Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1915, p. 1

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I /leslj^rtxrit %hif>ame. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 35 No. 33 Flesh.ertoii, Ont., Tl-jursday, Decen:jber O 191o W. H THURSTON \°J°^o I. Written for The Adv-ince. Why Don't You Go and EnUst ? TuiK'â€" "The Red, ".Vhite ami Blue' All hail to our king and our country ! To the Biitona and Allies who ti<;hc. From the colonel rijjht down to the sentry. Who HTd standing for God and the right. No luiliiant foe must come uii<h us. Though I'.ie kaiser and hia horde insist. While the bullies are out to defy us, Just now IS the time to enlist. Chorus â€" Th -n why dou'c you go and enlist I Til. n why don't you go and enlist ? Your kini: and your c iintry now need yuu. Then why don't you jo aud enlist I Tho Allies are d^hiiug for freedom, And our country is uee-iini; recruit* To cotje with the mad, cruel kiiser, Who h:is eolten too big for his boots. The 6ght has been worse than we thoui^ht for, And the thick-headed Germans persist. Youn!» soldiers aie eagerly sought for, Then why don't you go and enlist 1 Our empire is great and 'tis miiihty. Still many a thing is at stake : Then why are our youn? men so rtighty 7 And why don't they tight for its sake ! For the s:»ke of our homes and our honour Britain's aons are all called to assist. Our Countryâ€" God's blessing upon herâ€" Then^why don't you go and enlist I â€" Sin. W. Buchanan. lUveuna, s I g s Singhampion is visitiDK her Mr. Gordon McMuUen of (Xterville.j Co. Oxford, vitited the pa«t week with his sister, Mrs. R. Cook, and other ' friends, returning to his home Monday. Mi-8. Ferguson received word Friday • that a brother in L'oUingwood was dead. Ceylon Chat I Mis. Lamb of Kvrrett «0D, Rev. Jjmes Laiub. Mrs. William Edwards is recovering from her recent illnes^s. George Hawkins has moved tuto the home of Mr>. Brown at Milltown, ! The men of the congregation of the Methodist church formed a bee and in a Mr. G. Collinsou spent the Hrst of the'^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.,^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^^^.^ week at Durhxm and Guelph. Raw J. L«mb. Peter Muir. Mervin Baxter and »lissj ,j.,^^, ^^^^^_^.^ j^^.^^^^ ^^^ continuing Annie -Muir attended the funeral of Mi-..^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^j^^ j^^^ ^,^^^^ .^1,^^ Baxter at Collingwood on Monday. y^^^ regularly and busy themselves sew- Our union Sabbith school is giving'jpj^ ^„j l;i,itti(,g_ They are doing a this, Thursday, evening, a social evening^yj-^j,^ ,^.,„,ij .^^^^ deserve the assistance to friends and parents nf the town. Aj^fjH • Everything is for the common goi^ program will be given after whichigmgg_ lunch will be served. A good time i« expected. Wedding bells are ringing this, nesdny, for one of our fair niaidei: Creemore Wed- in stron" for si'i''"*-'. '^ut will co'itinuo to operate a carload sold « fist "''I'- the Those who attended tlie supper at Madill's aud saw tho play, •' The Minis- ter's Bride," were greatly ple:'.sed. The performers will repeat their part of the program in ihe Methodist church, Sing- hanipt 'U, New Yo.irs night. Judgeng from the number of Uolstein' DividGidko has luirchased tho farm heifers that have been brought here aud,' u the townline occupied by .Vr. W. L. sold lately it looks as though farmers Taylor. He will take possession in the around here urn going . dairying. The last .vas . on Fridiy by •!. U. Brillingi-r, whichi Miss Monkman li.is charge of the pub . broui;ht good average prices, according to lie school on the Blind Ijine. She as- age. Yeanlings .sold ftooi $20 to S-'W-andjauined conirul .uiite recently. two year olds from S^iO to $40. A record job of carpenter work waH| accomplished recently thit wo think ' worthy of note. .V day ov two after ' Norman Day's bjini was burned ho pur- â-  chased the old Creemore woollen mill out Jof which t.i make another. His nsighlxira turned out in Jorce to assist ', him, and in seven days they had the mill, which was a largo building, taken to , pinces. teamed 'ul the three inilos to his farm, end erected into a tine barn com- .plele, with the exception of a few minor .details inside.â€" Star. Toronto Line North Eugenia Paragraphs Winter appeara to have cume to stay this time, Married â€" Friday December 2ad 11)15, iu Flesherton, by Rev. Dudgeou, Miss Evalena Smith, secon 1 dauiihter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, to Mr. G. W. Graham, second son of Mr. and Mrs. George Graham of this place. The well wishes of there friends in the community follow them. Master S ewart McTiyish of Flesher- ton vimted the past week with hLs :iunt here. Miss Hilda Williams visited her cousin Miss Mamie McTavisb, of Fleshertou. Mrs. D. McMultea is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Jasper Stuart, Kiiiiberley. l.