WORN WORRIED WOMEN Her Many Duties Affect Her health and Often She Breaks Down Completely. It is little wonder that there are many times in a woman's life when she feels in despair. There is no nine-hour day for the busy housewife. There are a hundred thing about the home to keep her busy from the time she arises until it is again bed time, what is the result? Often her nerves give way, her good looks suffer, her blood becomes thin, her digestion is disturbed and her system threatened with a complete breakdown. Every woman should do all possible to pro- tect her health and good looks, and there is one way in which she can do this, and that is by taking Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These actually make new, rich blood, strengthen every nerve and every organ, bring the glow of health to the cheeks and brightness to the eye. These pills have done more to make the lives of thousands of women sunshiny than anything else in the world. Mrs. Daniel Theal, Waterloo, Ont., says: "I was very much run down,-my blood was thin and watery and .1 would Formidable List of United States Railroads in Receiver's Hands Among U.S. railroads the interven- Pere Marquette 28,441,200 tion of the receiver has been so fre- Pittsburg, Shawmutt & quent, and has concerned so many im- Northern 11,700,000 portant systems, that this official is St. Louis & San Francisco 92,050,100 no longer considered an onjen of ap- St. Louis, Brownsville & proaching dissolution, but rather, in Mexico cases, the promise of economical ad- St. Louis, San Francisco ministration. Figures issued by the & Texas Bureau of Railway News and Statis- San Antonio, Uvalde & tics, Chicago, show that there were Gulf twenty-eight railway companies of Tennessee Central more or less importance in the hands Toledo, St. Louis & West- of receivers at the close of the calen- ern 19.947,600 dar year 1914, in addition to nearly Trinity & Brazoz Valley forty minor roads. The combined Wabash R. R length of these larger railways oper- ated by receivers amounted to 19,449 miles, with a total capitalization of no 500,000 804,000 230,000 ,941,450 less than $1,376,678,913. They include the St. Louis and San Francisco Rail- road, with excellent services in the southwest; the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, with one of the best services between Chicago and St. Louis; the Wabash, with its strong | Atlanta, geographical position, providing short line mileage between many important cities in the Middle West; the Pere Marquette, serving thickly populated SOLDIERS' GRAVES. Shells Destroy Marks Where the Men \re Buried. That the problem of marking the gri'aves of soldiers who have fallen on the battle front is a difficult one is shown by an announcement made from the office of the British Secre- tary of War and published recently in the London newspapers. The an- nouncement says no special crosses can be received for transit, and ex- plains that known graves are marked by small wooden crosses treated with j creosote to make them waterproof. Most of the graves, explains the an- nouncement, are within the range of I the enemy's shell fire. So much is j 500,000 this true that most of the crosses are ; 92,400,426 destroyed frequently and have to be j Wabash-Pittsburg Termi- replaced from a carefully kept regis- , nal 10,000,000 ter of the burial places as soon as the Wabash, Chester & West- ! graves can be reached. Under those I mrni ^laatajfjiap 2!nnJ?«o^t°-St«^ ROYAL I YEAST CAKES' MAKE PERFECT BREAD Bread made in the home with Royal yca»t will keep fresh and moist longer than that made with any other Food Scientists claim that there is more nourishment in a pound of good home made bread than m a pound of meat. Consider the difference incost. [.W.GILLETT COMR^NY LIMITED. TORONTO, ONT WINNIPEG MONTWEAL MADE IN CANADA, ern Wisconsin & Michigan Wheeling t Lake Erie 1,250,000 1,500,000 . 