Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1915, p. 4

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I Kovember 18 1015 THE F L E S II E I{ r O N A D V^ A N C E TH K« An lu<}oi>endent ncurspaiHT, [iiiUIUheil evvry Thursday at th' office, C.iiliii((w. od Street, J'l-shertciii. SuUtcripiiiiii piitf *1 pet annum \»hen )»icl in advance ;$1.50 when not so i>aid Adver i»iixfi r*tea on application. Circulation 1,100 wMkly jy H, Xhuratoii- Kdttor Flcshcrton- Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, {lastor. Suiidny. Ill «.iii., Fjllo-vtliip Ser.ice 11a.m. aaJ 7 p.m. M'tnday uveii 11:^ E_iw )r(li LM}{iiB.t 8 p.m. The Paper From His Old Home Town Somebody who failed to add his name eut The .\dv»nce the fclkwiiii; verses last week. As they are not origiual the name is unimportant, however: When the even' shade is fHilm' iil the endiu' of the day. An' « foller rests from l.ibor smi-liinj; at his pipe of clay, Tiur.:'ii iiotirn'.; dois him so niuuh good, be furttiiif up or down, A-i the little country paper from liis ol' home town. J- ain't a tiling o' le»Jty, an' its print ain't alw»ys c'ein. But it straightens out his tem,>er when a feller's ftelinif iiic:in ; It takes the wrinkles utf hit face an' bruithes off (lie fmwn. That little country psper from his ol' home town. I; toVs ff ail llif par iis an' the halls of Pump'jin Row, 'Bout who speiit Bu'iday wiih his girl, an' how thu cropi '11 grow, H-1W it keep.s a feller posted bout who's up and who i» down. That Utile coun'iy piper from his ol home town. iioK, I like to read ihe ilailies ui the story pajters, too. An' :it times the y^lUr novels an' some other trashâ€" don t you ' Eut when I want siine read'n;^ tliul wil lirusli away a frown, J want that lit'le puier from my ol' heme to'.rn. Letters of Thanks The following lorters.roceivcd by Clerk W. J. liellamy last week, explain them- selves : Toront(<, Noveiuber 10 h, 1915. Dear Sir :â€" i'our report of ihe 0th in- stant, enclcisiiiij druft for ?71i< 3H in aid of the Hiiii.sh Ked Cross Society and the order of St. .lolin, from the citizens of t|i) To*nsbipof Artemesiii, has been re- ceived by the Monouiablo Mr. McGariy, Trea.surer of the Central I'livincial Coui- miitee, who has directed me to acknow- ledge receipt thereof, and to express litg thanks and the thanks of the Committee for the generous contribution. Youri very ttnly, C. \. Mutthewi, Minister's Secretary. Toron'.o, November 10th, l!il5. Dear Sir :â€" Your report of the t*th in. stant, enclosing Draft for 1147.20 in aid of the British Ked Ciosb Society and the Order of St. John, from the citizens of the Village of Flesherton, has been re- ceived by the Honourable Mr. McGarry, Treasurer of the Cenirsl Provincial Com- mittee, wto his directed nie t J acknow- ledge rtceipt thereof, and to express his thanks and the thanks of the Committee for the general contributions. Vouri very truly, C. A, Matthews, Minister's S^creiaty. Notice Dr. H. F, Englisli, Oaleopathir Physician, of Owen Sound, will bo in Kli'shortoii on Tuenday «nd Friday iifter- iiucins of e;i;li week. ConiiiiLiicing Fri- day, JuiK' 4l!i. For appointment phf.iic 1) ring :!. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS R H. W. HICKLING ' FLESHERTON ONTARIO. This faiiiouK make of implements is well knov^ nail over the cnuntry and their own nond work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anylhina in the line of Bimfers, Mowers, iSeed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Plows, Sleighx, \Vae«on», Cream Separators, Harrows. HMllriK, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Oftsoline en giries, Sawing outfits, etc , gne us 3 chanee to quote prices. John Wright, ' Agent Flesherton From one wIki week . misted th« paper this Artemesia Council llie Miiiiicipil Council of the Town- sliip of .