Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1915, p. 8

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Novombor 2r> 1015 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE m-rj-r r'J ^-:l:j : ^ i zJrl^^^^r^^ J7:^^^^'s^^ "*- w M HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT Wj -^ "^^ ^^" ^^^ ^i^ ^» -^^ -^»- ^^ "^ i^W .^^ J^^ -^^ j<W ^^^ ^^^ .jW^ ^^ ^^fc ^^^ *^^ fi^^J r L. JAS. PATTISON « CO. CEYLON'S STORE Special for 1 week Commencing Thurs. Nov. 25. CARPETS and LINOLEUMS Mcu'fl low slipper ovei-sliocs 8M5 per pair. Ladies' low slipper overshoes 90c. per pair. Ladies' IcggiDH Piic. por pair. Kicsli, clean groceries at prices that can't be beat. Try our 10c. salmou, Nice lot of Ladies' New Coats just iu. Mcn'^ and bnys' suits, latest styles, Itoitglit before the advance. Highest market pr'cea always paid for butter, eggx. poultry, tallow and hides. Ucc onr sign board at store, something special each day. JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE ^J Don't Blame the Innocent Tisii't alw.iyts the Cook â€" • Toor Thing! Souieiinies it'H the Slove. Cousiderato men want con- siderate pioves in the home. I'liey know â€" Had Htovcs make Had l)imieis!. Jiad ' tinners make Bad Tempers. Tiio "MolVat" htovesbc-lwecn Kitchen and i)ining Kooni i.s a good Stove. Come and see onr line of good eookr-rs. They save lime, hiel. energy and tem- per.' If. W DUNCAN Hardware Merchant FLESMERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. #>'riii> very li k: |i1 eo In ink 5jp Comini'icinl i'riiiiiiiiL.' i* ilio Office Positions Guaranteed ^ , ^ .• 1 i Tlio Dnininion (ioviimii -ul ;{ii!iniiilut'K politions III Norilu'i'ii I'lKiiifti', Colloje, Oweu Ssriiuul, jiViiiiuiileii wlin ]iii<n tlio (/:vil St'ivice Kxamiimtimis in .Muy «ii<I IllIxT .SillllK'S 8.")ii;j lo ?12()i). 5lf OWKN SorNI), ONT., 5^ No oihci' Ciknailiiiii Sclioul oflViR; ^'liesc HilV(UitHj»eH.- ?'< uiirsiis utxItT iiomoiml mpcr^^ tT'' i-i'Mi iif ft CliJiltHrt-d ALCniiiiiiiiit.'JS ^' '')iiiplet<! I'rsciicMl Deimrtnieiit.^J W« :!'> tucniHsliil yi'HiH. ^jg iI;i.Uiii- own hiiilding, miri pvi-ry J{i''i'l-jr5 uhIu in it potilion. -?% HiusineiN, Shoitlmnil, l'ri>|inr»ti)rySJ^ fniid Oivil .SiTvicii I)n|>,«i1nn-ii's. jj^ -IKntor any dny. ('iifulo^^ua free. "iiJjB JS^ rtM|ut'»t. ^ Jijil C. K. FLEMINO. F. C. A., ^ M Pi'incipal.M So. D. FLKMING Secretury.S S OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO S .ViiiliiliiiiiH yoiiny uiL'M mid ttoinoii, Imv- iiiK iitfi'liili'd lli;ih Scliddl for n year or more, oui^Iit easily lo piLss lliosc «!Xaiiiin- atioiis, iifiiM- t:ikin){ iiur Coiiiuiuroiikl iiml .Sienonrspliio CourHC fi-r six or ijfjht iiinlitliH. Write for pirticiiUiH lo N.rtli- trii liii.sini'hN ('olli'Hc, C. A. Klni)iiii;r, l'riiui|ml, or (i. U. Kluniiiig, t»ecrotKrr K*ll torni opening Sopt. l«r. For Service FiirHorvtce on bl 12, cnn. ft, OnDrcy, one purabr.d Short liorn Bull. Ti^iniH SI. .")(). Ainu oiu! piirtf lui-il \'oiksliiro ItiHr, Terinn 81 1)11. AH accnnnts miMt I.M p«i.l to FUED TYI.fJR, Mftmiuor, or O. U. Bl'ltKE, Pioprietor. - 1 Sep. House and Lot for Sale Bull For Service niorooghbrtd .ShoDhorn Bull. " Hill ratt Oovernor," Nu. H5468, for Nervice COB lot 27, con 14, Artemesia. TormR- 91,60 lor giaUea. t^< for thnroiighbrtdt -ALEX. CARRl'THERS. Corner lot fippoHite the Prcubj terlun 'church, house coiiiaina W ronniR niul hath, cement (:-.