y ENTIREIY DIFFERENT SYSTEM . OF GOVERNMENT FOR IRELAND Premier Asquith to Frame a '1 , British Proposal to Lay Before the Cabinet. A despatch from Dublin says: Premier A.~'juith has reached the con- clusion from impressions gathered during his Irish viait that the old form of government in Ireland has had ivs day. The Associated Press learns from source.-) in closest touch with the Preipier that Mr. ^squith's conversa- tions and conferences have convinced him th:>t the future government must be conductet} on an entirely diflFerenb system. ! The Prime Minister has taken care to learn the ideas and views of many persons othsf thav those in purely of- ficial circles, and thege persons have oiTered greatly varied suggestions. None of these, it is believed, could be adopted in itr. entirely, but it ia thought they might be welded to- gether to form a proposal to lay be- fore the Cabinet. His Belfast visit gave a good hint to the Premier that the Ulsterites would not accept a direct proposal im- plying home rule. But it is believed that they might be induced to ento' into a concerted plan which could pos- sibly be arranged to meet their mosfc serious objections. RLSSI.AN TROOPS MARCH I.\ MARSEILLES GERMAN SOLDIERS ASK FOOD r ^ FROM SWISS OIHHE FRC::T;:i ! Food Siiuation in Rhine Tov>-ns Becoming Intolerable â€" i, . , Kaiser's Men Desert insr. FAIL TO BRE.!^K • VERDUN mi German.s MaJie .Another .\t tempt on Hill 304 Front. .V despatch f;;rr. Parii says: '.4a- other atwmpt wa-- made by the G«r- ' mans on Thursday afternoon to br«ai« I through the French line on the Bail ' d'.A.vocourt-Hill 304 front, on the west • bank of the >Ieu*e. The French \ trenches were subjected tj the usu*l 1 violent preparatory bombardmer.; be- \ fore the German s.nfancry left its 'trenches, but ih^ moment the attack '.vii Uu.iched thr? French tire-curtain \ was thrown out a.nd the milrailleuses wiT* brought into action, checking '.he Germans, apparerjfy with heavy losses before they had reached the French positions. The German artil- lery is sti'I cor.tir.ioing its bombard- ment In this se-..tH,'r. indicating a prob- al'Utty that further attacks are to b«» launche-i. Th^ Frer.cn guns are re- plying. The t''-i.»''.tcil l"r. iM'li •.H>ui!i_i;i; -h-; •.\t\ •.â- •! in!!^s to li*:ht ou \\w Wttseru frunt. rival of tlic Czar's Lruuiis. The photOjjraph deplcU a scene Ui Mar-Kjilit;^* uu liio r«;vac ttf. ALLIES T.VKE *TEPS TO FEED THF POLES. A 'despatch from Geneva says; German soldiers along the Swiss- Alsatiun frontier, chiefly elderly men of the Landsturra, have begun to ask food from tie Swiss soldiers. The Germans say they have not eaten meat for week.^. Five German soldiers in uniform, althooph f.red upon, eseaped across the Swiss frontier at Radesdorf, near Basel on Tuesday. They were in- terned at Becne. The N.'ue Stuttgarter Zeitung says the food situation in Rhine towns is beocmiig intolerable. Thi.