March :<() 1916 THE F L E S H E R T O N A 1) V AN CE mm BUSINESSCARDS :!l Societies PBINCB ABTHUK LODGE, No ;«3, A.F.d: A M, moeta In tht Uaaouic tiftU. Arm »liro«(iS Hlook Kle«herton, every Friday on ot before the full ujocd. J. Wrigbt W. M V. H. W. Hlckllng, Secretury. LUMBERING IN THE MUSKOKAS CHOSEN FhlKNOBâ€" Flesherton Ooancl) Chosen Frioiiila nioeto in CUyton ihall rtrf-l | and tbirit WetlKeBiUy oJ each month 8 p.m. ] I'ay assousujente 10 the Recorder on orbeioro | toe first day oj each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev;Becorder W. n. Bunt. POCKT FLEftl'KRTON, 998, !. a P. meetatn " Clayton 8 Hlock the KBt Wednesday evenlnfj , of each month. VUitlnc Foreatere heartily ; welcome C. «., O. Hellaiuy ; B. B., O, Calri.i I FIB. Sec, W. Huikio. , ^ . Please pay dues to Fiii. Sec. before the tlrat s ay of the mouth. Dentistry r. E. C MURRAY L. D. 8., dental surgeon t - ' bouorKradiiate of Toronto University and ' h..yal College ot Dental BurgeonB of Ontario, i ftas adBiisiniBtered for teeth extraction I o lice at residence, Toronto Street. Flettertoo. , IV WRIOBT. TELFOBD * McDONALD HarrUter, SollcitorH, *o. Offices, <irev ft Bruce Hlock, Owen Sonnd. Standard llaiik Block, Kle8herton,iSatur<:a5-s). W.H. WriRhl, W. 1'. relford Ji. J. O. McDoaall, U i* B. Medical J I' OTTKWELL ; Veterinary Surgeon Jradaate of OnUwio Veterinary College residence â€" esoond door sooHi west.ou Kary street. This street ran* outL ; Preebyterlan Church. j Legal I UCAS. IIANF.Y * hKXan'â€" HarrUterB. [ L" tioUcitora.e»c.-L li. Lucas, K. C. : W. K, Kanev K. (•.;«'. U. Henry, 11. A. OBloeB, 1 roroiito. HOfr* Traders hank lUdR phone i main 1412; Markdale 1/ncaa Hlock, Phone 2 A, > Braoeli oiUce at Damlalk <ii>eu every Saturday. [ Business Cards I' CULXiOUGII * YOCNO â- ' Bankers Markdale Oeiieral banking business. Money loaued at reasonable ratei? Call on us. DMcPHAIL, Licensed Auctiouee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate aii'l kstis action guaranteed. The arraugeuie-ntB and ilatc-8 of tiaieit can be made at Tim ADVAnco •.lliee. Bikidenceaml P.O.. I eyiou, Tele.plione conuuctiou. Uec. U, 07 WM. KAITTINCi, Licensed Auctioneer (oi the counties of lirey and Simcoe. Farw and Stock sales a specialty. Terum oiodorate. satiRfactiou gnsiantted. Arrange- oienta for dates mav be made at the Advance jUlce, or Central telephone oUlce ^everBhaul or by Mldrostiug me at Feversham, Ont. Flesherton Bakery R. H. Goldhawk, Prop. • (uf broad ii oti sn\v: by llio fi«lliiwin« (lealciH : W. L. Wrinlil iiiid C. IJijllaniy of Kleslieriim ; I). McLenii. Priccvilli' ; .1. I'littiKiiii, Ceylon ; Kli" Unliinn),', Kevri.'-liaiii : 8. Ohlmiiie anil K. Hri- ii. Mbxwi-I1 ; H. Ciiiriiii, Kugmu ; N. McCaniiel, I'mlon ; .M. It H>iiir- inonil iind 1). Uclier. Ki.iln'iloy; .lames Park |{<h.1<<, Mills ; .\ls') ;n Oic r.ik,'iy. liiiiiHehvldi'iH can ^I'l lliuir hn|i[)licR at k!1 Ihoie i>iiinu. Calfiiiiy fipi' 1 •imiuct.'i or piiitie^, iilsn Hpt'ci il ۥ ikes Mipplli'd. QUICK DELIVERY Bull for Service I'uielired Hlii>rtlii>i'ii Imll, AIumIi'im Kyvieâ€" 8,000 fi»rHeivii;f ON I..' 2'.) SS. K., Aitcnit'xiii. Teiiiiis ?l r,ll for giiiil •>â- , I'lii.- Im-.l cowH 9:', 11(1. I'uro liio'l TinHwoi 'Il liii_' for mrvici- on till! lllr;Vl' lot. Teiiiis Ul .")