36,980,400 $448,396,291 conditions the War Office cays it would be impossible to set up any- thing like permanent markers until conditions are more settled. faint at the lea.st excitement. I suf- ; districts in Michigan; and the Toledo, fered from headache.^ and dizziness, j gt. Louis and Western Railroad, and often it seemed as though there , known as the Clover Leaf Route, tra- were clouds before my eyes. Finally ! versing the progressive states of In- I was forced to go to bed with weak- diana and Illinois. The receivership ness. I doctored for six weeks while j record for 1914 is as follows: in bed without receiving any benefit. ' Finally I was induced to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and when I had taken ten boxes I was completely .uretl, and never felt better in my life. I am convinced that what Dr. Wil Hams' Pink Pills did for me they w do for other«, and I warmly recom- mend them to all we:\k women.' You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at .')0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. William.,' Mcdicire Co.. Brock- ville, Ont. ' Mileage. .\tlanta, Birmingham & Atlan- tic 646 Cape Giardeau Northern 104 Chicago & Eastern Illinois ... 1.283 .'j'jj 1 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton 1,014 Colorado Midland 338 International & Great Northern 1,160 Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Funded Debt. Birmingham & .\tlantic $2 i,j60,50iJ Cape Giardeau Northern. 1,500,000 Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois 74,507,000 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Colorado Midland International & Great Northern Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Louisiana & Northwest . Macon & Birmingham . . Missouri & North Arkan- sas 9,936,969 Missouri, Oklahama & Gulf 9,266,190 New Orleans, Mobile & 62,135,640 9,532.000 24,594,500 A Russian PATHETIC STORV. Downfall .Kansas City, Mexico & Orient. 260 • Louisiana 4 Northwest 121 I Macon & Birmingham 105 j Missouri & North .\rkansas . . 365 Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf . . 333 New Orleans, .Mobile & Chicago 403 ' Oklahoma Central 136 Pere Marquette 2,323 ; Pittsburg. Shawmut & North- .•Xjnsterdam (Holland^ newspapers ern iescribe the pathetic close of the ca- St. Louis & San Francisco -eer of Lieutenant Maschkowitsch. of St. Louis. Brownsville 4 Mex- a track Cossavk regiment of Russia. ico When the war broke out Lieutenant St. Louis, San Francisco & Ma.schkowitsch was in Paris, and as | Texas it was useless for him to attempt to San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf OBicer's Sad I'ari-s. Chicago 14.152,602 of Texas"' " 475 i Oklahoma Central 3,180,000 ' Pere Marquette 79,959,165 Pittsburg, Shawmut 4 Northern 7,173,358 St. Louis 4 San Francis- co . . ^ 296,500.242 . St. Louis. Brownsville & i Mexico [St. Louis, San Francisco j 4 Texas San Antonio, Uvalde 4 Gulf Tennessee Central Toledo, St. Louis 4 West- 291 4,746 18 Row Yofl May Throw H way Ifoor Glasses The st&temcut Is made that ttaonssndd Wear eyegrU>s«es who do not reull.v ue«l tbem. If you are one of tht-se iiufortn- nates, theu these glasses ma.v be ruinlus your eyes Instead of helplni? them. Thoii- liaDds who wear these "wiudows"' may prove for them^jelreii that tht^y t-au dis 1 p»'aiie with Kla.tses If Ibey will get the 29 769 "'23 ' '""o*'iK piv»»rlptlou filled at ouce : Go .t'nnrJnnn I '" •"*' â- '"''e drug utore an<l get a bottle J,JUW,UOU of Bon-Optu labletn: fill a two-ounce bot- 500 000 I "" *â- '"» warm water and drop iu one Bon- ' I Opto tablet. With this harmless Hqnld Holutlon bathe the ejea two to four tlme*« dally, and you are likely to be astonished at the n'sult.H right from the start. Many who hare been told that they hare astig- matUm, eyestrain, ralara^ t. swire eyelid.-, weak eye!