Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1916, p. 4

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April liO 10 K) T H E F L E S H E 11 I O N ADVANCE THK-v^ 1 Weekly Report | /lCGl|CrtOU ^^UanCC Hesherton High School Au inilcp«ndent iU'W»|ia|iiT, jmlilislied every Tt»>ir»day at tli- ..Hice, ColliiiKwcud Street. \ j,'„,.,„ l^I^jiin.p Allen 8t, M MttUiU KUoheitou. SuliKciiiilioii l'>'>-"e sUieranmiiii i ,. --,.,,,,-, n -m. wb««i paid ill mlvtiKv j?!..')^ wlien ii.it »« paid ^<l • ( r isher r .», M l< lolcU . .', U 1 homp- Adverisinif rattv •iii»i'iilirati(.u. Circulation j g^^ ,j() y Mends uO, 1,100 weekly | -Jir H. TliuiBtoiJ. Kdltoi , To Be Made In Canada la the mailer of veget:ible parchment tie (iurraiiii iiiiinufacturerH uro to be ex- cluded from the Ciiiiudiaii iimrket. TIiIh lirodiict for yours cmin from IJe'giuiii, Fraiu-a and Ocnimny. Since tlie oiit- ' break of war there has been much dilH- Artetnesia Council Foim 1 â€" ljitii. -P Allen 84, M Midill culty encoutitered in gettinj; it. A Belgian 8f, II rii<im|isoii 74, M b ii'ld T-, <•" Kifh- niiinuf.ic' iircr, wliose plmit has been de- er 71, J Siewarl 71*, NV .\riiHir(iii:i ';0^ hu lyeil by (iorrimn shell fire.is to uiiiUr- 15 Mends (17, A Mitchell til, U Trimble take the prudiietioii of vcgttablo parch- 48. Arteiiieiii'i Council met on Siidirday, April 1, all llic iiiembers | r-"^eiit, the Heeve in the ch.iii. Mii iilea of la-l meeting were rt-a 1 and appioveJ. C>>iiimunicalion» 'IS follow? wire lead Hydro Kloctric (''ii mission, let'er and hi iteiiieui re 8th coiice.ssion bridge ; the superintendent of the Department of Agriculture, re appointment of a repie- sentttiye to the li e il b.janl ; Municipi.l World, account fur eup|)lits, J'.l SMi ; W. J. Bowes, Hccouiu firblisuiig powjir and fuse tj."> cents Uy-Law no. 7 ot 1'.I15, totppoint ofiiceta for li>16, read a third time and ordered to be entered into the by-Uvv book. i>aine'on â€" Mathc»>on â€" That the ac- | count of the Muiiicip.il World of MHi.'M I for suppliei be paid- Carried. Mathewson â€" Caiiierun â€" That .1. 1. Wright Graham be refunded 0."j cents for blast- ing powder and fiisj paid by liiin to J. Bowesâ€" Carried. CimeroD â€" Mathew.son That â- ). I. Graham be Appointed rep esentative by thin council to the Centre Giey .\gricul- iunl boardâ€" Ctrtied. lUtchelorâ€" Siinsunâ€" That the Ueeve and Clerk are heieby suthnrized tj exe- cute the aggreinents with certain reaid- «ul( uf Eugenia for the insiallation of the Hydro System in buiJ villog"- Carried. Hatchelor â€" S.iiison â€" Tliat Mi.ssi.s. Ciiueron and Mailiewson bu iippointid t> have the grader and reck crusher put ia pood repair- Cariied. Mathewson Slinson That this coun- c'l ditaaproves of ihe ac'ion i>f the C. 1'. it. iu (iiicviitlnunst the keeping opi n si Korm 1, (Jjoj,' iiphy -H Thompson !'7, MM.idill81, C Kislier 77, IJ Meads G8, A Mitchell &(>, M Field .">(>, J Stewart 54 \V Armstrong 4t>. Folin 2, Algebraâ€" U Iluriiravo ')7, U Moiton '.>.â- >. K Dinxwall >X\ U KutledtC 78, V Kinley tlil, K .Vchesoii (17, M A-he- aon l)f>, A (iraliam ti.j, A Allen <>5, A Wmteis 11:5. KCiswuU (K!. WLitinier .->(), S Murray .'ii, B McVicar .">1. L Lever 49, M Wright 4(i, C Porter 42. W Wil".- i^nuson 41, K Bentliani 40, K I'ar.slow :.7, M Heard :il, K Willianisdn '-'8, M Colgan 26, E Caswell 25. 