Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 4

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October 2s 1013 T HE * L E S II E 11 1 ON AD V A N C E I a lin iijcJ^i^^^ -U'rniTCc A* iivWpendent iiPwepaiKT, jitihlinlipJ every ThurmJay «t th** ortke, C.illiiigWdod Street, KljAerton. Subscription inice %\ ixir annum when pMil ill aihanee ;91.50 wlini not ho ]iaiit Adver XAvif. rates on niiplication. Circulation 1,100 weekly ' SI H. Tliiirstoii' Bdltor Flcshcrton- Methodist Church [.ended in ditcliiuij on Cci.tio lii:i', oji- P'jsito lotK'J'J A ;tO. Tlitf lievve was iiidttucti'd tu (jurcliuiie â- A doi'iatidii road on lliitli mderuad, von. 11, us i'ii|uiiud l>y John Dyer. Council iirljoutned to nioet nt Fever KhH'n uu Saturday Nov. 6. â€" Th'w. Scott, Cluik. Notice Adventure In Italy ilev. James Dud^^eoii, p»stoi-. Huiiday, 10 a. 1)1., Fellowaliip Sor.lie 11a.m. and 7 |i.ni. ^fi>nl«y eve i n,' Kpworili Lcn^uf »t f< |).iii. Letters From The Boys In Khaki Arthur Francuiute, a Barnardu ward who lived here and enhsted for the war, and who was very hiuhly thought of by ail who knew him, was wounded while fi)(hting iu Turkey, and is now in hoe- pit.Al It Devonsiiire, Kngland. He writes Mrs. Thuritton, his one tiiue Sunday 'Schuul teacher, the fullo'.TiDK very inter- .«ating letter : 1 «Ti Sorry to ssy tint I was one of the unlucky ones. 1 have been out tu the front and |{ot wounded and have been lyin;; in bed for ei}(ht weeks now with a bad wound in my riijlit thigli and cannot move my leg or inj foot. The bullet went right thiou^h and I think I wa.s lucky that it w\.s no worse. I never snw anythinK like it, There was nothing but shot and shell bursting all around '^nie. My trench was blown \> pic^s two or tliiee times and I got ott' without a scratch. I wai tinishini; di)f;{ing uiy trench and had just climbed out to let my mate io to clean it out when a big shell Ciine flyiug through (he air and fell right in the trench. I ju.s' K'>t <>ui in tiuie. The Irench wah blown to atoms and my jioor niite wa.s wounded. I got hiifi out and started digging it out sgain. Three of the ch»|).-i who were working with me were knockeJ out. I thought â- Â«very minute my time wa* up. 15ut 1 Citught It that afternoon. Wc wore Tiiaking a charge and just as I got into it fall swing a bullet caught uie in my leg and down I went. 1 tIruKgk-d to lii;ht on but every time 1 tried to get up 1 was knocked down. After all my chaps pissed the enemy spotted me and kept riring at iiie and drove a builel clean throujjh my helmet and two through my Jcnajjsack which was on my back. So you sec I was very fortunate. 1 lay for eighteen hours before 1 was picked up. Nothing passed my lips for nearly three days, and water is very BC*rce out in the (DardanelleK. Osprey Council Dr. K. F. Knglish, 0»teopatliic Physician, of Owen .Scund, will be in Hcsherton on Tuesday and Friday after- noons of ea:h week. Commencing Fri- day, June 4th. For iippointmonl ph' ne !) ring :). MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS The members ot the Municipal Coun- cil of ( .--prey nitt nt .Singbainptoii on ' k't. 0;li, according to adjourn niciil from Au<. 14. The men.berh were fell present. Minutes of list meet 'u'.; and minutes ^.f a special meeting regarding proposed â- Irain No. 4, were read mid adopted. Communications, Accts., etc. were received ftoai John Dobson, claiminj! er- or in dog tan ; IJulletin Dlbcc, Colling- >.'uocl, regarding Patriotic montings in • isprey ; Municipal Woikl acj't. %'l.'.V) •or collectors roils ; Isaac 'I'rayii'r eerti- 'ied that Thos. SaminoiiH had comp'.utcd lis contract on the Grummetl ditch and IS entitled to$.").00 balance on contract; '' anada Ingot Iron Culvert Co. iiccts. of :;I0.(>0 and *12.<;0 for culvert tile ; l lioa. Scott accts. tf,!. l!t postage and Mork redraiii No. 4; Arcliy McArthur .iij Wm. Hall asking to have gravel . >ad oppiitite lot 2U improved ; Jas. Sjeley and .las. Ksslx asking to have " ontre Line oppobite lotn 2i) and ;tO iin , .roved ; Thos. Hall, sect. ^l.'2."< expn.ss tt id cartago on grndei lepair.s ; Jas. C. .'inlcy aett. $1.<)0 for lepairinv grauer ; -I. H. Muirhcad, atct. for work repair J g grader ; John Dyer, asking for a dc- ^ iation on .'