Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1916, p. 1

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/lesljerlxnt ^--^.-V^-' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 47 Plestiertoii. Out., Tliiarsday, Mi^rchOO 19IO W. H THURSTON ^F'Ttt^ aud PhO ragraphs Week. is couvalesiiii; .f The Advance >• recently, el the past week rcncii, ii (he belt Purvis. leturceJ from « sL>iters at Cey- nd 2 cbiidren of ;r luotllerjMrs. ly ill. McMaHter,(,n ter. sworlh, i.s the :\iik Tbouipsiin, e this week end viiit trom O.S. here attended Flesherton on le stormy weath he i^'ueen city, ter, Mrs. tieo li.s l«jen in To- is home now, r,Mi-».T. McKcc. e are sotiy ti> *i on Monday in spire uf the lex. Carruthets ruinpntal music rendered l>y the er. Muriel, Ed- Parks. A duet McMuiUn ard tied "The Old WHS a duet by lex. C«vruthers addition there ilei's dream in ruun<{ ladies and ter. A duet was >uiit'i ;iuU Mr. Bioiiikl Secrets." d by the well and C'arratheis , Udie»," wrh he Kiitx c'oK,)d teiDS artin uf Thorn • d her fiithor Mi. week. Mr and ng to f^'ciid the I here attended , Ed. Hillock on â- Uil'oclt also in- 'tn friend.sthia of Flesherti'D, Thutsdiy last, livcrsaiy. assisted in I ho »iid D. Cluh in inins. I Sin ira visitiii:; uid Drayton. is able to be i). Chesley Is the OS. Witliiiins meelin;; of the ) of Mrs. Ered til liiUi. r of Toronto is lliauif. the >fe<'k end of Thornbury i* luity, ihe liaoit ouuJ and Pte. ik with M. and jd home from of the Euneoia 1 vacation for a I san Will, are nd th« wedding W ed. tvenioj; Fever sham Items Mild weather the hist few days has brought back some of the birds. Robins •re again •liD^in; in th« trees. Died â€" Of pneumonia, on Friday morn- ing last Mrs. Margaret Cowes, near Fe- yershsiu, a^ed 74 years. A lari;e con- course of people gathered to |>ay their last respects to Mrs. Bowes, whoM re- mainf were Isid to leit in the Presby- terian cemetery at FeTersbam on Sunday afternooD last. Mr. Scobie, her pastor, preached :kn rxcellenl sermon in the church b«fnre interment. Pte. Fred Brackenbury paid hie Luher a brief visitun Sunday. Miss Clark, our contiuuaiinn ^whool te usher, is lecovering ni:ely from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Clirk, ber mother, of Tuionto, is iu atteudiiuce and wehope to hear of her complete recovery. Mrs. Ferguson and two d.-iujhteis, ef Duotroon, attended the funeral of tl « futmer^i mother, here, uu Sunday last. Reeve Thompson .s recovering from a dose of pleurisy. Colds are prevalent. The thaw hat spoiled the road.t and put an end to the log h«ul for the prcaeut- Dundalk The skating carnival on Thursd>y ui.:ht was uot the success which was ex- pected on aecount of lack of interest. The attendance »iis Uol Ur^e <kud al thou>;li iheie were few jjood costumes the mas<|Utrade was away below former re cords. Mr. VV. ,f. Ludlow, whu weiit to Toroiitii acceptin;; a iiositiou with a wholesale harniai tirai. Lad the misfor- tune of harini; two tinijeri of his right hand punched through m a puuchiiii; machine. The end of the bone uf one linger cut throu;{h. He had juit l>een a week »u the job when the acciclont occurred Ue was engaged for ware- house work but on acc:>unt of the tiini being short of men in the factory, ho was WLikiii:; in the place temporarily. He will now Le Uid off duty for a m»iuh or !o. He is DOW in Dundalk preparing to move his hooseliold effects to the city. Mr. Aich. Ctmpbell, taggagemaii and assistant operator at the ^. P. K. depot, has been transferred to Midhurst •tttiun. This move also means promotion. Mi. Heg McGillvrjy, of Obataworlh. bus euteied upon duty itt the st;ttiou here. â€" Herald. Kimberley Budget One evening recently the home â- â- Â£ Mr. ai.d Mrs. H. Hurd wa^ invaded l>y a nuQibur uf neighbors, when a presenta- tion and address was given this worthy couijle. The address wa? read by Mis. Duherty, and on beha't of the nei^ibcra Mi-8. J. Cornfield presented Mrs. Hurd with a handsome pendant brooch and K. EaRk presented Mr. Hard with ;i ft'.atcb, Ceylon Chat (Jeorse Stuart and W. GiHaou left Wedne.»day tQ work at Parry Suuud. S. Hemphill paid a buiinesi trip to Dill ham oD Tbuifiday. Mr. Grittiu of Toronto .