Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 5

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^â- â- >1 .^ f V Ojtober 2H. 1915 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ' ;head office *â-  Toronto EVBRY good Bank has a RESBRVE FUND as a pro- visioQ for lean years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund hat been accumulated from Surplus Eamin|(t and is a source of (treajth and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it DO one it in k safe financial condition. Our Saviniji Department offert an ideal opportunity for ettablithinl YOUR RESERVE FUND. iM FLESHERTON BRANCH • CEO. MITCHELL, EBB Manager. Branches alio »t Durham and Hanivton. <^dds and Ends^ ;^ â-  ^^^-iJj'" "^ -r ."»', â- *^"*^- ,=v^ -V -»- '-w, -»â-  -» -«r -â-¼â-  -^ "^ (T" "*" ^' '»'"â-¼'"â-¼â- â- Â»' "^ LOST and FOUND Lostâ€" Oh fair day in Priceville, between the C.P.R.station and Watson's h.ill, a Udy's s»old wrist watch. Finder p'eaoe cotumunicate with this office. â-  •T'D 1873 C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as ' follows : Going South Going North 7.33 a. m 11.3li a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesheiton a.H ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and : 7 p.m. ; and the afternoou mail sonth a-i . 3.40 o'clock. For morning tr«iii scuth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS â- %. Mr.anl Mrs. U C. WaUer ul Hills- burj5 visited friends here over Suuday. Bornâ€" In Artemesia, on Thursday Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mis. John Piirker, ^i daughter. Mrs. R. W. Shaw and children of Lions Hell are spendiD<< a week with bei' pirents here. Mis. Aikenhead and Mi.ss Uuby Aikenhead of Toronto spent SunJuy aud Monday with relatives in town. Cill in and sie the Cjlumbia cabinet Grafonola, which sells at 8t>0 to f65, according to finish. At the Advance office. The hixh school Literary Society will meet on Friday October 29 at 3.3(1 p. m. A good program will be provided. Everybody welcome. Rev. Cildwell if Shelburne occupied the Methodist Church Sunday morning and Rev. Mr. Madden of Eugenia in the evening. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Mitchell, Mis. Blackburn and Dr. Muiray motored to Seaforth and Mitchell Saturday to vi*it friends over Sunday. We hare enjoyed beautiful autumn weather during the past week and have actualy experienced one week without rainâ€" the first in all the long sumtuer. Owinu to the serious iliiiess of Princi- pal Holland the senior rooai of the pub- lie echool was closed all cf last weeK and this. Mr. Holland is improving. Mr. Joe Alexander, who has been with M Scully Co. durin? the buiuiiier. left Monday for DunUalk where he will spend the winter, as has been hit wont for several years past. Thursday last, Ttafalirar Day. saw a whirlwind canipiijju over tiie whole Provicce in aid of the Red Cros". In Flesherton four young ladiesâ€" Olive i«nd Hazel Henry, A^nes Henderson and Irene Wilson- canvassed the town and landed $112 for this worthy purpose.. The high school draniat c club went to Kiuiberley Friday ui«ht Ian and ijave their little playlet, "A lieiiular Fix." to a good sized audience, for tlie btuefit of the Red Cross. The youngsters enj.-yed the outing, the night being ideal for a drive. Mr. R J. Ball M. P. is away on a trip to the coast, beirg a member of the Parliamentary press paty, who are travellirg to the coast as guests of Sir William McKenzie and the Canadian Northern Railway on a special tntin iuauguratins! the railway's (^>aebec to Vancouver transcontinental service. Mr. Ed Best, while removing hi» steam thresher from Geo White'-i on Monday met with an accid>nt that mi<{tit easily have proved fatal. A block gave way allowing the separator to back upctushini- Ed between the keparalor and engine. Fortunatly only one rib was broken and the bteast bruised. Mr. Emerson Bellamy of the Niigara camp was home for » couple of day;^. He says that out of about UOO men on duty there last winter only about a