<5th sideroad, Con. II ; John «,v)e, asking for improvement of the road .r Centio line ; Jat. Lougheed claim for - leep killed by dogh, Ji'.OO. Orders were issued on the Treasurer â-  pay Thoc. Scott acct. ^^Ml' postage ...d servieeare drain No. 4 ; tbo Keeve ^ i.OO services work on Townlino A.AsO. ; .)>» Uueve '>2.5U examining drain No. 2 ; .I'los. Sammons f.j.OO balance ot con- > act Oruinmott's dilcli ; the nieiuhers of I Id Council and Clerk |2.5<» each for IS .eciil meeting re drain no. 4 ; Thos. I ( lit SI .25 expuMH and cartage on grader , pairs ; Jas. Finley, 11. OO repairing •^ ider ; .In". Muirhead, |:{.0'», work re- ii, (ring grader ; A. Miirrellinan SH'.l.72 irk on .mract clearing out drain No _' : Jan. Lou«heed, «4.tHi, two thirds luo of claim for slloep killu.l by dogs ; "(jnicipal World |LMM» accoiiit for .jiplies. The Telephone Assehsment against I , ."), Wellington 8t. K., Keveisham was vnged to lot 10, con. 10. \ !<rant of iStfiK.OO wan ma.lj to ho ex- The following article from the Ciilgaiy Albcrtan r. ferred to a young in»n who tauifht fchool at Pricevillo a few years ago and was well known hero. His father n"s a Presbyterian chu'ch minister and lived in Meaford at that time. P>uf. F^tstinaii wag known here iw u good sport and clever student. Prof. Mack Eaitinan, formerly of the Calgary College, pa.s8ed thrnu<{li the city on Saturday, on his way to Vancouver, to take a pisitioii on the new provincial university btafl" there. Ho is direct from Italy where he spent an eventful nionth or so, being arrested on suspicion every couple if days. He sailed from Naples about two weeks ago. Prof. Kastman was infoinicd that only 250,000 soldiers were nctnally at the froiit. No more are needed. No more could be handled aloiig that frontier. Another million men are in Lomtiardy and another million son:e place eke in Italy. Prof. Eastnan came to Canada by way of Gibraltar and the A/.ires. Ho arrived at the latter point on the day foWwirJag the arrival of the Si. Anne, the- ship loaded with Italian Iteservists, the via- tim of boinl s ill mid ocean. All were enthusiastic in pritiae of the ccuidiiel; af crew and passengers. Everyone met the grim attack heroically and calmly. The crew ntarled in to fight tire with thi ir one tire tighlinK apparatus, in sne place, and the Hre broke out in 17 other places. At Uenoa, Prof. Cistman ai:d a emn- pariion, a French student, were arrc-aied for what seemed to- the authorities taking too active interest hi a fort. It seemed like a dismantled fort but there were troops injt. They were handed from otticikCto uf- licial and had cutMiiderable ex plaining Ic do before they were permittedi lo get away and ordered out of the war zone. Later Prof. Kastman was able lo get to Venice. He was one of :i<) in the train to enter the city. Fifteen were sent liack forthwith without excuse. They were Italians but g:kve »H satisfact- ory reason, the authorities believed, thai iheystoii'd enter that city at such a time. Four others were residents of Venice and were admitted. He was the other <mc, and Itia case gave niuro troub- le. The game rigil investigation was made. ll was sugg'isted that ho should bo locked up ill the elation at oiioe until I further action might be taken .\ com- promise however, was made, and ho was sentenced lo an hotel with orders not to move from it until called for. Tlio hotel was not one he desired, some disUnco from the depot, but the nearest one to the I'ailway. By Home sir.ilegy he succeeded in gett- ing an upper loom in the hotel, hoping that at leaaf he inif.ht see Venice hy the briuhl moonliglit, but thaf was not «•> easily accompli.slird, for on boldly ad- vancing to open the window he saw the pereTipt(uy w.»riiing of a fine of 8500 to liny one oiiening the window. Peering Ibiounh ho saw some seiitries below ipiile preuaied to enforce it. However, the opening of just enough of the window to permit one to look out is not a serious otl'ense and might be aecomiilishod some times. Prof. Eastman says that the general opinion is that the war wi'd last uiiti' Dec. I'.mi. Calgary AlbortHii. This famous make of Implements is well known all over th« country and ibeir own i(ojd work is the best recom- mendati.in they cm rec'vo. If you re<[uire anytliing in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Plows, Sleighs, WaKgons, Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers. Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Ossoline e'l giiies. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chance to (|Uote pricec. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Cement Work Wanted The nndersignol is prepared to do silo- boiMfnjt and concrete work. Have had thirteeu years experience ana feel that I can give entire s:iii«faction. Have steel forms for silo and ail oiifit neces-ary for all kinds nf cement Work. Can also attend tof»rpenter work. THOS. BENTUAM. 1 July Flesherton. HrALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tatton^t Seasonable Good3> first ctass NYorkmaBdiiip. â€" ALSOâ€" A line of Ready^ade Ctotliini! Which we put alturatioiis i» free of charge, if jenuired. Isep Deefing implements AND Gasoiae Engines All kinds of Diwring Imp'.skuwnts. Parts always on ha»/.l. Agent Jor Barrie and Mt. Forest t\itteis,Barfc«r Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carriers, llay Tracks, Pedlar abingles and siding. These Implen .rits I re<iuir6 no recoinmonJation aa thi y are standard foods and rec.ignized .xs the beat on the market , ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Butter Wanted 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Overcoats For Men Tliis fail wc liavp some specially good values iu overcoats to sliow you in spite of the war con- (lilions prevailing in the woolleu markets. The new coats are hantisome, good colors, good winter WL'iglits, beautifully finished and well cut. They come in .shawl and convertible collars, Fintrlfi mid double breaatod. All pizes from 30 to 44. Prices range from §8.50 to 81(5.50 lor laens coats and from go.OO lo .S1O.50 for boys and youths siz^s. Men'is .Suits, Otld Vests/Sweater Coat.s, Boys' Suit.s, Odd I'ants, Raincoats. Stanf ield's Uuderwear For Men and Women i Vest and Drawers and (â- oinbinations. All Sizes and Prices Eight. Our Dollar Special Shirts and Drawers for Men UnsLniikitWe â€" all \rso!â€"is^ jibbed finish â€" cnt on generone lines to ensure comfortâ€" all sizes 86 to 44 â€" shiits do«ble bieaeted wilb jibbed cotfs â€" drawers sateen faced with ribbed ankles â€" heavy winter wc'i'yhts. A lig! pttftrbase made in advance a year ago enables us to make this price. One Doilkr ¥«r Garment HIGHEST FlitfCeS PAID â€" â€" Two Dollars The Suit. FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith! OSTEOPATH^ OHice cffid Residenceâ€" 4t)8 i*»h Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" 9'to 12 a.m., 1.30 lo 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.ia. Other hours by appointment. Dr. li P- Knt)i*h will he in Flt-shartnn on Tuea«I*y and Friday each we*k. iiflernooUH A Busiiiess Sc Tfcat RiiccesKful school whoso yradu>«teit occupy proniinei'.t po 8itii»f»K from the Ailant.c P,-»eilic, re-oi)en» for the FAlil TKRM September 1st, 1914 S*na for free entaloi^ at onoo to COLUNGWOOD BUSIXES9 COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Priwlpal jjn ,; CoUiii'iWO'.d, Ontario. » !'•' %m' iJKfmi^&mSjr-^^a The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding U in the^ Eating The same is e(]uallv true of the 1900 (Jravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none [\ better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Property For Sale I'art lot 151, con. 2. N, K. T. & S. R. conliiinlna '-'8i Hi-res, ahout 1 mile from Flesherton. 'I'liere is a xood frame house and Htabl.''aiid llie propi-rly is weU\ fenced and watered. App'y lo .losopb A. LeOard, Floshevtow or on the proper- ty- «l K«ZJ IAN / OIFIC Full lineot McCormick Farm Ilnplen^ent5^,. JSimlers Mowers, Hakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Jtiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantt'ord- Wind INlills, Pnmp.3, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, SlingSy Fitter < Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters antl Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction GuaranteedL S. HEMPHILL S Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. \ Thanksgiving Day -^ â€" ^ EXCURSION FARES l|>Sr^Sg?SS^SS^?:^r;^rcx^^o^^s ^^s ft;j|| r>(>t\vi>on all stati'ini in I'lHiadrt, Fork William and Kl^t,nlld toS.jult St.