«. it>njun«'tivitls and o'her eye disorders, report wonderful benefits from the use of this prescription. Get thLs pr" »crl[>tlipn filled and use it : yiiU may <•> •trengihen your eyes that glasses will rot be Deri-ssary. Thousands who are blind, or nearly so. or who wear glas.^es miirht never hare required them If they had car<vl for their eyes in time. Save your eyes b»'- fore It Is too late I Do not bts-orae one of these vletlms of neglect. Kyeglasses are only like crutches, and every few years they must be changed to tit the ever In creasing weakened condition, so better see if you can. lite many otber-i. get desr. healthy. Ktrong magnetlo eyes tbrou^b the prescription hen' given. The Valmas Priig Co. of Toronto will fill the above prescrin lion by mall. If your •lnigi:l<t cannot. Great Lakes .\re Li»w. Each of the five Great Lakes is lower than the last ten years' aver- age. However, as Superior is only 1.48 feet below the high stage of June. 1876, there seems no immediate dan- ger of its utter disappearance. Teacherâ€" ''Where i.s the Dead Sea?" Tommy â€" "Don't know. ma'am." "Don't know where the Dead Sea is?" "No, ma'am. I didn't even know any ijf them were >ick. rfi'i'am." Misard'B Unlmaat Cnrea O^atunper Hardly Possible. C. H. Spurgeon was once asked â€" "Could any man play the cornet and be a Christian?" '"Yes, I think he could," Spurgeon replied, "but I am not sure about his next-door neigh- bor." ^ Amiiiea's PioiMer Dai RtinnlJis BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed .Vliiled free lo inr address by the .^utnor H. CLAY GLOVER. V. S. 113 West 3IitS!reet, .New York 12,163,105 7,188.000 3.663,000 12,709,900 ; fy/f . GranuUted EyciuJs, Eyes inflamed by eipiwura to Cold Winds and Dust ._,_ â- ^M^iur qnickly relieved by Murin« YOURLYt^Eye Remedy. No Smart- ing, just Eye Comfort. At Your Dniggists" 60c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubes25c. For Hook of the Eye Free write Murine Ey« Ramady Company, Chicas* K;;ypiian Burial Customs. The Egyptian.-i, believing that dead people ne^ed the things they use<l when alive, sometimes killed the fa- vorite horse and Â¥iave ot the dead man. In India, tor the same reason, widows were burned with the corpses ot their husbands. Kiaard'a Uaimut Ctuca Oarget la Cows rROKOUGHXESS IS OUS JLj-IOTT , , ^^^^^^^ Tone* aad Charlas Sta., Toroato. Ofters best advantaifes in Bu-fiiiesa Ed- ucation: strong demat'.d for graduates: enter now, write f-':" Laie;i.i;if W. J. BX.I.IOTT. Pnnclpal. DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped' Hock or Bursitis FOR ABSORBINE 9 <3 ' Trinity & Brazoz Valley Wabash R.R Wabash-Pittsburg Termi- What He Told Him. "They say Jack's injuries >vcre the result of a practical joke." •Yes. join his regiment he at once enlisted Tennessee Central 294 1 «aoasn-rutsourg .erm.- , ^^^^-^^^ ^ in the French army. In the battle of Toledo, St. Louis & Western . . 451 ; ^"?' " " r^'r^ A wV^V "^•*''^''"'* j to him wi the Marne he .likinguished himself Trinity & Brazos Valley 3151 Wabash. Chester & W est- ^.^ ^^ ^^_ and became a favorite with the Wabash R. R French soldiers. He was slightly ^'"ba.xh-Pittsburg Terminal . wouniUd a few months ago in a skir- Wabash. Chester & Western . mish near Vpres. hut soon recovered. Wisconsin & Michigan Recently he received a forty-eight Wheeling & Lake Erie 469 hour furlough and returned to Paris. â- 28,027.000 ^ . 8,760,000 , ,, .. .,«, Wabash R.R 124.194.149 "^^ chappies told hiin that a big. -01 ;„. . . ,„... â- ^ â- burly man in the smoking room was dumb, and .lack walked over th a sweet smile and told ern 690.000 . """ "« ^'•a* » ^'^y fool." '-Well?" Wisconsin * Michigan . . 3,868,245 "The man wasn't deaf and dumb, and Wheeling & Lake Erie . . 27,000,000 **"" "â- '"" *""''' Bushmen's food consists largely locusts. of >ti!I reduce t!;em and leave r.o ble!ni>hes. Stops lameness proir.ptiv. Doe« not blis- ter or remove the hai.