\rteiiieaia met at the Tuwn Hall on the first day of November, 1!)I5. The meinl>er.s weic all present. The Keeve in the chair. The ininiitfs of last cr.eetiuit and Fpecial ineetiiig of October Itt were re.id and coiihrmeJ. The Reevu tiled an aureemenl re the Stevi n's ditch Iota VJ) I'.t-' 1 N. K. Artemesia and tiwulini A. & P. ''ominiinicat ions read, .1. F. Jamie8)n, S. Turner .uid Kied Wright, cliiiins for sheep killed liy dojis and Inspector's it IMirts on s.knic. Mr. Cumiion report of expenditure in Div, 4. The Reeve rc- iwrt on tilo cuhert on centre line. Sub- cription lists for the Red Cios-i funds ^howing collections of $714. CO. Camrron - Aidcorn â€" That Ihn report â- of ihe R, eve on »pfcial <'xpen(liliirc on culveit Centre Line at lot 7'.' A W, show- un^ coal of Jtt.'i.iri be received aiid he bo |jaid fH.OO for overseeing work on the xaine.- -carried. Brown AlJcoiii That Uie Reeve, Olcrk and the asHoaKir Itn paid Si;V(HI each H« local selectors of Jurors for litl."!.-- Carriid. Aide irnâ€" Cimeronâ€"That the account <A W. II. Thurston for printing, adver- tising and lupplies tflO.IMi 1„. paid.- Carried. Brown- Oraham That Mr. Cameron's report of expenditure m Diviaioii 4 of t704.1»0 be received and he he pud 870.r)(l cominisiinn on ih« atmmi.t. --Carried. Aldco:iiâ€" Cameronâ€" Thai the following acooiinta for yiavel fiiinished overjeera bo T)aid, S. Martin f4.tl0, D. Syi.ies »1.0i», and U. McMullen 17.80.- Carried. Cameron Brown That the follnwiiio claims for shoep killed by dogs be pa'd_ Fred Jan.ioaon $«.fir>, S Turner 81«.( 0. and Fred VVrighf >(( IKl, the same hnving lieen duly certified by In'pec'ori'. -Car •â- ied. Cameron- Aldcornâ€" That tlm Clerk notify the By.lro Klectrio Ha'"wny Association that we are not prepare I to Hflnd de'iga^i h 1 1 meet 1 ho Coiiimisaion but are prepared lo receive plant of mr- veyi and estimates of coit of line through the district foi considoialion of this Council. Carried. ar*han;â€" Brownâ€" That the thanks of t'lla Council are hereby tendered lo hli ft rties who contriliutod lo Ihe riitish Bid Crtim fund and especially to those who cidhtctod Ihe illll'eiont waids, the •mounts Iteira »* followi-'. Mo.l (H88.C0. yo, 2 «(i:i itO, N... .". ifVMM, No. 4 <2rt5.<>0, t.iial 971'(.no.â€" Ctnii'd. Ciuncil aliMiuntd, Woman's National Anthem ^ The fuUuwiiig letter oame to a man who does not caie to have his name published but for whom we can vouch. It seems to us the women of Canaila would be glad to sing this Women's Natio: al .\ntheni and we pubtiih it herewith: Dear While in London recen 'y I came in touch with a little incident which I think will inteieat you. I .attended one day at noon a reciuiting in front of the Mansion bi use. A great crowd of men and women listened to the recruiting sergeants, all of whom had '•done their bit" at the front. .A la ly with a magnilicent voice sang patri'ilic songs which peihapt w.ts more effective than the s; ejcl es of the recruit- ing sergeicts. At the close of the nieet- ug it was announced Iha'. after sin^incr â- 'The King" iIm Indy would sing "The Wonien'a Natii nal Anthem." Then in rplendid voice she sang: "(loJ save our splendid m.-ii Send them sife home agsin, G>d mve our men. Keep Ihem victoriouc, l'.><ieijt ,ind chivulous, They are so dear to us. God save our men." As she Hant; every man tli od, uncovered and with bowed livml, and there werj not miiiy dry eyes. I think it would be a good thiii<; if the women of I'Hii.ida wculd laarn to sing ihif »a "The British Women's National Antlirm" for surely it is the ptaytvr ♦â-ºf every loyal Uritish woman. • After the meeting 1 wmt U]> to the singer, handed her my csrrf anil aiked her for the word.s she had just lun^- When she si»w that I w.is fro«n Montreil she said, "(Mi, I sang in Montreal and will be lilad to tend the wovds loihe wioncii of Cinaua." .She wrote them on the liaak i>t the blue envelope which contained my y^ssport Vouis V( ry Truly Peering Implements AND Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Part* always on hand Agent for Barric and Mt. Forest Cut 'eis, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks. Pedlar thinglus and .siding. These Implements re'iuire no lecoininendatioii as they ate standard goods and rcc.