LOOKING OLD TOO SOON The Condition of Too Many Wo- men and Too Many Girls. i Too many women and too many rbrls look old long before they should. Their faces become pale and drawT>; Wrinkles appear and their eyes lack brightness. Cp.n this be wondered at when they so frequently have head- aches, backaches and a general feeling of wi'etchedness and weakness? In most cases It in the blood that is to blame. From one cause or another the blood has become thin and watery, and it is a fact that anaemia (blood- lessness) more than any other cause, gives women this prematurely aged appearance. It is important that the blood supply of girls and women be regularly i-eplenishedâ€" important not 1 only on the score of looks, but to re- store robust health, which is of great- er value. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and restore! the system shattered by overwork or worry. These pills give a glow of health to pale faces and n)ake tired, ! • weary women and girls feel bright ! • and happy. With Dr. Williams' Pink ' • Pills at hand there is no need for any I â- woman or any girl to look ill or feel \ kill. Mrs. J. McDonald, jr., Hay, Ont., \ ' says: "I honestly believe Dr. Williams' â- Pink Piirs saved m'y life. Some years ' ago I had anaemia, and as I did | • not realize the seriousness of the [ ' trouble I soon became a complete ; • wreck. I got so weak I could hardly ' t walk. I neither ate nor slept well, : Soldiers , and could not go upstairs without ; stopping to rest, .â- ^t times I had an New Lady Tupper Tdodds % ^KIDNEY/ L PILLS / P'ABETES e Lady CHTtcppep Wife of Sir tharles Stewart Tupper, of WiiiuipeK, who becomes Ijidy Tupper through the death of Sir Charles Tupper. I-JUly Tupper, wat Miss .Margaret Peters Morse, onlj daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Morse of Ottawa. Her father waii a second cousla of the Ute Sir Charles Tupper's wife. Her husband, who suoceeils to the Baronetcy. U about to leave forj the front, having a conunlsitlon iin the Cameron Highlanders. * . ECLIPSES FRIGHTEN AR.MIES. Der Shky Pilot, Vunce I vas a vaiter In your good old London town; But now I shteer der Zeppeleen Vhat drops der bik boms down. I am von bold shky-pilot, I do der Var Lord's vill; Some prettee Engleesh vimmen Und der leetle childs I kill. Hoch! Hoch! I am so happy Up here among der shtars, I vish der Vaterland vould be For effer in der vars. To me it vas der great bik fun To hide above der clouds, Und tink how many Engleesh dead You wrap up in deir shrouds. Have Always Been Rather Superstitious. , . , , , . . u 1 I The official explanation to the Rua- , almost unbearable pain m my back I ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^bout the and would have to remain .n bed. I ^^ ^j ^^^ ^^ ^^,,, them suffered almo.t constantly from a' considering it an evil omen, dull headache, and w-hen .-.weepmg if ^^^ ^^ unnecessary precaution, for I would stoop to pick up anything I , ^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^.^^^^.5, Marshal Tesse was • would get _so dizzy that I would have , ^g^ching from Barcelona in 1702 an . to catch hold of something to keeP j ^cipse of the sunâ€" the emblem of j . from falling. At times my heart | ^j^^ g^^jj.,j^^g_gQ j^p^egsed his troops . would beat so fa:»t that I would have j ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ jjjgy behaved little I come like thief in dead auf night, ^ a smothering sensation. My ^yes ! j^^^j^j. jj,jj„ ^^ unorganized rabble. Ven sinks der red-eyed sun; were sunken and my hands and limbs j goldiers, indeed, like sailors, have Und den your papers write und say â- would be swollen in tho mornings. I .^^^^,^y^ been rather superstitious, and j I vas von pirate Hun. Und vhat I likes about it best â€" Von ting you vill agree â€" Vile I drops boms upon your head You cannot punish me. It makes mein zides mit laughter shplit To look down from der shky, Und dink der speshul constables Do "Vake up, England!" cry. PIGEONS IN WARFARE. Were Used Extensively During the Boer War. It is not generally known that all the armies and navies of the world can fall back on official pigeons, if necessary, and that the birds belong- ing to the British Navy have their official standing and numbers just as the handymen have. During the Boer War the British Army had its carrier-pigeon system. The birds brought messages from all the towns beleaguered by the Boer in- vaders, and when Sir