1 Form 2 ilinory-K Achesun 811, R Har- 81 ^i 1 F. H. W. HICKLING monl ill Caiiula, hi.s enterprise bi ing financed by all piijier manufac urcr« in Iho country Inking slock. The location chosen is in New 15iiins*icK as the salt water i.s necesBiry in prolucing the coin- m idity. The government has waived its object iona to alien labor coming to the country, so that the mechanics to be employed In I lie induNtry will be Belgians skilled in the secret of makin;^ vegetable parchment. New Brunswick will bccnine a vast onion growing province, a.s it is fnjin onion skiu that the parchment i» made. In a cou|ile of years, or less, the product of this new Cimadiaii indusiry shi ulJ be on the market and with lie taritf protection it will doubtless receive grave 8St, KBenlbaiii H2, W Latimer 82, ' and should be able to exclude entirely K Will'cmsou ISl. 11 Dni-wall 81, R the Cerman product from Canada. Morton 81, H lUitlcdge 80, P Letiaid 77, E Pirslow 7<>. A Wii.lers 75, M Acheson 74, W WilLiamsoii 7:!, Maurice [ 1, E Caswell 72, AAlleu 70, C Porter C.it, M Heaid (•',», .V Graham ti8, S Murray 00, D Paltoii 04, V Fmley 02, M Wright 61, L L.ver 52, .M Coiga n 51 j Fiirm '.i. Literature Pr« iiiier Hear.st introduced a bill organ â- â- /.'! the resources of Ontaiio lo help win ibe war TllT10Â¥Tll -U lIulLliioson82, M Legate 81, A Wiig.n 8l, I Liidlaw 80, Carefully Wheat Corrected Eacli Week no to 1 00 U Wilsim 79, 51 Kuox 70, M McArlhur I uats 40 to 40 75, II M-Lean 70, L Muir 0-J, S «marl ! Peas 1 25 to ^1 00 04, J Nicboi 04, c White 01, w pa.t.s.m ! jj^^.'^^j;.-,;;^; • • •; • . • ;;;;; co to 70 tiO, A Gaudin (iO, W aicCloud 50, F ; p.|^,^j. $.'! 50 to 8" 50 Parliament 54, W Buchannan t>:\, A Ach- ' H,, .'.'." f 12 00 to 12 00 E Karstedt 4ii, M Murphy 38, Butttr -, ' ^IHi'*t fresh Mc\ir«r to, G Potatoes per bag e.'OD 41, Jiir. Matriculation - U Davis 82. Geese Ducks . . Form 3, Physicsâ€" M Knox 81, M Mc-jFo*l.,,, Arthur 77,1 IjaiJlaw 75, E Spencer ()4, ' Chickens W Buchanan ti2, 8 Smart 01, J Nichol Tntueys (iO, A WriKJit 5!», <.^» Ksittmg 58, M Legale 57, G White .50, I) Wilson .">,"> W McLeod 52, L Muir .50, D McMillan 50, 27 to 20 20 io20 1 OO to 1 25 13 te i:i 14 to 14 11 to n l.-Uo 13 20to 20 ^^ FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Hen's Felt Hats, Regular $1.25 to $2.00 Sellingfor$l 00 Men's soft Felt Hats. Colors, BUck, Navy, Brown and Green. All sizes, fioin liS to7^. .Ml up-to-date shapes. See window di.^play. Af^L AT SI 00. BOY'S SPRING SUITS Xobby iijw 8U118 for Hoy3 ai e here in plentv, Double Bieaated Plain N nfolkH, Yoke Norfolks in new pattern tweeds. All sizes from 2i to :-i5 All reasonably ptiied, as our orders were placed before some of the recent advances in valius, Prices from $3.50 to $8.50, A splendid Range of Men's Suits to select from. Prices from 18.5 10 816,50. Sizes from 36 to 44. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT New Shapes, new Flowers, new Mounts and other noveltits arriving every few days. Agency for Bntterick Patterns and Publications, F. H. W. HICRLING jj^ v " yy y.^ '^5'g:i^ ^ r js: ! y ^J ! :yy . y^ ^ Point* to Consider Whan Purchaaing a Railway Ticket the olHce atFUslierfon Station during ] p |>«,liHmcnt 48, H Hutchinson 47, W ' A CBiiiidian Pacific Railway ticket doe the arrival and departure ot the nixht l'»ni,oi, 45, A .4cheson 44, E KarHtedt ! „ot represent merely a means of tians- express train goin- north, as the same 4,), u McU.n40.A Giudin .'M, U -Shaip portalion between aiveii p >ints. It, in 31. addition provides the traveller with evcy tram goin^ will ctuse KeriouH inconveiiifijce to rei^i- dents of this inunicipilily and the travolllnc; public, uli'uld such an order be carried out hiiJ a copy of this resolu- tion be sent to the iii»nageinonl of the C 1'. II. Co. and ilie chairman of the Kailnay Ctimiiiiission - Corned. L'anieron â€" Hachelorâ€" That the tender o'l a. and W. Ceiciir fo.