Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1915, p. 1

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/leslj^rt^n %ht)mu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN." yOI 3.5 No. 32 Flesticrton, Ont., Tliursday, December 2 IQlo W. H. THDRSTON "!72« and PhO Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Vergie Mc. Mullen is home from MarUdale, Hills' Milliner. Miss Lever spent the week end with Miss Mildred McMuUeu of East Monntain. A number Ironi tlii:i vicinity attend- ed the candj social at the home of the Plautt Bros-., roillaw. Miss Qucenie Kailiiug of FlesLer- ton spent the week end with her friend, Miss Allie Williams. ^[r. Em. Morgan who is training in Oweu Sound spent the week end with his wife here. The Women's Institute spent an enjoy able evening on Friday last at Mrs. Williams'. Eight new members were added to the roll. Ne-tt meeting to be held at Mrs. Fred Pedlar's. AJr. Evans of Oweu Sound spcut the week end with his family here. The young ladies of Eugenia are feeling sorry that ilr. Rainey's work is completed and he is obliged to go, but will be in Markdale a few weeks. The 3 oung ladies gathered together on Monday evening to bid him lare- well. Mr. Arthur Williams, eldest sou of Walton Williams of Toronto, is em- ployed at The Advance oflSce, Fieshei- tOD. The teachers and pupils of our public school are preparing for a concert in the near future. Mr. Geo. ami Wm. Williams have gone to the city to work with their nude, Mr. Wm. Fenwick. Mis. Booth spent the past week with friends in Kimberley. Mr. Foester of Waterloo is visitmg hie brother Uiirry here. Miss EvL'liue Smith visited friends in Duncan recently. M«-. Jack Armstrous has returned home from the West, Mr. Large has moved his bungalow down ou the foundaliou on Maine street. Mr. C. Taylor, who lias been working here the pist year has dcpiirtcd for iKiiiin unknown. Victoria Comers The Kpwotth League of tha Iiiisticne Methodist churclj is holdin« a series o' ctdor services in wliich ihoy .â- Â»re eiiJe.ivor- ing tu uuiphasize the cardiual points of Christian clmrnclcrâ€" rtd symoboliziui; the bluod of Christ indioUini! Sactitice - white imiicitiiii; Purityâ€" iduo indicatilii; Fidelity. The -Ji-cond of the series the white fccrvice wiis lieKl on Wrduosdiy cve'iiuR last and was even a ureater suc- cess than the first. The church was prettily ducoiated in white. The pro- graui con.siiitcd of an address ou Purity by Uev. Mr. Duci-^eoii, a soloâ€" A Heart by Mi.<3 Edna Acheson, a selection hy Mi.ss Marjory Achesou, attd a'pantouiime '•Neater My Ood To Thee " given by F.ilith Stiu.'^^iii, Stella and Sylvia Achesuii which left a deep impression of the real value of the purity eUtuent in life. Af- ter the proKraiu a free lunch was served in the hall. The blue service will be hold on the evouiug of Jan. 20. A hearty welcome i.s exieiuled to all. Intended foi last week . Winter has sot in early. Many cutters were seen in the chuich sheds on Sun- day. Threshing \% just liuishing in this neighborhood. Hornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Nov. t>, a daughter. Rev. Mr. Madden delivered an in- structive sermon on Sunday last at Iiiis togue. Topic - "The Bihle". He in- tends using as topic for next Sunday's sermoti, "The Tnfalibility of the Bible". The Shelburne Cheese Factory inanu. fic'ured during the past season l>0,21»o.\ pviundi of cheese. The sum of ^.34L2l' WIS realized on the season's sale of cheeae. NEWSI FLESHERTON A new 'phone to riog, to P. .Stoinhait Markdale, 87, for poultry alive, produce, hides, skins and wool, rubbers, rag«, horsehair, iron, copper, bra.ss, zinc, load of all sorts, top price paid in cash, or drop a cai-d to Box 121, Markdale Will oall for it. Don't mistake the name. P. STEINHART Kimberley Budget .-V fall of snow on Monday eveaing has put an end to the plowing. Mr. Heuiy Walton and sister, Lucy, who have been speudiuii the suuuuer lu Mauitoba and the Pacific coa.-iC province, returned home ou Saturday last exceed* ingly well pleased with their tiip, but think old Ontario is good enouah for thenr. yet. Born â€" At Kimberley, on Nov. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Hartley LikWreoce, a son. Another vote for Borden. Mr. Jainus K. Fawcett, who his been visiting with his daughter. Mis. J. E. Cjrbett 1 f Dund:dk, returned home recently. Mr. Percy Manning of Collingwood has been in this vicinity for some time purchasing liay. It will be pressed and sent to ditfeient parts of the pl^>viDce; Mr. Will Walters, who has been in the West for some time, arrived home >n Friday last. Our local niinrods shot four tine fixes recently. When .Jasper and Ashley get a bead on a fox the hide's as (food as theirs. Mr. George Stuart and daughter, Aileen, of Flesherton, visittd with the former's pareu's, Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, one day last «eek. Mis.s McKee, lur public school teacher, took the topic iu the Epwurth League on Sunday evening last . Miss McKee it a highly talcuted young lady. Her address was li.stened to with interest'by the large cougregatiou. Mr. Tbos. Lewis is visiting friends in Markdale at present. The municipal po: is beginning to boil in the lownsbip of Kuphraftia. We would like the township fathers to see the c-iudilion of the sideroad on the east mountain south of Kimberler. We want a little more money spent on this tide of the townshiii. We don't want any aceliniHtinn this time. Heathcote Intended for last week The oyster supjier held by the mem-, hers of St. .Augustine's church iu the village hall ou Friday evening w«.s a grand success. Miss Myrtle Ellison of the West is vis- iting with her mother, Mrs. James Bo- vair. Mr. and Mrs, J. U. Gardner aud f-ini- ily, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James (Jardnor, motored to Flesherlou ou Sun- day 1-ist. Mr. George Wellman, who baa s^ient the past summer in the West, rcluiueJ home ou Friday. Mr. James Gardner has purchased Mr. IVrry's farm ou ihe 8tli line near Thuiii bury and will take possession lu March. Mr. Simuel Kerr who is attending; school in Meaford spent Sund.iy with his father, Mr. J, K. Ki-rr. Miss Gladys Gilniore of F«irni lunt spent Ihe latter pait of the week wiih her cou.sin. Miss Elsie Gardner. Mr. John Piatt who h'«» been here attending to his evaporator for the past month, returned to his home in Torjuto last week. Miss Viva aud Fern Hulthiiiaon visit- ed with their aunt, Mrs. Wallace, of Kimberley. for the pn%t week. Mrs. J.-imes Keokie left for Toronto on Frid-iy where she will remain during the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Pajne. Thi.s Week's Items We welcome Mr. Wm. Milne back to our village after spending the past sum- mer in the West. The Heathcote Woipen'slnslituta held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Samuel Davidson ou Wednesday if last week. We ure sorry to report that Mr. Wm . Shaw is ill with rheumatism. The Orangemen held an oyster supper in the hull en Friday evening, aud a very plea.saut time was spent. The Methodist Epwor'.h League held » sociable evening at the home ot Mrs. Fieghen ou Tuesdiy evening Ust. A very tntere.stiog program »a« given by the memlwrs. ' .-Kfterirards the evening was spent iu games, etc. Gauadiaii expoits of manufactured goods doublet! during tho past year, and ! there was an increase in exports of pro- j tluce of more than $96,(,KX),000, making a I favorable balance of trade of f^7,41i>,()0*). Ceylon Chat Frank Cullinson spent the week end with friends at Ijweii .S^-uiid. J. B. El-hu of Tomnto was a caller in town last week. Miss Eda Wbi taker left Saturday morning for Toronto. Mr. Hunter, assisUuC agent here, left fur hi] home in Owen S^^und Saturday. Mr. Tim McArthur, who has enlisted, went tu ( Iweu Sound Monday to be examined. Mrs. J. McMillan attended thn funerd of her fainor 'U-law jn the South Line Friday afternoon. Mi.ss Wats in is a guest this week of the Mis-es Ilempliill. Mr. Wilson of Uanover was tu imr burg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pivuic spent ihe week ud niili Mnxwell friends. East Mountain Mr. Thos. Harbottle has returned to his home in Keady after an extended vis- it with friends here. Mr. aud Mrs. P. Somers >-t Osprey vis- ited with the latter '.s (Mrents, Mr. and Mis. Ilumbeistoiie, one day List week. Miss Elvay Lever of Eugenia spent the week end with her fiieud. Miss Mildred McMulUn. We aie plea-scd to rep- r' M tster Basil Carruthers .ible lu be out again after his Inna illnes.s. Mr. and Mrs Fied Marliu and family of Clarksburg visited friends in this vic- inity recently. Miss Elsie 5I«riiii spent Sat'.:rday aud Sunday wiili frie '.ds at Fleshcrton. Mr. llio». Miehephttrick has returneJ home friini the West and renewed ac- <|uaiutaiice here. Miss Nettie M4rtin, of Flcsberton, spent last week at home. .