Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1915, p. 1

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fkBUcxim %hioanu. TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINOIPLEb NOT MEN.' TOl 35 No. 31 Fleatierton, Ont., Xliursdeiy, November 25 191o W. H THDRSTON \°'7S« »ud PKO THE FALLS THAT ARE NO MORE Power Turned On wi>es to Mt. Forest, Duihaiu, Duiid^lk, Owi'u St utid, Chatsworth and Markdile, and llifi citizens of llicse places 'â- re now Ki Plltfanin Pj,||c «nJ'>yi"S the best light they have uvei' Al I^UgCllia I ail»|had, and we l>cli.nu the cheapest. i The EuRenia Uevulupment was piob- Thuisday of last week wa« iiii ci)..ch |pj.^i,ah|y the mo.t costly that the Hydro m«kin«day for the county of «r'y-!coui,„is8i.,.i has yit iindcitakon. It is After y.ais of dreamiu;;, «»''eoteeD ^^^..,jj„^^.^j ,j^^j „f ^^^^^.^. ^^^ ,,^j„^,^. months of construction work, and Ihej^^jj,, ^_.^,,^,^ The f..ih.win« coudeiwed .;.M)ei>diture of one oiilhoii and »eveuty-,f.^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^^^ j^.,,„, ^^^ souvenir menu tivo thousand dollar, in the great electric j,^j.j ^^ ^yj_l^,j^j ,,y ,^^ CommisHiou to development work at Euaeo.a the cur-,^^^^,^ ^^ „,^ bac-iuet : lentwas first turned ou for "kccia"! ,, , .,,, .1 . f, 1 .1 . L .I.- I Uead-.)40 fojt. that afternoon, and the towuo of tnmi ..ountyhave now litcially luiued froni| Present total capaciiy of plant -^.tOdt) • darkness into light. |hor8.iK.wer : ultim.uo capacity, 8tlU0 ihorsopowcr. At noon on Thursday many auto loadsl _^ , , , , .... ... , , , ,., , I Dams erected â€" 1 concrete 4 earlli till : of visitors pasxeu throu"!) rlesliertnn on: , , â-  , â-  ,i , . , , , .^ concieie dam. one of the loiiiiest in tan- their way to the ceremony and bantiuet ,•,-,>, aua, uia.\iuiuiii height .)IJ teet. Size of btorago bisiii 1700 acicsi Length of pipe line --wood slave, '.loOO feet ; steel, LjOO feet. Length of line â€" 138 miles. " at the power li<;u»e in the viilley, where about 15tJ ftuesta congregated to lake ptitinorview the proceedings. These cauiB from all the intereBted towim it. tha county- Mt. Foiost, Wiilkctton.j Durham, Owen Sound, Unndalk, Shel-j burno and MarkJalo. Flcfhcrtoii's Reevej One tliousniid hoisi-power w i.s used ihci and Couucillo.-» were there in a liody.itirst cveninn. I'lir vohaiic is •.'•_',000 and Amon!< the proniineiil men present were:jaiid in stepped down for use to 110 vollj ' Sir Adam Beck, the elect ricul develop The » oik is .ill i.f a very substantial ' nient wizard ot this province ; Hon, Dr, character and letlects nnich credit ou all • .lauiieson, llou. I. B. Lucas,- and Mayorwho had anylhinc le do with the con Mc'.iuakcr of Owen Sound. The ban- -struction. The inspector infurnied The .juet was not au elaboiato atl'sir- justiAdvaiico some time ago that tha big dain plain, everyday fond, but conked by.constiucted by the Amburscn people is electricity, which probably made it more, the best piece of work ho has over had appttizins though niaj be M^t nior« di-:the pleasure of inspLclin<;, l?ut we be- gestiblc. The speakers wcio Hon. .\dain licve the ssnno thin.; iiiighi bo said of the Beck, Dr. Jainicsou, and Mayor Mc(^»ua whole works, iiioluding the 138 iniltH nf kerof tlweii Sound. The .speeches «cre"lino and installation work in ilio tonus ' shoil, in fact the whole affair occupied in which ihi/ro apponri lo bo absolutely "less than two hours. Mauy of thii .^ucsls n'lthiii'.' •'scauiped" or left, to chance- 'came by the n«oii tram and returned This couiity ou^ht certainly to be proud •fcuni here by the afternoon train, which of its eloctricl plan', and in years to como â- in.