Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1915, p. 4

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â- 'â- --â- n^}:: December9 1015 'J' II E F 1. E S II E K 1 K ADVANCE tflcelKrtoH ^^iDuiincc An inileiieiiJent nowKpftiwr, imlilialieil evtry Thuniday at th'" ofticv, Collingwood Street, Kl-»hcrtim. Sulfccriplinii price !f\ iwraiinuiii when i>ai<l in advuice ;81.>'i.) wlicii nut «i> l>aiil Adver isiiiff rates on upiiliiation. Circulat oii 1, 10<) weekly t JW K. TUxiraton- Editor Oil mi Shales The OiilRrio Bureau of Mines h.is puV>- libho 1 its 1".U."> n'l'utt. Owiii^lo ncent interest taken in <'il here it may lie prof- itable III 111 te fr MM it that the wells drilled in Osprey township « few yeiiis aR.j went down 1801 teot. Gas was found al i;{<il feel and oil iit 17<iO to 17f)"> feet. The rep'iri sjijs ; It i-i inieiestinj; to recall the not generally known fact that «t one tnnc oil shale was distilled no;ir Collingwood, where lli- ulici f.irmation contains a bed of ili- in ileriil about •even feet in thickness. An exposure ol tbi ahale i« found iin lot 23 ill the third Cmcession of the township of Co!lin({- wokI, Urey county. Many years ngo a •pecin en of ihi» slule was analyzed by Sterrj Hunt, and .showed .".:! per cenf calcium c.-»rboii4te wiih " a lidle mag- nesia and oxide iron." The insoluble ar- jiillaieous rre;due when iunited in a doted vessel gave 12. •! per cent, of volatile com- bustile matter, leaving a coal black car- lioniiceous residue, which, when c;«Icined in the open air lost H.4 per cent, addition- al. Itituininons shales are also leiiorted to tjccur on the eastern end of Manitoulin is'and at Cape Smyth, and at Kettle p jint oa Like Huron. In 1859, a plant to treat the ahules was erected nesr Collingwood. The shaUs were distilled in iron letoits hented by means of wood, and it in said that from thirty to ihircy-six tors of shale were treated daily, yieldinr 250 gallons of crude oil at a cost of 14 cents u gallm. When refined the crude oil yielded from 4') to â- Â»<( per cent, of burniii); oil and fioin 20 to 2.") per cent, p ich and waste, the remainder beiiix a heavy lubricatinx vW After two or throe i-usnrcessful trials, «ud the repeated deetruction of the works by hre, they were in 18»>0 not into oi>era- tiou, and a ready market fouiid for oils; but it is net known that the enterprise •was remuncriiive. The Dii«iDes8 was abandoned, probably on account of the cheap oil from Petrolia, which rf that time wax biouffht into the maikel in Urge <juai>titiu8. Orangeville Must Wait The Pine .Hiver Light and Power Go's, contract for the stries ligl.tiiij expired on Dec. 1st. The Town Council expect- ed to have everything in readiness to take over the plant when the c 'iilract expired but a hitch has occurred between the lly dro K ectric Commission mid the Pine Kiver Co., over the purchase cf llie Hom- ings Mills dam. As ii conseiiuence the Hydro Kiectric ConMiiission is int in a posiiion to deliver power in OrniiKevillo and limy not be able to do so fur some lime yet. In v.ioif of this unexpected developnioht. Mayor Campbell called a «peci»l ineetiiiK of the Coiiiicil on Tues- day to stnction an aKreemenl extending t'le preneiit contrcl with the Piiie Uivjr Co. until May 1st , I'.Mti. Tlie prices re- nitiii the 8:ime as under the oU coninict, and the comiMny binds itself to do the street lighting until M*y 1st. The agree- ment ({ives the municipality the privilei(c of taking over and operating the plant any time after ihe New Venr. The news <jf the hitch between the Hydro Kleciric Commission and the Pine Uiver Light * Tower Co. came as a Hui prise, as it was generally understood tli.it :i deal had been closed for the piirclnso of the Homines Mills plant. It appears, however, tliut « ho iirrangeinent mas siiiiply for the pur- chase of the co's. Iransniisiiion lineH and that the diftitulty has arisen over the liiice to be puid for the dam at Horniiips Mills. Weekly Report Flesherton High School l-'orni 1, Algebra M MikUH '.•!, E Thompson H."), P Allen 81, K Ituiit 7!>, 1! Mends 77, (1 TlioiiipMou 7(), C I'Volier 7:>. 1) M tcliell7l, J Stewart (Hi, 15 Trimble (10, T Fields .")7, W Arm- strong 5.">. Form 1, Composition M Madill 80, F Hunt 80. 1" Alliii 7!