- oper,i'inn htoiic crusher wi'h eni^iiie at ?5 .50 pL'r day of lOhouiRwitli all mo\c- up to three milig for afto: hours free, operator to farn'sh oil, be iccepled f'lrriou. Council adjiiuiiied. Jr. Matriculatiou-D McMicar 73,0 c.n.fort and convenience, develop^ by . inodern runway science, "Ssaiety first, DaviH 08. ' wiili up-to-dttto e(iui|iiiicut, unexcelled Form 3, Litin-I Laidlaw 70, D Wil- dining car sorvic •, palMiil sleeping cms, s.n 00, A Wright .50, K Ksrstedt 45, D 1 '" >' *'"^,!' eveiythii.K tlmt a ra.U.y can .. ... â- > . . . ... I provide fir the comfortable tninsimrta- McMillan 42, A Acboaoii J4. j '^j^^ ^f itspaonen^ers, includioL' court Liiin CacNar and CoinpOHitlin, Jr, Matricul'itinn II Shunk til', <i Davis ti8, l> McVicar 05, T Orr 54. .)r. Mairic. Fieiich Composition â€" D McVicar 82, I Liidlaw 8(1, D Wilson 70, L Muir 73, T Orr 70, O Divia «0, L Dudj^eoi- .511, .1 Nichol 57, VV Huelmnan 53, A Wri«ht 50, \V McLei d 45. provide tiou of itspasHen^crs, Special One Way Fares to PBcific Coast Points, Daily until April 14. Stock For Sale Mare and Huckiii;^ c'dt fur sale- tiiiire is'.l years old -iiliio a colt ri.siii;{ 2, all good htocW, and 0110 young cow iUn yr«. old, and calf. -THOS. FKNVVICK KuKonia. .lohn CouUs of Kgerton, met with a misty accident on .April 1 wli.'n u hor.sn |kickel liiin in the face. Iliilip was bailly 'cut and roipiiied several stitches while 1 |his teeth woto forced inward but not ; broken. I Those coiitemplatini,' a trip to P«c 'â- '. (5ia8t points, including Victoria. B. i , Vancouver, H C, Scuttle, Wash., V-i.t- U 111. Ore., should conaull C'Hiiadian I'.i- cilicTicket Agents for partieuUrs of lo* fare in < llVof daily unlit .\pril 14. Bull For Service Thorouglilircd Durham Hull, Aile- iiiesia I'riiie, No. Il):i740, for service mi lo'. .33, con. I, N.I). K , .Arleincsia. L'oivs not returned will posiiively lie charjeJ. Terms $l.iO. JOHN DUW, l'...p. 20inay roductlon and To win the war with the decisiveness which will ensure lasting peace, the Empire will require to put forth its full collective power in men end in money. Fiom this viewpoint it is our true policy to augment our rmancial strength by niultiplyini; our productive exertions and by exercising rigid economy, which reduces to the minimum all expenditures upon luxuries nnd non-esscnliula. Only in this wiiy sliall we be nUlc to make good the losscausctl by the witbdraw.d of so many of our wnrkcrsfrom indus- trial activities, repair the wastage of the war, and find the funds for its continuance. It cannot be too frequently or too earnestly impressed upon our people that the heaviest burdens of the conflict still lie before us, and that industry and thrift are, for those who remain at home, supicmc patriotic duties upon whose faithful fulfilment our success, and consequently our national safety, may ultimately depend." SIR THOMAS WHITE, Mitmler of Finanr,: PRODUCE MORE, SAVE MORE. MAKE LABOUR EFFICIENT. SAVE MATERIALS FROM WASTE. SPEND MONEY WISELY. LET US PRODUCE AND SAVE â€" The war is now tiirniiii,' on ii coiilest of iill forces anrl rcsoiircosâ€" men, munition.-*, fo(jil, money. The rail to all is 10 produce more ami mort. It iiiuy be necessary to work hiinUr. The place of tho.c who enlist iiiiisl i»- takni by tho.se at home, men anil women, <ilil anil yoiin:,. The more we jiroiluce the more we cm save. Produce more on the farms anil in the Bardens. Save more anil help to win the wui'. LET US NOT WASTE OUFI LAEOURâ€" In tlii:j w.ir-r.iiie,ull labour ^liiiiiM be dirctlty pro- ductive or should 1* assistinj; i'.i proihii tiim. Maks it lis ellicient iiB pi^.-isiblc. If your laliotir is on homolhinK lb.it I an be pohtpo:;; >1, put it off till uTter the war and make your labour tell r.ov.-. M;tl,;ni,' war U the f.riit bii.'sinrssnf all C'unadini. ' .v ' ' imiMjrlaiit a.3 cfiicicncy i ';iiifSX-Mi:- LET US NOT WASTE MATERIALS â€" Hcgin at home. The hnner portion of salaries and wages is spent on the lionu - food, fuel, liKhl. liothiiig. Arc any of tlie>e things being wasted '/ :V2U.IK) a year saved from waste in every homo in ("iiuiila will nuitc than pay the interest on a war 1' 4h o( g.JOO.IH)tl.(X>a LET US SPEND OUR MONEY WISELY â€" .'