-idi' it nccess-ivy fur the autos to trav.l when iho plant is paid for our sons and ut a speed which would ncarscly lia\e lieiis will bless tlio day when their for* home clo.so investigalion. The Iny was boars installed a work that will bo one of line as any d-iy at this season of the year the greatest blessings it is possible to in- could be, and the roads were «ood. hoiit chea|> power and light. .Just how krerything passed ort' witjiout a hitch, chca.i it will be to us rciuain.s to bo prov- Hud tlio very great houor of turning on en, but under pro/sent culiditiuns we be. I ho juice was graciously given hy Sir lieve it will even be cheap to m. In my ^d.»m LSeck to the representuiive of iho oveut, the light is k> much better than county town. Mayor Mcguakor. At'wimt we have had that ii is woi-lh paying ,6 ve o'clock the current tlew over Ihc soinetliing for. Kimberley Budget Talk about windy weatlicr, we ccr- taiulj had more than our sliare lat- ely. D . L. Wcbtr made a business trip to Markdale ou tSat. last. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boyle and Master Harold of Sligo visited last week with the latter's paruuts, Mr. and ^lr3. .Jus. Mageo. Misses Euna and Nellie Burritt ivho are attending the Normal school in Tor ;nto are noemberb of the choir of Cooke's church, the largest Presbyter- ian church in the city. Both those young ladies possess tine voices and are the daughters of -Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Buriilt, respected residents of our burg . Wind, rain or snow has no terrors for our popular mail carrier, John .\berc'-ombie. We don't think he missed a trip this summer . Miss iMiua Fawcett of Markdale visited at licr parental home one day last week. Some of the big city manufactur- ers are bewailing the fact that the farmers' sons are not enlisting the way they think they should. Those same fellows will rave about" Increas- ed production. " How will they se cure it if the farmers' sons enlist in too great numbers. Another thing, iucreascd production will mean lower prices for the commodities grown on the farm. Bornâ€" On Sunday, November 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornfield, a daugiiter. Wm. Harris' pet coons broke out of their pen one day last week. Wm. was almost despairing ut ever seeing them again wlieu lie happened to lo- cate them in an unused stable where he secured them. The many Iriends of our soldier boy, Ezra Fawcett, who is ou active duty solnewhere ou the Western front, will be pleased to know that he is still sale and sound. Eugenia Paragraphs The women of Eugenia Women's In- stitute purpose lioldiii{ their next niLet ing on Frid'-y evening, Nov. 20, at the home of }Mrd. Jacob Willams. They always have a social lea cnce a month. This time ihoy extend a hearty invita- tion to their sweethearts to give them a good s(|uare meal. They will be looking forward to meeting the best looking men of this part to enjoy themselves. Visitors welcome as usual. Ml . Walton Williams has returned t < his home in Torontu. He has been engaged wifh tho Woltz Co. at the power house during the past summer. The baiKiuet at the po«-er housj on Thursday waa a hugo success. Mrs. David Jainie-ioii died on Wed- nesday, Nov, 14, Hgod (')') years, at the home of her dauyhier, ftlrs. R. McMas tor. The remains were tikeu to tho Methodist church wheie ilnv. Madden preached an able, fitting and synipathe'ic sermon to a large congregatii-n of friends and mourners. The deoeaBcd lady was very hiuhly rrspocted and a member of the church The >ynipathy of iho coin, muniiy is e> tended to the sorrowing friends. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. I>R. BURT 5p^...... i„ .....0. o. .He ^ ^ Armstrong, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat UFFICE-130 10th St. We8t,Owon Sound j Jeweler A t tho Revore house, Markdale, 2nd ; Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m ^ „ r-euroTriM Dui.dalk,l8 Wednesday of each month., r Lc;iOri£.K 1 vJIN, ONT :5!&A't4K: :?!&:»&•»!& -iii-iit vM/^ .sii v>'& .&!«. i'i. .J'/- .»«. -^'& .»!