-IUrK, cement ciHtern inticle, Koodwell and 8tHUo. For lernriH iipply on preinidCH. ; lino. â€"MRS. R. U. WRIGHT i Fle^beiUn. â-  -- WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA Issue Of $50,000,000 5 per cent. Bonds Maturing IstDec, 1925 OTTAWA Repayable at par at HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTllEAL, T0RO^'TO, WINNIPEG, REGINA. CALGARY. VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLYâ€" 1st. JUNE, 1st. DECEMBER. ISSlJElPR][CE^97i A full halfyear's interest will be paid on Tlio piocei'ils of the loan will be used for 1st June, 10 IH. war purposes only. Ill the event of futnre issues (other than issues made abroad) bein;,' made by the Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issue will be accepted at the issue price, 97J, plus accrued iutere.st, as the ei]uivalent of ca.?!! for the purpose of snbpcnptions to such isBues. THl;; MINISTER OF FINANCE offers here with on behalf of the Government the above named Bonds for sub- scription at !I7J payable as follows, â€" 10 per cent, on application, 7J per cent, on Srd.'anuary, lUlO, 20 per cent on 1st February, 1916, 20 per cent, on 1st March, 1916, 20 per cent, on 1st April, 1916, 20 per cent, on 1st May, 1916. The in^talracnis may be paid in full ou and after the .Srd day of .January, liUo, under discount at the rate of four per cent, per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. F'ailure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment lo cancell- ation. Application.^, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent, of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. The bank will issue a pro- visional receipt. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest will be a charge upon ilie Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from uii) brarcli of any chartered bank in Canada, and at the oHice of any Assistant Receiver Generil in Canada. Subscriptions muHt be for even hundreds ot dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applicl towards payment of the amount due on the .January instalment. Sciip rertilioato3 payable to bearer will be issued, after allotment, in e\cliauge for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and p:iyiueMt endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may bo exchanged for bonds with coHiX)ns attached. payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds without coupons. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be madie through the chartered banks. The iuterest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. Holders of fully registered bonds without conpons will have tiic right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and" holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to con- vert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of i^inauce. The issue will be exempt from taxes â€" including any in- come taxâ€" imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100. $500, 81,000. Fnlly rejfistered bonds without conpons will be issued in dpuominalions of $1,000, $5,C00 or any authorize! multiple of $-3,000. Application will be made in due conrae for the lifting of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchange. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Uceeiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetowu, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Re- ^{iim, Cak'ary nr Victoria The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a comiiiissi!):i of one (jnarter of one per cent, on allotments made in rc.