dozen of the original troops remain, the balance having been drafted as reserves, and re- p'aced by new men. Sorgt. Bellamy has received notice that h« i.s about to be promoted to Sergt. -Major. On Thursday evening last Mis.' Flor- ence Thurston was the guent of her primary Sabbath school class at the home of Miss Agnes Henderson, superintend ent of the Cradle Roll, and presented by them with a valuahlo oi.sy chair and un. stand. There were about 50 little ones interested in this presentation and their handsome gift was very much apiireciat- 9i. Miss ThurHon has tor years inter- ested herself in the moral welf iie of the little tots. Then on Friday ni^ht, at the tesidonoe of Mis. W. A. Aiins-.tong, the orticials and teachers of the school pre- sented Miss Thurston wi h a handsome and valuable cabinet (f comiiumity silver, accompanied by short aldresscs from the pastor, superiiitcudent and others. Bornâ€" In Toron-o, on Tuesday, Oct. 2ti, to Dr. and Mrs. -R. Henderson, a son. Mr. Chailey Mosier, who has been working up on the Severn river all sum- mer, returned home Monday. On Friday last a shockinij accident oc- curred at the factory of the Keenau Woodeiiware Company, Owen Sound, when »n employee, James Walters, was caught in a rapidly revolving shaft and hurled to his death, which was almost instantaueous. The body was ground to a I ulp and was mutilated almost beyond recognition. Mr. Sam Henderson of this town had a nasty runaway at Priceville on Saturday when his team tore down the hill to the bridge, where the (ff horse struck the railing of the new cement bridge, broke off a post and the railing, and felt over to the ground, not far from the edge of the mill pond. The animal's shoulder was badly injured. \N Vdnesday evening of last week 31 young ladies of the town unceremon- iously called on Mis3 Florence Thurston, who this week takes up her matrimonial burden, and presented her with a mis- cellaneous shower of pretty linen, cut glass, silver, etc , articles that delight the heart of a girl. After the pretty things had been duly inspected, and cake and coffee Served, warm good-uights were said. The W. I. will meet in the high school en Wednesday. Nov. 2 at 2.30 sharp. R. J. Sproule will give a shoit adliess on -deed^, mortgages and willsT The lunch and program of contest will be held Fri- day evening, Nov. 5, in the hi^^h school, at 8 o'clock, the losing side to provide cake and sandwich. Silver collection taken for Urey County Rod Cross ambu- lance. Ou Thursday eveuinj; of Trafalgar Day < )ct. 2, a social was held in the Metho- dist hall at Ma.twell, under the auspices of S.S. No. 1. A splendid social evening and program was provided. A large crowd attended it, when we consider the fact that the program was prepared in a few days. After the program prizes were presented to the winners of the bean contest, the first being won by Miss Ger- trude Sceley and the booby prize by Mr. Hailey Phillips. Mr. Phillips, after announcing his appreciation of the prize* a nice pink sucker, presented it to the chairman, Mr. A. Brownridgc, to auction it off. It sold for G.V, the auctioneer being the purch.iser Refreshments were then served and the happy crowd de- parted. Proceeds of the social evening amounted to §14 U*. Flay receipts for the day, $C. % ,L^• /f< >,' Overcoat Lott -On Thursday, October l^' 7, between Durham and Rock Mills, a 1 \X' long, black overcoat. Finder please ! f)-; leave it at The Advance otiice or send it I 1^' by express to Vernm Johnson, Stayner, i IjG Ontario. I 'f! 1 ^> Lost â€" On Feversham fair day, on »th , line, between Fevershaoi and Eugenia, a! f] ladies hand satchel, containing several' small articles. Finder please leave at this office, or at H. Cairns', Eugenia. j F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON SEWiK KARSTEDT BROS. - PRICEVILLE ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale â€" A good driving horse, also a good buggy and harness, will sell cheap. T. Chard, Flesherton. Oxford Down Lambs for tale, male and female, for breeding purposes, prices reasonable. Telephone W. J. Meads, R. R. No. 3, Priceville. Driver Wanted â€" Will exchange heavy spring tillie, and give difference for young driving uure. -^pply to J. A. Grummett, Maxwell. For Sale â€" I have decided to sell my outfitâ€" horse and buggy â€" the finest outfit in the community. I need the money. Rev. James Dudgeon. Nciv Fall Furs BLACK FOX SETâ€" Beautifully glo8.