Tenrarwww.^'- May '27} 1910 THE FLESH E R T (J N ADVA X C E f^-. l*?i t> ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO EflScient and Prompt Service in every Department 212 „^,„ „,, SAVINGS BANK FLESHERTON GEO. MITCHELL, at ail Brandies. BRANCH Manager. Card of Thanks !|^2i Trains follows ; GoijiL; Sr.uth 7.:?.{ a. in 4.27 p.m. Tlie tiuils are C. p. R. Time Table. "enve FUshertiin Station an Iteci-ivL'd iio::i the Wii'eil.nj Mutuiil Fire lll^urance Cumpuiiy, thrcuuh their ageuS R J. Sproule, I'luuiance and Finnncial Broiter, Fle'^llertin, fuli settKm-nt ot loss cnused by tlie dwe'ling â-º> liein'^ bumfd on liio {noiieriy wl.ich I recently so'd and wliicli was in.suitil in! '^' the above c-umpany, uod I tender uiy sincere thaiik.s tu the said Insunince C'Dii'pipy for the hnuoialile att'leiiient and pn.nipt payment of .siimi.- nil woulJ ; stronjily lecomincnd the.n to the in.»ui-ing ;*/ public i.s a very lionorible, safe anil' I sitisf ictory company todo busine.ss witl-. r^ â- r. Goint! Nortli ll..")i) a.m. !). 18p. m. used at Fle.oheiton as .jt the younger again on Fiii«y II troop of Boy oUows : For (he north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. : and the afternoon ni.iil south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail clo'ie at 9 p. m. the previou.s ev'g. ^ VICINITY CHIPS^ All accoun's mu«f be .settled before JunelJ.h I'.tU;.â€" E. V. Murray. Mr. .John G'uUl of Toronto) visited old friend.s hero la>t wiek. Maxwell Lidies' Aid will h(.ld thtir annual g^irden party on June l'>. Mis.s Cel;a VaiiDusen of Torouto visited her m tlier here this week. Rev. \V:illico of Markdald W'll preach here, luorning and evening, on Sunday ne.\t. Don't iiii?.s the lirht chap'er of "The Gjddess " at t!io town hi!! Thursday night. Bom -At Riniklyn on Slondiy, May 13, IKlti, t.. Mr. and Mr.s. W. K. Mywr.s a si'ii. Mr H^rincit Ridley jf Toron'o spen t several days tf la.st w»ck with friends in icwn. Miaa Lena Duncan hax're'.urned heme after visiting a nmuth with frienJs in Toronto. Mis "T. Brady of Lions Held, wjoie busbaud is with the Bruce Uattaiion, is residing with her parents here. Clearirg Sale of Farm Stcck aid Implements. Full particulate in ne.Nt ivetk's papir. J. C. Wi'ght, I'rol<n. Ml. aul Mrs. tjtrachan attended the veterans' reunion in Toronto on Tues- U.ij . The former ii himself a veteran, having Lelonj;cd to the Whilliy R.fl.s. Blr. KG. IL'llai.d, principil < f t'le pubtiu schoo', who recently unJerwent jU »[)er»tiin iu Toronto for .ippendisitiii, veluri.ed hoiue S>aturday ijuile improved Si'ned -MaRY E, J.AMIEisON. The military spi:it â- {eueration wa.s shown evei.inf; lasr, when .Scouts »Hs foiiiied. Mr. Ghailea Bellimy was eltded Scrutniaster for the I roup, while Mr. Chas. Richaidstm is rtjsistai.t.* The tr"cp is divided into ihre') pa'rol', eight in e-ich pa;rol. In each patrol there is a leader an 1 his corporal. Frank Thurstcn ii patrol leader fur th^ first patrol and Delbert i P»t;oD his corporal, Iliruld McLean aud ; Harvey Shank in tie second, and HitolJ Chapman ,ind Wes Annstiong in the third. The troop held itsliist lueet- i"g on Tuesday eveuii"/. A ramlle in ihe wocds juat now is a thing of joy. The forest I.S at its grfeii'- est beiuty and the insecta have scarcely begun to be annoying. Young grow th Covers the ground, ii.c'udiiig the many lund.sjine wood Mowers â€" white and red pain'ed la>iy, dog too:h violet, spring beauty, ye:low, wliite and blue vio.Vtc, dutchnnn'? Ijreeches, etc., aud in the nioister locations chu colden cowslip makes glorious .spots of co'or. -All wood- Imd niture. including the feathered deii'Z»-iis, has but iiie aim now, that of r.'producing i'scU". To our mind the present is the most joyful time of all the year wi'h all aiiiuiate or ioanimate n ituro, with one exception, and that is of luiok net himsei'. an,l he is now solely bent upon aesiroying what Uod has made in his own image. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. . PRICEVILLE :Vk| Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! We have on Landâ€" No. 1 Timothy, No. 1 Miintiioth Clovci-, No. 1 iled Clover, Nj. 1 North Dakota Alfalfa, No 1 Altike. CORN- -Cromptou'.i Early North Dakota. Wiscousiii No. 7. ONIONS-- - Dutch Seta and Potato. G.iEDEN SEEDS â€" A lull range of all kiudj of Garden Seed3, also Flower seeds. i|U beahh. . I lUv. U. A. F.sU of Owen Sound, will laddrt.ss a puli:ic meeting in the Towii ^Ha!l, Flehliorton, o'l Frid;iy, .Uire 1', li'lO, at 8 p.m. Subjec' â€" Blllimtl illMli and iiii.xed in.irriages to date. Adniissiou free Miss G. (!tay, Toronto, the \V, nieii's liistiiiit'' Lecturer, will spe.ik on "Things Woith While" in the Tonii Hal in Monday, Muy li*.), at 'Jt 30. Everybody wolcoinc .Mrs. \V. .\. Iliwken, Stc. Trci^. J. and \V. Boyd wi.sh to thank the VVe.siern Assinranco Company and thoir agent, Sihis Shun*, for their prompt and satisfactory soitlenien'. as wiilv.n nine dajs, theclie"|ue in full was in our pos- sefsihn. A writer in McLi>airs Migtixiiio de- clares that during tlu' year r.H.> Great Britain captured, sunk or destroyed f<4 percent, of (ieruiany's subniaiine fleet, bihI tint she has a secret device that is deahtolho submarine. Wonder if the Flesheiton boy's invention ha.s any .nlhii- itj to that device.' Among a batch of (11 men to return home fr.iin the front incapncitated for further acuvity, and which arrived in Toronto on Suixlay. -.ve notice the name of W. .1. Rut ledge, .son of Mrs. X. Rulledge, Coylon. At the time of writ- ing he had not arrived home, and the nuturo of his injuries is n jt known. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their annual meeting on Tuesday, May 2, when the foil >wing othcera were elected : Presideu', Mrs. W. Boyd; Ist Vice- IVm., Mrs. CiiLton; 2nd Vice-Pies., Mrs. K. Richardson; Sec, Mrs. E. Wickens: Assistant-Sec, Mrs. A. Hawken; Troas., Mrs. W. Moure; Parsonage C.in., Mrs. T. Blakley and Mrs. .1. Hales. Auditors- Mrs. Mitchell aud Mis. H. S. White. A congregational maotini? of the Meth- odist church was held on Tliursday evening of Inst week, when reports of the various branches of church work were presented, showing a prosperous year throughout, There was a balance o( only Jlf.Oto raise to clear off all indebt edness. The year's woik included painting and decorati jg the eluirch and «ltfCtrio installation, which his all lieeu paid for. It wis aiin >uneed that the past year wis the most suecei-.sfnl in the nistory of the church. .About four thou- Hand dollars was raised on this circuit for ihj vaiiom departui'-Mits ot church work. Capt. Irwin Officially Dead^ ^J Captain Irwin Iws been raihsini since! April 22, 11)15, nud was not officially | reported dend until .May li, TJlii. j C:iptain Irwin was born at Redwing tn October 1, 188(i, and was the youiigest sou of Jihn aud Mary Iiwin and a I brother of the pioprictorof ti\e Review-; Herald. Sixteen years ago he rein' vid to ColUngwooJ with his parenrs, aid aftar completing his public school educa- tion he was eiignged with Ling Bros, for sometime. He then . spent ihree years railroading and b;.came a locomotive engineer. While railroading he was converted under the preaching if Crothley and Huiitcr and this dale w>s the turiang puii.t of his life. He left the railroading and atten.lod CoUngwoud high school f jr two year:<, and thiii took a lour years course in Toionlo uiiiv.rsily in .Arts, and a three yeais theoli'gical c 'Urse m Ktox collegeâ€" Clasksburg Ueiitfw. FLOUR 5 