«pent a c uple of days visitins" his sinter, Mrs. \V. White. __Mr. Dan and Mi -s Kale McKenzie lA Feversham visited their sister. Mis. S. Miss Myrtle Radley and Muster Ernie are visiting Owen Sound frieiuls. In.spectur Halbeit of Markdale was in town last week. Miss May Bennett ha.i ret uriied borne after vi^itjug (Jwen Sound frieude. hlv. Hunter of Markda'e spent Satur di»y with h's frieii 1. H. fiiiiin, here. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Pivn''* anil Master Max returned MonJay, from a two weeks' visit with Tjronto friond.s. We are rorry to report Mf. Chislett on sick list this week. Victoria Corners News is scarce now-a-days in our bur'4 thogjih wo are havmi; the '"limB of our liven." Eirst it was a "whooping time now ii is rather "lueasWy" and we arc al- so haviiii; a vi-it fiom our old fiici.d l.i- «rippe. Mr. and 51rs. J.is. Best and Oooiw Best are all recovering from an a:Utck of !axript)e. Mina Heird was home last wi-ek I'li the sick list, but returned t us week . Uev. Mr. Dudgeon, ot Elesheitou, preached a very »\A« seiiuoit on Suiid<y a' Inistiogv. VoiiiiH people's lc.ia;ue w.s on Thaisday instead of VWdiiesduy last wiok as Mr. .Mullen was calloJ away to fry and make â- I yi>ui)g couple "happy for life. " Mr Milton ll.innon has recovered from an attack ot iiio.isle."< We «ere ijlad to have Miss Xiciffart with us over Sunday. â- *•• chain and locket. Bcith iccipiouts re- . Hemphill, last week, plii^d fittingly and e.vpresscd their grati- tude for the kind remembriucu. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd are amon-.; the oldest and must respected residents of the Valley. They have now disposed of nil chair prop- erty inceres's here and purpose going to Retina this spriujt.wtiere they will likely remnin for a year at least, but later may return. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Martin and little Son, Wilburne, spent, from Fiiday until Monday with friends in Dundalk. Mrs. James Stuarc of this plact*, ac- c.iinpinied by her eon. R. J., of TKorn- I) iry, visited friends at Elcshertou and Ciiyloii over Sunday. Mrs. .John Hunter, who recently sold her farm, is moun^ into ourviilige this week, shehkving purchased Mr. John P.e*e'* house ou Wasbing'un St. Seamen <.V Kent's luinbe.* dealer, of Meafird, made a business nip to our burg one diiy last week .Mrs. Jas. Lawrence ana Mrs.M.Burrit' visited Markdale friends on Wed. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Hutchinson attend- ed the wedding of the Utters nophew.K. Johuston of Rosetjwn, Sa^k., tu Miss Moody of Dundalk. on Wed. last. Sil«8 Mc.\uslind of Tuion, occupieil the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunilay evening. Dalton Ferguson and sisters, Aluieda and Minol I, s|jeni a pleasant visit with Moafoi'd friendsdurin^ the past week. .las. Ma^ee held a wood bee ou Wed- Desdty last and in 'lie evening tiie young people tripped the light fantastic till the wee suia' hours of the moruini;. Uiii. Harris captured .'! line cuous one day last week in a bi:- elm down in the s^ainp. Woi. had K) climb about oO-ft. bigh and then descend into the ciiviiy he w.-vs able to secure them, and Si:suley Laurence also killed :i tineoiies last week. .Master Frank Rindall of Ale.iford.vis- ited his uiiile, LUo. Proctor, during the [vist week. D. vVeber, our enterprising merchant, nude a bu:)ines3 trip to Mesl.ni »n .Mon- diy. We Know Him .\ii ixnojunt man is generally u bard inau to deal with. If he is oue of the self-conceited kind, you can't convince bin of an erroneous idea, no matter bow great the error might be. If he thinks the sun rises in the vro.