Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1915, p. 1

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s»:r,.'ii.' ^ ....,11^-S^'' « %hiomu. ^W^ TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR;" -4- •• PBIfiOlPLEb HOT MEN. Wl 85-1I&, 18 Flealxerton, Ont^ Tlnji?sciafy, October 7 191o W. H tflDBSTOH imnr- â- f^--^,. 1, •â- â- Â«-- 1 .' f Kimberley Budget Misa Mary Abetcrotnbie of Vaa- coover, B. C, ia ienewing ilier old ac'inaiotanees in this vicinit?, and is the giJist of her j^ents, Mr. and Mrs.T. Abeixroiubje. M»-. Goi'doQ Leslie, prtneipal o^ onr school, Uaff resigned and bis place iff being taken by Miss McEee of Tor- onto. Gordon was a very popular yoing man and will tic ranch missed iti the commauity. lie is going to EdwDnton_,-A.W.,' ..whcrfi he ha%, se- cured tuf^hool at a much larger salaryjr We piediet a bright fatare brilHant young man. Previous here ijr. Ijeslie was pre- an / address and watcET Mio\ iawceu of itatjjddle arental home here Christopher Knott callers in onr to Ifcl sented fob by Miss •visited at recently. Mr. and M <=( Thornbnry bnig oii iiOuflay (>Q Monday, Octbter 4th. a very enjoyable event wast5(^l^ratecl-*t the borne of Mr. and Miafe^.Thos. Aber- crombie, when they celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding day. About 60 gnests, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Abercrombie, were present at 12 o'clock- Mr. Aber- croanbie ia a native of EurdskiUctt, Ireland, and has been a resident of Euphrasia for the last 50 years. In 7865 he was married to Eliza Jane Knott, a danguter of tbe late Jam^a Knott. Mrs. Abercrombie waa the second person born in Eu^hrasiS township, and has- Uied io it jfjl hev life. They are the parents^ ofi^even childnj^who are all Hvra|„ §ve cf wlom Wfere present at tlift Uolden wedding. Theie are foorteen gliiid- childten, live grandsons and nine fe-rand daughteis. Mr. ar^ Mrs. Abncrombie have resided at Kimber- ley for the last 29 years. Six gnests at the anniversary were present at the first wedding. The citizens of our borg gjithered at their home on the evening of the anniversary and presented the aged couple with an easy chair. The members of IJock- lyn L. O. L., of which Mr. Abcv- erombie was a member for 'j'i years, fk truly g>-cat reconl, together with Kimberley L. V). L., presented him . "with tt gold headed cane and a gold brooch to his aged partner, together with a suitable address. It was yrescuted by John Taylor, the yoang- ^sc member of Rooklyn L. O. L., to the oldest member. Your correti- pondtnt, with tUeir many friends, wish them many more happy years. .\ meeting' was hold in the sahopl room on Monday for the purpose of organizing a Littrary Society. The following are the officers : llwcr^ry President, Miss McKee; President, Viola Lewis; Vice President, Lulu Klhs; 8ecretary, liena McHevin; TreaSHter, Helen Walter; Leader of ihe Ulee Club, Ediih Harris; Prophet- .^;s, Edna Ifinritt; .Pvogtam Com - juittee, irpue Walter. Hazel WsUace, totfe Sttar ; llistot tkn?v Tommy C(«nfield, Bruce Cwrrttthers ; Colic, Daisy Ijitbofo Ceylon Chat Arthur Jobiist4D^'«>oIdier ftatS- Ow« n Sound, called on friendD beie ^-uviit the week end. Mid. Wallace, wHo has ~l>eei» viiMtiDK^ bei' her father, Mr. Banter, tjie'yi week, has returned >to her Itome, near^ Detroit. - Ur. and Mi«. Jattie;) Dyca of Oej&r- ville wers c*l!ers »t R. Coofi's ^Diday. #. James Irvjui; at Toironto ^a«'^ gaea^ ovt-r the