- newspaper advises the Government to take dras- tic measures to change the mode of living of the people. It sug;;esJs that cookinfr in private families bu prohib- ited, and th:it the population be order- ed to eat in common at restaurants, where meat would be rerved once daily, at noon, and only vegetables in the evening. Eighteen German caHle dealers ar- rived in Basel en Tuesday hoping to buy cattle, which are beccm.ing scarce. AlilED SUBMARINES IN BALTIC SUNK THREE GERMAN SHIPS /- .,* (V- I From the Middle West KOTEs' OV I.NTEREST FROM HEB BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On In the Highland* and Lowlands of .Auld Scotia. John McArthur, Prince .\lberb. died suddenly in a cafe. The \ Government may drain low lands etst if Wimiipeg. A R*il Cross tag day in Leth- bridge ;re»t -itly netted $900. All Alborta school teachers arc re- quired to. tak^ the oath of allegiance '\. , now. ^"•^ Ross Fmriicum, of Des Moines, ^ ^ (owa, committed suici'le in Winnipeg. Ptc. J. S. Scrymgeour, one of Win- nipeg's fir. '.it crickebeis. has been ki'led in action. Deputy-.Mayor McArth.irs $10,000 k^ome was completely destroyed by ^ ^ire at Edmonton. Capt. J;»me.^ Morrison, of Company B, C..\.S.C.. of Winnipeg, has been awarded the military cross. Corp. C. W. Hodges, of Calgary City's Fn^inoerinj: Department, has , been wounded a second time. While v barracks. I.ance-Corp. ,1. C. Fryer. 100th Battalion. Winnipeg, dropped dead of hear^ disease. British Columbia Indians are com- plaining about violation of their na- tive rights by B. C. Government. Fire wined out half the business section of Bontley. .\lta., recently. The loss i^ estimated at Sl"'.00O. W. H. McVlear, manager of the Union Rank, Moose Jaw, accidentally sho^ himself, dying in a few minute.-*. Calgary will have another manu- factory. Vancouver men intend to build automobile threshi-ig machines. B. W. Coffin, principal of Ca!»:ary Normal School, is new Prssident of the Educational .'Vssociation of .\1- berta. FalliiiK >'tT the pilot of an engine, Harold Th >i!ipaon, brakcman on the C..T.P.. was instantly killed at Mel- ville, Sask .\ctioM aRains^ the q.T.P. for $30.- 000 or the death of Clifford Milne, Edmonton, has been dismissed by the ciHut E. Ivcy. a bachelor farmer of Dum- mcf, WHS found dead in his barn: the body hantjiii;! half-way out of his buggy. Lieut. I", n. Collinson, a well-known MacLeod rancher, has been placed in commai'd of the (>lst Battery at Kinj:- ston. BRITISH I'ENSK^NS SCHE.ME ANNOINCED. A despatch from London says: .\ scheme of war pensions was announ- ced m the Commons on Wednesday by William Hayes Fisher, Parliaraentary Under-Secretary for the Local Gov- ernment Board. It provides for g:rant3 of $520 yearly to married and 1 unmarried men called to the colors where fnuncial hardships result. This is irrespective of the allowances al- ready gi\en soldiers' wives. It was : announced that the assistance would be extended to include rents, insur- ance premiums, taxes, loans, anii in- terest installments. OFFEK.s 6.000 PORTABLE HOUSES : Great .Aid for French atd Bekian ! Refugees. .