>!{ni/.ed as Ihe best on the market. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Butter Wanted Special Reduction in Ladies' Cloth Coats i his week we place on sale 20 Ladies Cloth Coats, Fall designs, correct styles, made in a variety of fashionable labrics, in a number of colors.cheeks plaids and novelty weaves. The sizes run from 34 to 40. The prices are all clearly marked in t)ur usual plain figures. We offer them all at 20 Per Cent. Discount. Make a selection early. PAID FOK BUTTER AND EGGS ' ^^ ' '^ ' 'I ' ^ ' i ^. 5 i ^>' * ';ygsy^ ' y « Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH â-  I a^S^^S^SuinJuS East 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. Uffice and Rasidenceâ€" 4l>8 '.Hh St. Owen Sound, O'lt. Hours-!) to 12 a.m , IMO to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. (Jther hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Koeli^h *ill be in Flfsherton ' ' on Tuesday and Friday each week. The Old Adage afternoons M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. Farm for Sale One htmdred ucres, lot '.u, (Ton. **. Artonu'.M*, «mnll franio house, snmll or- cliir<l,!,'oii(l well mid property well Ibreeil. Aloul .'il wiile.i from Kinenin. Apt'ly E. .t. Pa"r*>n», Euj»enia P. (>. 2 weekK. Teachers* Contributions. In accordance with a re.solutioa paH^wl itl the aiaociation meetitu held in IfWirn bury nn DjI. 7tH and Htli each leiicWir in the Inspectorate wa« to coi.iribute twlhe Hed CrohK Fund a diiy'd pay or at leaat ttiice dollars if their dij'K pay diJ not oi|ual iliat amount. These coiitcilHilioiiR arc to le aenl no S. .S. IVlcli, Tliutnbiiiy, ihe ire.iiuiur of the fund. They will he acknow'eJiei in the varioa-, [lapciH of the diatr ct. The following Imve been already received. Miss T. M. Urown, Meafor.l. «:! (HI Mr. U. a. Holland, Fle.-iherton H.'^i> MinH Minnie liittlo, rriievillo 3.(Xl Mias Annie H*riow, (Jeyloii .1.00 Mr. K. Miller rrioeville .'I.TS Mr. W. .1. iSlowait. nadyeros H.OO MisbL. M. Mcknight, Mtaford :t.2n Mmi I.. Veitch. t'larksburs; ;i.00 Mini K. Hack, 'Ihornbury :i.90 Mils N. .1. Houl, Uun an ',Vi'> Mr. A. W. Ilright, M.uford H.dO Mr. K. W. Ward. Meaford 0.00 Mini M. K. Fantoii. lloh Koy :i.00 Mr. K. P. Dawa^in, Cape Uieh a.lK) MiiH E. 1. «cotl, Meaford M.OO Miat K. K. Wilcotk, KloHliotton .H.(jO MisH I). .Vbeioroiiibio, Kiinberley ,'1.00 Miu H. Haicley, Waltel'aFrtlla It 00 Miu Aldu UateHon, Flesherton 3.00 MitH Mary Clark, Floshert ai 4,00 Miss/ella Mctjiiirp, Thornbury ;i.i)0 S. H. IVlch, Tliornbury 11 Ml Miss C. L. En>;liNli Mnrkdale o.lO FAKM I'art lot i, eon. FOR SAEE Kuplirasia, eonHiit*- imr TiO acre*, i>ood frKiiie hiMise, uriHir fnll Hi/,u of Ivonso, uood barn ::4xri,'>, vull alV voniid ; v*>"d Mtahliii|{, lai'}{e w.'jf vrd oP tirsl elasH fruit, hon house, pi« fn. etc. (W in»h» from the villii>o of Kim hi'Hey. Wil) mi 11 cheap ti> rii<ht hi »>. For teims. Pf o. . tijiply to I'lo uiider»ii;i".e<l CHAULKS WICKKNH I Nov KiiiilHMley l»'.t>. A Business School That aucceiwtul echwd whose graduates occupy prominer.t po- sitions from the Allant.c lo the I'acilic, re-openi for the FALL TERM K.ptember 1st, l!tl4 Send for free catalog at oncw to COLLIRGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal CoHini^wond, Ontario. t Property For Sale The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is etjually true of the lOOU (Iravity Washer. Try one and he convinced that the?e is none bem*r. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon I. Part lot 151. con. 2, N. E. T. .V S. R.I containinii 2«?.»cre.«, about 1 mile from j Flesherton. THere is a good frame house i and stable an* Ihe property is well| fenced and wntejeif. Apply to .loseph A. LeCard, Flosllerton or on the proper- ty- Bull Jtr Service F'T service. â€" !?!»»