(! f II ill ui.inmls. SimvikI •MU»l be |iiid for. biicy - \V. •). Moiidh THERE are something Tike a thou-" sand million urresof woodlands in Canada, aud about two hundred â- million of these acres aro covered with timber suitable for trading purposes. It would bt; difficult to ennumcrate the various kinds of trees that flouiish on tfiose K'cat tracts, but amongst the most Important of the varieties aie: spruce, pine, fir, poplar, tamarack, cedar, heiiilocit, oak, elm, ash and maple. Every province has Us forests, and «very forest has its own interestins features. In Alberta parts of the Rocky .Mountains are covered with huge timber areas of great value. In British Colurabla the forest area is â- estinialed at about 180,000,000 acres; the forests of Quebec cover about l:!ii,- 000. UUO a( res; then the large forests of Manitoba. N'ova Scotia, New Rriins- wkk and Yukon are regions fi'om which much valuable timber is taken annually. Not alone are the forests interesting for the value of their trees, but they are attractive throu^ih the grandeur of their appearance and for the wild blrdti and beaetB which they shelter; and *very farmer loves the trees, for they are to him a fortification that breaks the fierce rushes of the storms that fain m'oiild destroy his property on those occasions when the elements get into an Irritable mood. In portions of Western Canada some districts are Very much exposed to the blast. With a view to affording them protection the Dominion Oovtrnment has distributed trees for planting along the prairies. The young tre*-* are given away gratis, but deflnlte condltioDs as to the me- thod of cultivatliin must be complied Wllb. Th<i Canadian Pacific Railway Company li;is also given out yonns trees for a similar object, and the great transiiurtation Company organizes com- petitions and gives prizes at intervals for the best plantation wind-break. in former .vears many of the Cana- dian forests suffercil much destruction from flics, hut of lale the loss has not been so great. Some of the forests have tlulr keepers who reside In pretty lioims in the woods. Between each home there is telephonic com- munication, so that If a lire breaks out ' the news can be quickly spread and fire fighters brought to the spot Iwfore the flames become really formidable. Our! Government has not been forgetful of I the necessity for preservlug the wild I animals that might become extinct had hunting been allowed to go on indis- criminately, for there are certain forest reserves specially allotted for shelter- ing them, and on these parts no hun- ter may trespass. The forests are administered by the Provincial or Dominion Governmetit In most cases, and ll<enses to cut timber are sold by public auction at certain periods. But the tracts that are laid bare hy the woodman's axe are not now always allowed to remain so. The lountry is'awaking to the necessity for conserving the forests, and in many cases the planter follows the hewer. Amongst the prettiest of Canadian foreHts are those ot Ontario which co\er lu2,00il Mjuare .