George White's force was cooped up in Ladysmith winged messengers carried several de- spatches from that gallant officer to the men who were slowly lighting their way to his relief. The firjt war in which pigeons were used as messengers was the Franco- Prussian, and the birds carried news into and out of besieged Paris. A post was established at Tours, and right through the siege regular mails «rere carried between Paris and "Tours by pigeons. i.iitf!2 MagiQ i^VmitllHIIIIIIIHHIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlift; MADE IN CANADA. MAGIC lAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM Makes pure, delicious, healthful biscuits, cakes and pastry. it is the ordy well- known strictly high class baking powder made in Canada, selling at a medium price. Read the label E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNU=>EG MONTREAL = mil While Plumes Are All the Go. 1 Lot of Difference. Mayâ€" N'o, George, it cannot be. I 1 Lawyer (to witness; â€" Did you say am not good enough to be your wife, that an incompetent man could keep Georgeâ€" What nonsense, dear. You ' an hotel as well as anybody' Throw Away Your Eye-Glasses ! . A Free Prescription You C*n Have Filled and Use at Horn* are an angel! May â€" George, even an angel could lot be happy with a man who had only ?1,25C a year, and feathers the price they are! Witness â€" No; I .'aid an inn-c.^pcri- enced man could. mnard's Unlment Coras Dlstemstr. tried several kinds of medicines with- i even in the remote times of Alexan- j out benefit, and my friends thought 1 1 ^^^ ^^^ Great's march on Babylon an j But nicht care I for vhat you tink would not recover. Then 1 began tak- 1 p^jip^p „£ the moon threatened to de- Of terrors in der nights! ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and be- | ^^^.Qy j^is army. Well disciplined as I make you var in vays dat are fore long could see and feel that they ^jj^y ^.p,.e_ the Greek troops became Der latest ting in frights. were helping me. I gladly continued | gpi^gj with uncontrollable panic, and the use of the pills until I was com- ^j^p more than half minded to fly. If England vins â€" veil, veil, I vill pletely cured, and I cannot say enough \ gyt Alexander, with great ceremony,] Again a vaiter be; in their praise, and I strongly recom- consulted the gods, and then the mend them to all run-down girls and ; priests diplomatically pointed out women." that, as the Greeks worshipped the You can get Dr. Williams' Pink j gyn and the Persians the moon, the Pills from any dealer in medicines or â- eclipse was a good omen, portending by mail at TyO cents a box or six boxes the defeat of the latter. In this way for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' ; discipline was restored. I i> • Do you wear glasses 7 Are you a vic- tim of eve-8tralQ or other ej-K-weaknesgtfst If »o, }o"u will be iflad to know that there U real hope for you. iliuiy whoiw oyes were failiuB iMiy lUey have bad tlielr eyes restored througb the prluclplo of tUls won- derful free- prrsirlptlon. One man says, alter trvlug It : "I was almost bllod ; could not BW to read at all. Now 1 can read fverytnlng without any glasses an* my eyfs do not wai>T any more. At nlgbt they would palu dreadfully ; now they feel flue all the lime. It was like a miracle to ni» " A lady who used It says : "The .V Saving .Vnyway. O'Brien â€" So the landlord the rint for yez. He'll save money at that. Casey â€" How so? O'Brienâ€" Shure, it's less he'll losin' when ye don't pay it. Murine is pre- parpii by our Phy- sicians, aa used for many ye«ra in their practice, now dedicat- ed to the Public and •old by Your DnigKiic ^ _ 'Tr>* Murine tu Refresh, CIwnM, and Strengthâ„¢ Ej c after ejtpcture to lowered Ojld Cottins Winds und Dust and to rratura healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and madeiora by OverworU and Eye Btrayi. Some broadminded Physicians use and rccom. mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of ita Succcfa. talk and rush into print in ppijosition; buRWESi Klnard's Unlmeat Ctuaa Colds, kc. .\lways Late. •Hind thought is better than fore- be those whose Eyes need care can suc'ii why. aa i there is no Prescription fee in Murine. Jun hand I your DrusKist 50c and you have a Complete Pks. I Eye Book-Murlne-Dropper-ond Cork Screw- read v for use. Try it in your Eyes and iii Baby • I Eyes tor Eye Troubles-No Smartinsrâ€" Just Ey« t^unfort. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Miirina lya Ramady Company, Chlcass atmosphero seemed hazy with or wttboiit thought." gla.'ses, but after using this prescription ^ "Oh I don't know. I'd be a rich F(;;fltt^i"daysyfvcrytliTnB »«^ms clear. I ^^_^ ^.^^^^ j^ j ^^^j j^OUght of a lot It doesn't cost half as much to live as it does to make a good impression on your neighbors. 1 LONDON IN WAR TIME. If Germany â€" I tink so â€" vins, Den you shall "vait" on me! â€" Clvde Foster in London .\nswar8. ♦ WHO IS DR. JACKSON ? can even rend fine print without glasses. It Is believed that thousands who wear ot my idea.s glasses can now discard them In a reason- able lime, aad multitudes more will be 1 â€" ^â€" ^â€" able to strengthen their eyes so as to b« ^ spared the trouble and expense of ever ^ getting glasses. Eye troubles of many de- sirlptlons may be wonderfully beuetltted by following the simple rules. Here Is tUe prescription : Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon Opto. Fill a two- ounce bottle with warm water, drop In one Bontipto tablet and allow to dissolve. With this lliiulrt. bathe the eyes two to four times dallv. You should notice your eyes clear no perceptibly risht from the start, and lufiaoimatlon will unUkl; lUsappear If xonr eyes are bothering you, even a little, take ateps to save them now, before It Is too late. Many bopeicssly blind might have been saved If tney had cared for their eyes In time. The Vulmas Drtig Co.. of Toronto, will fill the above pre- scription by mall. If your druggist cannot. first. Mlnard's ^inljaeat Coras Oanret la Cowa Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. I.MPORT.\NT .VNNOUNCEMENT. Postage on Parcels Going to the Troops in France. The Post Office Department is in receipt of applications to have par- cels addressed to our soldiers in France sent free or at reduced rates of postage, there cviilently being an impression that the Department has control of these rates and could do as it wished, but this is not so, as the ^^^ ^.j,^,^ ^„^j,y ..poinds London of question of postage is fixed by Inter- ^^^ ^^.^^ j^,.p ^^e men in khaki, the national agreement, so that it is not .^ouhJ^j driving in cars, and the within the power of the Canadian j,„.kpnpj streets at night. After the Post Office Department to untlertake ' ^^^^^^ ^^.^ p,„gpj fpntral London is as to carry the parcels free or at a re-;-,^ ^j,p „i„th plague of Egypt had For years he taught food chemistry, dietetics, and diseases of the diges- tive tract in one of the large medical .. ~ . schools of the continent. In his ex- i Inhabitants Indifferent to the 1 'â- agic | j^^^gj^.^ experience in free clinics he I Side of War. worked out the formula for Dr. Jack- ; To judge from the general aspect of son's Roman Meal, a compound of j Lonilon to-day, the nation, as repre- Made .Vrtiiicial Leather. A substantial prize has beer won by a Belgian inventor in Italy for an artificial leather made of cotton, which is said to be as durable and elastic as tho genuine article. A woman may have high whole "wheat am' rye, with deodorized j and .still wear a low-cut gown, flaxseed and bran. It nourishes \ better than meat, prevents indices- Borrowed umbrella ideals cast th< sfi I by the inhabitants of the mclropolis. appear somew-hat indiffer- ^ v^ ^ ^ positively "relieves constipa- ; shadow of suspicion. ent to the tragic side of war. The ^.^^ ^^ "money back." Ask your | doctor. .\t all grocers, 10 and 25 1 ^.^ useless to waste hints on nur- cents. Roman meal is made by Ro-I y^^..^|,„,p,, pp^pj^ restaurants and theatres are as crowdeil as in former times, and it is only to those who know tho capital well that any great change is appar FREE TO HOUSEWIVES .< big (is page Houaehol.i \.-.oiiiit tj.Mjk. i'»iei.di4i «.id Ueclpe Ho..rs combined, sl/e 9x1'^ Inches. .oMtalninB hundreds of the best and latest "''""" HOW TO GET YOUR COPY. Below are the nanle^< and adiiresMes of twelve flrius. Select eleven .if vour best frletids and eltlier have them write or write a po«lo»r<l y»urseir to each of these rtrnm asking them to send Shepards HouBOkeeper ?• Perfect Account Book' to the address supplied. . „ ., '., For instance, supplv \oiir imiiie and address to me flrKt Hrni on the IlBt, a friend's name and address to the xwoiid firm on the list and so on. Next week's Issue of this paper will show another list of nrms to whom you can send a further list of names and addresses. Write your postcards to-day before you forget. Canadian Shredded Wheat I'o.. Nlaitora FallB. '>nt Christie Brown * Co. Toronto. i'. TurnbuU < o.