<sy, one is in crcssed skiuefects, trimmed with head, tails and paws. Muff is a large piUow mutt" trimmed with head, tails and paws. One set $25.00 and another for 9'iC.W. BLUE RL'.SSIAX WltLFE â€" A very (iretty style, trimmed iU back with tail ::ross effects and head, satin lines. The aloU sell for $7..")0 and the muff at 87.50. PERSIAN LAMB .^ETâ€" This is a rare valueâ€" the murf and sloU for $.">0 00. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats One only coon coat at $90.00. One only coon cost at *50.IJ<J. One onljs curley dog coat at 30.IXI. Two only dog skin coiits at 825.00 each One rat lined with beaver collar $60.00 t)ne Russian ox lined with lamb collar. One dog lined coat with beaver collar. One curly clotb^ned witll beaver collar, §18.00. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#^f> ^^^4.^^4^^^ ♦♦♦♦.f 4.4.4. Ladies' Fur and Fur Lined Coats ^4 coat, sable trimmed. German mink collar. Note of Condolence We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Edwin C. Pealar of the Colliugwood gravel, in the death of her sister, Mrs. Win. Ormsby, I f St. Louts, nee Aluiira J^chenniman, U makes it more sad as it was just eleven months since Mia. Pedlar laid to rest her sistei, Mrs. Thomas Maxwell of Patry Sound. Both of llieae were Maxwell girls and highly respected by all who knew them. -Sympathizer. Volunteers for Service Jos. A. LeGard * Howard Mc.^ulay Elwyn Jamieson Fred Bellamy Fiank Fatten The above boys from Flesherton left last: Wetlnesday for Owen Sound to train for active service, accompanied by Alfred Holmes and Johnston Howard of Eu- ?enia, Harry Thornbury and Winslow Kernahan of Feversham, Tom Brown of Rock Mills, and William Grundy of Pricevilld. The boys were garbed iu the scarlet dress uniform of glorious memory, and were accompanied to the train by Charlie Biaekenbury of Feversham in the new service uniform of khaki. Pte. Brack- enbury was on his way to j)in the 4()ih Battalion at Montreal, to board his ship, after having put in his time in training at Sewcll, Man. ' The band accompinied the local boys to the station, playing farewell and god- speed to them as they entrained to go into the service work of training for ac'ivo service, and were cheered t> the echo by Iha knot c f friends whose go d wi*he8 followed them. Colt For Sile â€" Rising three years old, black in color, weight between eleven and twelve hundred lbs. John Wright, Flesherton. For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. One oidy green cloth No. 1 rat lined with No. 1 mink trimmed, $75.00. .\str'can Rat coat 50 inches long, 35 00. Seal coat short One lock squirrel with German mink stole, muffs and collars at all prices. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦444444.44444.44.444444, Men's and Ladies' rubbers Men s heavy gum rubbers 7 to 16 inch leather tops. Two buckle gum rubbers one buckle rubbers, boys the same, boys' and mens' leather and cloth leggans. Men's rubbers. short la«e'l rubbers and ladies' fine over â-ºâ™¦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 f ♦♦♦♦4444444444.44444.4. Produce Eggs 30c., butter 26c. Live fowl wanted at highest market price. tStu '- " ^ ^ :^ ' i ' ^ s S 5 igggS !! MiJWS !! g^ '- ^^^5^ !Lil^^!I!^^^ i I â- '4 »- .4 I- 1^^ t^ A Representative Wanted , 7 For Saleâ€" Lot 144. Toronto Line, «1 acres, half mile from Flesherton, .tO acres in good cultivation, balance wood and pasture, well watered. Good bank barn and house. Apply to Andrew Wickens. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Ttaeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their* inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on ea.sy tt^rms. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. -Ft)Râ€" The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. | A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade among the farmers as well good ornamen- tal business in the town. Exclusive territory. Handsome free outfit. Highest commissions. Write for terms. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1S37) TORONTO - ONTARIO {# • I Seasonable 1> \ Furniture i A.t the Fleshei'ton Furui- MISCELU.NEOUS The Dominitm Feather Co. ate located | ou Gcolj^e fclieet, M.4ikJiIo, and i.ie, making the Soft Roll Feather Mattre«s, j also Down Comforters. Your old bed-! ding put in sanitary conditi.iii at small I cost. We also buy old feather beds. | Drop a card to Box 109, Markdale, andi oucaiteut will call. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. .\pply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton ONIONS Onions of ex'-ellen; Piice, 2c. per pound more. Telephone Flesherton Octario. â-  jUaHly for cale. for "5 pounds or Jos. Buchanan, Property For Sale For .saie in the villtige of Eugenia, a store and dwelling combined â€" good s'ablo, never failing well, a i. umber of tare Wareroom.s Such as Spring Beds, Mattressfs, Baby Carriages, Bedroom Sets, Parlor Pieces, Parlor Sets, etc. Here are three special art.cles for <{Uick sale: 1 Heavy 0:«k Dining Room Set, leatherette upholKterini;, i> pieces, only $16.50. Tajle. only ii[ Mum. Week Carefully Corrected Each Wheal s."> to yo Oats 34 to :J5 Pea« $1 25 tol 25 Barley 45 to 50 Buckwheat .i-t to GCf Flour §2 '.M3 to $3 25 Hay $15 00 to 15 00 26 to :7 28 to2i* CO to 50 lltoU 11 to la 8 to 9 lOtoll 14tol,-> Butler. Eggs, fresh Potatoes per bag. , Geese i Ducks Fowl , Chickens Turitcys 1 Oak , Extension $14.00. tjuarleied Oak Bouffet. mirror, a beautiful thing .*27.t.'0. 12x40 onlv ^ ?< X sept 23, fruit trees, half acr-j lot, well fenced. . I For terms and particulars apply to John I Bolnnd, Vandelcur, or P Munshaw, Notice is hereby iriven that Ine Agency , Eugenia, executors of the late R:chard for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance .Smith estate. Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. Our prices will stand the test with any firm. Come and .see what you buy before you buy, then buy what you see. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. T HE ONLY MAN H WHO SHOULD ?« 250 Stories And every story li good one. Wantedâ€" -.^n industrious man who can earu SlOO per month and expenses sell- ing our produce to tanners. Must have' ^ . . . , . .,. ,. ,, f .t.,:,. .. ..=„. „„ J entertaining, but that IS not all you sonie means for stalling expenses and * ' furnish contract signed by two respon- 1 '"X "'«'uf I'lf'- You know there sible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh Co., Toronto givine age, occupation and references. hardly a periodical published that School Children's Eyes. ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ?j» THE MAN WHO HAS ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ PER IN THE WAY ^ OF SERVICE AND ^ SUCH A PERSON 5S IS A DEAD ONEâ€" 9€ WHETHER HE3 I T-OR ^ KNOWS NOT. 'ull of tinidwasting .scorie', but not a single story iu the Youth's Companion i.s â€" la tinie-Wivster. Take the itories of C. A. Big Game Districts are Conveniently Stephens, it would be hard to pick out Readied Via Canadiaa Pacific lone from which you cannot loam some- Railwav ! thing useful and yet en'ertaiuing. „ , , . t I. .:„ „,..„j„ Some of the Companion stories refresh Canada s most famous hunting grounds! ^ are easily reached via Canadian I'acitk Railway. Year after year organized hunt- ing parties visit these localities and practically bsir the limit. Small game and wild fowl are plentiful whi'e the Bshinu is quite unsurpassed. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M . G. Murphy District Passenger Agent, Toronto Out. your knowledge of geography; some tell you the mysteries of chemistry, some re- veal the secrets of forestry and of general farming. They cover a Wide range. They are chosen with an eye lo the possible likings of every member of a Companion familyâ€" stories of vigorous action and stir- ing advetnte for boys, stories of college life and domestic vicissitudes for girU^ stories th it range all the way from sheer drollery to deep seriousness for men and women. There are no stories quite like those ill The Coiapanion. If you are not familiar with the Com- panion as it IS to-day, let us send you Many lives have been ruineQ|n««t- r*I..KU:*-^ i • x throiigh neglected eyestrain ^^^ ClUbblHg LiSt in childhoot The eyes of every child should be exarhined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong., Notice ! Editor of The Adv.mca : Dear Sir,â€" I wish through The Ad vance to announce to the residents of j sample copies and the Forecast for 191(i. j Artemesia in regard to their contribu-| New snbscri'oers who .send 92.2b fori tions to the Red Cross fond that it is, ISk; will receive free a copy of The Com- necossary that returns be made during ipjnion Home Calender for Utlti, in! the present week. It was arranged that ludjjtjon to all the remaining 1015 issues | the members of Council would be respon- 1 (r„|„ tl^- time tha subscription is siMe for the appointment of colleotors in i received. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada The following prices are for strictly paid in advance suliscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance $ 1 00 Yo'ath.s Companion 2 OO Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily News Weekly Globe "" Mail-Empire ,. * Family Herald & StarV. ! Farmer Sun . . Farmers -Advoonta Weekly Witiiesg Saturday Night ,3 (H) Home Journal 9t) Poultry Review 40 Rod and tiun magrizine 00 .3 00 2 tJO 75 90 !K» 1 50 90 THE YOl'TH'S COMPANION Boston. Mass. their respective divisions, and leturns may be made to them. If any person or part of the township has not tor i»ny reason had an ogporluuity to contribute, : No* Subscriptions received at this office. their subscription may be handed in up! . to Saturday, Oct. .'W. Subscription lists should accompany the money. It it' Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckii.gh.im and should be more convenient to any parties daughter, Shirley, of Feversham. and their subscription* may be left with Mr. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kentner of Mark- W. J. Bellamy, towiis'iip clerk, within dale were the guests of Mr. and Mr-<. the lime stated. " UtSijeclfully yours, J«s- Buckingham a few days this week - -T. R. McKENZIE, lieeve. .Stayner Sun. Particular attention is directed to the reuiarkably low Round Tnii Fares in connection with homeseekers' Exeur- ' sions to \Vestern Canada via Canadian 1 Pacific Railway. ! Tickets are on site each Tuesday until ! October 2Cth, inclusive, and ure good to : y^rt^pt fQ,. ||,g i return within two months from date ofi , sale. I I The C. P. R. ' ffers the finest possible i i equipment and fastest train service » ia .one of the most scenic routes in the wor!.l. \ It i.s the only line operating throunh stand.ard and tourist sleeping caivs, also; [dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. I .Ml eq'iipment is owned inJ operated by the C. P. R.. affording the highest form | I of etticiency. j I If such a trip is under eon.sideratioii ' apply to any C. P. R. Aijent f.ir ful I liartieulai's ov write M. 0. Murphy DP. A, Turono. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Coclishutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implemsnt* Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Ga.soline Endues, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pump.s, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand Beatly Bvos'. of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and staWe fittings. Cockshutt iHid Frost & Wwd Repairs always en haud. Fftversbam, - Ontario

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