\ despatch from Pa;-:,- says; Frank .1. Gould has taken the tir$t practical ' st 'p toward helping the homeless war sutfervrs by ordering 'vOOO porftabk' houses, which are about to arrive from the United States and will be given to French and Belgian refufees whose homes were destroyed by guiiSrc. The Cri de Paris declare* that "more charity is <;i-ipensed in Frar.k .lay Gould's chateau than anywhere else in France. " ard that "no war sufferer is ever refueil help, thou^'h hicidred* call •• _^«. BiMlAlN Cl>NTROLS .I.'mT : WAR r.vcioiai-x .\ despatch from London says: David Lloyd George, Minister of Munitions, on Thursday night an- nounced that l;U factories h;ive W<ix\ added to t-h,' establi.>ihments under Giwertinient control. .The total is now r?,r.T7. W \MruHA ACREAGE IN WHEAT KEin fKl). .\ despntch from Winnipei: says: The wheaf acreage in .Manitoba is live per cent, less than last year, accord- ' ing to the estimate of J. H. Evans, .Acting Peputy Minister of .Agricul- ture. ♦ .Vlberla Crops Look Good. .\ despatch from Calgary says: Reperts received here from all parts 'of the T.'rovi:!oe declare that despite the lateness of thi season everything promises a splendid crop. 1 ^ Some people seem by intuition te ee ' only truth and right; others must ' needs w\uk out their fai'h by failure I and sorrow. CAMPS OF ENEMY IN EGYPT DESTROYED BY AUSTRALIANS S^essf ul; Knterprisie Carried (hit .\.K!»inst the Turks at tki.vuud and >Iageibra. A despatch from London says: The followiiiit official communication con- cerning the operations in Egypt was made public Thursday night; "The general officer commanding- ii\-chief i:! Egypt reports a success- ful enterprise against the enemy at Bayoud ami Mageibra, which was carried out by a column of .Vustra- Ilan and Now Zealand mounted troops May U'. The enemy made no resist- ance and lied at once, pursued by us. The very great heat and the bad go- ing over the deep sand mad« it im- possible tor the pursuit to be carried very fai\ "Thirty -..IK camels, a quantity of Turkish ammuiulion and one TurkisH soldier were captured at Hayoud, and the enemy camp Phero was entirely destroyed." Sea is Nt>w Ice Fret una .\ctivity on Part of Underwater Craft is Renewed. BRITISH BLOCKADE WILL NaT BE RELAXED. .\ despatch from London say-s: Re- plyi.-.g to the German suggestion that Great Britain, in response to the change in the German s'obmarine cam- paign, should modify the food block- ade. Lord Robert Cecil. Minister of .A. despatch from Ljnaor. ^ays: Lord Robert Cecil, Minister cf War Trade and Blockaie. m an interview on Wednesday night an.-.ouncea that tjhe allies have taken stecs to feed the Belgia.ns. Poles ar.J Serbs. "It i» un- questior-ably the d-ty of Germany to do this," <aid he. "b-t aj :t has been ceg'ecte-i, the allies have 'iniertaken steps, although th.e task is cot obli- gatory on their par?. The German A despatch from Lon.lon -ays: -A mg a cargo of '2,000 tons. Her cap- large number of Russian aad British tain was ordered o:-. board the sub- marine with the ?h;D'< papers, and s'lbmarines are operating in the east- ern and southern portions of the Bal- tic Sea. which is row ice-free. The German steamer Hera. 4.T6"> tons, was sunk on Thursday morning off Landsort. in the Baltic. Reports conflict) as to whether a Brlti.