-, irj hor-e can be «--trif. |J a bottle delivered. Book6M(ree. .\B.SORBINE. JR.. (or aaukiea. ttc uaiitvat an^me..! f.>r Belli. Br-ti«. .'^reit Swrilju^s. Vincose Vr^oJU A:^a*s Pa:n nj iniaomattoa. Pr.-e SI zi>4 K a boRic i inuMM of dclircTcd. W.il trH Tuq aoie If y«a wme. « F rOUNB. |i. 9 F . bM ly-^m Biiig , Hontiial. Can. > -.'-r.-.; i-.i *1)m:S:.-.-. Jr.. r.- •'â- jI.- M râ€"xiK •2.514 89 65 1-24 the 'silly fool' was Jack." $928,282.6-22 1 Klnard'a Unlmtst Cnras Stphthaiix Sad. Wlslta, Blct. Croai. StlTar. Black Toxea. Baavar. Ltu. B.c. m^ aa %mM Wasted from all aacUoaa of Canada f^ /\ Vw '•-^erv raw-fu- »h!pp." wh. is 1 jo!i;i.B '<â- : a. ftettar outlet for • â- â- ^ • w H,s raw f.irs should write at .ir.ce for o.ir price li»t "A « ar» :*. a jMjaUloii ;•» p.iy :oi> inarset rrlcea. and wtu do s-j it .lU •rnea. T.ei u.' heiir f-oni > ou. _ Sasd for OxLi Prica tlat â€" Vow BMdy. Wa Bvr ataaaac R«'f.-r»r'r <•â- re, i;..-s â- {â- â- •<â- 'â- â- "â- .â- â- ..â- n.- Nat;, r.ul Ra^~. Nf'* \ .k k, â- T«TTOX k BOS8AX. iBu.. Bxportara of »ad Dealan ia BAW TTrMM 14C wrST 28lJ» STBEXT. BBW YoaX FURS It was the last his regiment saw of ; him. In Sfptitniier he was arrested for â- le.>ertion in a cafe in Paris, a wreck of his former self. Weeks of dissipa- tion had sapped his vitality. He was tried by court martial, and admitted that bo had not known a sober mo- ment for a long time. He was found guilty, degraded and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Great regret was expressed by the men of his regi- ment for his downfall, but in view of all the circum-'tances the verdict of the court-martial was entirely just. A V.VI.l ABLE MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. <J. Morgan, Iluntsville, Ont.. writes: â€" ""I wish every mother and (specially younjr mothers know the value of Baby's Own Tablets. They have certainly worked wonders with our baby. She was troubled with colic and constipation and cried all the time, but the Tablets soon put her right, and she is now a fine healthy child." The Tablets are sold by me<ii- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Or. Williams' Medicine Co.. BvockviUe, Out. +-. â€" DEEP-WATER DIVING. $;i5.ooo,ooo 2,500,000 Capital Stock. .\tlanta. Birminjrham & .Atlantic Cape Giardeau Northern. Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Colorado Midland International & Great Northern 4,822,000 Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Louisiana & Northwest . . Macon & Birmingham . . . Missouri & North .Arkan- sas Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf New Orleans, Mobile & The total capitalization, stocks and 19,449 j bonds was $1,376,678,000. Eliminat- 1 I ing duplications, the net capitaliza- • ! tion is less than $60,000 per mile. •Do One Reason, you know why money In the thirty-seven years, from 1876 to 1913, the records show that I not less than 754 U.S. roads, with an 28,817,800 I operated length of 145,176 miles, and with $8,262,4.t3,000 capital stock and funded debt, passed into receivers' hands. .Among these were includeil such properties as the Northern Paci- fic, .\tchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, that were subsequently reorganized and placed upon a profitable basis. Other important lines which have 500,000 gone into receivership in 191.3 include I old established properties, such as the S.340,000 Missouri Pacific System, with a I length operated of 9.670 miles. The 8.474,000 8.248,515 10,000,000 :.").000.000 2,180,000 , IS S<1 scarce, brothers?" the soap-box orator demanded, and a fair-sized section of the backbone of the na- tion waited in leisurely patience foc the answer. A tired looking woman had pau.sed for a moment on the edge of the crowd. She spoke shortly. "It's because so many of you men spend your time telling each other why, 'stead of hustling to see that it ain't!" I was cured 01 terrible lumbago bv M1N.