\inonsbt them run a network of t>eautiful rivers and lakes very valuable for the untold power that is In them and for the de- light they give to the sight-seeing tra- viller or fisherman. Through these forests the Canadian Pacific Railway takes its track, opening up the region to the possibility of a great future. As a protection a.gainst forest tires in the Canadian Rockies the Canadian Pacific use oil burning engines beyond Field. The Illustrations of "Lumbering In the .Muskoka" tell their own story, but It will not be uninteresting to narrate that the luml)erlng season begins about the time the snow begins to fall. Then the trees are lightened by the loss of their foliage. When the trees are cut down aud divided into logs suitable for the length of the boards into which they are to be sawed at the mills, lli« lioliuws in the rugged ground ;ae lillcd lip by snow, and the horses or oxnn can travel freely over paths that in sum- mer would be itupassable. Drawn by the horses, or o.-ien as 'it may be. the logs slip gracefully along the surface ot the snow to a convenlcni point where they can be easily loaded on to sleigh to be drawn to the mill. Hut it the mill is far away the timlx-r is often taken to the edge of a river ready for the drive to the mill when the loe melts. In other cases it Is piled on tb« edge of a lake and when the ice breaks Is gathered lute booms and floaied to the mill. « There is an enormous supply of pulp- wood In the Province of Ontario, and the district ot Patricia, which has an area of 146,000 square miles, has vast timber resources which have not ye| be«n tborougbly examined. School Children's Eyes. For Service For service oi I .1 llJ, cm. !•, 0<|irey, une purelirid SlioriliiTii Hull. Terms ♦ 1..M). Also one pure bled Voilt.>liire 111 ar, Terms H (H). All ivccouiit.s cnu>l I)!! p«id to FHKI) TVLKIt, Mwiauei, of «;. W. BIKKK, I'K.pneior. 1 Sep Stock tor 5ale Taiiiwortlis and Herk?hiri--R. yniiiij; stock for i,iHX.1tt,j< jKiriioseg for salt- ; ali.o Itoiiou dtielti, p rves ilpt'* IMm>'« â- -*,• wcit^, tiKO. W. nOHH Maxwell P. I). Our Clubbino- List Til" fullowiiiK piicei HCu fi>r .strictly )iiti 1 in iiili iiiicu .siiliHciiptiniiK only. Wo liH\ e no iicroiinlH vtithoilioi |i<|>cis. t- 1. slii-iuiii .•\Jviince {â- ' I 00 v.. â- all.* Cmiii|,iiiiuiii -J on ror..iilo U..ild. iliiily :i 0!) i..i,.iii., lli.ily News ^' (11. Weekly CJlolie itO Mdil-Kiopiri' . . . , .... To Kaiiiily II.thM * Hr;ir !») KMiiinr .Sun , on . Kaiiii'MS .V.lvoctf? 1 50 Wiikly \Vii,ie«p 0(1^ ShIioiIuv Niijl.t i O'l ; lloim- .1.11 1 OOi !• •iil'iv lievieiv 4il It 111 Hiid I inn liliiuuziUL' OU Boar for Service The iiiif'cii. vincfl li is .i I li"iiiii..'l.lii i' Volk^llil.â- Hour lolMlVK'i' on lot :l7,ciii. (i. .^rtl inosi.!. T.niis 81.IHI â€" J. Hiiiorino. Weekly Report Flesherton High School Many lives have been ruinco tiirouRh nej^'lectod eyestrain iri cliildhood. Tlie eyes of every cliild should be examined. We have made | a special study t^f this branch of optics, and guarantee satisl'acticMT. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. NEW SUITINGS New 8uiting8 just to hand â€" .soiiie^of the iiobhicsi weave.s to be fount! aiiy- ,. , . where. , . - Le.avc your order now for that new .suit. You will never rcjjfrer it. .Satisfrtotioii guaranteed. Don't forget that wo do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our price.s are right and ourworkinau.shiji i.s thti very best. HE ONLY MAN ^ M. WHO SHOULD ^ k, NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ PER IN THE WAY ^ g OF SERVICE- AND '^ ^ -SUCH A PERSON ^ X IS A DEAD ONE- WHETHER HE KNOWS ITâ€" OR NOT. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^!! Konu 1 Knfilish (irauimar 1' .Mleu ;:!, M I'leld T.J, H Thonlp^on 71, C Fi'lier tJ!*, 15 Mead.t (IT, 1> Mitch- ell (Hi, M MhiUiI 00, W Armstrong 58, H Triirlile 4:1, .1 Stewart 10. ,.. - I'liyH^cs 1' .\llcii Hit, a Tliomp.son 88, C Fisher i «li, M Field HI, M Miulill --3, 1! Mci'ls ' j 71, A .Mitchell oil, W .\iiustroi>g b(\ l" I Trinilile .-IT. â- - Writing A MilcliiU :W, M Maiiill .-.7, II Tli anp- soii :'•:>, 51 Field ;il', r Alien -J-J.U .M.iul.s :!0, \V Aniistioiii,' 2'.1, H Tiunlile -.'11. .\lgehrii IJ Meads !U, M MiaiU 8.S, 11 Tliouip son 87, C F.sher 8:!, P Allen 8-"., M Field 81, A Mitchell 78, â- > St.'na.t (w, W Aria- stroiii; 11:1, 1! Trimblu 50. '. . Form 2 â€" Cuii.i> â- suiuu M Wiiglit 72, R McVi.Mr 71, K LViswell 71, V Fiiilcy 71, I'lAUud7il, U Uu' ed^'tj ll'l, II iliirnravij Oil, K I5eiilliniii OS, .\1 He;ii'd 01, K Aehesou 01, A Allen O:!. S Murray 02, .\ SViiiteis 02, R Din'jwell 01, 1) Prttou 00, M Aihen on CO, C Porter fid, M t'ulaiin 58. W .Lvtiiner t7,H Ci.swoU 57, F, I'arslow 51, R Moiton o!!, K Lever 50, A (iraham ol>,H Mooro 4i>,M WiiylH 4'.t. Form :<â€" Ancient History M MacAilhin 82,L Muir 81, M Legate 80, 1 Liiidliiw 80, A Wright 70, K KiV- tecU 77, A Oiiutliii 70, M Knox 70, Dell WiUon 74, F PiirUauioiil 7'i, L DuUgei a 73, (i White 71, A Achesoii 70, W Mc- leod GO, S Stuart 64, U Hutchinson 03, D MnoMillan 50, W Pmti-jon 50, W i Buchanan .58, J Nichol 62, M Murphy 5(1, Era Spencer 40. Mii'ricu!rtlii>n- D MuVicar 117- n. A V. Ui*lory I LiiidUw 75». L UuJgeon 78, B K.n .s- ^; tedi 70, FP»i!iaiiici)t75, L Muir 74, M ^ i Knox 75, A Wviglii Ti, W Harriion 7.'.!, Excursions Everjr Tuesday* MarcH to October **AllRail'* Every Wednesday During Season Navigation ** Great Lakes Route" Somewhwe out on the prairiei where last year Canada'* Greatest Whe«t Crop was produced there is a home waiting for you. The CANADIAN PACIFIC will t«lM you tharc, give you all the isformatioa about the beat plac«*. actd help you to luccaM. it t; ^\ Pikrtl««lMi from any C»aadtiui Paol«c '11«ket A|»at, Jf***** ^' â- • H«w«r4, Dtotrict Pwt«n»«r mmimmm •?.: ^ in 110, M Murphy 05, M Mac.\rthur 05, 1) MacMillan Oil, U Shar,) 57, S Stuart 53. SV Uuchauau 52. Mat. D McViaar OO.j Chemistry i W WikM',M, M Knox 80, M M«c- Arthur 81, W Hiiclianun 8", vi Le;,'4te 75,! £ ^peuuei 74,1 Lai.llaw 74, F Parli^ment^glillt i 74, Pell Wjl8on 73, .1 Xiehol 70, L Dud! geon 00, MacMilUn 07, A AehesonOG.i G White t^>, K Kar.stedt 05, W McL'odj t;3, A Uiudiii 02, L Muir 02. \V P„iti».:i»j 01, 8 SuHiM t«>, H Sharp 45, M MuiphTJ 42, i! Ilulvhiiiton 41. ! Hubbara 5g j j^ i^j.,te 73, Dell Wilson 73, R Hulcl in Ike Fra ^ j ,„„„„ -._,_ ^ p„ni,„n 72, E'Spuiicer 70, V, While (W, A Aoheson «iO, i) K»iitii 1; 1.8, .J Nlchol 57, W McLeoil «0, A OukI- OrAni<oville'8 cbiof of puUc is shooting i all iloir.sat sight that appear on liiettteft. The hydro pules are up from Duihaoi to Chetle.y and (lie wirins; conip'etfd half wdy tiom Durham to Hi^mirer. R. J. COLQUETTP Feversham, Ont. '•j^m Cockshutt Plow Cm Wagon.s, Buggies, Cutters, Sleight", and Ga.^oHne Engine*, Melo: i« Cveiim Separators, lliiker Wind MilU, Punipa, Piping aud Pipe Fittinijs always on band. Bealty Bros', of Ferjuux, Bhiii Tracks, Litter Carriers and .<itahle fittingH. Cock.sliutt and Froat & Wood Reiiairs alwayM on band Fe<^ersD«m, - Ontario #