\re you spfiuliiu; your iiioiu y to the bc'-t ailvan- trti;eV What do you think of cxtrav.Tgaiice in vnr time'/ TotiB of thous-iinds nf Canadians are daily risking their lives for us at home. Is it not our duty to bo Ciiredil and ecouoniical ? Canadian dollars ai\! an important part of the v. ar W|iiipincnt. Make thc.x tell. Have a. War Savinga Account. Day a \V;ir iMT OF CA^3ADA . ARTMENT OF F' O Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH i Office and Residenceâ€" 468 9th St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hours-9 to 12 a.m , l.HO lo 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hour.s by appjintment. Dr. R. F. Eik-lidi «ill be in FUshorton on Tues '.ay and Friday afternojn!> of each week. The Old Adage '^ A Busii School ness That successful school whoso f^raduiitos oocupy pr.iuiiner.t po- sitions from the .Vilant.o to the V.tciliL-, re-opens for the KALI. TKRM S.pt ember 1st, 1014 Send fiir free catido^ at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ^ Colliiii'wo.'d. Oii-tario c .«! Property For Sale I Part lot I.M, con. 2, N.K. T. & S. R. ! eoiitainin? 2Hj acres, about 1 mile from j Fle.shertnn. Thore is a j^nod frame house I and Htalilo'and the property is wellj fenced and watered. Apply to .IiiKe[>h A. I-eGsid, Flosherton or on the proper- ty- The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equallj true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and he convincetl that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line of iVlcCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Hakes, Loaders, Drills, ( ultivators, Plows, Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Branttbrd Wind Mills," Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiie and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, »S»s»: ;»s»«s»sgg uvruuz Ceylon, Ont. « A'T^epresentative Wanted ||| n at oiiCB for FLESHERTON l[:| AND DISTRICT FOR |J The Old Reliable ||j Fonthill Nurseries \H \ii , til Fanners! Why remain idle all wtiite when you can take up a paying aneiicy? 11 ObolcB list of varieties for sprin? plantint;. Liberal tonus. lUnd.some free outfit. Exclusive Territory. Write now for particulars. I i Flesherton Tin Shop I have jUst placetl on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on mo and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP Stonft & Wellington '||jj TORONTO - ONTARIO |^j| IIJI CHRiSTOE BLOCK Deering Implements | plesherTON i^ ONTARIO. M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gasoline Engines IIJI â- ^^^^^'^^^-'^'^'^^^^s^^^^^^^'^S^'S^^r^ All kimlHof Peerin;- ;il\viiy.s on liand. ( 'litters. It.irber lllpti'UU'lll.S. Aueiit {â- â- r Ituyiiii- I'lUts I'lii lie Loud) n Litter Ouirieix. lliiy Ti.uk.n, I'otll.ir HhiiiKles ami K.din^'. Tlie.se Implementa iviptire no recominondiit'oii as they »ie standard roods and ree-unizod as thu beat on the market. KIU'ITTUKKS -I rcproaent ih. Sloii it Wellinuli'n iiur.'*ery,iuuiwill he viloased to c<.'\ if you «eti'l nil " curd. i #^ Tonsorial Seed For Sale O. \. V. No. 72 t)ats, the heavicat yielt'.er in Ontario Seed perfectly clean PflrlttTQ i'"'*^ ^'""'^ iptVlity. I Ml IXJt O \ Also the celebrated Maiouia i$prinK Oats Toe per bttsh., wheit $1.50 per bushel, .1. A. KEUNAHAN, M;ix«oli, Ont. We Aim to Givo. Entire Sati.sfactioii LAUNDttY-Buskot oIokos Monday tiinhi, iU>l'v 1 V Friday evcni'ip; Kull For Service CTiEANINO iiiid l)Vr:iN<:-^ We ^.r t F-r service.â€" Uiuon Holly e>jv OIlTTHFRKORIii "'-icnts for I'ai-kor's Dye WorkK-Clotbr.s Aborde.en Angus, on ;ol :J4, ! IZftJ, tt. U 1 »iiwr«.» '^ "â- ** de:incd ar.d dyed, f.'ather.s lejiiveiiai d ion, ArloincBia. Tornis. 81 Proton Station 1 T FISUER,- -PROI'UIETOR Uuon Holly -N.'. M22. lib CoiiceeK- OO it paid before Ist Jan. 1915.â€" W. J. Majjeo.

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