\RD'S LINIMENT. RKV. WM. BROWN. RACCOON Revillon Fre res l.'U .MctJlLl. .STREET. MONTREAL are manufacturers ami can pay yuu l)est prices for furs ui all kind?. Send for our price list. SKUNK stock of the Missouri Pacific a few years ago was selling above par, and , I was cureil of a case of Chicago 10,075,.3OO '. it is still consideretl to be a road with , by MIN.ARD'S LINIMENT earache Oklahoma Central 3,193.500 ! considerable possibilities. Expert Sayj. Trade Opens Opportuni ties for Blind Soldiers. Deep-w.iter diving is one of the -menacing their (lados for which blinded soldiers certaining the exact may fit themselves, writes C .Arthur Pearson, chaiiman of llie British Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Care Committee. He ^ays: "Diving is, I think, a nuito 'lew occupation for blind people. The diver who is building breakwaters and piers works in the dark, for even if the water is clear his work disturbs it and rcncicrs it impossible for him to see anylhini!; through it. The diver is one of the best paid of workmen. He has j.ii attendant to look after him while teUiw ;\nd when he returns to the surfai'e, and the occupation is one which I think will prove to be ex- tremely suitable •or intelligent blind- ed soldiers and s..iilocs who have bad «onu' mechanical training," <^ ANY HOU3EHOLI) Kl-CIPE GERMAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY. Lack uf Raw Material, Cotton, and Other I'roducts. Regarding conditions in the textile industry in Germany, a correspondent writes to the Paris Temps, as follows: â- •The Central Union of Christian Textile Workers and the German Tex- tile Workers' Union, two of the great- est labor organizations in Germany, have recently held a conference for the discussion of the grave crisis , industry. .After as- ituation, a re- medial programme was agreed upon, which will be submitted for approval to the authorities of Elberfeld, Char- men and other industrial centres in Rhenish Prussia and Westphalia. The fundamental cause for the crisis is a , . , , ,. . ^ , 1 1 <• _,,*„.;, 1 ,.,>ff.^., o.,.i ,^^Ko,â- duction of indigo in various parts of ack ot liiw material, cotton ana other ^,,, . i- 1 »• â- ^i China. Indigo production is one of! China's oldest industries. The Chinese ! tive council to look after all these de- tails. On> Effect of Prohibition. ••The rapid increase in dry territory in the United States has resulted in a shortage of tea, according to Geo. F, Mitchell, supervising tea examiner of- Treasury Department. Tea stocks in the United States are lower than they have ever been. The price of tea is advancing steadily." â€" Chicago ••Tri- bune," .April 22nd. MRS. S. K.AULBACK. 1 was cured of sensitive lungs bv MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. M.ASTERS. The higher the rank of a naval of- ficer, the more gold lace he wears on ' his coat sleeves. War Revives Chinese Trade. The shortage of the supply of syn- thetic indigo in the markets of the world as a result of the war in Europe and the consequent high prices for imported inditro in t^hinese markets has led to a revival of the native pro- Miaard^a XJnlment Cares Colda. &c. From fifteen to fifty Brazil-nuts grow in one seed vessel, which is as big as a man's head. There are no railways in Uvumd. ' nuBics roK sax^. |."^.\K.MS â€" .M.l. .«!1ZKS â€" STOCK. ' JL (.iralii. Pair\- or l-'tuit When \ on want ti> Im.v. write II W l>ii«son. l>r!tiM["toti i^iit. products, of which there are not suf- ficient quantities on hand to keep the numerous mills in operation. The steadily decreasinir import trade, which may soon cease altogether, can- not but aggravate the general econo- mic situation. The official sequestra- tion of tl.e raw materials in all Ger- 1 many and their subsequent redistri- 1 bution by the government have only I tided over matters temporarily. Soon it will be necessary to reduce opera- tions still further, either by discharg- ing part of the workers or by cutting down the hours of labor. ••In this crisis, which affects hun- dreds of thousands of textile work- ers, their organizations have invoked the aid of the government and local It miiKfs iiio.