<h or Russian subnian:-e sa:ik tli,' vcr.>e!. The Hera left StcK'kholm on Tuesday to take iron ore to Ox!oesi.;iii. carrj- maltf prisoner. Press on Thursday there w-is not the remotest possibility that British econ- omic pressure on the centra! poweM would be relaxed. He said; "We maintain that the blockade is fully time was -,.^1 under b.tfemational law. Its re- gi'.en tho crew :.-' 'ea'.e the ship. .Al- .jr-jaF character is merely incidental, tho^ijrh the -.v.-'^e'- â- .â- -.•.< r')'..ch. all on ^•all^^l forth by German use of sub- • oar.f were savi. marines, but the rigid enforcement of The sink;; 4 ,i . .i. • oth r Germ.m rhe blockade is merely an extension of >tei'.n:-;hi".- 'y ;i < ;Hnjari:ie, bcLevcd ^^j. rights which we had not hither'j :.i -e a R-*s:.ir,. lo refio'-te-i i- a Reu- foup.a i; expedient to use." War Trade, icforme<i the .Associated militarists will regari c-'ntemptuously the allies' proceedirgs, but the 'aitter are not prepared, even f'.^r mi'iitary reasons, to see the Poles starved to death by ;he Germans. W'e hear 'Jf women and children pertsoing by the wholesale, a.nd even of grown men dropping dead of hunger m the streets." BIG ter uCipat- n rr')m stLumshipi? were th- 'â- ••r Sroc'sh .>!r'.. x-A S: x-kholm. The .\l STRIAN ARMY BOUND KOK ALB.VM.V. Kolsr\. Hir ?i,:rg «. 37.000 TURK PRISONERS TAKEN BY Rl SSI AN3. The Leading Marl.els BnBditniTs. Toronto. May ZV Muntoua .Vq. 1 \orth«>rT\. 1128 Jf.' :'. S!. SLI"*. on tr»c\ Ha.v r.>r's " " \V ii N.v •_â- I â- \\ S:! Iv; \ rt".t 5 lie Ba.v ports 3 \ elto\\ *J >la:utofca outs â€" .N . 3. ll'j , aljo; extra/ No, i tt;e»J. 50 ;»-*. on O'uck .\;:itfricun eorn~yc». trsi-k. Toronto. CaiiaJtan corn -!•>>.; '•'< t" ' Tial on tra.-k. Turnti!. ^>ntttrlO oatsâ€" \o- 3 .. 'i • • 4: O'ttario wheatâ€" .\'.., : â- " f 1 ' i to Jl '.!•>. No. ; !•• ? ' 'J -V" S. ilo , $1 to $1 1 »:. I'i.". lu'-'ordinjr to ir-M^':;- j f'-as -No. •.!. H.Tj ai; â- â- ' • lii. $1 Ho tv> $1 30. a.C'T.' - u ; c -jusuje. tarlevâ€" MHltltiK. «' to â- ' •; tile. uccorilinK to fre!;;ti:^ 1 lit** ttut.'^wheu t - 7>t If rt'- .X i-" I'reiKhts outsiitp R.vfâ€" No. 1 coimiif :i*Ml ;• : â- • euniitij: (o rrflKhts oiusiU- Munitoba rtoui â€" First p.it'ni bu<s, $11,7'-'. se^'otid patt-rvi!*. tn Jii ;;'• •'U":<B bakers'. 111 ju<. Tor. •••..• Ontario ;l.iur -Wic •• r .i^--. sami'li?. $4 30 to llii'.i. in !• i*;-* "'•oientn. $4 iS to $4 ')5. in la .» I'toiKtit »hu>ni*iit MilKf*-.; Car lets .leln.i-l ^ f''.»i,ii^^^• -HrHM. per ton $J4 ^'." I'iri. .*:;»>, tiitdtiUt.x^, P*'i 'â- â- "â- *-â- ' Kv. .1 t'»'...I tlou- per b.i;; ?: f' Country P-odnc*. !'uti-r â€" Kre!<ii i! i;r\ .h.l' â- • -' if.tel.T- i'i to ;.'1>-. I -.MTi.f , ;•! : ' ill . mreri'-r. 