FEED Maple Leaf, Flour aud King Edward. They are without a tloubi the best FloUi- on the .Market. Try a bag. Bran. uetdiiig a bag give us a SLons Low Grade Flour < l>il Cake, LiuseeJ .Mtal call. Wo have all these lu sioeli When Hardware Department CHTRSS â€" Barrel and Dash Churns, Wa.shin-j Machines, Lanteius and Graniteware of a'l hinds, Spades, Shovels, Hoes aud Rakes. Nails for btiildiag aud all kinds of Building Hardware. CEMENT! CEMENT! JUST ARRIVED, A CARD >AD OF CEilENT. PRICE RIGHT. Moving Picture Show There will be a moving picture ^how in t'le town ball, Fleshertou, every Tl.uriday night, staitiug this week. Duin'C miss this week, as it is the first chapter of '• The Goddess," a ."tO-reef fiature. Two ree's of " The GodebS " a .d four o' her reels eich uight. 10 and I'lcâ€" G. C. liraham. Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Steamjhl? Service C ihHil..iii P.itihf ."steain.-hip s.ils trcin Owen S.iund 11.00 p.m.e.ich Wedi.esJay for Saiilt Sie. Mari--, Port Arthur aud Foil William. Connecting lain leaves Toronto .">.25 p in. Full [ articularr , re«ervaii"ns, itc, from ai^y I'ar.iidian Pacitic Ticket ngent or W. B. Hi ward. District Passenger .\gent, Toronto. W^TZZZ^^ Beilin electors carried the by-law to chaog-t the name if I'lcir city by a vi te of I.cG'J t» :.488. Boar for Service Tilt- undersisjiud has a thoroughbred V"rUshire B' ar for service on lot 11, on. K, Osprev. Terms ?l.l>'. -KUKLi.<lMFFAi:i> Farm For Sale Good Sock Farm c n3i>,tiiig â- i it" 1.5H. 15l>, liit', llil. .-Srd con. W. T. aid S. U . Artemesla. Large, eoiiifoit ible brick hoiisrf and nood barnf, small orch- ard ; well »at.red - UUHAKD WILCOCK. Flesheri .n Excursion to Niagara and Toronto .\ special excursion will lu tun to Toronto and Niagara Falls on .S.iturday, Juno 3rd., vi» C P. R. to allont the people of (iiey an oppiituisi'y of lisitii :.; the 147tli Battalion at NiagiM Caoj Excursion i^ocs by fjecial train from Owen Souii.J iiiid .stqijpiiig at a'l st.itous t â- U'lndilk. The train Uaves Flosherton at y. 33 a. in. Rvturu faro from FU»I er ton to Niagara F.ill.s, 8:!..">0 and war ta»; lo Toronto $!J 35 and wir tax ; and CO. re»p iDi^i:igly low rati<s f ro u other stalions. .\c T"ro'itQ train connects with Niagara st-amers and the excussioa includes round trip on Fatuous Gorge riiute and Canadimi Scnic loute. Oucu Soviiid and Chatswoith tickets to Niagara ',:ood lo leturu in four days ; all ether tickets good for three days. *.~ =r; Features which place the Cockshutt Manure Spreader head and shoulders above other makes iu~-. - 1' f^^^^^^^*"^ ^^m^se:^;k ,7 .-r* r.t '~t It i,^ ll.o s:ii;[^i;,.',,i m.u'i. It i.-i a thoraiigli jjiilvii I: is ii?i so !ii;4ii tj ih.' to[' .1' IS nt'.ch spat'o uiukiiii. I' h . Xlic box is woll s;:; I u'a U .m i cliani drive, no irenrs t cl.i'.c' oliaii;.?:iic ix'.ra l:.rivy ,u:.l w riii'd anii ii i tiotiiilo n' a'.l i.j li.e :uaci;:iK!V :â- ; tioi i:ii;:.::. . -iiiji iKiiriv J J lii.u! • :l in'. IKI\ .IS j.i.u'r sjux.i. til. wiiii a sol: 1 b ''to... s 1 1 f.r.iso tr:)iil)!e. L^riv..' :iivt si;iii;! .1 hi of hard wi^ili. l-'a.-; ;1 '.l.e l.-i\if;i'.i;s. \V,i..;i :!.i-. ~ Exciirt^sons The Foundation of Prosperity EverT^ Tuesday, -.-•Ti •All Lt^ir Every Wednesday Dvirlr. •'Great Lr>Hr ,C/^. ran.i'a's Crc." '.:!