\jiue one '. Come all to our school con- cert at Eugenia en 20 inst, to be held iu the school house. The children are mak- ing great preparations to give you a good time. Mr. George Williams is sporting his uniform and started on the lulice force, Toronto, on Monday. Goo.l luck George. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond aud children of Piiceville were tho guests uf Mrs. L. Latimer recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham are spending their honeymoon with friends iu Heathcote. Miss Florence Badgero of Port Law is visiting friends here. Dundalk Mr. John Ferris, who w;v) ruu into by a team and sleish on the street last week near the Post OSice, had two ribs broken by the point of the sleigh tongue striking him with furce in the side. He has suff- ered much pain but is improving nicely now. Kev. Dr. Dtidds, a returned missionary from Mexico, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday with acceptance. Interesting addresie.s wei« given. Piivtte Anthony Trudveon, who en- lifted at High River, .Vlheita, in the overseas forces, was killed iu battle. This sad news comes to friends here frum the West. Private Trudgeon, who was bom in Melancthoti about a mile and a half from Dundalk, was the eldest son of the late Anthony Trudgeoti. The brave young t-uldier was about 31 years of age. When his father died in I'JOO the home was broken up 'ind he after- wards went to James L. Phillips, whtre he worked on the farm for three or four years before going to Alberta. His brothers, Sam and Tom Trudgeon, reside at High River.- -Herald. Walkerton Kimberley Budget Beautiful weather. Mrs. Frank Hutchinson of .Swift curr- ent S-isk., is visiting at present with her parents. BIr. and Mrs, M. R. Hammond. Her n-.iuy friends are pleased to see her again iu our midst. Rev. Gunner of Walter â- > Falls occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last and i reached an excellent Missionary sermon. All Englishman employed by a faiuiev on the West Mountain dug 8 p" lecils out of a den on the back end of Geo. Burritt » faiui 5iie day last week. Mi-8. McMulleu of Eugenia visited re- cently with her daughter, Mrs. J*sp< r Stuart . Wm. Liwson of Wudehouse was a call- er in our burg one day list week. Abe McMas'ei is threshing clover in this vicinity at present. Abe says the clover in the valley is turning uut better than on the hills. CoDgratulaiions are in order to Dr. Sproule on his appointment to a seat in the Senate after representing East Grey for '.ft years. He was one of the cleanest public men in the Dominion and was the tirst Speaker to exclude luiuors fr^ni the State dinners. A pol.tician of this stamp will add lustre and dignity to the Sen- atorial Chamber. Mrs. Jaa. Fawcett of Duncan visited friends iu our burg ou Monitay and Tuesday hist. Mrs. Jobu Uuuler i.f the valley roiid north is moving this week into the house ou Thos. Hutchinson's farm. Mr. S'anley W liters who went West oil the harvest excursion returned home one day list week. Mr. John ^Iagee made a business trip to Markdale on Monday. ewe Iry Specialist . BURT In dift'uea of Hie Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat "-•FFICEâ€" loO lUth St. West,' )wcn Sound At the Revere house, Miurkdale. Qnd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month.. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, â-  , Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT ^K. ..Vi; JM. .ii«, j^ ct«. Jtt. oltJ'4. vM*. J:"^ v>'?. J"^ -'"- -.«".. ->". -M'- •!â- "' -i''^ -^"i ;^'«: i"^ i^"; :J"j ^'~^a% 1 New Fruit For Christmas f Raisins â€" seetUes!- (,'iunint.s â€" Dates •Spices - --.Sugar ;â€"seei let land mnscatell. â€" Fi«rs â€" Prunes â€" Peels Syrup- Ci<ler---Mince- Meat---Pastrv Flour. Eighth Line, Artemesia Mr Wes. Clinton's many friends are pleased to hear he is lecoveting from bus recent illness. Miss Mabell Lawler h^is gone to Toron- to to spend the winter with her i;r>nd- mothcr. Mr. aud Mrs. Walter .\kitt spent Sun- Jay Ht the lauvis paren'al home. Mir. Thos. Porter of Montreal, and Mr. Williiiu Liwler I'f Georgetown, visi- t-d with their bro'her, Mr. CJeo. Liwler the past week. L>>sdâ€" Mrs. 5Iargaret Lawler, aged '.*l years, at the htmie of her da'Jghtel, Mvs. Thos. Pillister of Berkeley. P Oysters, Fre.sh Fi<h. Flour au<l Feeil, all kinds. ^5 1^ . ^ m -^ ? f tif vou do nut see what you want,a.<k for it at iw. buskinI 0^ cB»>^:8»5<e:85re»>c8»3oce:^o^»:^<8»« ^ ^ DO IT NOW get new t^i's in and Tbev are the cele Victoria Corners Don't forget the Chris' mas entertain- nient to bo held at luistioge on the eve of Dec. 22nJ. Good program promised. Whooping cough is in the neighbor- hood. Wo hope Santa Glaus has had it so he won't be afraid to visit the little folks. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hc.ud attended the funeral of the laler's uncle, Mr. C. James, of Priceville, ou Friday. Mrs. -A. Tucker of Droniore visited at Mr. Bests a few days last week. Sir Winter is here. We welcome hiui Miss Elvay Lever, teacher at Eugenia, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. K, Swantou has erected an addition to his bai'D. Joe Scilley of Ma.xwell renewed a quaintauces in this vicinity last week. F. Maihew.son is removing ona of the Hydro- Electric Co's bouses to his ho.ne here. Heathcote NEWSI FLESHERTON .