& ^vjfc^K;^^^^ % 7/^ Important Liquor Seizure The News Told Impartially • • I •Constable .Vrrowsniilli n tho cl soliarvc ;Tho Dominion and Pioviucial I'arlia- of hii duly on Tue.sday uighl last, saw a iijcnls will soon convene ai.d ther«cvn bejbuggy entering the llihn House (.tables httlo il'ubt but that several iiucstiens ofiunder aiiipicioua circumstances. He foi- ^rst imp irtance to cVL'iy citizen in Can- :Io,ved, but before rcacliiiig tho slabjim ,ilde will be dealt with. No paper in Can- the donra were shut in his face. He di; ada Clivers tho scRsioii of tho Doiiiinioii and Provincial Houses more fully or ' more impartially than The Toronto D.iily News. The Advance has arranged with Tho Toronto Daily News to t\ko subsciip- tioii tor both papers, and upon roaeipt ol $2.80 both tho Advaiic) and The Nb*s will be sent to your address by ^mail fo' ouo yi-ar. Send your subfciptioii lothis ofli NEWSI FLESHERTON A new 'phone to ring, t^j P .Steinharl • Markdale, 87, for poutry alive, prniUice, , hides, skins and wool, rubbers, mg'), horsehair, iron, copper, brass, zinc, load ' of all sort», top price paid in cash, m • drop a card to Box 181, Markdale Will .(.-all for it. Dou't mistake the iiamc, P. STEINHART inanded adinittiiiico but was refu.sed and coulJ hear the chink of bottles. -Apply- ing his siiciif/th to the door he succeeded in pulling it Hj^r far oUDUgh to si|U0i/._' hi.s body in and found there Iho son of the pi-iipridtor and a young man naiuod Bauer. The constiible gathered in from the buugy and eUcnhcro a ()uaiilily of beer and no fewer than 'M bottles of Gooderham's whihkey. With the aid of Mr. Jas. Lloyd, who whs passing on his way home from night work at the factory, the Htutf was taken to the constable's ros- idenue and no doubt tlicio will bo a so- i]u>.-l to the daring and glaring violation )f iho law. Ihe action of the coi>»table under the circumataiicos was as c lurng- 0OU8 Hii it was judicious and adds onoe more to the testimony that tha town did A wi.so thing in appointing him to he p 'sition. VVu have a Beoket of our own. - Diir'iain R.view. Three Children Burned to Death Mealoid, Nov. -Jii â€" Word was received in Mcaford this inoriiing of a smious lire which took pl.-icj at Mr. Eierult Boyle's, y.h line, St. Vinceni, Sunday evening at about 8. ao o'clock. It ajipears Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and family had been on a visit to Mrs, Boyle's mother. Sirs. Wm. Goudy. a few miles disUiiit. They re- turned in the evening and put iho chil- dren to bed, and left a ianip burning on .1 shelf ill 'he house, which was of frame, while they went to do the work at tho barn. It is not, or never will be, known how the lire originated, but it is.supposed the lamp exiiloded. The tiic had made suih headway when the pirenln noticed it that there was no possible oliance of saving the children. All t'lree, the entire fam- ily, were burned to -» crisp, tho eldest a girl of five years, a boy of threr, and ihu baby, a girl of uiio year. Tho paioiils, who are grief stricken, have the deepest syii)|)uhy of the whole C'lminuuity. Bad Fire at Feversham Tho brick store anil d.velliiiit in Kovi r- gliain, owned mid i cjupied by Mr. C, H. K')erts, meichant, was burned to the ground on Thursday night of last week. Tho lire iiocurred about 11 o'clock a' night. .Mr. Eberts wa* iliu only one up cl the time, the rtst of the family having g(>ne to bod. The causii of the liio was a lamp cNploding from somo iiiikiiown cause. Mr. Eberts alUinptod to beat out the IliiDies hut was unsuccessful, and the whole biiikiiiig i<iid coiilents weut up in sinoko, the family saving absolutely nuthini!. In fact they had to wrap bed clothing arijund ihoni and got out the back w.iy. The D.vpiey lelcplione ex- change was at the roar of tho store and Miss Kaittliig, the operator, sli pt there. I^lio had only time to throw a pair of shoes out of tho windo.v and crawl out in her night duthos. It is said Miss Kaitting lost a considera'le sum of iiioiiry as well as hor clothing. The telephone exchange was, vf course, destroyed,- and tho Osprey