«t delKiiHi* Kiklnir. prev*"!!!? j avithorities. The "ileniands presented 1iuI1k<"<i1oii. i.« ver.v imtiUioif. relieves j if^-lude the employment of idle men .•oiisilMiilon. or 'iiioiiev luiik." Tlmis , p„ public works, the procurement of [knitting and sewing work for the wo- irSWSPAFEBS FOB SAI.B. USli ^si^\y '»'•. .hi'''.'>''Ht'>' Uoiiiatt Meal, arul tnike .iii.vUiliilt from It. If you like eat hot f 10111 the oven. II won't ferinenl. KOil- developed their own process of m;-.k- ing the dye and used their native protluct for many centuries before foreign dyes were known. The pro- duction of r.ative indigo has continued ever since. DODD'S fKIDNEY Ft Officer for sale In icood Ontario towns. The most u.^eful and Interesting of all businesses. Full Information on application to Wilson rubllshlng Com- iionv. 73 Wo.it Adelaide SI Toronto rOB SAKE. 100 ffj'slon \\ ilde-. llirk IN SIXTH Franklin. .•mlal.-. MjsK* Cl>.N- $50110. ka. HEI.P WANTBS w • 'Ih>r ^t.ini|i W !l..l,- HKi.MlKK I'AKTIKS Ti > K N 1 i" mrn's wool .ioi-Kn for n.-^ at iltollc with niaihliif or h.v hatid . solid for Information. 'ri.o fanadlan i.ili' Oi-i t'o . I'oi'l S. iViM'a. Out MISCELt.AMCOu£ «h' :' IfuliiiK |ili.\.><li'l«M wa.vs Its send to liuniunlt.x. Ksi»'cl«llV ir.v U In I iiorridgiv pamakes. and Kpni!». but care- men, the furnishing of temporary hn- :;^!^.r-lonl.lir'K;;r a ;: rivXoIk>.>cial assistance to those without fast. 1-ooK til.- iibrht hcfore In a douldeUjHv means, the payment of insurance holler nitiunit .stirrinx and warin in the • . f ii i, „ imaMn to moininic \>\ sotti.o,- in i.oUImk water , piemuinis tor all wno aie unanio to while dii-ssiiii;. .\t Riocerti'. Ill and :''> keep tip thcii policies themselves and Me'jroo':'T'o'Io.>io!'''' '" â- "â- "'"" ''* 'â- "'""" the appointment of a general execu- EIX (lANCElt. Tf.MOJlS. I.IMI-S Kit. ' Internal and e.steriial cured wil.i out pain by our home treatment. Wr*. » us lefore too late. L>r ISellman .Med:o»l Co.. Limited. i"o:ili-Rw od. Unt. TRAPPERS Fmrs Ha\e 4tfv«»cetf ShiptoKojf*?*"*. Wegivoliheralstradvft, fuilvalueincarhaudguioV i».-turnB. W htve lioat market in Ait:*.'c'.x'm fur >ur-j, llulo^, etc No cviinmtiiBkin. Wnio totixy f^T free prio* list. KRVVuN COmPAMV. Dept. S St. V ctrolii IV $21 With 15 ten-inch double-sided Victor Records ( "^O selec- lions. your own choice), S;«4..->0. Easy I'aymonts if Desired. Three Weeks More then Christmas Other Vio'roias $i:i.:>i* 10 »4U0. ISSl K 19 â€" I."). •o««i«S>wi« comiPAHV, Ocp«. s d.m I W.9 â- etc. I L-- I Christnia."* i.< i^apiiUy drawing ix.?arer, atul >oii ha'.e little time left ti) tiecide im your present. Make it a V'ictroia and you v. ill hear a .-^houi. of joy from all members of the family oti Nn':<>* morning. It will overcome the monotony of tho Ioik winter month?, and give \ou the music and entertainment that olher homes enjoy which now own Victn^las. Whatever your favorite .selections may be, the Victrola will play them for you, There are GOOO Victor Record* fi-om which to choi\-e. itn«l \oii can get anv standard or p<.>pular mu.-»ic <>n ten-inch, double-sided Victor Record.- for !"(» cents. .Vny of â- ir.s Mast«-r's Voice" dt-alers will let you hear tl'.ctn. If t^tre '.s not one li your vicin'.'v notify its and »v «'M <»e« 'liRl vou are not iltsappoinied on Christmas tnonriii*. BBRLIM:R OkAM-O-PHONE CO., Limited i.Ol Lenoir Street. Montreal di;at.t;ks ikt BVi:KY towk amd cittt OMS T-HtwB r»OM COAST TO OOAliT TICTOii BECOBSS â€" MADE 1>' CAVADA LOOK rOB " RIS ICASTX» 8 TOICB " â€" VMADE MABK. New \ifencies ("oi-,sider o ^^ he c V> e Vn Not rropTly Repre5?r.te<f. t> •»3? I J