H -\f^ 701 35 No. 4T 'r Eugenia Paragrapl loteiided for Last Week. Mt. Stanley Campbell U couvales from his recent iiloe.sK Mr. Arthur WiUianis, of The Adv&i htttf, visited here one >i»j recently. Mrs. P.Munshaw vUU.e<l the past we wilh friends at V.mdf leur. Mr.'TJamea PutviS.Hf Toronu", is i ftuest of Mr. and Mrs ilobert Purvis. Mrs. Wm. Hyslop hiis leturced froii fortnight's ^i.sit witli lier sisters at Ci lou. Urs.Graii^'er Graham and 2 cliikiren Toronto,weibe^ues s t f heriuiit;ier,Mi W. Aroistrong, who is very ill. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. McMa8ter,( Harch 18, 191(J. a daughter. Mi-s. Hallig«n, of Chiitsworth, i.s tl puest of her sister, Mrs. Fr.iuk Thoiupsoi who is vei-y ill. Everybody wore a smile this week en â- •â- â- > i?re«f our boys on their vi»it trom O.l Quire a niuuber from here atteude the recruiting .service in Flesherton o Sundayevenin;{ despite tbes!orniy weati «r. Mrs. Wm. Pedlar, of the ^>ueen citj i» the gueit pf her daughter, Mrs. (iei Fisher. Mrs. Meldi-iin, who has Iwen in Tc ronto for tho past month, is home now the gicst of her daughter, Mi-s.T.McKct Mr. Hairy Duckett, we are s.my t rSfJort, is alsi very sick. The Htrd Time social on Monda; ^asaed ott" very enj .yubly in spire of lh( atiriny weaihcr. Mr. AWi. Carruthei •as in cluir. The insrrunipntal musi Wis enjoyed very much, rrndercd by thi (.'iirruthers Ix-js and sister, Muriel, Ed win Purvis and Marjorie Parks. A due was rendered by Mis« V, McMulUn art Miss Gertie Smith entitled "The Ok • hken Ilucketr." There w»s a duet bj MiM A. Williams and Alex. C«rruthcr: entitled -'So Sir." In addition then was a tableaux, •Balcheler s dream it L»p Year," given by 8 younji ladies am our [jopular yonnK minister. A duet wai Kttng by Miss (JeorsinaSuiit'i aud Mt Madden entitled "Matrimoiiiil Secret-*. After the tea wa» served by the nil ilressetl li» iis ihe l.^rj-e and Carruthi bojssMiiK "Good night, Uili©», ' w, pantomiuie. God save the Kinsj c'm.- a pleasiint eveuinj. This Week's Items Mr. iiid Mfg. Tied Martin of Th<.ni| Imy and chilarcu, vinied her father Mi denies MMj;t<e ih« pa>t week. Mr. anj Mis. Martui are intending to tpcnd tli summer in iKr West. Vuite- H nUHkbt-r from lieie attendeJ the sale af .Mr. ami Mrs. Ed. Hillock oil Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Hil'ocit also inf tend visiinx their wesioiu friends thi summer. Mr. Albert Stewart of FleshertuDl visittdhi.s sister h^ie ou Thuisdiy last! it beinsj bis biit>iday anniversary. Miss AUie Williams assisted in I I.J projjranuua for the T. *nd D. Club ii| Flesherton on Frivtay ereniiiR. Mrs. <;<irnei Coyoo and siii ita visitin I with her sibter in Berlin and Drayton. Pte. O. E. Parliament is able to bj b«<k ill the trenches a^sin. Mrs. R. Wnltaoe of Chrsivy is (' guest of her aunt. Mi?. Jos. Williams The lenular monthly nioclioi; of tli W, 1. will meet at hnme of Mrs. KitJ Graham, <m Wnd. April oth luiti. .Mrs. .lostph Konwick of Toronto visiliug with Mrs J'.ie Williams. Mr. Wos Cooey spont the .reek enJ wish friends iiithc city. Mr. Thoin«s P'radbur? ofTlioriibury i| visifins friends in this viciuit.v, ibe ^-ae.s of .Mr«. I. Gennc. Miss Cody of (.>wen Sound and Pte| K. Smith spent tho week with M. am Mrs. ^mith of this place. Mi.ss Campbell returned home froii| her visit in the city Mr. »»id Mrs. Moore of the Euj;eoiJ House have Rorie on iheii vacation for i f<illnight. Mr. .Ice Witbanis and sin Will, an iMjine from the city to attend the wedding ((hit daujjh ec J.feaie, uo W ed. «veniiii vi this walk. NEWS I FLESHERTOI Don't fail to read . You all know thai T. Steit.hait boys up a little of every! thi) tpaod ^ayt top piice lor everything! Pl«ss« t» ring up S>e>nbart, Ma'rkdalel 87, for poultry alive J2 bu Utu per inmndl hide*. aliiM, w«Mtl. koweUir 30c, rubber. ht; Ufn I to 8e, copper, bias*. 10 to lav Kinc, iron and >M(I of all anrt^ Drop a card if you «i«t> ute to call. Ouii'll loiitakc name P. STEINMAR ..â- ^•^j