•>« Hollyâ€" No. 0422. Aberdeen Aiij^n*, on !»>t 'M, ftth concess- ion, Artemesia. 'ffltrms. W.OO if paid „ 1 rfore Ut Jim. IOITa- W. J. Maaee. |M^^*^*S*] Way ir. I ,i\p Full Vuwfft iVIcCormick Farm implements, Biiwlers Mowers^ Kjikes, Loaders, Drills, Ctiltivatois, PIdws, Ividing .iml Walking, Harrows-, Brantford Wnid IMills. Pwmps, Piping ami Fittitngs of all kinds, JJt>attie ISivy Carriers. Ilay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Fohling Bath Tubs, Fro.-^^S Wire and Fenee, Cntters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction GuaranteecL S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Cc^on, Ont. a«^g:^ &Bagsg cmn/uS^SS I Stock For Sale S. .X. Pel; Twutl t78,ro . (Tieas'.ir. r) ONIONS Onions of pxcellcnr. i|Ua1ity foi y^tle, Priee, -c. per pound for T"> powntlK xr more. Toleplioiio Jos. Iluvlivan'tii, Flesherton Oi.tArlo. Property For Safe For snie in the villnife of Kiit;eiii», a Kture Hiid dwelliii); coiuJ>ined i^ood Hiible, never failin« well, tit i nmber of fruit In'cs, half n^•\â- ^ lot, well fenced. For turiiis and parliciilar^t M|Pf>ly to ), Ini Holaiiil, Vaiidoleiir, or I* Miiiislniw, Kui{iO'i>i, I'xeculnrs of lh» late Hichaid .Smith eatatx. CANADIAN PACIf='IC Fast Daily Service To Winnipof,' and \'aiicfinver Via The Trans-Cane da TInon ^•h tininsâ€" No 01inu,'o, tliiit yoitv ticlict rcailR bee CANADIAN PACIFIC I'artlciilnr from Oanndin » l'.H'ifi<' Ticket Awi'iit or wiite M. U. Mur|iliy, Dintriot rimsi'iiKcr .\grnt, coriiM Kiov: i4i:d YoURn .Snot'ti*, Toronto. S. HANDS, Agent, C.ylon, Mare and sucWinifeolt for iil !l years old- sNo :» eoll ri.sin>{ ^Mid stock, and one yoon); row old, and calf. -THUS. FESWICK, F.ugenia H»le â€" mare 2, nil tivo yi». Farna for Sale 2dO acres of uoud clay lonm. Lots 1112 1;! and 1-4 Ooi). 3, O^prey <»nt. Is situated in koui* htcality 1| miles from school, 2 miles ii«M» church, 2i from store ; Frsino barn tSOxliO f.'ot on stone foundation, hirn* franio house. !• ri>oiiis and wof.d nIioJ and stone cellar; T."> acres under cultivation ; :<() acre? hardwood bush, o acres odswaiii|>, Wlaiico slash and pasture Uiiil Aiid (tart of this ready toj- break up ; lu'ver («ilin(( spring creek j elomi to houKU and barn. Will sell veryj cheap for i|uiiik sale. i J. A. ttKUMMKTT, Maxwell P..I); Flesherton Tin Shop I havt^jjUst placetl on the sholvTS a full line of Tinware, Nin-keUvarc and Agatewa»e for ilomestic- use. Call »>») ine and get your supplies. Kaveti?t>nghing, Stovepipes ami Stove Furnisb- Kej)auring of all kinds promptly, attended to. Pijjetitting, inclmliiig pump work. Furnaeeti installeil. Agent fw Claro Purnac**. Bix^w ARepres3n1ative Wantetf ' t once for FLESHERTON AND DISTRICT FOR The Old Reliable . Fonthill Nurseriea Ftrmori'l Why remain idle all winter when } oil can i nke up ft paying ni(«nOy ? ftholoe list of varietie'i foi sprint; planting. Liberal terms, Hniidsome free outKt. Kxohiaive Territory. Write low for purt'oulars. Stone & Wellington TORONTO - ONTARIO D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jSff ONTARIO. WOOD CUTTING Itiuz .Saw Wood Cutting with ; iieatneks and despatih, .Ml to till cords pw (lay. .'VNo a (fond stv.ivx I'littiiiir oiuHt. | SatisfiU'U.m Kimnoitwil. I.vavo ycur , ordeiH with the midersigiu'd, | l.IalU -tJKOnKACKKNlU'RY, | Ft veraham , BULL FOR SERVICE The «nder«ii;ned hns a Puie Uri-d Shorthorn Hull for s>Mvi<n> on Lot 140, Con. 2. S. W. T. A S. U . Arlemrtsia. Terms 81 00 All oo«s senid must le piid for hy Ul M'iroh, IDltt. laepi â€"H. Piper. FlesKex*ton #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire S-tti-sfaotion LAl'N DRYâ€" Basket closes Monday nisjht, delivery Friday cveniig CLEANING and DYEISG- NNV are Huents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothes Ileal ch>aneil and dyod, T FISHER,- feather.4 rejuvenated PROPRIETOR

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