'J« !" 'V i':s.i;s .\>w-iuiij, j; le 1:, - S4 t>> $4 5". tit l-i-..-,;.- -l.iir;;c. I.'i 1 »i tu -v'v . t(.>r litfiT cl;< i'>ic V:\\,'W .-> ral- }! »â- ' I eiial «.lU"ll- IlolU'\ I'ru-es \\\ t"l t to lie ' (.'I'mbs -.V,-. I 2. s: 3.i 10 Si: li' ;>r('S»eil p.'Ultrv ""hlekeri t.'Uis l;> 10 -•le. «lilcKs. lit Ke.vs. -5e i"ul«toe> 1 'itla:U' $1 S«> 1 N.'W l!riiii*i\vtcl\r«' al St ''" No No T. ?'» '. do , tL.'.llU %•.',â- ' <â- $: :â- â- â- ' s s::"; â- •'. hut -•n.»i»« d»' C'lovt. S5 .' ' â- ' $ 3 r Ir' «â- ; 73 t'. J- â- • â- .': â- ••' I 'tU'' ' ar.-l .utters IiiT« Stock Markets. < • :: ' « â- â- â- ' 5. 7j t. â- 'â- -â- â- '"[^K ''^'^''"- 'f Grand Duke Nicholas in Asia Miiior weeks. The •â-ºi-'i ' S> A despatch from Lon.ton says: >?ore than 37,t.KIO Turkish troops have been captured by the advancing forces St ttf 5'^ c\ %• :•" t.i iiomi- it-ii.-i-- I'M-'-iai. JI 04 •JJ to 1 ^a'li- fti:tus • n.-.l ; «â- >•'. '" SI'' I'l. !â- 1v;k-< e.i ' St i C'jram.>n. «3<' IDs. can ..-a 'â- • JTS'-i h..|.-- %i '",1 t ) 5.,. â- , â- .v,-m' «' • 5; ' 1.1 l.v 1 â- :. (i,r- â- ..I..- -.IS-' •1. Uac siMbca: \SK i-t<\llM'>N I'K l> SM :MtFK> :j. 51 $.'73 10 5;, i^l 7 1 A i •=; u- ''â- â- of (;),- -it;,-.,.-: the Iriih ; -c tnaii.v -lup" • is for the .'t' sion to af'a'"'.,e ,i ~.'t â- bers of whi.b ".ll Borden of ' ';ii";i.' 1. !'• .Au.-t:a!:;i. at' ' t*r. Soulii .\t"rl.;i, !1;^'e •ro.^al The Gh â- <â- : - â- ••Th" •ettlcni.;;' • ' t is "I'l .'Illy ,'i i:t.i'"fi l>ut a'^ ' .1 ci'i '.1 â- •â- ^cli.ttie of lui.v.Ti.i, •" : V luisii 1' -irt lor'â€" â- 'â- - â- â- • I .! -.1 â- ii; .-h; h 1. â- ^ " t>.v ••;>-; r 'rr ,-,â- : •' H i;i E. ei i.â€" â- ,• :r.i^ o, dt.rirts the last tnree Ru^s.ans h.-ive aUo castured vast tuatttities of munitions, which had eer. sent from German factvries and ori eyed to '.he Ottoman fr ^rt by pro- •:'..-:ous effort. On evei-y hand the u :-i--la;' troops as they advarce t'.ttd .â- â- . :.iet;ce cf ftirki-'h cruelty, T'te Ot- 1 niiiti soliliers are massacrifg all .â- ;'.r\-<t:a-s. Whole villages are left ,- -Matties a< the Turks fall lack. The :l.;-.-;.i;-< .-oldiers are fee>.:.fi thous- a:vi>i of r' fugees. sha-itc their daily a-i'.'is wrh -tarving weme;- and chil- ni '•:io\ Bii.i rvssFs IN PKinsil Gl^^niONS. ni I ''"' '-U says; The a-s.-.' it.; third read- !'â- Gcninjons on Tues- â- J.M t'l ?rv â- '" ' was introd'jced ! h ;•] h H use of â- •.''-•. '• 'econies '1 i''t. â- â- passage. t - ;t. t"- ie ' by the t- tl"' . â- '..ir-i al males, .1 or -,:"_-le. between ;litc •â- .. ;â- : f.^rty-one. ir ,, . â- ' - t"- -'-, . estab- .,-;ti. re-ev. e for iu- ?• v;h;. h the Govern- ti- ..-; martv men as m- ••>:t< ;cm;utd. rtv-nivr A- I .A despatch trom Paris jays: Oue h-jndrcd a.-.d rifty stesiiters have been assembled a; the Hungarian seaport of Fiume to transport troops, muni- tions and supplies under protection of the .Austro-Hungarian fleet to Durai- 10, -Albania. This information was received here on Thursday in advices from Ir.r.jbrueck. It is supposed here tlhat the .A'.;3txiar.s inti^sd S> make a strong attack on the .Albanian town of -Avlcna. which is ccc-pied by the Italians. .J. BERLIN l>EiTDFS TO (.HvNGE N V >l E. .l.OOi) Notes la.