â- •' for vou. The Brindle Cow Wins The Chesley Eiiterpriae takes a half column of fun out of the Flesheitin cow ijuestion, ai^d gives the article the above lirading. Wo would iufoim the Enter- SI.1 ihit 1 ur cows are not briiidle--wl ich denotes mined trecding--but Jeisey '. Oar cows are Jersey, and ihoroughl led, aid teiiuite delicate and cat eful ireat- nieiit. O'Hagan's brindle lioem don't lit here, Mr. Eulerpiise. li m g!it have i suited Chesley a couple of years ago, i b-.foro Chesley decided to buy its skim i milk and biiudlo butti-rinilk, but heie ; we feed on Jcrsi-y cieain aud our co*s nee_d a little Jitt'erent treatment fr. m those of the old Choiley stiipe. We don't know what kind of nondescript aiiinals Brother McDonald has locked horus within the fast, never haiing seen the species, but we presume from his literaiy te hee-hee that they had long eats and without the ordinary "cor- rugated truncate 1 weapons of defence driven around from door to door tocerve customers as the owners of that long- I eired variety of dows do down in Cubi>, ' If so we are not surprised that our po.'r | Jerseys should be brayed at by anybody brought up in Ches'ey. In the iiman- j time our Jerseys will keep on chewing ! weeds, grass and their cuds, and- giving | cream tit for the gods, such as. our poor Chesley confrere never tastes. il Somewhere out on the prairies v here ^.I'^t ;•'â- . Wheat Crop was produced thci f- ij a iicr-.c w ^^ NAD! AN FAC will tjk, you there, give you all tlic i;:.jri:;.:ticn ; v places, aud help you tu success. :: :: Particulars from any Canadi.in I'.icl:: â- Agent, or writ« W. B. Howard, liistrUt I' Agent, Torouto. T\\ h.HliL pi'-s['e;i'\ uI tl..- . I'ro.-peiiry of ti.'j agiic ,!;iii ;i iiio lm;Ii;i;u1 ['rOsl^ ol itv c;lui;ol [.'i l>|s: sirv.ii. 'L'ho oue lUiiclii;i. it; tLi wiiicii ciii accoiiipiisl) this ticcc.-: I poll il as uj.'oii a i'niiULl.ilioii -k'l etiJ. and iheref>ie ii;e )m u.-i'i ; to > ji;v ilMt;!i7.ii)o. â€" t!,;.-; \\ai tl i':nct i;vi v r â- .'[•ei â- !!â- ; '. I'.i ['ili'.ts \:i:\t-,. l.:i e iri'ir.U'l • ;.-. li ins been piav^.;! ti..ii a,:: ^1 -~s ti.c iVi'iliiv o( li..' .->ii! i.s c-.)ii- vi; 'lo calfgoiy I'f f.iilii ii;:i;lclllonls y tliiiig IS iho M;iii',iio S 1 thi.' tiuuiu iuo,s;^eii y .f the iM'.ici!. I'ay ciojo atlcniioii veaisâ€" aiiil bciitli: accordnigly. â- •L'lottilcf. .1 the i'.iim PaysTts Own Way Coi.tp.uiii.j; ll.o cost t'f spi-CiUiiiig iiiaiii-.ro wiliia sinxa iir v, iih that o, s;,-rcadiiig the same aniouut b\ l.aiui ,-l.ous i .siiv;!!;^ ^;•.l^ici. tii to make the spuader pay for Ksclf witlmi a short f.iiii} it no niciu iliait a few loads a day u'.c spread. No ii;l'.ir implemeia about the I'aiiu can do i".) well. Tills says iiothiiig eilhci aliont ll;..' uion: ifficiciit woil; of the iiiachiiic nor ti..; coiisc.niL'iit a'iil:;i..iii.il botielit I'l ll.o soil. Tiio spread- er is the one uiachiuc .vl.i>^h \i.-;l)!y pays its own way. rho lariner is 11) ;ney in cockoi latlur iha:; â- A !'; .'t W!K!1 btivs a spi-eaJ ler. ENGLISH PAMT O.McTAVISH.FIesherton Bob Cook, whoso deparluro fiom Guelph under uUher exciting conditions i made many think he had gone to the • States, is i ow in EoglanJ. He enlisted again with the 45th. sailed mi the Lapland, and under date of .\prd l.">, 3 writes an nreri'Stiiig hltcr to Mr. Mc Cluie ot B;amptou. Three lierunn subinarii es put m a.i Mppearaiic, one of i which was sunk. In all tints and white contains the perfect proportions of B. B. Genuine White Lwid and Puie White Zinc, as shown iiTlhe diagram below. MANORAM' i»/ PURE WMITBJ^ 3i ZINC L Representing 100/$ of Piuity,v ^ F. H. W. Hickling. F-LESHERTON, ONTARIO. NOTICE Now is tlu' lime \:i reiirw your buggies, etc. 5herwin=VV illiams Buggy Paint l.'^ the best for this pnrpo.se. A Vainish Gloss raiiit of grt>ui iliii-ability. Espceinlly atlapteU icr outside exposure. DouMe the HtV' of vonr them withgooil raiiit^it S. Vcltieles by protecting W. r. didn't make tjocd it couliln't cover tla- eartli. A I'aiiit or Fiiiiiih for every purpo.se. Any in- formation regartling Painting or Varnishing gladly tuniishetl. F. W. DUNCAN I Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phoive 30 r 2 ONT. j^