^ Ltd.. Oalt. Oti-. I'owan (?o.. Ltd.. Toronto. Clare Bros. * Co.. Prestoii. Ont Maple Leaf Milling Co.. Turnnio. Dominion Canners. t.o Hamilton. E. \V. <Jlllett Co.. Toronto. Win. nark Co.. Ltd., Montreal. Falrweathers Limited. >'onge Street. Toronto. Standard Tube & Feme i-u., Woodstock. Ont .\tlantlc Sugar Reilneries 'l-nUed. Montreal « man Meal Co.. Toronto. DEAF TO ALL WAR NEWS. English Convict Gains a Rare Dis- To have Convict Gains a tinction. ived in England for the : F' .\K.M.S â€" .\1,1. sizKs""^ STOCK, (.iruln. DuJiy or Fruit. When you ! want to buy. write H. W. Uuwaon, j Brampton. Ont. HEWSPAPEBS FOB SAXiB. duced rate of postage. Under Inter- ! f,„p„ ^p„„ jt. \% ,vorse than in the \ Past fifteen months without knowing p«oXT^^^-^,l-I-^,^, ""Kod OntlVlo national law, provision is made for ^j^p „f ^jj j^^p^ „ hundred years ] that war had broken out was the The most useful j'"'), '"'"««„"2« the free transmission of parcels for ^„j „ fog would bring every- 1 rare distinction of a prisoner charged , of aii^bu.sine^^ prisoners of war, but this privilege , thing to a standstill The county nf recently at North London police court, , ^^ny 73 west Adei.iuie St. Toronto. does not extend to parcels for troops London in ^oidinarv times spends The man, who is very dear, had | engaged in active service, nor is it fi ,)00 a day in street lighting, but, ! been arrested within eight days of his | within the power of the Department although milch of this is saved, it is ! liberation from a term of penal servi- , V to so extend it. ; the """ «-'-i *"â€"<'â€" "fl^-o" I -^^ The rate of postage required on pu^i parcels addressed to the troops de- th rOX SALE. pends upon the location of the ad drcssee If the aildressee is in Eng- land, the rate on parcels for England applies, which is twelve cents per lb; whilst, if he is in France, the par- cels are subject to the rates applic- ,^^,^.^ ..j guffp^pd t'.om nervousness able to parcel.-^ for Fiance, which are , ^^^.^ ^^ jj,p ii,„p j^^.,, ;„ ^ed. .ouu a tiay in street iigntiiig, out, "••^â- ' -â- • -• •-- - - . __,,,,.,.,,,...„, .vn I'fiTll-s Full though much of this is saved, it is liberation from a term of penal «ervi- , ^tku imU nlJLAND^^m^i JJi^^^ i^^n e lighting contractors, and not the I tude and he confided to a police officer ^,„,^.bred ivrsian '^ittous Beautiful 1 1- V u uJ- .. u ' t\,aÂ¥ tip hail iust heard there was a pets, sure to attract attention. K. A. ibhc, who are benefiting most by ! that ne nan lust neaiu mctB vv..a a | ^^ ,, Abbotsfoid, gut- is enforced economy. ! big war on in B ranee costing £3,000 - ._ 000 a dav. He asked the officer if it wisctLLANEOUS. A FRIENDLY GROCER Dropped a Valuable Hint. •For about eight years," writes ' 000 a day. was true, and, being told that it was, ! he expressed the opinion that the Gov- 1 ernment would save money if they j paid the inmates ot prisons to fight. TUMOUS, LUMrS. CANCEn. . , Internvl and extcrnBl. cured ETC. Willi- out paiii'by our home treatment Writj us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. ColHrgwood. Ont as follows: 1 lb .32 cents. 2 lbs 40 " 3 " 48 " 4 " 64 " 72 " 80 " 88 " 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 $1.02 1.10 1.18 1,26 "Sometimes 1 would get numb, and i it would be almost impossible for me ' to speak. .\t other times I would have severe bilious attacks, and my j heart w^ould flutter painfully when I ; would walk fast or sweep. "I have taken enough medicine to start a small drug store, but without permanent benefit. One evening our grocer was asking my husband how I was, and urged that I quit coffee and use Postum, so he brought home a I was cured of painful goitre MINARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULIN, Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. .JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. RACCOON Revillon Freres 134 McGlLL STREET, MONTRE.VI. are manufacturers and can pay yim best prices for fui-s of all kinds. Send for our price list. SKUNK i TRAPPERS Fura Have Advanced ShiptoRoKers. WegivoIiberalKradcfc full value in caehanduuickretoniB. We have lH..»t market in .\iiii-ri.