>, M Field 7;{, D iMit:hell 70, H Thompson (i8, C Fisher •)(!, NV Armstrong 05, H Trimble (14, ,1 Stewart (CJ, It .Veads iV.t, E Thompson Ml. Form 2, Book -Keeping Those obtaining BonuN 15 McVicirnl, U Dingwall 82, J \Viight 74, A A'ipters G'-K K Morton 07, E Ach- esoii (id, V Finley 05, ACiialam 01, H Uutledge 50, A Allen 54, W Williamson 53, K Caswell tti, C Porter 52 M Ach- esou 51, L Lever 50. Form 2, Sjielling V Finley 100, C Porter 04, B McV.ca,. 88, P LeOard 88, A Allen 8(i, E Aclieso,, 80, K lliirurave b2, S Murray KO, J Wriijht 78, L Lever 78, U NVillianiMon 78^ W Williamson 70, H Dingwell 74, E Cas' well 74, M Heard 74, A W iiileis 72, M C ilgan 70, F Thuriitou 70, E Paislow 05, C NVriglii 04. W Latimer 04,11 'Jaswell 62, M Wright 00, M Acheson 00, W Mm ton 00, E Beutham 58, It Rutledg^- .â- >4, D Palton 42, A Graham 28. Notice Dr. H. F. Eiiglisn, ( >ateoputliic physician, of Owen Sound, will be in bleshertun on Tuosdiiy and Friday iifier- niioiis of ca^h week. Coininuncing Fri- day, Juno 41 h. For apiiointinent ph(.iie !' ring Ii. .S^-c^iSSS^Si^^jiiy^ '^ssyi^isn^sifsirsifsi^^ t MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famnus make of implenieii's is well known all over the cuiitry and their own good Work is the best recom- iiiendatiMii they c:»n receive. If you reiiuire anything in the lino of Bim'eis, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cullivuiors, I'lilp- ers, Pliws, Sleigh", Wawgons, Cr, am Separators. Ilarrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cu'ter«. (Jnsolino en giiies. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chance to i|Uote pricen. That the Canadian fi»e cent piece might well be made from cobalt, instead of siber, is the suggestiou of Thoina.s \V. Gibscm, Deputy Minister of MineH, as contained in his annual report to the Bureau, Mr. Oibsin sajs that the pies- sent five cent piice is ef a very inconven- ient size, and as the thief source of cobjlt is ill Canada, the five cent piece could be made from this material, and it would Ituiy be Cdiiadiaii i.i every way. He would call the coin "cobalt," bust tike .\:iieiic.'\n live cent piece a "nickel." The American nickel contains only 25 per cent, of that inet.il, while the Canadian ,' )in would bd made from pure col iilt. T'lis metal would make it vciy difticult for countetfeileis to duplicate the coin, and it would tarnish slowly, if at all. John Wright, ' Agcivt Flesherton Deenng Implements AND Gasoine Engines All kinds of Deering Imjilements. Parts alwayH on hand. Agent for Karrie and Mt. Forest Cutieia, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Ciiirieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements iei(uire no lecominendation as they aie stand.ird tFoods and recognized as the best on the market. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Butter Wanted •J I R R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO Only A Few Days Till Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW Don't wait ttnlil the last week, wlien everyotie is in a liurr}', but make your selectious NOW, while von li.ive llie best choice of (iiiick 8eliinj» mei-chaiidi.se. Onr Christmas assortment is now at the best. A FEW CHRISTMAS MINTS! Hockey State.s all sizes 81.00 to $4.00 Ilockc'} Boots, all sizes 81.25 to $8.00 Sweatii- Coats, all colors 75c to $5.00 Wool Toques and Aviation Caps 25c to $1.25 Silk ami Wool -Motor Scarfs 5X)c to $1.50 Ladici' KidGlovLR, ail lengtlis $1.00 to $2.50 Men's; silk Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Men's Kid Gloves and Mitts 75c to $2.50 Iiiiiiil Handkeichiefa, 8ilk and Liaeu 25c to 50c Fill I y Lawn ami Lnieii lis ud kerchief? 5c to 50c L:i(' Collars and Fanc^ Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Ladas' Wool Shawls 50c to $3.60 Men's liiii) linys' Fancy ^ iispenders 10c to 50c Fancy M k ixi t'a-liiiii'.c Hosiery 50c to $1.25 Silk, Net ii...i (I'wii Waists $1.00 to $5.00 Ladies' Fancy >.i|>[)er8 and Pumps $J.50 to $2.75 Fancy Linens. Tiiy Cloths, Towels, Centres, etc 25c to $1.75 FANCY CHINA -A beautiful assortment of Fancy China, suitable for presentsâ€" Cups and i^aucers Fancy plates, Ijcjn Bon Dishes, Spoon Trays, Cream Pitchers, Berry Dishes, Salad Dowls, Biscuit .Jars, etc., etc. Special Prices lOc to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christmas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED. Millinery Special for This Week We have laid out two tables of Hats in onr Show Room for Special selling, Tkey are all new shapes and correct styles. TABLE NUMBER 1 TaBLE NUMBER 2 Hats usually koUI 82.51) to $3.50 All at $1.'J5. Hals usually sold Irom $3.75 to $G.50 All at $3.50. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS â- ^- '^^ -^^ -^- ^- -^^ â- ^- -*^ -^ ^ -A. â- ^. -A. -A. lA. -A- -A ^ -^fcA. Rod and Gun Dteenibcr KikJ hihI (iiiii, imblislied by \\ . .(. Taylor, Liniiteil, WoodMlocW, Ont. U on ll;o news-stand.s and Ih leplete wi h Stories <.f outdoor life, besides I lio usiml «le|iHilnient» devoted to (iuiH and Am- unitioii. Fishing Nolen, etc , which are well maintained. Home of the Htoriea noted are The Hunter's C'liri»tin»», Tlitco Valais :tiid a (.'rce. Hector: A Story if a Do(('n Devotion, Niirtherii CaiiipinnTi-alH, A .l<ist Uetribntiiin, Sailor of the Wood- Jand-i, Newfoundland Caribou, Ad\eiit- urea of NeU alias Olie. A new depart- nieiit wliioh proiimeji to hu of Hpucial nit- «!resl is conducted by Arthur Kllison and devoted to the interesia of d(>« loveis under the caption of The Kennel. Mm. Bradley, widow of tlie late J. F. llradley, former Fostiiiaster of OranKO- ville, dropped dead at her residence, lt;i OewBon btreet, Toronto, lecoiitly. L. VcKeown, the eight yenroUl smi of Mr. Hush McKeowii, of Artlmr Town ship, bad bis skull fractured by a kick from a In use. A (JueoiiHville h rdwnro nieichaut ff.ia /ii.ed !?.â- â- .. (Mt and cM* for siMng a rlHo to a boy uiiler age. Harry .V-iderfon, one of llie first men t<i J' in the colors here, has been dismis- sed. He misbehaved him.self last week and took a drfirtht attitude towards the ollicer ill cli.ii«e. OnSatuid.iy evening he w,i8 iirie.st.-d and locked Ujj. Monday lu.s c*se was laid before the regimental ollicers ill Itarrie :ind on tlioir advice he Was tlie same eveiilii({ stripped of his uiii- form, giien hiscitilian clotliiiij; iiiid re- bused. He had been ciinlriictiiig debts with business pi'ople in town, but all int- eiesled !{ot their jjnods bofuie Anderson was released. He stated lli'it he came from Hamilton, but his story is not be- lieved as he winked all fill with famiets west of here under aimtlier name. He Wit) legnrdcd as an uiidetirable. â€" Shcl- buriic Kconoiuivt. Fn.iii one concession, the sixth, of tlic Tiiwnohip of KKremont over jfKlOO lias been subscribed to tbe I'auiotic; Funt', lis a lesuli of the caiivas.s instituted by the Woodland Patriotic I.t-iii^ue. Mcssn Neil McKacberii and \\n\. J. Aldoorn weie cauniisei!( and the sixth responded spleiidiely to the upiie.'l, tlier» lieiiiK many liberal subscriptions and not a siii-le refusal. We think Unit it would be Im'd to tiiid u parallel on any other concession in Oiitiiiin, but there are many who liiivc wedlli, it they liavetl.i- loyalty and enthusiasm, to do just as well, and even belter. We trust that this oxikinp'o may stir up others in worthy eninlalinii to take part in a just and putrioiic cause, .^lt. Forest Coiifeder-ile. The Sandova ISmelting Company, an .American concern, is eudeavotinij to ob- tain iinportiiil iiitoreals in /.ink proper- ties held by Luiidnneis along Lake Hur- on. The coiiipmiy has oll'eied III build a smelter and push de\eliipiiieiit. After leatiim MiiiipU's till! Cd'iipaiiy declare il is the hinliest giade ot zinc yet fniiinl in .\ineriea. These are the deposits which have been located on the Ihiioe Penin- sula, and inny bo tiie reali/.'ilioii of what has lnu been ( ont ended I hit tho rocks i.ftbat secliim contained valuable ore, which some diiy will biinv wealth to timl section of the (iroviiice.- 0. SS. Timos, Itiibeil Ihiy if t'le secniK'. coiJCeHeion of Heiitiiick, hid the in sfurtune to ^havo his batn and ci'iitenis dchtroyed by lire a week or so ai;o. Il seems Irom what we le.'iro that Ml. Hay was io the burn at the time, and while forkins? feed from Ihe mow the hintern expliidcd aoil sol tire to the straw. He eiuleavored to ex tincuish Ihe llinies and thought he hiid done so, but the lire broke out again and wfts soon beyond his control. The Imni WHS a good fiaiiic striicliirc 10 by (iO feel, and ibis seiisnii's crop, recently thieshed, w.ia also destroyed. Ihe less will be a heavy tno, as Mr. Hay, wo undeistind, hxd a coinpariilively light insui-anco. C'hroniilo. The ttrst live cows in Ihe dairy cmilost St the Winter Fair were Iliilstiiiis, the sixth an Ayr.