\ new 'phone to ring, to P. ,Steinhart Markditle, 87, f"r ptmltry alive, produce, hider. -ikins and wool, rubbers, rags, horsehair, iron, co^iper, bras«, zinc, lead of all sorts, top price paid in caah, or drop a card to Bnx 121, Markdale Will call for it. Don't mistake the name, P. STEINHART Hay pressiug is the order of tho day ill our vicinity. Miss Alda Green of Tliornbury return- ed to her home here on TuJsiay, where she will remain till spring. Mrs. George Vaiuplew is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Miller of Thornbury, this week. Mr. Gldrigo Huthinson, who has speot the past year iu the West, relumed home on Wednesday. Messrs Clarence Cruicbshauk and Ed- ward Saul, who have been engaged with tho ColliogwiKid ship biitldtng company, returned hoiiie on Saturday until after N'sw Years. Miss Mabel ISoyd of Epping visited with her sister. Mrs. Fieghen, U«t week. A friend to whom Tony Zubor lent hii guanturued the weapon to Bim last wet k loaded, r.nd, while Tony was uian- oeuvoring around tb-j guu it sudJcnly went ort" and blew a hole in iho wa'l of his liou«e. A leaky coal stove in the home of Mr. IVrer Pletch «ai nearly rospou^ible for a fateful tragedy. Harvey Damm. who is boarding there, was the first to l>o awak- ened by the gas, and .staggering down stairs succeeded in getting the doois openeil and saving the rest of tho in- mates, some of whom, it seems, wete badly overcome by the gas arid were with sjreat ditticully resuscitated. Al- though distressingly sick for a lime, they all came through the oideal without any ill etfects. Philip Weiler of Formosa wa-s the otjier day fined $10 and costs for oolding a rattle at a shooting match at Formosa on Thanksgiving day and di.tposing of turkeys, geese and ducks by games of chance. A nice point has been opened up iu this case aud it is possitile i; hasn't seen tqe last of the courts yet. After Weiler had been seived with a summons to appear at KinlouKh, it appears that he pleaded guilty before a Formosa magistrate and paid 91 aud costs for tiiis ott'ence. As you can't hang a man twice tor the same crime, the .(Uesliou is whether Ihe Formosa tine of $1 will si've Weiler from cashing over the. 910 puu- ishment inflicted at Kinluugh, or whether a man aleady suiuinoned lo appear at one court can annul this summons by pleading guilty in another court. Tho pi-oblem for Ihe legal lights to decide is whether the tirst .summons or the fir»t Hue prevails.â€" BriKe Hstald and Tnuts. The date of op»nii>g Parliameut, it is understood, has been fixed for Wedncs- uay, January 1?. New Zealand Red Hares New /.eakiid Ued Have la'oinis were originally imported from tho island of New Zealand into Califmnia, wh.rre theji spre.id rapidly alnnsf the Pacific C'mst and soon became very popular on account of their great beauty and cunseinient attraciion for the fancier. Their line size and rapid development ili-o attrucred 'he itteution of the market breeder- While little is known of this beaufitul little animal in Canada, there -ire said lo be more New Zealand hires in California than all the other breeds of hares com- bined The writer imported two does atxl a buck from Californ-a last spring aud they have raised between thirty and folly young ones that ire in tho pink of cunditiou. 1 am -sati.tticd they will do well in Canada. 1 bieed live dilTerent kiuU of rabbi's and I may say Ihe New /.ealand li.'ds stand very Iiii;h in my estimation. One thing I like about thfii. is that the young ones are all the fame color- no culls -like little reddish buft' bnlls. You can'i toll one from another. The New /Cealand Red resembles a fo.^ ill colorâ€" a dark reddish biitf over the back and down I he sides, and the under pait a creamish white. Tho staiiAud weight of the New Zialaml hare is ton pounds. (.>u the market where the breed has been introduced it is said ih.at it ou'sells ei'hn' the lielgiau hare or the Flemish Giaii', uwiug to its neat, clean apiiear- aiic-e. It is claimed tapbit meat yields 8:5 percent, digestible nutriment, .very su- IHjvior to any other lueit, whether beef, pork or mutton-â€" W. J. Tratheu iu the Orangovilie BaDB«r. \V. W. Hewitt, caught telling li'piot t'l a 59th battalion soldier, was sent to j«il ' for three months in default of a tine of I f :uH>. Leave voui- old leathei rubber bottoms put on. brateil Maltese Cross Kubb'.T, guaranteed to wear outi â€" but you have to wear them a long time. Al.so low laced and hiirh laced rubbers aud iiirlit ones lo go over vour boots at Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON * NEW SUITINGS I New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the nobbiest weiives to be found any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. JM^H^' w^~.

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