\ nuiiil>or from here attended the part- ies at -Mr. Howard's, Ei;ypt, and Mr. T. Smith's, Duncan, andrepoit very enjoy. able times. L. O L. No. 1085 Feversham On Ndv. ."iih r.tl."», ihe brethren .'f the above lodge, with their wiver and inten- ded wives to the number of about til), en- joyed a very .social oveuing together in their hall, where, after partaking of an abundant supply of roast-uoose and other goc'd tilings, the chair was taken by Kev. Wm. Kiitting and a very i.ioe local pro gram wis reudeied, e^msis-ing of read- ings, ?o:igs, le.'italinns, music. Miss Os. borne and Urotlier James Sayei-s gave .several nice selection s on the organ and violin, a' so .Viiss Oiborii' and Brother James Daviisou siiiij »c>cr"l solos- Miss Eva Arn-itt ;;ave a leadii'g nhioh was splendidly given and well received. Bru. Will. Itrown had hisgraphophone iugot>d tune and gave us several i;ouJ selecUoiis from it. The Worshipful Miser, Bro. Wm. C'liiii, g»vo an Or-iiige r.^citiitiun which was first class, also p«st County .Master Bro. A. J. Conrou gave a couple of patriotic reoiti'ton nuilable to the pies ent times, and las- but not least, our worthy chairniau gave a oouplo of exce 1 lent Songs in his uininl siyle. Everybody seemed to enj 'y the evening togeiher, and after singing the National .Vntliein, all dispersed to their various homes with the hopes that all may be spared to enjoy another fowl supper together again sou'c- time iu the near future. Owen Sound A young Englishiian, Harry Winlisli, who joined the 33rd B.ittery at I'eterboro last Weduesf'ay, showed his determina- tion to never let the old ting fall. He walked liom "Sault Ste. Marie, t^nt., to C Idna'tv, Oil'., a distance of 400 miles. At the lime when he decided to enlist he was living in Muntani, and from there he sent his wife to the old country, thus using nearly all his money. He had euough left to take him as far as Sauli Ste. Marie, after which he walked to Coldwaler, where a tiaiu mm learning whither he was bound, let him ride the rest of the way. Last week Countable .\rruwsmith seiis- ed a .junu'ily of whiskey anl other iu- tuxicants in the Hahn Stab'es, »nd on appearing .VluHliy before Magistrate Laidlaw Mr. Hahn pleaded guilty aud was fined f;5iK). .Vuother charge made arainst E. Bauer for obstrocting the constable was dismisaei as the constable on seeking admittance t.> the hotel stable omitted tu give his name. â€" Chronicle Rev. H S. Mullowney, pastor of the Biipiibt church, has beeu otficially ap- pointed chaplain of the Grey County ( Iverst-aa t^uota now tiainiog here. While it has not been ofticially ar.uounced, Mr. Mulb-wuey will probably receive the ap- p>iutnieut 'i chapla n for the new Grey County battalion which will likely be authorized iu a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller of 470 Wear Thirteenth Street have the symp- athy of the community in the loss they suffered ou Thursday, when their little SOP, aged ten months succuml)ed to the effects of an accident suffeied forty-eight hours before. The child was sitting near the stove on Tuesday morning and in some way .nauaged to |.ull a di^hfuU of scHlUinc hot water over itself, the upp'-T part of the body being severely scalded. The child was taken at once to the hospi- tal but iidiwitbstanding ev-ry possible care and attect'on died on Thursday luurninii. #, . -.â- r» . . --- ^ -. An elderly lailv, Mrs. Mortimer of Owen Souud North, wis found lying dead iu her home yesterday having succumbed I) heart failure She lived alone in the and ber neighbors knowing that she was not well,vi(ited her e*ch d*y. Yesterday they went to the house and c mid not gel in. J/r. John I'niuhart looked tlirou<;h the window lud noticed her lyini on the floor. He notiSed the police and Chief Foster, accompinied by Dr. Dow^ went to the house aud fond her lying dead. She was abjot tiftylive years of age.- Sun. County Council That the County Couucil, now it- ses- sion at the C mrt House, is in full symp- athy with lhere.:ruiiing work now being done in the County was shown yesterday, when )u response to the request .