Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1915, p. 1

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/le0l)^rtxrn %hmnu. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' Fleshierton, Ont., Xliui'sday, November 18 t91o W. fl THURSTON ^^'721 ud PBO idget 3D0W m Dgwood is mother, Chornbuiy nd ili-B. visiting :ompauied of Epping ty recenl- ned home short of 'hey also of East , Wallace's ilr. Ansley h respect - Valley, on but soon recovery, yre visited ueighboar, ;euth line, the Henry oad uorth. furniture he Metho- veuing last niziug the igs will be \y eveuiugs axwell and of Hather- fiieuds iu .\bercrom- oue day Fawceit's. hue miak rVm. Harris Annie, also Clarksburg ads ill this Eugenia Paragraphs Are we goiug (o have winter now f MissYirgie McMullea of M:u-kdale vixited at home. Mrs. Jacob Williams and daughter Hdda are visiting in Toronto. The Hydro people iutend holding a banquet ia the Power House on Thurs- day of this week. Misi Elva Lever spent the week end at her parental home, Flesherton. Mrs. D. UcTaviah of Flesherton vis- ited friends here recently. Mr. Russjull zVcMullen who has been working in Kimbeiley has returned borne. On Nov. 2 the Miases Neah Willianu, Leone Pedlar, Marjorie Park and Bar- bara Armstrong of Eugenia collected money from the many friends of Me.stsi'8. Emit) Morgan and Charles Wivlker and purchased wrist watches for them. The f jllowiog addresH, written by Miss Klva Lever, wa« read by Mi».s Leono Pedlar at Mr. Murgan'ii home where -the lujuy friends jtathered. â€" Tu Messrs. E. Morgan and Charles Walker, â€" Since you have answered the call, "Your king and country need you,' and have had your names placed upuu the Koll of Honor, we, yuur friends and neighbors, have assemh'ed herd lo-night to bid adieu to you hefureyour departure from our midst. As yuu both have made mauy warm friuudt in Eugenia, i( is with deepest regret and sorrow that we say farewell. We are glad to ihink that both of you are willing to give up your lives in showing your true British patri- utiKDi. ()n this we congratulate yuu. We trust that you will carry iho happy uiemnries of Eugenia with you and be able to relate to us the story of the battln when you come bacit. As a token of our good will aiiu bjs*. wishes fur your future success we :isk yi>u to accept these wrist watches. Signed on behalf of â€" Your Friend.s and Neighbors. iiers erciso every he troaps, as ' essential to ;s iu r;uod or- ire a higher uuoessary iu I this applie:> irccls for the inadeijuately kuiiige or loss ich as shoe >oxe8, should jIb sheet of rd sutticieut L>ru>3 of piick- (oard btixes, corrugated wiiich com- the boxes. jacking iiai> afforded by alico or can- :ly sewn ui>. el should b» preferably in r of the par- order that it lalile. Tho IJ be stated i to the Med uld be very hould be ts 1 well padded per, or siiniUr .utorcoveiiiig leu, calico or rely »ewn up. d boxes with ble, as parcels :e other par- hable articles s( likely to be- s ehocobtes. Parcels mer> icked in thin shva bo.tes. Ceylon Chat Miss Buckley of Cbealey visited her cousin, Mis. W. J, White, the past week. The Misses Burnett of Priceville spent over Sunday at Mr. J. Melia's. Norman McI,eod, who has been out West for the summer months, leturned home Thursday. Miss Kundle of Dundalk and Fred Chislett of Shelburne were visitoi-s the tirst of the week at T. Chislett's. Mis3 Lily Radley was married on <Jct. 27 to a Mr. Young of Toronto. Con- ;;ratulations. Mr. Dobie of Toronto ;>pent the week end with his friend, H. (Jrithn. Mis!4 Maud Hemphill is visiting with FevL'rsham frieuda. Geo. Stuart and H. Hammond re- turned Fridity from a two weeks' huntinf^ trip. Mrs. Jarvis HaicarU is visiting her daughter in Owen Sound. James McMulIun spent a day in Owen S>^ unJ last week. Mrs. Spicer returned from Shelburne on Monday tu \ i^ii friends here before leaving for her home iu Hainy Uiver District. Vuite a number of men are working on the street poles for the Bell Telephone Co. and ate registered at the McLauch- liu House. Mrs. McMillan and little sou, John, AVt visitors at Mr. McMillan s on the South Liue, the latter being very ill. R. Cook was at 0«en Sound Monday atiendins! the trial of T. Mightoc. Miss Kate Muir had the misforlune to break both bones of her arm while driv- ing home from church one Sunday re- cently. The hurso, while yoiug down hill, kicked over the dashboard, some part of the harnosii having come undone. J'imen Radley returned from the West on Monday. Died of Hydrophobia Andrew Ijuiua died at his home on the Gravel road, Melancthon, early on Tues- day morning uinler dLstressiiiw circum- st'inces which have cast a gloom over the locality and deep sorrow is the home. The particulars are as follows: On Sept. 18th the deceased was bit on the right wrist by his dog. The dog had been away from home for three diiys but returmd home on ihe al)o*e date. When lie .'irrived at the home Mrs- Qainu potted hiiu and thought she would tie him up in the stable. She to.>k him to the stable :iiul the dog iuimediately attacked a rooster. Who'j Mrs. tjuinn aco4dod him he ran where the men were working and w.ut first to Warren (,)uiuii, who wiis driving the binder. He stopped and pet- ted the dog and after getting on .he machine again llieUog went l» Mr. t^viinu, who wan stouking grain in the next Held. Dtceasud went to |>at the dog on the head and wxs grabbed by tho wrist and a bad wound was iiillicied. Tho dog, after bituig his owner, growled in a ferocious iiianuer and ap|^e»ired as if he would attack him again. Deceascil started for the house and the dug ran in circles around him until Warren called him oli°. Warren ordered the dog to lie down wliich he uiJ then he killed the animal with a fork. Decease J hiid the wound drecsed by Dr. S. T. White, who sug- gested thnt tho dog might have rabies, but deceased thought there was no danger. The wound healed up satisfac- torily and :o trouble was aulicipaled. On Saturday last deceased complained of a pain in hi.s shoulder and on Sunday morning of a constriction in tho throat which III ide It dithcult tu swallow. Dr. White was called in, and thought he had probably caught cold at a ihruahing on Saturday. He shortly after got worse and as soun »» Vra. White and Davij arrived, afle; boinij sunt for, thoy strap- pa.l him to the bed and ho remained in that position until he died parly on Tues- day morning, Shelburne Free Pres^. NEWS! FLESHERTON A new 'phone to ring, tu P. .Steluhart Markdale, 87, for pou try alive, produce, hides, skins and wool, rubbers, rags, horsehair, iron, copper, bras", xino, lead of all sorts, tup price paid in cash, or drop a card to Pox 121, Markdale Will call for it. Don't mistake the name, P. 3TEINHART Cook Got His Man Thomas Mightun nf Durham was brought to town Wednesday by High Constable Cooke to stand his trial on a two year old charge of assault and doing bodily Uariti, his wife being the victim. After the alleged ill treatment of his wife Mightun cleared out and was later located at Winnipeg. Thither C'lnstable Cook travelled, and arroseil his man. On the return journey, at Uiiny River, lhi< constable fell asleep about live u'clm-k, after noticing that hi^ charge was sound asleeti. When ho awoke a few minutes later the jaisoncr had down, the hand cutis were found unopened on the cnr floor. .4fter a lapie of two years Mighton u-as located by '.he Detroit police in that city through ii diMurbance in which ho was arrested. On tindiiii^ his naiuc tall- ied with ih.at of a wanted m.iii Mighton adiuUted his identity and Cook wis iioli- lied. The latier went to Detroit on Mon- day and returned with his man, who ev- ideolly preferred to tuke his chances with Canadian justice ami came across williU'.'ly. <.