lines are now out of business. The loss w a heavy one for Mr. Eberls to b.nr. He has only had pos-sestion of tho premises for less than a year, having purcha-ed from Mr. H. I'oiigoe of Port MoNiclioll. There was an insurance of 8(800 on tne building, $1100 „n stock and lixtures, ai^ $900 on the household fuini urc and piatio. Ceylon Chat Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist returned .Satur- day from vi.siting Toronto fi lends. Mr. Frank Collinson has returned from a four weeks' trip lo iSiskatuon and i. ther poiuts. Mr. and Mrs. W. .1 . C jok of Ebordale were visitors the first of tha week at R. Cook's. Mrs. .John Stewart spout part of the week in Torontu. A. McMullbii is on tlin sick list. Max Bannun is sssisting Mr. Collinson on tho farm. Mrs. Hodgson and daughter, Mrs. Hall, came down fioin <-)wpn Sound Saturday, wliero llij latter had undergone an opi ra- tion, and are visiting at Mr.T. Chislett's. Mr. Hall of Osprey spent over Sunday with his wife liero. Mr. Kouoil (.)liver, who ha.s ^^pent the suiuinur in Algoma district, n-turned tho past week to spend tho winter with his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Meads. Mr. Clias. .Vd.«ms went lo Uwon Sound .U'inday night. The Duili ui. I'uniihuo C >. mill has tarted opeiatlons again this week. Mrs. Jarvis Hazard, who has been vis- iting her daughter in Owen Sound, for a fortnight, returned home Monday. W. BUSKIN I "S-l** # 0^\t, -M*. -4!*. -Jl^ .^l<, ^t, ^t, .m, J.I4. ^^t, J>«^ .»!<. v\l«. .JI/> .»K. ^H. 4fe -M: ^V, ^Vy. ^U, .JU, .il<. Jl«. A^ ~fl^ 'H? "^I*" W %' â- ?!? W V»? W '51? ^^ 'i-."> %'%'^i? W ^i*- %' ''i? ^1? W" W W ^V^ *^ What About Euphrasia ? Fioin iho Owen Sound Adtjeriiscr If it is correct, as it has been reported, hat tho township of Kiiphrasia has ilonv! iiolhing toward the Brilish Rod Crots fund, and ihut nothing Ins been done for patriotic pu: posts oulsitie tho provincial and county levies, II is a mutter of reurti. Just why Kuphiasia should haiiu bii.k when all the loinainiiig lownshiiii nf iln- oouuty have couio forwaid so nobly, is hard to understand. It is iinl as if there was a strong pr'j-Gornian element in tho lowiiship, as initiht he iissiuned in tho case of sumo of our other townships. Surely it must bo that tho citizens have not yet been stirred to the sonso of re- spoubibility which rests upon tlicin in couiiii 111 with tho rest of iho county mil province, as w-e liol ove the citizens aie loyal to Britain and Brili^h insiitutions if just records count for anything. In leferring t'l the pro-(«ernia!i ilc- iiiolil in the counly, it must; not be in- fei red that ihere arc no loy;d Germans. A Base has ooine to our notice recently, whore a citi'/.en of Geiman descent es- pr>. SSI d his disgust at Iho Miiall nniouiit conlribu'ed by his UHiiiicipalily to Ihe British Red Cross Fund, ;ind hi'.er nnulo n contribution of |10 becauso tho gcntnil levy would not alfeci him, a* ho is only a tenant. There are numerous otlicr«,too, who are equally anxious for tliu success of the allies. While Kuphrasia has tiken no action as yet, tlio citiz.n^ will hardly bo content to rest on their oars and do uoihing when the other part* of the county are up and doing. [Diu clerk of Euphrasia clainns ihat the above is founded on a misooiioeption. Kuphrasia subset ibed over ?600 to ih<! Red Cross fund and the council by reso- lution gave flOC â€" KJ. Advaiico.l "^ DO IT NOW f Le.ivc your old leather tops in ami jjet new ml)l)er bottoms put on. Thoj' are the cele- bratetl Maltese Cross Kiibb^M", guaranteed to wear out, â€" hut jou have to wear them a long time. Also low laced and Iiijih laced ruljhers - and liiilit ones to "o over vour I)oois at Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- â- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our ^^â- ol•kmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobbertin Tailoring. ^

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