week eod at D. McPhail's. Mr. Attd.Mrfi. Har'TtDiTRKlIf^ and two drtU?hterf of Torout" were ffuests .T)f reli»tivis'here for * ♦ days. _• _^ l,,^ Threshiusj is thij; oirduvol th^"d^ around ttiis. loai^lity. ' ' . Mrs, (Dc.y Uolnuia of Owen* Soi^nd .spent a few dnystinder tho paren'tal rixjf. Her mother, who has been ill, jeturued h'lme with her. We sinctrely trust Sirs. Chislett w?ll be raiuli lienefiTed' by the â- chaiu^e. Mr. Haudie, sr., vtiti and niotiier,'<>f Thornbtiry, acd Mrs. Samniwville' ftf Creemore, were visitorr-'at. WtWbn ijc-" Mullen's iVt'dufsdayilwt. * * *, Jnmes .\aljdown and wife of i)*en Soand are in towu^thiM week. Mr. CuIUnson â-  *od 'wifa weM tu Dornucb last weA to See , the. liitfce»'Si, brother, who wae very., ilh Wurd has ju-stbeenreceiveJ that Mr. Djri;aveliiaa Pj^»>«djiwas. I lie day Heathcote Last Week's Iteiha Cnon huntiins is tin: order < in our bitrg. " â-  ^ . Ml. R. J. Oft otF.ty iarClty pa-d^ar' village a fljiiij; cnll nn Friday tvening with hi? new Ford Oar. Mi«8 Bell MacAteer of Marl^dale, wbo has been visiting with her Bi>t«c,. Mt»- Albfiitt Skippvn, foe ihe pcu^ fortnight, returned home ob Stlflday. Miss Ferguaon of Kimber'ej^ i<^ visit ins; with her a'.iiit, MksOS^/PK Retkie, We welcome 'Mt. and "["W. Thonioa Sewel of Markdale to our .vlHai;e. The Epwivrth" League he'd a com roist down by tli« rive»oji Taisd/iy eveil- ing.' Alt report t« iix'St enjoyable time. A laiya number from hera attended liotb (JoUiogwooJ md Ci»rljsburg fciirs last week. â- ^SSii â€"-J!:. â€" â- â€¢*â-  REV K)yi.\S ttREBNB J, . vvho?e demise Ht Clinton wai*-' recently noted lU Jhe .Idyat c8. ' Vandelein* Happenings Mis. S Ddu^U^ • f Ferijus is visiting her dnujtuer, Mrs. G. B. Bu^iu|d. Mrs. Smith of Mulcdnle is spcndiog'a f«w days with tieu. Watling. Mt^^and Mrx. W. Bl' Buchanan aud the Itttter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cunn- ingham and little son of Cooksville me- tered up last %eek ta paf** aftort yiiiit •t Mr. Wm. Buo'ianan'ii. J. I. tJrahauj, .\lf. Dunlop, t\ B. Bo-, land, Ghif. Holley »»d Johnston Bros, have alt erected new siloi this fill. Tbe Misies M. J. and Lillian Bucliau- an spent a week at 'ForoDlo and other places I eceutly. „. Potato di^gint; is the order of the day. The crop ta badly damaged by rot. - Mr. aod Ifrs. Tin otby HulchkisoB re- tuTB^ tb thai^ home 111 l^xbridite last weak after sp indin^ the Wt four weeks Vlth frieodi here an J o'her pLicei. ""i â- â-  : â€" ^~~ .Fevers ham Items Eugenia Paragraphs The Metiioiist congregation intend having a fowl stipper on the evening of Thaok.sgiTing. A good program is also being prepared. Come tnd enjoy a good time. ..' _ '\, Master Bwil Carruthei-s is patiently letting the time ptss since hia leg wan brr>ken, hut has yet three weeks to lie stUl. ^ Mrs. Booth and dauulSr, Mina, are vi.siting fri<>nd» in Kimlierley and Mea- fonl. Mr. and Htm. Frank MuDonidd and two JaBgliters of Sutton motored over to vj.it SL-s. P. MuitjfliHW. Their stay was shorteutJ liy a mesBge tliat her father liHtd died suddenly at Oh:itlutiii. W^.liad a rcFcruitLiif( dUiccr around last week. Fred Smith's parents heard fjjoiii hi:n. He is still a prisoner of war liocsafe and SI mil. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. (\«ji'y hiuI daogU- ter, G nice, of Toront.i, motored over to visit friends here, and jvero the ^ue.sts >i( their Cousin, Mr. Jake WilJianiH. <i;ad gloom < visited here on Friday evening when the electric light was cat oti' .and all lanqMi had to lie denned and put ill use. ' VVe hope Mr. Karstetlt's oil Well terns out wejl if thin continues long. The Institute jneet« this week on Thursday ^afternoon at Mrs. Morgan's. Tliis is the week they have .set for all fruit jars of jelly or jam to >m left at Ml!*. GlaeaJi in 1 <iuart crown seders for the s«ildiers. â-  The sym^iathy of this coininunity is iULtend^ to Mr. Robert and .\be Mu- Ma«ter, as ihey have expetianueil r!.e loSKofakind and loVtng mother, Mrs. Hillock of Manvell. Mrs. •!'>« Williams tiiid he» father and .Urs. F. T, C.-kiT ard returning ht>:ue from thoir visit in the West. 1/is. Uoarth of Allanfoi-d is the guest of Tier brother, Mr. Fred Pedhu-. ites Burial Co. J. W. Bates, late of Bates & Bodds Fine funeral goods at very moderate prices. Motor ambalance service. Motor cqnipmect if desired. New aud up-to-date premises. 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 laug OR. BURT Spccialiit In diaoaiea at ibe'" Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat C>FFICK-i;!») 10th sr,West,()wcn Sound e wel A Splendid Stock hom which jou may readily mdce A Satiff actory Sie> lection. We car- ry I%otoSapp£«i. W. A Armstnofig^ Jeweler At the Revere house, Markdale, 2ud | Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m | Dundilk.ls Wednesday of each month . ! FLESHERTON, ONT i%^^fe^fe^!&i'!?::^«: *K. J»'i:Jl&iV!4. vV'i. JHe. .M. ji«, ..m^, ji«. ,j«, ^h. ^y m Get your Peaches an.l Toinatoes\ Regular ship- ments Tiiestlays, Thiirsflayrf an<l Satnnlays. m FLOUR Ls down so low now you cau see it without yout spex on, and we are right here with McGQwanV Pd-stry, EcHpse, Five Roses, Purity and lioyal Household, Price from $y.00 to )t5-{.25 per bag. •JOe. per bag more Jor Flour made from old wheat. Thompson -McCaig t)ii the 22nd inst. at « o'cleck p.ra; a very quiet and pretty weddiug w«* sol- emniised at the h'"ne of Mt ; G*'>'Re â- Warliujt, Vandekur, when Miss Minnie 'Thompson becainathje bride of. Malcolm p. McOaig of Cockburii Island, Out. The bride etitered the drawiuj? room^ Vrliieh was tastily decorated witb wblie asters and Imnked wjth ferns, dahlias and ^reeijoq^i on th« etm cf tit. Warling; fcfcjo gave her away, "^jifpi^bride wis ^intily altirei in Be^ihin Wue poplin wtth waiat of ciwjLiiCsi'lk over nett.' and ^ried a bouqiitet of w-bit^ roees and llfiislt^t fev<i' Little Irene Gilbert of i^l^ys Bay looked very dainty and '" iair0«t ditesaed iii cream a^d blue ci^epe, !'i(|»d carried tbe rinn iu a ppoity little ^ket »{ flowers. The grocu't ^i{t to Htki^ »»g t»M'*<^ *** *^ S*>'d. ring witb fMrlaetting. The register was <igu«d This Week's Iiems , We are plfeaaed to see Mr. Fred liath- iusjii oat again aft r beiujjj contined to t'le house fin the p*^ week with la- gr pim. - --,'" ^ » Mr. aud Mrs; vhimes (lardnor ipent a few days of lust Sireltrviith fciends in Meafo"rd. . â-  - Mr. John Plratt ij»f Toronto is he; e â- ftt'oti<Uuj? to.hi.s evaporator \lfMch ha9> been Teopened. asaint th is year. Th'e Annual Coufi'y Convention held in the «Me(h«jTs? Church on'^Mondiy evenii)a.w:«»lar«ely attended wifltpapple from Flesliettoo, Meaford, Thornbury and other part". vMbat). Boyair who haaifheert visiting with her siater,. Mrs. J. K Wilson fir tSe past weckj retmroed to her home i»i Thwnbury t^Ttjdaji. - ''Rev. Bellsmitji of UoruinjS Mills -occupied the pulpit of t'.e Prcbbyterian clturcb iijUiulay afternrjon. Rev. Scobie 'hJBl4.Harvost Home terviccs at Homings Mills â-  Ernest McKeowii and wife of Duncan .spent Sunday \vith''llie'Ialtor's.piu°ents. * . â-  - â-  Mrs. Moure of Mclntyre .