>ii his arrival li ore yesterday ho wati o.umitte.1 to jiil to ttand his trial, and he will probably answer before County .Judge S^itherland next M'Uday. County t.'.owa Altorney Dyre prosecuted, and H. C. Tucker .appeared foi tho pris- oner. When comiu;^ up on the train, in answer to imjuisitive fellow tiavelleis, Mijihton jokingly told them that he was wanted for killing four men. This gave rise to the leporl that a dangerous char- acter had been ariested. Constable Cook says the prisoner has given up the use of intoxicants whioh .were rcsprnsiblo for the trouble ho now finds himself in.- Tun -s. Priceville Jottings Intended for last week Alex. McMillan, south hne, ia ve.y ill at time of writing. November has been putting up the weather to suit everybody. Tho farmers are using the hoe weathei in getting some ploughiuj done. A runaway team made a considerable smash iu the railing uf a new bridge over the Saugeen . The Hallowe'en social held under the auspices of the VVumen s Institute realized about f Itt for Red Cross. Donald McLachlan's well is duwn I'M feet, and will rei{uire to go down deeper to .secure a supply of water. M. Mclnnis shipped a car of liv.: stock on Saturday lith and J. Stotlard a car of cattle and hugs on Monday the 8th. The new ceiue'ery ou the townline is nearing completion, a considerable pm- tion has been graded and the survey > f lots will soon be completed . This plot of five acres is a gilt to Piicevil'e and vicinity by H. McNeil of Chicago. John Gilchrist Dead One of the old settlers of Artemesia passed away at his home at Ceylon on Saturday, Uth inst. in his 8oth year, of dropsy and heart atfectiun. Mr.Gildirist a-as ala'ays a stioUL', hard working man, and was bles-^ed with a loni: and u.seful life. He was born in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, and immigrated lo Canada iu 1801. settling first in Bowmanville, and latei-â€" in l>!(i.j â€" he cinie to Artcine!>ia and settled near Flcsherton. Mr. Gil- chiist wss twice married, lis first wife being Mrs. Hannah McNally uf Holland, by whom he bad three scns-.Xndrew and Thomas of Ceylon aul William of Xorth Dakota â€" all < f whom are prosperous and highly respected citizens, .\i.drew and William are farmers and ThuniiLs is a blacksmith at Ceylon . His .secnid wife, who survives him, wits a Miss Mary (Joigg sister of Mr. P. t,>aij,'g of Kleslierton. There was no issue by the second wife. The funeral took place to Fle»he!ton cemetery on TuesUay of last week and was largely kttended. An aged sister of deceased, Mrs. vVeir, lives at Singbamp- ton . • Akittâ€" Hanley .â- V uretly weddiim, ihough a nuiet one, was solemnized on Tuesday, Nov. 2iid, at the home of Mr. and Mis. Hanley. 8ih Isne, Artemesis, when ih'ir daugl: ter, Lilian Pi' irl, was united in marriage lo Mr. Walter .-ikitt of Rock Mills, .son of Mr. and Sirs. Robert Akitt. The ciremoiiy was iie'formed by R-v. II. C. Kerf- of Floshettnii. The bride, who Was brought in and givoii away by her fallier. wore a beautiful gown of navy blue eateeu. Ihe vrcdding march was played by Mi-s /aida Lawlor. After the ceremony ca.ne breskfa.-t and its Ions s, and Mr. and Mri .