^ Maiie, De'.ioi', Mich.. Buthilo and Ni.uara Fiills, N. V. The fiinnfiH have just lis much to do in buildin)( up and iinproving the town as do I lie citizens of the town. If is to their interest lo Imve up-to-dalo nier- clmiilH, iiiiichinists nnd nietlmnics How can ihey expect lhe?e conveiiieiicts if they send to uli (he Uiije cities lor iiier chundiso that Khould he hought from Iheir home denier. The fow cents that can be suved by buyinjj! ^oods away fioni home is injiiriiit; your cnmniunily to I lie extriir of doUiiis hy lelarding .prngreia and llie iiicieaaed Mihintion of all kinds of property including your own. Bland together an I together we all prosper. Divide and proKiifrily will tlee. You know what the Hihle siys that "« Iiouho divided •pai'ldt itself cannot stand".â€" Ex. Ii. Hales of the Pinnror aeotion of the ."Cird It.ntitlion has perhaps the liest reasMii of any niaii at Tiondmi camp lo ho more than proud of lliu (iirlhis family aid c.iiinoctioiis have played in the puesiMit war mid are still playing. Pie. Hnlus him siviii s(uis, leyen iiephew,i, seven hrolher in-laws, and two «oii-i(i- Bvn at proient ti!<htingfor Oreat Uritain His youns'Rt sou, who is I" ycuis of aue, HttciiiplcJ to joi.T one of llm units the olhei diiy lut will prohiliiicd on iic. Hcount of his 11^^; M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. Farm for Sale One hundred acres, lot 117, do. K, ArleniPKin, smull fiauie house, small or- ch'ird.godd well mid property well fe iced. Ahont ;t.l| niilen from Kuteiii:!. Apply E. .1, Pa'rsons, Eugenia P. O. 2 weeliP. FARM FOR SAEE Pint hit 'J, con. o, Kophrasm, cuiliin- iiii/ oO HCie«, Kood frame house, cellar full sizu of hou.se, uond hhrn ;!4xo."<, wall nil round ; good alahling. Urge oichard of Krsl clnas fruit, hen lloll^e, pig pen. etc. One mile from \\\« vlli^e of Kim hirley. Will r>1I cheap to riitht iiinii. For luini", etc . muplv to the un 'ersigned - CHAULK8 WICKKXS 1 Nov Kiniherh'V P.O. SlNtJl.E FA UK, goo 1 going Monday, Octoher lllh, re' urn limit Mondav. October 11th, l!tl.">. Mii.iuium cl arge '25 cents. FARK AM> OXE-TlllRD, i«ood going Oct. H, 10 and 11, return limit Tue-day, Oct. 1"2, I'.n.'i. Minuiiuin charfte 'Joe. I'Hrticulars from any Oniidian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write M. O. Murphy, D. P. A., Boutli east cm-. King and Yonge .Sts., Toronto, CATTLt STRAYIM) Siriiciid from ilie preniison of the uii- dersiniiod, loi 25, con. H, l».«prey, six head of cittle hs follows : - -1 vonrling* i red with while fiioe, 1 luiioJIc mid one "pottod ; also two 2 yeir nils 1 lirii.dle and 1 spotted, lio'.h clehoriied. i'eiid iiifoiinidioii to \VM. TIIOMP.SON, H. U. 2, .'^ oghninpton. S. Rands, Agent, Flesherton Bull For Service K' r service.â€" Huron Hollyâ€" No. 0422. .\herdeen Ani;u*, on lot ;54, 0th concess- ion, ArloinesiH. Terms. ^l.OO if paid before l«t Jan. 10',) - \V. J. Magee. May 15 Flesherton Tin Shop- 1 have just placed on the shelves a hull line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Stock For *)ale Mare and sucking coll r>r sale â€" mare is ',1 years old â€" also II coll rising 2, all good stoolc, and one young cow liva yr». old, nnd calf. TH0.«5. KKNWICK, Euaenia. Farm for Sale 200 acres of good clay lonni. I<ots 11-12 l;t and 14. Con. i^, Oaprey Out. Is situated in good locality \\ miles from ."school, 2 miles from church, 2i from store ; Krame ham tiO.vtitt feet on stone foundation, large frame house, !• rooms and wood shed mid atone cellar; 75 seres under cultiviitioii ; .'iO acres hardwood hush, o .'tcre* of swamp, liidancu slash nnd pnst lire land and p;iit iif this ready to lirciik up ; never (ailing .>^pring creek close to house and iMrii. Will sell very cheap for ipiick sale. J. A. OKIMMETT, Maxwell P.O Pipefitting, includin Furnaces installed. Furnaces. g pump Agent work. fo-r Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. HrSfK9r:S&^S^<£r:!&^S^S2Sk^!SS'^ 'ssr^i WOOD CUTTING Ituzz .Saw W<«i(l Cnttiiif; with | lieatiiofc" mid ilespateh, .M) to tUI cords |>er , day. .\!to a (fci.id Htrnw-eiittiii); niillit. SatiBfuition guaranteed. I<eava ycur orders with the inidersigiied. l.luKi -(il'.O ItRAOKKMUKY, F( ver.-diain BULL FOR SERVICE The uiider»igned haa a Puie Bred Shorthorn Mull for service on Lot 140, (V.n. 2, S. W. T. A S. U., Arteniosia. Terms 81-0<). All cows seived must le paid for liy Isi Mmch, 1!»1(>. Isept â€" H. Piper, FlesHepton #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY-Ba.sket clo.ses Monday night, delivery Friday eveiiiig CT.EANINO and DYEINOâ€" We are agents for Paiker'.-* Dye Worksâ€" Clothes clowned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER, - PROPRIETO t. ♦ ^ vi

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