^t and the Nlajoritv in Favor Was t*!. . .V. tesp.it.'h frorn Bcrl;:t. Ottt.. say*; â- 'Klcctvrs of BeriL.". have .iecided to chattge its name." was the cablegram forwarded to Ki"^ George on Thurs- day evening by Aid. J. .A. Hallnian. thHirmuii of the L'entral Committee, attcr the result of the vote was known, ar.d "he change was favored by a tna- •er tv ,<t' t^l. •> i'Ol'E ASKS GERMANY TO STOP I -B(.>AT NV AR. \ 'esputch frunt London says; Sir E Iwar i Grey, the Foreign Secretary. a v'o reed v. the House of Commons n Th ;r-!ilKy that the Government had b<»en T-t"ormed by Sir Henry Howard. Pr'.t'-h Minister at the Vntican, that ;efr-senta*ions have been mada t* (.lerniany by the Vatican with a view to nducing Germany to abandon »ub- maTte warfare Pro<l*loas. L.ui.l' I";iK clear 1<J.- I • W- i! ;rn.s M.dliiiM. im to 24Jc. .••• Iii\\ i'lj 'o ;;'jc. r'>lis. !•> to r'jv- I" •â- ..'. -'.i.* I b«;"n, 21J to J"!J.-: t.«i>ks. I'liiii. '.\'\ t" 271.-. boneleM." I'uck'*. It'l to 3"«e I. aril ("urt- lar<l. tler'-es. KJ- alul v>a:'s I7ic. eoiiipoimit. Ill 11 ill. ItoBtMal Karksta. .MiO'irval Ma,>. ;'!! <'.it>< ''oiadUin Wistfni. No 2. 5iK. >lo.. Ni. H. iJlc tXlia N. 1 reed, olijc. No. 1! local whitr. 521.- .\o. 3 Uo . Sljc \»> 4. .le. ieje. rtail.i Maiiliolui f-e<l. "is t<< 7Sv malt- Inn "' to 75e K'lour .MatsiU'tj^' .-iprltii; wheat patents, tlrsts. $ti,S'^. Jo.. ^eeonU-*. St!.3". stronK Ivikrts S« to. \Vltit«r I'atPtUs. choice S<) struix^xt r>'ll,.r>i J5.:!" to S5.4D; ilo.. In bajt^. }2.4"> to JJ.3'>. Itolled oatH-Hjirrel.". $5 2."> I" $Or>ii.b;i.. of ;<0 U'8 $•-' 50 to $2 8". .\IHIre,-a \'-v\\<\ $24. short $26. ini.iilliiiits. I.'S to J.IO nioulllte. $3i> to 13.1 Ila\ No .'. i>er ton. ear lots. $2il.50 to 131. a", fbee.xe â€" b'lne.'^t we!!tern.>*. 'SJ to IDje. lie. easterns. ft to i;>i|e liiuter ehoicest ereainerv 2y tv» jy^e 8eeonU». 2S to 2!<ic. KxKs Fresh. Ji.- sKl.>et- e<l. 27e. No, t stock 24e; No. 2. do 2Se. F'otaioe.x -Per bi»«. car lots. $170 to $1.75 Vrtnnlv*K Or%ln. WlnnlpeK. Mav 23.- -Cash •iU"lai(oMS; Wheat No. I Noitherti. $1 ISi. No. 3. Northern. $1 I6i; No 3 Noriheni. $1 tj*. No. 4 11094; No. 5, 11 Oil. No. i. 93|e. feed Si'Jc 0«t»â€" No. 2 OW, 47Je. No. S C'.W . 4«c: extra No. I feed. tS|o. No. I f»ed. 461c; No. 5 feed. 441e. Har- lev â€" No, 3. SSje, No. 4. «3e. rejected. JSc; feed. 5Sc FIrn No. \ NAV.C.. $1 7lH: ,\o. 2 C.W.. J1.67J. ' • j TTaitad atalM Mark«ta. I Miiii'i-apolis. Mav 23 Wheat. Mav. $1 2i)r JuU. »1 20j. No. 1 hard. $t.274; No. t Norther... $121» to $1 J4», No. 2 Northern $1 t7| to Si 2H. I'orii- No. 3 yellow 764 to 7Se i.'>«t»- No. 3 wliite. 43J to 42Se Kloui- unohahjtei!. .•^hipmiMits. 4S.5:'2 harrel.s. Uraii, $tj.00 to JIS.SO, Puluth. .M«v 23. Wheat- -No. 1 hard. $1 221 No. 1 Noithcrn. »l -'H to $l.22». >;o. 2 .NorftierM »l IS^ to \W»i Lin- seed ci'.h $1 I'oJ; May. $1 9li. July IS tr,.