,c.» ahen oiders to oomaicnce drilling aie received. The missi 'ti of peace t.« the warring nfiti "US, and tlw report is SCO iiiipini d by the .s'atenieiit that "in •dl Euiope ill bclligerrnt or neutral cnuntiies there i » no .-Vniei icati hell in ii.oreestiem th-tn Mr, Bryan. Surely the man wha was responsiUe for that is a vieat '"kcr. Bat if h? r.'ally d< es ^ 1 h nk that much of th) silver longutd orator h« had l>e'. ter kecj) hiiu at home. I delay in receiving UHifortiii attd e<pi p- ! If the war isn't stopj>eJ till Mr. Bryan i ineiit is here, us elsewhere, l!io one srii- 1 !t>>p< it «« are ;iue t.) Ii.'»ve a g.»od dei<l ; ous driwKick. â€" .\dvcvt-fr. of Hu hlina y et â€" Guudu.u. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton ! Homeseekers' Excursions i 1 To Western Canada Came Astray \ o'jth.s Companion Toronto World, d,aily \ '. Toronto Daily News Weekly Globe " Mail-Empire . ... Family Herald ,£ Star. , Toronto Star Farmer Sun Farmers .Advocate , Weekly Wit.iess !!, SHtiiT-day Niuh: Home Jouri-il Poultry lieview ....... Ui>d aud llu.-i tna^tazine.. 2 Ot> :5 00 2 00 •W 75 SiJ 2 (10 UO I 50 90 90 40 90 Particular attention is directed to the, remarkibly l«iw Bound Trip Fares in â-  connection with homeseekers' E.xciw- sious to Western Canada »ia Canadian j Pacilic Hallway. j Came to tiJie premises of the uiiitor- Tickets are on s«le each Tu«.sday until! sisned on Auaust J7. I'JIo, 1 t lati, Eis' j t>otober 2Gth, inclu.sive, and are gnid to A^ent for ths Back Line, one aged, p«it Jesey cow. ' return within t«o iimnths from date of R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. ( >woer is rei\ueste.l t« pay ex^ieiises. and tak' move property the same swav. JOSEPH FKNWlck. Flesherton Ont., R. K. No. :!. ' Tho C. P. K . Hers ihe finest possible' .e'|uipment and fsstest train service \ia' one of the most scenic routes in the world. It ia th<> onl|r line operating through \ standard aud tourist sleeping caw, also r, „ .. p ... |diningcar.s 10 Winnipeg and Vancouver. Dr. K. V. Eugiisli. «.Veo|M»thtc I xU e.p.ipment i.« owned and operated by Physician, if Owen Siund, will b« in i the C. P. K, affording the highest form b loshertou on Tuesdiy and Frixlay after- . of elticiency . Notice jl^naji n. ons ot each week. Commencing Fri- day, June •tlh. For appointuaeut phcne «.» ring 3. If such a trip is under consideratiou i spply to any C. 1\ R. .Agent for ful ; r.Br'icii'. <rs or write M. Q. Mutphy D P. A , Torou'.o. Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm ImpUments Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, S'eighs, and G.asoline En*;ue.«, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumpe, Piping and Pipe FittinK* always on hand Bealty Bros", of Fergus, Barn Tracks. Litter Carriers .and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost ,4 W,h d Ro;iiiis always on hiuid. Fftv^rsbaitt, Ontario

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