-a for Fain. Hidi-B.eto. Ho comini! ite todnv for free price list. ~ MrtC9i Christmas music-â€" and entertainment during long winter months. These are exactly the same charges package, and I made it according to which existed for years between Can- 1 directions, and we were both delighted ada, England and France before the with it. We quit coffee altogether and war, and are the result of an agree- used only Postum." (Tea produces ment or convention made between about the same effects as coffee, be- thcse countries and Canada, and as cause they both contain' the drugs these countries have not agreed to ' caffeine and tannin.) lower their rates between England "I Ix'gan to get better, and in a and France, Canada has to pay to month's time looked like another per- them the same rates as before the ' son. The color came back to my war and must charge the same post- cheeks, I began to .sleep well, my ap- age. j petite was good, and I commenced to In all cases parcels for the troops ; tjike on flesh and become interested must be addressed Care of .\rmy Post | in everything about the house. Office, London, England, but this does | "Finally, I was able to do all my not in any way affect the rate of post- own work without the least sign of age which depends entirely upon the my old trouble." Name given by ' Tramptn-m-'auppllaa at'^ietory ^rlcf IHMKIIS rUR COMfAWY. D. pt. S S t LbmU. Me. GOLD GOLD Write me for Special Information on MONROE CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINE, Limited 1'. S. HAIUSIUN. loontion of the addressee. Missing No Tricks. .v Anna â€" Since you've been in love you seem to have a faraway expres- sion In your eyes. Amy â€" There's a reason, dear. Charley always kisses me when I'm not looking. Norway possesses no fewer than (2,137 steamers and 1,902 sailing ships, besides 209 motor ships as deep sea craft. ....... Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal â€" the original form â€"must be well boiled, liic and 2.5e packages. Instant Postum â€" a soluble powder â€"dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 30c and 60c tins. Both kinds are equally delicious and cost about the same per cup. ' "There's a Reason" for Postum. â€" sold by Grocers. Miles of Electric Wire. Through the United States and Canada there are 900,000 miles of | electric wire stretched overhead,; which require the support of no less j than 2,5,000,000 poles. It is said that | about 4,000,000 poles are needed an- 1 nually for renewals and new lines. | Well-stocked German forests, which ^ are the best managed forests in the world, produce only 250 trees to the acre; the poles now standing would thus' represent all the timber growing on more than 130,000 acres. In Can- ada considerably less than 100 poles are cut to the acre, so that nearly 500,000 acres of forests have been cut to obtain the poles now in use, and about 50,000 acres are cat over each year to furnish tho poles for renew- als. That means cutting at the rate of 100 acres a day. Mlnud-a IdnlaiTOt Cures Dlphtbarl*. Iron rings were used as money by the ancient Britons. Nine churches in England sve nam- ed in honor of St. David, of Wales. 1323 Traaars Bank. TOSONTC Amtrtea's Plonnr Do| Rgintdlts nuoK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed .Milled free to «ny addreas by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER. V.S. 118 Went 3UlSlreel, New York Victrola IV $21 With 15 ten-inch, double-sided â- Victor Records (.80 selections, your choice) $34.50. Easy paymenU, if desired. Other Victrola.s S3.S.50 to $400 You can have both if you own a Victrola. Music appropriate for the day, music that you can listen to throughout the year â€" the one great ele- ment necessary to social happiness, that will overcome the drab moments of long winter hours, and kindle afresh the family spirit with the dehght and entertain- ment it provides. The Victrola will play all your favorite songa and instrumental music. They are to be found in the list of over 6.000 Victor Records, including standard and popular music on ten-inch, double- sided records at 90 cents for two selections. Any of "His Master's Voice" dealers will let you hear them. If there Is not one In your vicinity notify us and wo will b«« that you are not dlaBPpoiut»Ml on (.'lirisuna-s moriiln«. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO.. 601 Lenoir Street, Montreal Limited DKALBSB IV BVEBY TOWN Al»» OITV Ottn PBXOa FROM COAST TO 0OA8X vioToii macoxsa â€" mass in Canada I.OOK PO» •• Kia MASTB»'B TOIOH • â€" TAASa MA»K. New .Vgencies Considered Where We .\re Not Properly Represenxed.