-> ipe;'.it; ,N 4:rc.r 'cceo.. â- ; er;iti v ej^ii; f-.r f'-rcf r- EOKS OK I DMl'l I ShiN KlNKlt IN l.'NiDN MeinVr* of N'l t'on.«eclpli«!i Kcllow- shl;» Punisltcd by Court. .A liespatch t • in Lonvioi; <ay ; - Eisht meml'cri of the Natioral Com- mittee cf th • N.' (.\iti.<c"ipti"i Eellow- >ht[> were aM;\gi;c<i in the Mirision lloti.-:e Police Goart on Wednesday under the defence of the realm act in connection with the pt'Micat'on of a pamphlet demandintj the repeal of the com;'r'---.>'y military sers ice act. This pamphlef atfirmed the determination of the committee to resist the act, s<v;<ing: "We cannot assist in a war which to u.^ is wrong, which the peo- ples Jo not seek, which will be impos- sible oi>ly when men who so believe remai'i stead fist to their convictions." Each defendant was finv<l the ma-\i- muni pcna'ty. $500, with $50 cost;s. BRM VINS NEW BEER ONLY KEEPS ONE OAy. .A despatch from London says; The Daily Mail says that the noti-alcoholic beer recently approved by the tlov- ernment has been pu? on sale in sev- eral London saloons and has met with astonishing demand during the hours when the sale of alcohoHc drinks is prohibittst. One salixin drew forty gallons of the new beer before H o'clock on Thursday moniing. The trouble is. the Daily Mail adds, that the beer won't keep and the supply nust be made fresh daily. ;00D SHORTAGE IN AUSTRIA %m TO BE VERCING ON The I'ope H ;> deceived (.onlidentuil Information tt> This Effect Trom Vienna. \ .'e-!i'atch front Kotne savs; The the Pope agairst the "inhumane at- Varicaii h;i. received contidet'itial m- tempt of the allies to starve non-com- u u u . .- .-...i batants. lorniation that the shortage ot too-i ^ correspondent is informed from !â- ' the central empires is verging on .(jpiomawc sources that in case such famine, especially in .Austria, where a protest is made the Pope is not Hke- citulitions are described as worse than ly to take any action 'oeyond sugcst- iii Germany. It is .<aid that l-he Em- ing peace its a rome<ly for e,xistinit peror Francis Joseph will protest to coiuticions. SON OF UDYSMriH DEFENDER TAKEN INTO CUSTODY Tried to Induce .\berdare Miners to Strike if Rebel Leader Connollv Was K\e<"uted. I A despatch from London says: James White, son of the late Field Marshal, and formerly a captain in the army, was remanded to custody at .Al>erdare on Wednesday on the charge of makuig statements likely bo cause disaffection and prejudice in connection with recruiting. The prosecution describes White as la "dangerous character," and claimed that it was «ble tn prove that ha went to Aber(<are N> induce miners to <trike if John Connolly, the rebel lead- er, was eNiCi.'ted. Docunierts found in the possession of the prisotier proved, it i» charged, that he was consorting ^\ith the enemies of Great Britain. White ha-< figured previottsly in eon- itoctton with the agitation carried on by Jim l.arkiii, who orgat«ize4 the street car strike of 1913, f