>f a dep- utialion they made a jirant of $300 to the Recruiting' League. The resolution to make the gi:iu". was uuanimouly adopted The lirst meetinu of the session was held Monday evenini; with the members alt present: aud the business included the Warden's address and presentation of coiiimunicatiou. The latter included a buuch of accounts, applications for re- newal of peddlers' and auctioneers' been- s s. Grand Jury's presentineut and letter froul the Canadian Red Cross fund ack- nowlediiim; receipt ot ?2;00 voted at the June Scs>iiiii. At the Tuesday meeting the business was practically all routine A deputation from the Grey County Recruiting Leagt. -. coniposel of Mayor Mct^luaker, Jud-^e Sulhetlaud, Mr. J is. E Keeum, Lieu' Cul. Chisholm mid M^tjor (Cinon) Aiddl. addte-ised the Council asking for rtn-iiieitl aid. Thoy as'sed the Couucil lo l."»y their expenses to da'e, $lt;'\ a;id foi such further sum ivs th.-y niijjht be ple.ised to give. Warden Ctlder promised that their reipiest would have coiisidciatton. Yesteid^y's .sos.siou w-is al.so miiu y routine, coiisialiog of pas.siug accounts f 1- road aud bridge aud geueral work . A resolution to grant S^VW to the Kj- eruiting League wai prop-ised. and wis unanimously adopted. Ou ni-'tion iho salary of Turnkey Wright of the County G-iol was increased JPW. At Fiidays session the Council granted another $-.>00 for recruiting purposes, mikiiii; $900 in all.-.Vdvertiser. On To Owen Sound » )ne of the events of last week was the arrival in town ou Friday of a tie-tourist, who blew in from the south over the C. P. R. tracks. He s,-iid his usmo was N\ m. Graham aud that he hailed from Bi-huii - ton. Ou oeing ul reduced to our mild mannered and benevolent Chief of Police White'.ioad, he tjld his tale of woe, SoiueA-liero between OiUigeville and Shelburne he had a desperate tight w ih four highwaymen, who robbed him of ?•_>)<).<»') in cash. He had put up a big tight and had esc*peJ without a sor.itch . The Chief iu his kindness of heart thought he had better lock the man up or some- one might relieve the e.xciced man of the balance of his wealth. He si)eur tha night in the lock up and started next morning for Oweu Sound to visit some relatives, lu confidence he told th-i chief that he had spent Ifst winter in the Houte of Refuge at Brampton but that he surroundings were not to his liking and that was why he was making his wajt U'>i-th.â€" -She.burnu Free Press. Bates Burial Co. W. J, Bates, R. Maddock. Presideii:. -M luager. , Funeral UireetofH »ud Kiidmlmerx 1 24 .Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 M.-corFuueral Cars aud Liiii. u-iues to Cemetery at -aiiie cont a.s HofiTe^ drawn \ebicle8. • "'<â-  1 AUiZ Jewelry i< A Splendid Stock from which you may readily mske A' Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURX -Specialist in diseues o» ilie \\T k A «i«*« «!•«.«•* *• Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat ^- ^ A-^sK-o"?^ OFFICE-LWIOth St, West, Owen Sound' ^ * Jeweler At the Rivere house, Markdale, 2nd ^ •. • Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m .,. ^„, ,^^^^., '~^' rMk.i'r- Dund»lk.ls Wednesday of each month.. tLESHERTON, • ONT ^fe^^&:J!<ii\"i:S'{; v»t«. jg. iU, ^tt, j,\t. ju, tft. <'e. .»'«. oifc ..vi«. jf^Mjtk i New Fruit For Christinas S W Rnisins â€" seedless â€" seeded and niu.scatell. '^ * Currantsâ€" Diitesâ€" F i^s -Fiuno â€" Peels ^ Spices â€" Sugar â€" Syiupâ€" Cider -Mince- ." # Meatâ€" Pastry Flour. â- â- -â- ^ ?^ C$ Oysters. Fresh Fisb. Flour and Fee«i, all kinds. ^ ' Ilyou do nut see what you want.a.^k for it at i W. BUSKIN m W^^s*'«i^!^ ^;'i>\'i^i^i<. i^t'i-J'ii^.'^^t^ x^t5. .^l^ ^n. ^M, .M/^ v- '.'.. .;•'.. .iK -m. Jilt, .^^<. j'«. -J â- ni" '/I*" tti- '/!{â-  'W â- 'W ! DO IT NOW Leave vour old leather tops in and iret new rubber bottoms put on. They are the cele- Iiiated Maltese Cross IJubber, guaranteed to wear out,â€" but you have to wear them a long time. Also low hict^l and high laeed rubbers and liulit ones lo tio over vour boots at Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON NJ.- \a.' •â-  NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hauil â€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing an<l repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I I ti Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^

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