^apent tbe week end with hei'daush'aaj^ " * / i Mrs liiUertliy and li'.tle son ef't)wi'n .SoU'jd are-visilinu at Jv FauPs. >«- â-  â-  •-â- " â-  . .. Milffti IleiiUerson of Rob Koy visit 'd feirtuds iu tile village last week. . ,Qii«>tni« Kaittiim s[i<Tit Sunday in CoUingwood. Mrs. ft. J. Coliiua<;te.nud M ss M. E. irffoo atitfhded thcColijOelte-Uouuhetty i(feduii,.g at-iJiiielp'a'Sepr. 30 Hc-foro r.tUniiiigh in»-i they visitol friends iu- Toloilto :in'l !:< Illi; Hl:r!".-'l. Cundalk All kinds of Fee«l and Grain, # ^ m m W. BUSKIN -*i\^#i^^^'? Th^lp^rtt . bcotjise statue ' of v Joan of Ave iriat jrilf so6nadt)rn Riverside Drivp, New York, will have a. pedestal "sv'en rntire iuterestine thitn the statue itself. It will le made ttp of "229 blocks of stone Auction Sale OF F^HM PROl'ERTY 'IN THE . TovsN'SH-ll' OF .\liTEMKSl.v L'udur niid by virlU' "l 'be ptiwers of .sill.; cout<;iiied io a c-jrtain mortsH<;e, 'which jj^l^je produoed at the time of salis.tfiBSWi'll I'"' ofl'ered for s:ile by publ c iiuc^ii at the Miin.sbaw House iu ihe Village of Fle>iierr<)n mi Saturday tho Ti:ir:ieth day of October WlO, at the hour of iwo o'clock in the afterilooii, tbe following property, namely : *,• ^FIRSTLY -L it naiubrr Twenty-one from the rdiiJs of ihel?niig«.n a*«» ui-n, ^in ih» Bighfh C<)iices,sion of the -Ti.wn- F"raiice, from, which Joaii. went to her deaih at Ibe stake in Hoi. v Dui'iwKKDCiitevecp electrical etorni that riijted^*. \'&rhui»day liigMt. theWrn of Fr«nis;^J(nuanlore, Btaut Towpsl was struc^>y liKhtning, and ei^pplet barned, inoladiim his entire twirtp. He tafi inat AttMbed ^vaatinj; and thresh f 1*^ was %o have . wartcd next mortting. ship of Xtteniesia m the County of Urey, ooiitainini< fifty-four acres, more or ieis . iSEOONDLV Part of Tjot numb, r One bundr«d and forty in the Third Kaniie North East of the Toronto ai'd enhaiu .Uoad iu the said Towiiahip rteinesia, being tbe Eastern corner ol^fftid Lot, adjoining Lot number Twentyone'in the Eighth Concession and bounded Ml tbe West by the Meaf- «rd Koad, and ooatainiuK Hve acves^more or less. ' .i â-  - This property is situated about th^ee miles from tbe vil!a>;o of Flesbeitoii. t^ii tbe premises are .said to be a kjtg house, a Iranie barn, also an apple or- <:bK>^. The f»HH i* welTSvat.eced, and i< nil cleaftd e.voept ahoiJt six acres. , . Terms:- Ten p<?r cent, of ih'« pur- A new phtfne »«,*»"»» *« P S*«.i#hiat*] ohg,, ii»on«y ti* be pi«l ivt the time of Wwweouple intend «oiug to their home 1 Mf '^^*|«^ *^ '"I P*H<'trywli«.^pi-o<»«t*, . 8.,,^, aftd .he '..J>.nce thi.Tjjl .ya ther*' y«wytcuui»» â- Â«â€¢ ,.**.. -r,. b«d«><. «»0»8 aui foitt, -\»»bbe«a. r«iiv ! afte«. wiib.M»t inteie t ^ Ji^(X^bum I.U«d m , couple of_,«ka. , So^^bij t,^, ^,^K ,«««f,'^cV,^d i- . ^J^fi.W ^larticu-ara and *.nditions , YKe lets «iU be pver ^.OG^, and only bj^lliaa Baud Pfewls of Kimberley. j p-i',^|y.j»,oj^t^ ],y i^„„,^p, itfti^ia ot tb« l»idei and Mr. Pavid Gra- j . â- ' ^ -.''''â-  i, ' 1 of Vafcdeteur. after wbioh a very | . * pate Mead»5>! tbe bride «»ter«dj _.