-Iure, i|ii'ilily Miid (pntui y biiiig tonsiJcie.l. 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. OSTEOPATH OHice and Residenceâ€" K>8 !»th St Owen Sound, Out. Hours -!l to 12 .i.m , l.:W to 4.:J0 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. K. Knuli-h will be in Flesherton on Tuesi'.iiy and Kridny afternoou." of each week. The Old Adage M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. Farm for Sale Oni- Iniiulred acres, lot ;I7, Con. S, .\rteiiiesia, small frame house, sniall or- (OiHrd,'.,'iimi well uiid property well f.nc.d. About ;IA iiiilen fioiii Kiiseniii. .\pply E. .J. I'a'rsoiis, Eii'^eiiia P. 1 1. â- J weeks. FARM FOR SAFE Part lot 2, con. a, Kuphr;isia, contain- insr r>0 acre", ijood frame hiniso, celUr full si/.ii of liiiiise, uoid burn ;>4xr>"), \v ill all round ; jicod stabling, large oichaid of Hrst class fruit, hen house, pig pen. etc. One mile fioiii llm vilh^-e of Kim berley. Will sA\ clu-Jip to right man. For leriii'-, etc , apply to I'le iindorsigncd CHARLKS WIi'KKNS 1 Nov Kimberley P.O. L A Business School Th.it successful fchool whoso •;radu;itOii occupy proniinei.t po- si' ions rnuii the .Vtlant.o ti I'lcilic, re-opens for the FALL TKRM S.ptoniber 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog al once to COLLI NfiWOOl) BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Colli iig wo.. d, Ontario. F'lesHe]:*ton #- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to One Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" lJ.iskot chisos Monday night, delivery Friday evening CLKANINO ami DYEINOâ€" We ar agents for Parker's Dyo Works â€" Olothos cleaned and dyed, feathers rojuvonst d PROPRIETOR Properly For Sale Part lot 151, cm 2. N. K. T. ^ S. U. eiiiitainiii!; 2Hi ncios, about ] mile from Fle.slierl.iii. There isa g.md frame house and stable "and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to .Inseph A. Ije^iiird, Fle.thertou or on the proper- ty- A Representative Wanted L , The Proof of the Pudding m in the Eating The saiuo is etiuallv true of tho lltOO Gravity Washei'. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line t)t McC'ormiek Farm Implement.-i. iiinders Mowers, l{akes, Lt)ailers, Drills, «. tiltivatois. Plows, J{iiliiig and Walking. Harrows, Urantford Winil Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, iSlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Hath Tubs, Frost Wire ami Fence, Cutters ami Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. H â- .^ T FISHER,-- WOOD CUTTING lliizz Nniv WiHid CiittinK with iieatnesH mill ile.spatch, .Ml tii (ill lurils |ier day. .\'-iii II Ki""l straw-ciittiiiK mitlit. Hatisfactiiiii Kuaiiiiiteiiil. Ijeav" yi ur (inlers with tliii uiiileiHi({iii.d. l.lalU -tlKO miAOKKNlU'HY, Vi vemluiin BULL FOR SERVICi- The uiidei»i«nei! h>is a I 'me Itri'il Sbiiillioin lltill tor SI ivice on Lit l-Jti, Coil. L', S. W. T. iV S. R , Ariemvsia. Teiinspl(>(> .Ml cows MM .1 niiist le paiil fill by I.St Match, IHM. Iscpt II I'iper at once for FLESHERTON AND DISTRICT FOR The Old Reliab'e Fonthill Nurseries F.inners! Why remain idle all winter when you can lake iipapikyiii^ai;ency/ Choice list of varieties for sprint; planlini;. T;iberal terniH. Handsome free outlit. Kxcluaive Territory. Write now fur particulars. Stone & Wellington TORONTO - ONTARIO Bull For Service ' For service. â€" llaron Holly â€" No. 0422. Aberdeen Anf;u», on lot ;14, 9th concess- ion, Artemesia. Terms, ®1.0() if paid before 1 at .Ian. Iill6.-W. J. M-mco. May 15 Stock For Sale Maro .iiul sucUiPK O'llt for Hile~-mnre is !l years o'd - mIho a colt risiii); L', all no. id sliii:!;, and one yoniiy cow liv.i jra. old, ami ciilf. TllDS. I'KNWICK, K.i;;eiiia. i i\ III 'I I Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and got your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Eepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP i $ I I i CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO.

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