><t and sets in the north, it's just as well to let hint think .so. A solt-coneeited ignorant man is usually a noisy man, and he llalte»s him- Rclf with the idea that the noiw he makes is real arsuiueut. Ue may uot know a sylNjuiHui from a poc-^mi, but be judges his ability in del i>e by >|ie uoiee he gives vent V'._ Tt is well always to keep clear of a noisy ifcltutamuf, even if Portiaw The Red Cross .â- Society purpose Iiohhug a Shingle Social on Monday cvcaiug next, at the home of Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, which will be uni.pic in iti nature, ai.d sh luld attract a I >r^e crowd. Mr. .laines Coriitield went to Tor"iito about a wick ago tj see his brother, Mr. Josojdi Cornlield, who was very seriously injured when the iiiit jr vehicle which he occupied collided with a straol cur. R-v. .Mr. Dudgeon conducted service ill Mount Xiou church on Sunday and preached a much appreciated soriuou. The TV-achers' 'I'raiu'ug class ou Tues- day nights IS being well atieudetl and a growing; luierest is l)cing manifested in the .study. .\t the Usi uieeliii.; l,"> jers- uusoL'taiUtd the luaxiinuui iiuiuh.'r of niai ks. Some time .igo in a cmsiguaient of cinifoits shipijcd by the Ui'J Cioss Soci- ety Uere, was a paiV of socivs made by Wi*s Peatl Watson, iu which was her addrcKs. Lately she was ai<i't:e.tbly mr- prised to receive a 'elter of appreciation from a t'iuadian soloier in Eranco who had received them. It is eueuuragii g tu the tadies to leceive these proofs that the good? sent have t)ceu ariivius; at the inteudetl dealiuatiuu. MissiJcKay and Miss May Oarn6old s^wut over Sunday at the fi nner'.s home in Owen "'ouud. .Muss Wallace, of Kiesherton, spent » few days with Mrs. Ttioiuas Taylor. Mr. W'lu. Finicy has aiuved from near Afaikdale to the Grummit farm. Third line. Mr. Wdliam McLennan, who has been Markdale Sergt Haiold .\rrastiung and Lieut. Ken. Lucas, >>f the medical corps, were home from the i.,>ueen C ty over the week end. I'ce Ken HMskett, ot the ' Greys' SL4- D»l!ing Corps, spent the peek end with his sister, Mrs. F. .S. KiHiker. yiv. licfurne Morwood, ot iho suhurlw. »h 3 has been critically ill tVr several weeas with typhoid f.'ver and other coir- plictitioiis, is still on the bah.nce. Pie. R. Phalen, is Iidhic tr-nu Oweu Sound, on account nf the illness of his father, Uev. R. M Plialen. Anna, who h'ks been atteudiug Xormal School in Toronto, was also homo, but returned on Tuesday, her father's conditi in being slightly iinpro ved.â€" Standard. e welry A Splendid Stockf from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT -.- . . spc1.11., in di.c.„. ot .he w. A Armstrong" Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat i t>FEkK-i:»» 10th, It, West, ')wen Sound \ Jeweler Xt the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd 1 Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m FLESHERTON r> l.ll, 1., v»-., ; I ... .r I. u .-•->•->« i^-** » v^i', Duiidilk,ls Wednesday of eachmonth. ONT Proton Station [fERTON ,1 all know that ittle of every. or everything. irt. Markdale, i t 1 . lOo per VHiuud, j he should fancy you aie doing so tbroouh ! '" Hritish Columbia the p«.t ei^ht year.-, 'â-  ^^^^'^^^ ^^^^ lU-aOc, mbhers j (ear. Inner ance w blis.H to the ignoraut ' visited lately with his sLster and brother j j^^^^ cemeiu a.», 10 to 12o, I . . . I . . . Oil Tuesday evjaing of last week the Yonug People's Society of the Presbyterian cbtircb, paid a Irater- iial visit to tLe Fresbyttrian yoiiiijj people iu Fleshertou. Tliey provid- eii tii« program and speak very hi<>li ly of the cordial leceptiou given them by the Flesiierton fviend?. Miss Mildred Binnie visited for a few days with Miss> Violet Stephens. Victoria Cariiers. Air, and MiiS. Will NicLols visited oil Sunday at. Mr. Wyville's. Miss Evelyn Liaclielot is visiliii',' at Mr. Sam Bachelor .s, Saugeon. Mr. and Mrs Sam Talbot visited over Suudav at tlie home of M>' and Mrs. J. C' Wright. Mi ss flctclior aiul Mr. .Vlmirne i>f V'eutry and Mr. Joliu McConuell visit-rd .Miss \'. Cctbett on ^'iindav last. Mr. and Mrs. Kobl. .