\kitt. left im their liridal Iriy to Toronto, Brantforl, S\ Catharines and Niagara Fa'Is, the bride wearing navy blue Vt-lret with har lonntch. On their return they will tl- side at Rock MilU. Office Positions Guaranteed The Dominion Goveruient guar.anlces positions to Northern Business Colleu'O Uwen Sound, graduates who ixt^s the Civil Servici- Examinations iu M.ay and November. Salaries $500 to fl200. Am oitious young iiion and wumen, hav- ing attended High School for a year or nior«', ought easily lo pass these c\'«ui:u- ati.His. after taking our Commercial and Bates Burial Co. | J C W C I T y J.W.Bates, R. Maddock, President. M,ln»^'el•. I'lineral Directors »ud Knibalniers 1 24 Avenue Road,Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 Motor Fnueral Cars and Liml.u^ille3l to Cemetery at same cunt as Horse- drawn vehicles. 1 aug A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se> lection. We ceuC' ry Photo Supplies. OR. BURX OFFICE -l;!0 10th St, West, Owen Sound .\t the Revere house. Markdide, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m ,,. _ot ir-riT/^M Dundalk.ls Wednesday of each month . r LESHER 1 UN, Jeweler ONT ;^ au. .au. .iu, -iS/^ ^u. .jit -i'f. -SK. vM«. M. <M^ .ilit. -M. ji* -jI*. -'>".• .^''- -^"^ £"'-i''^4^i^^^lJs^ 1 W. BUSKIN m m 'A? â- IK. # y»^ ,j|fr Jfedlfe •»•«••»'<' i^w- •>*'' -sifc -^^i •>''' :J!i:?Hi^''sd!fe^4^!4^fi^'^2;^ ^"i^ ^!^ 5!^ ^'c JC C' W#W'a? -/is=% WW^/i?'fl? W^.'F -m' W^v'f'A' '«v''/iv' -»ft' -Jiv^ W -Wf ^iS" li^*^ ^ â€" -I DO IT now! •i- Walkerton The four Walkerton .school boys who on a recent .S,ifuiil.iy riddled the windows in Mr. -Jacob Stiltir's empty house with shot while roturiimg frun. liiinliiig iu the swamps north of tlio town, settled with justice on Thursday last by (aying for the ten broken windows and the costs of the action, aiiiomitini- in all lo 810.50 Will. Irwin, an hotel keeper in the loc- al option village uf Ripley, appeared be- fore Mauist rates Tolton : n I Richardson i.i Walkerton ou charge of illegally sel!- ing booze in a dry territory. As reports of the lion ob.servsnce of the law in Hip- ley reached the cars of the department, two spotters were despatched to the scene and succeeded, it seems, without much trouble in getting the moisture from Ii win on two occ<.sions. On being arr- aigned in Walkerton he admitted tho olf- euce, and was fined 9'i<i5 on the one charge and 9000 on the other. .\s he was also mulcted $400 in Kincardine the previous Tu sJay for a slini ar off 'OC' , Leave yoni- oM leiiiher tops in anil get_ fubbcn- bottoms put on. Thin- are the lvrateinialte.se Cross Kubber, guaranteed t<]f kvear ont, â€" but you have to wear them a long time. Also low laced aii'l hii^h laced rubbers ami lii:lit one.s to i;o over your boots at. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON --â- .- vs. v.sa-sa-M,^ s«vM.sa/v-NB,sa/s>\a, \»/\a vj,-sa-- v/\^Mi.^sasa.-v. ^. NEW SUITINGS* New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiesi weaves to be found any- where. Leave your order new for that new You will never reg Satisfaction guaranieed suit. You will never regret it. Don't forget tRat we do cleaning, pressing ami repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is thdi verv best. Stenographic Course for si.x or eight | nio .thi. Write for particulars to North" the tint*, coupled with his costs, will like- 1 e Business College, C.\ Fleming, | cly slick the ilfender for somothins liVe rriii.'ipal, or (5. D. Fleming, Sectttary. 81300, which is a s-anling example <jf F.all ttrni i>pening Sept. 1st. j high finance tor a week. Times. j S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. A -â- â- â- â- â-  â-  Mi'^^^WAi^^^A^^^A'^^ 'A^A"^^!^

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