^^ ;. „, « A-*«-v^.n.t, ^_ .. . . room, which was ptenily J,l^^| FLESftKltTafJ % Htrant^d in pink and white asters, where kwifit aprea4 dinner was eerved. The i r)j|ti Mondaf ereaiiig {utor to vll^ a miwaAHMOui '•)i«>W«r t)MJii^ at th*Aoia»»«f Mr. W ^i^* iHMWr i^y^ty i»»«t'^; ' j4^«^««»jiiviab«r, /it**- >»h.. or irt [ dt^» «a«d hJ Di« I2J. MatkWe Wilk caHforii. ©o«\miei»lj;e the <iiwy!i«v MP. STEINHART K)f i*ie, "ifeiy i^ . --wRrr;BT«t'»mFolaEKf '< !&\^«n .5S un'l, O-it, !S»iliei'"rs *for "')btf}rtii«f«e. Mitfd S.>;.», 'JOib i"i.> .\ jijcnliar incid^jn' happjned at t! e po.-;t ortjca Wednesday noon. M-ss Amy Haiibui'y was beh'nd the wieket and a L-ouple of other ladies in the front office, \iii Thos. Qall, courier vn Route No. 4 sorting kia nwilf matter in the rear olHce. TRere was a o:- ikIi of u'-a^s at. the rear window, another crash through jt^iuss al- most over the wicket aud still another ora.sh uu' through the large front win- dow. It all happened as iiuick as a tiash and no one saw what caused the commo tion. The ho'os left in the windo\v4 arc large enough for a swift flyina pigeon ur partiidije but those in ihe olliee at llio lime declaru that no such bird ouuld go tbrou^b witl.out thetn Steing it. i)u Saturday aft rnoon. while luniiina his ihrcsbing ma"ohiiie at a farm mar •"belbuiiu', James Keating, formeily if .'VlelanctKou, met with a di.stressinu ncci lent by which ho lost his right Ick. I' appears that he was oilina the traction engine while it Was in operatiuu aud his trouper log was caught by tho niachiTiery. In his hurry tio felease himself he caught. the leaver which set the engine moving from its position. His leg*a.s cvushod .so badly that amputation a little below .|.he knee was r.ecossaiy. White, of Slu'lburne, performed the operation. Keating stood the shock well and at last report was improving as well as could be expected. Ha has been very unioriuii- ibe [mst few yeat.s, having been seriously injured at a barn i a sing and also getting hurt in a runaway accident in which he had^ bones broken. Great anxieiy was felt fors^aiik Bs^ex whose disappearance from hiR^ home in Melancthon, was reporte I in last week's Hesald and adverliaed io ToroutaDailie Hia mind had bi en affected foi tspme weeks bat he was supposed to be vwy much improved and was able to work. He suddenly disappeared howevec on Friday, the 17th inst., audi although tboiough aeaich was made uo> trace of him was found aft«a day's aWence. On Sunday (26th) about noon htf wirprised his people ;it home by walking into the house. f I api>eats tbat he got hs<ftic on Saturday night and hid in the Iwrn. He | doe* no^ive a clew account of where be had been during "the ci^bt days but ii is â- uppDsed'hAwaKWauderiiig in. Amaranth loWBahjSN He wa*- almost f.,miNhed ^ilb hunffcv on B^'return. ^ He wi I be t^^tbuded-M hoiufi untt^irovieitin ||.ii>.ide k>i Wniing binj^ vf an a«ylui|i for treat § Nice Summer Shoes The Flosherton IShore Store is well .^rocked with many varieties of Sum- mer Shoes for ladies and gents, iif right prices. Also Trunks and Suit Cases. n t'painng as usual Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON gia3 ^c8K^<»»gc9:e3C9a<ti»»a)»»a»fflgi» NEW suitings! New Suitiiigs just to handâ€" .some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. ^ Leave suit. Don't your order now for that new You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. forget that we tlo cleauuig, pressingj^l repairing. Our prices are rigktiid our workmansliip is the very best. I â- ^f: »':• â- 4< J^r .^V. S. J. BOWLER Sole Ae«n| for Art Hobberiin Tailorinf. f: )â-  j^

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