\chesoii and daiigbier Eduu aLt.eudcd liio John soii-MooJy wtudiug ia^t Wed. Last Fiid.iy cveniug a load of our yoiuliaud btuuty aUuuJed the IVix Social iu Fle^sllellon, giv^ii by llic I . aud 1). Club. Miss ililtUud liiunie, Edtia uud .Maijotie Acheaou asjisieU witli ilic progiuLU. â- What a £>liaiue I This thaw will sp^'il the skating just wht-u ii has bticoiuo iuterc^tiiig to some of our yotiilis. Proton is oa the move aliight. Mr. Diooks has iiiuvod into .Mr. btfwari's bouse down the truck. .Mi. .Meddaugli has uiovod luto liis own house vacated by .Vlr. brooks, .M.r Uooiue Lias moved iulo Mr. liuiliei ford's house 011 the hill vacated by .Mr. Meddaugli. aud .Mr. VVyvilland Ml. Tayloi have cxcliaiigcd houses. I )on'i forget the Patiiolic Concert to be given uext Friday evening in tii«^ I'rauge liall. 'ilie uialo trio and and Miss liOwudes (^reader! from Flfesbtnoii are tspecitd, aud a play eu tilled "Kecepiion Day iil the Settlement Uoiise" is boiug prep-irid by the youn^ ladies of ilie village. l>oiri bo afraid to coilie, we have uo m easier bore. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrt". Satn Bachelor â€" a daughter. di!&dfe^A'{::A!fei"4:i^ta!fe,^?i:»!& •% J«. -»'.'.. jit w. «>i«, m. â- M.i<e.^t.:ii'^ -M. â- >•'- ii',M.<St. •7iF '/!«• ^? ',(<• ^ip '/(;• -i,?^;? â- };«• '/i? -^ 5/^: ^ ^ ^,»TV4^:fjf ^ ^^^^^f ^:^^;y f Good Seed Marked m In Plain Figures Timothy $.").i'0 to $(5.7,') per bashel .\.Isike$l."i per biu^hel Re.1 Clover $IH.a<li to ^l^.JO per bu.^Ii. A 1 Uilfei ^(>.j(> tij $ U por bush . Those are all No. 1 Cioverninent Standiinl except one lino ot'Tlniothv. Buy early wliile you have a yood choiee frt>ui t m tW.' B U S K I N I DO IT NOW ST* Leave yoiir old leather tops iu and get new rnhher bottoms put on. They are the ceh' Ijrated Maltese C'ross liubber, guaranteed u> wear out,â€" but you have to wear them a loi>^ time Also low laeed aud high laeed rubbers and light one.«; lo go over your boots at V- - ' . \' 'â- : ' < -â- â- ' : Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Flesherton Furniture Wareroom Thi^ week wt* our (Mitire a I'c stock of tiering Big Pallor lir^fOo, rubhers » call. Don't ; »«'<• 'Durham t^jirua- , *•*'* I'he ileal for the .Su CViweiit Co.'s [tlaiit has s will i« Aiii'ther iupei ior 'Jipi HART Over 'W rcci'ui's were secvtrid in IVh- uiOi) LMt week. Puitldiid :»iiiplei«d hut Uot to I ^ ^- I «n»-<r ..viliviiv. <^.fi..|iw pr^KlUVt, of *â- *"" ' â€" which ih^tiuh will be a Ity-proiliiot.will be , , luaiiufaotiirel: Wurk niij W sl«rti il kC ^ , I Canadian* h»v« e,mlr.k.,ted W.2;W:i.>«M 1 '""-â- " V' f !*'*»''i'""''i '" if'i'^"' ""1 " ", ' "â- '^''*'*^^^ I. 1 v J , ( ibouuht »bi)ut U) hands will l>e cnii.l.iyed : m iM.joey aud kind to uheve suftuMe f ,„ « .,„„„b', ti,a«. M\h us i.^leed amid ' fn>ui watin fteljjtum. »««â- Â» fw Op.vnjeviflJ,- (hanijevilHiSuij. Uctluetion.^ on Furniture. Come Into The Parlor Mill depart uieiit oi our stoie and lno'* It the many hiiiiilsonie i.iece8of yurii- iiiire thiit; displayed: ami wlieu vc9 adiiiiro their bcau'y, rtmember that thoy will louk twice as hundsetne in yiiur roiiiu.s. But wo do net rely ow oiiks aloi'e .Weceuld oiler sn attiko live look it' K hue of P.^RLOR SUITES at lialf pricoo, 1 ullthey w».u; 1 Im» sfi,iV I'V Heuiet»l ill a lit4le while, Tlloj arc strong aud durable. V J iiii^ogan/' fiiisbetl suite.s $i'.').()0 to $4.*).(H>, Kng snltri? ^tive pieees) $U8.(X.) up. VNDEIITAKING-- We carrva complete lirte of iiuif robes. All work gtiaiaBte*^-!. Phone ITT?' John Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt /J

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