-;;)ect of applications wiiicli bear their stamp. Snb.scnptioii Lists will dose Finance Department, f)ttawa, iJ2nd Nove.Tiber, 19' 5. i^l on or be''orc :M»t.h Xoveniber. IDl.) m Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues H oner Rol's The Cohiinhin i.-; llio perfect talking innchine. Couipuro all others, then hear this mid we ate not afraid of the rc-oult. We can ."^ell machines on easy terms to responsible people. .\11 llin best appointed city liDincs have their pailor machines and there is no reason why the farmer should not have the best miieic of the day in his home, including band music, vocal [ artists, and pei fnrmera on all kinds of' instruracntc. You eiui have it on a Columbia Grafonola, as perfect as the ; nriginal, and for much lest than you | would pay for u Cominon Organ, They lango liora $20 up. \ S. S. Ni). lit, Arieines II, KntduicG Cipis.s- \V«ll,icrf Arimtr.mr, Keiulil fl^wkius, Ne&h Willitiins. Edwin I'urvis, Mfirjaie P.irk^, Herbii H.nioy Gi-ruld Liigo, Millie ILuiey. ,h:l-Pe,irl Litimer, Tuail McMast. r, Nelso I Evaii'), Koniietli Large, Leune Weber, Mary McKec. Sr2â€" Mil liiiiu-y, MaeUaoketl. Jr 2 (»)-M*ith» Feuw ck,Art. F'odlar. .1r2 (l.)-Evi-.iu Willi i.i.s. .h I li il-eonlionlou, Flilili- WDlitima, Horiio Hiiwkin<i, Prod Lirgc I'r (â- â€¢) - Stanley Mmn-iti, Vein a (jialmm, ("Inrciice Willi.iin.<, Motlc W'c lier, Ct'cil Gi>hain. I'r (b) â€"Cliuibel Fenwick, Marjjiwri'o I'odliir, iRiihel MoKoe, Forn Stuaii, K;ul ! (iord.iii. I'r (.:) â€" Vio'.i Willi:uii..t, Korinnn \V\\\ iaiiis, Elj^iii Grdiini, -KvR M. Lover, Toachor I I'orte of Habit. ! "Do you ihinU Titewad will rcco'-ci ; from his p-esent illness?" "Not a chance of it now. Some I fool friend, In an effort to cheer him ' up, told the old fellow that cemetery lots and coffins were cheaper now I than they had been for years. OI I course, be is not going to neglect a chance to sav; money. S«v«n bayt. ".Well, George," said William as thejj met In the street, "how Is Arthur going on now 2" "Oh, much better," replied George. "Ho hfis been In the country for seven days to regain his strength." "TUiifs funny! I should Ii.tvc tlimtpht seven days In the emiiitrj' would li;ivo nude one week." â€" .New YorU .Inniual. r*\f^^^t*\fi^\^ The Perfect Columbia llei).>it of S. S. No. 7 ArteiiiBuirt for Oot. Sr 4 â€" Frank Williairson.John Uussoll, Jo'in Dow, Annie Gilchrist, lluliy Muir, Faii]uhur Oli\cr, Klnur Muir. Sr I!â€" Boiitrioa W.itlor.'i, Al ie I'ar.s'ow. I I., „ ™«..„„i .^f ,.«„«..,i:-« .-..ot... ' Jf "1â€" Willie MiioKenJiio, Sadie Whvle, I Is a marvel ol rcooraing instrn* _ , ,„ • t-« ' ' i ments and the Columbia .oci-rds, , f^- â- ^- '^'"'"â- â€¢'â- ' *'^"""' ^^"^''• made in Canadu, embrace thousands j Jr 2 -Marion Muir, M.ihol Gilchrist, ' of selections from which to choose, i K. J. Vuuse, Elfur.l \V(»iteiN, Kmmii /«>,4wv,AV'»v (Oliver, Miibel I'arslow, Gladys Oliver, ' W. H. Thurston i j-^i-iet-r duw. \ Pr («) Joo Meads, Cliottar Cook, Mnlculin MHcDi)imld, - \ Pr (I) â€"Alice Muir. Agent Flesherton l Stock tor Sale Tainwortha ft id Rorkaliirii young •tank 'or riDiULi) iiurpo'aa for akle : tiso Itoiien di o'-i j« vlglit. â- " pri I'.ionn or wrll», QKO. W. ROSS M»xw»ll P. U. Pi(e) Alice Wlijl.-. Average At tendance 24 - -K. K. Wilcoek To»';her ItT K SIME IT IS It nUNWI, WTI TK imnilE cnuyiu FUTuu-niE tme contrm. luvei ON SALE AT The Advance Office, Flesherton All pricesâ€" $20, $32.50, $45, $65 uiul up. Easy terms if wanted. C^U and see them.

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